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Pranayama 101 SENT

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Version 5d 11/23//2011


How to get started?

Slow and steady

Observe and cri8que
Discuss the mind
Make it 2-way
Itera8ve Improvement

What is Prana?
The energy that lls every cell of the body and
as such, not conned to the body, but extending
outside the body too!
As per Yoga Vasistha - the pole of prana, which
extends beyond the body, reaches a distance of
approximately twelve inches. The term given for
this is "vadasanta

As per Hatha Yoga prac88oners

All Pranayam is KUMBHAKA
These yogis say that when the Pranayam is performed, the
holding of the breath outside is the very thing that acFvates
the prana
This is the reason the various yoga scriptures menFon that the
breath should be held "as long as possible
There are eight kambakas menFoned in the scriptures: sahita,
surya bhedana, bhramari ujjayi, murccha, sitali, bhastrika, and
kevali, there is complete suspension of breath, and thus, no
inhalaFon or exhalaFon

Pranayam & Benets

Pranayam = Prana ac8va8on (Life giving energy)

Patanjali couple thousand years ago

Maybe psychological
Much of this is based upon Ramdev Gurus Pranayam
Scien8c Explana8on

Stress, we breathe incorrectly

Pranayam => we focus on the breathing
Oxyen gets pumped throughout our body, brain and leads to
Health through breathing
Quietens the mind
Rejuvena8on of health

Snaking the pipes / NADIs

Ni (the Sanskrit for "tube, pipe") are the channels through
which, in tradi8onal Indian medicine and spiritual science, the
energies of the subtle body are said to ow. They connect at
special points of intensity called chakras.
There are three primary nadis; ida, pingala, and sushuma.
Various condi8ons can be diagnosed as problems along the ow
of an individual nadi, and various techniques may be used to free
the ow of energy.
The energy ow is to all the chakras of the body

What did OSHO say?

Deni8on of Moksha
Takes us to the life source

Chakras abili8es and quali8es

Seven Primary Chakras
Each chakra relates strongly to a specic part of the body, specic
emo8ons, mental, and spiritual concerns
Sahasrara, Agnya, Vishuddhi, Annahata, Manipura, Swadhistana,
Each govern our abili8es, quali8es and health
Hundreds of secondary chakras, used during accupuncture.
The secondary chakra points are inuenced with ac8on and
physicality while the seven primary chakras deal with emo8ons and
The primary chakras inuence your health greatly, the health
concerns related to them are caused by an unbalance in the chakra
itself, from an emo8onal or spiritual cause, which then manifests into
a physical ailment.
Chakra Healing .

Name of the Chakra

Visual Picture

Health and Quality Influences

Transpersonal Chakra

Located4-5 fingers above the

Connection to one's Higher Self.

Sahasrara / Crown

Linked to Pituary Gland

release of karma, connection into
the greater world

Ajna / Third Eye Chakra

Linked to Pineal Gland

Inner Guidance, Intuitive,
Understand Big Picture

Vishuddha / Throat

Linked to Thyroid Gland

Self-expression and

Anahata / Heart Chakra

Linked to Thymus
Passion, Compassion, Devotion
Unconditional Love

Manipura / Solar Plexus

Linked to Islets of Langerhans

Personal power,
Will and Autonomy

Swadhisthana / Sacral

Genitourinary system
joy, enthusiasm, grace and
accept change

Muladhara / Base or

Root Chakra (last bone

in spinal cord *coccyx*)

Adrenal medulla
sexuality, stability, emotion,
Survival instincts

Hundreds of Meridian
Chakras -

Secondary chakra points that

influence action and physicality





Side-eects and cau8ons

No side eects
Do it on an empty stomach
Heart / BP / Hernia need to be careful with some
Do not do on a full stomach

Considera8ons - What should the mind

Focus on the breathing
Do not think of worldly issues, things to do
When you breathe out think that all your nega8ve energies
and impuri8es of the body are being released
When you breathe in think that everything good around us in
this world, the spiritual energy is coming into us
Keep your eyes closed, shut out the world throughout the
Internalize, internalize, internalize
OSHO Try to go to the source of life
A good session for me is when the mind is completely blank
lost in nothingness

