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Risk Criteria in EU

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Risk criteria in EU

V.M. Trbojevic

Risk Support Limited, London, U.K.

ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on risk criteria used in the EU for population living in vicinity of hazardous
facilities. The criteria vary from fully risk-based and goal setting to the prescriptive consequence based criteria. In spite of the philosophical differences in the formulation of risk criteria, there is a single EU Directive
(Seveso 2) on the control of major accident hazards involving chemicals which applies to every member state
and clearly the level of safety across the EU should be very similar if not the same. Therefore the first aim of
the paper was to minimise the differences between the variety of safety approaches across the EU in order to
develop risk acceptance criteria with the potential to converge to a unified set. The second aim was to develop
societal risk criteria completely consistent with the legally applied individual risk criteria.
Approach to safety differs considerably across the
EU. While on one side there is a basic recognition
that zero risk is not attainable and that the real aim
must always be to identify, control and reduce risk,
on the other side, as a sharp contrast, there is still a
belief that application of good practice embodied in
design and other standards removes risk. Between
the two extremes there are several variations, the
simplest one being that as long as risk is lower that a
prescribed threshold, it is acceptable, and even that
the regulator can accept developments up to that
prescribed limit. This situation is obviously reflected in the risk acceptance criteria and the safety
legislation. This paper focuses risk criteria used in
the EU for population living in vicinity of hazardous
facilities, for which the following classification is
1 Risk based, goal setting criteria where safety goal
is specified and not the means of achieving it
2 Prescriptive, risk based criteria where a prescribed maximum level of risk is used for risk
control (The Netherlands, Hungary, Czech Republic) and some form of risk reduction may be
specified but not necessarily implemented.
3 Prescriptive, consequence based criteria where
the prescribed level of impact is used for control
(France) or no risk is allowed outside the boundary of the facility (Germany).

In spite of the philosophical differences in the

formulation of risk criteria, there is a single EU Directive (Seveso 2) on the control of major accident
hazards involving chemicals which applies to every
member state. The objective of the paper is to review and compare the above types of criteria, and if
achievable, to propose a unified risk criteria.

2.1 Individual Risk Criteria

Individual risk is the frequency at which an individual may be expected to sustain a given level of
harm from realisation of specified hazards Institution of Chemical Engineers, 1992.
The comparison of the risk criteria in use in the
UK, The Netherlands, Hungary and Czech Republic
is presented in Table 1. These four countries were
chosen a) as representative of the first two risk based
approaches, and b) to compare what from the safety
perspective could be called the old and the new
Europe. In addition, the recent information from the
review of land use planning (LUP) in the UK, HSE
2004a, has also been included in Table 1.
It should also be noted that the basis on safety
regulation in the UK is encapsulated in the Health
and Safety at Work Act [3] which requires the duty
holder to ensure and demonstrate that risk to employees, part time employed persons and the general

public is As Low As Reasonably Practicable

(ALARP). The Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
publishes from time to time the risk levels it considers as intolerable or tolerable under certain circumstances and while these risk levels cover all industrial activities in the UK, the primary instrument for
risk control is ALARP dynamics.
Table 1


Comparison of Individual Risk Criteria



Risk has to be reduced

to the level As Low As
Reasonably Practicable

3 x 10-6

LUP limit of
acceptability (converted
from risk of dangerous
dose of 3 x 10-7)


Broadly acceptable level

of risk


Negligible level of risk


The Netherlands


Czech Republic

Limit for existing

installations. ALARA
principle applies

Upper limit

Limit for existing

installations. Risk
reduc tion must be
carried out

Intolerable limit for

members of the public

2.2 Impact Criteria

The example of the consequence (impact) based
criteria used in France, Salvi & Gaston 2004, is presented in Table 2. These criteria apply to the list of
reference or predefined scenarios such as boiling
liquid expanding vapour explosion (for liquefied
combustible gases), unconfined vapour cloud explosion (for liquefied combustible gases), total instantaneous loss of containment (for liquefied, nonliquefied and toxic gases), instantaneous rupture of
the largest pipeline leading to the highest mass flow
(toxic gas installations), fire in the largest tank (for
flammable liquids), etc.
Table 2

