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For A New Culture of Public Administration.: Excellence, Know-How and Values

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February>June 2015

International Master
in Public Procurement Management

University of Rome Tor Vergata and EBRD - European

Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Dear Student,
it is with pride and enthusiasm that we want to share with you the launch of the third
edition of the International Master in Public Procurement Management, born out of the
willingness and commitment of both the Procurement Department of the European Bank
for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and of the Tor Vergata University in Rome.
After 9 years of successfully managing the interdisciplinary Italian Master in Procurement
Management, which has brought Tor Vergata into the national limelight for procurement
studies, we have found in EBRD the right institutional partner to make the dream of exporting
our professional and training capacity abroad come true. As we always believed that public
procurement issues are common worldwide but need specific solutions for each context, we
have tailored a program meant to confront dilemmas and challenges that may happen on
the day-to-day purchasing activity and in the procurement planning process, with a handson approach based on case-studies and the right blend of theory and practice.
Also thanks to the critical support of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, the
Central European Initiative and the prestigious cooperation with the Italian Procurement
Central Purchasing Body, Consip, we believe we will successfully achieve the main goal of
the Master: to effectively train public officials operating in the field of procurement and
young students eager to apply for a public position in the field.
Applicants will find at Tor Vergata an engaging environment with an international
dimension added to it, in the context of one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The
intensity of the program and the live-in experience in the university campus will allow
students to work in team, learn from each others background and engage in lively
professional debates around public procurement, adding an essential human touch to the
quality of the overall period of studies.
The Department of Business Government Philosophy Studies of Tor Vergata University,
recognized worldwide as a Centre of Excellence for Procurement, is proud to offer its
interdisciplinary procurement team of experts ranging from various fields (ethics, law,
economics, supply-chain and quality management, audit, IT, strategy, planning) to
prospective participants that wish to add value to their working experience improving
their skills and knowledge.
Join us by applying!

Prof. Gustavo Piga

Master Director

Dear Student,
You may wonder why a Bank, albeit a Development Bank, is interested in having a foothold in
the academic world. Well, investment is not only about equity or loans but investment in people
that can help to develop their countries. An investment project may deliver a power station or a
road that will resolve an immediate need but investment in people will bring benefits that are
sustainable over generations to come.
Procurement is a process that aims to deliver solutions corresponding to the need of public
or private stakeholders at a price that is in line with real market cost. The procurement
function of EBRD has been instrumental in supporting EBRD clients to achieve just
that during the 20 plus years that EBRD has been in existence and we believe that the
experience that our in-house procurement specialists have accumulated should be
shared to bring benefits to aspiring procurement practitioners. International Financing
Institutions (IFI) like the EBRD have financed and supported implementation of projects
in many countries and have therefore a broad perspective on issues that may arise during
a procurement and contract implementation cycle. Furthermore, as an honest broker in
the procurement process an IFI will need to safeguard the interests of both Bank clients
and tenderers. This forces IFIs to always strive towards best practice in procurement and
contract implementation.
In Tor Vergata we have found a partner that not only has the same vision but also the
expertise in delivering procurement knowledge with high academic standard to a broad
spectrum of students. It is therefore with immense pleasure that EBRD together with Tor
Vergata are able to offer you this opportunity to develop your procurement knowledge by
enrolling in this Public Procurement Management Master Programme.

Jan Jackholt
Director of Procurement
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

The Qualification Programmes

learning path

The qualication programme is a full time advanced 1 year (graduate)

Master with classroom lectures, running from the end of February to
June 2015 in Rome, Italy, with classroom lectures followed by distancelearning and a mandatory professional stage in a rm or institution,
whether in Italy, in the home (or an alternative) country. The programme
is characterized by an interdisciplinary content and is meant to attract
public purchasers with relevant experience in procurement as well as
young students interested in preparing for a career in public procurement.
Classes are all taught in English; thus, language prociency is required
to successfully attend the courses and to actively participate to all the
learning activities.

PPM International Master

Modular training
The programme consists of 12 modules where attendance is strictly
compulsory. Failure to attend will motivate outright suspension from the
Programme. Students will sign a Memorandum of Professional Behavior
before the beginning of classes, together with the acceptance of the rules
of the Master (posted on the website).
Each module lasts approximately a week. The modules will be based on
a traditional learning approach and will be followed by graded exams.

