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D i s o rd e r
Wayne K. Goodman, MD*, Dorothy E. Grice,
Barbara J. Coffey, MD, MS


Kyle A.B. Lapidus,

MD, PhD,

 Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)  Obsessions  Compulsions  Serotonin
 Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs)  Glutamate
 Cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical (CSTC) circuit  History
 Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is marked by recurrent and disturbing thoughts
(obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions) that the person feels driven to
 Patients with OCD generally recognize the senselessness of their obsessions and the
excessiveness of their compulsive behaviors.
 OCD affects up to 2.3% of the population over the course of a lifetime and can be
 The 2 prevailing neurochemical based theories of OCD pathophysiology implicate the
brain serotonin and glutamate systems, with the latter gaining traction.
 Based largely on brain imaging and neurosurgical experience, frontalstriatal pathways
have been proposed as the dysfunctional neurocircuit underlying obsessive-compulsive


Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common, typically chronic disorder

marked by intrusive and disturbing thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors
(compulsions) that the person feels driven to perform. Typical themes include fears
of illness and contamination, unwanted aggressive thoughts, other taboo thoughts
involving sex or religion, and the need for symmetry or exactness. Compulsions,
such as excessive cleaning, arranging, checking, counting, repeating, or reassurance

Disclosures: Roche, Research Support; Medtronic, donated devices (W.K. Goodman); Brain and
Behavior Research Foundation and Simons Foundation, Research Support; Halo Neuro, Advisory Board; Medtronic, donated devices (K.A.B. Lapidus).
Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, One Gustave L. Levy Place,
Box 1230, New York, NY 10029, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
Psychiatr Clin N Am 37 (2014) 257267
0193-953X/14/$ see front matter 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Goodman et al

seeking, generally serve to neutralize the distress of obsessions. However, sometimes

the compulsions themselves can become so time consuming or onerous that they
engender anxiety. Avoidance of triggers to obsessions and compulsions is a common
feature of OCD.
Starting with the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental
Disorders (DSM-5), OCD was removed from the anxiety disorders and added to a
new section termed obsessive-compulsive and related disorders.1 A common feature
of disorders in this category is the presence of repetitive behaviors. This nosologic
revision reflects growing neurobiological and treatment response data that distinguish
OCD from anxiety disorders such as panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder or
social anxiety disorder.2 This change does not imply that anxiety is absent in OCD;
in fact, anxiety is often a prominent feature of the illness. On the other hand, marked
physiologic arousal or specific fears that are often present in anxiety disorders are less
evident in some forms of OCD. For example, patients with OCD involving exactness or
symmetry obsessions may report that they perform their associated rituals until they
feel just right, instead of describing relief from anxiety. Similarly, patients concerned
with bodily waste may not experience a fear of a dreaded consequence, such as disease; rather, they may report disgust3 as the primary emotional driver. Such examples raise the question whether these phenotypic differences also point to distinct
neurobiological circuits that distinguish some forms of OCD from anxiety disorders.46
Future research on the validity of the DSM criteria and, more important, investigations
that adopt dimensional approaches such as the Research Domain Criteria7 will tell us
whether DSM-5 got it right or not.8,9 New to the DSM-5 criteria for OCD are specifiers
for level of insight and for tic relatedness.
This article provides an overview of the clinical features and pathophysiologic theories of OCD at the neurotransmitter and circuit levels of analysis. Separate articles
within this issue address etiologic theories based on infection-triggered immune
dysfunction, genetic factors, and cognitive neuroscience (see articles by Murphy, Gerardi, Leckman, Scharf and Grice, as well as Stern and Taylor, respectively). Treatment
interventions (pharmacologic, behavioral, and device based) for OCD are also covered
elsewhere in this issue.

