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GP1 S 14 Chap 5 Problems

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CHAPTER 5 Applying Newton's Laws

Section 5.1 Using Newton's First Law:
Particles in Equilibrium
5.1. Two 25.0-N weights are suspended at opposite ends of a rope
that passes over a light, frictionless pulley. The pulley is attached
to a chain that goes to the ceiling. (a) What is the tension in the
rope? (b) What is the tension in the chain?
5.2. In Fig. 5.41 each of the suspended blocks has weight w. The
pulleys are frictionless and the ropes have negligible weight. Cal
culate, in each case, the tension T in the rope in terms of the
weight w. In each case, include the free-body diagram or diagrams
you used to determine the answer.

to keep a loaded 1967 Corvette of mass 1390 kg from rolling down

such a street?
5.B. A large wrecking ball is held in place by two light steel cables
(Fig. 5.43). If the mass m of the wrecking ball is 4090 kg, what are
(a) the tension TB in the cable that makes an angle of 40 with the
vertical and (b) the tension TA in the horizontal cable?

Figure 5.43 Exercise 5.8.

Figure 5.41 Exercise 5.2.




5.9. Find the tension in each cord in

suspended object is w.

5.44 if the weight of the

Figure 5.44 Exercise 5.9.




5.3. A 75.0-kg wrecking ball hangs from a uniform heavy-duty

chain having a mass of 26.0 kg. (a) Find the maximum and mini
mum tension in the chain. (b) What is the tension at a point three
fourths of the way up from the bottom of the chain?
SA. An adventurous archaeologist crosses between two rock cliffs
by slowly going hand over hand along a rope stretched between
the cliffs. He stops to rest at the middle of the rope (Fig. 5.42). The
rope will break if the tension in it exceeds 2.50 X 104 N, and our
hero's mass is 90.0 kg. (a) If the angle () is 10.0, find the tension in
the rope. (b) What is the smallest value the angle () can have if the
rope is not to break?

Figure 5.42 Exercise 5.4.

5.10. A 1130-kg car is held in place by a light cable on a very
smooth (frictionless) ramp, as shown in
5.45. The cable makes
an angle of31.0 above the surface of the ramp, and the ramp itself
rises at 25.0 above the horizontaL (a) Draw a free-body diagram
for the car. (b) Find the tension in the cable. (c) How hard does the
surface of the ramp push on the car?

Figure 5.45 Exercise 5.10.

5.5. A picture frame hung against a wall is suspended by two wires
attached to its upper comers. If the two wires make the same angle
with the vertical, what must this
be if the tension in each
wire is equal to 0.75 of the weight of the frame? (Ignore any fric
tion between the wall and the picture frame.)
5.6. Solve the problem in Example 5.5 using coordinate axes
where the y-axis is vertical and the x-axis is horizontal. Do you get
the same answers using this different set of axes?
5.7. Certain streets in San Francisco make an angle of 17.5 with
the horizontal. What force parallel to the street surface is required


5.11. A man pushes on a piano with mass 180 kg so that it slides at

constant velocity down a ramp that is inclined at 11,0 above the
horizontal floor. Neglect any friction acting on the piano. Calculate
the magnitude of the force applied by the man if he pushes (a) par
allel to the incline and (b) parallel to the floor.
5.12. In Fig. 5.46 the weight w is 60.0 N. (a) What is the tension in
the dia.onal sTng? (b) Find the magnitudes of the horizontal
forces FI and F2 that must be applied to hold the system in the
position shown.
Figure 5.46 Exercise 5.12.

5.13. A solid uniform 45,0kg ball

Figure 5.47 Exercise 5.13.
of diameter 32.0 cm is supported
against a vertical frictionless wall
using a thin 30.0-cm wire of negli
gible mass, as shown in Fig. 5.47.
(a) Make a free-body diagram for
the ball and use it to find the ten
sion in the wire. (b) How hard does
the ball push against the wall?
5.14. Two blocks, each with weight
w, are held in place on a frictionless
incline (Fig. 5.48). In terms of w
and the angle a of the incline, cal
culate the tension in (a) the rope
connecting the blocks and (b) the rope that connects block A to the
walL (c) Calculate the magnitude of the force that the incline exerts
on each block. Cd) Interpret your answers for the cases a 0 and
Figure 5.48 Exercise 5.14.

5.15. A horizontal wire holds a

solid uniform ball of mass m in
place on a tilted ramp that rises
35.0 above the horizontaL The
surface of this ramp is perfectly
smooth, and the wire is directed
away from the center of the ball
(Fig. 5.49). (a) Draw a freebody
diagram for the balL (b) How hard

Figure 5.49 Exercise 5.15.


does the surface of the ramp push on the ball? (c) What is the ten
sion in the wire?

Section 5.2 Using Newton's Second law:

Dynamics of Particles
5.16. A l25-kg (including all the contents) rocket has an engine
that produces a constant vertical force (the thrust) of 1720 N. Inside
this rocket, a 15.5N electrical power supply rests on the floor.
(a) Find the acceleration of the rocket. (b) When it has reached an
altitude of 120 m, how hard does the floor push on the power sup
ply? (Hint: Start with a freebody diagram for the power supply.)
5.17. Genesis Crash. On September 8, 2004, the Genesis space
craft crashed in the Utah desert because its parachute did not open.
The 21O-kg capsule hit the ground at 311 km/h and penetrated the
soil to a depth of 81.0 cm. (a) Assuming it to be constant, what was
its acceleration (in m/s 2 and in g's) during the crash? (b) What
force did the ground exert on the capsule during the crash? Express
the force in newtons and as a mUltiple of the capsule's weight.
(c) For how long did this force last?
5.18. Three sleds are being pulled horizontally on frictionless hori
zontal ice using horizontal ropes (Fig. 5.50). The pull is horizontal
and of magnitude 125 N. Find (a) the acceleration of the system
and (b) the tension in ropes A and B.
Figure 5.50 Exercise 5.18.
30.0 kg


5.19. Atwood's

20.0 kg


10.0 kg



Machine. A Figure 5.51 Exercise 5.19.

I5.0kg load of bricks hangs
from one end of a rope that
passes over a small, frictionless
pulley. A 28.0-kg counterweight
is suspended from the other end
of the rope, as shown in Fig. 5.51.
The system is released from rest.
(a) Draw two free-body dia
grams, one for the load of bricks
and one for the counterweight.
(b) What is the magnitude of the
upward acceleration of the load
of bricks? (c) What is the tension
in the rope while the load is mov
15.0 kg
ing? How does the tension com

pare to the weight of the load of bricks? To the weight of the


5.20. A 8.00-kg block of ice, released from rest at the top of a

1.50-m-long frictionless ramp, slides downhill, reaching a speed of
2.50 mls at the bottom. (a) What is the angle between the ramp and
the horizontal? (b) What would be the speed of the ice at the bot
tom if the motion were opposed by a constant friction force of
10.0 N parallel to the surface of the ramp?
5.21. A light rope is attached to a block with mass 4.00 kg that
rests on a frictionless, horizontal surface. The horizontal rope
passes over a frictionless, massless pulley, and a block with mass m
is suspended from the other end. When the blocks are released, the
tension in the rope is 10.0 N. (a) Draw two free-body diagrams,
one for the 4.00-kg block and one for the block with mass m.
(b) What is the acceleration of either block? (c) Find the mass m of


