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Polynomial and Rational Matrix Interpolation

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Panos J. Antsaklis
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Phone: 219-239-5792

Zhiqiang Gao
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Cleveland State University
Euclid Ave. at E. 24th St.
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-3528




Polynomial Matrix Interpolation


Solution of Polynomial Matrix Equations



Characteristic Values and Vectors


Pole Assignment and Other Applications



Rational Matrix Interpolation-Theory and Applications


VII Concluding Remarks


VIII References


Appendix A - Characteristic Value / Vector Theorems

In this paper, a generalization of polynomial interpolation to the matrix case is
introduced and applied to problems in systems and control. It is shown that this
generalization is most general and it includes all other such interpolation schemes that have
appeared in the literature. The polynomial matrix interpolation theory is developed and then
applied to solving matrix equations; solutions to the Diophantine equation are also derived.
The relation between a polynomial matrix and its characteristic values and vectors is
established and it is used in pole assignment and other control problems. Rational matrix
interpolation is discussed; it can be seen as a special case of polynomial matrix
interpolation. It is then used to solve rational matrix equations including the model
matching problem.



A theory of polynomial and rational matrix interpolation is introduced in this paper

and its application to certain Systems and Control problems is discussed at length. Note
that many system and control problems can be formulated in terms of matrix equations
where polynomial or rational solutions with specific properties are of interest. It is known
that equations involving just polynomials can be solved by either equating coefficients of
equal power of the indeterminate s or equivalently by using the values obtained when
appropriate values for s are substituted in the given polynomials; in the latter case one uses
results from the theory of polynomial interpolation. Similarly one may solve polynomial
matrix equations using the theory of polynomial matrix interpolation presented here; this
approach has significant advantages and these are discussed below. In addition to equation
solving, there are many instances where interpolation type constraints are being used in

systems and control without adequate justification; the theory presented here provides such
justification and thus it clarifies and builds confidence into these methods.
Polynomial interpolation has fascinated researchers and practitioners alike. This is
probably due to the mathematical simplicity and elegance of the theory complemented by
the wide applicability of its results to areas such as numerical analysis among others. Note
that although for the scalar polynomial case, interpolation is an old and very well studied
problem, only recently polynomial matrix interpolation appears to have been addressed in
any systematic way (Antsaklis 80, 83, Antsaklis and Lopez 84, Antsaklis and Gao 90,
Lopez 84). Rational, mostly scalar interpolation has been of interest to systems and control
researchers recenly. Note that the rational interpolation results presented here are distinct
from other literature results as they refer to matrix case and concentrate on fundamental
representation questions. Other results in the literature attempt to characterize rational
functions that satisfy certain interpolation constraints and are optimal in some sense and so
they rather complement our results than compete with them.
In this paper polynomial matrix interpolation of the type Q(sj) aj = bj, where Q(s) is
a matrix and aj, bj vectors, is introduced as a generalization of the scalar polynomial
interpolation of the form q(sj) = bj. This generalization appears to be well suited to study
and solve a variety of multivariable system and control problems. The original motivation
for the development of the matrix interpolation theory was to be able to solve polynomial
matrix equations, which appear in the theory of Systems and Control and in particular the
Diophantine equation; the results presented here however go well beyond solving that
equation. It should be pointed out that the driving force while developing the theory and
the properties of matrix interpolation has always been system and control needs. This
explains why no attempt has been made to generalize more of the classical polynomial
interpolation theory results to the matrix case. This was certainly not because it was felt
that it would be impossible, quite the contrary. The emphasis on system and control
properties in this paper simply reflects the main research interests of the authors.
Characteristic values and vectors of polynomial matrices are also discussed in this
paper. Note that contrary to the polynomial case, the zeros of the determinant of a square
polynomial matrix Q(s) do not adequately characterize Q(s); additional information is
needed that is contained in the characteristic vectors of Q(s), which must also be given
together with the characteristic values, to characterize Q(s).

The use of interpolation type constraints in system and control theory is first
discussed and a number of examples are presented.
Motivation: Interpolation type constraints in Systems and Control theory
Many control system constraints and properties that are expressed in terms of
conditions on a polynomial or rational matrix R(s), can be written in an easier to handle
form in terms of R(sj), where R(sj) is R(s) evaluated at certain (complex) values s = sj j =
1, l. We shall call such conditions in terms of R(sj), interpolation (type) conditions on
R(s). This is because in order to understand the exact implications of these constraints on
the structure and properties of R(s), one needs to use results from polynomial interpolation
theory. Next, a number of examples from Systems and Control theory where polynomial
and polynomial matrix interpolation constraints are used, are outlined. This list is not
complete, by far.
Eigenvalue / eigenvector controllability tests: It is known that all the uncontrollable
eigenvalues of x = Ax + Bu are given by the roots of the determinant of a greatest left
divisor of the polynomial matrices sI - A and B. An alternative, and perhaps easier to
handle, form of this result is that sj is an uncontrollable eigenvalue if and only if
rank[sjI-A, B] < n where A is nxn (PBH controllability test (Kailath 80)). This is a more
restrictive version of the previous result which involves left divisors, since it is not clear
how to handle multiple eigenvalues when it is desirable to determine all uncontrollable
eigenvalues. The results presented here can readily provide the solution to this problem.
Selecting T(s): In the Model Matching Problem, the plant H(s) and the desired
transfer function matrix T(s) are given and a proper and stable M(s) is to be found so that
T(s) = H(s)M(s), The selection of T(s) for such M(s) to exist can be handeled with matrix
The state feedback pole assignment problem has a rather natural formulation in
terms of interpolation type constraints; similarly the output feedback pole assignment
More recently, stability constraints in the H formulation of the optimal control
problem have been expressed in terms of interpolation type constraints (Kimura 87, Shaked
89, Chang and Pearson 84). It is rather interesting that (Shaked 89, Chang and Pearson
84) discuss a "directional" approach which is in the same spirit of the approach taken here.

The above are just a few of the many examples of the strong presence of
interpolation type conditions in the systems and control literature; this is because they
represent a convenient way to handle certain types of constraints. However, a closer look
reveals that the relationships between conditions on R(sj) and properties of the matrix R(s)
are not clear at all and this needs to be explained. Only in this way one can take full
advantage of the method and develop new approaches to handle control problems. Our
research on matrix interpolation and its applications addresses this need.
The main ideas of the polynomial matrix interpolation results can be found in earlier
publications (Antsaklis 80, 83, Antsaklis and Lopez 84, Antsaklis and Gao 90, Lopez 84),
with state and static output feedback applications appearing in (Antsaklis 77, Antsaklis and
Wolovich 77); some of the material on rational matrix interpolation has appeared before in
(Antsaklis and Gao 90). Here a rather complete theory of polynomial and rational matrix
interpolation with applications is presented. Note that all the algorithms in this paper have
been successfully implemented in Matlab. In summary, the contents of the paper are as

Section II presents the main results of polynomial matrix interpolation. In
particular, Theorem 2.1 shows that a pxm polynomial matrix Q(s) of column degrees di i =
1, m can be uniquely represented, under certain conditions, by l = di + m triplets (sj, aj,
bj) j = 1, l where sj is a complex scalar and aj, bj are vectors such that Q(sj) aj = bj j =
1, l. It is shown that this formulation is most general and it includes as special cases other
interpolation constraints which have been used in the literature.
In Section III, equations involving polynomial matrices are studied using
interpolation. All solutions of degree r are characterized and it is shown how to impose
additional constraints on the solutions. The Diophantine equation is an important special
case and it is examined at length. The conditions under which a solution to the Diophantine
equation of degree r does exist are established and a method based on the interpolation
results to find all such solutions is also given.
In Section IV the characteristic values and vectors of a polynomial matrix Q(s) are
discussed and all matrices with given characteristic values and vectors are characterized.
Based on these results it is possible to impose restrictions on Q(s) of the form Q(sj) aj = 0
that imply certain characteristic value locations with certain algebraic and geometric
multiplicity. This problem is completely solved here. The cases when the desired
multiplicities require the use of conditions involving derivatives of Q(s) are handled in
Appendix A.
In Section V, the results developed in the previous section on the characteristic
values and vectors of a polynomial matrix Q(s) are used to study several Systems and
Control problems. The pole or eigenvalue assignment is a problem studied extensively in
the literature. It is shown how this problem can be addressed using interpolation, in a way
which is perhaps more natural and effective; dynamic (and static) output feedback as well
as state feedback is used and assignment of both characteristic values and vectors is
studied. Tests for controllability and observability and control design problem with
interpolation type of constraints are also discussed.
Section VI introduces rational matrix interpolation. It is first shown that rational
matrix interpolation can be seen as a special case of polynomial matrix interpolation and the
conditions under which a rational matrix H(s) is uniquely represented by interpolation

triplets are derived in Theorem 6.1. It is also shown how additional constraints on H(s)
can be incorporated. These results are then applied to rational matrix equations and results
analogous to the results on polynomial matrix equations derived in the previous sections are
Appendix A contains the general versions of the results in Section IV, that are valid
for repeated values of sj, with multiplicities beyond those handled in that section. Smith
forms are defined and the relation between Smith and Jordan canonical forms is shown.
In this section the theory of polynomial matrix interpolation is introduced. The
main result is given by Theorem 2.1 where it is shown that a pxm polynomial matrix Q(s)
of column degrees di i = 1, m can be uniquely represented, under certain conditions, by l
= di + m triplets (sj, aj, bj) j = 1, l where sj a complex scalar and aj, bj are vectors such
that Q(sj) aj = bj j = 1, l. One may have fewer than di + m interpolation points l in
which case the matrix (with column degrees di ) can satisfy additional constraints. This is
very useful in applications and it is shown in (2.6); in Corollary 2.2 the leading coefficient
is assigned. Connections to the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are established in Corollary
2.3. In Lemma 2.4 the choice of the interpolation points is discussed. In Theorem 2.1 the
vector aj postmultiplies Q(s); in Corollary 2.5 premultiplication of Q(s) by a vector is
considered and similar (dual) results are derived. The theory of polynomial matrix
interpolation presented here is a generalization of the interpolation theory of polynomials
and there are of course alternative approaches which are discussed; they are shown to be
special cases of the formulation in Theorem 2.1. In particular, Q(s) is seen as a matrix
polynomial and alternative expressions are derived in Corollary 2.6; in Corollary 2.7
interpolation constraints of the form Q(zk) = Rk k = 1, q are considered, which may be
seen as a direct generalization of polynomial constraints. Finally in Theorem 2.8
derivatives of Q(s) are used to generalize the main interpolation results.
The basic theorem of polynomial interpolation can be stated as follows:
Given l distinct complex scalars sj j = 1, l and l corresponding complex values bj, there
exists a unique polynomial q(s) of degree n = l - 1 for which
q(sj) = bj
j = 1, l
That is, an nth degree polynomial q(s) can be uniquely represented by the l = n+1
interpolation (points or doublets or) pairs (sj, bj) j = 1, l. To see this, write the n-th degree

polynomial q(s) as q(s) = q [1, s, ..., sn ]' where q is the (1x(n+1)) row vector of the
coefficients and [ ]' denotes the transpose. The l = n+1 equations in (2.1) can then be
written as
1 ... 1
qV = q .
. = [b1, ..., bl] = Bl
s1 ... s l

Note that the matrix V (lxl) is the well known Vandermonde matrix which is nonsingular if
and only if the l scalars sj j = 1, l are distinct. Here si are distinct and therefore V is
nonsingular. This implies that the above equation has a unique solution q, that is there
exists a unique polynomial q(s) of degree n which satisfies (2.1). This proves the above
stated basic theorem of polynomial interpolation .
There are several approaches to generalize this result to the polynomial matrix case
and a number of these are discussed later in this section. It is shown that they are special
cases of the basic polynomial matrix interpolation theorem that follows:
Let S(s) := blk diag{[ 1, s, ..., sdi]'} where di i = 1, m are non-negative integers;
let aj 0 and bj denote (mx1) and (px1) complex vectors respectively and sj complex
Theorem 2.1: Given interpolation (points) triplets (sj, aj, bj) j = 1, l and nonnegative
integers di with l = di + m such that the ( di + m)xL matrix
Sl := [S(s1)a1,..., S(sl)al]
has full rank, there exists a unique (pxm) polynomial matrix Q(s), with ith column degree
equal to di, i = 1, m for which
Q(sj) aj = bj

j = 1, l


Proof: Since the column degrees of Q(s) are di, Q(s) can be written as
Q(s) = QS(s)
where Q (px(di + m)) contains the coefficients of the polynomial entries. Substituting in
(2.3), Q must satisfy
where Bl := [b1 , ..., bl]. Since Sl is nonsingular, Q and therefore Q(s) are uniquely

It should be noted that when p = m = 1 and d1 = l - 1 = n this theorem reduces to the
polynomial interpolation theorem. To see this, note that in this case the nonzero scalars aj j
= 1, l, can be taken to be equal to 1, in which case Sl = V the well known Vandermonde
matrix; V is nonsingular if and only if sj j = 1, l are distinct.
Example 2.1: Let Q(s) be a 1x2 (=pxm) polynomial matrix and let l = 3 interpolation points
or triplets be specified:
{(sj, aj, bj) j = 1, 2, 3} = { (-1,[1, 0]', 0), (0,[-1, 1]', 0), (1, [0, 1]', 1)}.
In view of Theorem 2.1, Q(s) is uniquely specified when d1 and d2 are chosen so that l(=3)
= di + m = (d1 + d2) + 2 or d1 + d2 = 1 assuming that S3 has full rank. Clearly there are
more than one choices for d1 and d2; the resulting Q(s) depends on the particular choice for
the column degrees di and different combinations of di will result to different matrices Q(s).
In particular:
(i) Let d1 = 1, and d2 = 0. Then S(s) = blk diag{[1,s]',1} and (2.5) becomes:
1 -1 0
Q S3 = Q [S(s1)a1,S(s2)a2,S(s3)a3] = Q -1 0 0 = [0, 0, 1] = B3
0 1 1
from which Q = [1, 1, 1] and Q(s) = QS(s) = [s+1, 1].
(ii) Let d1 = 0, d2 = 1. Then S(s) = blk diag{1, [1, s]'} and (2.5) gives Q = [0, 0, 1] from
which Q(s) = [0, s], clearly different from (i) above.
Discussion of the Interpolation Theorem
Representations of Q(s)
Theorem 2.1 provides an alternative way to represent a polynomial matrix, or a
polynomial, other than by its coefficients and degree of each entry. More specifically:
A polynomial q(s) is specified uniquely by its degree, say, n and its n+1 ordered
coefficients. Alternatively, in view of (2.1) the l pairs (sj, bj) j = 1, l uniquely specify the
nth degree polynomial q(s) provided that l = n+1 and the scalars sj are distinct.
Similarly, a polynomial matrix Q(s) is specified uniquely by its dimensions pxm, its
column degrees di i = 1, m and the di+1 coefficients in each entry of column i. In view of
Theorem 2.1, given the dimensions pxm, the polynomial matrix Q(s) is uniquely specified
by its column degrees di i = 1, m and the l triplets (sj, aj, bj) j = 1, l provided that l = di
+ m and (sj, aj) are so that Sl in (2.2) has full rank. Notice that when p = m = 1 these

conditions reduce to the well known polynomial interpolation conditions described above,
namely that sj must be distinct.
Number of Interpolation Points
It is of interest to examine what happens when the number of interpolation points l,
in Theorem 2.1, is different from the required number determined by the number of
columns m and the desired column degrees of Q(s), di i = 1, m. That is what happens
when l di + m:
The equation of interest is QSL = BL in (2.5). A solution Q (px(di + m)) of this equation
exists if and only if
rank Bl = rank Sl
This implies that there exists a solution Q for any Bl if and only if rank (Sl) = l, that is if
and only if Sl , a ( di + m)xL matrix has full column rank.
(i) When l > di + m, the system of equations in (2.5) is over specified; there are more
equations than unknowns as Sl is a ( di + m)xl matrix. If now the additional (l - ( di +
m)) equations are linearly dependent upon the previous ( di + m) ones, then a Q(s) with
column degrees di i = 1, m is uniquely determined provided that ( di + m) interpolation
triplets (sj, aj, bj) satisfy the conditions of Theorem 2.1. Otherwise there is no matrix of
column degrees di i = 1, m which satisfies these interpolation constraints. In this case
these interpolation points represent a matrix of column degrees greater than di .
(ii) When l < di + m, then Q(s) with column degrees di i = 1, m is not uniquely
specified, since there are more unknowns than equations in (2.5). That is, in this case
there are many (pxm) matrices Q(s) with the same column degrees di which satisfy the l
interpolation constraints (2.3) and therefore can be represented by these l interpolation
triplets (sj, aj, bj).