OCD is a leading cause of disability worldwide.1012 According to the National Comorbidity Survey Replication, the lifetime prevalence of OCD is 2.3%, and during the prior
12 months. In addition, 1.2% of respondents met criteria for a full DSM-IV diagnosis.11
The prevalence of subthreshold OCD symptoms was much higher.11 Other epidemiologic studies have estimated the lifetime prevalence of OCD as ranging between 1.9%
and 3.0%.13 The modal onset of OCD is usually in early adulthood with nearly 50% of
cases presenting during childhood or adolescence11,14; onset after the age of 40 is unusual.14 Males tend to have an earlier age of onset than females, but by adulthood
females outnumber males by a small margin. If untreated, OCD is usually chronic and follows a waxing and waning course.15,16 Only about 5% to 10% of OCD sufferers have a
spontaneous remission.14,16 Another 5% to 10% experience progressive worsening of
their symptoms.14 Some cases in childhood may follow an episodic course.17,18

OCD is characterized by persistent disturbing thoughts, images, or impulses (obsessions), or repetitive, ritualized behaviors that the person feels driven to perform (compulsions), or both. The majority of patients have both obsessions and compulsions,

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

but a diagnosis can be made without both present. Most patients are able to acknowledge their symptoms as senseless or excessive at some point during the illness. In
practice, there is a range of insight from good to poor to absent at times; DSM-5 calls
for specifying degree of insight accordingly. Symptoms produce subjective distress,
are time consuming (>1 h/d), or interfere with function.
Obsessions are experienced as intrusive and attempts are made to ignore, suppress, or neutralize them with another thought or action. Compulsions are repetitive
behaviors or mental acts the person feels driven to perform, either in response to an
obsession (eg, to prevent a dreaded event from occurring), or according to rigid rules
designed to prevent or reduce distress. The acts are clearly excessive or senseless.
Compulsions usually reduce distress, but are not inherently pleasurable.
Common types of obsessions include concerns about contamination (eg, fear of
dirt, germs or illness, disgust with bodily waste), safety or harm (eg, being responsible
for a fire), unwanted acts of aggression (eg, unwanted impulse to harm a loved one),
unacceptable sexual or religious thoughts (eg, sacrilegious images), and the need for
symmetry or exactness. Common compulsions include excessive cleaning (eg, ritualized hand washing), checking, ordering and arranging rituals, counting, repeating
routine activities (eg, going in/out of a doorway), and hoarding (eg, difficulty parting
with possessions, regardless of their actual monetary or sentimental value). (See the
article by Frost, Steketee, and Tolin for a further discussion of this topic.) Although
most compulsions are observable behaviors (eg, hand washing), some are performed
as unobservable mental rituals (eg, silent recitation of prayers to neutralize a horrific
image). Detailed examples of obsessive-compulsive symptoms can be found in the
Symptom Checklist of the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale.19

The presence of insight distinguishes OCD from a psychotic illness, such as schizophrenia, although comorbid obsessive-compulsive symptoms are not uncommon in
schizophrenia.20 Obsessions may involve unrealistic fears, but unlike delusions, they
are not fixed, unshakeable, false beliefs. Patients with OCD recognize the thoughts
as emanating from their own minds as opposed to the way auditory hallucinations
are experienced. Occasionally, an obsession can be misdiagnosed as an auditory hallucination when the patient, especially a child, refers to it as the voice in my head, even
though it is recognized as his or her own thoughts. The symptoms of OCD may be
bizarre, but the patient recognizes their absurdity. However, the DSM-5 allows for a
range of insight as reflected in the following specifiers: Good or fair insight, poor insight,
or absent insight/delusional OCD beliefs. Poor or absent insight is not uncommon in
young children with OCD.21
Patients are often reluctant to disclose unwanted thoughts or odd behaviors
because they are embarrassed. Therefore, clinicians should probe for OCD symptoms
in patients or parents of children presenting with commonly comorbid mood or anxiety
complaints. A simple screening question follows: Sometimes people will be bothered
by unwanted or repetitive thoughts or sudden, strong urges to check, wash, or count
things. Does anything like that ever happen to you? More comprehensive and validated self-report screening instruments are available for identifying cases of OCD.22
Confirmation of the diagnosis requires a clinical assessment that should include a rating of symptom severity.23 Patients may not seek treatment until social, work, or
school impairment is significant or comorbid depressive symptoms have developed.
Childhood OCD is often recognized by parents or teachers who become aware of ritualized behaviors or reassurance seeking that interferes with functioning.



