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Design and Implementation of Wireless Energy Meter System For Monitoring The Single Phase Supply

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)

Volume 41 No.2, March 2012

Design and Implementation of Wireless Energy Meter

System for Monitoring the Single Phase Supply
Prashanth B.U.V
Instrumentation Engineer
Dept. of Science & Technology (DST)
Promotion of University Research & Scientific Excellence (PURSE)
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati-517502.

Wireless energy meter is a system developed to serve as a
basic single-phase energy meter with advanced functionalities
such as Peak hour setting, Peak load setting Wireless reading
transmission; further the system eliminates the role of a Meter
Keywords: - Single phase supply, WEM, Microcontroller

In this design of wireless energy meter the ADE7752 used as

energy metering IC. Inputs to the IC are the stepped down
voltage & current of the utility supply using CT & PT. The IC
generates pulses as output proportional to power consumed.
Micro reads the number of pulses as 3200=1 unit of energy.
The circuit shown in figure1 is the circuit of energy metering
IC ADE7752. Below circuit shows the power supply circuit
using the regulator IC LM7805.

In the present scenario, there is no option for the electricity
board to regulate the load distribution during peak hours. As a
result, even today, a number of customers are suffering due to
Low Voltage during peak hours. Power is saved at the mercy
of customers only during peak hours. A large amount is spend
for obtaining the meter readings every month. Meter readers
find it difficult to collect the readings from remote areas. The
wireless energy meter product specification is the energy
meter with increased functionality of a single phase handheld
module monitoring system.

Figure 2 Power Supply Circuit.

WEM monitors the energy consumption for a single phase
supply. There will be a preset value for the Peak hour &
permissible load at peak hour. Bimonthly readings will be sent
to the control station on the second day [1]. At the base
station, the total bill amount is prepared. Further at the base
station, NCU & ECU are extracted. The energy meter module
consists of the basic functions of standard energy meter, It
consists of a Single phase supply, It is having the capability of
Unit & Time setting ,Further it has a detachable Keypad
facility along with GSM facility and LCD display[1].


Figure 1. Circuit Diagram of energy metering

IC ADE7751


International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)

Volume 41 No.2, March 2012
As shown in the figure3 the microcontroller circuit is
interfaced to a 16x2 LCD and a resistor pack connected to
Vcc of +5V. Further a MAX232 IC is interfaced to the
microcontroller for the interface to the serial to the P.C with
baud rate of 9600 bps. This circuit is as shown in the next
figure4.Here the MAX232 is interfaced to the port 3 of the
microcontroller AT89C52.

Figure 3 Microcontroller Circuit

Further the MAX232 circuit is used to interface with the
external devices such as P.C with hyper terminal software as
the interfacing software with the baud rate of 9600kbps
[5].This circuit is as shown in figure 4.

Further the entire module is interfaced to the real time clock

DS1307 as shown in the below figure.

Figure 5 Real Time Clock circuit

Figure 4 MAX232 Circuit

Energy meter Consists of Atmel micro controller which has a

long period life cycle. RTC IC (DS 1307) connected with a 3.3V
Battery which will last for a minimum period of 10 years unless
any short circuit occurs. So the circuit is more reliable.


International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)

Volume 41 No.2, March 2012
reader, also it has the features of Wireless Data logging with
previous data base search option.

Energy Meter tested at different voltage conditions using an
Auto transformer. Supply voltage varied from 150 VAC to
240 VAC. During this testing process meter consistently
works with accuracy. Different load devices are connected to
test the current handling capability of the meter (10W to

The hardware design of the energy meter has been completed
and implemented. The code at meter side completed and
tested. The front end is designed using Visual basic [2].
Mobile phones are used instead of GSM modules. The test
results using Visual basic screen shots are as follows.

Figure 6 PCB Module of the entire circuit.