CHAPTER 5 Applying Newton's Laws

the hanging block. (d) How does the tension compare to the weight
of the hanging block?
5.22. Runway Design. A transport plane takes off from a level
landing field with two gliders in tow, one behind the other. The
mass of each glider is 700 kg, and the total resistance (air drag plus
friction with the runway) on each may be assumed constant and
equal to 2500 N. The tension in the towrope between the transport
plane and the first glider is not to exceed 12,000 N. (a) If a speed of
40 mls is required for takeoff, what minimum length of runway is
needed? (b) What is the tension in the towrope between the two
gliders while they are accelerating for the takeoff?
5.23. A 750.0-kg boulder is raised from a quarry 125 m deep by a
long uniform chain having a mass of 575 kg. This chain is of uni
form strength, but at any point it can support a maximum tension
no greater than 2.50 times its weight without breaking. (a) What is
the maximum acceleration the boulder can have and still get out of
the quarry, and (b) how long does it take to be lifted out at maxi
mum acceleration if it started from rest?
5.24. Apparent Weight. A 550-N physics student stands on a
bathroom scale in an S50-kg (including the student) elevator that is
supported by a cable. As the elevator starts moving, the scale reads
450 N. (a) Find the acceleration of the elevator (magnitude and
direction). (b) What is the acceleration if the scale reads 670 N?
(c) If the scale reads zero, should the student worry? Explain.
(d) What is the tension in the cable in parts (a) and (c)?
5.25. A physics student playing with an air hockey table (a fric
tionless surface) finds that if she gives the puck a velocity of
3.80 m/s along the length (1.75 m) of the table at one end, by the
time it has reached the other end the puck has drifted 2.50 cm to
the right but still has a velocity component along the length of
3.80 m/s. She correctly concludes that the table is not level and
correctly calculates its inclination from the given information.
What is the angle of inclination?
5.26. A 2540-kg test rocket is launched vertically from the launch
pad. Its fuel (of negligible mass) provides a thrust force so that its
vertical velocity as a function of time is given by v (t) =
At + Bt 2, where A and B are constants and time is measured from
the instant the fuel is ignited. At the instant of ignition, the rocket
has an upward acceleration of 1.50 ml S2 and 1.00 s later an upward
velocity of 2.00 m/s. (a) Determine A and B, including their SI
units. (b) At 4.00 s after fuel ignition, what is the acceleration of
the rocket, and (c) what thrust force does the burning fuel exert on
it, assume no air resistance?
the thrust in newtons and as a
mUltiple of the rocket's weight. (d) What was the initial thrust due
to the fuel?

Section 5.3 Frictional Forces

5.27. Free-Body Diagrams. The first two steps in the solution
of Newton's second-law problems are to select an object for
analysis and then to draw free-body diagrams for that object.
Draw free-body diagrams for the following situations: (a) a mass
M sliding down a frictionless inclined plane of angle a, and (b) a
mass M sliding up a frictionless inclined plane of angle a; (c) a
mass M sliding up an inclined plane of angle a with kinetic fric
tion present.
S.2B. In a laboratory experiment on friction, a 135-N block resting
on a rough horizontal table is pulled by a horizontal wire. The pull
gradually increases until the block begins to move and continues to
increase thereafter. Figure 5.52 shows a graph of the friction force

Figure 5.52 Exercise 5.28.


25.0 50.0 75.0 100.0 125.0 150.0

on this block as a function of the pull. (a) Identify the regions of

the graph where static and kinetic friction occur. (b) Find the coef
ficients of static and kinetic friction between the block and the
table. (c) Why does the graph slant upward in the first part but then
level out? (d) What would the graph look like if a 135-N brick
were placed on the box, and what would be the coefficients of fric
tion be in that case?
5.29. A stockroom worker pushes a box with mass 11.2 kg on a
horizontal surface with a constant speed of 3.50 m/s. The coeffi
cient of kinetic friction between the box and the surface is 0.20.
(a) What horizontal force must the worker apply to maintain the
motion? (b) If the force calculated in part (a) is removed, how far
does the box slide before coming to rest?
5.30. A box of bananas weighing 40.0 N rests on a horizontal sur
face. The coefficient of static friction between the box and the sur
face is 0.40, and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.20. (a) If no
horizontal force is applied to the box and the box is at rest, how
large is the friction force exerted on the box? (b) What is the mag
nitude of the friction force if a monkey applies a horizontal force of
6.0 N to the box and the box is initially at rest? (c) What minimum
horizontal force must the monkey apply to start the box in motion?
(d) What minimum horizontal force must the monkey apply to
keep the box moving at constant velocity once it has been started?
(e) If the monkey applies a horizontal force of 18.0 N, what is the
magnitude of the friction force and what is the box's acceleration?
5.31. A crate of 45.0-kg tools rests on a horizontal floor. You exert
a gradually increasing horizontal push on it and observe that the
crate just begins to move when your force exceeds 313 N. After
that you must reduce your push to 208 N to keep it moving at a
steady 25.0 cm/s. (a) What are the coefficients of static and kinetic
friction between the crate and the floor? (b) What push must you
exert to give it an acceleration of 1.10 m/s 2 ? (c) Suppose you were
performing the same experiment on this crate but were doing it
on the moon instead, where the acceleration due to gravity is
1.62 m/s2 0) What magnitude push would cause it to move?
(ii) What would its acceleration be if you maintained the push in
part (b)?
5.32. An 85-N box of oranges is being pushed across a horizontal
floor. As it moves, it is slowing at a constant rate of 0.90 m/s each
second. The push force has a horizontal component of 20 N and a
vertical component of 25 N downward. Calculate the coefficient of
kinetic friction between the box and floor.
5.33. You are lowering two boxes, one on top of the other, down
the ramp shown in Figure 5.53 by pulling on a rope parallel to the
surface of the ramp. Both boxes move together at a constant speed
of 15.0 cm/s. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the ramp
and the lower box is 0.444, and the coefficient of static friction
between the two boxes is 0.800. (a) What force do you need to



coefficient of kinetic friction between each crate and the surface is

Figure 5.53 Exercise 5.33.

J'vk' The crat~ are pulled to the right at constant velocity by a hori
zontal force F. In ~rms of mA, m B, and J'vk. calculate (a) the magni


exert to accomplish this? (b) What are the magnitude and direction
of the friction force on the upper box?
5.34. Stopping Distance. (a) If the coefficient of kinetic friction
between tires and dry pavement is 0.80, what is the shortest dis
tance in which you can stop an automobile by locking the brakes
when traveling at 28.7 mls (about 65 rni/h)? (b) On wet pavement
the coefficient of kinetic friction may be only 0.25. How fast
should you drive on wet pavement in order to be able to stop in the
same distance as in part (a)? (Note: Locking the brakes is not the
safest way to stop.)
5.35. Coefficient of Friction. A clean brass washer slides along
a horizontal clean steel surface until it stops. Using the values from
Table 5.1, how many times farther would it slide with the same ini
tial speed if the washer were Teflon-coated?
5.36. Consider the system shown in Fig. 5.54. Block A weighs
45.0 N and block B weighs 25.0 N. Once block B is set into down
ward motion, it descends at a constant speed. (a) Calculate the
coefficient of kinetic friction between block A and the tabletop.
(b) A cat, also of weight 45.0 N, falls asleep on top of block A. If
block B is now set into downward motion, what is its acceleration
(magnitude and direction)?

Figure 5.54 Exercises 5.36 and 5.41; Problem 5.77.

5.37. Two crates connected by a rope lie on a horizontal surface

(Fig. 5.55). Crate A has mass m A and crate B has mass mB' The

Figure 5.55 Exercise 5.37.

tude of the force F and (b) the tension in the rope connecting the
blocks. Include the free-body diagram or diagrams you used to
determine each answer.
5.38. Rolling Friction. Two bicycle tires are set rolling with the
same initial speed of 3.50 mls on a long, straight road, and the dis
tance each travels before its speed is reduced by half is measured.
One tire is inflated to a pressure of 40 psi and goes 18.1 m; the
other is at 105 psi and goes 92.9 m. What is the coefficient of
rolling friction J'vr for each? Assume that the net horizontal force is
due to rolling friction only.
5.39. Wheels. You find that it takes a horizontal force of 160 N
to slide a box along the surface of a level floor at constant speed.
The coefficient of static friction is 0.52, and the coefficient of
kinetic friction is 0.47. If you place the box on a dolly of mass
5.3 kg and with coefficient of rolling friction 0.018, what horizon
tal acceleration would that 160-N force provide?
5.40. You find it takes 200 N of horizontal force to move an empty
pickup truck along a level road at a speed of 2.4 m/s. You then
load the pickup and pump up its tires so that its total weight
increases by 42% while the coefficient of rolling friction decreases
by 19%. Now what horizontal force will you need to move the
pickup along the same road at the same speed? The speed is low
enough that you can ignore air resistance.
5.41. As shown in Fig. 5.54, block A (mass 2.25 kg) rests on a
tabletop. It is connected by a horizontal cord passing over a light,
frictionless pulley to a hanging block B (mass 1.30 kg). The coeffi
cient of kinetic friction between block A and the tabletop is 0.450.
After the blocks are released from rest, find (a) the speed of each
block after moving 3.00 cm and (b) the tension in the cord. Include
the free-body diagram or diagrams you used to determine the
5.42. A 25.0-kg box of textbooks rests on a loading ramp that
makes an angle a with the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic
friction is 0.25, and the coefficient of static friction is 0.35. (a) As
the angle a is increased, find the minimum angle at which the box
starts to slip. (b) At this angle, find the acceleration once the box
has begun to move. (c) At this angle, how fast will the box be mov
ing after it has slid 5.0 m along the loading ramp?
5.43. A large crate with mass m rests on a horizontal floor. The
coefficients of friction between the crate and the floor are J'vs and
J'vk' A woman pushes downward at an angle (J below the horizontal
on the crate with a force F. (a) What magnitude of force F is
required to keep the crate moving at constant velocity? (b) If J'vs is
greater than some critical value, the woman cannot start the crate
moving no matter how hard she pushes. Calculate this critical
value of J'vS'
5.44. A box with mass m is dragged across a level floor having a
coefficient of kinetic friction J'vk by a rope that is pulled upward at
an angle (J above the horizontal with a force of magnitude F. (a) In
terms of m, J'vk' (J, and g, obtain an expression for the magnitude of
force required to move the box with constant speed. (b) Knowing
that you are studying physics, a CPR instructor asks you how
much force it would take to slide a 90-kg patient across a floor at
constant speed by pulling on him at an angle of 25 above the hor
izontaL By dragging some weights wrapped in an old pair of pants
down the hall with a spring balance, you find that J'vk 0.35. Use
the result of part (a) to answer the instructor's question.