Goodman et al

Much of the confusion in the professional and lay literature regarding the differences
between OCD and other conditions stems from the varied uses of the words obsession
and compulsion. To be true symptoms of OCD, obsessions and compulsions are
strictly defined as described in this article. A key point to remember is that the compulsions of OCD are not considered inherently pleasurable; at best, they relieve anxiety.
As a contrasting clinical example, patients seeking treatment for compulsive eating,
gambling, or sexual behavior may feel unable to control behaviors they acknowledge
as deleterious, but at some time in the past these acts were experienced as gratifying.
Individuals with OCD have a 7% lifetime risk of Tourette syndrome (TS) and a 20%
risk of tics.24 Distinguishing between complex motor tics and certain compulsions (eg,
repetitive touching) can be problematic. By convention, tics are distinguished from
ticlike compulsions (eg, compulsive touching or blinking) based on whether the
patient attaches a purpose or meaning to the behavior. For example, a patient feeling
an urge to repeatedly touch an object would be classified as having a compulsion only
if it was preceded by a need to neutralize an unwanted thought or image; complex
motor tics can be often distinguished by sensorimotor urges that precede the motor
behavior.25 Tics are often identified by the company that they keep; if a complex motor act is accompanied by clearcut tics (eg, head jerks), it is most likely a tic itself. However, there are many exceptions to this rule in which the same patient with OCD and
TS may have both simple and complex motor tics as well as compulsions. The types of
obsessive-compulsive symptoms present in patients with comorbid tics often can be
distinctive.26 Patients with TS and OCD often describe a need or feeling to get things
just right, and repeat behaviors to achieve a feeling of symmetry or exactness in
touch or appearance.27 Conversely, in patients with OCD without TS, contamination
or illness concerns are more common. (See the article by Shaw and Coffey in this issue
for a detailed discussion of relationship between OCD and tic disorders.)

The intellectual climate and scientific tools of the period have influenced each stage in
the history of OCD. Until the 1850s, obsessive-compulsive phenomena were undifferentiated from other forms of insanity.28 The earliest descriptions of a malady resembling OCD correspond with what would be called scrupulosity today.29 For
example, Robert Burton reported a case in his compendium, the Anatomy of Melancholy (1621)30: If he be in a silent auditory, as at a sermon, he is afraid he shall speak
aloud and unaware, something indecent, unfit to be said. French 19th-century accounts of cases resembling OCD emphasized the central role of doubt (folie du
doute) and indecisiveness.28 Later French writers, including Pierre Janet in 1902,
stressed the loss of will and low mental energy (psychasthenia) underlying the formation of obsessive-compulsive symptoms.28
Meanwhile in Germany, Westphal was the first to distinguish obsessions from delusions in 1877.31 Freud adopted a similar viewpoint when he introduced the term
obsessional neurosis in 1895.31 The greater part of the 20th century was dominated
by psychoanalytic theories of OCD. According to psychoanalytic theory, obsessions
and compulsions reflect maladaptive responses to unresolved conflicts from early
stages of psychosexual development. Psychoanalytic treatment focused on unraveling the symbolic meaning and putative childhood roots of OCD. Psychoanalytic theories of OCD lost favor in the last quarter of the 20th century as new, more effective
behavioral and pharmacologic treatments were introduced.
Learning theory models of OCD gained influence as a result of the success of
behavior therapy and the growth of cognitive neuroscience.32,33 Conditioning models

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

gave way to more sophisticated cognitive models32,34 (see the articles by Stern and
Steven Taylor and by Lewin and colleagues in this issue for additional details). The efficacy of a behavior therapy technique referred to as exposure and response prevention has been confirmed in numerous studies of patients with OCD.

