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Atube Instructions

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8=Paste test link
9=Download video from internet
10=Convert FLV to other format
13=Remove Audio
14=Remove Video
15=Same quality (uses VBR)
18=Report Bugs
19=CPU Double core
20=File format:
21=Audio channels
24=LogIn in YTB
26=Enable cache
27=Clear cache
28=Cache Info
29=Clear stored LogIn data
30=Enter in this box the full URL of your video:
31=If you like this software...
32=Search updates
33=About aTube Catcher
34=Encoder Version
35=Please, select a Task
37=Save To:
38=Defined by user
39=You have started the session successfully in %service%.
40=Error. Can't login.
41=Start your session in %service% to download private videos (if you have autor
ization, of course) and/or videos with adult content.
42=You forgot where will store your video.
43=Wrong protocol. This software only can deal with the HTTP/1.1 protocol.
44=The specified link is invalid, please check it.
45=Error reading the authorization codes, please verify that your video exists,
the link is correct and if that is a private video you must be authorized and lo
gged (To login go to File menu). If your problem persists please download the la
st version of aTube Catcher.
46=Error when downloading video data, the content type specified by the server i
s incorrect or not supported.
47=Server responded with an invalid location.
48=Error when requesting the video. Possibly the video doesn't exists or is unav
ailable at this moment. Please try again later.
49=Unknown error. Your task can't be completed, try again.
51=You forgot specify source/destiny file.
52=Not all codecs support multithreading, such as WMV,3GP,3G2,MP4,FLV. If at the
end you got a corrupt or empty file disable this option or try another format.

53=Are your sure that you want to delete your stored login data?. You will need
enter again when YTB requires verify your age or identity.
54=Login data cleared from your machine correctly.
55=You haven't entered this information to aTube Catcher, you can do that later,
when YTB requires verify your age or identity.
56=Encoding Options
57=Cache memory information:
58=aTube Catcher's cache memory:
60=Index size:
61=Elements size:
62=The destination file doesn't have a valid extension and the format can't be d
eterminated, the AVI format will be selected automatically.
63=Error when loading a secondary component, please restart this application, if
this don't resolve the issue, please reinstall the software.
64=You are using an unregistered version of the encoder, and can be unsupported,
you could have problems, I suggest you back to the original version included wi
th this software or download an updated version that includes a newer version su
pported of the encoder. If you have any troubles please back to the original ver
65=Converting, please wait...
66=Encoding canceled by the user.
67=Error when encoding the video, please verify you encoding options. Try saving
the video in other format more flexible or select other parameters. If you leav
ed the encoding options as ""auto"" or ""default"" the values are readed from th
e source and possibly the destination file does not support that values, for exa
mple the FrameRate. Do you want see the encoder output to find the error?
68=You can usually find the error in/or after the line
69=Task completed. Do you want to see the result?
70=Downloaded from
71=Waiting answer from server...
72=Sending request
73=You have choosen the template:
74=Do you want clear the aTube Catcher's cache memory?
75=Cache memory cleared.
76=Login incorrect, please check your username and password.
77=Error when starting session, unknown response from the server.
78=Sorry, you can't login in the server, you canceled the operation.
79=Copying file content, please wait...
80=Incocorrect command line.
81=One or more components not found, Please reinstall this application.
82=Sorry, you can open only one instance at time.
83=This software was designed to download videos from social video websites like
Dailymotion, and/or vimeo, and save or export to other formats, is ONLY for per
sonal use. The author doesn't assumes any responsibility for the use that the us
er gives to this software, and is proveed as is without any warranty. Forbidden
sell this software. 100% free of Spyware, Ad-ware or any other malware. Please,
always download this software from, so you will always ge
t the last version, clean and authentic. This software was tested and works fine
in Linux, just install wine.
84=Connection timed out. Do you want retry?
85=Connecting to
86=The size of the received content differs from the specified by the server, if
your video result corrupt or damaged retry the download, if you have enabled th
e cache memory please clear the cache memory first and then download the video a
87=Incomplete download, your video is corrupt. Do you want retry the download an
d get the incomplete part?
88=Please describe the error and the necesary steps to produce. None personal in
formation will be collected. If you want an answer please include your e-mail.

89=Resource busy, please wait to the current task end.

