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Solving Diabetes Type 2 in 27 Days: Diabetes Relief Within 27 Days, Diabetes Recovery Plan For Long-Term Health

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The key takeaways are about solving diabetes and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels in 27 days through lifestyle and dietary changes.

The book is about providing a 27 day rehabilitation plan to solve diabetes, hyperglycemia, and hypoglycemia through a non-inflammatory lifestyle.

The book provides a rehabilitation plan for diabetes, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.


Naturally Healthy Publications

Diabetes Relief within 27 Days, Diabetes
Recovery Plan for Long-Term Health

By Robert Redfern

2013 NaturallyHealthy
All rights
2013 Naturally
All rights reserved.


About the Author

Robert Redfern Your Personal Health Coach

Robert Redfern (born January 1946) has helped hundreds of

thousands of people in over 24 countries through online health
support websites, books, radio / TV interviews and his nutritional
discoveries. His new series of books, of which Healthier Heart
is the first, brings this work together in an easy-to-follow format
that everyone can follow to help resolve their health problem
once and for all.
Roberts interest in health started when he and his wife Anne
decided to take charge of their familys health in the late 1980s.
Up until 1986, Robert had not taken much notice of his health in spite of Annes loving
persuasion. It took the premature death of his parents, Alfred and Marjorie, who died in
their sixties, to shock Robert into evaluating his priorities.
Robert and Anne looked at the whole field of health, available treatments and the
causes of health problems. They found, from doctors researching the causes of
disease, that lifestyle and diet were the most important contributions to health. Robert
and Anne changed their lifestyle and diet and, together with the use of HealthPoint
acupressure, the improvement to their health was remarkable.

As well as good health, they feel and look younger and more
energetic than all those years ago - before they started their plan.
At the time of printing, Robert, aged 65, and Anne, have every
intention of continuing to be well and looking younger, using their
unique understanding of Natural Health.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



tells you everything you

need to know about:

Solving Diabetes, Hyperglycemia,

Hypoglycemia & Healthy Blood
Sugar Levels in 27 Days
Using the Science and Knowledge
of a Non-Inflammatory Lifestyle
to Prevent and Control Diabetes

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.


Published by
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in
any form, or by any means, without the written permission from
the author.
Printed in the UK.
From the Publisher:
This book does not intend to diagnose disease nor provide medical
advice. Its intention is solely to inform and educate the reader in
changing to, and living a healthy lifestyle.
Warning: Some information may be contrary to the opinion of your
medical adviser; however, it is not contrary to the science of good health.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.


1. What Is Diabetes?............................................................................................................................................. 7
2. What Are the Different Types of Diabetes? ........................................................................................... 13
Diabetes Type 2 (AKA Type II) ....................................................................................................................... 13
Diabetes Type 1 (AKA Type I) ......................................................................................................................... 14
Gestational Diabetes ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Secondary Diabetes .......................................................................................................................................... 16
3. Can I Reverse Diabetes? .............................................................................................................................. 17
The Nutrients You Need ................................................................................................................................... 19
4. Why Doesnt My Doctor Tell Me I Can Get Better?............................................................................. 20
5. The Diabetes Type 2 Rehabilitation Plan .............................................................................................. 21
Clearing Inflammation, Balancing Blood Sugar Levels, and Promoting Healing ............................ 22
Taking the Missing Nutrients ......................................................................................................................... 22
Immune Recovery and Strengthening ........................................................................................................23
Optional Nutrients - but Suggested for the First 1 to 2 Months At Least .............................................. 24
6. Eating Real Foods ......................................................................................................................................... 26
A Non-Inflammatory Lifestyle ....................................................................................................................... 28
7. Walking and Moving Daily ......................................................................................................................... 33
8. Breathing Properly ....................................................................................................................................... 35
9. Stimulating the Acupressure Points ...................................................................................................... 36
10. Getting Out into the Sun As Much As Possible .................................................................................. 36
More About Clearing Inflammation, Balancing Blood Sugar Levels, and Promoting Healing .... 37
More About Missing Nutrients ...................................................................................................................... 39
More About Immune Strengthening Formulations ................................................................................ 40
More About Optional Nutrients .................................................................................................................... 42
More About Acupressure ............................................................................................................................... 44
In Conclusion: ..................................................................................................................................................... 45
Sample Daily Diabetes Rehabilitation Plan ............................................................................................... 46
My Good Health Club ....................................................................................................................................... 48

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.








I Committed

To regaining and maintaining a non-inflammatory lifestyle for the rest of my life

I Committed

To drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day

I Committed

To getting out in the sun for 20 minutes a day (except when contraindicated)

I Read

Roberts Diabetes Book

I Ordered

The necessary supplements to facilitate my plan and my healing

I Planned

My Daily Menu with

I Started

My breathing exercises

I Started

Massaging the acupressure points

I Reread

Roberts Diabetes Book

I Reviewed

The necessary supplements to facilitate my plan and my healing

I Reviewed

My water intake

I Reviewed

My menu

I Reviewed

My breathing exercises

I Reviewed

My life-giving sun exposure (except when contraindicated)

I Reviewed

Massaging the acupressure points

I Recommitted

To regaining and maintaining a non-inflammatory lifestyle

I Recommitted

To Roberts Diabetes book


I Recommitted To taking the necessary supplements to facilitate a non-inflammatory lifestyle

I Recommitted

To my water intake

I Recommitted

To following my menu

I Recommitted

To doing my breathing exercises

I Recommitted

To life-giving sun exposure (except when contraindicated)

I Recommitted

To massaging the acupressure points

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.


What Is Diabetes?

1. What Is Diabetes?
Quite simply, diabetes is a dysfunction of the body's systems which control glucose in muscles and cells,
associated with energy. It has been known and documented for thousands of years. I find it difficult to believe
that the medical business does not know exactly the cause and the solution of diabetes after all this time, but
they still make that claim. The popular explanation is that it is a disease caused by genes or unknown causes.

The fact is that diabetes is a 100% lifestyle condition caused by eating bread,
pastry, cookies, breakfast cereals, pizzas, white rice, high sugar
foods, potatoes, parsnips, sugary drinks, and pasta.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.


What Is Diabetes?

I included milk products in this list, although there are claims that unpasteurized milk products are healthy.
These are unnatural foods for humans and are the prime cause of most diseases. It is an unpopular statement,
but that does not stop it from being true. I also make the point that there are critical nutrients missing from
the diabetic diet that change the disease outcome when supplemented.

Anyone who avoids these unnatural foods and supplements with

the missing nutrients does not suffer from diabetes.
Millions throughout the West are suffering, and now so is Asia as they too are starting to eat Western junk
food. I believe the following "official stats" are underestimated, and it is at least 2-3 times worse than these
figures show. Drug companies have a big interest in getting you on and keeping you on drugs for the rest of
your life. Read below to see what I believe are grossly underestimated figures regarding diabetes

Some "Official" Figures

The latest figures from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) reveal that currently 366 million
people have diabetes; 4.6 million deaths are due to diabetes.

