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Fs Final Emcee Script

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The passage describes the opening of a 5th and 6th grade prom including speeches, dances and songs. It highlights the importance of etiquette and enjoying the special occasion.

There was an invocation prayer, singing of the national anthem, welcome remarks from the masters of ceremony, and announcements of the prom king and queen finalists.

There would be dance performances by the students, song numbers, and class presentations to showcase talents.

(OPTIONAL) MALEN: Everybody please pay attention. The program is about to start.

locate your seats and be seated. Let us not cause any commotion and create too much noise.
You will not be allowed to go out once you are here in the venue. Together, let us maintain
orderliness and cleanliness in this place for you to enjoy a very memorable promenade. If you
have problems your teachers are just right there to help you. Thank you for your cooperation.
ALDRIN: Good evening everyone, welcome to the magical land of kings and queens, Prince and
princesses, fairies, knights, and the like. Where your dreams do come true and your thoughts
come to life.
MALEN: This must be another once-upon-a-time in the storybook of our dearest alma mater
wherein we bring reality to our every dream.
BOTH: Let or fancies fill the magical wonders of our hearts!
ALTERNATELY: kings and queens, prince and princesses, dukes and duchesses, marquees and
marchionesses, earls and countesses, viscount and viscountesses, barons and baronets, knights
and Danes, fairies and wizards, guests, commoners, noblemen, ladies and gentlemen, we
welcome you all to this 2015 Five and Six Promenade.
ALDRIN: Lets give a vow and curtsy as we have the entrance of grades 5 and 6 in the enchanted
garden of Santiago Trillana Academy.
ALDRIN: Buenas tardes/noches la Seorita ELENA!
MALENl: Buenas tardes/noches tambien, el senorito ALDRIN!
Both: And good evening, ladies and gentlemen!
MALEN: You look handsome tonight!
ALDRIN: Gracias, Seorita ELENA. You also look beautiful tonight!
MALEN: Well, I have all the reasons to be dressed up tonight because this is going to be a very
wonderful experience for all of us!
ALDRIN: I agree with you T. MALEN. And Im sure that all of us here went out of our ways to look
as dazzling as possible for this very special occasion.
MALEN: Yes, thats right! Its really great to see our pupils outfits. The girls are stunning while
the boys are ravishing!
ALDRIN: Yes, T. MALEN. Obviously, everyone, including us, is prepared for this occasion
MALEN: Yes, thats right, ALDRIN.
Both: So, buenas tardes las damas y caballeros!
MALEN: The FS Prom surely marks a special event for every student present this evening
because this is considered as one of the most awaited highlights in the course of elementary life.
As we savour every exhilarating moment of the night, we will try to make this experience a
remarkable one.
ALDRIN: So cast the spell, lets embrace Gods presence in the majestic occasion, please rise and feel a
few moments of solemnity for an invocation to be led by _____________________________________
PRAYER: Lord, we thank you for bringing us all here safely. This afternoon is a once-in-a-lifetime
event and is a very special evening for all of us. Protect us from harm and guide us in all our
actions. Let us act as ladies and gentlemen and that we may become mature and responsible
persons tonight. Give us the grace and elegance we need throughout the whole evening and let
us be able to express our heartfelt gratitude and respect to one another. We pray that our FS
prom would be a success. Bless each of us the beauty and wisdom to be able to present
ourselves with poise and confidence. Let your presence be with us all and we pray that you

return us home as safely as you brought us here. Lord, we pray that everyone would have a
great time. Let it be an unforgettable experience to cherish and become a night to definitely
remember. This we ask and pray, in Jesus' name, Amen.
ALDRIN: Please remain standing and imbibe among ourselves the virtue of nationalism&
patriotism through the singing of Philippine National Anthem to be sung by _____________________________ and conducted by ________________________________
MALEN: You may now take your seats. Again, good afternoon to the handsome gentlemen and
the beautiful young ladies who are all dressed up for this exciting occasion. For sure all of you
have spent time, treasure and energy for this wonderful event.
ALDRIN: I definitely agree, partner. Seeing our students wearing suits and gowns and not their
usual uniforms is such a refreshing sight, isnt it? And I bet they are all excited to dance their
crushes and to party-party.
MALEN: But before that, let us hear the opening remarks from our very beautiful and always
young at heart principal, ________________________________________.
ALDRIN: Thank you Madam for that uplifting message. And now lets move on to the turn-over
MALEN: Tonight, we are also blessed to have in our midst a man of high esteem who has given
time out of his hectic schedule to give us his greetings. Nos permiten presentar
ALDRIN: Allow us to present.
Both: El _______________________________!
MALEN: Vamos a darle un aplauso!
ALDRIN: Let us give him a round of applause! This occasion will not be complete without her
words of wisdom. It is my honor and pride to present to you, Her majesty, the queen of STA
____________________________ for her message.
MALEN: Muchas gracias, Seora ________________________ for those stirring words of enthusiasm
and encouragement.
ALDRIN: I feel comfortable to see that the grade 6 pupils will soon be bidding goodbye to their
Alma mater.
MALEN: Seeing them graduate in ELEMENTARY is excitingly inevitable! But before that happens,
we will witness the GRADE 6 PUPILS as they pass on and entrust to their GRADE 5 counterparts
things that hold great significance and symbolisms. We will hear them speak a brief message to
one another as they reach to each others hands.
ALDRIN: Be that as it may, let us now then move on to the bequeathal ceremonies. Lets start
off for the turnover of the HOLY CROSS. May I call on _____________________ and ____________________________________.
MALEN: Now lets have ______________________________ and ___________________________ for the
handover of the BIBLE.
ALDRIN: Indeed, you are the xylems of values and spirituality. Lets have ______________________
and _________________________ for the turnover of FLAG.
MALEN: Next, may we have ___________________________ and __________________________ for the
handover of the SCHOOLS SEAL.
ALDRIN: At this point may I call on ________________________ and ________________________ for the
turnover of the TROPHY.
MALEN: Following will be _________________________ and ____________________________ for the
turnover of the TORCH.

