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MIMO in LTE Operation and Measurement - Excerpts On LTE Test: Application Note

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MIMO in LTE Operation

and Measurement
Excerpts on LTE Test
Application Note


This application note is written for people who need an understanding of

Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radio operation as it applies to Long
Term Evolution (LTE). MIMO (otherwise known as spatial multiplexing) is one
of several multiple antenna techniques that are being implemented in LTE;
however, this application note will primarily focus on MIMO implementations.
Increasing use of high-bandwidth applications (such as streaming video) drives
a continued desire for higher throughput or better coverage from wireless
systems. To some extent, the use of more complex modulation formats such as
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and 64 QAM has satisfied
this need. Other optimizations have been made through multiple antenna
techniques, including the use of more than one antenna, receiver chains that
combine multipath signals and multiple base station antennas correlated in
phase to shape coverage area.
Further advances are continually being made. Changing the use of the spectrum
available is being pursued through several approaches, including MIMO.
Release 8 of the 3GPP specifications, which specifies the Long Term Evolution
towards 4th generation (4G) systems (LTE), includes new requirements for
operation, where a base station and handset communicate using two or more
transmit and receive chains and takes advantage of the differences in radio
transmission paths between them. The goal is to increase both overall capacity
of a cell and the data rate that a single user can expect from the system.
MIMO radios get more from the RF bandwidth they occupy than their singlechannel equivalents by exploiting differences in the paths between the
transmitter and the receiver inputs. If a conventional single-channel radio
system creates one data pipe between the transmitter and the receiver, the
object of a MIMO radio system is to create multiple such pipes. It does this
by creating a mathematical model of the paths from transmitters to receivers
and solving the resulting equations, and has to do so as fast as the channel is
changing. If the data pipes can be completely separated, the channel capacity
increases linearly as more transmitter-receiver pairs are added.
The radio environment does not give up increases in capacity easily. MIMO
radio operation relies on the ability to separate the pipes. Like a solution to
a mathematical puzzle, there have to be enough equations compared to the
number of unknowns. This is added to the usual requirements to deal with
matters of interference, noise, interoperability, hardware costs and current
Testing will play an important role in helping to make sure the radios operate
correctly, both individually and between the many different vendors designs
that will be deployed.

Inputs and Outputs

In the specifications, the terms input and output apply to the medium
between the transmitters and receivers, including the RF components of both
known as the channel. Thus, a base station with two transmitters provides
two inputs to the channel, the MI part, and a handset with two receive chains
takes two outputs from the channel, the MO part. This is true only if the data
transmitted and received is independent, and is not just a copy of the same
data, as explained below.


Figure 1. Single Input Single Output (SISO)

radio channel access mode



Figure 2. Single Input Multiple Output

(SIMO) radio channel access mode



Figure 3. Multiple Input Single Output
(MISO) radio channel access mode






Figure 4. MIMO with two transmitters

and two receivers with independent data

Single Input Single Output (SISO) is

the standard transmission mode in
most systems, and the objective of
more complex systems is capacity, or
data rate gain, measured with respect
to SISO.

Single Input Multiple Output

(SIMO) or receive diversity (a single
transmitter, and therefore a single
data stream), feeds two receiver
chains. This aids received data
integrity, where signal-to-noise (SNR)
ratio is poor due to multipath fading.
There is no gain in data capacity
except any benefit that comes from
better error ratio and consequent
reduced retransmission.

Multiple Input Single Output (MISO)

is a transmit diversity technique. In
LTE, Space Frequency Block Coding
(SFBC) is used to improve signal
robustness under fading conditions.
The transmitters send the same
underlying user data, but in different
parts of the RF frequency space.

True MIMO, with two transmitters

and two receivers with independent
data content, is also known as spatial
multiplexing. Each receiver sees
the output of the channel, which is
a combination of the outputs from
the transmitters. Using channel
estimation techniques, the receivers
use matrix mathematics to separate
the two data streams and demodulate
the data. In ideal conditions, data
capacity would be doubled, though
there is a premium to be paid in
better SNR requirements than for
SISO. Practically, the doubling of
data capacity is never achieved, but
definite increases in data capacity
can be seen.