The Ac8va8on of Life Giving Energy
Nine Exercises

Ramdev Gurus Video



Video time


Max Duration

Summary of ALL hip://


Bhastrika Pranayam
KapalBhati Pranayam


2 minutes
5 minutes (30 times)

5 minutes
15 to 25 minutes

Ujjayi Pranayam


2 times a day

Do it 7, 11 to 21 times

Bahya Pranayam 25:45


5 times

Anulom-Vilom Pranayam


10 minutes

11 times (15 seconds each)

In winter do it 21 times - total
of 5 minutes
12 times one side and 12 times
other side


Bhrahmri Pranayam
Udgeeth Pranayam


5 times lasting 5 minutes

5 times
5 times


Vigorous breathe in
Vigorous breathe out
Dont hold your breath
For 2 minutes only

For a healthy heart and an energized mind

Kapalbha8 (Skull Bath Literal) CYCLE PUMP

30 8mes (Never more than 10 min)

Procedure : Push air forcefully in and out like a cycle pump.
Keep doing it un8l you can no longer let air out. DO NOT
breathe in un8l this happens.
ONLY EXHALE 30 Fmes or for 2 minutes
Benets : Reduce weight, aabha, tej, obesity, cons8pa8on,
gastric, acidity, Croesus(liver), hepa88s B, uterus, diabetes,
stomach problems, cholesterol, allergic problems, asthma,
snoring, concentra8on, and even cancer and AIDS.
Tips : heart and high BP pa8ents, and weak people do it
You may need a 8ssue
Related to ac8va8on of the muladhara chakra
Brain cells are bathed in prana, and en8re skull feels like it is
"shining. If that does not happen, there is no kapalabha8.

21 8mes
Ujjai TIGERS ROAR / Ocean sound

Tighten throat, Constrict throat

breathe in sound feel the breath at your throat
Push your head down,
Release the breathe through the lep nostril (by closingRight)

Press the accupuncture point

Bahya Pranayam 3 8mes (11 8mes max)

Watch the video for clarity
Bahya Pranayam Procedure : Breathe in gently, Breathe air out with some
intensity, hear the sound
compress your stomach and lip it towards your chest, bring your chin down
to the pit which is at base of throat, squeeze stomach completely and hold
for a while. then release chin, breathe in slowly and relax
Benets : stomach(udar), hernia, urinal, uterus
Tips : not for heart and high BP pa8ents
It is marked by suspension or reten8on of the breathing process aper
exhala8on of breath and applying mahabandha.
A Mahabandha (a bandha stands for a physical lock to control the ow of
prana ) is comprised of three bandhas. Namely
Jalandhur Bandha ( touching the chin on the pit located near the base of
Uddiyana Bandha ( pulling the stomach in so as to touch the back)) and
Mula bandha (pulling up the peridieum by contrac8ng the anus and
8ghtening of the lower abdomen)
In Mahabandha ,all these three bandhas are applied together.

Anulom Vilom 10 minutes / 12 8mes

one side, 12 8mes other

Procedure : Hold your right nasal with thumb, breathe in from lep. Now open right nasal
and close lep nasal with middle and ring nger and breathe out from right nasal. Now
breathe in from right nasal. Now close right nasal and open lep and breathe out and in
from lep nasal. and so on.
Never have both ngers covering your nostrils at the same 8me

Benets : heart, high BP, heart blockage, vat-cuf-pit, arthri8s, car8lage, bent ligaments,
sinual uid reduced, parkinson, paralysis, neural related, depression, migraine pain,
asthma, sinus, allergy

Tips : breathe into lungs not to stomach. no organ in stomach

While you do this Pranayam visualize that the Divine power and the Divine knowledge is
being bestowed upon you in the process. The prac8ce of this Pranayam for 5 minutes a
day will result in ac8va8on of the Muladhar Chakra (Root Chakra) causing the arousal of
Kundalini power (dormant serpen8ne power located on the root chakra).
The arousal of Kundalini power results from the arousal of Sushumna nadi (the central
energy meridian) as a consequence of repeated rubbing and churning of the breath in
the Ida (lep meridien) and Pingla(right meridian) Nadis . The prac8ce of AVP for a period
of three to four months can open up thirty to forty percent of the heart arteries
Supposed to help get to nir-vichar, the thoughtless state of mind that will point us
eventually to the life source

