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Network Security Attacks and Defence

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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Science & Engineering (IJAFRSE)

Volume 1, Issue 3, August 2014.

Network Security : Attacks and Defence.

Kartikey Agarwal*, Dr. Sanjay Kumar Dubey
Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India*,
Network Security has become very important in todays world, as a result of which various
methods are adopted to bypass it. Network administrators need to keep up with the recent
advancements in both the hardware and software fields to prevent their as well as the users data.
This paper outlines the various attack methods which are used, as well as various defence
mechanism against them.
Index Terms: DOS attacks, Firewalls, Encryption, Port Scanning, SSL, SHTTP, VPN

Network security refers to protecting the websites domains or servers from various forms of attack.
Network security is important in every field of todays world such as military, government and even in
our daily lives. Having the knowledge of how the attacks are executed we can better protect ourselves.
The architecture of the network can be modified to prevent these attacks, many companies use firewall
and various polices to protect themselves. Network security has a very vast field which was developed in
stages and as of today, it is still in evolutionary stage. To understand the current research being done, one
must understand its background and must have knowledge of the working of the internet, its
vulnerabilities and the methods which can be used to initiate attacks on the system. Internet has become
more and more widespread, in today's world internet is available everywhere in our house, in our work
place, mobiles, cars everything is connected to the internet and if an unauthorized person is able to get
access to this network he can not only spy on us but he can easily mess up our lives.
A network consists of routers from which information can be easily stolen by the use of malwares such as
a Trojan Horses. The synchronous network consist of switches and since they do not buffer any data
and hence are not required to be protected. Network security is thus mainly focused on the data
networks and on the devices which are used to link to the internet.As forecasting goes for the field of the
network security it can be said that some new trends are emerging some are based on old ideas such as
biometric scanning while others are completely new and revolutionary.
Email is a widely used
service today and it is also contain many serious flaws, there is no system of authenticating the sender as
well as the recipient, it is stored in multiple places during transmission and can be easily intercepted and
changed. SPAM are serious security threat they only require very less manpower but affect millions to
billions of Email users around the world, they can malicious link or even false advertisements.
network contains many vulnerabilities but most of them can fixed by following very simple procedures,
such as updating software and correctly configuring network and firewall rules, using a good anti-virus
software etc.In this report most of the basic information regarding network security will be outlined such
as finding and closing vulnerabilities and preventing network attacks and also security measures
currently being used.


A. Passive Attacks

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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Science & Engineering (IJAFRSE)
Volume 1, Issue 3, August 2014.

This type of attacks includes attempts to break the system using observed data. One of its example is
plain text attack, where both the plain text and cipher text are already known to the attacker.
Properties of passive attacks are as follows:

Interception: The data passing through a network can be easily sniffed and thus attacking the
confidentiality of the user, such as eavesdropping, "Man in the middle" attacks
Traffic analysis: Also attacks confidentiality. It can include trace back on a network like a CRT

B. Active Attacks
In this attack the attacker sends data stream to one or both the parties involved or he can also completely
cut off the data stream. Its attributes are as follows:

Interruption: It prevents an authenticated user form accessing the site. It attacks availability. Such as
DOS attacks.
Modification: In this the data is modified mostly during transmission. It attacks integrity.
Fabrication: Creating counterfeit items on a network without proper authorization. It attacks

C. DOS Attack
DOS attacks today have become a major threat to network security all over the world. They can be easily
launched by anyone with the basic knowledge of network security. They dont require as much time and
planning as some other attacks, in short they are cheap and efficient method of attacking networks. They
can shutdown the company network by overflowing it with requests and thus affects availability of the
network. With the help of easy to use network tools such as Trinoo, which can be easily downloaded of
the internet any normal user can initiate an attack. DOS attacks usually works by exhausting the targeted
network of bandwidth, TCP connections buffer, application/service buffer, CPU cycles, etc. DOS attacks
use many users connected to a network known as zombies most of the time users are unaware of that
their computer is infected [8].
1. Different Types of DOS Attacks.
Many attacks are used to perform a DOS attack so as to disable service. Some of which are as follows: TCP
SYN Flooding. When a client wants to connect to the server, the client first sends to an SYN message to
the server. The server then responds to the client by sending a SYN-ACK message to the client. The client
completes the connection by sending an ACK message. The connection is now established and data can be
transferred easily. The problem arises when the connections remain half open and the server waits for
the client side to send an ACK message. This takes system resources and the server will wait till the
expiration date. The person exploiting the server will never send the ACK message and will keep on
sending new connection demand, till the server is overloaded, thus cannot provide access [3].
ICMP Smurf Flooding: ICMP package is used to know whether the server is responding or not. The server
replies with an ICMP echo command. In smurf attack the attacking host forges the ICMP echo requests
having victims address as the source and the broadcast address of remote networks. These computers
will then send back ICMP echo reply package to source, thus congesting victims network.
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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Science & Engineering (IJAFRSE)
Volume 1, Issue 3, August 2014.

