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February 22, 2015 Worship Folder

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The Lords Day Worship Service

First Sunday Of Lent

God Calls Us
To Worship
The Call To Worship

~ based on Psalm 86 & 73 ~
Leader: There is none like You, O Lord,
nor are there any works like Yours.
!Unison: All nations You have made
shall come and bow down before You,
O Lord, and glorify Your name.

!Leader: For You are great and do

wondrous things. You alone are God!
!Unison: Whom have I in heaven but
You? And earth has nothing I desire
besides You. My flesh and my heart
may fail, but God is the strength of my
heart and my portion forever!

Prayer Of Adoration

Songs Of Praise & Worship

How Great You Are

Our God is great

The Father of creation

His splendour fills the earth
The lightning crash
The thunder sings His praises
The galaxies cant help
But shout His worth

(repeat chorus)

The Word made flesh

Gods promise to the fallen

He came with powr to save
The light of life
Was crushed for our rebellion
He died our death
And rose up from the grave

Prayer Of Confession
~ based on Psalm 25 ~
Unison: Remember Your mercy, O Lord,

Our King will come

With trumpet blasts resounding
To claim His blood-washed bride
Hell rend the skies
Descending in His glory
And in an instant faith will turn to sight

and Your steadfast love, for they have

been of old. Remember not the sins of
my youth or my transgressions; according to Your steadfast love remember me
for the sake of Your goodness.

All Hail the Power of Jesus Name

Unison: For Your names sake, O Lord,

pardon my guilt, for it is great. Turn to
me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely
and afflicted. The troubles of my heart
are enlarged; bring me out of my distress.
Consider my affliction and trouble and
forgive all my sins. Amen.

All hail the power of Jesus name
Let angels prostrate fall
Bring forth the royal diadem
And crown Him Lord of all

Ye chosen seed of Israels race

Ye ransomed of the fall

Hail Him who saves you by His grace
And crown Him Lord of all

Let evry kindred, evry tribe
On this terrestrial ball
To Him all majesty ascribe
And crown Him Lord of all

O with that yonder sacred throng
We at His feet may fall
Well join the everlasting song
And crown Him Lord of all

God Graciously
Renews Us In

My soul must sing to You an offering
How great You are
My soul must sing
Oh, let the heavens ring
How great You are
Oh, how great You are

you; He rises to show mercy to you.

He will surely be gracious to you at the
sound of your cry. As soon as He hears
it, He answers you.

Call To Repentance &


~ based on Isaiah 30 ~

!Leader: The Lord God, the Holy One of

Israel, spoke through the prophet Isaiah

saying, In repentance and rest is your
salvation, in quietness and trust is your

!Isaiah pleaded with the people, There-

fore the Lord longs to be gracious to

~ Silent Confession & Reflection ~

The old is gone, the new has come
What You complete is completely done
We're heirs with Christ, the victory won
What You complete is completely done

I don't know what lies ahead

What if I fail again
You are my confidence
You'll keep me to the end
I'm leaving my fears behind me now

(repeat chorus)

the coming Saviour of the world, Jesus

Christ, when he said, Surely He has
borne our griefs and carried our sorrows;
yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by
God, and afflicted. But He was wounded
for our transgressions; He was crushed
for our iniquities; upon Him was the
chastisement that brought us peace, and
with His stripes we are healed.


then that you were

ransomed not with perishable things such
as silver or gold, but with the precious
blood of Christ. He suffered for sins, the
righteous for the unrighteous, to bring us
to God.

Song Of Response
Completely Done
What reason have I to doubt

Why would I dwell in fear

When all I have known is grace
My future in Christ is clear

My sins have been paid in full

There's no condemnation here
I live in the good of this
My Father has brought me near
I'm leaving my fears behind me now

My heart is leaning on the Word
The written Word of God
Salvation by my Savior's name
Salvation through His blood

My great Physician heals the sick
(repeat chorus)

The lost He came to save

For me His precious blood He shed
For me His life He gave

(repeat chorus)

God Receives
Our Offerings
The Prayers Of The People
For The Church & City

Leader: Let us pray.
~ Isaiah 53; 1 Peter 1 ~
!Unison: Our Father in Heaven, hallow!
Leader: Isaiah the prophet spoke about ed be your name. Your Kingdom come,
The Words Of The Gospel

(repeat chorus)

Your will be done, on earth as it is in


!Give us this day our daily bread, and

forgive us our debts as we also have

forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil.

!For the kingdom, the power, and the

glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.

My Faith Has Found

A Resting Place

My faith has found a resting place

Not in device nor creed
I trust the Ever-living One
His wounds for me shall plead

I need no other argument
I need no other plea
It is enough that Jesus died
And that He died for me

Enough for me that Jesus saves

This ends my fear and doubt
A sinful soul I come to Him
He'll never cast me out

In Christ alone my hope is found
In Christ Alone

God Gives Us
His Words
Of Eternal Life

Our Father In Heaven

He is my light, my strength, my song

This cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest
Drought and storm
What heights of love
What depths of peace
When fears are stilled
When strivings cease
My comforter, my All in all
Here in the love of Christ I stand

God Feeds Us His

Covenant Meal

In Christ alone who took on flesh

Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live

Todays Scripture Lesson:

Matthew 6:5-13
Pastor John Ferguson

Presentation Of Our Tithes

& Offerings
Song Of Preparation

Clothed in rainbows of living colour

Flashes of lightning, rolls of thunder
Blessing and honour, strength and
Glory and power be
To You the Only Wise King

(repeat chorus)