Two million adults were diagnosed with diabetes in 2010, with the numbers increasing every year.

Over 6.5% of the adult population across the globe (300 million people) had diabetes as of 2010.

7 million out of the 26 million people in the US who have

diabetes dont even know they have the disease.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.


What Is Diabetes?

Even if you are fortunate enough to have escaped a diagnosis of diabetes,

you could still be:
Close to 80 million people are pre-diabetic. Pre-diabetes is when a number of the diagnostic criteria for a
diabetic diagnosis are met; however, all the criteria for full-blown diabetes are not. Blood glucose levels are
higher than they should be but not high enough to warrant a case of diabetes. This is a dangerous scenario
as pre-diabetes sugar still causes damage to your body and may develop into type 2 diabetes, putting you
at risk for additional health complications.
Maybe your physician used the term diabetes mellitus (DM) instead of the common English term diabetes.
We will call it simply diabetes.

Diabetes is when the sugar in the bloodstream is too high.

I agree with the description used for diabetes as the silent killer. Many times, this disease goes unnoticed
because the signs and symptoms associated with it may not be very dramatic or the person affected
may attribute the symptoms to something else. Its very likely that you or someone close to you has been
diagnosed with diabetes. Previously, the highest rates occurred between the ages of 40-59, but diabetes is
becoming an epidemic in young people as the diet deteriorates.
However, a diabetes diagnosis should not be acceptable at any age, especially as we age.
In fact, high sugar will cause you to age faster.
Diabetes is a dangerous disorder. It is the fifth leading cause of death in the world and may contribute to
other diseases. Furthermore, in most cases, if you have type 2 diabetes (80-90% of diabetics) you can do
something about it.
This book shows it can be done in only 27 days!

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.


What Is Diabetes?

A Few Words of Caution: Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar)

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is when there is just not enough glucose in the bloodstream for the body
to function properly. Low blood sugar can stem from several things. When experienced as a diabetic, it's
typically from the use of prescription drugs. This is because these drugs increase the amount of insulin in
the bloodstream, but there are behaviors that can cause hypoglycemia as well.

Certain behaviors in a diabetic can lead to low blood sugar, like:

Not eating enough vegetables, fats, and protein every 2-4 hours.
Not eating enough of the above foods and then exercising.

Look out for signs of:

Racing heart
Trouble concentrating

Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar,
is when there is just too much glucose
left in the bloodstream for the body to
function properly.
This is the condition diabetics are
trying to control on a regular basis.
Hyperglycemia is what lifestyle
changes and/or prescription diabetic
drugs are trying to avoid.

Hypoglycemia is dangerous and needs to be dealt with immediately:

Check blood sugar with meter.

Eat/drink a piece of chocolate, fruit, or a glass of orange juice.
Recheck blood sugar.
Continue to eat small amounts over time until blood sugar is restored.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



What Is Diabetes?

The Pancreas
While many organs such as the thyroid and the liver are affected by high levels of insulin and glucose
resulting from diabetes, the organ most closely associated with diabetes and its progression is the pancreas.

What Does the Pancreas Do?

The pancreas is a specialized
gland because it is both
an endocrine and an
exocrine gland:

The endocrine role of the

pancreas involves releasing certain
hormones, particularly insulin
whose job is to try to control the
flood of excess sugar into the blood.

The exocrine role of the pancreas

involves releasing digestive enzymes
through ducts that travel to the small
intestine. These are especially critical
when eating cooked or processed

The primary source of energy for our cells, including our brain cells,
is glucose - although fats are always a good standby fuel.
Carbohydrates (best from veggies, fruits, or seeds) are broken down into glucose, proteins into amino acids,
and fats into fatty acids. For the glucose to supply our cells with the energy they need, glucose must first
enter the cell. This is accomplished with the help of a small amount of insulin.
After we eat, our small amount of glucose (blood sugar) levels rise, signalling the pancreas to release insulin.
This hormone is what transports the glucose out of our bloodstream and into our cells.

Too much glucose left in the bloodstream results in high levels of insulin with various related problems and can
cause hyperglycemia.

Too little glucose in the bloodstream results in hypoglycemia.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



What Is Diabetes?

The Liver, Insulin, and Diabetes

While many organs such as the thyroid and the liver are affected by high levels of insulin and glucose
resulting from diabetes, the organ most closely associated with diabetes and its progression is the pancreas.
The liver is the second largest organ in the body. It has hundreds of functions, including making and storing
glucose. When glucose - and therefore insulin levels - are high in the blood, the liver steps in, listens to the
insulin, and absorbs the extra glucose. The liver then stores the glucose as glycogen. When glucose levels
are low, the production of insulin is low too. The low level of insulin in the blood lets the liver know its time
to send glucose into the bloodstream. This is how a healthy liver operates.

Diabetics dont have a healthy functioning liver.

Their liver neither processes nor produces glucose like a healthy liver does.
A diabetics liver may not be able to detect the amount of insulin in the bloodstream and will send in more
glucose, even when it is not needed. This can increase blood sugar levels beyond where they should be and
result in hyperglycemia.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Types of Diabetes

2. What Are the Different Types

of Diabetes?
There isnt just one type of diabetes. There are actually
three main types of diabetes, in addition
to secondary diabetes:
1. Diabetes Type 2 (AKA Type II)
2. Diabetes Type 1 (AKA Type I)
3. Gestational Diabetes
And secondary diabetes.

Diabetes Type 2 (AKA Type II)

Remember, 80-90% of those diagnosed with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas
cannot produce insulin; in type 2 diabetes, the pancreas secretes enough insulin, but the cells are unable to
utilize the hormone. They resist the insulin, also called insulin resistance.
The glucose stays in the bloodstream instead of entering the cells. This prompts the pancreas to release
even more insulin as it tries once again to get the sugar to leave the bloodstream, which, in turn, can upset
the balance of other hormones and the thyroid.

Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors

Family diet history - Increases risk when parents, brothers, sisters, children,
grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, or half-siblings
eating the same diet have the disease.

Age - 40 or over is when risk is highest.

Abdominal obesity - Too much abdominal fat in the stomach and abdominal
area, a.k.a. belly fat or central obesity.

History of gestational diabetes

High blood pressure

High cholesterol

Cultural background - Black, Latino, American Indian/Alaskan native, or Asian

and Pacific Islander populations (only when eating a high starch/sugar diet).

Prior impaired fasting glucose - Or currently impaired glucose tolerance.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Types of Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms

Frequent urination
Unusual thirst
Extreme hunger
Unusual weight loss
Extreme fatigue and irritability
Frequent infections
Blurred vision
Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal
Tingling/numbness in the hands/feet
Recurring skin, gum, or bladder infections

Diabetes Type 1 (AKA Type I)

Type 1 diabetes often gets its start in youth, either during childhood or as a young adult. It accounts for 5-10%
of all cases. According to the John Hopkins Autoimmune Disease Research Center, type 1 diabetes is an
inflammatory autoimmune disease that damages the pancreas, resulting in a lack of insulin.
Pancreatic beta cells that create and release insulin are damaged by this autoimmune inflammation. This
damage results in glucose levels in the blood rising, leading to insufficient energy for cell metabolism. In this
autoimmune disease, the pancreas is incapable of producing any insulin. Insulin must be supplied outside
the body. This is usually accomplished through insulin shots that are self-injected.
Warning: Only follow this plan under the guidance of a health professional.

