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Performance, Combustion and Emission Analysis For Various Combustion Chamber Geometry

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International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Developments [ICRAMID - 2014]

Performance, Combustion and Emission Analysis for

Various Combustion Chamber Geometry
S.Arumugam *
N.Vasudevan, P. Saravanan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering,
Sriperumbudur - 602 117,
Sriperumbudur - 602 117,
Sriperumbudur - 602 117,
Tamil Nadu, India
Tamil Nadu, India
Tamil Nadu, India,,
Keywords: Diesel engine, Direct Injection, Combustion chamber geometry, Compression ignition,
Combustion, Performance, and Emission.

Abstract. The experimental work investigates performance, combustion and emission analysis for
various combustion chamber geometry such as combustion, brake thermal efficiency, specific fuel
consumption, and emission characteristics. The various combustion chamber namely Spherical
chamber (SC), Toroidal chamber (TC), Re-entrant chamber (RC) were fitted in a 4.4 kW single
cylinder air cooled Compression ignition (CI) engine and tests were conducted with standard diesel.
The investigated of the combustion chamber geometry characteristics on combustion, performance
and emissions. This investigation shows brake thermal efficiency for Re-entrant chamber and
Toroidal chamber is slightly higher than Spherical chamber. And lower specific fuel consumption of
Toroidal chamber, Re-entrant chamber than that of Spherical chamber. The enhancement in
reduction of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon is recorded for Re-entrant chamber compared to the
Toroidal chamber and Spherical chamber. Oxides of nitrogen are reduced for Re-entrant chamber
and Toroidal chamber than that of Spherical chamber. Combustion characteristics improved for Reentrant chamber compared to Spherical chamber. The cylinder pressure for Re-entrant chamber and
Toroidal chamber is higher than that of Spherical chamber. Also obtained maximum heat release
rate for Re-entrant chamber than Toroidal chamber and Spherical chamber.
Direct injection (DI) offer higher brake thermal efficiency than indirect injection (IDI) engines.
However emissions are NOX, CO, CO2, HC and particulate matter (PM) must be reduced to meet
the emission standards [1]. The main exhaust emission of PM and emissions for diesel engine
combustion it is difficult to reduce these emissions. There are some merits on diesel engine, as
higher brake thermal efficiency and low specific fuel consumption. The characteristic of combustion
and the rate of air-fuel mixture is the major contribution to power. The geometric volume of
chamber has large effect on turbulence and acceleration of intake to produces squish [2]. There is
mainly diffusion combustion in diesel engines, and the combination characteristics of the fuel spray
is control the heat release rate. Fuel spray characteristics and spray patterns are the factor to improve
diesel combustion and performance. The chamber geometry, fuel spray and integration process have
a higher collision on the combustion and emissions [3, 4]. Swirl, tumble and squish are the
important flow pattern of air motion. It also has significant impact on combustion quality [5]. When
there is swirl in cylinder, the swirl squish interface to produces turbulent at the end of compression.
Interface is severe in Re-entrant combustion chamber design [6]. The result of the combustion
geometry on combustion with focused on the Re-entrant combustion chamber. Referred to Spherical
combustion chamber and the Re-entrant chamber such as combustion, performance, NOX, CO, CO2
and HC emissions [7]. The ratio of piston Bowl volume and to clearance volume (K factor) and
compression ratio is constant for all investigated combustion chamber [8]. The addition quality of
fuel spray with air is normally improved by injection parameters. The volume of the combustion
chamber helps to shape better mixtures [9]. Combustion chamber parameters have been considered
based on piston bowl depth, bowl width, and lip area. All the studied cases, compression ratio,
ISBN 978-93-80609-17-1

International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Developments [ICRAMID - 2014]

squish bowl volume and the amount of injected fuel were kept constant to avoid that the effects of
changes in combustion chamber geometry [10]. The lip of Re-entrant chamber provides a substantial
improvement in performance and emissions compared to spherical chamber [11]. Air fuel mixture
and air motion are the parameters to combustion and emission. Along with air motion, injection
pressure injection timing and spray characteristics have an important role in compression ignition
engine [12]. To investigated the effect of chamber geometry on mixture of air fuel atomization and
combustion [16].
Experimental Setup
A single cylinder direct injection air cooled CI engine coupled with alternator is used for the
experiment and a detailed specification is given in Table.1 and Fig. 1. Show the experimental setup.
The measurement of combustion parameters are obtained from AVL indimeter. The test conducted
at the injection timing of 23o before TDC. The pressure values are average over 50 cycles. NOX, HC,
CO2 and CO emissions are measure using a MRU delta 1600 L exhaust gas analyzer. The
concentration of exhaust emission by measuring using variable sampling smoke meter. The engine
tests are carried out at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of rated load.
Table 1. Engine Specifications