CHAPTER 5 Applying Newton's Laws

5.45. Blocks A, B, and C are placed as in

5.56 and connected
by ropes of negligible mass. Both A and B weigh 25.0 N each, and
the coefficient of kinetic friction between each block and the sur
face is 0.35. Block C descends with constant velocity. (a) Draw
two separate free-body diagrams showing the forces acting on A
and on B. (b) Find the tension in the rope connecting blocks A and
B. (c) What is the weight of block C? (d) If the rope connecting A
and B were cut, what would be the acceleration of C?

Figure 5.57 Exercise 5.52.


. Ii


Figure 5.56 Exercise 5.45.


a point 3.00 m from the central shaft. (a) Find the time of one rev
olution of the swing if the cable supporting a seat makes an angle
of 30.0 with the verticaL (b) Does the angle depend on the weight
of the passenger for a given rate of revolution?
5.53. In another version of Figure 5.58 Exercise 5.53.
the "Giant Swing" (see Exer
cise 5.52), the seat is con
nected to two cables as shown
in Fig. 5.58, one of which is
horizontaL The seat swings in
a horizontal circle at a rate of
32.0 rpm (rev/min). If the
seat weighs 255 N and a 825-N
person is sitting in it, find the
tension in each cable.
5.54. A small button placed on
a horizontal rotating platform
with diameter 0.320 m will
revolve with the platform when it is brought up to a speed of
40.0 rev/min, provided the button is no more than 0.150 m from
the axis. (a) What is the coefficient of static friction between the
button and the platfoml? (b) How far from the axis can the button
be placed, without slipping, if the platform rotates at 60.0 rev/min?
5.55. Rotating Space Stations. One problem for humans living
in outer space is that they are apparently weightless. One way around
this problem is to design a space station that spins about its center at
a constant rate. This creates "artificial gravity" at the outside rim of
the station. (a) If the diameter of the space station is 800 m, how
many revolutions per minute are needed for the "artificial gravity"
acceleration to be 9.80 m/s 2 ? (b) If the space station is a waiting
area for travelers going to Mars, it might be desirable to simulate
the acceleration due to gravity on the Martian surface (3.70 m/s2 ).
How many revolutions per minute are needed in this case?
5.56. The Cosmoc1ock 21 Ferris wheel in Yokohama City, Japan,
has a diameter of 100 m. Its name comes from its 60 arms, each of
which can function as a second hand (so that it makes one revolu
tion every 60.0 s). (a) Find the speed of the passengers when the
Ferris wheel is rotating at this rate. (b) A passenger weighs 882 N
at the weight-guessing booth on the ground. What is his apparent
weight at the highest and at the lowest point on the Ferris wheel?
(c) What would be the time for one revolution if the passenger's
apparent weight at the highest point were zero? (d) What then
would be the passenger's apparent weight at the lowest point?
5.57. An airplane flies in a loop (a circular path in a vertical plane)
of radius 150 m. The pilot's head always points toward the center
of the loop. The speed of the airplane is not constant; the airplane
goes slowest at the top of the loop and fastest at the bottom. (a) At

5.46. Starting from Eq. (5.10), derive Eqs. (5.11) and (5.12).
5.47. (a) In Example 5.19 (Section 5.3), what value of D is
required to make v, = 42 m/s for the skydiver? (b) If the sky
diver's daughter, whose mass is 45 kg, is falling through the air
and has the same D (0.25 kg 1m ) as her father, what is the daugh
ter's terminal speed?
5.48. You throw a baseball straight up. The drag force is propor
tional to v2 In terms of g, what is the y-component of the ball's
acceleration when its speed is half its terminal speed and (a) it is
moving up? (b) It is moving back down?

Section 5.4 Dynamics of Circular Motion

5.49. A machine part consists of a thin 40.0-cm-long bar with
small l.15-kg masses fastened by screws to its ends. The screws
can support a maximum force of 75.0 N without pulling out. This
bar rotates about an axis perpendicular to it at its center. (a) As the
bar is tuming at a constant rate on a horizontal frictionless surface,
what is the maximum speed the masses can have without pulling
out the screws? (b) Suppose the machine is redesigned so that the
bar tums at a constant rate in a vertical circle. Will one of the
screws be more likely to pull out when the mass is at the top of the
circle or at the bottom? Use a free-body diagram to see why.
(c) Using the result of part (b), what is the greatest speed the
masses can have without pulling a screw?
5.50. A flat (unbanked) curve on a highway has a radius of
220.0 m. A car rounds the curve at a speed of 25.0 m/s. (a) What is
the minimum coefficient of friction that will prevent sliding?
(b) Suppose the highway is icy and the coefficient of friction
between the tires and pavement is only one-third what you found
in part (a). What should be the maximum speed of the car so it can
round the curve safely?
5.51. A 1125-kg car and a 2250-kg pickup truck aproach a curve
on the expressway that has a radius of 225 m. (a) At what angle
should the highway engineer bank this curve so that vehicles trav
eling at 65.0 milh can safely round it regardless of the condition of
their tires? Should the heavy truck go slower than the lighter car?
(b) As the car and truck round the curve at 65.0 mi/h, find the nor
mal force on each .one due to the highway surface.
5.52. The "Giant Swing" at a county fair consists of a vertical cen
tral shaft with a number of horizontal arms attached at its upper
end (Fig. 5.57). Each arm supports a seat suspended from a cable
5.00 m long, the upper end of the cable being fastened to the arm at


the top of the loop, the pilot feels weightless. What is the speed of
the airplane at this point? (b) At the bottom of the loop, the speed
of the airplane is 280 kID/h. What is the apparent weight of the
pilot at this point? His true weight is 700 N.
5.58. A 50.0-kg stunt pilot who has been diving her airplane verti
cally pulls out of the dive by changing her course to a circle in a
vertical plane. (a) If the plane's speed at the lowest point of the cir
cle is 95.0 mis, what is the minimum radius of the circle for the
acceleration at this point not to exceed 4.008? (b) What is the
apparent weight of the pilot at the lowest point of the pullout?
5.59. Stay Dry! You tie a cord to a pail of water, and you swing
the pail in a vertical circle of radius 0.600 m. What minimum
speed must you give the pail at the highest point of the circle if no
water is to spill from it?
5.60. A bowling ball weighing 71.2 N (16.0 lb) is attached to the
ceiling by a 3.80-m rope. The ball is pulled to one side and
released; it then swings back and forth as a pendulum. As the rope
swings through the vertical, the speed of the bowling ball is
4.20 m/s. (a) What is the acceleration of the bowling ball, in mag
nitude and direction, at this instant? (b) What is the tension in the
rope at this instant?



objects in the problem that you can safely ignore their mass. But if
the rope is the only object in the problem; then clearly you cannot
ignore its mass. For example, suppose we have a clothesline
attached to two poles (Fig. 5.61). The clothesline has a mass M,
and each end makes an angle ewith the horizontal. What are (a) the
tension at the ends of the clothesline and (b) the tension at the low
est point? (c) Why can't we have () = O? (See Discussion Ques
tion Q5.3.) (d) Discuss your results for parts (a) and (b) in the limit
that e ~ 90. The curve of the clothesline, or of any flexible cable
hanging under its own weight, is called a catenary. [For a more
advanced treatment of this curve, see K. R. Symon, Mechanics, 3rd
ed. (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1971), pp. 237-241.]
Figure 5.61 Problem 5.63.