Impact Thresholds

Limit for the new

installations and general
limit after 2010.
ALARA applies

Lower limit

Limit for the new



Fatality Criteria (1%)

Criteria for Irrevesible



5 kW/m2 if the exposure

is more than 1 min, or

3 kW/m2 if the exposure

is more than 1 min, or

Heat load of 1000

(kW/m2)4/3s in case of
short exposure duration

Heat load of 600

(kW/m2)4/3s in case of
short exposure duration


140 mbar

50 mbar

Toxic dose

Based on LC1% and

exposure time (passage
of the cloud)

Based on irreversible
effects (first inuries) and
exposure time (passage
of the cloud)

Negligible level of risk

The situation in other countries is not very clear;

for example in the Netherlands, two regions Rijmond and Schiphol are excluded from the new criteria (in force after 2010), while if there is a lower
risk situation than the norms require, the Authorities
can allow building up to the norm; the enforcement
of ALARA is questionable.
It can be seen from Table 1 that individual risk of
10-5 per year represents the upper limit in Europe for
existing installations, while in the UK the intolerable
limit is 10-4 but ALARP is strictly imposed, meaning
that in reality the risk is well below the limit. The
upper limit for individual risk for new installations
in Czech Republic and in the Netherlands after 2010
is 10-6 per year. It should also be noted that the individual risk in the LUP guidelines in the UK, HSE
2004a, in terms of a dangerous dose of 3 x 10-7 per
year can be converted to individual risk of death of 3
x 10-6 per year. The quoted value for the Netherlands
(10-5 and 10-6) represent so called location risk (risk
contour), or the individual risk to a person who is
permanently at the particular location. In addition,
in the case of the Netherlands, the risk value corresponds to one establishment (facility), and the cumulative risks from several establishments are not
taken into account.
The negligible risk levels specified in the UK as
10-7 per year and in the Netherlands as 10-8 per year
are not questionable and it will be assumed that 10-8
value can be accepted across the EU for the time


No risk to be
imposed on
people or the

2.3 Societal Risk Criteria

Societal risk (SR) is the relationship between the
frequency and the number of people suffering from a
specified level of harm in a given population from
the realisation of specified hazards, Institution of
Chemical Engineers 1992.
The origins of the societal risk criteria in the UK
can be traced back to the late 1970s, Ball & Floyd
1998. The Advisory Committee on Major Hazards
suggested in 1976 that a serious accident in a particular plant was unlikely to occur more often than
once in 10,000 years, which could be regarded on
the border of acceptability, ACMH 1976. This has
often been taken as an anchor point for the FN curve
where the chance of an accident involving 10 or
more fatalities should not exceed 1 in 10,000 per
year. In the second Canvey report, HSE 1981, it was
suggested that an event with 1,500 fatalities and the
frequency of 2 x 10-4 per year (2 in 10,000) could be
judged as intolerable. The proposed slope of the FN
curve was 1 (no risk aversion), based on historical
record for the chemical industry. In the study,
ACMH 1981, it was quoted as an upper maximum
tolerable risk level a line of slope 1 through the
point N = 500 and F = 2 x 10-4 per year. However,
in HSE 2001, it is suggested that the risk of a single
accident causing the death of 50 people or more with

the frequency of 1 in 5,000 per annum can be considered as intolerable. The broadly acceptable level
of risk is suggested as a line three decades lower
than the upper tolerable line. This evolution of the
upper tolerable level of risk over 20 years is presented in Figure 1, and clearly demonstrates the
value of ALARP dynamics and the goal setting approach in reducing the upper level of tolerability of
The quoted criteria are not systematically used in the
UK, however HSE is using ARICOMAH risk integral,
HSE 2003, for evaluation of societal risk. This approach is based on the accident with the highest
number of fatalities Nmax and its frequency f(Nmax),
which are used to evaluate an approximate level of
the Potential Loss of Life (PLL) or the fatal accident
rate, using the risk aversion exponent of 1.4 (slope
of 1.4). The explanation for the choice of this exponent seems to be that it matches the historical