Type 1 Diabetes Risk Factors

Family history - Risk increases by 10-15% when parents, brothers, sisters,

or children eat the same unhealthy diet, lacking probiotics, and have the
autoimmune disease.

Consumption of cows milk at an early age - Has been under suspicion for a
long time; research is on-going.

Exposure to Coxsackie virus and enteroviral infections - In utero or during


Weight at birth - More than 9.92 pounds.

Preeclampsia - Occurs during pregnancy; characterized by high blood pressure

and protein in the urine during the late stages of pregnancy (after the fifth

Maternal age greater than 25 years

ABO incompatibility - Induced jaundice.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Types of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms

Frequent urination
Unusual thirst
Extreme hunger
Unusual weight loss
Extreme fatigue and irritability

Gestational Diabetes
This accounts for approximately 2% of diabetic diagnoses and is a result of poor nutrition
and diet in pregnancy. It has some resemblance to type 2 diabetes.
Even though it usually vanishes after childbirth, gestational diabetes is indicative of insulin
resistance and gives a warning that type 2 diabetes could be on the horizon.

Gestational diabetes differs from type 2 diabetes in two ways:

1. Hormones released by the placenta create an opposition to how insulin works.
2. Because the mother is eating more carbs and high sugar foods, the pancreas is taxed since
it has a greater amount of insulin to secrete than usual.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Types of Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes Risk Factors

Family diet history - Type 2 diabetes in parents, brothers, sisters, or children.

Prior abnormal oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
Cultural background - Asian, African, Native American, or Hispanic ancestry
(susceptible to high sugar diet).
Using glucocorticoids - During pregnancy.
Diagnosis of PCOS - Polycystic ovarian syndrome (high sugar diet).
Age - Older than 25.
Weight prior to pregnancy - Minimum of 10% above ideal body weight.
Weight gain - Early after puberty.
Birth of child - Weighing more than 9 pounds.
Inactive lifestyle
Maternal birth weight - More than 9 pounds or less than 6 pounds.

There are usually no symptoms associated with gestational diabetes.

However, screening for gestational diabetes is a routine part of prenatal care.

Secondary Diabetes
This form of diabetes actually stems from another illness and can very often be eliminated when the
primary illness is treated successfully. Secondary diabetes pertains to a wide variety of health concerns
that create trauma to the pancreas, either through some kind of injury or damage that may or may not
completely destroy the organ.

What might these other illnesses be caused by?

Hormonal issues
Chemical exposure
Prescription drugs

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

3. Can I Reverse Diabetes?

I do not believe it is appropriate to use the term cure for diabetes since most cases of diabetes are brought
on by lifestyle choices.
Cure is a medical term, and medicine does not offer any cures. However, everything has a cause. Take away
the cause, apply the science of a non-inflammatory lifestyle, and your body will be able to repair itself with
a little bit of help. Support tissue regeneration with a healthy lifestyle and the proper nutrients, and in the
majority of cases you can become healthy again. If you call that a cure, its up to you. I prefer to call it living
a sensible, healthy lifestyle.
Remember, these conditions are inflammatory in nature and, therefore, will benefit from an anti-inflammatory
approach. By hydrating the body {6-8 x500ml (16oz) glasses a day} with pure, clean water and replenishing
it with the proper nutrients and antioxidants in the form of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, healthy
carbohydrates, and amino acids, the repair and healing of the body can start to take place.

Nutritional therapy supports healing.

The initial detox can be uncomfortable but only temporarily.
Eating right can minimize the effects.

. . . regenerate with healthy lifestyle and nutrients . . .

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

The Genetics
Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr., a former surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic, President of the Cleveland Clinic staff,
author, and researcher, is famous for saying, Genes load the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger. This is
never more applicable than when it comes to type 2 diabetes.
While genetics do play a role in type 2 diabetes, what
you choose to do will greatly dictate whether or not
your genes will be expressed or activated. For example,
all of the factors for metabolic syndrome, except in
extremely rare cases, can be changed through the
choices we make.
So, are you doomed to have diabetes if it runs in your
Certainly not!
In regards to type 1 diabetes, it is very possible to
inherit the gene (if it really exists) but not the disease.

There are other factors at play here, like:

Viral infections

Genetics are related to type 2 diabetes too. If a

predisposition to diabetes is suspected, insulin
resistance can be discovered via certain testing. This
gives the person a very good fighting chance through
lifestyle modifications to avoid diabetes in the first
As mentioned above, more often than not,
type 2 diabetes is related to poor lifestyle
choices. Type 2 diabetes can be improved and
even cured by improving upon these choices.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

The Nutrients You Need

Studies show the following nutrients will help prevent or control diabetes
in most people:
Cinnamon - Balances blood sugar levels.
Serrapeptase, Curcumin, Vitamin D3, Ecklonia Cava - Clear inflammation and sugar damage.
Pancreas Nutrients{Gymnema Sylvestra, Vanadyl Sulfate, Chromium Polynicotinate, Niacin (B3)} - Essential in
the control of diabetes.
Alpha Lipoic Acid-R- Improves glucose metabolism in those with type 2 diabetes.
Food State Iodine Drops - Important mineral for immune function.
Multivitamin/Mineral Complex - Including chromium and many more vitamins and minerals to ensure any missing
nutrients are covered, especially antioxidants, as together they are protective.
Krill Oil - Essential fatty acid, simply essential for everyone.
Digestive Enzymes - Important for pancreas when eating cooked foods.
Probiotics (Friendly Bacteria) -To recover gut friendly flora.
1st Line (Thiocyanate) Immune System Support Kit - Important for diabetes type 1.
Natural Vitamin E (Tocotrienol and Tocopherol Complex) - Powerful antioxidant.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

4. Why Doesnt My Doctor Tell Me

I Can Get Better?
Is your health in the hands of those who profit off your
sickness? Having diabetes is expensive! Having diabetes
means you have to pay for:

Blood work
Equipment to test blood sugar/meters
Test strips (multiple strips a day)
Visits to the physician
Higher insurance premiums
Any health related consequences stemming from diabetes

What is really going on here? Are all these things necessary?

No! The Non-Inflammatory Lifestyle Program can help you get better! Your doctor is obliged to conform to
the drug model that is designed to maintain the monopoly that the pharmaceutical industry, the GMC in the
UK and the AMA in the USA, have over all things connected with the health of individuals.
These organizations make profits by caring for sick people and do not have a business model that caters to
real healthcare and recovery. They pursue a patented drug model where they can charge exorbitant prices
for a lifetime of drugs that, at best, help individuals feel better and, at worse, speed up their death.