5.64. Another Rope with Mass. A block with mass M is

attached to the lower end of a vertical, uniform rope with mass m
and length L. A constant upward force F is applied to the top of the
rope, causing the rope and block to accelerate upward. Find the
tension in the rope at a distance x from the top end of the rope,
where x can have any value from 0 to L.
5.65. A block with mass ml is placed on an inclined plane with
slope angle Cl' and is connected to a second hanging block with mass
m2 by a cord passing over a small, frictionless pulley (Fig. 5.62).
The coefficient of static friction is /.Ls and the coefficient of kinetic
friction is /.Lk' (a) Find the mass m2 for which block ml moves up
the plane at constant speed once it is set in motion. (b) Find the
mass m2 for which block ml moves down the plane at constant
speed once it is set in motion. (c) For what range of values of m2
will the blocks remain at rest if they are released from rest?

5.61. Two ropes are connected to Figure 5.59 Problem 5.61.

a steel cable that supports a hang
ing weight as shown in Fig. 5.59.
(a) Draw a free-body diagram
showing all of the forces acting at
the knot that connects the two ropes
to the steel cable. Based on your
force diagram, which of the two
ropes will have the greater tension?
(b) If the maximum tension either

rope can sustain without breaking is 5000 N, determine the maxi

mum value of the hanging weight that these ropes can safely sup

port. You can ignore the weight of the ropes and the steel cable.

5.62. In Fig. 5.60 a worker lifts a weight w by pulling down on a

Figure 5.62 Problem 5.65.
rope with a force F. The upper pulley is attached to the ceiling by a

chain, and the lower pulley is attached to the weight by another chain.

In terms of w, find the tension in each chain and the magnitude of

the force F if the weight is lifted at constant speed. Include the free

body diagram or diagrams you used to determine your answers.

Assume that the rope, pulleys, and chains all have negligible weights.

Figure 5.60 Problem 5.62.

5.66. (a) Block A in Fig. 5.63 weighs 60.0 N. The coefficient of

static friction between the block and the surface on which it rests is
Figure 5.63 Problem 5.66.

5.63. A Rope with Mass. In most problems in this book, the

ropes, cords, or cables have so little mass compared to other

CHAPTER 5 Applying Newton's Laws


0.25. The weight w is 12.0 N and the system is in equilibrium. Find

the friction force exerted on block A. (b) Find the maximum
weight w for which the system will remain in equilibrium.
5.67. Block A in Fig. 5.64 weighs 1.20 N and block B weighs
3.60 N. The coefficient of kinetic friction between all surfaces is
0.300. Find the magnitude of the horizontal force F necessary to
drag block B to the left at constant speed (a) if A rests on Band
moves with it (Fig. 5.64a) and (b) if A is held at rest
Figure 5.64 Problem 5.67.



5.68. A window washer pushes Figure 5.65 Problem 5.6S.

his scrub brush up a vertical win
dow at constant speed by applying
a force F as shown in Fig. 5.65.
The brush weighs 12.0 N and the
coefficient of kinetic friction is
f-Lk = 0.150. Calculate (a) the
magnitude of the force F and
(b) the normal force exerted by
the window on the brush.
5.69. The Flying Leap of a
Flea. High-speed motion pic
tures (3500 frames/second) of a
jumping 210-f-Lg flea yielded the
data to plot the flea's acceleration
as a function of time as shown in Fig. 5.66. (See "The Flying Leap
of the Flea," by M. Rothschild et al. in the November 1973
Scientific American.) This flea was about 2 mm long and jumped
at a nearly vertical takeoff angle. Use the measurements shown
on the graph to answer the questions. (a) Find the initial net
external force on the flea. How does it compare to the flea's
weight? (b) Find the maximum net external force on this jumping
flea. When does this maximum force occur? (c) Use the graph to
find the flea's maximum speed.
Figure 5.66 Problem 5.69.




Time (ms)

5.70. A 2S,000-kg rocket blasts off vertically from the earth's sur
face with a constant acceleration. During the motion considered in
the problem, assume that g remains constant (see Chapter 12).
Inside the rocket, a 15.0-N instrument hangs from a wire that can

support a maximum tension of 35.0 N. (a) Find the minimum time

for this rocket to reach the sound barrier (330 m/s) without breakthe inside wire and the maximum vertical thrust of the rocket
engines under these conditions. (b) How far is the rocket above the
earth's surface when it breaks the sound barrier?
5.71. You are standing on a bathroom scale in an elevator in a tall
building. Your mass is 72 kg. The elevator starts from rest and
travels upward with a speed that varies with time according to
v (t)
(3.0 m/s 2 )t + (0.20 m/s 3 )t 2 When t = 4.0 s, what is the
reading of the bathroom scale?
5.72. Elevator Design. You are designing an elevator for a hos
pital. The force exerted on a passenger by the floor of the elevator
is not to exceed 1.60 times the passenger's weight. The elevator
accelerates upward with constant acceleration for a distance of
3.0 m and then starts to slow down. What is the maximum speed of
the elevator?
5.73. You are working for a shipping company. Your job is to
stand at the bottom of a S.O-m-Iong ramp that is inclined at 37
above the horizontal. You grab packages off a conveyor belt and
propel them up the ramp. The coefficient of kinetic friction
between the packages and the ramp is f-Lk = 0.30. (a) What
do you need to give a package at the bottom of the ramp so that it
has zero speed at the top of the ramp? (b) Your coworker is sup
posed to grab the packages as they arrive at the top of the ramp, but
she misses one and it slides back down. What is its speed when it
returns to you?
5.74. A hammer is hanging by a light rope from the ceiling of a
bus. The ceiling of the bus is parallel to the roadway. The bus is
traveling in a straight line on a horizontal street. You observe that
the hammer hangs at rest with respect to the bus when the angle
between the rope and the ceiling of the bus is 74. What is the
acceleration of the bus?
5.75. A steel washer is suspended inside an empty shipping crate
from a light string attached to the top of the crate. The crate slides
down a long ramp that is inclined at an angle of 37 above the hor
izontal. The crate has mass ISO kg. You are sitting inside the crate
(with a flashlight); your mass is 55 kg. As the crate is sliding down
the ramp, you find the washer is at rest with respect to the crate
when the string makes an angle of 6So with the top of the crate.
What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the ramp and the
5.76. Lunch Time! You are riding your motorcycle one day
down a wet street that slopes downward at an angle of 20 below
the horizontal. As you start to ride down the hill, you notice a con
struction crew has dug a deep hole in the street at the bottom of the
hill. A Siberian tiger, escaped from the City Zoo, has taken up resi
dence in the hole. You apply the brakes and lock your wheels at the
top of the hill, where you are moving with a speed of 20 m/s. The
inclined street in front of you is 40 m long. (a) Will you plunge
into the hole and become the tiger's lunch, or do you skid to a stop
before you reach the hole? (The coefficients of friction between
your motorcycle tires and the wet pavement are f-Ls = 0.90 and
ILk = 0.70.) (b) What must your initial speed be if you are to stop
just before reaching the hole?
5.77. In the system shown in
5.54, block A has mass mA> block
B has mass rn B , and the rope connecting them has a nonzero mass
mrope' The rope has a total length L, and the pulley has a very small
radius. You can ignore any sag in the horizontal part of the rope.
(a) If there is no friction between block A and the tabletop, find the
acceleration of the blocks at an instant when a length d of rope
hangs vertically between the pulley and block B. As block B falls,
will the magnitude of the acceleration of the system increase,

decrease, or remain constant? Explain. (b) Let rnA = 2.00 kg,
ms OAOO kg, rnrope = 0.160 kg, and L
1.00 m. If there is fric
tion between block A and the tabletop, with ILk == 0.200 and
0.250, find the minimum value of the distance d such that
the blocks will start to move if they are initially at rest. (c) Repeat
part (b) for the case rnrope == 0.040 kg. Will the blocks move in this
5.78. If the coefficient of static friction between a table and a uni
form massive rope is IL" what fraction of the rope can hang over
the edge of the table without the rope sliding?
5.79. A 30.0-kg packing case is initially at rest on the floor of a
1500-kg pickup truck. The coefficient of static friction between the
case and the truck floor is 0.30, and the coefficient of kinetic fric
tion is 0.20. Before each acceleration given below, the truck is
traveling due north at constant speed. Find the magnitude and
direction of the friction force acting on the case (a) when the truck
accelerates at 2.20 m/s2 northward and (b) when it accelerates at
3.40 m/s 2 southward.
5.80. Traffic Court. You are called as an expert witness in the
trial of a traffic violation. The facts are these: A driver slammed on
his brakes and came to a stop with constant acceleration. Measure
ments of his tires and the skid marks on the pavement indicate that
he locked his car's wheels, the car traveled 192 ft before stopping,
and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the road and his tires
was 0.750. The charge is that he was speeding in a 45-mi/h zone.
He pleads innocent. What is your conclusion, guilty or innocent?
How fast was he going when he hit his brakes?
5.81. Two identical 15.0-kg balls, each 25.0 cm in diameter, are
suspended by two 35.0-cm wires as shown in Fig. 5.67. The entire
apparatus is supported by a single 18.0-cm wire, and the surfaces
of the balls are perlectly smooth. (a) Find the tension in each of the
three wires. (b) How hard does each ball push on the other one?