Five multi-antenna techniques have been defined for LTE to improve the
downlink performance:
1. Receive diversity at the mobile
2. Transmit diversity using SFBC at the eNB (evolved Node B)
3. MIMO spatial multiplexing at the eNB, for one or two users
4. Cyclic Delay Diversity (CDD) at the eNB, used in conjunction with
spatial multiplexing
5. Beamsteering (user specific)
The first two are relatively conventional diversity methods. The third and fourth
methods make use of space frequency coding mechanisms to spread data
across multiple antennas. Cyclic delay diversity introduces deliberate
delays between the antennas to create artificial multipath. It is applied more
dynamically in LTE than in other radio systems. The techniques are applied
differently, depending on the type of physical signal or physical channel.
Both SIMO and MISO are employed in 3rd generation (3G) cellular systems,
and will be rolled out in LTE networks. Their purpose is to improve the integrity
of connections and to improve error rates, particularly where the connection
suffers poor SNR (for example, at the edge of a cell). Conventional phased-array
beamsteering introduces phase and amplitude offsets to the whole of the signal
feeding each transmitting antenna. The intention is to focus the signal power
in a particular direction. The same technique of applying phase and amplitude
offsets can be used on the receiving antennas to make the receiver more
sensitive to signals coming from a particular direction. In LTE, the amplitude
and phase of individual resource blocks can be adjusted, making beamsteering
far more flexible and user-specific. Beamsteering does not increase data rates
but has an effect similar to diversity in terms of increasing signal robustness.
The effectiveness of beamsteering increases with the number of transmitting
antennas, which allows for the creation of a narrower beam. The gains
possible with only two antennas are generally not considered worthwhile; thus,
beamsteering is generally only considered for the four-antenna option.
User Equipment (UE) diversity reception (SIMO) is mandatory for the UE.
It is typically implemented using maximum ratio combining. In a cellular
environment, the signal from a single receive antenna will suffer level
fluctuations due to various types of fading. With the wider nature of the LTE
channel bandwidths there may also be a noticeable frequency dependency on
the signal level. By combining the signal received from two antennas, the UE
can recover a more robust signal. Receive diversity provides up to 3 dB of gain
in low SNR conditions.

The MIMO channel

Figure 5. A 2x2 channel model

Consider an instant in time, at a single frequency, and model the channel as

a black box with fixed components inside. If we add two completely different
signals at the input, they will be mixed together in a defined way, dependant on
the values of Z1 to Z4. If we send a training signal thats unique to each input
and measure the outputs we know how they got coupled, and therefore how
to uncouple them. Everything, data and training signals, will be coupled in the
same way, so what we learned from the training signal can be applied to real
data. Noise and interference limit the modulation that can be used, along with
the ability to uncouple the outputs. The worst case would be if Z1 to Z4 are all
the same, when both outputs would be the same and MIMO would not work.
The best case is if the outputs are equal in magnitude and opposite in phase,
when capacity would theoretically double.
Equation 1. The long-form version of the channel capacity theorem can be written as:

C=B[log2(1 + ( /N)12) + log2(1 + ( /N)22)]

where C = channel capacity in bits per second,
B = occupied bandwidth in Hz, /N = signal to noise ratio and
= a singular value of the channel matrix
The potential increase in instantaneous system capacity can be derived from
the ratio of singular values of the channel matrix H, also known as the condition
number. The condition number can also be used to indicate the increase in SNR
needed to recover the MIMO signal, relative to the SISO case.