These industries are not designed to get anyone healthy, ever!

In the USA, they are shielded by the FDA and in the UK by the MHRA. The political parties and the most
powerful politicians all receive money from these organizations and are responsible for making the laws that
perpetuate this disease management monopoly.
When carefully followed, the Non-Inflammatory Lifestyle Program will show results within 27 days.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

5. The Diabetes Type 2 Rehabilitation Plan

Your 10 Steps to a Healthy Future
The following self treatment protocol is only for Type 2 diabetes, to some extent.
Those with Type 1 need professional support.

Clearing inflammation,
balancing blood sugar levels,
and promoting healing.

Eating real foods.

Strengthening your immune

Walking and moving daily.

Taking nutrients missing
from food in supplement

Breathing properly.

Stimulating acupressure

Drinking enough water.


Avoiding unnatural/junk

Getting out into the sun

as much as possible.

It is almost unheard of for a person applying a good percentage of these lifestyle changes to their daily life to not clear their
diabetes symptoms to some extent, and in many cases completely.
2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

For details of the following suggested formulas, turn to page 37.

Clearing Inflammation, Balancing Blood Sugar Levels,

and Promoting Healing
#1 Pancreas Health Basic Plan

Serranol - To support inflammation and health



- To support healthy blood sugar levels

Pancreas Plus+ - A complete formula to help support

pancreas function

Taking the Missing Nutrients

#2 Pancreas Health Advanced Plan

Serranol - To support inflammation and health



- To support healthy blood sugar levels

Pancreas Plus+ - A complete formula to help support

pancreas function

Alpha Lipoic Acid-R- Improves glucose metabolism

in those with type 2 diabetes

Nascent Iodine Drops - Important mineral for

immune function

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

Immune Recovery and Strengthening

#3 Pancreas Health Ultimate Plan

Serranol - To support inflammation and health recovery


- To support healthy blood sugar levels

Pancreas Plus+ - A complete formula to help support pancreas function

Alpha Lipoic Acid-R - Improves glucose metabolism in those with type 2 diabetes
Nascent Iodine Drops - Important mineral for immune function
Magnesium OIL Spray ULTRA - Magnesium Oil/MSM to further help any absorption
Prescript Assist - World Leading Soil Based Probiotic (the only formula with scientific studies)
ActiveLife 90 - Powerful Liquid Vitamins & Minerals Formula (300% More Absorbent Than Tablets)

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

Optional - but suggested for the first 1-2 months at least

1. Ultimate Immune Support Kit Suggested
1st Line (Thiocyanate)

Immune System Support Kit

3. Vitamin E Mixed Tocotrienols

2. Digestive Enzymes

Suggested Formulation

Essential Digestive Plus

4. Krill Oil

Suggested Formulation

(especially for Cystic Fibrosis)

Suggested Formulation

Naturally Better Vitamin E

The Krill Miracle

4. Drinking enough water.

5. Avoiding eating unnatural junk foods.

Drink 6-8 glasses of distilled or RO

filtered water per day, with a large pinch
of bicarbonate of soda
(baking soda).

Until completely recovered, stop eating all starchy

carbohydrates (breads, pastry, cookies, breakfast
cereals, potatoes, and pasta), processed foods, and
milk products.
Note: Do not eat: potatoes, parsnips, turnips, and rice (except for
small amount of wild or brown rice and yams/sweet potatoes).

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

Two Choices
What are two choices that could be implemented right away and would be highly effective?
1. Lose weight (if you're overweight)
2. Improve food choices
The World Health Organization tells us that approximately
one and a half billion people worldwide are overweight,
with half a million categorized as obese. Approximately 100
million Americans fall into this category. These numbers are
astonishing and continue to increase, along with the health
consequences that coincide with an unhealthy weight.
An unhealthy weight significantly increases the risk for
chronic disease, including type 2 diabetes.

Obesity also comes with:

A constant state of low - grade inflammation.

Higher levels of insulin.
A diet too high in unnatural foods, resulting in excess fat storage and free radical formation.

The Diabetes/Refined Sugar Connection

We have gone from consuming 10 pounds of refined sugar (including carbohydrates) a year to consuming
250 pounds a year per person. This is a marked increase! Is refined sugar the culprit here? Does it deserve
the credit for making us fat, sick, and diabetic? According to the Framingham Heart Study, the incidence
of type 2 diabetes has doubled over the past thirty years, while added sugars have increased by over 25%
(50%, including the sugar in carbs) in the United States in the last forty years.
The facts seem to indicate a strong connection here. Refined sugar is unnatural and highly processed.
There is no nutritive value and no health benefits to be received from consuming refined sugar in even
small amounts.

Including high sugar in the diet does, however, contribute to

poor health. Consumption of refined sugar leads to:

Premature aging
Compromised immune system

It is a strong factor in weight gain/obesity, heart disease, and other chronic forms of illness, including

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

6. Eating Real Foods

* * Include some of the following foods every 2 hours for the first few months:

Eat 9-14 portions of fresh or frozen

veggies daily (in soups, juiced, stirfried, steamed, etc.); 50% raw juiced
(use the pulp in soups) and organic
if possible. Blended makes for better

Have at least 4 of these

potassium-rich foods per day:

Eat 5 portions of antioxidant-rich,

dark-skinned fruits (blueberries,
cherries, red grapes, etc.) daily.

Avocados are the all-time super

food with nearly a full spectrum of
nutrients. If they are available where
you live, make sure you have at least
2 per day for good health recovery.
All diabetes issues (as well as cancer
and heart disease) are helped by

1 avocado - 975 mg
1 banana - 422mg
1 cup of mushroom - 428mg
1 salmon fillet (frozen wild is
best) - 534mg
1/2 cup of dried apricots (snack
over the day) - 725mg
1 cup cooked spinach - 839mg
1 cup bean (adzuki, white, lima) 1004mg

A potassium-rich diet is essential for

everyone and especially for those
with diabetes.

Eat 5 portions of beans, nuts, and

seeds (soaked and mashed for the
nuts and seeds).

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

If you want to eat meat, then choose pasture-fed meats or chicken and eat
only a small amount weekly. Grass-fed is healthier than grain or corn-fed

If you eat fish, then eat at least 3-4 portions per week of oily fish and vary it
by choosing fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, etc. Even canned fish
is very nutritious, and wild caught fish is best.

Include Hemp, Omega 3, or Krill oil and other healthy oils like Olive oil and
Coconut oil. As healthy alternatives to carbs, consider Quinoa, Chia Seeds,
Amaranth, Buckwheat, and Millet Seeds. Cous Cous can be used, except for
those who are allergic to gluten proteins (celiacs, etc.).

Take 3-5 (depending upon your body mass and the heat) teaspoons of Sea
or Rock Salt daily in food or a little water. Sea or Rock Salt does not contain
the critical mineral iodine, so add Nascent Iodine to your daily dose.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

A Non-Inflammatory Lifestyle
These eating tips, when put together, make up a non-inflammatory diet, a necessary approach to preventing
and controlling diabetes.