Figure 5.67 Problem 5.81.


5.83. Block A in Fig. 5.68 weighs lAO N, and block B weighs

4.20 N. The coefficient of kinetic friction-between all surfaces is
0.30. Find the magnitude of the horizontal force F necessary to
drag block B to the left at constant speed if A and B are connected
by a light, flexible cord passing around a fixed, frictionless pUlley.

Figure 5.68 Problem 5.83.

5.84. You are part of a design tearn for future exploration of the
planet Mars, where g = 3.7 m/52 An explorer is to step out of a
survey vehicle traveling horizontally at 33 m/s when it is 1200 m
above the surface and then fall freely for 20 s. At that time, a
portable advanced propulsion system (PAPS) is to exert a constant
force that will decrease the explorer's speed to zero at the instant
she touches the surface. The total mass (explorer, suit, equipment,
and PAPS) is 150 kg. Assume the change in mass of the PAPS to
be negligible. Find the horizontal and vertical components of the
force the PAPS must exert, and for what interval of time the PAPS
must exert it. You can ignore air resistance.
5.85. Block A in Fig. 5.69 has a mass of 4.00 kg, and block B has
mass 12.0 kg. The coefficient of kinetic friction between block B
and the horizontal surface is 0.25. (a) What is the mass of block C
if block B is moving to the right and speeding up with an accelera
tion 2.00 m/s 2 ? (b) What is the tension in each cord when block B
has this acceleration?

Figure 5.69 Problem 5.85.


5.86. Two blocks connected by a cord passing over a small, fric

tionless pulley rest on frictionless planes (Fig. 5.70). (a) Which
way will the system move when the blocks are released from rest?
(b) What is the acceleration of the blocks? (c) What is the tension
in the cord?

Figure 5.70 Problem 5.86.

5.82. LOSing Cargo. A 12.0-kg box rests on the flat floor of a
truck. The coefficients of friction between the box and floor are
ILs 0.19 and ILk = 0.15. The truck stops at a stop sign and then
starts to move with an acceleration of 2.20 m/s2 If the box is
1.80 m from the rear of the truck when the truck starts, how much
time elapses before the box falls off the truck? How far does the
truck travel in this time?


CHAPTER 5 Applying Newton's Laws

5.87. In terms of ml, /112, and g, find the accelerations of each block
in Fig. 5.7l. There is no friction anywhere in the system.
Figure 5.71 Problem 5.87.

5.92. Two blocks with masses 4.00 kg and 8.00

are connected
by a string and slide down a 30.0 inclined plane (Fig. 5.74). The
coefficient of kinetic friction between the 4.00-kg block and the
plane is 0.25; that between the S.OO-kg block and the plane is 0.35.
(a) Calculate the acceleration of each block. (b) Calculate the ten
sion in the string. (c) What happens if the positions of the blocks
are reversed, so the 4.00-kg block is above the 8.00-kg block?
Figure 5.74 Problem 5.92.

5.88. Block B, with mass 5.00 kg, rests on block A, with mass
8.00 kg, which in turn is on a horizontal tabletop (Fig. 5.72). There
is no friction between block A and the tabletop, but the coefficient
of static friction between block A and block B is 0.750. A light
string attached to block A passes over a frictionless, massless pul
ley, and block C is suspended from the other end of the string.
What is the largest mass that block C can have so that blocks A and
B still slide together when the system is released from rest?
Figure 5.72 Problem 5.88.

5.93. Block A, with weight 3w, slides down an inclined plane S of

slope angle 36.9 at a constant speed while plank B, with weight w,
rests on top of A. The plank: is attached by a cord to the wall
(Fig. 5.75). (a) Draw a diagram of all the forces acting on blockA.
(b) If the coefficient of kinetic friction is the same between A and B
and between S and A, determine its value.
Figure 5.75 Problem 5.93.

5.89. Two objects with masses 5.00 kg and 2.00 kg hang 0.600 m
above the floor from the ends of a cord 6.00 m long passing over a
frictionless pulley. Both objects start from rest. Find the maximum
height reached by the 2.00-kg object.
5.90. Friction in an Elevator. You are riding in an elevator on
the way to the 18th floor of your dormitory. The elevator is accel
erating upward with a = 1.90 m/s 2 Beside you is the box contain
ing your new computer; the box and its contents have a total mass
of 28.0 kg. While the elevator is accelerating upward, you push
horizontally on the box to slide it at constant speed toward the ele
vator door. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and
the elevator floor is fLk = 0.32, what magnitude of force must you
5.91. A block is placed against the vertical front of a cart as shown
in Fig. 5.73. What acceleration must the cart have so that block A
does not fall? The coefficient of static friction between the block
and the cart is fL,. How would an observer on the cart describe the
behavior of the block?
Figure 5.73 Problem 5.91.

5.94. Accelerometer.
The system shown in Fig. 5.76 can be
used to measure the acceleration of the system. An observer riding
on the platform measures the angle (J that the thread supporting the
light ball makes with the vertical. There is no friction anywhere.
(a) How is (J related to the acceleration of the system? (b) If
ml = 250 kg and m2
1250 kg, what is (J? (c) If you can vary /111
and /112, what is the largest angle e you could achieve? Explain
how you need to adjust ml and /112 to do this.
Figure 5.76 Problem 5.94.

5.95. Banked Curve I. A curve with a 120-m radius on a level
road is banked at the correct angle for a speed of 20 m/s. If an
automobile rounds this curve at 30 mIs, what is the minimum
coefficient of static friction needed between tires and road to pre
vent skidding?
5.96. Banked Curve II. Consider a wet roadway banked as in
Example 5.23 (Section 5.4), where there is a coefficient of static
friction of 0.30 and a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.25 between
the tires and the roadway. The radius of the curve is R = 50 m.
(a) If the banking angle is f3 = 25, what is the maximum speed
the automobile can have before sliding up the banking? (b) What
is the minimum speed the automobile can have before sliding down
the banking?
5.97. Maximum Safe Speed. As you travel every day to campus,
the road makes a large tum that is approximately an arc of a circle.
You notice the warning sign at the start of the tum, asking for a max
imum speed of 55 mi/h. You also notice that in the curved portion
the road is level-that is, not banked at all. On a dry day with very
little traffic, you enter the tum at a constant speed of SO milh and
feel that the car may skid if you do not slow down quickly. You con
clude that your speed is at the limit of safety for this curve and you
slow down. However, you remember reading that on dry pavement
new tires have an average coefficient of static friction of about 0.76,
while under the worst winter driving conditions, you may encounter
wet ice for which the coefficient of static friction can be as low as
0.20. Wet ice is not unheard of on this road, so you ask yourself
whether the speed limit for the tum on the roadside warning sign is
for the worst-case scenario. (a) Estimate the radius of the curve
from your SO-mi/h experience in the dry tum. (b) Use this estimate
to find the maximum speed limit in the tum under the worst wet-ice
conditions. How does this compare with the speed limit on the sign?
Is the sign misleading drivers? (c) On a rainy day, the coefficient of
static friction would be about 0.37. What is the maximum safe speed
for the tum when the road is wet? Does your answer help you under
stand the maximum-speed sign?
5.98. You are riding in a school bus. As the bus rounds a flat curve
at constant speed, a lunch box with mass 0.500 kg, suspended from
the ceiling of the bus by a string I.S0 m long, is found to hang at
rest relative to the bus when the string makes an angle of 30.0
with the vertical. In this position the lunch box is 50.0 m from the
center of curvature of the curve.
What is the speed v of the bus?
Figure 5.77 Problem 5.99.
5.99. The
Bananas Problem. A 20-kg
monkey has a firm hold on a
light rope that passes over a
frictionless pulley and is
attached to a 20-kg bunch of
bananas (Fig. 5.77). The monkey
looks up, sees the bananas, and
starts to climb the rope to get
them. (a) As the monkey climbs,
do the bananas move up, down,
or remain at rest? (b) As the
monkey climbs, does the dis
tance between the monkey and
the bananas decrease, increase,
or remain constant? (c) The
monkey releases her hold on the
rope. What happens to the dis
tance between the monkey and
the bananas while she is falling?