UDP Flooding: Many networks now use TCP and ICMP protocols to prevent DOS attacks but a hacker can
send large number of packages as UDP overloading the victim and preventing any new connection.
D. Types of Network Security
The different types of network security are as follows [3]:
Table 1: Types of Network Security

Security by Obscurity

The Perimeter Defence

Defence in Depth

This works on stealth

working principle is that if
no one knows the system
exists then it wont be
attacked. The problem
with this approach is that
it wont be a long term
solution, and once the
system is detected, it will
be completely vulnerable.

Organization harden the

network security by
using tools such as hiding
the network behind a
firewall, separating the
untrusted network.
nothing to stop an attack
from inside.
system fails the inside
system is completely left

This is the best way to protect the

system but also very difficult to
implement. In this each system is
hardened and is monitored thus acting
like an island and it defends itself
against the attacks. Even if one of the
network is compromised it wont affect
the other networks. In this method
internal networks are less susceptible
to be compromised. With this system it
can also detect hack attempts from the
compromised systems.


An inherent weakness in the system may it be by design, configuration or implementation which renders
it to a threat. But most of the vulnerabilities are not because of faulty design but some may be caused due
to disasters both natural and made, or some maybe cause by the by same persons trying to protect the
system [2].Most of the Vulnerabilities caused due to poor design, poor implementation, poor
management, physical vulnerabilities, hardware and software, interception of information andhuman
vulnerabilities. Many of the network attacks can be easily prevented by the network admin monitoring
his network closely and applying the entire latest patch available from the vendor to his software.
However this cannot prevent most of the attacks, to prevent them, the network requires configurations
such as:
A. Configuration Management
It is as important as having a descent firewall to protect the system. As soon as a network setup is
completed all its default logins, Ids, address must be changed as soon as possible as all these information
is available on the internet for anyone to view. Anyone can use the default login to gain access to the
network and it can put all the network at risk. The machines inside the network must be running the
running up to date copies of O and all the patches especially the security patches must be installed as
soon as they are available, configuration files must not have any known security holes, all the data is
backed up in a secure manner, it allows us to deal with nine out of the ten topmost attacks. Several tools
are also available which allows patches to deployed simultaneously and keep things tight.
B. Firewalls
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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Science & Engineering (IJAFRSE)
Volume 1, Issue 3, August 2014.

It is the most widely sold and available network security tool available in the market. This is the wall
which stands between the local network and the internet and filters the traffic ad prevents most of the
network attacks.There are three different types of firewalls depending on filtering at the IP level, Packet
level or at the TCP or application level [11]. Firewalls help preventing unauthorised network traffic
through an unsecured network to a private network. They can notify the user when an untrusted
application is requested access to the internet. They also create a log of all the connections made to the
system. These log can be very harmful in case of any hacking attempts. Firewalls only works if they are
correctly configured, if somebody makes a mistake while configuring the firewall, it may allow
unauthorised to enter or leave the system. It takes certain knowledge and experience to correctly
configure a firewall. If the firewall goes down one cannot connect to the network as in a case of DOS
attack. Firewall also reduces the speed of network performance as it examines both incoming and
outgoing traffic. Firewall does not manage any internal traffic where most of the attacks come from. Many
companies are under false assumptions, that by just using a firewall they are safe, but the truth is they
are not, firewall can be easily be circumvented. The best thing while configuring firewall is to deny
anything that is not allowed [12].
C. Encryption
Using encryption methods one can prevent hacker listening onto the data because without the right key it
will just be garbage to him.Different encryption method such as using HTTPS or SHTTP during the
transmission of data between the client and user, will prevent Man in the middle attack (MIM), this will
also prevent any sniffing of data and thus any eavesdropping. Using VPN will encrypt all the data going
through the network, it will also improve the privacy of the user. Encryption also has downsides as all the
encrypted mail and web pages are allowed through firewall they can also contain malware in them.
Encrypting data takes processing power from the CPU. This in turn reduces the speed at which data can
be send, the stronger the encryption the more time it takes [13].
D. Defence against DOS Attacks
To prevent DDoS attack many technologies have been developed such as intrusion detection systems
(IDSs), firewalls, and enhanced routers. These things are used between the internet and servers. They
monitor incoming connections as well as outgoing connections and automatically take steps to protect
the network. They have traffic analysis, access control, redundancy built into them [15].IDSs are make a
log of both the incoming and outgoing connections. These logs can then be compared to baseline traffic to
detect potential Dos attacks. If there is unusually high traffic on the server it can also alert of a possible
ongoing DOS attack such as TCP SYN flooding [14].Firewalls can also be used as defence against DOS
attacks with the required configuration. Firewalls can be used to allow or deny certain packets, ports and
IP addresses etc. Firewalls can also perform real time evaluation of the traffic and take the necessary
steps to prevent the attack. Security measures can also be employed in routers which can create another
defence line away from the target, so even if a DOS attack takes place it wont affect the internal network.
Service providers can also increase the service quality of infrastructure. Whenever a server fails a backup
server can take its place, this will make effect of DOS attack negligible. If the service providers are able to
distribute the heavy traffic of a DOS attack over a wide network quickly it can also prevent DOS attacks,
however this method require computer and network resources and they can be very costly to provide on
daily basis as a result only very big companies opt for this method.
E. Vulnerability Testing
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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Science & Engineering (IJAFRSE)
Volume 1, Issue 3, August 2014.