Brahmri 5 8mes, las8ng 10 minutes

Bhrahmri (BUMBLE BEE) Procedure : Close ears with thumb,
index nger on forehead, and middle nger on base of nose
touching eyes. Using ring nger to close right hand side nostril,
and breathe in through the lep. Close the lep now with the ring
nger and breathe out through the right nostril while making a
deep mmmm sounds. Breathe in through right nostril. And now
breathe out through lep nostril while humming like a bee.
Focus on the color paierns if any inside your thoughtless dark
Benets : tension, hypertension, high BP, heart, heart blockage,
paralysis, migraine pain, condence, concentra8on
This Pranayam ac8vates the third eye chakra so important for
geqng the power of telepathy, clairvoyance.
It facilitates concentra8on, is an aid to medita8on. This is also
true of ujjayi kumbhaka.

Udgeeth 5 8mes (sit in mudra)

Udgeeth Procedure : Breathe in deeply, and
chant 'Om'kar. OOOOOOm ( long O and small
m ).
When done rub your hands 8ll it feels warm and
take to your eyes and focus on the blank mind

Benets : medita8on

24 minutes Yoga for 24 hours of tness

Simple instruc8ons
Keeps your body healthy, and specially recommended for us
laptop/ electronics Geeks

Another Medita8on/Pranyama Technique

3 simple steps

STEP1: Ujjai TIGERS ROAR / Ocean sound

9 x3 (5,5,5,1)

Hand Posi8on 9 8mes Follow paiern

Second Hand Posi8on 9 8mes again
Third Hand Posi8on 9 8mes again
Yoga + Pranayam
Helps concentrate on the breathing
Make sure you feel the breathe in the throat
Make sure your mouth is shut

Impact The most eec8ve Pranayam for thyroid problems is


It acts on the throat area and its relaxing and s8mula8ng eects are most probably due
to s8mula8on of ancient reex pathways within the throat area, which are controlled by
the brainstem and hypothalamus. This prac8ce also gives us direct access into the pranic
and psychic net work, the substructure of metabolic ac8vity.

STEP2: Bhastrika Blacksmiths roar 18 x 3

Followed by Om 3-5 8mes
Procedure : Boxing Breathe in when you kick out, breathe out when you kick
The breathe should be rhythmic equally divided
No pause in between
Benets : heart, lungs, brain, depression, migraine, paralysis, neural system,
This kicking up and down helps a deep breathing paiern
This should generate heat, is almost an aerobic workout

So while kalpalabha< is strictly a puricatory exercise meant for

the brain cells, bhastrika is a Pranayam exercise intended to
cause a stream of prana to ow, and specically, to cause prana
to f low through the sushuana nadi.
Once done say OM 3-5 8mes.

Breathe in slowly, followed by loooong OM, stressing on every single


STEP 3: Breathing Varia8on for emp8ness

This will get you into a deep medita8ve state

20 * 36 * 36

Repeat 2 more 8mes

10 slow breathes
Rest in Shavasana for 5 minutes


Any nega8ve eects

What happens when we stop the prac8ce
If we reverse the breathing paiern is it harmful

Can I prac8ce only a subset

Beier to follow the sequence though
Watch out for any changes to your health paiern


Constant prac8ce is a must

Fix a 8me of day
Try to prac8ce at least 4-6 8mes a week
Give it 8me the results dont happen in a day, but be
cognizant of any changes

Do not give up the prac8ce unless you nd something
dierent that you want to try out
Keep a watch on your health paierns, and if you
no8ce any aberra8ons, cease and desist
Stay posi8ve and use this 8me to meditate, internalize
and think of posi8ve things
Consider doing some simple yoga as well (see details
on next slide)
Skip any par8cular one that causes bodily discomfort

Video for doing Yoga Asanas

If you want to do Yoga Video starts at 35

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