Table 3

HSEs Land Use Planning Criteria

Individual Risk of Dangerous Doze [Per Year] - 1989

Category of development
Sensitivity Level - 2003

> 10-5

Between 10-5 and 10-6

Between 10-6 and 0.3 x


Inner Zone

Middle Zone

Outer Zone

Assessment required.
Assessment required
Housing developments
providing for more than 25 Against development if > Against development if >
75 people
25 people
people (Category A)
Level 1
Small workplaces, parking
areas, etc. (Category B)
Level 2

Canvey, 1981

Allow development




Allow development

Allow development

Allow development




Assessment required.
Assessment required.
Retail, community, leisure
facilities, some workplaces, Against development if > Against development if >
300 people
100 people
(Category C)

Annual Frequency of N or More Fatalities

with measuring the likelihood of multiple fatality

accidents and takes into account societal aversion,
and the following example of historical data is
given: the chance of killing 10 or more people
in a fire in the UK is 1 chance per year. The chance
of a railway accident killing or seriously injuring
100 or more people is 1 chance per 15 years. This
would imply a slope of the FN line of 1.2.

Allow development

ACMH, 1991


Level 3

R2P2, 2001

Highly vulnerable or very

large facilities (Category



Level 4



Figure 1
the UK


Number of Fatalities [N]



Evolution of the Upper Tolerable Level of Risk in

It is also interesting to mention an alternative set

of criteria based on the scaled risk integral or injury
criterion has been proposed in 1989 by the HSE for
land use planning (LUP), HSE 1989. The criteria
are defined in terms of a dangerous dose of toxic
gas, or heat, or explosion overpressure which gives
the following effects a) severe distress to almost
everyone, b) a substantial fraction requires medical
attention, c) some people are seriously injured, requiring prolonged treatment, and d) highly susceptible people might be killed. The risk is then defined
as the risk of dangerous dose or the risk of receiving a dangerous dose, or worse. The corresponding criteria are out of date but are summarised
in Table 3 together with the current LUP methodology, HSE 2003. It should be noted that light shaded
areas correspond to the new 2003 criteria, HSE
2003. The main difference is that in the current version there are three regions of risk zones (inner
nearest to the hazard site, middle and outer) for
which HSE has not yet specified any numbers.
Regarding risk aversion, in the fundamental review of land use planning, HSE 2004a, there is the
following quote SR (societal risk) is concerned




Against development

Assessment required.
Against development if >
25 people

Specific assessment




Don't advise against development

Advise against development

In the Netherlands the Decree on Environmental

Quality Requirements concerning external safety at
Establishments (Staatscourant 22 February 2002, nr.
38) does not set the norm for SR, and it has been
decided, for now, to use societal risk values as nonlegal orientation norms when assessing external
safety". The values for orientation are the upper tolerable level as 10-3 / N2 and the negligible level as
10-5 / N2, in the FN space. This criterion has a slope
of 2 and therefore incorporates risk aversion.
The upper tolerability criterion in the Czech Republic for the existing installations is the same as the
non legal Dutch criterion (10-3 / N2), while for the
new installations it is more stringent, i.e. 10-4 /N2. It
seems that there are no societal risk criteria in use in
The conversion of the old LUP criteria, HSE
1989, into FN criteria by interpreting location risk
contour value as the probability of multiple fatalities
is at least philosophically incorrect, but the results
are interesting. By converting the location risk of
dangerous dose that might kill highly susceptible
people of 10-5 to the location risk of death of general public of 10-6 (assuming that 10% of the general
public are highly susceptible), the anchor points
(F=10-6, N=25 and F=10-7, N=75) for the FN criteria
can be obtained. It is interesting to note that the
slope of the old UK LUP criteria is equal to 2.09,

i.e. very similar to the slope in the Dutch and Czech

criteria of 2.
In the absence on any other anchor points for the
FN criterion, the risk matrix from the HSE guidance
on ALARP demonstration in HSE 2004b, has been
used to define the points F=10-3 and N=1 and F=10-6
and N=100 (implying the slope of 1.5).
It is far more difficult to convert the French criteria expressed as the minimum distance of the specified level of harm from the hazard source. The following approach is suggested the assumption is
made that the frequency of the predefined large consequence scenarios is 5 x 10-5 per year and that the
probability of fatality at the boundary of the hazardous zone is 1% (i.e. 0.01); this defines the annual
probability of death at that boundary of 5 x 10-7 (location risk contour).
It should be noted that the French criterion defines the safety distance (or the frequency of impact)
regardless of the number of people living in the
safe zone. Therefore, the second assumption is
made that there would be no people living at the
boundary i.e. in this case 5 x 10-7 contour, but that
further away there could be some population, say at
10-7 contour. The French criterion is independent of
the number of people exposed.
A comparison of the previously mentioned FN
criteria is presented in Figure 2.

