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Paragraph Structure: A. Definition of A Paragraph

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A. Definition of a paragraph
A paragraph is a series of sentences that are organized and coherent (logical) in which all
sentences relate to a single topic. A paragraph could contain a series of brief examples or a
single long illustration of a general point. It might describe a place, character, or process;
narrate a series of events; compare or contrast two or more things; classify items into
categories; or describe causes and effects.
Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. First of all,
gold has glowing beauty that is resistant to corrosion. Therefore, it is suitable for
jewelry, coins, and ornamental purposes. Gold never need to be polished and will
remain beautiful forever. For example, a Macedonian coin remains as
untarnished today as the day it was made twenty-three centuries ago. Another
important characteristic of gold is its usefulness to industry and science. For
many years, it has been used in hundreds of industrial applications. The most
recent use of gold is in astronauts suits. Astronauts wear gold-plated heat
shields for protection outside spaceship. In conclusion, gold is treasured not
only for its beauty but also for its utility.

Read and decide whether it is a paragraph or not.

1. The trees are growing. He has been working for three hours now. I like yellow dresses.
They are sending me a letter it was summer there.
2. The woman in the painting is smiling. He was an Italian painter. The Mona Lisa was
painted by Leonardo da Vinci. There has been talk about meaning of that smile for
centuries. He lived during the Renaissance. People have different ideas about the
meaning of the Mona Lisas smile. They all agree that it is a great painting.
3. Along the way, the pilot swung the helicopter from side to side and moved it backwards.
He commented that a two a-pack-a-day smoker obtains what might be fatal amount if
taken in a single dose. Therefore, the men were not surprised to hear that Dick Nen
bashed a home run on his second time at bat as a major leaguer and that bride had
chosen a full length gown of white satin with controlled skirt and short-sleeved jacket.
4. Solar power is energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy. It
is the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source available. This energy has a
variety of uses especially for modern technology, including generating electricity,
providing light or a comfortable interior environment, and heating water for domestic,
commercial, or industrial use.

5. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian painter who lived during the
Renaissance. The woman in the painting is smiling and there has been talk about the
meaning of her smile for centuries. People have different ideas about it. Nevertheless, all
agree that Mona Lisa is a great painting.

B. Structure of a paragraph
A paragraph has three major structural parts: a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a
concluding sentence.
The topic sentence states the main idea of a paragraph. It does not only name the topic of a
paragraph, but it also limits the topic to one or two areas that can be discussed completely
in the space of a single paragraph. The specific area is called the controlling idea. Notice
how the topic sentences of the model states both topic and the controlling idea:
Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics.

Supporting sentences develop the topic sentence. That is, they explain the topic sentence
by giving reasons, examples, facts, statistics, and quotations. Some of the supporting
sentences that explain the topic sentence about gold are:

First of all, gold has glowing beauty that is resistant to corrosion.

For example, a Macedonian coin remains as untarnished today as the day it was
made twenty-three centuries ago.

Another important characteristic of gold is its usefulness to industry and science.

The most recent use of gold is in astronauts suits.

The concluding sentence signals the end of the paragraph and leaves the reader with
important point to remember.
In conclusion, gold is treasured not only for its beauty but also for its utility.

Identifying structure of paragraph by finding its topic sentence (TS), supporting

sentences (SS), and concluding sentence (CS)
The physiological effects of watching TV in excessive amounts are eye-strain and
It is true that there are specifications for watching TV; TV should be 5 m. away
from the eye, the room should be adequately lit, TV should be placed at the same
height with our eyes, etc.

However, these do not prevent our eyes from getting tired if we keep watching TV
for a long time.
Another effect is obesity, which is widely observed in people who like watching
TV and eating snacks everyday (there is even a term TV snacks to refer to fast
food that is suitable for eating in front of the TV).
TV is such a powerful machine that people cannot get away from it it is
The poodle makes a perfect pet because poodles offer their owners a
companionship for life, not to mention that they have a loveable personality.
Poodles are sweet, smart, playful, and well mannered and they love to be around
They are always willing to lend their unquestionable love and loyalty when you
need the most and they are yours for life.
Apart from being a happy spirited dog and a great companion, the poodle is small
and doesnt require a lot of room, so they are ideal for apartments or city
The poodle is suited to most environments and lifestyles; whether it be living in
the suburbs or downtown, with one person or a couple, or even living with a
family and children, the poodle fits right in.
The poodle is a dog that warms your heart with its character.
It becomes a part of your family no matter where you live and it can provide you
with love and companionship that you wont want to do without.
In fact, you cant ask for a better dog.