ALDRIN: Thank you to our role models of hope & enlightenment. At this point, may we call on
_______________________________ and _____________________________________ KEY OF RESPONSIBILITY
MALEN: Thank you very much to all our future leaders in good governance. Lets call
__________________________ AND _____________________________________ BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE.
ALDRIN: Thank you very much to all our students who have been trusted as caretakers of the
Book of Knowledge. We also take pride and honor to claim without bragging that the elementary
department also hoards a cache of achievements in various fields of learning. Our school also
keeps in its treasure chest a retinue of students performing well in academics. May we call on
_____________________ and _________________________ for the turnover of MEDAL
MALEN: Finally, may we have the symbolic passing of the candle of guidance. The flame atop of
every paraffin elucidates the road to success of the outgoing GRADE 6 in the next chapter
of their academic career. This will be performed by Mr & Ms GRADE 6 to their GRADE 5
MALEN: Thank you ladies and gentlemen for that very meaningful and nice turnover ceremony.
Let us give them a big warm of applause. I am keeping my fingers crossed that you will be
successful in whatever chosen field to be undertaken in the near future. And to the grade 5
pupils, may you fulfil your noble obligations to our school in general and to your fellow
schoolmates in particular for the next academic year.
ALDRIN: Thank you very much to all our students who are the living manifestations of our
schools excellence in quality education.
MALEN: And to serenade us with a song number, let us welcome _________________________.
ALDRIN: Thank you ___________________. Lets give her a resonating applause.
MALEN: While we were having fun throughout the night, our distinguished Board of Judges are
starting to pick its choices for this years awardees. But before the board of judges will finally
announce the winners, let us first suspend their excitement with the traditional cotillion de honor.
And now, one of the highlights of this event is about to unfold. Our pupils will be presenting a
choreographed dance that they have practiced to perfection. Folks, a huge warm applause to the
cotillion de honor.
ALDRIN: Thank you guys for that fantastic waltz! You guys almost moved heaven and earth
in dancing!
MALEN: Muchas gracias! Those lads and lasses really deserve to be finalists for the search for the
Mr. and Miss FS 2014-2015. That gracefulness in social dances is probably included in the roster
of specific legacies of the grade 6 PUPILS to be ceded to the GRADE 5.
ALDRIN: Yes, thats right! And I also think that the other pupils and our fellow teachers have
their own favorites among the finalists. And speaking of legacies and bequests, may we request
_________________________________________ for The reading, endorsement and acceptance of the
MALEN: Thank you very much _____________________________. It is guaranteed that the LEGACY of
the GRADE 6 is now in good hands. The incoming GRADE 6 PUPILS, are now committed to
exerting indefatigable effort in walking the beaten paths. Let us now listen to
_____________________________________________ for the CLASS PERSONALITY.
ALDRIN: Thank you ________________________________. And I could really imagine that the grade 6
will have a bright future a few years from now because of their God-given talents and desirable
MALEN: Wellpredicting outcomes of the future success is a joy to do but there is one effective
way to find out! Let our Class Prophet take his course in giving his fearless predictions and
formidable forecasts not based on Chinese astrology or tarot cards but merely on the ambitions
& career paths of his dear classmates.

ALDRIN: Sounds great. And to interpret the vibrations not from magic crystal ball but from the
sheer guts and will power of the seniors, may we request the presence of
____________________________________________ for the reading of the Seniors Class Prophecy.
MALEN: And we have now the results! To announce the winners, we would like to call in
______________________, to do the honor. Lets clap our hands for him/her!
MALEN: At this point in time, I am quite sure that everyone is excited to get the taste of luscious
& sumptuous food to be served for dinner by the accommodating crew members of Denniss
catering services.
ALDRIN: So before we prolong such digestive revolution inside us, we are now declaring with
full force that.ITS EATING TIME!
MALEN: Lets enjoy the food in observance of the table etiquette as usual. Happy Eating,
everyone! Bon appetite!
----------------------------------------------------------------Dinner-------------------------------------------------------------ALDRIN: Good evening once again! Is the food great? Still craving for another serving?
Seemingly, everyone enjoys taking dinner so as to be all-set for the next part of the program.
MALEN: Ladies and gentlemen, after listening to the series of speeches from our pupils, we shall
be witnessing a series of dance numbers from them. Las damas y caballeros, vamos a poner
nuestras manos para nuestros bailarines.
ALDRIN: Ladies and gentlemen, let us put our hands together for our GRADES 5 AND 6 PUPILS in
their social dances.
MALEN: Muchas gracias! Let us now listen to some selected pupils for their song number.
ALDRIN:Thank You pupils for that very awe-inspiring performance!
MALEN: We are now going to witness the presentation of each class which will showcase their
talents. Let us give them a warm round of applause.
ALDRIN: That ends, ladies and gentlemen, the first part of the FS prom. This evening has been
great for all of us. Nevertheless, they do really set the mood for dancing and socialization.
MALEN: S, seorito BERNIE. And I am sure that everyone is excitedly looking forward to the
next part which is la danza, la danza, la danza or dance, dance, dance! But before the revel
begins, we want to thank everyone for sharing this moment with us. This is MS. MA. ELENA C.
Both: Your maestro y maestra de ceremonias!
ALDRIN: Let us altogether enjoy the party!
MALEN: Vamos a disfrutar de todo el partido!
Both: Adis y gracias!

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