Nothing else affects us more than what we choose to eat

at least three times a day, every day.
Most of us lack essential nutrients in our diet, perpetuating
inflammation. These nutrients include:

Vitamin D
B vitamins

The absence of nutrients combined with one or a combination

of poor lifestyle choices are part of a disease-promoting lifestyle.
This is a lifestyle comprised of:

Poor diet
Excessive alcohol consumption
Metabolic syndrome and/or sedentary living

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

Standard Western Diet

The Standard Western Diet (a.k.a., the Western Junk Food Diet) is the #1 disease-promoting and inflammation
- producing diet in modern society. It's consumed more and more every day. This highly inflammatory diet
consists of sugary foods like breads, pastas, cereals, and potatoes. The Western Junk Food Diet is far too
high in unhealthy fats. It lacks the antioxidants and phytochemicals crucial for eradicating free radicals and

This typical diet is also lacking in high fiber foods and foods that
provide the essential nutrients necessary to prevent or control
diabetes, like:

Any kind of vegetables - focusing on non-starchy vegetables, especially dark leafy greens. (Yams/sweet
potatoes are fine in moderation.)
Legumes (beans, peas, lentils of all kinds).
Alternatives to grains and cereals (Quinoa, millet, buckwheat, and other seeds).
Low-sugar, dark-skinned fruits like avocados, blueberries, blackberries, black currants, etc.
Hemp seeds daily.

These anti-inflammatory foods will lead to healthy blood

sugar levels in the majority of cases.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

Eating Tips for Preventing and Controlling

What we put into our body can dictate how we feel and
our future health prospects - especially when it comes to
diabetes prevention and control.

Following some simple eating tips can help

with this endeavor:

Don't overeat. Digestion requires a great deal of

energy, and the body can use the resources for other
things, including healing.

Avoid or minimize refined carbohydrates, sugar,

high fructose corn syrup, processed foods, alcohol,
caffeine, and dairy. Additives, hormones, and drugs
run rampant in our food supply, especially in processed
foods and animal products. Eat organic whenever

Consume a high fiber, lower-fat diet. Avoid trans-fats,

hydrogenated oils, and fats in processed foods. A high
fiber, lower-fat diet is also a source of antioxidants and
other health-promoting nutrients that keep all areas
of the body strong and able to function at an optimal
level. Consume monounsaturated fats in moderate
amounts in the form of nuts (walnuts), seeds, and

Seek out foods containing essential fatty acids and

nitric oxide. They are both crucial to a strong immune
system, maintaining the integrity of the blood vessels,
and keeping the body disease-free. The amino acid
L-arginine is the best source of nitric oxide. It can be
found in legumes, soy, nuts, oats, and in supplement
form. Exercise also stimulates the production of nitric
oxide. Sources of omega-3 fatty acids include hemp
seed, chia seed, English walnuts, flaxseed, leafy greens,
soybeans, beans, nuts, and seeds.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

Which Vegetables to Eat

Note: Not all vegetables listed are available in every country.

Asian Vegetables Sprouts (Wheat, Barley,
Alfalfa, etc.)
Broad Beans
Cabbage (various types)
Dandelion Leaves
Dried Peas
Garden Peas
Lettuce (Kos and various types)
Mangetout Peas
Petit Pois Peas
Runner Beans
Seaweed all types (Kelp, Wakame,Noni, etc)
Sugar Snap Peas

Brussels Sprouts
Eggplant (Aubergine)
Onions (Red and White)
Silver Beet
Zucchini (Courgettes)

Kiwi fruit
Plum/Prune (dried Plum)
Western raspberry (blackcap)
Salal berry

Which Fruits to Eat

Note: Not all vegetables listed are available in every country.


2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

The Garden of Eden Pyramid

Fish Meats
(Naturally Reared)

Oils - Hemp, Fish, Olive

Beans Pulses 2-3

Nuts Seeds 2-3

Organic is

Fruits 2-3

Vegetables (not root): 8-12 portions per day

At least 1/2 should be raw, as in salad, etc.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

7. Walking and Moving Daily

Contrary to the opinion of fitness fanatics, there are two simple ways to get your body working better and
stronger. And no, they do not include swimming and cycling, although you can add these later if you want to.

One of the two simple ways

to exercise is to build up to
walking 3-5 miles per day,
in a fast, purposely strong
way with as long a stride as
you can. Keep your hands
moving from chest level to
belt level as you move with
each stride.

Hold your head high.

Focus your eyes 15 feet

to 20 feet in front of you.

Keep your chin

parallel to the

Move shoulders
naturally and freely.

Gently tighten
stomach muscles.

Use weights or wrist weights

as you improve.
If this is difficult for you at
the start, and your lungs
are weak, then lie down to
exercise to make it easier.

Swing your arms in a

natural motion while
walking briskly.

Tuck your pelvis

under your torso.

Position your feet

parallel to each other,
if comfortable, and
shoulder-width apart.

Lie down in a comfortable place. On your bed, (if its firm enough), when you first
wake up is a great time and place for this. Bring a knee up to your chest as high
as you can get it and then alternate with the other knee. Do as many of these
as you can while keeping count. Do this every day and set yourself targets to
increase the speed and the number as the weeks go by. You should be doing
enough to make your lungs and heart beat faster. At the same time, as you
improve your count on your back you need to
be starting your walking and building this up.
The second great exercise for strengthening your lungs is to build up slowly
where you can exercise at maximum rate for 2 minutes, 6 times per day. It does
not matter what exercise you do, e.g. skipping, star jumps, running on the spot;
just about anything, as long as your heart and lungs are working at maximum
capacity. By working at maximum rate, your lungs and muscles connected with
your heart and lungs will get stronger. By working at maximum rate, your lungs
and muscles connected with your heart and lungs will get stronger, and blood
sugar will balance perfectly.
2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

Movement is a vital part of your recovery plan.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

8. Breathing Properly
It is critical to breathe properly for a healthy body.
Oxygen is the prime source of health.

There are two ways to breathe:

1. The first way is an anxious breath in the chest.
2. The second way is a relaxed breath in the diaphragm, or
more precisely, in the tummy area.
The first breath in the chest is part of the stress response and
involves hormones such as cortisol. This type of breathing
should last no longer than it takes to deal with a problem in life
and then another hormone kicks in to create relaxed breathing.
If this stress type of breathing becomes chronic or habitual, then
the cortisol and retained carbon dioxide become part of the
problem, and the bodys natural healthy systems cannot function
properly. It also weakens the immune system and opens you up
to infections.
Your goal is to relearn relaxed, healthy breathing, where you clear
cortisol and carbon dioxide. Too much carbon dioxide in your
bloodstream destroys something called hemoglobin, which is
the bloods method of carrying oxygen around the body. So its
critical to be able to breathe in a relaxed way from the diaphragm.