[ ]

Additional Constraints
This additional freedom (in (ii) above) can be exploited so that Q(s) satisfies
additional constraints. In particular, k := ( di + m) - l additional linear constraints,
expressed in terms of the coefficients of Q(s) (in Q), can be satisfied in general. The
equations describing the constraints can be used to augment the equations in (2.5). This is
a very useful characteristic and it is used extensively in later sections. In this case the
equations to be solved become
Q [SL , C] = [BL, D]
(2.6 )

where QC = D represent k := ( di + m) - l linear constraints imposed on the coefficients
Q; C and D are matrices (real or complex) with k columns each. The following examples
illustrate the above.
Example 2.2 (i) Consider a 1x2 polynomial matrix Q(s) and l = 3 interpolation points:
{(sj, aj, bj) j = 1, 2, 3} = { (-1,[1, 0]', 0), (0,[-1, 1]', 0), (1, [0, 1]', 1)}.
as in Example 2.1. Let d1 = 1, d2 = 0. It was shown in Example 2.1 (i) that the above
uniquely represent Q(s) = [s+1, 1]. Suppose now that an additional interpolation point (s4,
a4, b4) = (1, [1, 0]', 2) is specified. Here l = 4 > di + m = 1+2 = 3 and
1 -1 0 1
Q S4 = Q -1 0 0 1 = [0, 0, 1, 2] = B4
0 1 1 0
Notice however that the last equation Q[1 1 0]' = 2 can be obtained from QS3 = B3, by a
postmultiplication of [-1 -2 2]'. Clearly the additional interpolation point does not impose
any additional constraints on Q(s) as it does not contain any new information about Q(s).
If now the new interpolation point is taken to be (s4, a4, b4) = [1, [1, 0]', 3) then, as it can
be easily verified, there is no Q(s) with d1 + d2 = 1 which satisfies all 4 interpolation
constraints. In this case one should consider Q(s) with higher column degrees, namely d1
+ d2 = 2.
(ii) Consider again a 1x2 polynomial matrix Q(s) but with l = 2 interpolation points:
{(sj, aj, bj) j = 1, 2} = { (-1,[1, 0]', 0), (0,[-1, 1]', 0)}
from Example 2.1. Let d1 = 1, d2 = 0. Here l =2 < di +m = 1+2 = 3. In this case it is
possible, in general, to satisfy (di + m) - l = 1 additional (linear) constraint. In particular
1 -1 c1
Q[S2, C] = Q -1 0 c 2 = [0, 0, d] = [B2, D]
0 1 c3
where Q[c1 c2 c3]' = d is the additional constraint on the coefficients Q of
1 0
Q(s) = QS(s) = [q1 q2 q3] s 0
0 1
For example, if it is desired that the coefficient q1 = 2, this can be enforced by taking c1 =
c3 = 0 and c2 = 1, d = 2. Then Q = [2 2 2] and Q(s) = [2s+2 2] satisfies all requirements.
The additional constraints on Q(s) (or Q) do not have of course to be linear. They
can be described for example by nonlinear algebraic equations or inequalities. However, in
contrast to the linear constrains, it is difficult in this case to show general results.


Determination of the Leading Coefficients

It is well known that if the leading coefficient of an nth degree polynomial is given,
then n, not n+1, distinct points suffice to uniquely determine this polynomial. A
corresponding result is true in the polynomial matrix case:
Let Cc denote the matrix with ith column entries the coefficients of sdi, in the ith column of
Q(s); that is the leading matrix coefficient (with respect to columns) of Q(s). Let also S1 :=
blk diag{[1, s, ..., sdi-1]'} i = 1, m where the assumption that di is greater than zero is
made for S1 to be well defined. Note that this assumption is relaxed in the alternative
expression of these results discussed immediately following the Corollary.
Corollary 2.2: Given (sj, aj, bj) j = 1, l and nonnegative integers di with l = di such that
the ( di)xl matrix S1l := [S1(s1) a1,..., S1(sl)al] has full rank, there exists a unique (pxm)
polynomial matrix Q(s), with ith column degree di, and a given leading coefficient matrix
Cc which satisfies (2.3).
Proof: Q(s) = CcD(s) + QlSl(s) with D(s) := diag[sdi] for some coefficient px(di) matrix
Q1. (2.3) implies
Ql Sll = Bl - Cc [D(s1)a1 , ..., D(sl)al]
which has a unique solution Q1 since S1l is nonsingular. Q(s) is therefore uniquely
Note that here the given Cc provides the additional m constraints (for a total of di+m)
needed to uniquely determine Q(s) in view of Theorem 2.1. It is also easy to see that when
p = m = 1, the corollary reduces to the polynomial interpolation result mentioned above.
The results in Corollary 2.2 can be seen in view of our previous discussion for the
case when only l < di + m interpolation points are given. In that case it was possible to
satisfy, in general k := ( di + m) - l additional constraints. Here, the requirement that the
leading coefficients should be Cc can be written as
Q [SL , C] = [BL, Cc ]
( 2.8)
where C is chosen to extract the leading coefficients from Q. Since Cc has k = m columns,
l = di interpolation points will suffice to generate di + m equations with di + m
unknowns, to uniquely determine Q(s).

Example 2.3 Consider a 1x2 polynomial matrix Q(s) with column degrees d1 =1, d2 = 0.
Assume that the interpolation point (l = di = 1) is (s1, a1, b1) = (-1, [1, 0]', 0) and the
desired leading coefficient is Cc = [c1, c2]. Then
1 0 0
Q[S1, C] = Q -1 1 0 = [0 c1 c2] = [B1, Cc]
0 0 1
from which Q = [c1, c1, c2] and Q(s) = [c1+c1s, c2].

Interpolation Constraints with Bl= 0

Often the interpolation constraints (2.3) are of the form
Q(sj) aj = 0
j = 1, l


leading to a system of equations

QSl = 0
where Sl is a ( di + m)xl matrix; see Theorem 2.1. In this case, if the conditions of
Theorem 2.1 are satisfied then the unique Q(s) which is described by the l = ( di + m)
interpolation points is Q(s) = 0. It is perhaps instructive to point out what this result means
in the polynomial case. In the polynomial case this result simply states that the only nth
degree polynomial with n+1 distinct roots sj is the zero polynomial, a rather well known
fact. It is useful to determine nonzero solutions of Q of (2.10). One way to achieve this is
to use:
Q [Sl , C] = [0, D]
where again Sl is a ( di + m)xl matrix but the number of interpolation points l is taken to
be l < di + m . In this way Q(s) is not necessarily equal to a zero matrix. The matrices C
and D each have k := ( di + m) - l columns, so that Q(s) can satisfy in general k
additional constraints; see Example 2.3.
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
An interesting result is derived when Corollary 2.2 is applied to an (nxn) matrix
Q(s) = sI - A. In this case di = 1, i = 1, n. Cc = I, S1(s) = I and Q1 = A; also l = n, S1n =
[a1, ..., an] and (2.7) can be written as:
A [a1, ..., an] = Bn - [a1, ..., an] diag[sj]
When [b1, ..., bn] = Bn = 0 then in view of (2.12) and Corollary 2.2 the following is true:
Corollary 2.3: Given (sj, aj) j = 1, n such that the (nxn) matrix S1n = [a1, ..., an] has full
rank, there exists a unique nxn polynomial matrix Q(s) with column degrees all equal to 1

and a leading coefficient matrix equal to I which satisfies (2.3) with all bj = 0; that is Q(sj)aj
= (sjI - A) aj = 0.
The above corollary simply says that A is uniquely determined by its n eigenvalues sj and
the n corresponding linearly independent eigenvectors aj, a well-known result from matrix
algebra. Here this result was derived from our polynomial matrix interpolation theorem,
thus pointing to a strong connection between the polynomial matrix interpolation theory
developed here and the classical eigenvalue eigenvector matrix algebra results.
Choice of Interpolation Points
The main condition of Theorem 2.1 is that SL , a ( di + m)xl matrix, has full
(column) rank l. This guarantees that the solution Q in (2.5) exists for any Bl and it is
unique. In the polynomial case Sl can be taken to be a Vandermonde matrix which has full
rank if and only if sj j = 1, l are distinct, and this has already been pointed out. In general
however, in the matrix case, sj j = 1, l do not have to be distinct; repeated values for sj ,
coupled with appropriate choices for aj will still produce full rank in Sl in many instances,
as it can be easily verified by example. This is a property unique to matrix case.
Example 2.4 Consider a 1x2 polynomial matrix Q(s) with d1 = 1, d2 = 0 (as in Example
2.1). Suppose that l = 3 interpolation points are given:
{(sj, aj, bj) j = 1, 2, 3} = { (0,[1, 0]', 1), (0,[0, 1]', 1), (1, [1, 0]', 2)}.
Here S(s) = blk diag{[1, s]', 1} and
1 0 1
Q S3 = Q 0 0 1 = [1, 1, 2] = B3
0 1 0
from which Q(s) = QS(s) = [1 1 1]S(s) = [s+1, 1]. Note that the first two columns of S3
are S(0)[1 0]' and S(0)[0 1]'. They correspond to the same sj = 0 j = 1, 2 and they are
linearly independent.

If sj j = 1, l are taken to be distinct, then there always exist aj 0 such that Sl has
full rank. An obvious choice is aj = e1 for j = 1, d1 + 1, aj = e2 for j = d1 + 2, ..., d1 + d2
+ 2 etc, where the entries of column vector ei are zero except the ith entry which is 1; in this
way, Sl is block diagonal with m Vandermonde matrices of dimensions (di + 1) x (di + 1)
i = 1, m on the diagonal, which has full rank since sj are distinct (in fact we only need
groups of di + 1 values of sj to be distinct).

Example 2.5 In Example 2.4 (Q(s) 1x2, l = 3, d1 = 1, d2 = 0) take s1, s2, and s3 distinct
and let a1 = a2 = e1 = [1 0]' and a3 = e2 = [0 1]'. Then in QS3 = B3,
1 1 0
S3 = s 1 s 2 0
0 0 1
which has a block diagonal form with 2(=m) Vandermonde matrices on the diagonal.
Clearly S3 has full rank since s1 and s2 are distinct; so there is a unique solution Q for any
B 3.
It is also important to know, especially in applications, what happens to the rank of
Sl for given aj. It turns out that Sl has full rank for almost any choice of aj when sj are
distinct. In particular:
Lemma 2.4: Let sj j = 1, l with l di + m be distinct complex scalars. Then the (di +
m)xl matrix Sl in (2.2) has full column rank l for almost any set of nonzero aj j = 1, l.
Proof: First note that Sl has at least as many rows ( di + m) as columns (l). The structure
of S(s) together with the fact that aj 0 and sj distinct imply that the lth order minors of Sl
are nonzero multivariate polynomials in aij, the entries of aj j = 1, l. These minors become
zero only for values of aij on a hypersurface in the parameter space. Furthermore note that
there always exists a set of aj (see above) for which at least one lth order minor is nonzero.
This implies that rank Sl = l for almost any set of aj 0.
Example 2.6 Let S(s) = blk diag{[1, s]', 1} and take s1 = 0, s2 = 1 (distinct). Then
a 11 a12
S2 = [S(s1)a1, S(s2)a2] = 0 a 1 2
a21 a22
where a1 = [a11 , a21 ]' and a2 = [a12 , a22 ]' ( 0). Rank S2 will be less than 2 (=l) for
values of aij which make zero all the second order minors: a11a12, a11a22 - a12a21, a12a21.
Such a case is, for example, when a11 = a12 = 0.
Alternative Bases
Note that alternative polynomial bases, other than [1, s, s2, ...]', which might offer
computational advantages in determining Q(s) from interpolation equations (2.5) can of
course be used. Choices include Chebychev polynomials, among others, and they are
discussed further later in this paper in relation to applications of the interpolation results.

Alternative Approaches to Matrix Interpolation
(i) Dual Version : In Theorem 2.1, aj are column vectors which postmultiply Q(sj) in (2.3)
to obtain the interpolation constraints Q(sj)aj = bj ; bj are also column vectors. It is clear
that one could also have interpolation constraints of the form
aj Q(sj) = bj j = 1, l
where a j and b j are row vectors. (2.13) gives rise to an alternative ("dual") matrix
interpolation result which we include here for completeness.
Let S(s) = blk diag {[1,s, ..., sdi]} where di i = 1, p are non-negative integers; let aj 0
and bj denote (1xp) and (1xm) complex vectors respectively and sj complex scalars.
Corollary 2.5: Given (sj, a j, b j) j = 1, l and nonnegative integers d i with l = d i + p
such that the lx(di +p) matrix

a1S(s. 1)
Sl :=


has full rank, there exists a unique (pxm) polynomial matrix Q(s), with ith row degree
equal to di i = 1, p, for which (2.13) is true.
Proof: Similar to the proof of Theorem 2.1: Q(s) can be written as
Q(s) = S(s)Q
where Q ((d i + p) x m) contains the coefficients of the polynomial entries of Q(s).
Substituting in (2.8) where BL = [ b1' , ..., bl' ]', Q must satisfy
Sl Q = Bl
Since Sl is nonsingular, Q and therefore Q(s) are uniquely determined.


Example 2.7 Let Q(s) be a 1x2 (=pxm) polynomial matrix and let l = 2 interpolation points
be specified: {(sj, a j, b j) j = 1, 2} = { (-1,1,[0 1]), (0,1,[1 1])}. Here l = 2 = d i + p
from which d1 = 1; that is a matrix of row degree 1 may be uniquely determined. Note that
S(s) = [1, s]. Then
1 -1
0 1
Sl Q = 1 0 Q = 1 1

from which

[ ]

1 1
Q= 1 0

[ ]

and Q(s) = S(s)Q = [s+1, 1]

(ii) Q(s) as a matrix polynomial : The relation between representation (2.4) used in
Theorem 2.1 and an alternative, also commonly used, representation of Q(s) is now
shown, namely:

Q(s) = QSd(s) = Q0 + ... + Qdsd


where Sd(s) := [I, ..., Isd]' a m(d+1)xm matrix with d = max(di) i = 1, m and Q = [Q0 ,
..., Qd] the (pxm(d+1)) coefficient matrix. Notice that S(s) = KSd(s) where K ((di + m)
x m(d + 1)) describes the appropriate interchange of rows in Sd(s) needed to extract S(s)
(of Theorem 2.1). Representation (2.17) can be used in matrix interpolation as the
following corollary shows:
Corollary 2.6: Given (sj, aj, bj) j = 1, l and nonnegative integer d with l =m(d+1) such
that the m(d+1)xl matrix
Sdl = [Sd(s1) a1,..., Sd(sl)al]
has full rank, there exists a unique (pxm) polynomial matrix Q(s) with highest degree d
which satisfies (2.3).
Proof: Consider Theorem 2.1 with di = d; then

Q Sdl = Bl

is to be solved. The result immediately follows in view of S(s) = KS d(s) which implies
that Sdl is nonsingular, since here K is nonsingular.
Notice that in order to uniquely represent a matrix Q(s) with column degrees di i = 1, m,
Corollary 2.6 requires more interpolation points (sj, aj, bj) than Theorem 2.1 since md
di . This is, however, to be expected as in this case less information about the matrix
Q(s) is used (only the highest degree d), than in the case of the theorem where the
individual column degrees are supposed to be known (di i = 1, m).
Example 2.8 Let Q(s) be 1x2 ( = pxm), d = 1 and let the l = m(d+1) = 4 interpolation
points (sj, aj, bj) be as follows: let the first 3 be the same as in Example 2.1 and the fourth
be (2, [0, 1]', 1). The equation (2.19) now becomes

1 -1
0 1
Q Sd4 = Q - 1 0

0 0


0 = [0, 0, 1, 1] = B4

from which Q = [1, 1, 1, 0] and Q(s) = QSd(s) = Q1s + Q0 = [ s+1, 1] as in Example 2.1
(i). If the fourth interpolation point is taken to be equal to (2, [0, 1]', 2) then Bl = [0, 0, 1,

2] while Sdl remains the same. Then Q = [0, 0, 0, 1] and Q(s) = QS d (s) = [ 0, s] as in
Example 2.1(ii)
Similarly to the case of Theorem 2.1, if the number of interpolation points l <
m(d+1) then Q(s) of degree d is not uniquely specified. In this case one could satisfy in
general k := m(d+1) - l additional linear constraints by solving

Q [Sdl , C] = [BL, D]


where QC = D represent the k linear constraints imposed on the coefficients Q. Constraints

on Q other than linear can of course be imposed in the same way as in the case of Theorem
(iii) Constraints of the form (zk, Rk) k = 1, q : Interpolation constraints of the form
Q(zk) = Rk k = 1, q
have also appeared in the literature. These conditions are but a special case of (2.3). In
fact for each k, (2.21) represents m special conditions of the form Q(sj) aj = bj j = 1, L in
(2.3). To see this, consider (2.3) and blocks of m interpolation points where si = z1 i = 1,
m with ai = ei, sm+i = z2 i = 1, m with am+i = ei and so on, where the entries of ei are zero
except the ith entry which is 1; then R1 of (2.21) above is R1 = [b1, ..., bm], R2 = [bm+1,
..., b2m ] and so on. In this case sj are not distinct but they are m-multiple. This is
illustrated in Example 2.9 below where: m = 2 and s1 = s2 = 0 with a1 = [1, 0]' , a2 = [0,
1]' and R1 = [b1 , b2 ] = [1,1]; also s3 = s4 = 1 with a3 = [1, 0]' , a4 = [0, 1]' and R2 =
[b3, b4] = [2,1].
A simple comparison of the constraints (2.21) to the polynomial constraints (2.1)
seems to suggest that this is an attempt to directly generalize the scalar results to the matrix
case. As in the polynomial case, zk k = 1, q therefore should perhaps be distinct for Q(s)
to be uniquely determined. Indeed this is the case as it is shown in the proof of the
following corollary:
Corollary 2.7: Given (zk , Rk ) k = 1, q with q = d + 1, and Rk pxm, such that the
m(d+1)xmq matrix
Sdk: = [Sd(z1),..., Sd(zk)]

has full rank, there exists a unique (pxm) polynomial matrix Q(s) with highest degree d
which satisfies (2.21).
Proof: Direct in view of Corollary 2.6; there are l = mq interpolation points. Notice that
here Sdk (after some reordering of rows and columns) is a block diagonal Vandermonde
type matrix, and it is nonsingular if and only if zk are distinct.
Example 2.9 Let Q(s) be 1x2 (=pxm), d = 1 and let the q = d+1 = 2 interpolation points be

{zk, Rk k = 1, 2} = {(0, [1, 1]), (1, [2, 1])}. In view of Q(s) = Q Sd(s) = (Q1s + Q0)