Courses list

Negotiation and Team Building

Organization & Strategy of Works

Legal Background

Economics of Procurement

Quality Management and Green Procurement

Economic Analysis of the Market

Contract Complaints and Disputes

Integrity and Anticorruption in Public Procurement

Law & Economics of PPP


IFI's Procurement Procedures

10 bis IFI's Procurement Procedures




Strategic Procurement

PPM International Master

The Qualification Programmes

learning path

Tutoring Activities
The tutoring
activities are meant
to ensure the
effectiveness of the
training programme,
supporting students
in administrative,
technical and
academic issues.
The goal is to assist
students on all issues
bearing on their dayto-day student life.
Training tools:
The following
tools will integrate
and make more
effective the Master
- E-Learning
- Interactive tutoring
- Group discussion
and seminars
- Role-playing
- Business games
and team activities

Distance Learning
The programme includes two distance learning modules. The rst one
must be attended before students come to Rome and recalls fundamental
concepts needed during classroom lectures.
In the second one, starting after the in presence phase, students will be
required to show their capacity and creativity in designing a specic
tender for goods, services or works.

Exams will be organized around 2 sessions: the rst session will be
administered at the end of the sixth module and the second at the end
of the last module.
Students will have a one-week break for exams preparation and the
following week will sit down for exams, respectively, at the end of module
six and at the end of module twelve.

Traineeship period
After the courses students have to be involved in a Traineeship period
(a stage), within their own (or another public) organization. For a
candidate to be admitted to the thesis defense the Board of the Master
program will have to have approved the project work prepared within
that period.

Final Dissertation
At the end of the Masters programme students will have to submit a
dissertation, which will be part of the nal evaluation. The dissertation
should be a case study concerning procurement issues related to their own
organizations, to a specic country or to a public procurement challenge.

PPM International Master

Programme Implementation

of the

World economies are at a critical juncture. The 2008 nancial meltdown

that spread rapidly across the planet by slowing trade, reducing income
and generating unemployment has triggered a strong countercyclical
reaction by central banks and governments. The latter have sometimes
used the lever of scal policy lower taxes, higher expenditure and
consequent high decits and debt to smooth out the recession
in the making, resisting the lure to make use of often sterile and
counterproductive protectionist strategies. However, while partly
successful, they seem to have exhausted the steam to face a new slowing
down for the next few years, just when economies seem to have entered it.
How can more scal pace be found in this context? And what policies
can be used to lessen the threat of lower employment and encourage
domestic industries, both in emerging and developed economies, to
gain momentum again, without recurring to the self-defeating strategies
of greater protectionism? It turns out that one powerful element that can
combine scal prudence, scal space and effective industrial policy is
available: public procurement, which is seldom understood fully in its
indeed large - capacity to serve leaders and citizens, an opportunity for
economic enrichment and social development.
Public procurement can be dubbed as a quick win for policy makers.
In times when budgets are stretched, but the need for public sector
presence and action is deemed critical, when structural and rapid
sources of funding that do not hamper growth seem missing, when
there is a growing concern for the quality of public intervention and
when regulation is felt too intrusive and ineffective in pushing forward
private markets protability and growth, it appears that an organized
and transparent process of setting up public procurement can be
fundamental in ensuring that trust in the action of policy-makers is
rapidly restored.

PPM International Master

Programme Implementation

More scal space can be obtained with a decisive improvement in

business processes around ecient and effective public procurement.
In a country where public consumption and investment over GDP of
goods, services and works averages around 15%, a mere 10% savings in
expenses frees approximately 1,5 of GDP that can be dedicated to either
lowering taxes or adding to social expenditure, without touching any
real expenditure in the government sector and without affecting the
level of decit or debt. Intelligent aggregation of demand, smart market
analysis, collusion prevention and encouragement of participation,
contract management, proper measurement of internal performance
and rewards to rms that have done well over past contracts, can rapidly
bring signicant savings for the public sector and gains for citizens.

PPM International Master

The Procurement Team at Tor Vergata University has understood and

even anticipated the new trend, deciding to invest energy in a qualied
teaching program, with passion and commitment. Tor Vergata history,
of effective training in public, private and military procurement can
represent the right programme for those who want to acquire a high
level of skills and knowledge in order to become a reference point for
their Procurement organizations.

Team of
Tor Vergata

In 2004, Tor Vergata University, won the national competition entitled

MEF Consip Master in E-Procurement organized by the Italian Ministry
of the Economy and Finance together with the Central Purchasing Body
Consip Spa, concerning the organization of a Master in E-procurement,
where all the Italian Universities were invited to participate.
This was the beginning of an ambitious project. The original Master
in E-procurement was improved over time with patience and a sense
of direction and nally reorganized through the creation and launch of
the Italian Master in Procurement Management. We then launched this
International Master in Public Procurement Management, taking on the
additional challenge of a specic project of professionalization for civil
servants in the acquisition domain all around the globe.
The acquired experience and the strong and large institutional network
of relevant professionals totally involved in the project implementation
are the key ingredients to make the coming international Master in
Public Procurement Management (PPM) a successful and prestigious
qualifying programme.