Figure 6. Overall system performance is improved since MIMO can potentially double
the data capacity

With the channel constantly changing due to fading and multipath effects, and
Doppler frequency shift due to handset movement, amongst others, condition
number versus frequency changes constantly across the RF-channel spectrum
as illustrated in Figure 7.
Reference signals (or pilots) at regular frequency locations in the output of each
transmitter provide a way for the receivers to estimate the channel coefficients.
In general, each data pipe will not have the same performance. LTE uses
feedback mechanisms known as pre-coding and eigenbeamforming both
forms of closed-loop MIMO, where the handset requests changes to the
cross-coupling of the transmitter outputs to give the best match to the channel
Figure 7. Condition number as a
function of sub-carrier frequency

The terms codeword, layer, and precoding have been adopted specifically for LTE
to refer to signals and their processing. Figure 8 shows the processing steps to
which they refer. The terms are used in the following ways:
Codeword: A codeword represents user data before it is formatted for
transmission. One or two codewords, CW0 and CW1, can be used depending
on the prevailing channel conditions and use case. In the most common
case of Single User MIMO (SU-MIMO), two codewords are sent to a single
handset UE, but in the case of the less common downlink Multi-User MIMO
(MU-MIMO), each codeword is sent to only one UE.
Layer: The term layer is synonymous with stream. For MIMO, at least two
layers must be used. Up to four are allowed. The number of layers is always
less than or equal to the number of antennas.
Precoding: Precoding modifies the layer signals before transmission. This
may be done for diversity, beamsteering or spatial multiplexing. The MIMO
channel conditions may favor one layer (data stream) over another. If the
base station (eNB) is given information about the channel (e.g. information
sent back from the UE), it can add complex cross-coupling to counteract the
imbalance in the channel. In a 2*2 arrangement, LTE uses a simple 1-of-3
precoding choice, which improves performance if the channel is not changing
too fast.
Eigenbeamforming (some times known simply as beamforming) modifies
the transmit signals to give the best carrier to interference and noise ratio
(CINR) at the output of the channel.

RV index


Code block


/16 QAM
/64 QAM



Code block


Spatial multiplexing



[ d]



[ X]

OFDM signal




OFDM signal

Figure 8. Signal processing for transmit diversity and spatial multiplexing (MIMO) The symbols d, x and y are used in the specifications
to denote signals before and after layer mapping and after precoding, respectively

Single User and

Multi-User MIMO

Figure 9 shows how both codewords are used for a single user in the downlink.
It is also possible for the codewords to be allocated to different users to create
multiple user MIMO (MU-MIMO). Depending on the channel information available
at the eNB, the modulation and the precoding of the layers may be different to
equalize the performance.
1 UE

1 eNB




Cross channel

Map into

The channel

Figure 9. Codebook for transmission on antenna ports 0, 1


The precoding choices are defined in a lookup table known as the codebook. A
codebook is used to quantize the available options and thus limit the amount of
information fed back from the receiver to the transmitter. Some of the precoding
choices are straightforward; for example, Codebook Index (CI) 0 is a direct
mapping of codewords to layers and CI 1 applies spatial expansion.
Number of layers

Codebook index


[ ]
[ ]
[ ]

1 1

2 1

1 1 0

2 0 1

1 1

2 1

1 1 1
2 1 1

1 1

2 j

1 1 1
2 j j

1 1

2 j

Table 1. Codebook for transmission on antenna ports 0,1

Table 1 shows the codebook choices for one and two layers. Note only the twolayer case employs spatial multiplexing. Precoding with one layer is limited to a
0 , 90 or 180 phase shift.
In operation, the UE sends a message to the eNB scheduler with the codebook
index most closely matching the channel, although the system can be configured
for multiple codebook values, one for each resource block group. To use this
information while it is still valid, the scheduler has to respond rapidly, within
milliseconds, depending on the rate of change of the channel. If the UE is
instructed to provide channel information more regularly, the information will be
more accurate but the proportion of resources used for signalling will increase
and place higher demands on the eNB.

Single and Multiple

User MIMO in
the Uplink

SU-MIMO is within the scope of LTE but at the time of this writing has not
yet been fully defined. To implement SU-MIMO the UE would require two
transmitters. This is a significant challenge in terms of cost, size and battery
consumption, and for these reasons SU-MIMO is not currently a priority for
development. Also, the increased data rates in the uplink that might be possible from SU-MIMO are not as important as they are in the downlink due to
asymmetrical traffic distribution. Lastly, if the system is deployed to be uplinkperformance-limited, it may be impractical to increase the transmit power from
the UE sufficiently to achieve the SNR needed at the eNB receivers.