Annual Frequency of N or More Fatalities


2 The size of the population FN criteria may be

used for is undefined. It appears that the same
criteria might be used for say 100 and 100,000
The development of the societal risk criteria
completely consistent with the individual risk is
first proposed, Schofield 1993. This approach is
based on a simple formula for PLL (potential loss of
life) which is as follows:
Nmax * IR = f(N) * N
Nmax is the number of exposed population
IR is the maximum tolerable individual risk
f(N) is the frequency of exactly N fatalities
N is the number of fatalities
is a risk aversion factor which features in the risk
criteria that incorporate risk aversion (i.e. in the
definition of f(N)).
For a given cumulative frequency F(1), risk aversion factor and the maximum individual risk corresponding to the FN criteria presented in Figure 2, the
number of exposed population (Nmax) is calculated
and shown in Table 4.
Table 4 Relationship between FN, IR and Nmax


UK (R2P2)

UK (Old LUP)


Dutch (Old)
Dutch (New)


CZ (New)





Number of Fatalities N

Figure 2

Comparison of FN Criteria

It is interesting to note that the UK (old LUP),

and the old and new Dutch criteria practically coincide, while the Czech criterion for the new installations is a decade lower. The UK COMAH guidance,
HSE 2004b, is not far off.
The French impact frequency criterion, not being
risk based, will always deliver insufficient safety at
large N, while it may also lead to unreasonable and
uneconomical safety measures at lower N values.
The situation will be worse by increasing the value
of impact frequency.
The next objective is to link the societal risk criteria to individual risk criteria thus removing the following weaknesses:
1 There is no link to the legally quoted and used
individual (or location) risk criteria, and





UK (R2P2)




UK (Old LUP)




UK (New LUP)





Dutch (Old)




Dutch (New)




CZ (New)





The above results clearly indicate the weaknesses

of the quoted criteria which perhaps might be one of
the reasons why the FN criteria are not officially
used. On the other hand, in situations where the
large offsite population is exposed to different levels
of risk, intuitively it would seem that risk averaging as proposed by linking individual to societal
criteria would not be politically acceptable. This
type of argument can also be seen in the LUP criteria which (in the Netherlands and UK) either limit
the number of people exposed to particular individual risk and/or specify upper limit for density of the


4.1 Philosophical Basis

It is assumed that there is an intolerable risk level
which must not be exceeded and a negligible risk
level which does not raise either individual or a
public concern. These two levels encompass all
other levels of risk in use in risk criteria across the
EU, for example, the upper and lower limits,
broadly acceptable limit, etc.
The region between these two limits can be called
tolerability region. Within this tolerability region
there is a risk level which is called here target
level which is prescribed in some countries as either the upper level for new installations or target
level to be used after 2010, etc. This target level is
lower that the proposed intolerable level.
The doctrine of risk tolerability can now be developed along either of the two proposed principles:
1 The prescriptive approach preferred in Czech Republic, Germany and France, which is simpler to
implement, requiring risk to be brought below the
target level, and
2 The goal-setting principle preferred in the UK
and partially the Netherlands which requires risk
in the tolerable region to be reduced to a level
which is as low as reasonably practicable
(ALARP) or as low as reasonably achievable
Such a dual doctrine has the potential to be
adopted across the EU. The countries where safety
regulators lack the power or the know-how to impose a goal-setting approach could adopt the prescriptive approach. The progress by two approaches
and the evolution of the best practice could be assessed say, every ten years, and the target boundary
adjusted accordingly.
4.2 Individual Risk Criteria
These criteria are based on the following:
1 The upper or intolerable boundary for which the
individual risk of 10-5 per year is proposed. This
level of risk encompasses the criteria from other
countries, except the UK where some older installations may not be able to comply. This could
be avoided by delaying the date of introduction of
this upper level of risk (e.g. until 2010).
2 The negligible risk level is set to 10-8 as this
seems to be universally acceptable.
3 The target level is set at 10-6 per year as required by Dutch and Czech regulations.

