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Assignment 3

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Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar

Department of Mathematics
Mathematics-II, B.Tech (Sem-II), (Assignment-3)
1. Find limz0


2. Determine whether the limit of the function f (z) =

( )2

as z approaches to 0 exist or not?. If exist,

determine its value.

3. Let a function is defined as

z +4

z2i when z , 2i
f (z) =

3 + 2i when z = 2i
(a) Determine whether limzi f (z) exists. If exists, determine its value.
(b) Is f (z) continuous at z = 2i ? Explain.
(c) Is f (z) continuous at points z , 2i ? Explain.
4. Prove that f (z) =

z4 +1

is continuous at all points inside and on the unit circle |z| = 1 except at four points,

and detremine these points.

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5. Evaluate lim i3 (z e 3 ) z3z+1 .

6. Find the derivative (i.e., f (z)) of the function f (z) =

(1+z2 )2

(z , 0).

7. Let a function f is defined as


z when z , 0
f (z) =

0 when z = 0

Verify the Cauchy Riemann equations at origin z = (0, 0). Also show that f (0) does not exist.
8. Determine whether a given function f
x y

x6 +y2 when z , 0
f (z) =

0 when z = 0
as z approaches to 0, is differentiable or not.
9. Prove that w = |z|2 is continuous everywhere but nowhere differentiable except at origin.
10. Verify that a given function is entire or not: (a) f (z) = S in x Cosh y + iCos x S inh y;
(b) f (z) = (z2 2)ex eiy .
11. Show that when is a fixed real number, the function f (z) =

rei 3 , (r > 0, < < + 2) has a

derivative everywhere in its domain.


12. Determine where f (z) exists and find its value for a function f (z) = x2 + iy2 .

13. Determine whether a given function is analytic or not: (a) f (z) = ey eix , (b) x2 + iy3
Explain briefly about its analyticity. Determine the points where the Cauchy-Riemann equations are
satisfied and check the differentiability of a function at these points without using the definition of differentiability.
14. Show that the function f (z) = zn , where n is a positive integer is an analytic function.
15. Determine the singular points and also the points where the given functions are analytic:
(a) f (z) =

z(z2 +1)

(b) f (z) =

z3 +i
z2 3z+2

16. Determine which of the following functions u are harmonic. For each harmonic function find the conjugate harmonic function v and express as an u + iv as an analytic function of z.
(i) 3x2 y + 2x2 y3 2y2
(ii) 2xy + 3xy2 2y3
(iii) 2x(1 y)
(iv) 2x x3 + 3xy2

(v) e x (xCos y yS in y)

17. If f (z) is an analytic function of z = x + iy, then find f (z) in terms of z if, u v = e x (Cos y S in y).
18. Find the analytic function f (z) = u + iv, given v = r 1r S in , r , 0.
19. Find all the values of z such that: (a) e4z = i, (b) e2z1 = 1.

20. Find the general value of: (i) log(i), (ii) log(3i), (iii) log( 3 i). Also, find each of its principal value
(i.e., Log).
21. Find all the values of:

(i) (i)i ,
(ii) (1 3i)3i ,
Also, find each of its principal value.


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