Single cylinder , Direct injection , air cooled

Rated Power
Rated Speed
Bore Diameter (D)

Kirloskar and TAF-1

4.4 kW
1500 rpm
87.5 mm

Stroke (L)
Compression ratio
Cubic Capacity
Injection timing

110 mm
661 cc
23o before TDC

Engine Modification
Turbulence is very important role in mixing and combustion of fuel with air in CI Engine. In the
present work the turbulence was induced by modifying the Spherical piston bowl to Toroidal piston
bowl and Re-entrant piston bowl. During the modification of Toroidal chambers and Re-entrant
chamber care was taken to maintain compression ratio of 17.5. This was done by removing a thin
layer of material on the piston crown by surface machining operation and introducing Toroidal
chamber and Re-entrant in the piston crown in such a way that the volume of the material added
balances the volume of material removed. At the end of compression stroke, the fuel vapour squish
into Toroidal chamber and Re-entrant chambers to direct compression, which leads to the
enhancement of turbulence for better combustion of air fuel[15]. Fig. 2 shows the geometry shapes
and dimension of combustion chamber.
Testing Procedure
Testing were conducted at different load starting from no load to rated load at a rated speed of
1500 rpm. At all load, mass flow rate of air, mass flow rate of fuel, combustion parameter and
emissions were recorded. A set of experiments were conducted for Spherical chamber, Toroidal
chamber and Re-entrant chamber.
ISBN 978-93-80609-17-1

International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Developments [ICRAMID - 2014]

Fig. 1 Experimental setup

Results and Discussion
The combustion, performance and emission characteristics with Spherical chamber, Re-entrant
chamber and Toroidal chamber were presented.

Spherical chamber

Toroidal chamber

Re-entrant chamber

Fig. 2 Design diagram for combustion chambers

Performance parameters.
Specic fuel consumption. The variation of the Specic fuel consumption with Brake power is
shown in Fig. 3 for Spherical, Re-entrant, Toroidal chamber. It shows that Specific fuel
consumption decreases with the increase in the brake power. The Specific fuel consumption for Reentrant chamber (0.254 kg/kW h), Toroidal chamber (0.229 kg/kW h) is decreased than that of
Spherical chamber (0.281 kg/kW h) at full load. This may be due to better combustion owing to
induced turbulence due to squish motion generated with the Toroidal chamber and Re-entrant
ISBN 978-93-80609-17-1

International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Developments [ICRAMID - 2014]

chamber. Higher Specic fuel consumption for Spherical chamber may be lead to poor air fuel
mixing and poor combustion.
Brake thermal efficiency. The variation of Brake thermal efficiency with Brake power is
shown in Fig. 4 for Spherical, Toroidal and Re-entrant chamber. Brake thermal efficiency of an
engine is vital role since its show how efficiently the fuel in the brake power to the fuel energy.
Brake thermal efficiency of spherical chamber is slightly lower (8.57%), Toroidal chamber (3.71%)
compared to that of Re-entrant chamber. Brake thermal efficiency has been observed that the Reentrant chamber having better combustion and proper mixing of air and fuel.

Fig. 3 Variations of Specific fuel consumption with Brake power and Fig. 4 Variation of Brake
thermal efficiency with Brake power
Emission parameters.
Carbon monoxide. The variation of Carbon monoxide with Brake power is shown in Fig. 5 for
Spherical, Toroidal and Re-entrant chamber. The exhaust emissions of Carbon monoxide are lower
for Toroidal chamber (13.3%), Re-entrant chamber (27.96%) compared to Spherical chamber.
Lower concentration of CO in exhaust is a clear indication of complete combustion of fuel. The CO
levels with Spherical chamber are higher due to the lack of oxygen. In case of Toroidal and Reentrant having a capability of utilizing to obtain complete combustion.