1 eNB

2 UE

Figure 10. SU-MIMO in the downlink with two antenneas; Codebook 0 shown

Although a UE typically has a single transmitter in its baseline configuration, it

is still capable of supporting a novel form of MIMO. Unlike the receive function,
MIMO does not require that the transmitters are in the same physical device or
location. It follows that uplink MIMO can be implemented using two transmitters
belonging to two different UEs. This creates the potential for an increase in
uplink capacity although an individual user will see no increase in data rates.
The fact that the transmitters are physically separate has two consequences.
First, there is no possibility of precoding since the source data cannot be
shared between the two UEs to create the necessary cross-coupling of the data
streams. This reduces the potential gains that co-located transmitters may have
had. Second, the separation of the transmitters increases the probability that
the radio channels seen by the eNB will be uncorrelated. Indeed, when the eNB
has to select two UEs for pairing with MU-MIMO, the primary criteria will be
the presence of de-correlated channels. Any potential gains lost through lack
of precoding will be more than compensated for by the gains likely from better
channel de-correlation; therefore, MU-MIMO could be a valuable technique for
improving uplink capacity.
Signal recovery in LTE is tolerant of small timing and frequency errors. Normal
uplink operation will result in each UE adjusting its frequency quite precisely to
that of the eNB. The eNB will also instruct the UE to adjust its timing and power
so that all signals arrive at the eNB receiver at approximately the same level
and time. With the antennas located in different devices, the transmit paths
are assumed to be uncorrelated. These conditions give the eNB scheduler the
opportunity to control two UEs to transmit data simultaneously using the same
Multi-user MIMO involves the simultaneous transmission of codewords via
layers from different UEs at the same time and frequency. The use of normal
radio management techniques will ensure adequate frequency, timing and
power alignment of the signals received at the eNB. Aligning the received power
from the UEs at the eNB will be the most difficult thing to control if the potential
capacity gains are to be realized.

LTE Transmitter and

Receiver Design
and Test

LTE already requires fundamental changes in base station and handset design
and test due to the higher data rates, wider allowable signal bandwidths, and
increasing integration and miniaturization in the handset, for example:
The requirement to handle 6 different channel bandwidths from 1.4 to 20 MHz
and both Frequency Division (FDD) and Time Division Duplex (TDD) modes.
Flexible transmission schemes and virtually infinite operating permutations
in which the physical channel configuration has a large impact on RF
Handset components complying with the multi-gigabit DIgRF v4 standard,
which removes the potential communication bottleneck between the
baseband and radio frequency integrated circuits (RFICs), require crossdomain (digital in, RF out) measurement capability. A digital test source must
emulate both data traffic and the encapsulated protocol stack within the
digital interface that controls RFIC functionality.
The DigRF high-speed digital serial interface in the handset must be treated
as a transmission medium where analog impairments can degrade quality
and degrade bit error rate (BER), and care must be taken connecting test
equipment to avoid disturbing signal flow.
Information transfers between the handset RF and baseband ICs must
comply with strict timing constraints. Therefore it is important for the test
environment to measure precisely when each frame is sent from one IC to
the other and provide real-time detection of timing violations.
Added to these are the specific challenges resulting from the need to support
multi-antenna techniques including diversity, beamsteering and MIMO.


Receiver Design
and Test

The main objective of receiver testing is to make performance measurements

on the entire receiver. However, many factors can influence receiver performance, so the basic receiver sub-blocks must be verified first and uncertainty
contributions eliminated or quantifiably reduced. Where multiple receivers
are used, it is necessary to make these basic measurements on each receive
chain separately before attempting to verify MIMO performance. The principles
discussed here apply to both frequency division duplex (FDD) and time division
duplex (TDD) access modes although the examples here are FDD. A simplified
block diagram of a typical LTE handset radio is shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Simplified diagram of an LTE UE radio

Modern receivers utilize the same building blocks as classic designs; however,
today there is a higher degree of integration with single components performing
multiple functions, particularly in handsets where space is at a premium
(meaning there will likely be fewer places where signals can be injected or
observed for testing).