To prevent any attacks on the network, one must find any open vulnerabilities in the network and close
them, these may include open ports and also faulty and outdated software with known vulnerabilities,
outdated firewall rules etc. There are different tools available which allows a user to test his own
network security and also find vulnerabilities in a network [4]. One such method is using a port scanner
which can be used to probe a server and find any open ports. This is used by many admins to verify
policies of their servers and also can be used by attackers on a network to find exploits. Some of the tools
which are available for free on the internet are Nmap, SuperScan. These tools can be downloaded by
everyone and each comes with a detailed tutorial for using them [16]. Different types of port scans are
given below.

Port Scan Type

Open Scan

Half Open




TCP Connect

SYN Flag

Pin Flag

TCP echo


Reverse Ident

"Dumb Scan"

ACK flags

UDP echo

FTP Bounce

Null Flags


All Flags





Figure1. Port Scan Types


For the sake of privacy, confidentiality and availability our communications on the web should always be
encrypted this reduces the number of attacks and prevents anyone to view the ongoing transmissions.
These can be achieved by putting together a system of encryption and employing a system of digital
certificates. The most important way of encryption is the SSL protocol [7].Network security can also be
compared to human system. The human system can be taken as analogy, providing a protection at each
point just like a body we can greatly improve the security. Using this mechanism we can spread our
resources and prevent dependent on one system [9].
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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Science & Engineering (IJAFRSE)
Volume 1, Issue 3, August 2014.

A. Secure Sockets Layer

It uses both asymmetric and symmetric keys encryption transfer data in a secure mode over a network.
When SSL is used in a browser it establish a secure connection between the browser and the server. Its
like an encrypted tunnel in which the data can flow securely. Anyone listening on the network cannot
decipher the data flowing in the tunnel. It provides integrity using hashing algorithms and confidentiality
using encryption.The session begins with an asymmetric encryption. The server then sends the client its
public key. After the asymmetric connection both the sides switches to a symmetric connection.
Asymmetric algorithms are slow and uses much more CPU power than symmetric ones. Even while
symmetric encryption, CPU load is high, servers can only handle a fraction of connections as compared to
servers with no encryption [17].
B. Secure HTTP (SHTTP)
Its an alternative to HTTPS, it has the same working as HTTPS and is designed to secure web pages and
their messages. There are differences between SHTTP and SSL protocol such as SSl is a connection
oriented protocol and it works it transport level by providing a secure tunnel for transmission whereas
SHTTP works on application level and each message is encrypted separately, but secure tunnel is
created. SSL can be used for secure TCP/IP protocols like FTP but SHTTP works only on HTTP. Its use is
fairly limited as compared to HTTPS.
Virtual Private Network (VPN), is a way to transport traffic on an unsecured network. It uses a
combination of encrypting, authentication and tunnelling. There are many different types of methods of
VPN but of these 5 are easily recognized.The most known and used protocols are as follows:

Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol (PPTP)

Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol (L2TP)
Internet Protocol Security (IPsec)

VPN allows a user to secure it privacy as its very hard to correctly detect the location of the user as the
network data may be routed through multiple locations spread across the world before finally reaching
its destination. It also can be used to bypass firewall and blocks of websites.
D. E-Mail Security
As both the sender and receiver of the email one must be concerned about the sensitivity of the
information in the mail, it being viewed by unauthorised users, being modified in the middle or in the
storage. Email can be easily counterfeit therefore one must always authenticate its source. E-mail can
also be used as a delivery mechanism for viruses. Cryptography as in many other fields plays a crucial
role in email security [6].Emails are very unsecure. As they pass through many mail servers during
transits they can be easily intercepted and modified. While using common Email there is no process to
authenticate the sender and many users would not give a thought to authenticate the email
received.There are many standards one can choose in order to secure his emails some of these are:PGP,
PEM, Secure multipurpose Internet mail extension (MIME), Message Security Protocol (MSP).