The simple way to learn is to lie on your back in a firm bed or
on the floor on a blanket or mat. Put a bit of weight over your
belly button, such as a heavy book. Take a breath into your nose
so that the book rises as you fill your diaphragm (tummy) with
air. Hold the breath in your tummy for the count of 4 and then
breathe out through your nose and feel your tummy deflating.
Let go of any tension you may have with the out-breath. Then
repeat. Your upper chest should not move at all, which shows
you are relaxed and not stress breathing.
Practice over and again while lying down, and once you have
really got the long, slow rhythm of relaxed breathing, then try it
standing up. You may feel dizzy to begin with getting all this fresh
oxygen, but you must practise this every spare minute you have.
You can access more resources on breathing lessons here.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

9. Stimulating the
Acupressure Points
Another part of your recovery plan is to stimulate acupressure
points connected to the blood sugar regulatory system. There
are various points that you can massage gently with your finger
or stimulate with an electronic stimulator that mimics the action
of acupuncture. The recommended device is HealthPoint,
and you can read more about this on page 44.

10. Getting Out into the Sun

As Much As Possible
A critical vitamin for a healthy body is Vitamin D3. There is a
large dose of this in the important supplement I recommend on
page 37, but it is still important to still get some Vitamin D from
the sun.
The sun is the bringer of all life, and a silly myth has developed
that the sun is our enemy and we should keep out of it, or worse
still, put some toxic chemicals all over us so we can go out in it.
I am not saying that we can go out on a really hot sunny day
and lie in the sun for 6 hours for the first time. We are supposed
to build the skins tolerance to the sun over many weeks in the
spring to stimulate protection from it, so that by the time the hot
summer sun comes along we can tolerate much more.

A. Get as much skin exposed to the sun as you can
every day, e.g. on your daily walk.
B. Build up slowly from the spring to summer time.
C. Try not to stay out in the middle of the day without
covering up, and cover up rather than use a
barrier cream.
D. If you do use a sun cream, get an organic one rather
than chemical ones with well-known names.
E. Remember, the sun is your friend, and as with
friends, try not to get too much in one go!

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

More About Clearing Inflammation, Balancing Blood Sugar Levels,

and Promoting Healing
Super Nutrient Serranoloffers professional strength support for healthy joints, cells, heart,
blood flow, circulation, and cholesterol with ingredients like:

Serrapeptidase (technically Serriatia Peptidase) is a multi-functional proteolytic enzyme

that dissolves non-living tissues, such as scarring, fibrin, plaque, blood clots, cysts, and inflammation in all
forms without harming living tissue. Serrapeptidase helps promote better wellbeing for your inflammatory
system and supports your whole body, not only the lungs but also arteries, digestive tract, colon, joints, and
anywhere blockages/inflammation needs resolving.

Curcumin (CurcuminX4000)

is one of the best natural anti-inflammatory herbs to stimulate

glutathione to protect cells and tissue from inflammation and help modulate the immune system. Curcumin
has also been studied for its anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties.

Ecklonia Cava (Seanol)

For centuries, people throughout Asia have consumed Ecklonia Cava

Extract, a species of edible brown algae. Harvested from the coastal waters off Japan, Korea, and China, all
studies indicate ECE offers outstanding health benefits.

Vitamin D3 is critical to keep your immune system strong. The cells that make up the immune system
contain vitamin D3 receptors. If there is an insufficient amount of vitamin D3 present to bind receptors,
immune cells become weak and cannot protect the body from infections. Vitamin D3 deficiency is increasingly
common in people of all ages because we spend less time outdoors in the sun, but this vital vitamin cannot
be stored in the body. So replenishment through daily supplementation is vital to immune health.

SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase 80,000iu
CurcuminX4000 250mg
Ecklonia Cava Extract (Seanol) 50mg
Vitamin D3 1000iu

Daily Dose: 1 capsule x 3 times
per day. Take 30 minutes before
or 2 hours after food.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Pancreas Plus+ Support Spray

Diabetes Rehabilitation

Cinnamon27 will support healthy blood
sugar levels in a unique formulation of proven
ingredients. Chromium contributes to the
maintenance of normal blood glucose levels.

Calcium (from coral) 107 mg
Chromium (as polynicotinate) 150 g
Proprietary Blend {Cinnamon Bark extract (Ceylon),
Gymnema Sylvestre Extract, Bitter Melon Extract,
Fenugreek Seed Extract, Coral Minerals, American
Ginseng Root Extract, Nopal Cactus (prickly pear)
Extract, Cinnamon powder} 523mg

For a 150 pound person, take 3 capsules, 3 times
per day before meals (1 capsule per 50 pounds of
body weight). Take for 27 days, stop for at least 3
days, then resume.

Pancreas Plus+ Support Spray offers 900%

better absorption than capsules and tablets,
available in a convenient sublingual spray. It
helps to normalize blood sugar levels, assist
in the regeneration of pancreatic B cells, and
stimulate natural insulin production with the
following ingredients:
Gymnema Sylvestra has the ability to normalize
blood glucose function by repairing, revitalizing,
and regenerating the beta cells of the pancreas.
Vanadyl Sulfate has partially restored insulin
production; protected the size and content of
pancreatic islets; maintained glucose tolerance
regardless of insulin levels; maintained levels of
glucose, lipids, creatinine, and thyroid hormone;
and corrected heart function and glycerol
output from adipose tissue.
Chromium Polynicotinate reduces fasting
glycemia, mean blood glucose, and glycated
Niacin (B3) is vital for proper synthesis of
insulin and metabolism of carbohydrates, fats,
and proteins.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 5.0 mg
Chromium 1000 mcg
Gynema Sylvestre 10.0 mg
Methylsulfonylmethane 3.0 mg
Boron Chelate 2.0 mg
Vanadyl Sulfate 10 mcg

As a dietary supplement, 6 sprays (in the mouth)
once a day, or, for greater benefit, 3 sprays, 2
times a day, or as directed by your healthcare

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Nascent Iodine

Diabetes Rehabilitation

More About Missing Nutrients

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Alpha Lipoic Acid is more absorbable than
ordinary Alpha Lipoic Acid, available in a stabilised
form. The professional strength formula is
designed to improve glucose metabolism in those
with type 2 diabetes. The antioxidant provides
cardiovascular and nerve support, while aiding in
glucose utilization. For whole body rejuvenation,
Alpha Lipoic Acid R offers antioxidant protection
for the eyes, nerves, heart, kidneys, and pancreas;
it can be used in diabetes recovery to address
nerve-related symptoms like numbness, pain,
and burning in arms and legs.


Nascent Iodine is totally different from the

typical iodine in its denser state sold as an
antiseptic, or as iodine tri-chloride (claiming to
be atomized), or as added to potassium iodide
to make it soluble in liquid. Nascent Iodine is
consumable iodine in its atomic form rather
than its molecular form. It can provide benefits
in thyroid and immune support, detoxification,
metabolism, improved energy, and more.

Iodine (in its atomic form) 400 g

Depending upon desired effect. One drop =
400mcg of iodine. If using for additional energy
and general improved health, take up to 12 drops
daily. Massage into chest and major muscles
daily for the best absorption.