Here we will focus on a subset of receiver design and test considerations, specifically: open and closed loop operation, wide bandwidths, cross-domain signal
analysis, affects of the channel, and finally precoding and the LTE codebook.

Open-loop and close-loop operation

Open-loop testing, where the receiver under test does not send feedback
information to the source, is sufficient to test the fundamental characteristics
of the individual components in the receiver and also is a first step in validating
the demodulation algorithms in the baseband section. However, full verification
of the overall receiver performance in real-world conditions requires closedloop testing through a faded channel. In closed-loop testing lost packets
are retransmitted using incremental redundancy based on real-time packet
acknowledgement feedback from the receiver. The modulation and coding used
for transmission are similarly based on real-time feedback from the receiver. This
feedback may be optimized for sub bands within the overall channel bandwidth
to enable frequency-selective scheduling.

Wide bandwidths
Next, we consider that one of the unique aspects of LTE is that it supports six
channel bandwidths ranging from 1.4 MHz to 20 MHz. To simplify system operation and roaming, handsets must support all of these bandwidths, even though
actual deployment in any one area may be restricted to fewer bandwidths. The
LTE 20 MHz bandwidth is significantly wider than the maximum bandwidths of
todays other cellular systems; therefore, special attention to phase and amplitude flatness is required during receiver design. Filters, amplifiers and mixers
in particular now have to operate correctly over multiple channel bandwidths.
The LTE signal structure contains Reference Signals (RS) that are spread in
both frequency and time over the entire LTE signal. The UE and eNB receivers
can use these signals along with Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques to
compensate for amplitude and phase-linearity errors in the receiver. Flatness
needs be tested across each supported bandwidth and band, particularly at the
band edges where the duplex filter attenuates the edge of the signal.

Cross-domain signal analysis

On the topic of cross-domain analysis, we note that traditionally, the signal from a
receiver RF section can be demodulated into the I and Q components using analog techniques. Today however, the down-converted IF signal is usually digitized
by an ADC and then fed to the baseband section for demodulation and decoding.
Measuring the output of the ADC poses a challenge because the output is now
in the digital domain. One solution is to analyze the digital bits from the ADC
directly using a logic analyzer to capture the digital data. The difficult part of this
solution is processing the data into a meaningful result since most logic analyzer
applications are not focused on generating RF metrics. Using the Agilent 89601A
Vector Signal Analysis (VSA) software is one way to solve this challenge.


The VSA software can be run in a number of Agilent spectrum analyzers, logic
analyzers and oscilloscopes for demodulating various modulation formats, and
offers a unique way to analyze the ADC performance by being able to make
traditional RF measurements directly on digital data. This approach gives a
designer the ability to quantify the ADC contribution to the overall system
performance and compare it to RF measurements made earlier in the block
diagram (shown in Figure 11) using the same measurement algorithms.
If the RFIC has analog IQ outputs, these can be analyzed using an oscilloscope
or Agilent MXA signal analyzer. If the RFIC interface uses DigRFv3 or v4, the
signal can be captured with the Radio Digital Cross Domain (RDX) tester.
These digital or analog IQ signals can then be analyzed with the same 89601A
VSA software. For the baseband developer, hardware probes are available for
analog IQ and DigRF interfaces. The VSA software provides numerical EVM
performance measurements for verification, as well as more detailed graphical
information useful during product development to isolate the source of signal
impairments. If Gaussian noise is added to the signal as the impairment, a
relationship can be drawn between EVM and the raw BER. Alternatively, the
captured IQ signals can be fed into a simulated receiver such as Agilent design
software for LTE. The precise design of a receiver determines the performance,
so the results may differ depending on a vendors specific implementation.