4 Either of the two principles can be adopted in the

tolerable risk region:
The ALARP principle stating that risk is acceptable if as low as reasonably practicable (an acceleration factor in the higher risk region of the tolerability zone also applies meaning that more
than nominally estimated should be spend on risk
reduction than in the region of lower risk level),
The requirement that for all new installations the
target level also applies as the upper limit (not
necessarily excluding ALARP).
The proposed criterion for individual risk is presented in Figure 3.
Intolerable risk


Target level

Risk is tolerable if:

a) ALARP, or


b) below target level

Negligible risk

Figure 3

Proposed Individual Risk Criteria

4.3 Societal Risk Criteria

The societal risk criteria have the risk aversion
built in and the slope of the FN line of 2 is adopted.
This will be acceptable by the Netherlands and
Czech Republic and perhaps by the UK as well. The
argument for the UK for the risk aversion factor of 2
could be fortified by HSEs statement that society
is generally more concerned with one accident killing 10 people in one go, than 10 accidents killing
one person each, HSE 2004a, and the precautionary
principle. In fact it can be argued that risk criteria
incorporating risk aversion are precautionary with
respect to large consequence events. Large consequence events are inevitably associated with large
uncertainties for which disproportionately more effort needs to be made to reduce the risks (principle
of disproportion in the Tolerability of Risk Doctrine
in the UK), which is, consequently, reflected in the
proposed risk aversion factor.
The societal criteria presented here are based on
several risk zones, for example, the inner (nearest to
the hazard source), middle and outer zone for which
the number of exposed people is given, as follows:

1 Goal-setting version - The intolerable limit of individual risk is defined and is the same for all
zones. In addition, the population density, or the
maximum number of people is defied for each
zone. This can be achieved by specifying or limiting the potential loss of life for each zone. As
the result there will be an upper tolerable boundary for each zone, as shown in Figure 4 for the
maximum individual risk of 3 x 10-6 per annum
and Nmax equal to 10, 100 and 1,000 corresponding to the inner, middle and outer zones, respectively. Consequently, the FN curves will have to
be calculated for each zone and compared against
the corresponding criterion. The ALARP dynamics applies below the upper tolerable level of
2 Prescriptive version The target limit (lower than
the upper tolerable) is defined along the same
lines described in the previous point. The requirements for the FN curve is to be below the
target boundary.

and national preferences and to emphasise the convergence of the approaches.

The framework for societal risk criteria consistent
with the (legally in use) individual risk criteria has
also been confirmed. This approach has to be refined for situations where a large population lives in
areas (or hazard zones) of varying risk level. An example of such criteria based on the same level of individual risk and the same level of expected fatalities across hazard zones has been presented as the
first step.
The work presented was performed within the EU
- Project Safety and Reliability of Industrial Products, Systems and Structures (SAFERELNET),
which has been funded by the European Commission under the contract number G1RT-CT200105051,

Annual Frequency of N or More Fatalities


Inner Zone (Nmax =10)


Middle Zone (Nmax = 100)


Outer Zone (Nmax = 1000)



ALARP applies below

the upper tolerable level
or the FN curve has to be
below the target level






Number of Fatalities N

Figure 4

Proposed Societal Risk Criteria

The above criteria can be extended to include the

negligible risk that would be compatible with the
negligible level of individual risk.
It is shown in this paper that in spite of different
approaches to risk control and management it is possible to develop risk criteria applicable across the
EU. The original assumption that variety of risk
criteria in use in the EU must deliver the similar levels of safety has been confirmed. The comparison
between the criteria in actual use in different countries indicated considerable similarities with the exception of France and Germany where the trend
seems to be in favour of converting to risk-based approach for safety regulation. This similarity facilitated the establishment of the tolerability limits and
the tolerability region which encompasses all other
risk criteria.
Risk management was then defined both along
the goal-setting and prescriptive approaches in order
for countries to choose according to their cultural

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