The observation in 1975 that clomipramine was beneficial in patients with OCD ushered in a new era of neurobiological investigations.35 Previously, OCD had been
considered refractory to pharmacotherapy. In contrast with other tricyclic antidepressants, clomipramine is a potent inhibitor of serotonin reuptake. The serotonin hypothesis of OCD was born out of a series of case reports,35 later confirmed by randomized
clinical trials,36,37 that serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) were effective in this disorder. These findings were buttressed by biochemical data from patients chronically
treated with SRIs38 and by early pharmacologic challenge studies.39 With the introduction of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like fluvoxamine, these drugs
were also shown to be effective in OCD.40 To date, more than 20 randomized clinical
trials have established the efficacy of SRIs or SSRIs in OCD41 These findings were
buttressed by biochemical data from patients chronically treated by SRIs38 and by
early pharmacologic challenge studies.39 With the introduction of SSRIs like fluvoxamine, these drugs were also shown to be effective in OCD.40,42 To date, more than
20 randomized clinical trials have established the efficacy of SRIs or SSRIs in
OCD41 (see the article by Pittenger and Block for more details on pharmacologic treatment of OCD.)
The fact that SSRIs are effective in OCD is not a distinguishing feature, because these
medications have a broad spectrum of action in psychiatric conditions, including
depression and anxiety disorders. What stands out is that other antidepressant agents
that lack potency for serotonin transporter binding are generally ineffective in OCD. In
contrast, many antidepressants with other molecular targets are effective in the treatment of depression and other neuropsychiatric disorders but not in OCD. The preferential efficacy of SRIs and SSRIs in OCD is well established.41 Initially, clomipramine was
shown to be more effective than tricyclic antidepressants like desipramine, which were
predominantly norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors.43 Later, SSRIs such as fluvoxamine
and sertraline were also shown to be superior to desipramine.36,44
These drug response data led researchers to hypothesize that dysfunction in brain
serotonergic systems might be related to the etiology of OCD. However, interpretations about pathophysiology based on treatment response and the presumed mechanism of action of the intervention are fraught with problems that have plagued the
field of psychiatry for decades. Whether it is the serendipitous discovery of neuroleptics improving positive symptoms of schizophrenia (leading to the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia) or SRIs reducing obsessive-compulsive symptoms, this reverse
path to understanding etiology has yielded few new insights or novel treatments.
A number of neurobiological investigations into the role of serotonin in OCD were
launched across multiple laboratories in the 1980s and 1990s. Many of these involved
pharmacologic challenge paradigms with probes of serotonin function such as
m-chlorophenylpiperazine.39,45 These studies were designed to provoke obsessivecompulsive symptoms as well as induce a measurable, blood-based neurohumoral
signal that could be compared with the response in healthy subjects. In addition, multiple drug trials of other serotonergic agents (eg, buspirone, tryptophan) were initiated,
mostly as adjunctive agents to augment SSRIs in partial or nonresponders to SSRI



Goodman et al

monotherapy. Unfortunately, randomized clinical trials failed to identify serotonergic

agents that could augment SSRI treatment in OCD.46,47 By the same token, pharmacologic challenge studies were generally inconclusive and eventually abandoned.45,48
One of the most surprising negative findings was the failure of acute tryptophan depletion to provoke a transient return of obsessive-compulsive symptoms in patients with
OCD who had responded to SRIs.49 In contrast, this paradigm induced worsening of
depressive symptoms, as it had in studies of depressed patients taking SRIs.50 The
effectiveness of SRIs in OCD remains a tantalizing clue about a role for serotonin in
OCD, but additional research, perhaps using new tools, is needed to identify whether
a disturbance in serotonin function exists and if it has any etiologic significance. At
present, the most parsimonious (but quite speculative) explanation for the preferential
efficacy of SRIs in OCD is that these medications enhance the activity of a serotonergic system that compensates for a disturbance in a functionally coupled system
that is more directly tied to the underlying neurobiology of OCD.51