C. Recognizing topic of a paragraph

Understanding the topic, the idea, or the larger conceptual framework of a textbook chapter,
an article, a paragraph, a sentence or a passage is a sophisticated reading task. Being able to
draw conclusions, evaluate, and critically interpret articles or chapters is important for
overall comprehension in college reading.
The first thing you must be able to do to understand a paragraph is to identify the topic the subject of the paragraph. The topic is often explained in one sentence and developed in
the rest of the sentences. There are two strategies for topic identification, i.e. ask yourself
the question What is it about? and look for a repeated word.

Write the topic for all these short paragraphs


Jake's family went on a camping trip. They went to a park by the ocean. They rode
their bikes around the park and cooked their food over a fire outside. They saw some
deer. They came home Sunday afternoon.
Topic: _________________________________________________________________________


Porpoises live in the earth's oceans and sometimes in bays and rivers near oceans.
Porpoises are mammals. Their babies get their food from their mother's body. These
animals live in the water, but they must come up for air. Porpoises are very interesting
Topic: __________________________________________________________________________


Hummingbirds love pink or red flowers. They guard their favorite flowers and try to
keep other birds away. They fight one another for food. Their wings make a whirring
sound when the birds hover over flowers sipping nectar. The tiny birds fly long
distances to go to a warmer climate for the winter. They make their tiny nests in
shrubs or small trees.
Topic: __________________________________________________________________________


Eva wanted to surprise Cindy on her birthday. She decided to plan a picnic for her
sister. She made two sandwiches and put them in a bag. Then she put some cookies
and bottles of water in the bag. When she told Cindy about the surprise, Cindy gave
her sister a big hug. Then the girls walked to the park.
Topic: __________________________________________________________________________


The movie Apollo 13 was a blockbuster for the summer of 1995. It is an exciting story
about space exploration. In the movie, the astronauts get in trouble while they are
trying to return to Earth. People in the audience are on the edge of their seats waiting
to see what happens. What makes it even more exciting is that it is a true story.
Topic: __________________________________________________________________________


A new hearing device uses a magnet to hold the detachable sound-processing portion
in place. Like other aids, it converts sound into vibrations. But it is unique in that it
can transmit the vibrations directly to the magnet and then to the inner ear. This
produces a clearer sound. The new device will not help all hearing-impaired people only those with a hearing loss caused by infection or some other problem in the
middle ear. It will probably help no more than 20 percent of all people with hearing
problems. Those people who have persistent ear infections, however, should find relief

and restored hearing with the new device.

Topic: __________________________________________________________________________


The United States seems to be in love with the idea of going out to eat. Because of this,
a real variety of restaurants has come about specializing in all kinds of foods.
McDonald's is the king of a subgroup of restaurants called fast-food restaurants.
Chances are, no matter where you live, there is a McDonald's restaurant near you.
There are even McDonald's in the Soviet Union. Now McDonald's is trying something
new. It is called McDonald's Express and there is a test site in Peabody, Massachusetts.
It is part of a Mobil gas station. This allows you to fill up with gas and fill up on food
at the same time. What will they think of next?
Topic: __________________________________________________________________________

D. Choosing the best topic

Read the following paragraphs and choose the best topic from the choices given

Demonstrations are a form of political activity in the United States, and one popular
place for them is the sidewalk in front of the White House in Washington D.C. People
demonstrate there in order to call the president's attention to an issue, and also to gain
national publicity. The government cannot prohibit these demonstrations because the
right of free speech is guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution. However, there are laws
which regulate demonstrations on the White House sidewalk, and the police enforce the
What is the best topic of this paragraph?


Political Activity
Popular Place for Demonstrations

When we think of money, we usually think of currency, or metal coins and paper bills.
In the modern world, almost every country and every person uses coins and paper
money to exchange for other objects of value. The sizes and shapes of coins are
different in various countries, and the size and color of paper money also vary. In
India, for example, some coins have square sides. In Japan, some coins have holes in
the centre. In the United States, all paper money is the same size and the same color;
only printing on the bills is different. Most other countries have various sizes and
colors for different values of paper money.
What is the best topic of this paragraph?

