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TKT Module 1 Motivation PDF

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The key takeaways are that both intrinsic and extrinsic factors influence student motivation, and teachers can help maintain motivation through getting to know their students, setting goals, providing variety and feedback in lessons.

Factors that can influence student motivation include needing English for their job or studies, enjoying the teacher and lessons, feeling confident in their ability, and finding the topics interesting.

Teachers can maintain student motivation by getting to know their students' interests and needs, being enthusiastic, providing clear instructions and varied activities, encouraging interaction, and praising student effort and progress.

TKT Module 1: Motivation Teachers Notes

This activity explores the factors influencing motivation, which is a syllabus area of TKT
Module 1 Part 2. Participants consider both students and teachers roles in influencing
motivation, and some of the ways in which teachers can help to motivate students. They also
do a practice TKT task.
Time required:

55 minutes


Participants worksheet 1 (one for each participant)

Participants worksheet 2 (one for each participant)

Sample Task (one for each participant)

To provide an opportunity for participants to discuss influences on

motivation and measures that can increase motivation.

To provide practice in completing tasks in which motivation is the

testing focus.


1. (10 minutes) Put participants into groups of four. Hand out Participants Worksheet
1 and ask them to look at the list of teacher characteristics. They decide on the order
of importance of these characteristics to be an effective teacher.
2. Feed back with the whole group so that participants can share ideas. Focus on the
last characteristic on the list: The teacher knows her students well. Ask them:
Why is this an important characteristic? (the teacher knows students needs,
reasons for learning English, likes and dislikes, etc)
Why is it important to know these things? (e.g. to keep students engaged, to
maintain learner motivation)
3. (10 minutes) In pairs, participants think about their own language learning and
different students they have taught. They should make a list of the factors that
influence motivation. Ask:

Why are some students motivated and others not?

Why do students come to class, and keep coming to class?

Elicit an example: some students might need to know English better to do their job.
Feed back with the whole group so that participants can share ideas (see key below).
4. (10 minutes) In pairs again, participants list their top tips for ways in which teachers
can maintain motivation in students.
5. Give out Participants Worksheet 2 so participants can check their list of tips
against the list in Exercise 1.

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TKT Module 1: Motivation Teachers Notes
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6. (10 minutes) Participants now look at the suggested strategies for maintaining
student motivation in Exercise 2 and match them with the tips in Exercise 1. Check
answers together (see key below).
7. (10 minutes) Give out the Sample Task. Participants complete the sample task on
their own then compare their answers with a partner. Check answers together (see
key below).
8. (5 minutes) Round up to summarise points covered. Ask participants:

What is the TKT Module 2 syllabus area for this lesson? (motivation)

What techniques have you used in your lessons to maintain motivation,

or techniques that you have experienced as a learner? (allow participants
to share experiences)

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TKT Module 1: Motivation Teachers Notes
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TKT Module 1: Motivation Answer Keys

Key to Procedure Step 3
Students might be motivated because:
they know that improving their English will help in some aspect of their life: help with their
job, going to study in an English-speaking country, going to live in an English-speaking
country, going on holiday, etc
they like the school and/or the teacher
they are made to feel that they can learn the language they have confidence in the
teacher and in their own ability
they are given support from the teacher and the other students in the class
they are interested in the lessons; the activities and topics are interesting
they enjoy the social interaction with the teacher and with other students
they are in control of their learning and can do things on their own
they are interested in the culture of the country
learning English will allow them to pursue a personal interest, e.g. music, internet, etc.
they gain pleasure from learning another language.

Key to Participants Worksheet 2



Key to Sample Task

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. D

5. C


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TKT Module 1: Motivation Answer Keys
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TKT Module 1: Motivation Participants Worksheet 1

Put the teacher characteristics in order (16) of how important you think these
characteristics are to be an effective teacher.
The teacher knows English grammar well.
The teacher speaks clearly.
The teacher is friendly.
The teacher is well-organised.
The teacher can speak a foreign language.
The teacher knows her students well.

TKT Module 1: Motivation Participants Worksheet 1

Put the teacher characteristics in order (16) of how important you think these
characteristics are to be an effective teacher.
The teacher knows English grammar well.
The teacher speaks clearly.
The teacher is friendly.
The teacher is well-organised.
The teacher can speak a foreign language.
The teacher knows her students well.

TKT Module 1: Motivation Participants Worksheet 1

Put the teacher characteristics in order (16) of how important you think these
characteristics are to be an effective teacher.
The teacher knows English grammar well.
The teacher speaks clearly.
The teacher is friendly.
The teacher is well-organised.
The teacher can speak a foreign language.
The teacher knows her students well.

UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further
information see our Terms of Use at

TKT Module 1: Motivation Participants Worksheet 1
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TKT Module 1: Motivation Participants Worksheet 2

Exercise 1
Compare these ideas with your top tips for teachers to maintain motivation in

Give students something to work towards. Have goals for yourself and encourage
students to have goals of their own.


Be enthusiastic in lessons and enthusiastic about the material you are using. Sell it
to the students.


Make sure your material is well presented and attractive for learners.


Give clear instructions for tasks so that students can achieve your aims.


Provide a good variety of activities in your lessons.


Provide a variety of interaction patterns in lessons.


Find out about your students interests so that you can provide material on topics that
the students are interested in.


Encourage students to relax in lessons and encourage them to talk to each other and
to help each other.


Praise all students when they have done something well, especially weaker learners,
to build self-confidence.

10. Encourage students to continue studying outside the classroom.

Exercise 2
Match each of the activities below with the top tip above that it would put in action.
A. Demonstrate tasks so that students know what to do. Check understanding of
B. If students arrive early for class, encourage them to chat to amongst themselves.
C. Try to do different activities in a lesson, e.g. speaking and reading rather than just
D. Start your lessons with a warmer to raise energy levels.
E. Set up a research project. Get learners to look things up on the internet.
F. Provide a questionnaire with topics so that students can choose which ones they like
G. When monitoring a speaking or writing task, select some examples of good English
to put on the board at the end for everyone to share. .
H. Use pictures on handouts and vary the font size, layout, etc.

Tell students what you intend to achieve by the end of the course and find out what
they want to achieve.

J. Do pair work and group work and change students around so they can work with
different people.
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TKT Module 1: Motivation Participants Worksheet 2
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TKT Module 1: Motivation Sample Task

For Questions 16, match the general advice on motivation with the techniques for
encouraging motivation listed A, B, C or D.
Mark the correct letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet.
You need to use some options more than once

Encourage learner autonomy

Find out what students think

Make your feedback positive and constructive

Build variety into your teaching


Listen to student feedback using a class suggestion box or a short questionnaire.

Train students to use reference resources to help them study successfully on their

Think about how you tell students about their progress. How can you praise or
encourage them instead of just giving marks?

Put students into new groups for different activities.

Give comments on students work which are helpful and enable them to feel a
sense of progress.

Dont always do the same kind of things in the classroom. Try new activities and
change activities each lesson.

UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further
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TKT Module 1: Motivation Sample Task
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