(d) Before reaching the ground, the monkey grabs the rope to stop
her fall. What do the bananas do?
5.100. You throw a rock downward into water with a speed of
3mglk, where k is the coefficient in
(5.7). Assume that the rela
tionship between fluid resistance and speed is as given in Eq. (5.7),
and calculate the speed of the rock as a function of time.
5.101. A rock with mass m = 3.00 kg falls from rest in a viscous
medium. The rock is acted on by a net constant downward force of
IS.0 N (a combination of gravity and the buoyant force exerted by
ku, where v is the
the medium) and by a fluid resistance force f
speed in mls and k = 2.20 N . slm (see Section 5.3). (a) Find the
initial acceleration ao. (b) Find the acceleration when the speed is
3.00 m/s. (c) Find the speed when the acceleration equals O.lao.
(d) Find the terminal speed v,, (e) Find the coordinate, speed, and
acceleration 2.00 s after the start of the motion. (f) Find the time
required to reach a speed 0.9v,.
5.102. A rock with mass m slides with initial velocity Vo on a hori
zontal surface. A retarding force FR that the surface exerts on the
rock is proportional to the square root of the instantaneous veloc
ity of the rock (FR = -ku l /2). (a) Find expressions for the veloc
ity and position of the rock as a function of time. (b) In terms of
m, k, and vo, at what time will the rock come to rest? (c) In terms
of m, k, and vo, what is the distance of the rock from its starting
point when it comes to rest?
5.103. A fluid exerts an upward buoyancy force on an object
immersed in it. In the derivation of Eq. (5.9) the buoyancy force
exerted on an object by the fluid was ignored. But in some situa
tions, where the density of the object is not much greater than the
density of the fluid, you cannot ignore the buoyancy force. For a
plastic sphere falling in water, you calculate the terminal speed to
be 0.36 mls when you ignore buoyancy, but you measure it to be
0.24 m/s. The buoyancy force is what fraction of the weight?
5.104. The 4.00-kg block in Figure 5.78 Problem 5.104.
5.7S is attached to a verti
cal rod by means of two
strings. When the system
totates about the axis of the
1.25 m
rod, the strings are extended as
shown in the diagram and the
4.00 kg
tension in the upper string is 2.00m
SO.O N. (a) What is the tension
1.25 ill
in the lower cord? (b) How
many revolutions per minute
does the system make? (c) Find
the number of revolutions per
minute at which the lower cord
just goes slack. (d) Explain
what happens if the number of revolutions per minute is less than
in part (c).
5.105. Equation (5.10) applies to the case where the initial velocity
is zero. (a) Derive the corresponding equation for vy(t) when the
falling object has an initial downward velocity with magnitude Va.
(b) For the case where va < v,, sketch a graph of Vy as a function
of t and label v, on your graph. (c) Repeat part (b) for the case
where Vo > v,. (d) Discuss what your result says about vy(t) when

= v,,

5.106. A small rock moves in water, and the force exerted on it by

the water is given by Eq. (5.7). The terminal speed of the rock is
measured and found to be 2.0 m/s. The rock is projected upward at
an initial speed of 6.0 m/s. You can ignore the buoyancy force on
the rock. (a) In the absence of fluid resistance, how high will the
rock rise and how long will it take to reach this maximum height?


CHAPTER 5 Applying Newton's Laws

(b) When the effects of fluid resistance are included, what are the
answers to the questions in part (a)?
5.107. You observe a l350-kg sports car rolling along flat pave
ment in a straight line. The only horizontal forces acting on it are a
constant rolling friction and air resistance (proportional to the
square of its speed). You take the following data during a time
interval of 25 s: When its speed is 32 mis, the car slows down at a
rate of -0,42 m/s2 , and when its speed is decreased to 24 mis, it
slows down at -0.30 m/s2 . (a) Find the coefficient of rolling fric
tion and the air
constant D. (b) At what constant speed will
this car move down an incline that makes a 2.2" angle with the
horizontal? (c) How is the constant speed for an incline of angle f3
related to the terminal speed of this sports car if the car drops off a
high cliff? Assume that in both cases the air resistance force is pro
portional to the square of the speed, and the air drag constant is the
5.10B. A 70-kg person rides in a 30-kg cart moving at 12 m/s at the
top of a hill that is in the shape of an arc of a circle with a radius of
40 m. (a) What is the apparent weight of the person as the cart
passes over the top of the hill? (b) Determine the maximum speed
that the cart may travel at the top of the hill without losing contact
with the surface. Does your answer depend on the mass of the cart
or the mass of the person? Explain.
5.109. Merry-Go-Round. One December identical twins Jena
and Jackie are playing on a large merry-go-round (a disk mounted
parallel to the ground, on a vertical axle through its center) in their
school playground in northern Minnesota. Each twin has mass
The icy coating on the merry-go-round surface makes it
frictionless. The merry-go-round revolves at a constant rate as the
twins ride on it. Jena, sitting 1.80 m from the center of the merry
go-round, must hold on to one of the metal posts attached to the
merry-go-round with a horizontal force of 60.0 N to keep from
sliding off. Jackie is sitting at the edge, 3.60 m from the center.
(a) With what horizontal force must Jackie hold on to keep from
falling off? (b) If Jackie falls off, what will be her horizontal veloc
ity when she becomes airborne?
5.110. A passenger with mass 85 kg rides in a Ferris wheel like that
in Example 5.24 (Section 5,4). The seats travel in a circle of radius
35 m. The Ferris wheel rotates at constant speed and makes one
complete revolution every 25 s. Calculate the magnitude and direc
tion of the net force exerted on the passenger by the seat when she
is (a) one-quarter revolution past her lowest point and (b) one
quarter revolution past her highest point.
5.111. On the ride "Spindletop" at the amusement
Six Flags
Over Texas, people stood against the inner wall of a hollow verti
cal cylinder with radius 2.5 m. The cylinder started to rotate, and
when it reached a constant rotation rate of 0.60 revIs, the floor on
which people were standing dropped about 0.5 m. The people
remained pinned against the wall. (a) Draw a force diagram for a
person on this ride, after the floor has dropped. (b) What minimum
coefficient of static friction is required if the person on the ride is
not to slide downward to the new position of the floor? (c) Does
your answer in part (b) depend on the mass of the passenger?
(Note: When the ride is over, the cylinder is slowly brought to rest.
As it slows down, people slide down the walls to the floor.)
5.112. A physics major is working to pay his college tuition by per
forming in a traveling carnival. He rides a motorcycle inside a hol
low transparent plastic sphere. After gaining sufficient speed, he
travels in a vertical circle with a radius of l3.0 m. The physics
major has mass 70.0 kg, and his motorcycle has mass 40.0 kg.
(a) What minimum speed must he have at the top of the circle if

the tires of the motorcycle are not to lose contact with the sphere?
(b) At the bottom of the circle, his speed is twice the value calcu
lated in part (a). What is the magnitude of the normal force exerted
on the motorcycle by the sphere at this point?
5.113. Ulterior Motives. You are driving a classic 1954 Nash
Ambassador with a friend who is sitting to your right on the pas
senger side of the front seat. The Ambassador has flat bench seats.
You would like to be closer to your friend and decide to use phYSics
to achieve your romantic goal by making a quick tum. (a) Which
way (to the left or to the right) should you tum the car to get your
friend to slide closer to you? (b) If the coefficient of static friction
between your friend and the car seat is 0.35, and you keep driving
at a constant speed of 20 mIs, what is the maximum radius you
could make your turn and still have your friend slide your way?
5.114. A small block with mass m rests on a frictionless horizontal
tabletop a distance r from a hole in the center of the table
(Fig. 5.79). A string tied to the small block passes down through
the hole, and a larger block with mass M is suspended from the
free end of the string. The small block is set into uniform circular
motion with radius r and speed v. What must v be if the large
block is to remain motionless when released?
Figure 5.79 Problem 5.114.

5.115. A small bead can slide without friction on a circular hoop

that is in a vertical plane and has a radius of 0.100 m. The hoop
rotates at a constant rate of 4.00 rev/s about a vertical diameter
(Fig. 5.80). (a) Find the angle f3 at which the bead is in vertical
equilibrium. (Of course, it has a radial acceleration toward the
axis.) (b) Is it possible for the bead to "ride" at the same elevation
as the center of the hoop? (c) What will happen if the hoop rotates
at 1.00 rev / s?
Figure 5.80 Problem 5.11S.