Sizes and Shapes of Coins
Different Values of Money
Currency Rates


The price a man must pay for a wife varies from culture to culture. In some countries
men have to pay money to their bride's parents according to the amount asked. Men
elsewhere trade pigs, goats, shells, metal tools, such as axes and knives, for wives. In
East African societies where cattle are the primary currency, a bride can be worth
anywhere from 5 to 50 cows, depending on the particular society and its resources.
What is the best way to describe the topic of this paragraph?


Bride price
Wedding Ceremony
The Groom

Although chimpanzees and gorillas, which form closely related genera are more
adapted to terrestrial existence, they are different in some aspects. Chimps spend
much of their time on the ground, although they sleep in the trees. Gorillas are almost
entirely terrestrial, sleeping and feeding on the ground. Both chimps and gorillas can
stand erect on two legs, but on the ground they usually move quadrupedally.
What is the best way to describe the topic of this paragraph?


Chimpanzees and Gorillas

The Difference between Chimpanzees and Gorillas
The Similarities between Chimpanzees and Gorillas
Some similarities and differences between Chimpanzees and Gorillas

On 4 October 1957 the first satellite, Sputnik, was launched. Since then, thousands of
spacecraft have been sent into space. Every few weeks new satellites are put into orbit.
Unfortunately, space is being polluted by debris from these space flights. More than
70,000 objects have been left in space. Parts of rockets have been left. Old satellites
have been abandoned. Other items, including a glove, a spanner and a camera, have
been lost by astronauts. The situation up there is becoming dangerous. Both Russian
and American spacecraft have been damaged. An astronaut would be killed if he or she
was hit by a piece of rubbish. It would cost billion of dollars to collect all the debris,
but if nothing is done the situation will only get worse. Sooner or later a satellite will be
destroyed by a large piece of rubbish and thousands more pieces of debris will be
What is the best way to describe the topic of this paragraph?

The First Satellite

Dangerous Situation in the Future
The Orbit of Spacecraft
The Rubbish Dump in the Sky

E. Finding the topic sentence

A topic sentence is the sentence that describes the main idea of a paragraph and gives you a
clue on what the topic is about. It usually appears at the beginning of the paragraph but it
may occur at the end of the paragraph.
In the following paragraphs, identify the topic sentence and the key words in the topic
sentence that the other sentences support.
1. John Bookmeyer is a versatile, well-rounded boy. In addition to singing in his church
choir, he is a drummer in a small combo. He maintains a high average in his subjects at
school and still manages to play football and run on the track team. Although he is very
popular with other young people, he doesn't let his social life interfere with his weekend
job at the drugstore.

2. The first thing I noticed about the school was the litter in the schoolyard. Trash and
paper were scattered everywhere. The building, which could have been very attractive
despite its age, was dingy and dirty beyond belief. A window -pane was broken out of
the main door, and the door itself led into a dark, for bidding hall. As I walked down the
hall, I noticed the messy bulletin board and, in several places, writing on the wall. No
one greeted me when I entered the outer office, although a receptionist was sitting there
noisily chewing a huge wad of gum and putting on fingernail polish. All in all, I couldn't
help feeling that the school was poorly cared for.

3. Through the fog the arc lights high above the stadium looked like small moons from the
field below. The lights were reflected all over the marshy field in pools of water, an
accumulation of twenty four hours of steady drizzle. Despite lengthy warm-up drills, the
players now felt the cold and dampness beginning to penetrate. They were either
huddled together or dancing up and down to keep warm-- that is, all except our firststring quarterback and our all-state offensive end, both of whom were out of the game
with injuries. They sat glumly on the bench wrapped in soggy woolen blankets,
Conditions could hardly have been worse for this crucial game.

4. Spanish is spoken in many countries. It is spoken throughout Latin America. Of course,

it is the language of Spain. In some countries, like the Philippines, it is one the official
languages. Many people throughout the world use Spanish to communicate.

5. It seems that people mature at different rates. Some children are serious and
responsible. Many people mature during college or as they gain experience on their first
job. Other folks take more time, and some people grow old but never seem to grow up.

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