A role of the glutamatergic system in OCD has been gaining traction as a result of
emerging imaging data,52 genomic studies,53 biochemical studies of cerebrospinal
fluid,54,55 and animal models of aberrant grooming behavior.56 These findings have
spurred interest in testing the efficacy of medications (eg, riluzole) that modulate glutamate function. (See the article by Pittenger and Block for a discussion of glutamatergic
agents in OCD.) Pittenger and colleagues,57 provide an excellent review of the glutamatergic theory of OCD elsewhere. A role for glutamate in OCD is highly compatible
with circuit-based theories of OCD discussed briefly herein.

Functional brain imaging studies in OCD are remarkably consistent compared with
findings in most other neuropsychiatric conditions.58 Both positron emission tomography59 and functional magnetic resonance imaging60 have shown increased activation
in regions of the orbitofrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, and parts of the
basal ganglia (particularly the head of the caudate nucleus) in the symptomatic state
compared with healthy controls.61 These areas of abnormal activation tend to
normalize with successful treatment upon repeated testing, whether with medications
or behavioral approaches.61,62 Additional evidence for a role of the basal ganglia in
OCD are case reports of accidents of nature, such as Sydenham chorea,63 von
Economo encephalitis,64 and ischemic events,65 in which insults to the basal ganglia,
particularly the globus pallidus, produced obsessive-compulsive behaviors. (For
further details on brain imaging in OCD see the article in this issue by Stern and Taylor
as well as reviews published elsewhere58).
A confluence of data led to the hypothesis that frontalstriatal function is disrupted
in OCD. In addition to the functional brain imaging findings mentioned, the seminal
work by Alexander and colleagues66 influenced OCD researchers to consider certain
parallel segregated cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical loops as the neuroanatomic substrate for obsessive-compulsive behavior.61 More recent revisions of these models
offer a more complex picture,58 with patterns of cortical and subcortical changes in
OCD seeming to depend on the cognitive task under investigation (see the article
by Stern and Taylor elsewhere in this issue). Another component of these circuitbased hypotheses has been the therapeutic benefit of neurosurgery in intractable
OCD.67 Both experience with ablative surgery and deep brain stimulation are compatible with dysfunction of white matter tracts implicated in network theories of OCD.68

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

One of the most important technical and conceptual developments in circuit-based

theories of OCD has been the change in focus from static regions of interest to interrogation of functional networks subserving different cognitive or behavioral functions
germane to the pathophysiology of OCD.34,6975 The investigation of network connectivity in OCD identifies changes in the functional organization of the brain, which could
contribute to many of the observed alterations in brain activation and behavior.

In the DSM-5, OCD has transferred from anxiety disorders to a new grouping of
obsessive-compulsive and related disorders. Ultimately, the diagnostic classification
of OCD is less important than elucidation of its pathophysiology so that more effective
treatments can be developed, especially for those many patients resistant to conventional therapies. The observation that SRIs are preferentially effective in OCD led to the
so-called serotonin hypothesis of OCD. However, direct support for a role of serotonin
in the pathophysiology (eg, biomarkers in pharmacologic challenge studies) of OCD
remains elusive. A glutamatergic hypothesis of OCD has been gaining traction based
on imaging data, genomic studies, biochemical studies, and animal models of aberrant grooming behavior. These findings have spurred interest in testing the efficacy
of medications (eg, riluzole) that modulate glutamate function. Functional imaging
studies (both functional magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography) show fairly consistent evidence for increased activity in brain regions that form a
cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuit. Furthermore, these abnormalities normalize
during successful treatment of OC symptoms, whether with SRIs or cognitivebehavioral therapy. A common substrate of various interventions (whether drug, behavioral,
or device) may be modulation (at different nodes) of the cortico-striato-thalamocortical circuit. Hypotheses that integrate knowledge over multiple levels of analysis
(eg, genetics, neurochemical, and circuit networks) stand the best chance of
advancing our understanding of OCD.76

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