Fig. 5 Variation of Carbon monoxide with Brake power and Fig. 6 Variation of Hydrocarbon with
Brake power
ISBN 978-93-80609-17-1

International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Developments [ICRAMID - 2014]

Hydrocarbon. Fig. 6 shows the Hydrocarbon emissions with Brake power for Spherical, Reentrant and Toroidal chamber. For efficient combustion, the fuel has to atomize, depends on the
physical property of the fuel, mixing and ignite properly. It is observed that Re-entrant chamber a
substantial reduction in HC emissions due to better mixing and complete combustion of fuel. There
also Hydrocarbon emission reduction in Toroidal chamber and Re-entrant chamber than that of
Spherical chamber. Swirl and squish motion of air improve in Toroidal chamber and Re-entrant
chamber at all load.
Carbon dioxide. Fig. 7 shows the Carbon dioxide emission with Brake power. Whenever
increase the load on the engine it will supply large quantity of fuel. So temperature of the engine is
increased because of the combustion will be somewhat good all the carbon monoxide will become
CO2.While viewing the Toroidal (12.8%) and Re-entrant chamber (18.8%) shows higher CO2
emissions due to better turbulence during combustion.
Oxides of Nitrogen. The variation of Oxides of nitrogen with Brake power is shown in Fig. 8.
NOX emission is sensitive to oxygen content, adiabatic flame temperature and spray characteristics.
Since Toroidal chamber, Re-entrant chamber provides better combustion, this leads to higher peak
temperature. Thus Toroidal chamber, Re-entrant chamber shows lower Oxides of Nitrogen
emissions comparing to spherical chamber. The reason for lower in NOX emission is due to ignition
delay, combustion chamber geometry and also swirl motion of the Toroidal chamber and Re-entrant

Fig. 7 Variation of Carbon dioxide with Brake power and Fig. 8 Variation of Oxides of Nitrogen
with Brake power
Combustion Parameters
Cylinder Pressure. The variation of Cylinder pressure with respect to crank angle for three
chamber are shown in Fig. 9. The peak pressure of Re-entrant chamber is higher than that for
Spherical chamber and Toroidal chamber. This may be attributed to better air fuel mixing and
combustion. The peak pressure for Re-entrant chamber is observed 75.63 bar, Toroidal is around
65.24 bar this is mainly due to complete combustion of the fuel due to the shape of the Toroidal and
Re- entrant geometry and also intake port swirl turbulence motion of that air.
Heat Release Rate. Fig. 10 shows the variation of Heat Release Rate with respect to crank angle.
The Heat release rate for Spherical chamber is less than that of Toroidal and Re-entrant chamber.
ISBN 978-93-80609-17-1

International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Developments [ICRAMID - 2014]

This may due to improving air fuel mixing and combustion. Maximum Heat release rate for Reentrant chamber is 59.8 kJ/m3deg crank angle at 4 bTDC and while Toroidal chamber recorded
maximum heat release rate of 58.6 kJ/m3deg crank angle at 3 bTDC. Maximum heat release rate
for Spherical chamber 55.6 kJ/m3deg crank angle at 5 bTDC. As the ignition delay increase the fuel
accumulated inside combustion chamber and hence intensity premixed burning phase is leading to
increases higher heat release rate. This mainly due to Toroidal and Re-entrant chamber having
capable of proper mixing fuel with high pressure air.

Fig. 9 Variation of Cylinder pressure with crankangle and Fig. 10 Variation of Heat release rate
with crankangle
In this experimental study Performance, Combustion and Emission analysis for various
combustion chamber geometry was investigated. The conclusions observed from experiments are as

Specific fuel consumption has shown reduction in Re-entrant chamber, Toroidal chamber. Its
due to better combustion which is squish motion in Re-entrant chamber.
The enhanced air motion in Re-entrant chamber as a result of combustion geometry improves
the mixture of air fuel formation which increases brake thermal efficiency substantially.
Oxides of Nitrogen emission is reduced in case of Toroidal chamber and Re-entrant chamber
than the Spherical chamber. Its due combustion geometry and ignition delay occurs in geometry
shapes. Better combustion due to air fuel mixing in Re-entrant chamber give maximum in
Cylinder pressure referred to Spherical chamber.
Better combustion and presence of oxygen content in lean mixer in increased chamber
temperature that produces higher carbon dioxide in Toroidal chamber and Re-entrant chamber.
Hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide are reduces in Re-entrant chamber. This shows that complete
combustion in cylinder geometry.
Maximum heat release rate for Toroidal and Re-entrant chamber may cause due to improve air
motion and having capable of proper mixing fuel with high pressure air. Maximum Cylinder
Pressure for Re-entrant chamber is observed 75.63 bar is mainly due to complete combustion of
the fuel due to the shape of the geometry and also intake port swirl turbulence motion of that air.

The present analysis that performance, emission and combustion characteristics of Toroidal
chamber and Re-entrant chamber can be improved by suitably designing the combustion chamber.

ISBN 978-93-80609-17-1

International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Developments [ICRAMID - 2014]

We like thank the Management and department of mechanical engineering for Sri Venkateswara
College of Engineering for providing us with the essential experimental setup to perform this
research work.
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ISBN 978-93-80609-17-1

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