Q [Sd(z1), Sd(z2)] = [R1, R2] or




0 = [1, 1, 2, 1]

from which Q ((Q0, Q1) = ) = [1, 1, 1, 0] and Q(s) = Q Sd(s) = [s+1, 1] as in Examples
2.1 and 2.8.
Note that if, instead of the degree d, the column degrees d i i = 1, m of Q(s) are
known, then a result similar to Corollary 2.7 but based directly on Theorem 2.1 can be
derived and used to determine Q(s) which satisfies (2.21) given (zk, Rk) k = 1, q. In this
case, for a unique solution, q is selected so that mq ( di + m) .
In Corollaries 2.6 and 2.7 above, it is clear that the dual interpolation results of
Corollary 2.5, instead of Theorem 2.1, could have been used to derive dual versions.
These dual versions involve the row dimension p instead of m and they could lead in
certain cases to requirements for fewer interpolation points, depending on the relative size
of p and m. These alternative versions of the Corollaries can be easily derived and they are
not presented here.
(iv) Using Derivatives : In the polynomial case, there are interpolation constraints which
involve derivatives of q(s) with respect to s. In this way, one could use repeated values sj
and still have linearly independent equations to work with. In the matrix case it is not
necessary to have derivatives to allow some repeated values for sj, since the key condition
in Theorem 2.1 is Sl of (2.2) to be of full rank which, in general, does not imply that sj
must be distinct; see Example 2.4 and Corollary 2.7 above. Nevertheless it is quite easy to

introduce derivatives of Q(s) in interpolation constraints and this is now done for generality
and completeness.
Notice that the kth derivative of S(s) := blk diag {[ 1, s, ..., sdi]'} i = 1, m with
respect to s, denoted by S(k)(s), is easily determined using the formula (sdi)(k) = di (di
-1)...(d i - k +1)sd i-k for k less or equal to di and (sd i)(k) = 0 for k larger than di. The
interpolation constraints Q(sj )aj = bj in (2.3) now have a more general form
Q(k)(sj )akj = bkj k = 0, 1, ...
for each distinct value sj . Clearly, Q(s) = QS(s) implies Q(k)(s) = QS(k)(s) and
QS(k)(sj )akj = bkj
in view of (2.23). There is a total of l relations of this type which can be written as QSL =
BL , as in (2.5). To be able to uniquely determine Q(s), the new matrix Sl , which now
contains columns of the form S(k)(sj )akj, must have full (column) rank. In particular, the
following result can be shown:
Theorem 2.8: Consider interpolation triplets (sj, akj , bkj ) where sj j = 1, distinct
complex scalars and akj 0 (mx1), bkj (px1) complex vectors. If k = 0, lj - 1, let the total
number of interpolation points be l = \I\su(1,, lj). For nonnegative integers di i = 1, m
and l = d i + m assume that the (di + m)xl matrix Sl with columns of the form
S(k)(sj) akj j = 1, , k = 0, lj - 1 namely
S l := [S(0)(s1)a01, ..., S(l1- 1)(s1)al1-1, 1, ... , S(0)(s )a0 , ...]
has full column rank. Then there exists a unique pxm polynomial matrix Q(s) which
satisfies (2.23).
Proof Similar to Theorem 2.1. Solve QSl = Bl to derive the unique Q and Q(s) = QS(s).
Example 2.10: Consider a 1x2 polynomial matrix Q with d1 = 1, d2 = 0 and let the l = di
+ m = 3 interpolation points {(s1 , a01 , b01 ), (s1 , a11 , b11 ), (s2 , a02 , b02 )}= {(-1,[1
0]',0),(-1,[1 0]',1), (0,[0 1]',1)} satisfy Q(s1)a01 = b01, Q(1)(s1)a11 = b11 and Q(s2)a02

= b02. Here = 2, l1 = 2, l2 = 1 and l = lj = 3. Now

1 0 0
QS3 = Q[S(0)(s1)a01,S(1)(s1)a11,S(0)(s2)a02] = Q - 1 1 0 = [0 1 1] = [b01, b11, b02] = B3
0 0 1
from which Q = [1 1 1] and Q(s) = QS(s) = [s+1, 1].



In this section equations of the form M(s)L(s) = Q(s) are studied. The main result
is Theorem 3.1 where it is shown that all solutions M(s) of degree r can be derived by
solving an equation MSrl = Bl derived using interpolation. In this way, all solutions of
degree r of the polynomial equation, if they exist, are characterized. The existence and
uniqueness of solutions is discussed, as well as methods to impose constraints on the
solutions. Alternative bases are examined in numerical considerations. The Diophantine
equation is an important special case and it is examined at length. Lemma 3.2 and
Corollary 3.3 establish some technical results necessary to prove the main result in
Theorem 3.4 that shows the conditions under which a solution to the Diophantine equation
of degree r does exist; a method based on the interpolation results to find all such solutions
is also given. Using this method, it is quite easy to impose additional constraints the
solutions must satisfy and this is shown.
Consider the equation
M(s)L(s) = Q(s)
where L(s) (txm) and Q(s) (kxm) are given polynomial matrices. The polynomial matrix
interpolation theory developed above will now be used to solve this equation and determine
the polynomial matrix solutions M(s) (kxt) when one exists.
First consider the left hand side of equation (3.1). Let
M(s) := M0 + ... + Mrsr
where r is a non-negative integer, and let di := degci[L(s)] i = 1, m. If
Q(s) := M(s)L(s)
then degci[Q(s)] = di + r for i = 1, m. According to the basic polynomial matrix
interpolation Theorem 2.1, the matrix Q(s) can be uniquely specified using (di+r) + m =
di + m(r+1) interpolation points. Therefore consider l interpolation points (sj, aj, bj) j
= 1, l where
l = d i + m(r+1)
Let Sr(s) := blk diag{[1, s, ..., sdi+r]'} and assume that the (di + m(r+1))xl matrix
Srl := [Sr(s1) a1,..., Sr(sl)al]
has full rank; that is the assumptions in Theorem 2.1 are satisfied. Note that in view of
Lemma 2.2, for distinct sj, Srl will have full column rank for almost any set of nonzero aj.
Now in view of Theorem 2.1 Q(s) which satisfies
Q(sj)aj = bj
j = 1, l

is uniquely specified given these l interpolation points (sj, aj, bj). To solve (3.1), these
interpolation points must be appropriately chosen so that the equation
Q(s) (= M(s)L(s)) = Q(s) is satisfied:
Write (3.1) as
MLr(s) = Q(s)
M := [M0, ..., Mr] (kxt(r+1))
Lr(s) :=[L(s)', ..., srL(s)']' (t(r+1)xm).
Let s = sj and postmultiply (3.7) by aj j = 1, l; note that sj and aj j = 1, l must be so that
Srl above has full rank. Define
bj := Q(sj)aj j = 1, l
and combine the equations to obtain
MLrl = Bl
Lrl := [Lr(s1) a1,..., Lr(sl)al] (t(r+1)xl)
B l := [b1, ..., bl] (kxl).
Theorem 3.1: Given L(s), Q(s) in (3.1), let di := degci[L(s)] i = 1, m and select r to satisfy
degci[Q(s)] di + r

i = 1, m


Then a solution M(s) of degree r exists if and only if a solution M of (3.9) does exist;
furthermore, M(s) = M[I, sI, ..., srI]'.
Proof: First note that (3.10) is a necessary condition for a solution M(s) in (3.1) of degree
r to exist, since degci[M(s)L(s)] = di + r. Assume that such a solution does exist; clearly
(3.9) also has a solution M. That is, all solutions of (3.1) of degree r map into solutions of
(3.9). Suppose now that a solution to (3.9) does exist. Notice that the left hand side of
(3.9) MLrl = QSrl where Q(s) = M(s)L(s) = QSr(s). Furthermore, the right hand side of
(3.9) Bl = QSrl, in view of (3.8); also note that Q(s) is uniquely represented by the l
interpolation points (sj, aj, bj) in view of (3.10) and the interpolation theorem. Therefore
(3.9) implies that QSrl = QSrl or Q = Q, since Srl is nonsingular, or that M(s)L(s) = Q(s) =
Q(s); that is M(s) = M0 + ..., + Mrsr = M[I, sI, ..., srI]' is a solution of (3.1).

Alternative Expression
It is not difficult to show that solving (3.9) is equivalent to solving
M(sj)cj = bj

j = 1, l


cj := L(sj)aj, bj := Q(sj)aj j = 1, l
In view now of Corollary 2.6, the matrices M(s) which satisfy (3.11) are obtained by
MSrl = Bl
where Srl := [Sr(s1)c1,..., Sr(sl)cl] (t(r+1)xl), with Sr(s) := [I, sI, ..., srI]' (t(r+1)xt)
and Bl := [b1 , ..., bl] (kxl); M(s) is then M(s) = M[I, sI, ..., srI] ' where M (kxt(r+1))
satisfies (3.13). Solving (3.13) is an alternative to solving (3.9).
Theorem 3.1 shows that there is a one-to-one mapping between the solutions of
degree r of the polynomial matrix equation (3.1) and the solutions of the linear system of
equations (3.9) (or of (3.13)). In other words, using (3.9) (or (3.13)), we can characterize
all solutions of degree r of (3.1). Note that the conditions (3.10) of the theorem are not
restrictive as they are necessary conditions for a solution M(s) in (3.1) of degree r to exist;
that is, all solutions of M(s)L(s) = Q(s) of any degree can be found using Theorem 3.1.
Also note that no assumptions were made regarding the polynomial matrices in (3.1), that
is Theorem 3.1 is valid for any matrices L(s), Q(s) of appropriate dimensions.
To solve (3.1), first determine the column degrees di i = 1, m of L(s) and select r to
satisfy (3.10). Choose (sj ,aj) j = 1, l with l = d i + m(r+1), so that Srl := [Sr (s 1 )
a1,..., Sr(sl)al] has full rank; note that in view of Lemma 2.2, for sj distinct Srl will have
full rank for almost any aj. Calculate bj := Q(sj)aj (Bl) and Lrl in (3.9), or Sl in (3.13).
Solving (3.9) (or (3.13)) is equivalent to solving (3.1) for solutions M(s) of degree r;
M(s) = M[I, sI, ..., srI]'. When applying this approach, it is not necessary to determine in
advance a lower bound for r; it suffices to use a large enough r. Theorem 3.1 provides the
theoretical guarantee that in this way all solutions of (3.1) can be obtained. Searching for
solutions is straightforward in view of the availability of computer software packages to
solve linear system of equations. Even when an exact solution does not exist, it can be
approximated using, for example, least squares approximation.

Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions
A solution M(s) of degree r might not exist or, if it exists, might not be unique.
A solution M to (3.9) exists if and only if
rank Brl = rank Lrl
If rank Lrl = l, full column rank, (3.14) is satisfied for any Bl, which implies that the
polynomial equation (3.1) has a solution for any Q(s) such that (3.10) is satisfied. Such
would be the case, for example, when L(s) is unimodular (real or complex scalar in the
polynomial case). In the case when Lrl does not have full column rank, a solution M exists
only when there is a similar column dependence in Bl (see (3.14)), which implies certain
relationship between L(s) and Q(s) for a solution to exist. Such would be the case, for
example, when L(s) is a (right) factor of Q(s). A necessary condition for Lrl to have full
column rank is that it must have at least as many rows t(r+1), as columns l =
di + m(r+1). It can be easily seen that if t m, this is impossible to happen. This
implies that if L(s) has more columns that rows, solutions M(s) exist only under certain
conditions on L(s) and Q(s), a known fact. For example, when |L(s)| 0 (t=m), solution
exists if and only if, L(s) is unimodular. When t > m, more rows than columns in L(s), a
necessary condition for Lrl to have full column rank is:
r t - m di - 1

[ ]

In this case if (3.9) has a solution, then it has more than one solutions. Similar results can
be derived if (3.13) is considered. This is the case in solving the Diophantine equation,
which is considered in detail later in this section.
Example 3.1 Consider the polynomial equation
M(s)L(s) = M(s)(s+1) = Q(s)
Here m=1 and d1 = deg L(s) = 1. Then l = di + m(r+1) = 2 + r interpolation points will
be taken where r is to be decided upon. Note that since m=1, aj = 1 and Srl will have full
rank if sj are taken to be distinct. Suppose Q(s) = s2 + 3s + 2, a second degree
polynomial. In view of Theorem 3.1, deg Q(s) = 2 d1 + r = 1 + r from which
r = 1, 2, ... . Let r = 1, and take {sj, j = 1, 2, 3} = {0, 1, 2}. Then from (3.9)
MLrl = [M0, M1] [Lr(0), Lr(1), Lr(2)]
1 2 3
= [M0, M1] 0 2 6
= [Q(0), Q(1), Q(2)] = [2, 6, 12] = Bl .
Here rank[Lrl', Bl']' = rank Lrl = 2 so a solution exists. It is also unique: [M0, M1] = [2,
1]. That is M(s) = (s+2) is the unique solution of M(s)(s+1) = s2 + 3s + 2.

It is perhaps of interest at this point to demonstrate the conditions for existence of
solutions in the polynomial equation M(s)(s+1) = Q(s) via (3.9) and the discussion above;
note that the polynomial equation has a solution if and only if Q(s)/(s+1) is a polynomial or
equivalently Q(-1) = 0. From the above system of equations (r=1), for a solution to exist
Q(2) = -3Q(0) + 3Q(1) or d1 = d2 + d0 if Q(s) = d2s2 + d1s + d0. But this is exactly the
condition for Q(-1) = 0 as it should be. Similarly it can be shown that Q(-1) = 0 must be
true for r = 2,3, ... .
If now degQ(s) = 0 or 1 then r = 0 satisfies degQ(s) d1 + r and l = 2 interpolation
points are needed. Let {sj j = 1,2} = {0, 1}. Then
MLrl = [M0, M1] [Lr(0), Lr(1)]
= [M0, M1][1, 2] = [Q(0), Q(1)] = Bl .
Clearly a solution exists only when Q(1) = 2Q(0). That is for degQ(s) = 1, and Q(s) = d1 s
+ d0 a solution exists only when d1 + d0 = 2d0 or d1 = d0 or when Q(s) = d0(s+1) in which
case M(s) = d0. For degQ(s) = 0 and Q(s) = d0, a constant, it is impossible to satisfy Q(1)
= 2Q(0), that is a solution does not exist in this case.
It was demonstrated in the example that using the interpolation results in Theorem
3.1 one can derive the conditions for existence of solutions in polynomial equations.
However the main use of Theorem 3.1 is in finding all solutions of polynomial matrix
equation of certain degree when they exist.
Example 3.2 Consider
s 1
M(s)L(s) = M(s) s-1 1 = [s+1, 1] = Q(s)
Here m = 2, d1 = 1 and d2 = 0; l = di + m(r+1) = 1 + 2(r+1) = 3 + 2r. To select r,
consider the conditions of Theorem 3.1 :
deg1 Q(s) = 1 d1 + r = 1 + r
deg2 Q(s) = 0 d2 + r = 0 + r
so r = 0, 1, ... satisfy the conditions. Let r = 0, then l = 3; take {sj, aj, j = 1, 2, 3} = {(0,
[1, 0]'), (0, [0, 1]'), (1, [1, 0]')} and note that Srl does have full rank. Then

0 1 1
MLrl = M0[L(0)a1, L(0)a2, L(1)a3] = M0 - 1 1 0
= [Q(0)a1, Q(1)a2, Q(2)a3]
= [1, 1, 2] = Bl .

This has a unique solution M(s) = Mo = [2, -1]. Note that here L(s) is unimodular and in
fact the equation has a unique solution for any (1x2) Q(s).
Constraints on Solutions
When there are more unknowns (t(r+1)) than equations (l = d i + m(r+1)) in
(3.9) or (3.13), this additional freedom can be exploited so that M(s) satisfies additional
constraints. In particular, k := t(r+1) - l additional linear constraints, expressed in terms of
the coefficients of M(s) (in M), can be satisfied in general. The equations describing the
constraints can be used to augment the equations in (3.9). In this case the equations to be
solved become
M[Lrl , C] = [Bl, D]
where MC = D represents k := t(r+1) - l linear constraints imposed on the coefficients M;
C and D are matrices (real or complex) with k columns each. Similarly, if (3.13) is the
equation to be solved, then to satisfy additional linear constraints one solves
M[Sl , C] = [Bl, D]
This formulation for additional constraints is used extensively in the following to obtain
solutions of the Diophantine equation which have certain properties. It should also be
noted that additional constraints on solutions which cannot be expressed as linear algebraic
equations on the coefficients M can of course be handled directly. One could, for example,
impose the condition that coefficients in M must minimize some suitable performance
Numerical Considerations
In MLrl = Bl (3.9), the matrix Lrl (t(r+1)xl) is constructed from Lr(s) = [L(s)', ...,
srL(s)']' and (sj, aj) j = 1, l. The choice of the interpolation points (sj, aj) certainly affects
the condition number of Lrl. Typically, a random choice suffices to guarantee an adequate
condition number. This condition number can many times be improved by using an
alternative ( other than [1, s, ... ]) polynomial basis such as Chebychev polynomials.
Similar comments apply to equation MSl = Bl (3.13). It is shown below how (3.9) and
(3.13) change in this case.
Let [p0 , ..., pr ] ' = T[1,s, ..., sr ] ' where pi (s) are the elements of the new
polynomial basis and T = [tij] i,j = 1, r + 1 is the transformation matrix.
^ [p I, ..., p I]' from which
Then M(s) = M[I, sI, ..., srI]' = M

M = M[TIt]



^ are of course the representation of M(s)

where denotes the Kronecker product. M and M

with respect to the different bases. (3.9) now becomes

^ ^

MLrl= Bl
where Lrl involves Lr(s) = [p0L(s)', ..., prL(s)']' instead of Lr(s). Here


Lrl = [TIt]Lrl
where Lrl will have improved condition number over Lrl for appropriate choices of pi(s) or
T. Similarly, (3.13) becomes in this case
^ ^