Challenge Problems
5.116. A model airplane with mass 2.20 kg moves in the xy-plane
such that its x- and y-coordinates vary in time according to
x(t) = a - f3t 3 and y(t) = yt - &2, where a 1.50 m, f3
0.120 m/s3, y
3.00 mIs, and 0 = 1.00 m/s 2 (a) Calculate the
x- and y-components of the net force on the plane as functions of
time. (b) Sketch the trajectory of the airplane between t 0 and
t = 3.00 s, and draw on your sketch vectors showing the net force
on the airplane at t 0, t = 1.00 s, t
2.00 s, and t = 3.00 s. For
each of these times, relate the direction of the net force to the
direction that the airplane is turning, and to whether the airplane is
speeding up or slowing down (or neither). (c) What are the magni
tude and direction of the net force at t = 3.00 s?
5.117. A particle moves on a frictionless surface along a path as
shown in Fig. 5.81. (The figure gives a view looking down on the
surface.) The particle is initially at rest at point A and then begins
to move toward B as it gains speed at a constant rate. From B to C,
the particle moves along a circular path at a constant speed. The
speed remains constant along the straight-line path from C to D.
From D to E, the particle moves along a circular path, but now its
speed is decreasing at a constant rate. The speed continues to
decrease at a constant rate as the particle moves from E to F; the
particle comes to a halt at F. (The time intervals between the
marked points are not equal.) At each point marked with a dot,
draw arrows to represent the velocity, the acceleration, and the net
force acting on the particle. Draw longer or shorter arrows to rep
resent vectors of larger or smaller magnitude.

5.119. A small block with mass

m is placed inside an inverted

Figure 5.83 Problem 5.119.

cone that is rotating about a ver

tical axis such that the time for
one revolution of the cone is T
(Fig. 5.83). The walls of the
cone make an angle f3 with the
vertical. The coefficient of static
friction between the block and
the cone is IL,.If the block is to
remain at a constant height h
above the apex of the cone, what
are the maximum and minimum
values ofT?

\ 1






Challenge Problems


5.120. Moving Wedge. A wedge

with mass M rests on a frictionless, horizontal tabletop. A block
with mass m is placed on the wedge (Fig. 5.84a). There is no fric
tion between the block and the wedge. The system is released from
rest. (a) Calculate the acceleration of the wedge and the horizontal
and vertical components of the acceleration of the block. (b) Do
your answers to part (a) reduce to the correct results when M is
very large? (c) As seen by a stationary observer, what is the shape
of the trajectory of the block?
Figure 5.84 Challenge Problems 5.120 and 5.121.

Figure 5.B1 Problem 5.117.

f-- ..---- ....



+ ...... ,

't C





- --t-......

5.118. A small remote-control car with mass 1.60 kg moves at a

constant speed of u
12.0 m/s in a vertical circle inside a hollow
metal cylinder that has a radius of 5.00 m (Fig 5.82). What is the
magnitude of the normal force exerted on the car by the walls of
the cylinder at (a) point A (at the bottom of the vertical circle) and
(b) point B (at the top of the vertical circle)?
Figure 5.82 Problem 5.118.

5.121. A wedge with mass M rests on a frictionless horizontal

tabletop. A block with mass m is placed on the wedge and a hori
zontal force F is applied to the wedge (Fig. 5.84b). ,\\<'hat must the
magnitude of F be if the block is to remain at a constant height
above the tabletop?
5.122. A box of weight w is accelerated up a ramp by a rope that
exerts a tension T. The ramp makes an angle a with the horizontal,
and the rope makes an angle fJ above the ramp. The coefficient of
kinetic friction between the box and the ramp is ILk' Show that no
matter what the value of a, the acceleration is maximum if
arctanILk (as long as the box remains in contact with the
5.123. Angle for Minimum Force. A box with weight w is
pulled at constant speed along a level floor by a force F that is at
an angle fJ above the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction
between the floor and box is ILk' (a) In terms of e, ILk> and w, calcu
late F. (b) For w = 400 N and ILk = 0.25, calculate F for fJ rang
ing from 0 to 90 in increments of 10. Graph F versus e.
(c) From the general expression in part (a), calculate the value of
e for which the value of F, required to maintain constant speed, is
a minimum. (Hint: At a point where a function is minimum, what
are the first and second derivatives of the function? Here F is a
function of fJ.) For the special case of w
400 N and ILk
evaluate this optimal fJ and compare your result to the graph you
constructed in part (b).


CHAPTER 5 Applying Newton's Laws

5.124. Falling Baseball. You drop a baseball from the roof of a

tall building. As the ball falls, the air exerts a drag force propor
tional to the square of the ball's speed (f Du 2 ). (a) In a dia
gram, show the direction of motion and indicate, with the aid of
vectors, all the forces acting on the ball. (b) Apply Newton's sec
ond law and infer from the resulting equation the general proper
ties of the motion. (c) Show that the ball acquires a terminal speed
that is as given in Eq. (5.13). (d) Derive the equation for the speed
at any time. (Note:


= - arctanh

your expressions give for the special case of In, = 1n2 and m3 =
+ 1n2? Is this sensible?
5.126. The masses of blocks A and B in
5.86 are 20.0 kg and
10.0 kg, respectively. The blocks are initially at rest on the floor
and are connected by a massless string passing over a massless
and frictionless pulley. An upward force F is applied to the pul
ley. Find the accelerations aA of block A and aBof block B when F
is (a) 124 N; (b) 294 N; (c) 424 N.

In I

Figure 5.86 Challenge Problem 5.126.


tanh (x )

eX-e- X



defines the hyperbolic tangent.)

5.125. Double Atwood's Machine. In Fig. 5.85 masses ml and
m2 are connected by a light string A over a light, frictionless pulley
B. The axle of pulley B is connected by a second light string Cover
a second light, frictionless pulley D to a mass m3' Pulley D is
suspended from the ceiling by an attachment to its axle. The sys
tem is released from rest. In terms of mj, n12, m3' and g, what are
(a) the acceleration of block m3; (b) the acceleration of pulley B;
(c) the acceleration of block mj; (d) the acceleration of block m 2;
(e) the tension in string A; (f) the tension in string C? (g) What do
Figure 5.85 Challenge Problem 5.125.

20.0 kg

10.0 kg

5.127. A ball is held at rest at position A in

5.87 by two light
strings. The horizontal string is cut and the ball starts swinging as a
pendulum. Point B is the farthest to the right the ball goes as it
swings back and forth. What is the ratio of the tension in the sup
porting string in position B to its value at A before the horizontal
string was cut?
Figure 5.87 Challenge Problem 5.127.


Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems

4.23 a) gravity exerted by earth on bottle; force of

air on bottle b) gravity exerted by bottle on

earth; force of bottle on air

4.25 7.4 X 10- 23 mis'

4.27 b) yes

4.29 yes. in part (al

4.31 b) 142 N

4.33 c) force exerted by the ground on the truck

4.35 1840 N, 135'

4.37 a) 17 N, 90' clockwise from +~-direction

b) 840 N

4.39 a) 4.8 mls b) 16 mis' c) 2360 N

4.41 b) 5.83 mis'

4.43 a) 2.50 mis' b) IO.Q.N c) to .the right; F

d) 25.0 N

4.45 aJ 4.4 m b) 300 mls c) (i) 2.7 X 10' N

Oi) 9.0 X 10' N

4.47 b) 79.6 N

4.49 aJ mg b) mg c) m(g + lal)

d) m(g - lal)

4.51 a) 7.80 mls b) 50.6

c) 4532 N. 6.16mg

4.53 a) w b) 0 c) wl2

4.55 b) 1390 N

4.57 b) (i) 3.5 mis' (ii) 8.0 N

4.59 -6mBt



= 2m,81(4m,


+ m,);

m,g/(4m, +


5.89 1.46 m above the floor



5.93 b) 0.450

5.95 0.34

5.97 a) 170 m b) 18 mis, 41 milh

c) 25 m/s. 56 milh

5.99 a) move up b) remains constant

c) remains constant d) stop

5.101 a) 6.00 m/s' b) 3.80m/s' c) 7.36m!s

d) 8.18 m/s e) 7.78 m, 6.29 mis, 1.38 mis'

f) 3.14 s

5.103 1/3

5.105 a) v,.(r) = V, + (vo - v,)e-Ir,m

5.107 a) 0.Dl5; 0.36 N s'lm' b) 29 m/s c) ratio

is (sintJ - 0.015costJ)'"

5.109 a) 120 N bj 3.79 m/s

5.111 b) 0.28 c) no

5.113 a) right b) 120 m

5.115 a) 81.1 b) no c) bead rides at bottom of

hoop (tJ 0r.)~~"",,-cc-_ _~

211' (htan,/3\( Sin tJ + l1-,cos,/3).
8 J cos,/3 l1-,sintJ'

5.119 T...,

I h tan,/3J' ('SintJ - l1-,eostJ 1.