Filled with wonder, awestruck wonder

At the mention of Your Name
Jesus, Your Name is Power
Breath, and Living Water
Such a marvellous mystery

(repeat chorus)

Songs For Communion

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
Revelation Song

Holy, Holy, is He
Sing a new song to Him who sits on
Heaven's Mercy Seat

Holy, Holy, Holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Who was, and is, and is to come
With all creation I sing
Praise to the King of Kings
You are my everything
And I will adore You

There in the ground His body lay

Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sins curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death

This is the power of Christ in me
From lifes first cry, to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
Til he returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ Ill stand

We Will Glorify

We will glorify the King of Kings

We will glorify the Lamb
We will glorify the Lord of lords
Who is the great I AM

Lord Jehovah reigns in majesty

We will bow before His throne
We will worship Him in righteousness
We will worship Him alone


He is Lord of heaven, Lord of earth
He is Lord of all who live
He is Lord above the universe
All praise to Him we give

Hallelujah to the King of kings

Hallelujah to the Lamb
Hallelujah to the Lord of lords
Who is the great I AM

Our Confession Of Faith
~ Heidelberg Catechism #60 ~
Leader: Christian, how are you made
right with God?
!Unison: Only by true faith in Jesus

Christ. Even though my conscience

accuses me of having grievously sinned
against all Gods commandments and of
never having kept any of them, and
even though I am still inclined to all
evil, nevertheless, without my deserving
it at all, out of sheer grace God grants
and credits to me the perfect
satisfaction, righteousness, and holiness
of Christ, as if I had never sinned nor
been a sinner, as if I had been as
perfectly obedient as Christ was
obedient for me. All I need to do is to
accept this gift of God with a believing

God Sends Us
Into The World
With His Blessing

Young Adults: TODAY

Thanks For
Joining Us For
Worship Today

Were delighted to have had you with

us today. If you are looking for a place
to explore Christianity and its lifechanging relevance, we hope that you
will find New City Church to be a safe
place to ask questions and to grow in
your understanding of the person and
mission of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you
have any questions about New City
Church, Christianity, or the uniqueness
of Jesus of Nazareth, please dont
hesitate to ask us.

Pastor Mike Ivancic / 403.282.3454
Pastoral Assistant David Fletcher

Pastor John Ferguson / 403.991.5555


Elder Don Kitchener / 403.547.4461
Elder Darrell Wolfe / 403.247.8332

with all joy and peace in believing, so

that by the power of the Holy Spirit you
may abound in hope.

!Unison: Amen!

All songs used by permission. CCLI

license #273300. Parts of the worship
service are adapted from or reprinted by
permission from The Worship
Sourcebook, c. 2004, CRC Publications.

February 22, 2015

Lent Series

During our times of worship on Sunday mornings, we will focus on whats become
known as The Lords Prayer. It was a prayer that the Lord Jesus gave when he was
teaching the disciples and a multitude of people in his famous message known as
The Sermon on the Mount. In this message, Jesus gave his followers a model of
prayer that has served Christians well over the last 2,000 years, and is often
considered part of the basic discipleship that every Christian should master.

!February 22: Our Father In Heaven

March 01: Hallowed Be Your Name

March 08: Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done
March 15: Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
March 22: Forgive Us Of Our Sins
March 29: Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us From Evil
April 05: The Celebration of Easter

Pray Great Things: Seek God for the City 2015

Join us in a special season of prayer for our city. This guided prayer book will help
us pray with a united vision for the people of Calgary. We will join together in
praying for our city during Lent leading up to Palm Sunday (February 18th to March
29). Booklets are available in the Lobby. Suggested Donation: $4 each.

Youth Group: Friday at the Fergusons, 7-9pm

During the 6 Fridays of Lent leading up to Easter, the youth will gather at the
Fergies house (331 Citadel Drive NW). Well be working our way through a unique,
DVD-driven study called, The Easter Experience, which brings the passion and
the resurrection of Jesus to life through dramatic storytelling and challenging
teaching done in a highly cinematic style. This Friday is Session 2: My Life Can

PCA Alberta Womens Retreat:

April 17-18, 2015 at Mount St. Frances Retreat Centre in Cochrane. The retreat
begins at 7 pm on Friday and will end at 7 pm on Saturday. All women 18+ are
invited, including nursing moms. Our theme is "Treasures in Darkness". In three
sessions led by our speaker Cindy Kerr, we will learn about God's gracious gifts to
us in the midst of suffering: God Himself, His glorious grace, and our personal
growth and transformation. Cost is $135 which includes all retreat costs,
accommodations, food and activities. For more if: please contact Vivian Long
(780-460-2025) or Arlene VandeKamp (780-488-8622 or
Registration forms are in the lobby.

The Benediction

~ Romans 15:13 ~
Leader: May the God of hope fill you

All Young Adults are invited to the home of David & Christine Fletcher (136 West
Creek Close in Chestermere, home ph: 403.277.5700) following todays service for
lunch & a time of fellowship. Don & Ina Kitchener will be sharing their testimonies.

New City Church

Calgary, Alberta

Last Weeks Givings: $2,381.85

To all who are spiritually weary and seek rest,

to all who mourn and long for comfort,
to all who struggle and desire victory,
to all who sin and need a Saviour,
to all who are strangers and want fellowship,
to all who are broken and long for healing,
to all who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
and to whosoever would come,
New City Church opens wide her doors
and offers welcome in the Name of Jesus Christ.

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Calgary winter approaches

Please recycle.

A church in the city with a heart for the city!!

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