MSl= Bl



Sl = [TIt]Sl


The Diophantine Equation

An important case of (3.1) is the Diophantine equation:
X(s)D(s) + Y(s)N(s) = Q(s)
where the polynomial matrices D(s), N(s) and Q(s) are given and X(s), Y(s) are to be
found. Rewrite as
[X(s), Y(s)]
= M(s)L(s) = Q(s)
from which it is immediately clear that the Diophantine equation is a polynomial equation of
the form (3.1) with
M(s) = [X(s), Y(s)], L(s) =

and all the previous results do apply. That is, Theorem 3.1 guarantees that all solutions of
(3.24) of degree r are found by solving (3.9) (or (3.13)). In the theory of Systems and
Control the Diophantine equation used involves a matrix L(s) = [D'(s), N'(s)]' which has
rather specific properties. These now will be exploited to solve the Diophantine equation
and to derive results beyond the results of Theorem 3.1. In particular conditions are
derived which, if satisfied, a solution to (3.24) of degree r does exist.
Consider N(s) (pxm) and D(s) (mxm) with |D(s)| 0; N(s)D-1(s) = H(s) a proper
transfer matrix, that is

lim H(s) <

Then L(s) ((p+m)xm) in (3.25) has full column rank and, as it is known, the
Diophantine equation (3.24) has a solution if and only if a greatest right divisor (grd) of the
columns of L(s) is a right divisor (rd) of Q(s). Let (N,D) be right coprime (rc), a typical
case. This implies that a solution M = [X, Y] of some degree r always exists. We shall
now establish lower bounds for r, in addition to (3.10), for the system of linear equations
(3.9) (or equivalently (3.13)) to have a solution for any Bl; that is, in view of (3.14) we are
interested in the conditions under which Lrl ((p+m)(r+1)xl) has full column rankl. Clearly
these equations can be used to search for solutions for lower degree than r, if desirable.
Such solutions M(s) may exist for particular L(s) and Q(s), as discussed above;
approximate solutions of certain degree may also be obtained using this approach.
Lr(s) in (3.7) has column degrees di+r i = 1,m and it can be written as
Lr(s) = LrSr(s)
where Sr(s) := blk diag[1, s, ..., s i ]'. It will be shown that under certain conditions Lr
((p+m)(r+1)x[ di + m(r+1)]) has full column rank. Then in view of
Lrl := [Lr(s1) a1,..., Lr(sl)al]
=Lr [Sr(s1) a1,..., Sr(sl)al] = LrSrl


and the Sylvester's inequality it will be shown that Lrl ((p+m)(r+1)xl) also has full column
rank, thus guaranteeing that a solution to MLrl = Bl (3.9) does exist.
N(s), D(s) are right coprime with N(s)D-1(s) = H a proper transfer matrix. Let be
the observability index and n := deg|D(s)|, the order of this system. Assume that D(s) is
column reduced (column proper); note that degci(L(s)) = di = degciD(s) since the transfer
matrix is proper. Then n = di .
Lemma 3.2 : Rank Lr = n + m(r+1) for r -1.
Proof : First note that Lr has more rows than columns when r n/p -1. It is now known
that the observability index satisfies n/p. Therefore, for r - 1 Lr has more rows
than columns and full column rank is possible. For r = - 1, rank Lr = n +m = n +
m(r+1), since Lr in this case is the eliminant matrix in (Wolovich 74) which has full rank
when N, D are coprime. Let now r = and consider the system defined by Ne(s) := LDe(s) := s D(s) with He(s) = Ne(s)De(s)-1. It can be quite easily shown that Ne and
De are right coprime and De is column reduced; furthermore, the observability index of this

system is e = 1. This is because there are n + m nonzero observability indices 1 since
Lr-1, the output map of a state space realization of H(s), has n + m independent rows; in
view of the fact that the order of the system is deg|s D(s)| = n + m, all these indices must
be equal to 1. Now
N e (s) L -1 (s)

= LeS(s)
D e(s) s D ( s )
and rank Le = n + m + m since Ne, De satisfy all the requirements of the eliminant matrix
theorem (Wolovich 74). This implies that for r = rank Lr = n +m + m, since Lr(s) =
[Ne(s)', De(s)', s N(s)']' and addition of rows to Le, to obtain L , does not affect its full
column rank. A similar proof can be used to show, in general, that if rank Lr = n + m(r+1)
for some r = r1 > -1 then it is also true for r = r1 +1. In view of the fact that it is also true
for r = - 1 (also r = ), the statement of the lemma is true, by induction.
The following corollary of the Lemma is now obtained. Assume that (sj, aj) are
selected to satisfy the assumptions of Theorem 3.1, Srl full column rank, and let D(s) be
column reduced:
Corollary 3.3 : Rank Lrl = rank Srl = l di + m(r+1) for r -1.
Proof : In (3.27), Lrl = LrSrl where Lrl ((p+m)(r+1)xl ), Lr ((p+m)(r+1)x[di +m(r+1)].
Applying Sylvester's inequality,
rank Lr + rank Srl - [di + m(r+1)] rank Lrl min [rank Lr, rank Srl].
For r -1, rank Lr = n + m(r+1) with n = di (D(s) column reduced) in view of Lemma
3.2. Therefore rank Lrl = rank Srl which equals the number of columns l, as it is assumed
in Theorem 3.1.

The main result of this section can now be stated: Consider the Diophantine
equation of (3.24) where N(s)(pxm), D(s)(mxm) right coprime and H(s) = N(s)D -1(s) a
proper transfer matrix. Let be the observability index of the system and let D(s) be
column reduced with di := degciD(s). Let l = di + m(r+1) interpolation points (sj, aj, bj) j
= 1, l be taken such that Srl has full rank (condition of Theorem 3.1). Then
Theorem 3.4 : Let r satisfy
degci[Q(s)] di +r

i = 1, m and r -1.


Then the Diophantine equation (3.23) has solutions of degree r, which can be found by
solving MLrl = Bl (3.9) ( or (3.13)).
Proof : In view of Theorem 3.1 all solutions of degree r, if such solutions exist, can be
found by solving (3.9). If, in addition r -1, in view of Corollary 3.3 Lrl has full
column rank which implies that a solution exists for any Bl, or that a solution of the
Diophantine of degree r exists for any Q(s).
The theorem basically says that if the degree r of a solution to be found is taken
large enough, in particular r - 1, then such a solution to the Diophantine does exist. All
such solutions of degree r can be found by using the polynomial matrix interpolation results
in Theorem 3.1 and solving (3.9) (or (3.13)). The fact that a solution of degree r v-1
exists when D(s) is column reduced and certain constraints on the degrees of Q(s) has been
known (see for example Theorem 9.17 in (Chen 84)). This same result was derived here
using a novel formulation and a proof based on interpolation results.
Example 3.3 : Let
0 , N(s) =
D(s) = s
1 -s+1

Q(s) =

[ s1+ 1 10], and

s3 + 2s2 - 3s - 5
-2s 2 - 5 s - 4

-5s - 5
- 3 s - 2


Here D(s) is column reduced with d1 = 2, d2 = 1 and = 2. According to Theorem 3.1,

degci[Q(s)] di +r i = 1,2, implies 3 2 + r and 2 1 + r from which r 1; l = \I\su(1,m,
di + m) (r+1) = 5 + 2r interpolation points. For such r, all solutions of degree r are given
by (3.9) or (3.13). Here r -1 = 1, therefore in view of Theorem 3.4 a solution of
degree r = 1 does exist. All such solutions are found using MLrl = Bl (3.9) or (3.13). For
r = 1, sj = -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 and
aj =

[-10], [-11], [10], [01], [-10 ], [-11 ], [11]

a solution is
s + 4 -4s - 2 -6 .
If in D(s) the column reduced assumption is relaxed then:
M(s) = [X(s), Y(s)] =

[s +2 5

Corollary 3.5 : Rank Lrl = rank Lr = n + m(r+1) for l = di + m(r+1) and r - 1.

Proof : First note that Srl in this case is square and nonsingular which in view of (3.27)
implies that rank Lrl = rank Lr . Since D(s) is not column reduced then n < di . In
general in this case, for r - 1 rank Lr = n +m(r+1) di + m(r+1) (with equality
holding when D(s) is column reduced); that is n + m(r+1) is the highest rank Lr can
achieve. This can be shown by reducing D(s) to a column reduced matrix by unimodular
multiplication and using Sylvester's inequality together with Lemma 3.2.
When D(s) is not column reduced, then, in view of Corollary 3.5, Lrl in MLrl = Bl
(3.9) will not have full column rank l but rank Lrl = n + m(r+1) < di + m(r+1) = l. In
view of (3.14), solution will exist in this case if Q(s) is such that the rank condition in
(3.14) is satisfied; this will happen when only n+m(r+1) equations in (3.9), out of l , are
independent. If r is chosen larger in this case, that is if it is selected to satisfy degciQ + m
< n + m(r+1) or degci Q < n + mr, instead of degci Q di + mr as required by
Theorem 3.4, then in view to Theorem 2.1, there are l - (degciQ + m) more interpolation
equations than needed to uniquely specify Q(s) and these additional columns in Bl will be
linearly dependent on the previous ones. If similar dependence exists between the
corresponding columns of Lrl then (3.14) is satisfied and a solution exists. In other words,
if r is taken to be large enough, then the conditions of Theorem 3.4 on r will always be
satisfied in this case (after D(s) is reduced to column reduced form by a multiplication of
the Diophantine equation by an appropriate unimodular matrix). It should also be stressed
at this point that numerically it is straightforward to try different values for r in solving
MLrl = Bl (3.9).
Constraints on Solutions
In the equation MLrl = Bl (3.9) there are at each row t(r+1) = (p+m)(r+1)
unknowns (number of columns of M = [M0, ..., Mr] = [(X0, Y0), ..., (Xr, Yr)]) and l =
di + m(r+1) linearly independent equations (number of columns of Lrl). Therefore, for r
sufficiently large, there are p(r+1) - di more unknowns than equations and it is possible
to satisfy, in general, an equal number of additional constraints on the coefficients M of
M(s) = [X(s), Y(s)]. These constraints can be accommodated by selecting larger values for
r and they are exceptionally easy to handle in this setting when they are linear. Then, the
equation to be solved becomes
M [Lrl, C] = [Bl, D]


where M C = D are the, say kd desired constraints on the coefficients of the solution; the
matrices C and D have kd columns each. The degree of the solution r should then be
chosen so that
p(r+1) - di kd
in addition to satisfying the conditions of Theorem 3.4.
Typically, we want solutions of the Diophantine with |X(s)| 0. This can be
satisfied by requiring for example that Xr = I (or any other nonsingular matrix) which, in
addition guarantees that X-1(s)Y(s) will be proper. Note that to guarantee that Xr = I one
needs to use m linear equations, that is in this case the number of columns of C and D will
be at least m.
To gain some insight into this important technique, consider the scalar case which
has been studied by a variety of methods. In particular, consider the polynomial
Diophantine where p = m = 1. Let di = deg D(s) = n, nq = degQ(s) and note that = n.
Therefore r, according to Theorem 3.4, must be chosen to satisfy r nq - n and r n -1.
Select Q(s) so that nq = 2n - 1 then r n -1 satisfies all conditions, as it is well known. In
view of the above, to guarantee that X-1Y will be proper, one needs to set an additional
constraint such as Xr = 1 (m = 1), which in view of (3.30) implies that X-1(s)Y(s) proper
can be guaranteed if r is chosen to satisfy r n. In the case when N(s)D-1(s) is strictly
proper (instead of proper), however, this additional constraint is not needed and X-1(s)Y(s)
proper can be obtained for r n - 1. This is because in this case a solution with Xr = 0
leading perhaps to a nonproper X-1(s)Y(s) is not possible. Notice that for r = n - 1 the
solution is unique.
Example 3.4:
Consider Example 3.3, p(r+1) - di = 2(1+1) - (2+1) = 1. From (3.30), one can
add one extra constraint on the solution in the form of (3.16) or (3.17). Assume that in
addition to solve for [X(s), Y(s)] in Example 3.3, it is desirable that X(s) has a zero at
s=-10 and X(-10)[1 2]' = [0 0]'. This can be easily incorporated as an extra interpolation
triplet using (3.17). The solution obtained is
-18s-2 16(s+1) .
Note that X(s) has a zero at -10 and [X(s), Y(s)] is a solution of the Diophantine equation
(3.23) with the D(s), N(s) and Q(s) given in Example 3.3.
M(s) = [X(s), Y(s)] =

Example 3.5: Let

16 -s-18


D(s) =

s-1 0
1 0
[ s-2
0 s+1], N(s) = [ 1
1], and Q(s) = [0 1]

From which d1 = d2 = 1; degciQ(s) = 0, i=1, 2; and l = 2 + 2(r+1)

For r = 1, sj = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 and
aj = 1 , 3 , -1 ,

[ ] [ ] [ ] [-13], [-11], [-11 ]

a solution is
M(s) = [X(s), Y(s)] =



0 -1/3s+2/3 .

Example 3.6: Let

D(s) =

s-1 0
0 0
[ s-2
0 s+1], N(s) = [ 1
1], and Q(s) = [0 0]

From which d1 = d2 = 1; degciQ(s) = 0, i=1, 2; and l = 2 + 2(r+1)

For r = 1, sj = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 and
aj = 1 , 0 , -1 ,

[ ] [ ] [ ] [-10], [-11], [-11 ]

a solution is
M(s) = [X(s), Y(s)]
-.4665s-.2954 .3805 .4665s+.2085 -.3805(s+1)
= .3401s-.4040 .0320 -.3401s+.7761 -.0320(s+1) .
Note that, in this example, the rows of [M0, M1] forms the basis for the left null space of

Note that in Example 3.5 and 3.6 we solved the problem

X(s) Y(s) D(s) = I
(s) D(s) N(s)
separately, where X(s) and Y(s) are the solution of the Bezout identity and D-1(s)N(s) =
N(s)D-1(s) gives the left coprime factorization.

[ ] []

When all the n zeros of an nth degree polynomial q(s) are given, then q(s) is
specified within a nonzero constant. In contrast, the zeros of the determinant of a
polynomial matrix Q(s) do not adequately characterize Q(s); information about the structure
of Q(s) is also necessary. This additional information is contained in the characteristic
vectors of Q(s), which must also be given, together with the characteristic values, to
characterize Q(s). The characteristic values and vectors of Q(s) are studied in this section.
We are interested in cases where the complex numbers sj j = 1, l used in
interpolation, have special meaning. In particular, we are interested in cases where sj are
the roots of the nontrivial polynomial entries of the Smith form of the polynomial matrix
Q(s) or, equivalently, roots of the minors of Q(s), or roots of the invariant polynomials of
Q(s) (see Appendix A). Such results are useful in addressing a variety of control problems
as it is shown later in this and the following sections. Here we first specialize certain
interpolation results from Section II to the case when bj, in the interpolation constraints
(2.3), are zero and we derive Corollary 4.1. This corollary characterizes the structure of all
nonsingular Q(s) if all of the roots of |Q(s)| together with their associated directions, i.e.
(sj, aj), are given. We then concentrate on the characteristic values and vectors of Q(s) and
in Theorems 4.2, 4.3, 4.7 and in Appendix A, we completely characterize all matrices with
given such characteristic values and vectors.
Note that here only the right characteristic vectors are discussed (Q(s j)aj = 0);
similar results are of course valid for left characteristic vectors (aj Q(sj) = 0; see also
Corollary 2.5) and they can be easily derived in a manner completely analogous to the
derivations of the results presented in this and the following sections. These dual results
are omitted here.
Consider the interpolation constraints (2.3) with bj = 0; that is
Q(sj)aj = 0 j =1, l
In this case one solves (2.5) with Bl = 0; that is
QSl = Bl = 0
where Sl = [S(s1)a1, ..., S(sl)al] (di + m)xl and Q (px(di + m)). This case, Bl = 0,
was briefly discussed in Section II, see (2.11); see also the discussion on eigenvalues and
eigenvectors. We shall now start with the case when Q(s) is nonsingular. The following
corollary is a direct consequence of Corollary 2.2:

Corollary 4.1: Let Q(s) be (mxm) and nonsingular with n = deg|Q(s)|. Let d i i = 1, m be
its column degrees and let di = n. If (sj, aj) j = 1, l with l = n are given and they are such
that S1l has full rank, then a Q(s) which satisfies (4.1) is uniquely specified within a
premultiplication by an (mxm) nonsingular leading coefficient matrix Cc.
Proof: Since deg|Q(s)| = n = di the leading coefficient matrix Cc of Q(s) must be
nonsingular. The rest follows directly from (2.7).
This corollary says that if all the n zeros sj of the determinant of Q(s) are given
together with the corresponding vectors a j which satisfy (4.1) then, under certain
assumptions (S1l full rank), Q(s) is uniquely determined within a nonsingular leading
coefficient matrix Cc provided that its column degrees di (given) satisfy di = n. If di are
not specified, there are many such matrices. One could relax some of the assumptions (S1l
full rank) and further extend some of the results of Section II by using derivatives of Q(s)
and Theorem 2.8. Instead, we start a new line of inquiry which concentrates on the
meaning of (sj, aj) when they satisfy relations such as (4.1). We return to Corollary 4.1
later on in this section.
If a complex scalar z and vector a satisfy Q(z) a = 0, where Q(s) is a pxm matrix
and the vector a 0, then under certain conditions z and a are called characteristic value and
vector of Q(s) respectively. This is of course an extension of the well known concepts in
the special case when Q(s) = sI-A; then z and a are an eigenvalue and the corresponding
eigenvector of A respectively. Note that in the general matrix case, the fact that z and a
satisfy Q(z) a = 0 does not necessarily imply that they do have special meaning; for
example, for Q(s) = [1 0] and a = [0 1]', Q(z) a = 0 for any scalar z. On the other hand if
Q(s) is square and nonsingular, Q(z) a = 0 would imply that z is a root of the determinant
of Q(s); in fact in this case z and a are indeed characteristic value and vector of Q(s).
Conditions of the form Q(z) a = 0 imposed so that to force Q(s) to have certain
characteristic values and vectors are very important in applications. The definitions of
characteristic values and vectors are given below.
Given a pxm polynomial matrix Q(s), its Smith form is uniquely defined; see
Appendix A. The characteristic values (or zeroes) of Q(s) are defined using the invariant
polynomials i (s) of Q(s).