I\ g
cos,/3 + l1-,sin,/3,
(M + m)gtana

Tmin = 21T

Chapter 5


a) 25.0N b) 50.0N

a) 990 N. 735 N b) 926 N


4.10 X 101 N

a) A: 0.732w; B: 0.897w; C: w b) A: 2.73w:

B: 3.35w; C: w
a) 337 N b) 343 N

a) 470 N b) 163 N

b) 1.22ntg c) 0.70mg

a) 4610
470g b) 9.70 X 10' N. 471w

c) 18.7
b) 2.96
c) 191 N; more than the bricks,

less than the counterweight

c) 1.37 kg d) T

b) 2.50
a) 0.832 mis' b) 17.3 s


a) 22 N b) 3.1 m

a) 0.710,0.472 b) 258N c) (i) 51.8N

(li) 4.97
a) 57.IN b) 146N.uptheramp

II times farther

a) 11-,(mA + mg)g b) l1-,nlAg

a) 0.218 m/s b) 11.7 N

a) l1-,mg/(coslJ - I1- l sinlJ) b) l/tanlJ = 11-,

b) 8.75 N c) 30.8 N d) 1.54

a) 0.44 kglm b) 42 m/s

a) 3.61 mls b) bottom c) 3.33 m/s

a) 21.0; no b) car: 1.18 X 10' N; truck:

2.36 X 10" N

upper cable: 1410 N; horizontal cable: 8360 N

a) 1.49 rev/min b) 0.918 rev/min

a) 138 kmIh b) 3580 N

2.43 m/s

a) rope making 60 b angle b) 6400 N

a) Mg/(2sinlJ) b) Mg/(2tan9) c) T-+ '"

a) m,(sina + I1- l cosa)

b) m,(sina

c) nt, (sina
/.<,cosa) < m, <

c) IJ

5.125 a)



b) an = -a,



e) TA


f) Tc



+ m21113



\ 4mlm2





+ tn3fnl
+ 1n3ml




0, Tc = 2m,8.

T, = m,g; yes
5.127 cos ',/3






+ m,op,dIL ) .


+ ntrope

; mcreases

b) 0.63 m

c) will not move for any value of d

5.79 a) 66 N, northward b) 59 N, southward

5.81 a) 294 N, 152 N, 152 N b) 40.0 N

5.83 2.52 N

5.85 a) 12.9 kg b) 47.2 N in left-hand cord, 101 N

in right-hand cord

Chapter 6



a) 2.65 J b) -2.65 J c) zero

a) 74 N b) 330 J c) - 330 J d) zero; zero

e) zero

a) -1750 J b) no

a) (i) 9.00 J (ii) -9.00 J b) (i) 0

(ii) 9.00 J (iii) -9.001 (iv) 0

c) zero for each block
a) (l) zero (ii) zero b) (i) zero

(ii) -25.1 J
a) 1.0 X 10'6 J b) about 2 times greater

a) 42.85V b) 1836K

a) 43.2 m/s b) 101

c) 5.80 m

d) 3.53 m/s ej 7.35 m

(2giJ) + I1-l/tanaJ) '/2

a) 9D b) DI3

32.0 N

b) 3.61 mls

a) 4.96 m/s b) a = 1.43 m/s'; !J

4.96 m/s;


a) vo'/2/-L,g bj (i) 1/2 (ii) 4 (iii) 2

a) 48.0 N, 64.0 N bJ 0.3601,0.6401

aJ 2.8
b) 3.5 m/s

8.5 cm

a) 1.76 bl 0.67.m/s

a) 4.0 J b) zero c) -1.0 J d) 3.01

e) -1.0 J

a) 2.83 mls b) 2.40 m/s

a) 5.65 em b) no; 0.57 J

3.6 X 105 J; 100

4.0 X IO"P

743 W, 0.995 hp

a) 85 b) 23

a) 5.4 X 109 J b) 0.72 MW










Chapter 7

+ m2m3 + m3ntl

= a, = G, = an


positive c) same magnitude and opposite

sign) since net work is zero
a) 511 m b) 0.304 c) 10.3 m

a) 0.15 N b) 9.4 N c) 0.44 1

a) 2.56 m/s b) 5.28 N c) 19.7 J

a) -910 J b) 3.17 X 10' J

1.0 X 10' N/m

1.1 m from where spring is released

a) 1.02 X 10' N/m, 8.16 m

a) 0.600 m b) 1.50 m/s


1.5 m

a) 1.10 X 10' J b) 1.30 X 10' 1

c) 3.99 kW

3.6 h

1.30 X 10' m'ls

a) 1.26 X 105 J b) 1.46 W

a) 2.4 MW b) 61 MW c) 6.0 MW

a) 513 W b) 355 W c) 52.1 W

a) 358 N b) 47.2 hp c) 4.06 hp d) 2.03%

b) 6.1 m/s cJ 3.9 mls

d) Kb,1l = 0.40 J, K,p",.


a) 2.0 X 10' J b) 2.8 X 10' J

c) 2.8 X !O' J d) 5 kmIh






+ m3mJ)

d) -203 J

J \ negative b) k -


+ m2m3 - 3m31n1)
Q, = g 4ntlm2
4m[m'Z + m znt3 + 1113ml


6.65 a) k'


In! (sina + ;.t,cosa)

5.67 a) 1.44 N b) 1.80 N

5.69 a) 1.3 X 10-' N; 62.5w b) 2.9 X 10-' N at

1.2 ms c) 1.2 m/s

5.71 1040 N

5.73 aJ II m/s b) 7.5 m/s

5.75 0.40

5.77 aj 8

5.123 a) F

6.53 2.96 X IO'W

6.55 877 J

6.57 a) 5321 b) -315 J c) zero

e) 14.7 J f) 1.21 m/s


6.59 a) 1/ sina b) W;,

6.61 a) 2.59 X lO" J b) 4800 J

6.63 b) k,rr = k, + k, + ... + kN

a) 6.6 X 10' J b) -7.7 X 10' J

aJ 820 N b) (i) zero (ii) 740 J

aJ 24.0
b) 24.0
c) part (b)



2.5 mls

a) (i) zerO (ii) 0.98 J b) 2.8 m/s

c) constant: gravity; not constant: normal,

friction d) 5.0 N


aj 880 J b) -157 J c) 471 J d) 253 J

3.16 m/s'; v = 7.11 m/s; tJ.K = 253 J;

e) a

a) 80.0 J b) 5.00 J

a) (i) 4Uo (ii) Uo/4 b (i) Xo v'2

(li) xo/v'2
a) 6.32 Cm b) 12 em

:to.092 m

a) 3.03 m/s; as mass leaves spring

b) 95.9 m/s';just after mass is released

a) 4.46 X 10' N/m b) 0.128 m

a) -3081 b) -616 J c) nonconservative

a) -3.6 J b) -3.61 c) -7.2 J

d) nonconservative

a) !k(x,' - xl) bj -4k(x,' - :<,'); zero

-~k(x,' x.'); -~k(xl - xlf;

-4k(xl x.'); same


7.33 2.46 N, + x-direction

7.35 c) attracts


7.37 a) F(r)
b) (2a/b)''''; stable c)
d) a = 6.68 X 10- 138 1 m".

b = 6.41 X 1O~" J . mb

7.39 a) zero, 637 N b) 2.99 m/s

7.41 a) no b) yes, $150

7.43 0.41

7.45 a) 15.9J b) 4.0J c) 3.01

7.47 a) 20.0 m from left-hand edge of horizontal

section b) -78.4 J

7.49 a) 22.2 m/s b) 16.4 m c) no

7.51 0.602 m

7.53 15.5 mls

7.55 4.4 mls

7.57 a) Xo Vkj";. b) holm c) x = 0, x


d) AD e) system oscillates and never stops

7.59 a) 7.00 mls b) 2.94 N

7.61 a) mg( 1 hid) b) 440 N


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