90=Your report was sent. Thank you for your contribution.
91=Your report is too small. Please include more details.
97=Remember username and password on this PC.
99=Login in
100=Searching updates, wait...
101=Update available with more features and improved functions. Do you want to d
ownload this update now?
102=You have the most recent version of aTube Catcher.
103=Error when downloading update definitions file, the server appear to be unav
ailable. Try again later.
104=Encoder engine version installed:
107=Connection closed. Disconnected from the server.
108=Connection rejected by the server. If your are using a Proxy server, please
check the host name and port.
109=Connection closed by the server.
110=Server not found, please check the host in your URL.
111=Unable to resolve the host name, try again later.
112=Timed out, connection with the server lost.
113=Network error. Please check your Internet connection.
116=Encoding ended!
117=Please wait...
119=Download titles
120=The page contains more than one video, please choose which do you want to do
121=There are more than 10 videos in the list, and download all titles can take
a lot, depending your internet connection. Do you want continue?
122=Choose one
123=Internet Browser
124=Please verify your link or retry your download. XTUBE has troubles with the
125=Don't enter full file name, because your video will be nammed as its title.
Please enter only the directory path.
126=Open batch file
127=Open Google Video Player file
128=This pre-release version is 40 days or more old, do you want check for an up
date? (highly recommended)
129=Put in a plain text file (in notepad for example) your links separated by an
"Enter" and save the file. Use this option to open that file and aTube Catcher
will process and download all your videos in the specified folder.
130=Error getting the Yahoo! video, please try again later, if the problem persi
sts please report it, or download the lastest version of aTube Catcher
131=%service% requires authentication to download this video.
132=Connection settings
133=Supported sites
134=Select a Folder to store your Videos, (filenames will be got from the title,
and untitled videos will be saved as "untitled")
135=aTube Catcher is still in development, some functions lack by being included
or fixed, in some videos the title can't be got, at the moment the authenticati

on is ONLY supported for YTB. Please send me your bug reports, but be descriptiv
e, in nothing helps a message like "i can't download nothing", never forget desc
ribe the error message and the video that you are trying to download. If you wan
t translate this software in your language or make any suggestion please send an
email to your credit will be included , thank you for your
138=Disconnect if none data is received in
139=Wait time to establish the connection
140=File extension:
141=Tell us, which site would you like that aTube Catcher supports, to report mo
re than 1 site please use semicolon (;) separated values.
143=thanks, that site(s) will be added in future releases. stay tunned.
144=Add site
146=Paste && Add
147=Always on top
148=Auto add from clip board
149=Links awaiting to be processed
150=Queue Manager
151=(click here to view the list)
152=Home page
153=Encoder is running in background, you video will be available until it ends.
154=Video title
155=Downloads list
156=Load download list from file
157=Save current list to a file
158=Simultaneous downloads:
159=Simultaneous conversions:
160=Start All Downloads
161=Stop All Downloads
162=Auto start downloads
168=Stop transfer
169=Start transfer
170=Pause transfer
171=Resume transfer
172=Cancel conversion
174=Show aTube Catcher main Window
175=Clear recent links
176=Remember last file extension
177=Store my videos here:
179=Error getting clip info from the above link, please check it or report a bro
ken site.

187=Waiting encoder
189=Restart conversion
190=Remove completed downloads
191=Close this menu
192=Delete this video
193=Click here to paste the URL from your clipboard.\neg.
194=Click here to select the folder to store your videos.
195=Click here to begin the download of your video.
196=Click here to start the conversion of your video.
197=Click here to cancel the download.
198=Click here to cancel the conversion.
199=Advanced encoding options
200=Click here to go to expert mode and set the advanced encoding options <nl> s
uch as resolution, codecs, quality, etc.
201=Click here to select the source file for the conversion.
202=Click here to select the output file for the conversion.
203=Downloading videoclip...
204=Don't recode the output files (Keep its original format)
205=Enable HD (High Definition) feature
206=Bypass YTB IP Country Restriction
207=High Definition content will require more download time due to the increased
file size. I strongly recommend don't use it over Dial-up connections. Not all
videos has this mode. Do you want enable this feature?
208=You must enable this option only if you are trying to access YTB content res
tricted by country (generally to USA) and filtered by IP; this is because in nor
mal videos without restriction you could have troubles downloading them. Do you
want continue?
209=There is one update (%V)
210=This setting is recommended only for broad band connections, you will get bi
gger files but at a faster speed, without time limits and at higher quality. Onl
y works with MegaVideo.
211=Download HQ Megavideo files
212=Download and Join videos
213=Download & Join - Multiple chapters
214=Paste here the links of the videos that you want to download and join
215=All those links will be saved/joined as ONE video
216=Download in progress. Please wait until it ends.
217=Links loaded, they will be downloaded and joined in one file. Do you want to
219=Profile Editor
220=Reload profiles
221=Import Profile
222=Output profile
223=Enable Turbo Download
224=If you have troubles getting the URL/Link from your Web browser, aTube Catch
er will help you to catch it from monitoring your browsers windows.
225=Pick this link
226=Select area
227=Select Frame
228=1. Select area to record
229=2. Select Audio device
230=3. Set output format
231=4. Select output folder
232=5. Recording options
233=Stop After
234=Start delayed