Definition 4.1: The characteristic values of Q(s) are the roots of the invariant polynomials
of Q(s) taken all together. If a complex scalar sj is a characteristic value of Q(s), the mx1
complex nonzero vector aj which satisfies
Q(sj)aj = 0
is the corresponding characteristic vector of Q(s).
Q(s) may have repeated characteristic values and the algebraic and a geometric
multiplicity of sj are defined below for Q(s) square and nonsingular; it is straightforward to
extend these definitions to a pxm Q(s). In the case of a real matrix A, if some of the
eigenvalues are repeated one may have to use generalized eigenvectors. Here generalized
characteristic vectors of Q(s) are also defined. The general definition involves derivatives
of Q(s) and it is treated in the Appendix. In the results below, only characteristic vectors
that satisfy relation (4.1), which does not contain derivatives of Q(s), are considered for
reasons of simplicity and clarity; a general version of these results can be found in the
Appendix A.
Let Q(s) be an (mxm) nonsingular matrix. If sj is a zero of |Q(s)| repeated nj times,
define nj to be the algebraic multiplicity of sj; define also the geometric multiplicity of sj as
the quantity (m - rank Q(sj)).
Theorem 4.2: There exist complex scalar sj and lj nonzero linearly independent (mx1)
vectors aij i = 1, lj which satisfy
Q(sj)aij = 0


if and only if sj is a zero of |Q(s)| with algebraic multiplicity (=nj) lj and geometric
multiplicity (= m - rankQ(sj)) lj.
Proof: This is a special case of the Theorem A.1 of Appendix A for kij = 1 i = 1, lj .
The complex values sj and vectors aij are characteristic values and vectors of Q(s).
In the case when lj = 1, the theorem simply states that sj is a zero of |Q(s)| if and only if
rankQ(sj) < m, an obvious and well known result. The conditions of Theorem 4.2 imply
certain structure for the Smith form of Q(s), as it is shown in Corollary A.3 in Appendix A.
In particular, if the conditions of Theorem 4.2 are satisfied then the Smith form of Q(s)
contains the factor (s - sj) in lj separate locations on the diagonal.

In the following it is assumed that n = deg|Q(s)| is known and the matrices Q(s)
with given characteristic values and vectors sj and aij are characterized.
Theorem 4.3: Let n = deg|Q(s)|. There exist distinct complex scalars sj and (mx1)

nonzero vectors aij i = 1, lj j = 1, with lj = n and aij i = 1, lj linearly independent which

satisfy (4.4) if and only if the zeros of |Q(s)| have distinct values sj j = 1, , each with
algebraic multiplicity (= nj) = lj and geometric multiplicity (= m - rank Q(sj)) = lj.
Proof: This is a special case of the Theorem A.4 in the Appendix.
Note that the independence condition on the mx1 vectors a1j , a2j , ...,aljj implies
that lj m; that is no characteristic value is repeated more that m times. One should use the
general Theorem A.4 if this is not sufficient.
The following corollary of Theorem 4.3 formalizes the most familiar case:
Corollary 4.4: Let n = deg |Q(s)|. There exist n distinct complex scalars s j and (mx1)
nonzero vectors aj j = 1, n which satisfy (4.1) if and only if the zeros of |Q(s)| have n
distinct values sj.
If a matrix Q(s) satisfies the conditions of Theorem 4.3, its Smith form contains the
factor (s - sj) in exactly lj different locations on the diagonal; see Corollary A.5 and (A.4).
This is true for each distinct value sj j = 1, . In view of the divisibility properties of the
diagonal entries of the Smith form, this information specifies uniquely the Smith form; that
Corollary 4.5: All Q(s) which satisfy the conditions of Theorem 4.3 have the same Smith
If a Smith form with factors (s - sj)kij kij 1 in certain location is desired, one then
must use Theorem A.4 and Corollary A.5 that utilize the derivatives of Q(s).
Example 4.1: Suppose for some Q(s), deg |Q(s)| = n = 2 and, Q(sj)aij = 0 is satisfied for s1
= 1 and a11 = [1, 0]' and a21 = [ 0, 1]'. Here lj = l1 = 2. Since l1 = 2 = n, Theorem 3.3
implies that = 1, or that s1 = 1 is the only distinct root of |Q(s)| and it has an algebraic
multiplicity (=n) = 2 = l1 and geometric multiplicity = 2 = l1. Its Smith form has s - 1 in l1
= 2 locations on the diagonal and it is uniquely determined. It is


E(s) =
(See also Example A.1).

[s-10 s-1

Additional structural information about matrices Q(s) which satisfy the conditions
of Theorem 4.3 is given by applying Corollary 4.1. Corollary 4.1 has the condition that
S1l must have full (column) rank. Notice that the repeated values sj give rise to lj linearly
independent columns S(sj)aij i = 1, lj in S1l because aij i = 1, lj are linearly independent;
therefore S1l has full rank for almost any set of (sj, aij) of Theorem 4.3. Corollary 4.1
then implies that the matrices Q(s) which satisfy the conditions of Theorem 4.3 are
uniquely specified within a premultiplication by a nonsingular matrix Cc if the column
degrees di are given and they satisfy di = n; note that it is not possible to have di < n
since n = deg|Q(s)|. It should be pointed out that this result does not contradict the fact that
if the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of a matrix A are known, then sI-A = Q(s) is
uniquely determined, since in this case the additional facts that di = 1 i = 1,n and Cc = I are
being used; see Corollary 2.3. If di > n then Q(s) is underdefined and there are many
such matrices Q(s) (note that Cc is singular in this case). To obtain such matrices in this
case (di > n) one could select a Q(s) with di = n and then premultiply Q(s) by an
arbitrary unimodular matrix U(s); note that |Q(s)| and |U(s)Q(s)| have exactly the same
zeros. Therefore, the conditions of Theorem 4.3 specify Q(s) within a unimodular
Lemma 4.6: Theorem 4.3 is satisfied by a matrix Q(s) if and only if it is satisfied by
U(s)Q(s) where U(s) is any unimodular matrix.
Proof: Straight forward. Note that (4.3) is satisfied if and only if it is satisfied for
U(s)Q(s) with the same sj and aij; this is because U(sj) is nonsingular.
It is of interest at this point to briefly summarize the results so far: Assume that, for
an (mxm) polynomial matrix Q(s) yet to be chosen, we have decided upon the degree of
Q(s) as well as its zero locations - that is about n, sj and the algebraic multiplicities nj.
Clearly there are many matrices that satisfy these requirements; consider for example all the
diagonal matrices that satisfy these requirements. If we specify the geometric multiplicities
l j as well, then this implies that the matrices Q(s) must satisfy certain structural
requirements so that m-rankQ(sj) = lj is satisfied; in our example the diagonal matrix, the
factors (s-sj) must be appropriately distributed on the diagonal. If kij are also chosen to be
equal to 1 as it is the case studied here (see Appendix for kij 1), then the Smith form of

Q(s) is completely defined, that is Q(s) is defined within pre and post unimodular matrix
multiplications. Note that this is equivalent to imposing the restriction that Q(s) must
satisfy n relations of type (4.4), as in Theorem 4.3, without fixing the vectors akij . If in
addition akij. are completely specified then Q(s) is determined within a unimodular
premultiplication; see Lemma 4.6.
If an (mxm) nonsingular polynomial matrix Q(s) satisfies all conditions of Theorem
4.3 with the exception that deg|Q(s)| is not specified, then in view of Theorem 3.2 the
following can be shown.
Corollary 4.7: Let |Q(s)| 0. There exist distinct complex scalars sj and (mx1) nonzero

vectors aij i = 1, lj j = 1, with lj = n and aij i = 1, lj linearly independent which satisfy

(4.4) if and only if ~n := deg|Q(s)| n with sj j = 1, roots of |Q(s)|, and with algebraic and
geometric multiplicity of sj in Q(s) lj .

In view of this corollary, it can now be shown that the conditions of Theorem 4.3,
with the exception that the deg|Q(s)| is not given, specify Q(s) within a premultiplication by
a polynomial matrix. That is:

Corollary 4.8: Let |Q(s)| 0 and let (4.4) be satisfied for (sj, aij) i = 1, lj j = 1, with lj
= n with aij i = 1, lj linearly independent and sj j = 1, distinct. Then Q(s) is specified
within a premultiplication by a polynomial matrix. This polynomial matrix is unimodular if
deg|Q(s)| = n.
Note that if ~n = n, then the conditions of Corollary 4.7 are same as the ones in
Theorem 4.3 and the fact that Q(s) is specified within a premultiplication by a unimodular
matrix in Corollary 4.8 agrees with Lemma 4.6. Corollary 4.8 also agrees with Corollary
4.1 when it is applied with di > n (see discussion following Example 4.1).
The above Theorems and Corollaries show that the existence of appropriate (s j, aij)
which satisfy (4.4) implies (and it is implied by) the occurrence of certain roots in |Q(s)|
and certain directions associated with these roots. How does one go about selecting such
aij and how does one go about finding an appropriate Q(s)? This can of course be done by
Corollary 4.1. (sj, aij) are chosen so that S1l has full rank as it was discussed following

Example 4.1. Note that in view of Lemma 2.4, if sj are distinct the corresponding
(nonzero) aj can be chosen almost arbitrarily as in this case S1l will have full rank for
almost any set of nonzero aj. Therefore if one is interested in determining a polynomial
matrix Q(s) with |Q(s)| having n distinct zeros, one could (almost) arbitrarily choose n
nonzero vectors aj and apply Corollary 4.1 to determine such Q(s). If additional
requirements are imposed, such as certain algebraic and geometric multiplicities for the
zeros, then the results in this section and in the Appendix should be utilized.
In the following, the results in Corollaries 4.7 and 4.8 derived for Q(s) square and
nonsingular are extended to the nonsquare case.
Given (mxm) Q(s), let n = deg|Q(s)| and assume that
Q(sj)aij = 0


is satisfied for distinct sj j = 1, with aij i = 1, lj linearly independent and lj = n. That

is assume that sj and aij and Q(s) satisfy Theorem 4.3.
Theorem 4.9: Q(s) is a right divisor (rd) of an (rxm) polynomial matrix M(s) if and only if
M(s) satisfies
M(sj)aij = 0
with the same (sj, aij) as in (4.5) above.
^ Q. Premultiply (4.5) by M
^ (s ) to obtain (4.6).
Proof: Necessity: If Q is a rd of M, M = M
Sufficiency: Let M(s) satisfy (4.6) and let G(s) be a greatest rd of M and Q: Then there
exist a unimodular matrix U such that U M = 0 . This implies that G satisfies the
same n relations as Q(s) and M(s) in (4.5) and (4.6) respectively. Therefore deg|G(s)| n
^ G which implies that Q
^ is
in view of Corollary 4.6. Since G is a rd of Q, Q = Q
~ G = (M
^ -1)Q, that is Q is a rd of M.
unimodular since deg|Q| = n. Therefore M = M

[ ] [ ]

Theorem 4.9 is very important; a more general version is given in Theorem A.7 in
the Appendix. From the theoretical point of view, it generalizes the characteristic value and
vector results to the nonsquare, nonfull rank case. In addition, from the practical point of
view it provides a convenient way to impose the restriction on a rxm M(s) that can be
written as

M = WQ


where the square and nonsingular Q has specific characteristic values and vectors and W is
a " do not care" polynomial matrix.
In the polynomial case, Theorem 4.9 states that the polynomial m(s) has a factor
q(s) if the (distinct) roots of q(s) are also roots of m(s). For repeated roots one should use
Theorem A.7 in the Appendix.
In view of the above, it should be now clear that n relations of the form M(sj)aj = 0
j = 1, n with sj distinct and aj nonzero (mx1) vectors will guarantee that the (rxm) M(s) has
a rd Q(s) which has n distinct zeros of |Q(s)| equal to sj. Such M(s) can be determined
using Corollary 4.1.
Corollary 4.10: An rxm polynomial matrix M(s) has a rd Q(s) with the property that the
zeros of |Q(s)| are equal to the n distinct values sj j = 1,n if and only if there exist nonzero
vectors aj such that
M(sj)aj = 0 j = 1,n
Proof: There exists an mxm Q(s) with deg|Q(s)| = n which satisfies Q(sj)aj = 0. Then in
view of Theorem 4.9, the result follows.
The results developed in the previous section on the characteristic values and
vectors of a polynomial matrix Q(s) are useful in a wide range of problems in Systems and
Control. Several of these problems and their solutions using interpolation are discussed in
this section. The pole placement or pole assignment problem is discussed first.
Pole or eigenvalue assignment is a problem studied extensively in the literature. In
the following it is shown how this problem can be addressed using interpolation, in a way
which is perhaps more natural and effective. Dynamic (and static) output feedback is used
first to arbitrarily shift the closed loop eigenvalues (also known as the poles of the system).
Then state feedback is studied.
Output Feedback - Diophantine Equation

Dynamic Output Feedback
Here all proper output controllers of degree r (of order mr) that assign all the closed
loop eigenvalues to arbitrary locations are characterized in a convenient way. This has not
been done before.
We are interested in solutions [X(s), Y(s)] (mx(p+m)) of the Diophantine equation
X(s) D(s) + Y(s)N(s) = Q(s)


where only the roots of |Q(s)| are specified; furthermore X-1(s)Y(s) should exist and be
proper. This problem is known as the pole placement (eigenvalue assignment) problem
where N(s)D-1(s) (pxm) is a description of the plant to be controlled and C = X-1(s)Y(s)
(mxp) is the desired controller which assigns the closed-loop poles (eigenvalues) at desired
Note the difference between the problem studied in Section III, where Q(s) is
known, and the problem studied here where only the roots of Q(s) (or Q(s) within
multiplication by some nonzero real scalar) are given. It is clear, especially in view of
Section IV, that there are many (in fact an infinite number) of Q(s) with the desired roots in
Q(s). So if one selects in advance a Q(s) with desired roots in Q(s) that does not
satisfy any other design criteria (and there are usually additional control goals to be
accomplished) as it is typically done, then one really solves a more restrictive problem than
the eigenvalue assignment problem. In fact in this case one solves a problem where the
methods of Section III are appropriate, as in this case Q(s) is given; note that this approach
to the problem is closer to the characteristic value and vector assignment problem
(eigenvalue / eigenvector problem) discussed below, than just the pole assignment
problem. In the scalar polynomial case if Q(s) is selected so that the roots of Q(s) are the
desired ones then one really arbitrarily selects in addition only the leading coefficient of
Q(s), which is not really restrictive. This perhaps explains the tendency to do something
analogous in the multivariable case; this however clearly changes and restricts the original
problem. It is shown here that one does not have to select Q(s) in advance. For the pole
placement problem it is more natural to use the interpolation approach of Section IV, where
the flexibility in selecting Q(s) is expressed in terms of selecting the characteristic vectors of
Q(s); in general for almost any choice for the characteristic vectors, subject to some rather
mild rank conditions (see Section IV) the pole assignment is accomplished. These vectors
can then be seen as design parameters and they can be selected almost arbitrarily to satisfy

requirements in addition to pole assignment. Note that this design approach is rather well
known in the state feedback case as it is discussed later in this section.
Consider now the Diophantine equation (5.1). The results of Sections III and IV
will be used to solve the pole assignment problem.
The Diophantine equation (5.1) has been studied at length in Section III and the
notation developed there will also be used in this section.
In particular, let
M(s) := [X(s), Y(s)] and L(s) := [D'(s), N'(s)]' then (5.1) becomes M(s) L(s) = Q(s).
This equation can be written as MLr(s) = Q(s) (3.7) where M := [M0, ..., Mr] a real matrix
with M(s) := M0 + ... + Mrsr and Lr(s) :=[L(s)', ..., srL(s)']' . If now bj := Q(sj)aj j = 1,
l and Bl := [b1, ..., bl] then the equation to be solved,(see (3.9)) is
MLrl = Bl = 0


where Lrl := [Lr(s1) a1,..., Lr(sl)al] (p+m)(r+1)xl) (see also (3.37)); the unknown matrix
M is mx(p+m)(r+1).
If the the column degrees of L(s) = [D'(s), N'(s)]' are di and the degree of M(s) =
[X(s), Y(s)] is r, then deg|X(s) D(s) + Y(s)N(s)| = deg|M(s)L(s)| di + mr ; the equality
is satisfied when X(s) D(s) + Y(s)N(s) is column reduced. In Corollary 3.3 the conditions
under which Lrl has full column rank were derived: if (sj, aj) are selected to satisfy the
assumptions of Theorem 3.1, that is Srl to have full column rank, then rank Lrl = rank Srl =
l di + m(r+1) for r -1, where is the observability index [10] of the system; note
that Lrl := [Lr(s1 ) a1 ,..., Lr(sl)al] =Lr [Sr(s1 ) a1 ,..., Sr(sl)al] = LrS rl where Sr(s) := blk
diag[1, s, ..., sdi+r]'. That is, under mild conditions on (sj, aj) and for r -1, Lrl has
full column rank l .
Suppose now that X(s) D(s) + Y(s)N(s) is forced to satisfy
M[Lrl , C] = [0, D]
where l = di + mr. Note that MLrl = 0 imposes the condition that
(X(sj) D(sj) + Y(sj)N(sj))aj = 0 j = 1, l


( = di + mr); that is the di + mr roots of |X(s) D(s) + Y(s)N(s)| are to take on the values
sj j = 1, l (see Corollary 4.8 and Theorem 4.9 for the proof of this claim) . Here (sj, aj)
must be such that Srl above has full column rank l (see Corollaries 3.3, 3.5 and the
discussion above); note that this is true for almost any aj when sj are distinct (Lemma 2.4).
For Lrl also to have full column rank l, we need r -1 as it was shown in Corollary 3.3.
In the case when N(s)D-1(s) is proper with |D(s)| = n, n instead of di may be
used in which case l = n+ mr poles are assigned. Note that n must be used when D(s) is
not column reduced, as in this case deg |X(s) D(s) + Y(s)N(s)| = deg |X(s) D(s)| n + mr <
di + mr since X-1(s)Y(s) is also proper; Corollary 3.5 shows that rankLrl = n+mr in this
case and Corollary 4.8 shows that |X(s) D(s) + Y(s)N(s)| will have the desired roots.
The equations MC = D can guarantee that the leading coefficient of X(s) is
nonsingular so that X-1(s) exists and X-1(s)Y(s) is proper. This will add m more equations
(or columns of C and D) for a total of di + m(r+1) equations. Thus the following
theorem has been shown:

Let N(s)D-1(s) be proper with N, D right coprime and |D(s)| = n.