PPM International Master

Programme Implementation


PPM International Master

The International Master in Public Procurement Management (PPM)

is organized by the Department of Business Government Philosophy
Studies, together with the Law and the Industrial Engineering
Departments of Tor Vergata University in Rome, Italy, with lectures in
Rome, from February to June 2015. During such period, lectures and
further training activities will be part of the programme .
The Procurement Department professional staff of the EBRD will be
also involved in the teaching activity, prestigiously contributing to the
practical orientation of the programme.

PPM International Master

The Campus

The University of Rome Tor Vergata was

established in 1981 with the goal of providing
high quality education for students preparing
to meet the ever-evolving needs and
opportunities of the 21st century workforce.
Located in the South-Eastern suburb of Rome,
easily reachable by bus, the University is an
academic establishment which combines
a liberal arts tradition with emphasis on
career orientation in the field of Economics,
Engineering, Sciences and Medicine.

PPM International Master


A new campus has been inaugurated at Tor

Vergata University. The campus is the largest
in Italy and one of the largest in Europe with
its 1,200 bed spaces that offer high quality
services for the university students.
Campus X Tor Vergata is a community
that embraces different people and cultures,
fostering an international environment by
promoting the principles of integration and
cohesion among people who live, learn and

For further information please visit the Campus X

at the following web site:

work around Tor Vergata University. Living

and learning are intimately intertwined, as
the Campus provides a wide range of services
and student life programmes designed to
meet the student needs and concerns.
As for accommodation, the Campus
provides very comfortable apartments, fully
furnished, designed for 1 or 2 people with
shared bathroom, living room, kitchen and
Wi-Fi internet connection.

The following services are available on

Campus. Campus Shuttle Bus, connecting
Tor Vergata rail station to the campus and
also connecting the various buildings/
schools within the campus, study space
and reading rooms with Wi-Fi internet
connection, tutoring rooms, laundry room,
leisure room, music room, sporting centre
and SPA, restaurant, cafeteria and mini
market, orientation and tutoring centre.

PPM International Master


Fees and Funding


PPM International Master

There are two main types of costs for students undertaking postgraduate
study during the International Master in Public Procurement
Management: academic fees and living expenses.
Academic fees cover the cost of tuition, examinations and registration
and some student amenities. They dont include fees for accommodation,
meals or general living expenses.
Academic fees for the a. y. 2014-2015 amount to 7.000,00.
It is also possible to attend a part of the program, even only one module.
In this case the cost per module is 750.
Beyond the academic fees, the other main cost for postgraduate
students will be living expenses. These include key aspects such as your
accommodation fees if you choose to live on our campus ( 700-800 per
month, including accommodation on campus in a private room with
shared bathroom, daily lunch and dinner at the Campus Restaurant)
or rent for those living off campus, food and other general expenditure
related to apartments life.

A limited number of scholarships is offered from the European Bank

for Reconstruction and Development (from funding provided by the
Central European Initiative and Italian Trust Funds) at
workingwithus/procurement.shtml for senior public procurement
ocials from certain EBRD countries of operation only.


The International Master in Public Procurement Management also

offers some grants covering partially or totally academic fees to the
student who will be selected as a classroom tutor.
The call for application is available on the Masters website:
Beyond applying read the eligibility criteria thoroughly and make sure
you submit your application by the precise deadline in November 2014
which you will nd posted on our website.

PPM International Master


Teaching staff

Managing public procurement involves so much more than learning the rules.
This Master's course in Public Procurement Management will enable the students to
improve procurement systems where it counts - when making procurement decisions on
the ground.

Caroline Nicholas Senior Legal Officer International Trade Law Division


The Master Program in Public Procurement Management provides a comprehensive

and interdisciplinary training in public procurement.

Prof. Elisabetta Iossa Professor of Economics

University of Rome Tor Vergata, CEPR, CMPO, EIEF

An interdisciplinary approach to Public Procurement as an instrument to ensure the

achievement of public goals as well as an better use of public funds.