Affects of the Channel

For our next topic, looking at affects of the channel, consider that the base station
receiver faces many of the same MIMO challenges that the UE receiver faces, but
in addition has to simultaneously receive data from multiple users. From the point
of view of MU MIMO, each signal comes from a separate UE, therefore each signal has a completely independent channel, somewhat different power levels, and
different timing. These characteristics can be emulated using the Agilent N5106A
MIMO receiver tester (PXB) in conjunction with RF signal generators.
The receiver test configuration for the eNB is different from the configuration
for the UE. The UE normally sends packet error reports on the uplink back to the
test system, whereas the base station hardware is more likely to make a suitable demodulated signal output available.
Remember that MIMO channel recovery involves the separation of multiple signal
components in the presence of noise and interference. When the signals are transmitted they are orthogonal, but by the time the signals reach the multiple receivers
the coupling in the radiated path can reduce the difference between the signals.


In normal operation the receiver will have to deal with a complex and continuously changing channel, but using such a fading channel means testing is not
repeatable when looking to ensure that the basic baseband operation is correct.
A fading channel, built from simple phase and timing differences between paths,
provides a deterministic signal that can be designed to verify the receivers performance limits. Adding noise to such a channel can readily create a test signal
in which some subcarriers are more difficult to demodulate than others. For
dual-source testing the standard RF phase and baseband timing alignment that
can be achieved using a common frequency reference and frame synchronization signal is sufficient for most purposes.

Figure 12. Continuous faded path receiver test configuration for RF,
analog or digital interfaces using the N5106A (PXB) MIMO receiver tester

Where fading is required, a configuration such as that shown in Figure 12

provides multiple independent continuously faded paths with analog or digital
outputs using the Agilent N5106A MIMO receiver tester.
For directly mapped, open-loop MIMO testing, the phase relationship between
the test signals does not affect the performance of the receiver because
orthogonal signals have to be coupled twice for vector addition to take place. In
closed-loop systems, the phase between test signals needs to be constant during the period when the channel is sampled, allowing any coupling coefficients
to be calculated and applied. This may require the system to be stable rather
than phase-locked. The channel condition number can be used to determine the
SNR needed to achieve a specific performance at the demodulator. The condition number gives a measure of the composite channel performance. Each layer
of the MIMO signal may actually have a different performance.


Figure 13. Spatial multiplexed signals without precoding (top) and with precoding
(bottom) to match the channel

Precoding and the LTE codebook

Our final topic is precoding. The plots in Figure 13 show the demodulated signals
from a single frame of an LTE signal. The channel was flat-faded (no frequency
selectivity). The two constellations at the top of the figure show the two layers
of the MIMO signal. It is clear that the constellation on the left is tighter, which
would result in a lower BER in a real receiver.
If the channel characteristics are known (e.g. by the UE sending channel state
information to the eNB) the mismatch in performance can be dealt with in either
of two ways. The layer with better performance can be loaded with a higher
order modulation, or precoding can be applied to equalize the performance of
the two layers, as seen in the lower plots.


Figure 14. Impact of phase errors on precoding effectiveness, with example performance values

In LTE, the codebook index method is used to facilitate channel precoding, with
a small number of codes used to minimize the system overhead in signalling.
This means that the codebook index provides an approximation to the channel,
implying some level of residual error. Figure 14 shows that once a codebook is
chosen to equalize the EVM, the actual EVM still depends on the phase match
between the transmitters.
The rectangular block at the center of Figure 14 represents the region in which
codebook 1 would be chosen as the best fit. The diagonal lines show how the
EVM of each stream varies with phase error. EVM is used as a performance metric, but BER could be also used. In the best circumstance, the codebook exactly
fits the channel state and the performance of both layers is made the same.
As the phase between the transmitters varies indicating that a mismatch in
the codebook choice or variation in the channel occurred after the channel station information was provided the layer performance separates. At extremes,
the performance of the layers can be swapped. For receiver measurements, the
significance of precoding errors shows the need for a fixed RF phase relationship at the output of the signal generators being used for a test. The term phase
coherence is used to signify that the RF phase at the outputs of two or more
generators is being maintained at a specified frequency. When it is necessary
to guarantee that phase will not change versus frequency, a test configuration
such as shown in Figure 15 can be used.