Theorem 5.1 Let r -1. Then (X(s), Y(s)) exists such that all the n+mr zeros of
|X(s) D(s) + Y(s)N(s)| are arbitrarily assigned and X-1(s)Y(s) is proper. It is obtained by
solving (5.3).
In (5.3) there are (at each row) (p+m)(r+1) unknowns and n+m(r+1) equations; the
fact that r -1 implies that there are more unknowns than independent equations as p
n. Note that the Theorem was proved for the case when sj are distinct or more generally
the case when (sj, aj) exist so that Srl has full rank. The general case, where the desired
values sj and their multiplicities are not considered in Section IV, can be studied using the
results in the Appendix which involve derivatives of the polynomial matrices and similar
results can be derived.
Notice that the order of the compensator C(s)=X-1(s)Y(s) is mr with minimum
order m(-1). By reducing the system to a single input controllable system and by using, if
necessary, dual results it can be shown that the minimum order of the pole assigning
compensator C(s) using this method is min (-1, -1), where and are the controllability

and observability indices of the system respectively. This agrees with the well known
results in (Brash and Pearson 70). Furthermore, in certain cases lower order compensators
which assign the desired poles can be determined. Our method makes it possible to easily
search for such lower order compensators.
Example 5.1: Let D(s) = s2 - 1, N(s) = s+2 and |Q(s)| = (s+1)(s-1+j1)(s-1-j1), from which
n = = 2; r 1 and deg|Q(s)| = 2+r. For r = 1, si = -1, 1j1 and a1 = a2 = a3 = 1. Here
s 2 -1
0 -1+j2 -1-j2

1 3+j1 3-j1
L(s) = ss+2 , Lr(s) = s(s2-1), Lrl = 0 -3+j1 -3-j1

-1 2+j4 2-j4
Notice that Lrl is a complex matrix. To solve (5.2) only the real part of Lrl needs to be
considered. A solution is M = [4 -1 -3 -1], that is X(s) = -3s+4 and Y(s) = -(s+1), where
X-1(s)Y(s) is proper.
Example 5.2: Let
s-2 0
s-1 0
D(s) = 0 s+1 , N(s) = 1 1
with n = deg|D(s)| = 2. Here there are deg|X(s)D(s) + Y(s)N(s)| = n + mr = 2 + 2r number
of closed-loop poles to be assigned. Note that r - 1 = 1 - 1 = 0.

i) For r = 0 and {(sj, aj), j = 1,2} = {(-1, [1 0]'), (-2, [0 1]')},

s-2 0
-3 0
0 -1
L(s) = Lr(s) = s-1 0 and Lrl = -2 0

1 1
1 1
and a solution of (5.2) is
2 0 -3 0
M= 0 2 1 2
For this case, M = M(s) = [X(s) Y(s)].
ii) For r = 1, and
{(sj, aj), j = 1,4} = {(-1, [1 0]T), (-2, [0 1]T), (-3, [-1 0]T), (-4, [0 -1]T)}
-3 0 5
0 -1 0
-2 0 4
1 1 -1 - 1
Lr(s) = s(s-2) 0
, Lrl =
3 0 -15 0
0 s(s+1)
0 2 0 -12
s(s-1) 0
2 0 -12 0
-1 - 2 3
a solution of (5.2) yields
s-7 - 1 1 2 s + 1
[X(s) Y(s)] =
5 s + 4 - 6 s+4
Note that X(s)-1Y(s) exists and it is proper.


Example 5.3: Consider the same problem in Example 5.2. Now we'd like to add the
following two constraints. First, that the leading coefficient matrix of X(s) must be an
identity matrix; second, that the first column of Y(s) must be zero, that is, only the second
output is used in the feedback loop.
For r = 1, let X(s) = X0 + X1s and Y(s) = Y0 + Y1s. From the above constraints,
X1 = I and the first columns of Y0 and Y1 are zero vectors. Here M = [X0, Y0, X1, Y1]
and (5.2) is the same as
-3 0 5
0 -1 0
-2 0 4
1 1 -1 - 1
MLrl = [X0, Y0, X1, Y1]
3 0 -15 0 = [0]
0 2 0 -12
2 0 -12 0
-1 - 2 3
To find the solution M that satisfies the two extra constraints, Lrl is first partitioned as

Lrl = Lrl2 , where Lrl1 = -2


0 5
-1 0
0 4
1 -1

3 0 -15 0
2 0 - 12 0
0 , Lrl2 = 0 2 0 -12 , Lrl2 = -1 -2 3 4
- 1

Since X1 = I, the above equation can be rewritten as

[X0, Y0, Y1] Lrl1 = Lrl2
To zero the first columns of Y0 and Y1, two additional columns are added to the equation
[X0, Y0, Y1] [Lrl13 , C] = [ Lrl2 , D]
0 0
0 0
1 0
0 0
where Lrl13 = Lrl1 , C = 0 0, and D = 0 0
0 1
0 0
Solving the last equation yields

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

1 -5 0 5 1 0 0 5
M = 1 6 0 2 0 1 0 -1 ,

X(s) =

0 5(s+1)
1 s+6], and Y(s) = [0 -(s-2) ]

Clearly X-1(s)Y(s) is proper.

Q(s) = W(s)R(s)
There are cases when the equation to be solved has the form
X(s)D(s) + Y(s)N(s) = W(s)R(s)


where R(s) is a given mxm nonsingular matrix and W(s) is not specified; D(s), N(s) are
right coprime. It is necessary to preserve the freedom in W(s) since X(s), Y(s) must
satisfy additional constraints. An instance where this type of equation appears is the
regulator problem with internal stability when the measured plant outputs may be different
from the regulated outputs; in that case X(s),Y(s) must also satisfy another Diophantine
equation (5.1) for pole assignment. The problem here in (5.4) is to select X(s), Y(s) so
that R(s) is a right divisor of X(s)D(s) + Y(s)N(s). This problem can be easily solved
using the approach presented here. The approach is based on Corollary 4.8 (Theorem 4.9
for the nonsquare case) and it is illustrated below:
Example 5.4 Let
2 0
s+1 0
D(s) = s1 -s+1
, N(s) = 1 1

Solve (5.4) with

R(s) =

0 s+1]

To solve (5.4), determine first the appropriate (sj, aij). In this case, deg|R(s)| = 2 and
s1 = -1, a11 = [1 0]', a21 = [0 1]'. Note that R(sj)aij = 0 and the problem is reduced to
solving (5.2) with l = 2 and r = 1. A solution can be found as
s+3/2 1/2
s+1 s
X(s) = s+1/2 s+1/2 , Y(s) =
s 1
where X-1(s)Y(s) is proper and
2s2+3s+3 1
W(s) = 1/2 2s2
+s+3 -2s+3

H(s) = N(s)D-1(s)
In the pole assignment problem, if the desired closed loop poles are different than
the open loop poles (that is the poles of H(s) = N(s)D-1(s) ) then it is not necessary to use a
coprime factorization D(s), N(s) as the transfer function matrix can be used directly. In
particular, (5.1) can be written as X(s) + Y(s)N(s)D-1(s) = Q(s)D-1(s). Substituting sj and
postmultiplying by aj one obtains the equation to be solved
(X(sj) + Y(sj) H(sj) ) aj = 0 j = 1, l

Notice that the characteristic vector corresponding to sj is in this case D-1(sj ) aj.
Example 5.5 Let the open loop tranfer function be
H(s) = 2
s -1
and |Q(s)| = s(s+2)(s+3)(s+4). If si = -2, -3, -4, 0 and ai = 1 i = 1,4, then a solution of
(5.5) is
X(s) = s2 + 9s + 14 and Y(s) = 13s + 7
Example 5.6 Let the open loop transfer funtion matrix be
H(s) = 1
1 and |Q(s)| = s(s+2)(s+3)(s+4)(s+5).
s-2 s+1
If {si , ai } = {(-2, [1 0]'), (-3, [0 1]'), (-4, [-1 0]'), (-5, [0 -1]'), (0, [1 -1]')}, then a
solution is
77.25s+1 s
-81s+43 7s+15
X(s) =
76.25s s+1 , Y(s) = -80s+44 6s+14
Note that X-1(s)Y(s) is proper.

Static Output Feedback
This is a special case of the dynamic output feedback discussed above.
Interpolation was first used to assign closed loop poles using static output feedback in
(Antsaklis 77, Antsaklis and Wolovich 77). It offers a convenient way to assign at least
some of the poles arbitrarily and study the locations of the remaining poles. The equations
to be solved here are
(D(sj) + KN(sj))aj = 0 j = 1, l


where K is a real matrix, the static output feedback gain matrix. Equivalently, it can also be
written as
(I + KH(sj))aj = 0 j = 1, l
The example below illustrates the approach.
Example 5.7 Let the open loop transfer matrix be
s2 ss+2
H(s) = 2 2 s + 3
s s2+2
and the desired poles are s1 = -1, -2 with ai = [-26.456 92.16]', [-0.4432 1]. From
(5.6a), KH(si)ai = -ai. That is,
K[H(s1)a1, H(s2)a2] = -[a1, a2].
The solution is
-157.08 73.39
321.30 -150.49
Note that by choosing ai appropriately other poles can be affected as well. The above
solution places the other two poles at -3 and -4. For details, see (Antsaklis and Wolovich

State Feedback
Given a state space description x = Ax + Bu, the linear state feedback control law
is defined by u=Fx. It is now known that if (A,B) is controllable then there exists F such
that all the closed loop eigenvalues, that is the zeros of |sI - (A+BF)| are arbitrarily
assigned. It will now be shown that F which arbitrarily assigns all closed loop
eigenvalures can be determined using interpolation.

Let A, B, F be nxn, nxm, mxn real matrices respectively. Note that |sI - (A+BF)|
= |sI -A|.|In - (sI-A)-1 BF| = |sI -A|.|Im - F(sI-A)-1 B|. If now the desired closed-loop
eigenvalues sj are different from the eigenvalues of A, then F will assign all n desired
closed loop eigenvalues sj if and only if
F[(sjI-A)-1Baj] = aj j = 1,n
The mx1 vectors aj are selected so that (sjI-A)-1Baj j = 1,n are linearly independent vectors.
Alternatively one could approach the problem as follows: let M(s) (nxm) D(s)
(mxm) be right coprime polynomial matrices such that
[sI-A, B] -D(s) = 0
That is (sI-A)-1B = M(s)D-1(s). An internal representation equivalent to x = Ax + Bu in
polynomial matrix form is Dz = u with x = Mz. The eigenvalue assignment problem is then
to assign all the roots of |D(s) - FM(s)|; or to determine F so that
FM(sj)aj = D(sj)aj j = 1,n
Relation (5.9) was originally used in [6] to determine F. Note that this formulation does
not require that sj be different from the eigenvalues of A as in (5.7). The mx1 vectors aj
are selected so that M(sj)aj j = 1,n are independent. Note that M(sj) has the same column
rank as S(sj) = block diag{[1,s,...,sdi-1]'} where di are the controllability indices of (A,B)
(Wolovich 74, Kailath 80). Therefore, it is possible to select aj so that M(sj)aj j = 1,n are
independent even when sj are repeated. (see Section II; choice of interpolation points)

In general, there is great flexibility in selecting the nonzero vectors aj . Note for
example that when sj are distinct, a very common case, aj can almost be arbitrarily selected
in view of Lemma 2.4. For all the appropriate choices of aj (M(sj)a j j = 1,n linearly
independent), the n eigenvalues of the closed-loop system will be at the desired locations sj
j = 1,n. Different aj correspond to different F (via(5.9)) that produce, in general, different
system behavior; this is a phenomenom unique to the multivariable case. This can be
explained by the fact that the vectors aj one selects in (5.9) are related to the eigenvectors of
the closed-loop system and although the closed-loop eigenvalures are at s j , for different aj
one assigns different eigenvectors, which lead to different behavior in closed-loop system.
The exact relation of the eigenvectors to the aj can be found as follows:
[sjI - (A+BF)]M(sj)aj = (sj -A)M(sj)aj - BFM(sj)aj = BD(sj)aj - BD(sj)aj = 0
where (5.8) and (5.9) were used. Therefore M(sj)aj = vj are the closed-loop eigenvectors
corresponding to sj .

It is not difficult to see that the results in the Appedix can be used to assign
generalized closed-loop eigenvectors and Jordan forms of certain type using this approach.
This is of course related to the assignment of invariant polynomials of sI - (A+BF) using
state feedback, a problem originally studied by Rosenbrock. One may select aj in (5.9) to
impose constraints on the gain fij in F. For example one may select aj so that a column of
F is zero (take the corresponding row of all aj to be nonzero), or an elements of F, fij = 0.
This point is not elaborated further here.
In the next subsection on Assignment of Characteristic Values and Vectors, the
problem of selecting aj to achieve additional objective, beyond pole assignment is
discussed. Now the relation to a similar approach for eigenvalues assignment via state
feedback (Moore 76) is shown; note that this approach was developed in parallel but
independently to the interpolation method described above:
Consider sjI - (A+BF) and postmultiply by the corresponding right eigenvector vj
to obtain
[sI-A, B] -Fvj = 0

[ ]

In view of this, determine a basis for the right Kernel of [sI-A, B] (Moore 76), namely
[sI-A, B] -Dj = 0

[ ]

where the basis has m (independent) columns; note that rank[sI-A, B] = n since (A,B) is
controllable. Since it is a basis, there exists mx1 vector aj so that Mjaj = vj and Djaj = Fvj.
Combining, we obtain
FMjaj = Djaj
which, for j=1,n determines F (for appropriate aj). Note the similarity with (5.9); they are
exactly the same in fact if we take M(sj) = Mj in (5.8) and (5.11). The difference between
the two approaches in (Antsaklis 77) and (Moore 76) is that in (Antsaklis 77) a polynomial
basis for the kernel of [sI-A, B] is found first and then it is evaluated at s=sj, while (Moore
76) a basis for the kernel of [sjI-A, B] is determined without involving polynomial bases
and right factorizations.
Example 5.8
0 1
0 0
A = -1 2
0 0
0 0



0 and B =
- 1

0 0
0 1


and let the desired eigenvalues be si = -0.1, -0.2, -2, -1j1. Take
ai = -0.3391 , -0.15072 , -60 , 8+j10 , 8-j10
Then the state feedback matrix that assigns the eigenvalues of (sI-(A+BK)) to the desired
locations is obtained by solving (5.7)
1.16 0.64 17.76 9.44 6 . 6
K = -0.08 -1.32 -8.88 -3.22 -3.3


][ ] [


Assignment of Characteristic Values and Vectors

In view of the discussion above on state feedback, the characteristic vectors aj of
(D(s) - FM(s)) or the eigenvectors vj = M(sj)aj of sI - (A+BF) can be assigned so that
additional design goals are attained, beyond the pole assignment at sj j = 1, n. Two
examples of such assignment follow:
Optimal Control: It is possible to select (sj, aj) so that the closed-loop system satisfies some
optimality criteria. In fact it is straightforward to select (sj, aj) so that the resulting F
calculated using the above interpolation method, is the unique solution of a Linear
Quadratic Regulator (LQR) problem; see for example (Kailath 80).
Unobservalble eigenvalues:
It is possible under certain conditions to select (sj, aj) so that sj become an unobservable
eigenvalue in the closed loop system. Suppose x = Ax + Bu, y = Cx is equivalent to
D(q)z = u, Y = N(q)z; H(s) = C(sI - A)-1B = N(s)D-1(s). Let M(s) be such that
(sI-A)M(s) = BD(s)
is satisfied, or,
M(s)D-1(s) = (sI-A)-1B.
Assume that it is possible to select (sj, aj) so that CM(sj)aj = N(sj)aj = 0. Now if (sj, aj) is
used in (5.9) or (5.12) to determine F, then sj will be an unobservable closed-loop
eigenvalue. This is because of the fact that its eigenvectors M(sj)aj satisfies CM(sj)aj = 0;
see PBH test below. This can be used to derive solutions for problems such as diagonal
decoupling and disturbance decoupling, among others.
Example 5.9
Let H(s) = N(s)D-1(s) =

, and the corresponding state space model is
s2+ 2s+2

0 1
A = -2 -2 , B = [0 1]', and C = [1 1]
Here, CM(s) = N(s) = s+1 and CM(-1) = 0. Obviously, if a desired closed-loop pole is
chosen at -1, it will be unobservable. Indeed, if the desired closed-loop poles are -1 and

-2, a solution of (5.7) is F = [0 -1], which makes the eigenvalues of (A+BF) =
{-1, -2}. The closed-loop transfer function is, however, 1/(s+2). Clearly, the eigenvalue
at -1 is unobservable.