Bio-Enhanced Na-RALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid R) 200 mg

Take 2 capsules per day on an empty stomach or
as directed by your healthcare professional.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Prescript-Assist (P-A)

Diabetes Rehabilitation

More About Immune

Strengthening Formulations
Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil Ultra
Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil Ultra is a next
generation formula incorporating the unique
synergistic benefits of MSM and magnesium.
Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil Ultra offers
improved uptake of magnesium ions and
enhanced cell membrane permeability; it can be
used for pain management, joint mobility, and
calming inflammation.

1.6g elemental magnesium per fl oz.
3.6g of MSM (OptiMSM) per fl oz.

Take approximately 3-4 mg per pound of body
weight. Use with intensity during the first 3-4
months to restore cellular magnesium levels.

Prescript-Assist (P-A) is a 3rd-generation

combination of 29 probiotic microflora SoilBased-Organisms (SBOs) uniquely combined
with a humic/ fulvic acid prebiotic that enhances
SBO proliferation. Prescript-Assists microflora
are Class-1 micro ecological units that are typical
of those progressively found resident along the
healthy human GI tract.

Proprietary blend of Leonardite
Class I (beneficial microorganisms) : Anthrobacter
agilis, Anthrobacter citreus, Anthrobacter
globiformis, Anthrobacter luteus, Anthrobacter
simplex, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Azotobacter
chroococcum, Azotobacter paspali, Azospirillum
brasiliense, Azospirillum lipoferum, Bacillus
brevis, Bacillus marcerans, Bacillus pumilis,
Bacillus polymyxa, Bacillus subtilis, Bacteroides
lipolyticum, Bacteriodes succinogenes,
Brevibacterium lipolyticum, Brevibacterium
stationis, Kurtha zopfil, Myrothecium verrucaria,
Pseudomonas calcis, Pseudomonas dentrificans,
Pseudomonas flourescens, Pseudomonas glathei,
Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Streptomyces
fradiae, Streptomyces celluslosae, Streptomyces

Take 2 capsules per day for the first 30 days,
followed by 1 to 2 capsules per week thereafter.
A full 30 day cycle of 2 caps per day should be
used to reconstitute beneficial gut flora following
any antibiotic regimen.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

Active Life 90 Powerful Liquid Vitamins & Minerals

Active Life 90 Powerful Liquid Vitamins & Minerals is a liquid formula to ensure you get all the essential
vitamins and minerals needed by your body. This single liquid supplement allows for maximum absorption
and utilization of the body - 300% more absorbent than tablets!


Amount per Serving

Calories 39

Calcium (Tricalcium Phosphate, Citrate)
Choline Bitartrate 25mg

Chromium (Chromium Polynicotinate)
Copper (Copper Gluconate) 2mg

Folic Acid (Vitamin B Conjugate)
Inositol 50mg

Magnesium (Citrate Gluconate Concentrate)
Manganese (Manganese Gluconate) 10mg
Organic Seleniumethionine 200mcg
Potassium (Potassium Gluconate) 250mg
Vitamin A (Palmitate) 5000IU

Vitamin A (Beta Carotene)

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine Mononitrate)
Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) 6mcg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 3.4mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide) 40mg

Vitamin B5 (Calcium Pantothenate)

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride)

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol) 400IU

Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate)
Vitamin K (Phytonadione) 80mcg
Zinc (Oxide) 15mg
Ionic Trace Minerals 600mg

Phosphorus (Amino Acid Chelate)
Biotin 300mcg
Iodine (Potassium Iodine) 150mcg
Boron (Sodium Borate) 2mg
Molybdenum 75mcg
Chloride Concentrate
Amino Acid Complex 10mg
Aloe Vera Extract (200:1) 2mg

Take oz. (15ml) with breakfast and oz.
with evening meal. Mix with juice or water.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

Antarctic Pure Krill Oil

More About Optional Nutrients

Krill are tiny shrimp-like crustaceans found in the

Southern Oceans. The Southern Oceans are the
only oceans in the world that remain unpolluted
by the heavy toxic metals that are now found
in many fish oils. Krill are a super-rich source of
Omega 3, 6, and 9, and their antioxidant levels
are 300 times greater than Vitamins A and E
and 48 times greater than Omega 3 found in
standard fish oils. (Please note: People with
seafood allergies should notify their physician
prior to taking a Krill or fish dietary supplement.)

1st Line (Thiocyanate) Immune

System Support Kit
1st Line (Thiocyanate) Immune System Support
Kit is a new all natural product to fight against
many types of infections, including viruses. It is a
patented formula by a British Chemist containing
Thiocyanate Ions. When added to water, 1st Line
provides a drink which forms the same molecules
that make up our body's first line of defence
against all types of bacteria, yeast, fungi, flu, germs,
and viruses. 1st Line offers the aggressive attack
to these unwanted infections without doing harm
to healthy bacteria in the body, a common sideeffect when using antibiotic drugs. 1st line is safe
and easy to use.

The unique combination of antioxidants,

Omega 3, 6, and 9 oils and other potent
ingredients in 100% natural Neptune-source
Antarctic Pure Krill Oil offers support for:


Sodium Thiocyanate 100ppm

Sodium Hypothiocyanate 60ppm

As soon as you feel the first symptoms of a cold
or virus, take a 1st Line Immune Support Kit.
If symptoms are still significantly present, the
following day take another 1st Line kit. For the
majority of people, there will be no need to take
any further doses.

A reduction in lung/heart-damaging
Improved concentration, memory, and
Improvement in cholesterol and other
blood lipid levels
Stabilization of blood sugar levels
Healthy joints, with a decrease in pain
and symptoms associated with arthritis
Fighting the damaging effects of aging
Protecting cell membranes
Healthy liver function
Bolstering the immune system
Healthy mood regulation
Optimal skin health I

Total Omega 3 250mg
EPA 120mg
DHA 70mg

Take 1 capsule twice per day with food.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Essential Digestive Plus

Diabetes Rehabilitation

Naturally Better Vitamin E

Offers a self-emulsifying delivery system that provides
a consistent oral absorption of Tocotrienols.
It can provide support for hair growth, Alzheimer's
disease, stroke-induced injuries, non-alcoholic fatty
liver disease, cardio-protection, cholesterol reduction,
immune function, and especially cystic fibrosis.

Total d-Mixed-Tocotrienols (Tocomin*) 20.00 mg
Vitamin E Activity, IU 8.06 IU
Plant Squalene 4.92 mg
Phytosterol 1.72 mg

Take 1 capsule, 2 times per day.

The Need for Digestive Enzymes: The digestive

system is a truly integrated system the function of
one aspect usually affects the other. Because of this
interrelationship among the components of the
digestive system, it is often difficult to determine the
exact cause of any digestive disturbance. However,
using the proper digestive enzymes can eliminate
most of the problems.
Incomplete digestion and yeast can be the main
contributors to the development of many diseases.
Ingesting foods and nutritional supplements are
of little benefit if their breakdown and assimilation
are inadequate, but supplementing with enzymes
helps allow for better absorption.
Proper small intestine absorption requires effective
digestive enzymes coupled with fully functional
absorptive surfaces. Improving small intestine
function includes addressing the underlying issues
that cause the discomfort and disease. Digestive
enzymes can help bring relief to food intolerance
and allergies and provide support when the body
is suffering from a lack of enzymes, low immune
status, and too much sugar in the diet.

