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Risk Assessment in Occupational Health & Safety

Dr.WessamAtif 1 Dr. Wessam Atif

2. Risk Management Risk management is a business

process that aims to minimize or eradicate risks by
maximizing the protection of the assets of the organization
in the most cost effective manner. It covers wider range
than Risk Assessment i.e. risk assessment falls under one of
the risk management strategies which is Risk Reduction.
There are three main aspects to the role of risk
management: 1. Considering the risks inherent in a business
2. Devising strategies to minimize or control these risks 3.
Integrating these risk control strategies into the business
framework of the company. Dr.WessamAtif 2

3. Risk control strategies

n Risk Avoidance. n Risk
Retention. n Risk Transfer. n Risk Reduction.
Dr.WessamAtif 3

4. Risk In the context of HSE, risk is defined as a measure of

the probability for an incident to happen and of the potential
severity of the consequences. [BS OHSAS 18001:2007]
Dr.WessamAtif 4 Severity Probability

5. What is Hazard? Hazard Any object, physical

condition, or physical effect which has the potential to cause
harm. Hazard Categories may include but are not limited
to: Dr.WessamAtif 5 o Land Transport o Air Transport o
Water Transport o Electrical o Fire/Flammable o
Temperature o Explosives o Radiation o Pressure
Potential Energy (stepping, handling.. etc.)
Machinery/Equipment/Hand Tools
Toxic/Corrosive/Hazardous Substances Nuisance/Noise
Vibration Drugs/Alcohol Natural Phenomena Human
(security, crime) Biological Hazard/Illness

6. Incident: Work related event(s) in which an injury

or ill health (regardless of severity) or fatality
occurred, or could have occurred Note 1: An
accident is an incident, which has given rise to injury,

ill health or fatality.

Note 2: An incident where no
injury, ill health, or fatality occurs may also be
referred to as a near-miss, near-hit, close call
or dangerous occurrence. Note 3: An emergency
situaFon is a parFcular type of incident. Dr.WessamAtif

7. Dr.WessamAtif 7 5 simple steps for Risk Assessment:

Hierarchy of Control measures for removing or reducing a
hazard: 1. Look for the hazard 2. Decide WHO might be
harmed and how 3. Evaluate / Estimate the RISK and decide
whether existing precautions are adequate or more action
should be done 4. Record your findings 5. Review your
assessment and revise it if necessary

8. Who should do Risk Assessment? Team with experience

and training in hazard identification and risk assessment.
Knowledge of the process or activity. Good communication
and reporting skills. Ability to interpret legislation and
guidance. Attention to detail. Managerial influence to
implement change. Dr.WessamAtif 8

9. How to look for hazards? Task observation. Accident,

ill health or near miss data. Workplace inspections. Job
safety analysis. Legal standards. Guidance; ILO, OSHA,
ISO, HSE ..etc. Consultation. Dr.WessamAtif 9

10. Whom might get harmed? Employees. Maintenance

workers. Cleaners. Contractors. Visitors. Public.
Vulnerable groups (young, inexperienced, pregnant, disabled
.. Etc). Dr.WessamAtif 10

11. Risk evaluation Matrix A] Probability or Likelihood of

Harm Occurring Highly Unlikely1 Reasonably Likely2 Even
Chance3 Highly Likely4 Almost Certain5 Dr. Wessam Atif 11

12. Risk evaluation Matrix B] Consequences or Severity of

Harm Minor Injury: Cuts and abrasions, minor skin or eye
irritations, etc. 1 Injury requiring first aid: Any injury that
requires first aid.2 Injury or industrial disease requiring

medical treatment: Deep wounds, fractures, scalds, burns,

eye injuries, respiratory infections, temporary blindness or
hearing loss, etc. 3 Serious injury or long term medical
effects (industrial disease): Loss of fingers, toes, damage to
eyes, serious medical effects. 4 Major Injury or Fatality: Loss
of limbs, sight, hearing, long term illness or death. 5 12

13. Table of Risk Rating 13

14. Dr.WessamAtif 14 Elimination: completely removing

the hazard Substitution: with a less hazardous substance
Engineering controls, design and Isolation Administrative
controls; Job rotation, Instructions and Supervision, safe
system of work, etc. General tidiness and good
housekeeping Supplying personal protective equipment Hierarchy of Control measures for removing
or reducing a hazard:

15. Potential Risk: The original risk with no control

measures in place or with inadequate existing controls.
Dr.WessamAtif 15 Residual Risk: The remaining risk after all
adequate, actual and planned control measures. Prevention
controls: Proactive control measures which help prevent
accidents before happening. Mitigation controls: Control
measures which help in reducing the severity &
consequences of accidents after occurrence.

16. Blank Risk Assessment sheet Dr.WessamAtif 16

17. Why record it? Accident Investigation. Future

reference. Audits and training purposes. Duty of care /
Legal requirements.
-------------------------------------------------------------- Dr.WessamAtif
17 When to review it? n In cases of accidents. n
Periodically. n Change in legal requirements. n After
Audits. n New Activities / equipment / personnel. n New
info available / New technologies.

18. RA has to be Suitable & Sufficient All aspects of

work activity to be reviewed. Routine and Non Routine

operations. Identify significant hazards and risks.
Evaluate the risks. Identify control measures in place and
planned / prevention and mitigation. Take account of risks
to public. Ensure the risk assessment is valid for a
reasonable time. Dr.WessamAtif 18

19. Special cases for a risk assessment! Pregnant / Nursing

mothers Young workers Disabled employees To be
discussed with participants as a group activity
Dr.WessamAtif 19

20. References ILO 2001 ILO-OSH: Guidelines on

Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems. BS
OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health & Safety
Assessment Series. OHSAS 18002 : Guidelines for the
implementation of OHSAS 18001. HSE 2003 HSG 65:
Successful Health & Safety Management. HSE 1994 INDG
163: Five Steps to Risk Assessment. The Egyptian Law of
Labor. Dr.WessamAtif 20

Top 10 Industrial Safety Slogans Success will always be with

you, as long as you place safety as the first priority.

3. Top 10 Industrial Safety SlogansSafety does not come

instantly, you should implement it consistently.

4. Top 10 Industrial Safety Slogans Say no to carelessness!

5. Top 10 Industrial Safety Slogans A safety message could

safe thousands of life.

6. Top 10 Industrial Safety Slogans Talk less, do your job


7. Top 10 Industrial Safety Slogans One minute safety talk

can prevent you from injury and death.

8. Top 10 Industrial Safety Slogans Dont neglect an unsafe

condition. It may destroy you a second later.

9. Top 10 Industrial Safety SlogansSafety and productivity

can not be separated. So keep them together.

10. Top 10 Industrial Safety Slogans Safety is endless. Safety

is an ongoing process.
11. Top 10 Industrial Safety Slogans You are a step away
from accident, if you work without safety permit.

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