235=Minimize on start
236=Record Cursor
237=Follow Mouse
238=Drag & Drop
239=To convert your video files just drag them here...
240=Create playable DVD's and Audio Cd's, just drag your video/Audio files on th
e box
241=Burn DVD
242=Select source ISO Image:
244=Select device:
245=Burn Disk
246=Erase CD-RW/DVD-RW
247=To Erase a CD-RW/DVD-RW, please select device:
248=Burn ISO Image
249=Space available
250=Estimated usage
252=The selected device is not a recorder
253=Error adding the video files to record.
254=Initialize Burner, wait...
255=Building DVD IMAGE
256=Please insert an empty Disk
257=Process canceled
258=DVD Burning process completed!
259=DVD Burning process not completed,
260=Drag your video files here to burn into a DVD
261=The profiles are automatically stored on the default folder. Remember if you
change the file name of the default profiles they will be saved as a new profil
262=Additional FFMPEG parameters:
263=Profile Editor - Create, edit and share your custom profiles!
264=Export this profile
265=New profile
266=Transcode for
267=Clear completed
268=File name
270=Start Record
271=Stop Record
274=General settings
279=Copy URL
280=Click here to start the capture of multimedia while you browse the web with
any Webbrowser
281=Build failed!
282=URL Copied to your clipboard
283=Empty Screen Area!
284=Starting in %T seconds
285=DVD Duration
287=Remove File
288=Erase disk
289=Open Folder
290=Recording, Time elapsed:

291=Stop in
293=Save profile
294=Deactivate this option if you are getting troubles downloading or playing yo
ur videos.
295=It's recommendable that your Temp folder contains at least 4.37GB of free sp
ace to create the temporal image to record your DVD. Your Temporal folder contai
ns less that amount of free space and the process could fail. Are you sure you w
ant to continue?
296=Downloading update, please wait...
297=You can set your preferred native download formats.
298=Prefer low quality for unlisted formats (slow Internet connections)
299=Try to force selected formats even if they are not shown on video sites
300=*Remember, higher resolutions require higher download time
301=Set Default
302=Video Search Tool
303=Content Type
304=Content Sources
306=Download and Re-Install aTube Catcher
307=Shutdown PC when done
308=Keep source files after conversion
309=Video site Settings
310=Here you can configure your preferred download formats from internet,\n eith
er Standard Mode or HD/HQ Mode can be setup here.
311=Output format
312=Your video will be converted into the selected\n format after download compl
etes.\n\nIf you want to get only the source files without conversion\nyou must s
elect "No conversion"\n and you can use Video Converter later
313=You can create Audio CD's, Video VCD's, DVD's and SVCD's\n capable with any
314=Enable HD
315=Enable URL Monitor
316=Video && Audio Crop Tool
317=Always download subtitles
318=Join files
319=All the videos will be joined in a new one!\nIf you don't know what does thi
s mean, deactivate this option
320=Max results
321=All ages
325=New duration
326=Source file
327=Merge Files: On
328=Click here to select input Video or Audio file. Any format
329=This feature only works with Internet Explorer and FireFox
330=Auto clear results
331=No Conversion (Only get original file)
332=Search Lyrics
333=Search on the web
334=Search MP3!
335=My Downloads
336=Song title / Artist / Album
337=Download Selected
338=Download all videos from a specific User
339=Enter the UserName or URL to its profile
340=Select video links
341=Download All

342=New Crop
345=Burn in DVD
347=Copy to
348=Your download is complete, what would you like to do with your video?
349=Show Task dialog after downloads
350=Download Complete!
351=Please try again later, if the problem persist:\n\n-Try to use StreamCatcher
Mode\n-Download the latest update\n-Go to Help->Download and Reinstall aTube Ca
tcher\n-More information on
352=aTube Catcher needs to download the free plu-in DA DVD Ripper. Do you want t
o download it now?
355=If you are experiencing incomplete downloads or can't playback your files, y
ou should disable this setting.
356=Capture audio from speakers
357=Show wave graphic
358=Enter search text or Video URL...
359=Play File
360=Play Source File
361=Play Converted File
362=Open Source Folder
363=Open Output Folder
364=Store my downloaded videos at
365=Parental Control
366=Parental control deactivated.
367=Parental control activated.
368=Invalid password. If you are trying to enable this option both passwords mus
t match.
369=Close Menu
370=Change my output folder
371=Play video
373=Clear current download list
374=Batch download
375=Select All
376=Delete all your {0} downloads?
377=Are you sure?
378=Restart Download
379=Your video is available in multiple formats, please choose one
380=Don't ask again
381=If you don't know what source format choose, simply click download again. Re
member, the bigger the file size is, more time will be required to download.
384=Source format
385=Don't show format selection dialog on each download
386=Show select task dialog at start-up

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