Characteristic Value / Vector Tests for Controllability and Observability PBH Test
It is known that sj is an uncontrollable eigenvalue if and only if rank[sjI-A, B] <
rank[sI-A, B] or if and only if there exists a nonzero row vector vj such that vj[sjI - A, B]
= 0 (PBH controllability test (Kailath 80)). The dual result is also true, namely that sj is an
unobservable eigenvalue if and only if rank[(sjI-A)', C'] < rank[(sI-A)', C'] or if and only
if there exists a nonzero column vector vj such that [(sj I - A)', C']' vj = 0 (PBH
observability test). These tests can be rather confusing when there are multiple eigenvalues
in A; as it is not really clear which one of the multiple eigenvalues is the one that is
uncontrollable or unobservable. So instead, many times the uncontrollable eigenvalues are
defined by the roots of the determinant of a greatest left divisor of the polynomial matrices
sI - A and B; this definition is applicable to polynomial matrix descriptions as well [9-11].
The exact relation between these two different approaches can now be derived. In
particular, in view of the results in Section IV, ( sj, vj) that satisfy [(sjI - A)', C']' vj = 0
define a square and nonsingular polynomial matrix that is a right divisor of the columns in
[(sI - A)', C']' (see Theorem 4.9); one may have to use the results in the Appendix when
the multiplicities of the eigenvalues in question cannot be handled by the results in Section
IV. Based on this one can handle now cases of multiple eigenvalues using
eigenvalue/eigenvector tests (characteristicvalue/vector tests) [(sjI - A)', C']' vj = 0 without
confusion or difficulty.
Choosing an appropriate closed loop transfer function matrix
One of the challenging problems in practical control design is to choose an
appropriate closed loop transfer function matrix that satisfies all the control specifications
such as disturbance rejection, command following, etc. which can be obtained from the
given plant by applying an internally stable feedback loop. For example, in the SISO
system control design, if the plant has a RHP zero, then the desired close loop transfer
function must have the same RHP zero, otherwise, the closed loop system will be

internally unstable. Selecting appropriate closed loop transfer matrices is even more
difficult for MIMO systems; note that in this case it is possible to have both a pole and a
zero at the same location without cancelling each other. To prevent cancelling of the RHP
zeros and to guarantee the internal stability of feedback control systems, both locations and
directions of the RHP zeros must be considered. This can be best explained in the context
of the Stable Model Matching Problem (Gao and Antsaklis 89):
Given proper rational matrices H(s) (pxm) and T(s) (pxq), find a proper and stable
rational matrix M(s) such that the equation
H(s)M(s) = T(s)
holds. It is known that a stable solution for (5.13) exists if and only if T(s) has as it zeros
all the RHP zeros of H(s) together with their directions. Let the coprime fraction
representations of H(s) and T(s) be H(s) = N(s)D -1(s) and T(s) = NT (s)D -1
T (s). The
direction associated with a zero of H(s), zj, is given by the vector aj which satisfies
ajN(sj) = 0.
Furthermore, T(s) will have the same zero, zi, together with its direction if T(s) satisfies
ajNT(sj) = 0.
Thus, (5.15) must be taken into consideration when T(s) is selected.
Example 5.10
Consider a diagonal T(s); that is the control specificaitons demand diagonal decoupling of
the system. Let
1 s-1 0
H(s) = s+1 1 1

with a zero at s=1. Then aH(1)=0 gives a=[1 0] and T(s) must satisfy aT(1)=[1 0]T(1)=0.
Since T(s) must be diagonal, t11(1) = 0; that is the RHP zero of the plant should appear in
the (1,1) entry of T(s) only. Certainly T(s) can be chosen to have 1 as a zero in both
diagonal entries. However, the RHP zeros are undesirable in control and the minimum
possible number should be included in T.


In this section the results on polynomial matrix interpolation derived in previous
sections are used to study rational matrix interpolation. In the first part, on theory, it is

shown that rational matrix interpolation can be seen as a special case of polynomial matrix
interpolation. This result is shown in Theorem 6.1, where the conditions under which a
rational matrix H(s) is uniquely represented by interpolation triplets are derived. Theorem
6.1 is the rational interpolation theorem that corresponds to the main interpolation Theorem
2.1. Constraints are incorporated in (6.5) and an alternative form of the theorem is
presented in Corollary 6.2. Theorem 6.3 shows the conditions under which the
denominator of H(s) can be specified arbitrarily. These results are applied to rational
matrix equations and results analogous to the results on polynomial matrix equations
derived in the previous sections are obtained.
Similarly to the polynomial matrix case, the problem here is to represent a (pxm)
rational matrix H(s) by interpolation triplets or points (sj, aj, bj) j = 1, l which satisfy
H(sj)aj = bj

j = 1, l


where sj are complex scalars and aj 0, bj complex (mx1), (px1) vectors respectively.
It is now shown that interpolation of rational matrices can be studied via the
polynomial matrix interpolation results developed above. In fact it is shown below that the
rational matrix interpolation problem reduces to a special case of polynomial matrix

Write H(s) = D-1(s)N(s) where D(s) and N(s) are (pxp) and (pxm) polynomial
matrices respectively. Then (6.1) can be written as N(sj)aj = D(sj)bj or as
[N(sj), -D(sj)] bj = Q(sj)cj = 0 j = 1, l



That is the rational matrix interpolation problem for a pxm rational matrix H(s) can be seen
as a polynomial interpolation problem for a px(p+m) polynomial matrix Q(s) :=
[N(s), -D(s)] with interpolation points (sj, cj, 0) = (sj, [aj', bj']', 0) j = 1, l. There is also
the additional constraint that D-1 (s) exists. It should be pointed out here that this is a
problem similar to the pole assignment problem studied in Section V, where the
characteristic values and vectors of Q(s) defined in Section IV were used; the difference
here is that Q(s) is not square and nonsingular, however results appropriate for such Q(s)

have also been developed above, in Section IV. We shall now apply polynomial
interpolation results to (6.2).

Let the column degrees of Q(s) = [N(s), -D(s)] be di i = 1, p+m. By Corollary 2.2
l = di interpolation points (sj, [aj', bj']', 0) j = 1, l together with a given px(p+m) leading
coefficient matrix Cc uniquely specify Q(s). It is assumed here, (see Corollary 2.2) that the
matrix S1l has full rank. Since Cc is chosen, the columns which corresponds to D(s) can
of course be arbitrarily selected; for example, they could be taken to be any pxp
nonsingular matrix or simply the identity Ip thus guaranteeing that D-1(s) exists.
Alternatively, as it was done in (2.11) (Bl = 0 case) the additional constraints to be
satisfied can be expressed as

[N, -D] [Sl, C] = [0, D]



where [N(s), -D(s)] = [N, -D] S(s) with S(s) = blk diag{[1, s, ..., sdi]'} i = 1, p+m
S l : = [S(s1)c1, ..., S(sl)cl].


Here cj = [aj', bj']' and (sj, cj) are so that Sl (di + (p+m))xl has full rank l (see Theorem
~ ~
2.1). Equations [N, -D]C = D express the k additional constraints on the coefficients; k is
the number of columns of C or D and it is taken to be k = (di + (p+m)) - l. Furthermore
C is selected so that rank [Sl, C] = l; in this way a unique solution exists for any D. Since
D(s) is a pxp matrix, it is possible to guarantee that the leading coefficient matrix of D(s) is,
say, Ip by using p equations (p columns of C). So the number l of interpolation points can
be l = di + m. These l interpolation points, together with the p constraints to guarantee
that D-1(s) exists uniquely define [N(s), -D(s)] and therefore H(s), assuming that [Sl, C]
has full rank; note that full rank can always be attained if Sl has full column rank. The
following theorem has been shown.
Theorem 6.1: Assume that interpolation triplets (sj, aj, bj) j = 1, l and nonnegative integers
di i = 1, p+m with l = di + m are given such that Sl (di + (p+m))xl in (6.4) has full
column rank. There exists a unique (pxm) rational matrix H(s) of the form
H(s) = D-1(s)N(s) where the column degrees of the polynomial matrix [N(s), -D(s)] are di
i = 1, p+m, with the leading coefficient matrix of D(s) being Ip (nonsingular), which
satisfies (6.1).


When the number of interpolation constraints l on H(s) is less than di + m,

additional constraints can be used to impose other properties on H(s). For example,
additional linear equations of the form D(sj)j = 0 can be added in (6.3) so that H(s) has
poles in certain locations. Similarly for zeros of H(s) (see Example 6.2 below). In view of
Corollary 2.6 an alternative form for (6.3) is

Q[Sdl , Cd] = [0, Dd]



where d is the degree of [N(s), -D(s)]; see Corollary 2.6 and related discussion for details.
Here Sdl is a ((p+m)(d+1)xl ) matrix. Similarly to the above, it is possible with p equations
(p columns in Cd or Dd) to guarantee that D-1(s) exists. Therefore one could have l =
(p+m)d + m interpolation constraints together with the p additional equations to uniquely

determine Q in (6.5) and therefore H(s). So, the following Corollary has been shown:
Corollary 6.2 Assume that interpolation triplets (sj, aj, bj) j = 1, l and nonnegative integers
d with l = (p+m)d + m are given such that Sdl ((p+m)(d+1)xl) in (6.5) has full column
There exists a unique (pxm) rational matrix H(s) of the form
~ -1 ~
H(s) = D (s)N(s) where the degree of the polynomial matrix [N(s), -D(s)] is d, with the
leading coefficient matrix of D(s) being Ip (nonsingular), which satisfies (6.1).
Example 6.1: Consider a scalar rational H(s) (p=m=1) with first degree numerator and
denominator (d=1). Here we can have up to l = (p+m)d + m = 2d + 1 = 3 interpolation
constraints and still guarantee that the denominator exists and it is of degree 1. Let
{(sj, aj, bj) j = 1, 2, 3} = {(0,1,b1), (1,1,b2),(-1,1,b3)}
Also let H(s) = D-1(s)N(s) = (1s + 0)-1(1s + 0). Here
1 0
2 0
~ ~
[N(s), -D(s)] = [N, -D] S(s) = [0, 1, -0, -1] 0 1

0 s
c1= b , c2= b , c3= b
1 1 1
0 1 -1
[N, -D] Sl = [0, 1, -0, -1] b b b = [0 0 0]
1 2 3
0 b 2 -b 3

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

A fourth equation representing additional constraints can be added (see (6.5)) to guarantee,
say, 1 = 1. This is equivalent to solving
1 1 1
[0, 1, - 0] 0 1 - 1 = [0 b2 -b3] from which
b 1 b 2 b 3
[0, 1, - 0] = 2 b - b - b [b1(b3 - b2), 2b2b3-b1(b2+b3), b2-b3]

Example 6.2: Consider only the first two interpolation constraints of the previous example
and require that 1(-3) + 0 = 0 or that H(s) has a pole at -3 and 1 = 1. Then
1 1 0 0
0 1 0 0
[0, 1, - 0, - 1] b b 1 0 = [0 0 0 1]
1 2

0 b 2 -3 -1
from which
[0, 1, -0] = [3b1, -3b1+4b2, -3]
That is
(-3b1+4b 2)s + 3b1
s + 3
satisfies all constraints. Namely, H(0) = b1, H(1) = b2 and the denominator of H(s) has a
zero at -3 (pole of H(s)) with leading coefficient equal to 1.
H(s) =

Example 6.3: Consider a 2x2 rational matrix H(s) = D-1(s)N(s). Let Q(s) = [N(s), -D(s)]
and degcQ(s) = {1 0 1 1}. For a solution Q(s) to exists, one needs l di+p+m = 3 + 4
= 7 interpolation triplets (sj, aj, bj) j = 1, l. Suppose that two interpolation triplets of the
form in (6.2) are given as: {(1, [0 1 1 0]', [0 0]'), (2,[1 1 4/3 -1/12]', [0 0]')}. In
addition, it is required that H(s) has a zero at s=0 and poles at s=-1 and s=-2 with the their
directions specified as N(0)[1 0]' = [0 0]', D(-1)[1 -1]' = [0 0] and D(-2)[0 1]' = [0 0].
These constraints can be equivalently expressed as interpolation triplets: {(0, [1 0 0 0]', [0
0]'), (-1, [0 0 1 -1]', [0 0]'), (-2, [0 0 0 1]', [0 0]'}. Now the problem becomes a
standard polynomial interpolation problem, i.e. to determine Q(s) s.t. Q(sj)cj = bj = [0, 0]'
for j = 1, 5. Let SJ = {s1 , ..., sl}, Cl = [c1 , ..., cl], Bl = [b1 , ..., bl]. Then QS5 = B5
(2.5) is to be solved where
0 0 0 0 0
SJ = {-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4}, B5 = 0 0 0 0 0 , C5 = 0



0 1
1 1
1 4/3
0 -1/12

The orthonormal basis of the left null space of S5 is found to be
0.0000 0.3173 0.2522 0.0650 -0.3173 0.7646 0.3823
NSl = 0.0000 -0.2726 -0.7151 0.4425 0.2726 0.3396 0.1698 .

Note that in general NSl is a ((di+m)-rank{Sl}) x (di+m) matrix and all solutions of
(2.5) with Bl = 0 can be characterized as Q = M NSl where M is any px((di+m)rank{Sl}) real matrix. In this example M can be simply chosen as identity matrix, that is
Q = NSl, since ((di+m)-rank{Sl}) = 7 - 5 = 2 = p. Therefore,
Q(s) = QS(s) =

0.3173s 0.2522 -0.3173s+0.0650 0.3823s+0.7646

[ -0.2726s
-0.7151 0.2726s+0.4425 0.1698s+0.3396] = [N(s), -D(s)]


0 1 0
1 1 1
1 4/3 0
0 -1/12 0

It can be easily verified that the resulting transfer matrix H(s) = D-1(s)N(s) has a zero at
s=0 and poles at s=-1, -2.
To uniquely determine Q(s) in this example, two additional constraints in the form
of (6.3) : {(3, [0 1 0 0]', [2 1]'), (4,[0 1 1 1]', [-3 -6]')} are imposed which lead to
0 0 0 0 0 2 -3
SJ = {-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4}, B7 = 0 0 0 0 0 1 - 6 , C7 = 0



by solving (2.5),
0 1 2 -1 -1 0 0
s 2 -(s+1) 0
Q = 0 0 1 - 1 0 - 2 - 1 , and Q(s) = QS(s) = 0 1 - 1 -(s+2)

s+1 0 -1 s
H(s) = 1 s+2


][ ]

(s+1)(s+2) (s+1)(s+2)


If it is desired that the denominator of H(s) be completely determined in advance,

then this can be expressed in terms of equations (6.3) or (6.5). It is also possible to
directly show this result based on Theorem 2.1. In particular
Theorem 6.3: Assume that interpolation triplets (sj , cj , bj ) j = 1, l cj 0 and m
nonnegative integers di i = 1, m with l = di + m are given together with an (mxm)
polynomial matrix D(s), | D(sj) | 0, such that the Sl matrix in (2.2) with aj := [ D(sj)]-1 cj

has full rank. Then there exists a unique (pxm) rational matrix H(s) of the form H(s) =
N(s)D(s)-1, where the polynomial matrix N(s) has column degrees degci[N(s)] = di, i = 1,
m for which
H(sj)cj = bj
j = 1, l
Proof: Let N(s) = NS(s) as in Theorem 2.1. The proof is similar also. Notice that (6.6)
implies NSl = Bl with aj = [ D(sj)]-1 cj in Sl of (2.2).
The mxm denominator matrix D(s) is arbitrarily chosen subject only to |D(sj)| 0.
This offers great flexibility in rational interpolation. It should be pointed out that the matrix
denominator D(s) is much more general than the commonly used scalar one d(s), since D(s)
= d(s)I is clearly a special case of matrices D(s) with desired zeros of determinant; note that
in this case |D(s)| = d(s)m that is, the zeros of |D(s)| are all the zeros of d(s) each repeated m
As it was shown above, rational matrix interpolation results are directly derived
from corresponding polynomial matrix interpolation results and all results of Section II
(Sections III - V) can therefore be extended to the rational matrix case. One could of course
use the results of Corollaries 2.5 to 2.7 and 2.8 to obtain alternative approaches to rational
matrix interpolation.
Example 6.4: Consider the scalar rational example discussed above. Here l = di + m = 1
+ 1 = 2 and S(s) = [1 s]'. Consider interpolation points (0,1,b1) and (1,1,b2) as above
and let the desired denominator be D(s) = s + 3. Then c1 = D-1(0)a1 = 1/3, c2 = D-1(1)a2 =
1/4 and
NSl = [0, 1] [S(0)c1, S(1)c2] = [0, 1]

0 1/4] = [b1, b2] = B2

from which [0, 1] = [3b1, -3b1 + 4b2]. That is

H(s) =

(-3b1+4b 2)s + 3b1

s + 3

satisfies all the constraints. Note that it is the same H(s) as in Example 6.2 even though the
constraints were imposed via different approaches.
Applications - Rational Matrix Equations

Now let's consider the rational matrix equation:
M(s)L(s) = Q(s)


where L(s) (txm) and Q(s) (kxm) are given rational matrices. The polynomial matrix
interpolation theory developed above will now be used to solve this equation and determine
the rational matrix solutions M(s) (kxt). Let M(s) = D-1(s)N(s), a polynomial fraction form
of M(s) to be determined. Then equation (6.7) can be written as:
[N(s) -D(s)]
= 0


Note that instead of solving (6.8) one could equivalently solve

L p (s)
[N(s) -D(s)]
= 0
Q p (s)


where [Lp(s)' Qp(s)']' = [L(s)' Q(s)']'(s) a polynomial matrix with (s) the least common
denominator of all entries of L(s) and Q(s); in general, (s) could be any denominator in a
right fractional representation of [L(s)', Q(s)']'. The problem to be solved is now (3.1), a
polynomial matrix equation, where L(s) = [Lp (s)' Qp (s)']' and Q(s) = 0. Therefore,

Theorem 3.1 does apply and all solutions [N(s) -D(s)] of degree r can be determined by
solving (3.9) or (3.13). Let s = sj and postmultiply (6.9) by aj j = 1, l with aj and l
chosen properly (see below). Define
L p (s)
cj :=
Q p (s)

j = 1, l


The problem now is to find a polynomial matrix [N(s) -D(s)] which satisfies

[N(sj) -D(sj)] cj = 0

j = 1, l


as in (6.2). In fact (6.11) is of the form of (3.11) with bj = 0.