FrutaFit IQ Inulin 150mg
Protease SP Blend 82,000 HUT
Amylase 8,000 DU
Alpha Galactosidase 300 GLA
Glucoamylase 20 AGU
Lactase 1,000 ALU
Cellulase 600 CU
Invertase 525 INVU
Pectinase 55 endo PGU
Lipase 1,350 FIP

Take 15ml (1/2fl.oz.) 2 times per day with food.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



Diabetes Rehabilitation

More About Acupressure

Stimulating the points in page 8-26 of the book Mastering Acupuncture will help to balance the blood sugar
system. These points can be effectively and safely stimulated using the HealthPoint electro-acupressure
kit. The advantage of the kit is it gives you the power to precisely locate the acupuncture point, and indeed
other points, so you can enjoy the benefits of acupuncture at home and without any needles.
HealthPoint is easy to use, painless, and effective. It includes an instructional DVD and book covering over
150 pain and non-pain conditions that can be helped, such as headaches, back, neck, and joint problems.
The gentle and systematic stimulation of the bodys natural healing system can speed recovery in many
cases. HealthPoint breakthrough technology was developed by leading pain control specialist Dr. Julian
Kenyon MD 21 years ago, and today features the latest microchip technology to quickly locate acupuncture
points key to specific health conditions, such as the points for diabetes.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.




In Conclusion:
The Non-Inflammatory Lifestyle Program is a complete program, one designed to address all aspects of
what is required to prevent or control your diabetes.
Diabetes is essentially a lifestyle disease, meaning if the lifestyle is changed, there is every likelihood of some
recovery. With the changes in this 10 Step Plan put into effect, the body is perfectly capable of healing and
recovering good health.

Drugs dont make you healthy.

Drugs do not work in that they do not make you healthy. At best, drugs will help you feel better; at worst, they
will speed up degeneration and contribute to premature death.
The pharmaceutical business would prefer you continue your present, ineffective treatment plan, only
utilizing toxic pills in the form of immune-suppressing drugs and avoiding the true path to prevention and

You are now learning there is a better way.

The Non-Inflammatory Lifestyle Program is structured for those patients struggling to prevent or control
their diabetes, even after other medical treatments have failed:

A program that can help you learn how to love your health and improve your quality of life through treatment
in the form of exercise, education, and coaching.

A personalized program that incorporates therapy and support, assisting the person in achieving the maximum
results possible.

The Non-Inflammatory Lifestyle Program is detailed within this book and, when carefully followed, will show
results within weeks.

You will always end up healthier with this plan.

The worst thing that can happen with this plan is that you will get healthier but still need to take drugs if they
or the disease have damaged you to the extent that you are reliant on them.

Take it all slowly and step by step.

Unless you are already used to making changes in your life, you will find adopting these habits of healthy
living can be difficult to sustain. Persist. Because

Make no mistake...Your life is worth it.

Robert Redfern, Your Health Coach
Email for step by step coaching and support.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.




Sample Daily Diabetes Rehabilitation Plan




Anytime in the day on an empty stomach

Take 1st Line Immune Support. Mix as per

instructions in this video.

Take 1, unless you have a weak immune

system and then take more, 1 day apart,
as finances allow, up to a maximum of
7 times over 7 days.

Before any cooked meal

Take Essential Digestive Enzymes

1 capsule

After shower

apply Magnesium OIL Spray ULTRA Magnesium Oil/MSM to further help any
absorption to tummy and leg muscles.

With any meal

Take Prescript Assist

1 capsule

With any meal

Take Vitamin E Mixed Tocopherols


With any meal

Take Alpha Lipoic Acid-R

1 capsule

30 minutes before breakfast

Take Serranol

2 capsule

With the Serranol

Take Daily Immune Protection

1 capsule

Just before eating

Take Nascent Iodine Drops

4 drops in a little water

With breakfast

Take Active Life

with a little liquid 15ml or 1/2 fl oz.

With breakfast

Take The KRILL Miracle

1 capsule with food

Any time after breakfast

Take Pancreas Plus+

3 Sprays under the tongue

30 minutes before lunch

Take Serranol

2 capsules

Just before eating

Take Nascent Iodine Drops

4 drops in a little water

Any time after lunch

Take Pancreas Plus+

3 Sprays under the tongue

30 minutes before evening meal

Take Serranol

2 capsules

With the Serranol

Take Daily Immune Protection

1 capsule

Before eating

Take Nascent Iodine Drops

4 drops in a little water

With the evening meal

Take Active Life

with a little liquid 15ml or 1/2 fl oz

With the evening meal

Take The KRILL Miracle

1 capsule

Any time after evening meal

Take Pancreas Plus+

3 Sprays under the tongue





2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.




All the books in this series:

Acne, Eczema & Psoriasis

Alzheimers & Senility
Arthritis & Osteoporosis
Cancer: Breast, Colon, Pancreatic & other cancers
Cardiovascular Disease, PAD, Carotid & more
Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia & Candida
Diabetes & Hypoglycemia Cholesterol Healthy Levels
Electro Acupressure Self-treatment of the Acu Points
Fertility Problems
Heart Disease, Angina, Valves & more
High & Low Blood Pressure
IBS, Crones, Colitis, Ulcers & other Digestive Problems
Lung Disease, COPD, Emphysema & more
Macular Degeneration, Cataracts & Diabetic Retinopathy
Men: Prostate, EDF, & Hormones
MS, RA, Lupus, Psoriatic Arthritis & other Auto Immune Diseases
Stress & Anxiety
Stroke Recovery & Prevention
Women: PMS, Menopause, Fibroids, PCOs & Fibroids

Other Books by Robert Redfern

The Miracle Enzyme is Serrapeptase

Turning A Blind Eye
Mastering Acupuncture
EquiHealth Equine acupressure

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.



About This Book

My Good Health Club

Robert Redfern Your Personal Health Coach

Robert Redfern is passionate about providing you with the right tools and information
to help you become an expert in natural health so that you and your family can
achieve great health. This book brings Roberts research and work on diabetes into an
easy-to-follow Diabetes Rehabilitation Plan that everyone can use for improved health.
To help you further, Naturally Healthy Publications has built a website for dedicated
Good Health Coaching based on Roberts books.
Visit today for more support for health problems related to:

Digestive Problems
Crohn's Disease

I suffered from diabetes, and high

cholesterol. I had quadruple bypass
heart surgery. I'd say after a week
of taking your plan, I realized that I was
doing better. As time went on, I wouldn't
take the chance that I would go back
to the way I was feeling before I started
taking Serrapeptase. I went from using
a wheelchair to walking without a cane.

2013 Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.


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