Prof. Biancamaria Raganelli Professor of Administrative Law

University of Rome Tor Vergata

As a consequence of the global crisis, public administrations are required to become

more efficient and effective in all their activities. Procurement is one of the areas with
the greatest potential for improvement but also one of the most complex to improve,
due to the multiple skills required and the difficulty of working within strict legislation
constraints. Thanks to its intrinsic multidisciplinary approach, its innovative structure
and its leading edge content, the Master in Public Procurement Management can
valuably support this journey towards a new, efficient, competence-based and innovative
public administration.

Prof. Vittorio Cesarotti Professor of Operations Management

University of Rome Tor Vergata

PPM International Master



"International Master in Public Procurement Management 2014 at Tor Vergata

University of Rome has given an excellent opportunity to gain multidisciplinary
knowledge in public procurement and related subjects to a group of over 30 students.
Knowledge, experience, expertise, and above all selfless dedication of academic staff
greatly contributed to added value that each of us can bring home to our working
environment, allowing us also to set new goals in our professional lives. As much as this
has been beneficial to our careers, even more so it has been a truly pleasurable human
experience. Meeting people from so many different parts of the world, and ending up
enjoying in every day that we spent together, whether it was going to classes, studying
in campus or just sightseeing Rome and other beautiful cities in Italy has made me a
wealthier person. I shall take wonderful memories from this programme and I would
recommend it to everyone."

Marko Jeremi - Serbia

"I consider myself a very lucky woman to have the opportunity to participate in IMPPM
master program for improving myself and my knowledge despite my work and social
responsibilities as a married woman, but I really realized how much this master is
unique with little similarities throughout the world that encouraged me to be in. Through
this experience, we were able to meet with experts in public procurement from all over
the world and we discussed a lot of aspects and challenges in this growing field. I went
back home carrying all this knowledge and self-confidence which will be a cornerstone in
improving my output quality as a procurement officer. Thanks to all contributors in this
master for making it possible and successful."

Heba Al Mohtaseb - Giordania

"The IMPPM was an incredible learning and human experience for me. I strongly believe
that this master programme is unique in its organization and interdisciplinarity of
courses, as the main issues of public procurement are analyzed from the economic, legal,
ethical, strategic and managerial perspectives, according to the highest professional
and academic standards of lectures, in a perfect mix of theory and practice. The
international dimension and heterogeneity of the class in terms of nationalities,
cultures, backgrounds gave also a notable added value to this edition of the master,
where sharing of best practices, opinions and experiences was always encouraged.
Thanks to this Master, I had the opportunity to meet a lot of new people, and those
"colleagues" that I met the very first day has now become very close friends and,
hopefully, professional partners in the future. I would recommend this Master to whoever
is willing to have a closer insight of public procurement, studying in a multicultural and
challenging environment, within the beautiful scenario of the Eternal city of Rome."

Giulia Di Pierro - Italy

PPM International Master


Master Director

Executive Director

Gustavo Piga

Annalisa Castelli

Director of EBRD
Jan Jackholt

Scientific Committee
Jos Luis Alfaro

Jakob Edler

Aristide Police

Alessandro Ancarani

Aris Georgopoulos

Romilde Rizzo

Alexander Belenky

Daniel Gordon

Stephane Saussier

Federiga Bindi

Jan Jackholt

Tina Soreide

Chris Bovis

Irina Kuznetsova

Stephane Straub

Martin Burgi

Paolo Labombarda

Pedro Telles

Giacomo Calzolari

Franois Lichere

Khi Thai

Fuguo Cao

Frederic Marty

Steen Treumer

Domenico Casalino

Bernardo Mattarella

Elvira Uyarra

Riccardo Colangelo

Caroline Nicholas

Luis Valadares Tavares

Enzo De Laurentiis

Guido Paolucci

Tommaso Valletti

Giacinto Della Cananea

Lucio Picci

Christopher Yukins

Gian Luigi Albano

Nicola Dimitri

Biancamaria Raganelli

Simone Borra

Francesco Forte

Veljko Sikirica

Corrado Cerruti

Elisabetta Iossa

Raffaele Tortora

Vittorio Cesarotti

Gustavo Piga

Stefano Tremolanti

Executive Committee

Department of Business Government
Philosophy Studies
University of Rome Tor Vergata

Procurement Department
European Bank for Reconstruction
and Development

via Columbia 2, 00133 Rome - Italy

One Exchange Square

London EC2A 2JN

Master Secretariat
Patrizia Marta
Distance Learning Coordinator
Andrea Appolloni
tel. +39 06 72595512
fax +39 06 72595804

To the attention of
Veljko Sikirica
Senior Procurement Specialist
tel: +44 (0) 20 7338 6884
fax: +44 (0) 20 7338 7472

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