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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Science & Engineering (IJAFRSE)
Volume 1, Issue 3, August 2014.

The emails during their transit are stored in many servers, which they pass through during their transit
and as a result they are not actually deleted when the users delete them from their account. These copies
can be easily retrieved and as well as their contents. Thus there should be a feature to delete these copies
or making these copies secure basically by using some strong encryption so that they cannot be read [10].


Before the internet became popular and fairly common, intrusion detection meant detection of an
unauthorized human user/person on a machine, but this definition radically changed with the advent of
CodeRed worm and its variants in the year 2001. These were 1st generation worm they had high spread
rats and made human countermeasures impossible. A real-time and an automated system was to be
developed to detect and prevent further spread of these worms. These worms generated high traffic
especially on Port 80, therefore a volumetric approach was proposed to detect them. It worked for the
generation where network infrastructure was not widely deployed. However they became useless in the
recent years because of the behaviour of worm is now specific in many cases and also users begin to
generate high volume on their own using file sharing sites and network gaming [5]. Network security is
being improved in two fields namely hardware and security in the following ways:
A. Hardware Development
This field is not developing very rapidly as its software counterpart but nonetheless some amazing
developments are being made such as using Biometric systems and smartcards which can drastically
reduce the number of unauthorised access. Biometric has very important use in the field of the network
security, some obvious uses such a built in biometric scanner attached to a workstation can be used as an
authentication mechanism which can be used as a login to the system, since two persons cannot have the
same biometrics as the both persons, it is a full proof mechanism of login [1].People tend to forget their
passwords and so they keep it near their workstation written on a slip or something else or even lock
themselves out of their system by incorrectly entering it too many times. All this can be easily avoided by
biometric systems as they provide users undeniable proof of identity. Smartcards are provided by
companies to its workers, they only work when they are inserted in the computer and a pin issued the
network administrator is entered, since the pin issued is only four characters and numeric, users dont
forget it and dont write it down.
B. Software Developments
The software field is very wide when it comes to network security. It includes firewall, antivirus, VPN,
intrusion detection, and many much more. The improvement of network security is basically still the
same. When new virus are found virus definitions are updated, its the same for firewalls instead their
rules are updated. As more and more security transits to hardware such as biometric. The software must
be able to use the information correctly and appropriately. Currently research is being focused on neural
networks for facial recognition software. Most current algorithms require substantial processing power.
This power cannot be available in small devices like sensors. Therefore, one must develop light weight
algorithms to counter this problem [1].
Antivirus works on a very basic principle, they scan a file and then matches its digital signature against
the known malwares. If the signature is match in the database it reports it, delete it or even disinfect it
depending on the users setting. This system however easy has a huge drawback, whenever a new
malware is found, it takes time before the antivirus database can be updated and during this period the
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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Science & Engineering (IJAFRSE)
Volume 1, Issue 3, August 2014.

malware can already take complete control of the computer, disable the antivirus or even hides itself
from the antivirus. To prevent this antivirus companies introduced a new system called cloud scanning
this way not only will the digital signature be scanned across the database but also across millions of
computers and servers across the world. This all happens and real time and results are very fast. This
greatly reduces the chance of infection from a new malware.

As internet has become a huge part of our daily life, the need of network security has also increased
exponentially from the last decade. As more and more users connect to the internet it attracts a lot of
criminals. Today, everything is connected to internet from simple shopping to defence secrets as a result
there is huge need of network security. Billions of dollars of transactions happens every hour over the
internet, this need to be protected at all costs.Even a small unnoticed vulnerability in a network can have
disastrous affect, if companies records are leaked, it can put the users data such as their banking details
and credit card information at risk, numerous softwares such as intrusion detection have been which
prevents these attacks, but most of the time its because of a human error that these attacks occur.Most of
the attacks can be easily prevented, by following many simply methods as outlined in this paper. As new
and more sophisticated attacks occur, researchers across the world find new methods to prevent them.
Numerous advancements are being made in the field of network security both in the field of hardware
and software, its a continuous cat and mouse game between network security analyst and crackers and
as the demand of internet shows no signs of decreasing its only going to get a lot harder.




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Volume 1, Issue 3, August 2014.


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Kartikey Agarwal is researcher in Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, India. His research areas include
Network Security, Cloud Computing and Database Management System.

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Dubey is Ph. D. in Computer Science and Engineering. He is

Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Amity
School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India. He
is member of IET and ACM digital library. His research areas include Object
Oriented Software Engineering, Soft Computing, HCI, Cloud Computing and Data
Mining. He has published more than 55 research papers in indexed National &
nternational Journals including ACM and in Proceedings of the reputed
International/ National Conferences (including IEEE Explore). These publications
have good citation records. He has authored 2 books also. In addition, he has also
served as a Technical Program Committee Member of several reputed

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