Note that restrictions on the solutions can be easily imposed to guarantee that D-1(s)
exists and/or that M(s) = D-1(s)N(s) is proper; see also above in this section, also Sections

IV and V. The existence of solutions of (6.7) and their causality depends on the given
rational matrices L(s) and Q(s) (see for example Chen 84, Gao and Antsaklis 89) and
references therein). Our approach here will find a proper rational matrix of order r when
such solution exists. Additional interpolation type constraints can be added so the solution
satisfies additional specifications.
Example 6.5: This is an example of solving the Model Matching Problem (Gao and
Antsaklis 89) using matrix interpolation techniques. Here L(s) and Q(s) are given as:

L(s) =


- 2

- 1

Q(s) =

- s+3

3 s + 7
- s+3

The monic least common denominator of all entries is (s) = s(s+1)(s+3) and therefore

0 -2s(s+1)(s+3)

[QLpp(s)(s)] = -s (s+3) -s(s+1)(s+3)
s2(s+1) s(s+1)2
-s2(s+1) -(3s+7)(s+1)s



{di = degciQ(s)} = {0, 0, 1, 1, 0},
l = di+t+k = 2 + 5 =7,
{sj, j = 1, 5} = {-4, -2, 1, 2, 3},
{a j, j = 1, 5} = {[0,1]', [1,0]', [1,1]', [0,-1]', [-1,0]'}
{bj = [0 0]', j = 1, 5}
from which cj j = 1, 5 are obtained
3 - 2 1 2 -15 -18

[c1 , ..., c5 ] =

24 0 -16 6 0 0
12 -4 -12 3 0 5 4
-36 -4 6 -18 -36

60 4 -22 7 8 3 6
Assume two additional constraints are introduced in the form of: {s6, s7} = {4, 5}, {c6,
c 7 } = {[0 1 0 0 0]', [0 0 0 1 0]'} and {b6 , b7 } = {[1 0]', [-1, -8]'}. Now, solving the
polynomial matrix interpolation problem: [N(sj) -D(sj)]cj = bj j = 1, 7, we obtained


[N(s) -D(s)] = 0
which gives
1 1 -1
M(s) = s+1 0

-1 -1
0 -(s+1) -(s+3) 0

] [00

1 0
0 -(s+1)


Some of the concepts and ideas presented here have appeared elsewhere. It is the
first time however that the theory of polynomial and rational matrix interpolation in its
complete form has appeared in the literature. The algorithms have been implemented in
Matlab and are available upon request.
Interpolation is a very general and flexible way to deal with problems involving
polynomial and rational matrices and the results presented here provide an appropriate
theoretical setting and algorithms to deal effectively with such problems. At the same time
it is also felt that the results presented here have only opened the way, as there are many
more results that can and need be developed to handle the wide range of problems possible
to study via polynomial and rational matrix interpolation theory.
Finally it should be noted that the rational interpolation results presented here
compliment results that have appeared in the literature. The exact relationship is under
investigation and new insight into the theory are certainly possible.


In this Appendix, the general versions of the results in Section IV that are valid for
repeated values of sj, with multiplicities beyond those handled in Section IV, are stated.
Detailed proofs of these results can be found in our main reference for characteristic values
and vectors (Antsaklis 80).
Let Q(s) be an (mxm) nonsingular matrix and let Q(k)(sj) denote the kth derivative
of Q(s) evaluated at s = sj. If sj is a zero of |Q(s)| repeated nj times, define nj to be the
algebraic multiplicity of sj; define also the geometric multiplicity of sj as the quantity (mrank Q(sj)).


Theorem A.1 (Antsaklis 80, Theorem 1): There exist complex scalar sj and k ij mx1
nonzero vectors aij1 , a2ij , ..., akijij i = 1, lj which satisfy

Q(sj)aij = 0
Q(sj)aij2 = - Q(1)(sj)aij1


(kij-1)(sj)a1 ]
Q(sj)akij = - [Q(1)(sj)akij-1 + ... +
(k ij - 1)!Q
1 1
with a1j
, a2j , ..., a1l j linearly independent if and only if sj is a zero of |Q(s)| with algebraic
multiplicity (=nj) kij and geometric multiplicity (=(m-rank Q(sj))) lj.

It is of interest to note that there are lj chains of (generalized) characteristic vectors

corresponding to sj., each of length kij Notice that Theorem 4.2 is a special case of this
theorem; it involves only the top equation in (A.1) and it does not involve derivatives of
Q(s). The proof of Theorem A.1 is based on the following lemma:
Lemma A.2 (Antsaklis 80, Lemma 2): Theorem A.1 is satisfied for given Q(s), s j and alk j

if and only if it is satisfied for U(s)Q(s), sj and

(that is |U(s)| = , a nonzero scalar).


where U(s) is any unimodular matrix

This lemma allows one to carry on the proof of Theorem A.1 with a matrix Q(s)
which is column proper (reduced). The proof of Theorem A.1 is rather involved and it
involves the generalized eigenvectors of a real matrix associated with Q(s); it can of course
be found in (Antsaklis 80).
Given Q(s), if sj and aklj satisfy the conditions of Theorem A.1, then this implies
certain structure for the Smith form of Q(s). First, let us define the (unique) Smith form of
a polynomial matrix.

Smith Form of M(s) (Rosenbrock 70, Kailath 80)
Given a pxm polynomial matrix M(s) with rankM(s) = r, there exist unimodular
matrices U1 , U2 such that U1(s)M(s)U2(s) = E(s) where

E(s) = (s) 0
0 0

(s) = diag[1(s), 2(s), ..., r(s)]


Each i i = 1, r is a unique monic polynomial satisfying i (s) i+1 (s) i = 1, r-1 where
p2 p1 means that there exists polynomial p3 such that p1 = p2 p3 ; that is i divides i+1 .
E(s) is the Smith form of M(s) and i (s) are the invariant polynomials of M(s). It can be
shown that
i (s) = Di (s) / Di-1 (s) i = 1, r


where Di (s) is the monic greatest common divisor of all the ith order minors of M(s); note
that D0 (s) = 0. Di (s) are the determinantal divisors of M(s).
Corollary A.3 : (Antsaklis 80, Corollary 3) Given Q(s), there exist a scalar sj and nonzero
vectors aij1 , a2ij , ..., akijij i = 1, lj which satisfy the conditions of Theorem A.1 if and only if
the Smith form of Q(s) contains the factors (s - sj)kij i = 1, lj in lj separate locations on the
diagonal; that is (s - sj)kij is a factor in lj distinct invariant polynomials of Q(s).
Theorem A.1 and Corollary A.3 refer to the value sj, a root of |Q(s)| which is
repeated at least kij times. If distinct values sj are given then the following result is
derived. Note that the deg|Q(s)| is assumed to be known.
Theorem A.4 (Antsaklis 80,, Theorem 4): Let n = deg|Q(s)|. There exist distinct
complex scalars sj and n nonzero vectors a\s(1,ij), a\s(2,ij), ..., a\s(kij,ij) i = 1, lj, j = 1,
1 1
with kij = n with each of the sets {a1j, a2j , ..., a l j} linearly independent for
j=1 i=1
j = 1, that satisfy (A.1) if and only if the zeros of |Q(s)| have distinct values sj j = 1,
each with algebraic multiplicity ( =nj) = k ij and geometric multiplicity (= m i=1
rankQ(sj)) = lj.

1 2
Note that to each distinct characteristic value sj there correspond { a1j
, aij ,..., ak1j1 j }
...,{ a1l j, a2l j , ..., a l ljj j } characteristic vectors; there are lj (=m - rankQ(sj)=geometric
multiplicity) chains of length k1j, k2j, ..., kljj for a total of kij characteristic vectors

equal to the algebraic multiplicity nj.

Corollary A.5: (Antsaklis 80, Corollary 5). Given Q(s) with n = deg|Q(s)|, there exist
distinct complex scalars sj and vectors aijk i = 1, lj k = 1, kij j = 1, which satisfy the
conditions of Theorem A.4 if and only the Smith form of Q(s) consists of factors (s - sj)kij
i = 1, lj in lj separate locations on the diagonal ( j = 1, ).
Note that in view of the divisibility property of the invariant factors of Q(s), if the
conditions of Corollary A.5 or similarly of Theorem A.4 are satisfied, the Smith form of
Q(s) is uniquely determined. In particular, for k1j k2j ... kljj , the Smith form of Q(s)
in this case has the form
E(s) = diag ( 1 (s),..., m (s) )
m (s) = (s - sj)kljj ( . ), m-1 (s) = (s - sj)klj-1j ( . ),..., m-(lj -1) (s) = (s - sj)k1j ( . )


with m-lj (s) = ...= 1 (s) = 1. This is repeated for each distinct value of sj j = 1, until
the Smith form is completely determined.
Example A.1 To illustrate the above results consider
Q(s) = s - 1 .
0 s
Notice that
Q(1)(s) =

[2s0 01], Q(1)(s) = [ 20 00],

Q(k)(s) = 0 for k > 2.

For s1 = 0 (j = 1), relations (A.1) become:

Let i = 1. Q(0)a11
= 0 implies a11
= ( 0); Note that no other linearly independent

ai1 exists, so lj = 1.

Q(0)a11 = - Q(1)(0)a11 implies a11 = ( 0)


Q(0)ak11 = - [Q(1)(0)a11

1 (2)
( 0).

It can be verified that a11 etc are zero. So k11 = 3. Note that m-rankQ(0) = 2-1 = 1 = l1 ,

that is the geometric multiplicity of s1 = 0 is 1 and so no other chain of characteristic

vectors associated with s1 = 0 exists.
Assume that Q(s) is not known and it is given that s1 = 0 and ak1 1 k = 1, 2, 3
satisfy (A.1). Then according to Theorem A.1, the algebraic multiplicity of s1 = 0 is at
least 3 (=k11) and the geometric multiplicity is at least 1 (=l1). Furthermore, in view of
Corollary A.3 the factor s3(= (s-s1)k11) appears in 1 (=l1) location in the Smith form of
Assume now that n = deg|Q(s)| = 3 is also given together with s1 = 0 and a11
k = 1,

2, 3 which satisfy (A.1). Notice that here l1 = 1, k11 = 3 (see above) so k11 = 3 = n which
implies that = 1, or s1 = 0 is the only distinct root of |Q(s)|. Theorem A.4 can now be
applied to show that s1 = 0 has algebraic multiplicity exactly equal to k11 = 3 and geometric
multiplicity exactly equal to l1 = 1. These can be easily verified from the given Q(s). In
view of Corollary A.5 and (A.4) the Smith form of Q(s) is
1 0
0 s 3
which can also be derived from Q(s) via pre and post multiplication by unimodular
The following lemma highlights the fact that the conditions of Theorem A.4 specify
Q(s) within a unimodular premultiplication; see also Lemma 4.6.
Lemma A.6: Theorem A.4 is satisfied by a matrix Q(s) if and only if it is satisfied by
U(s)Q(s) where U(s) is any unimodular matrix.
It is important at this point to briefly discuss and illustrate the results so far:
Assume that, for an (mxm) polynomial matrix Q(s) yet to be chosen, we have decided upon
the degree of Q(s) as well as its zero locations - that is about n, sj and the algebraic
multiplicities nj. Clearly there are many matrices that satisfy these requirements; consider
for example all the diagonal matrices that satisfy these requirements. If we specify the
geometric multiplicities lj as well, then this implies that the matrices Q(s) must satisfy
certain structural requirements so that m-rankQ(sj) = lj is satisfied; in our example the

diagonal matrix, the factors (s-sj) must be appropriately distributed on the diagonal. If kij
are also chosen, then the Smith form of Q(s) is completely defined, that is Q(s) is defined
within pre and post unimodular matrix multiplications. Note that this is equivalent to
imposing the restriction that Q(s) must satisfy n relations of type (A.1), as in Theorem A.4,
without fixing the vectors akij (see Example A.1). If in addition akij are completely
specified then Q(s) is determined within a unimodular premultiplication; see Lemma A.6.
Given (mxm) Q(s), let n = deg|Q(s)| and assume that Q(s) and sj, akij satisfy the
conditions of Theorem A.4; that is they satisfy (A.1) for distinct sj j = 1, .
Theorem A.7 (Antsaklis 80,, Theorem 6): Q(s) is a right divisor (rd) of an (rxm)
polynomial matrix M(s) if and only if M(s) satisfies the conditions of Theorem A.4 with the
same sj and aijk ; that is M(s) also satisfies the conditions (A.1) with the same sj , akij for
distinct sj j = 1,.
^ Q. then it can be shown directly that (A.1) are
Proof: Necessity: If Q is a rd of M, M = M
also satisfied by M(s) with the same sj and aijk . Sufficiency: Same as the sufficiency proof

of Theorem 4.9.

In the proof of Theorem A.1 (Antsaklis 80), the Jordan form of a real matrix A
derived from Q(s) was used. Later in the Appendix results concerning the Smith form of
Q(s) were described. It is of interest to outline here the exact relations between the Jordan
form of A and the Smith form of sI-A and of Q(s). This is done in the following:
Relations Between The Smith and Jordan Forms
Given an mxm nonsingular polynomial matrix Q(s) and a real nxn matrix A,
assume that there exist matrices B (nxm) and S(s) (nxm) so that
(sI-A) S(s) = B Q(s)
where (sI-A), B are left and S(s), Q(s) right coprime. Then there is a direct relation
between the Smith forms of (sI-A) and Q(s) as it will be shown. First the relation between
the Jordan form of A and the Smith form of (sI-A) is described.
Let A (nxn) have distinct eigenvalues sj each repeated nj times (nj = n); nj is the
algebraic multiplicityof sj . The geometric multiplicity of sj , lj, is defined as lj = nrank(sjI-A), that is thereduction in rank in sI-A when s = sj . There exists a similarity
transformation matrix P such that PA = JP where J is the Jordan canonical form of A.

J = diag[Jj], Jj = diag[Jij]
where Jj (njxn j) j = 1, is the block diagonal matrix associated with sj; Jj has lj (nj)
matrices Jij (kijxkij) i = 1,lj on the diagonal each of the form
s 1 0 ... 0
... 0

0j s j 1
Jij = . . .

0 0 ...




where k ij = nj.
The structure of J is determined by the generalized eigenvectors vij of A; they are
used to construct P. To each distinct eigenvalue sj correspond lj chains of generalized
eigenvectors eachof length kij i = 1, lj for a total of nj linearly independent generaliezed
Note that the characteristic polynomial of A, (s), is

(s) = (s-sj)nj

(= |sI-A|)


while the minimal polynomial of A, m(s), is (s-sj)nj where n- := max kij, that is the

dimension of the largest block in J associated with sj.

The Smith form of a polynomial matrix was defined above. It is not difficult to
show the following result about the Smith form of sI-A, EA (s) [1]: Without loss of
generality, assume that k1jk2j...kljj (=n), see also (A.4). If EA(s) = diag[1(s), 2(s),
..., r(s)], then
n(s) = (s - sj)kljj ( . ), n-1 (s) = (s - sj)kl(j-1) j ( . ),..., n-(lj -1) (s) = (s - sj)k1j ( . ) (A.8)
with n-lj (s) = ...= 1 (s) = 1. That is the n j factor (s-sj) are factors of the lj invariant
polynomials n-(lj -1) (s), ..., n(s); the exponents kij of (s-sj) are the dimensions of the
matrices Jij i = 1,lj of the Jordan canonical form, or equivalently they are the lengths of the
chains of the generalized eigenvectors of A corresponding to sj . The relations in (A.8) are
of course repeated for each distinct value of sj j = 1, until the Smith form EA (s) is
completely determined.
Example A.2 Let






J2 1

J 1 2




0 ,

that is s1 = -3, n1 = 3, l1 = 2 with k11 = 2, k21 = 1; s2 = -1, n2 = l2 = k12 = 1. In view of

(A.8), the Smith form of sI-A is

2 (s)

EA(s) =
3 (s)

(s-3) 2 (s-1)

Here (s) = |sI - A| = (s-3)3(s-1) and m(s) = (s-3)3(s-1).

It is can be shown (Rosenbrock 1974, Wolovich 1974, Kailath 1980) that if sI-A
and Q(s) satisfy relation (A.5), then the matrices
In-m 0 0
sI-A B
0 Q(s) I m
-In 0
0 -S(s) 0

are unimodularly equivalent and they have the same Smith forms. That is, if EQ(s) is the
Smith form of Q(s), then
EA(s) = n-m
0 E Q (s)
It is now easy to show that Q(s) has distinct roots sj of |Q(s)| each repeated nj times (=

algebraic multiplicity as defined before Theorem A.1); the geometric multiplicity of sj

defined by m - rank Q(sj) equals lj since lj = m - rank EQ(s). If

EQ(s) = diag ( 1 (s), ..., m(s)), then (see also (A.4)) for k1j k2j ... kljj (=n)
m(s) = (s - sj)kljj ( . ), m-1 (s) = (s - sj)kl(j-1) j ( . ),..., m-(lj -1) (s) = (s - sj)k1j ( . ) (A.10)
with n-lj (s) = ...= 1 (s) = 1. Compare with the Smith form EA(s) in (A.8). It is clear
that EQ(s) and EA(s) or Q(s) and (sI-A) have the same nonunity invariant polynomials as it
is of course clear in view of (A.9). Note that the characteristic polynomial of Q(s) is in this

case (s) = |Q(s)| = (s - sj)nj (= (s) = |sI-A|) while the minimal polynomial of Q(s) is

m(s) = |Q(s)| = (s - s j ) n j (= m(s)).

0 1 0
1 0
s 2 - 1

Example A.3 Let A =
. Note that if S(s) = s 0 a n d

0 s
0 0 0
0 1

B = 1 0 . Then, (sI-A)S(s) = BQ(s) as in (A.5) with (sI- A), B left coprime and S(s),
0 1

Q(s) right coprime. Notice that A is already in Jordan canonical form. In fact, A = J = J1
with s1 = 0, l1 = 1, k11 = 3 and n1 = 3. The Smith form of sI-A is then (A.8)

EA(s) =

In view of (A.10), the Smith form of Q(s) is
1 0
EQ(s) = 0 s 3

Note that this Q(s) was also studied in Example A.1


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