Wireless communication with the control station is made
possible by means of the GSM modem. It supports the AT
command sets. Using Serial communication protocol
(USART) we communicate with the GSM Modem. RTC and
EEPROM [8]. The meter reading are stored in each change in
values to a permanent memory. This is made possible by

means of I C protocol. Its a 3 wire synchronous

communication protocol. A scanning method is used to
interface with the keyboard.
Steps to Interface with MODEM
Step 1:-GSM modem supports the AT command set AT +
(0x0d, 0x0a) is send to the modem. Modem returned with an
OK signal in the same baud rate.

Figure 7 software front end

Step 2: Send ATE0 + (0x0d, 0x0a) to the modem to Turn the

Echo off Modem returned with an OK signal in the same baud
Step3: Send command AT+CMGF=1 + (0x0d, 0x0a) to Select
text mode in the GSM Modem returned with an OK signal in
the same baud rate.
Step 4: To send the Message use the following format
AT+CMGS=+919xxxxxxxxx, after getting a confirmation
(on receiving > from modem) s end the Meter reading and
meter ID.

Even though a number of Energy meters are available, WEM
has following unique features such as Peak Hour-Load setting
capability, further it completely avoids the role of meter

Figure 8 Invalid Entry screen.


International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)

Volume 41 No.2, March 2012

Once the pass word is entered

There will be options to edit through keypad
That is as follows
Fixed unit value
Mobile Number


Figure9 Front End Without extra unit.

The past few decades have been marked by the onslaught of

devices that are intelligent and interactive. The present day
scenario the embedded systems are designed as hardwaresoftware co-design, that is software is design is ported on the
standalone board that contains a microcontroller with the
other peripheral devices interfaced to it. The other peripheral
devices interfaced are Real Time Clock (RTC), MAX232
circuit, Power supply circuit, along with LCD and other glue
logic circuit. And finally taking all the above points into
consideration a wireless energy meter (WEM) system is
developed to serve as a basic single-phase energy meter. This
meter is equipped with the advanced functionalities such as
Peak hour setting, Peak load setting Wireless reading
transmission. Further the system eliminates the role of a
Meter Reader.

The wireless energy meter system can modified to a 3-phase
supply. In this system the printing mechanism can be
embedded at the meter side so that a hardcopy of the bill may
be obtained. A GSM module can be embedded in the same
PCB as different layers [6] .The overall size can be reduced if
multilayer PCB is used.

[1] Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi and Rolin
D McKinlay, The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded
Systems, Prentice Hall, Edition 2, 2006.
[2] Evangelos Petroutsos, Mastering Microsoft Visual
Basic2008, Wiley India, Edition 1, 2008.
[3] Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarsan, Database System
Concepts, McGraw-Hill International, Edition4.
Figure 10 Front End with extra unit.
The operating conditions of WEM are as follows, the energy
meter tested at different voltage conditions using an Auto
transformer. Supply voltage varied from 150 VAC to 240
VAC. During this testing process meter consistently works
with accuracy. Different load devices are connected to test the
current handling capability of the meter (10W to 1000W).
The output results can be described as follows
A. When wireless energy meter is switched ON, the
minute value is set to 1.
Initializations take place
B. When minute=2, a message is sent, hourly.
For each hour, 5-8 minutes
taken as
peak hours.
C. Total reading displayed in the LCD and gets
#$12345$00.00$00.00$* is the format for transmission ie;#$
meter id $ (total-extra) $ (extra) $*
D. Default password is 1234

[4] M. Barr, Anthony Massa, Programming Embedded

Systems, second edition, O'Reilly, 2006.
[5] Athulya.A Design and Development of a user friendly
embedded product for testing serial communication
interfaces, IJCA Proceedings on International
conference on VLSI, Communication and
[6] S. E. Derenzo, Practical Interfacing in the Laboratory:
Using a PC for Instrumentation, Data Analysis and
Control, Cambridge, 2003.
[7] A.Jantsch, Modeling Embedded Systems and SoCs Concurrency and Time in Models of Computation:
Morgan Kaufmann, 2003.
[8] The I2C- bus Specification, Philips Semiconductors,2000.
[9] J. Banks, J. S. Carson II, B. L. Nelson, and D. M. Nicol,
Discrete-Event System Simulation by, Prentice-Hall,


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