Figure 15. Configuring multiple signal generators for timing and phase synchronization

Transmitter Design
and Test

From the perspective of the RF engineer, LTE promises a dauntingly wide range
of design and measurement challenges, arising from a number of factors:
The requirement to handle six channel bandwidths from 1.4 to 20 MHz
The use of different transmission schemes for the downlink orthogonal
frequency division multiplexing (OFDMA) and uplink single carrier frequency
division multiplexing (SC-FDMA)
Flexible transmission schemes in which the physical channel configuration
has a large impact on RF performance
Specifications that include both FDD and TDD transmission modes
Challenging measurement configurations resulting from the spectral, power
and time variations due to traffic type and loading
Further challenges resulting from the need to support multi-antenna
techniques such as TX diversity, spatial multiplexing (MIMO) and beamsteering
The need for making complex tradeoffs between in-channel, out-of-channel
and out-of-band performance
As with the development of other modern communication standards, the design
task involves troubleshooting, optimization and design verification with an eye
toward conformance and interoperability testing.
The next section discusses general challenges of transmitter design and some
basic verification techniques, starting with basic characteristics and then moving on to LTE-specific aspects, specifically: output power and power control,
out-of-channel and out-of-band emissions, power efficiency, high-peak power
including crest factor and predistortion, and phase noise.


Output power and power control

Beginning with a look at output power and power control, we note that
accurate average power measurement of time-invariant signals is not a major
challenge for LTE. Accurate broadband power measurements can be made
using power meters, signal and spectrum analyzers or VSAs. However, due to
the nature of the downlink and uplink signal characteristics, the more typical
case for LTE involves output power measurements that are much more specific.
These involve measurement all the way down to the Resource Element (RE)
level, which is one OFDMA or SC-FDMA symbol lasting 66.7 s on one subcarrier. For such measurements a power meter is of no value, but a spectrum or
signal analyzer or a VSA is essential. In particular, power measurements associated with specific portions of the signal often require the digital demodulation
capabilities of VSAs.

Out-of-channel and out-of-band emissions

Next, we consider that out-of-band emissions are regulated to ensure compatibility between different radio systems. The primary requirement is for control
of spurious emissions from very low (9 kHz) frequencies to very high (13 GHz)
frequencies. LTE in this respect is no different than any other radio system and
spurious emissions will not be discussed further. LTE gets more interesting at
the band edges where the signal has to meet the out-of-channel requirements
as well as the out-of-band requirements, which are often tighter. With LTE
supporting channel bandwidths up to 20 MHz, and with many bands too narrow
to support more than a few channels, a large proportion of the LTE channels are
also at the edge of the band.
Controlling transmitter performance at the edge of the band requires careful
filter design to trade-off the required out-of-band attenuation without affecting
the in-channel performance of the channels near the band edge. This
trade-off must also consider costs (in terms of financial cost, power or power
efficiency, physical space, etc.), which must be balanced with optimization of
the in-channel and out-of-band performance and the location in the
transmitter block diagram where this trade-off is achieved. Requirements for
out-of-channel emissions are covered by Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio
(ACLR) and Spectrum Emission Mask (SEM) measurements, as was the case
for Universal Mobile Telecommunications Service (UMTS). These measurements are generally made with spectrum or signal analyzers using built-in
routines for ACLR and SEM. The measurements can be done using either swept
analysis in a signal or spectrum analyzer or using FFT analysis in a VSA. The
swept approach offers higher dynamic range and faster measurements.

Power efficiency
Next, power efficiency is a critical design factor for both eNB and UE transmitters and the design must meet power consumption targets while ensuring
that the transmitter meets the outputpower, modulation quality, and emission
requirements. There are no formal requirements for power efficiency, although
this may change in the future with increased environmental awareness.
Instead, power efficiency remains an ever-present design challenge to be met
through design choices and optimization.


Strategies for handling high-peak power

With high-peak power, we observe that OFDMA signals can have a high Peak-toAverage Power Ratio (PAPR) and eNB power amplifiers must have a high degree
of linearity to avoid producing out-of-channel distortion products. Power amplifiers with high linearity for the eNB are expensive and modest in their power
efficiency. Two complementary methods exist to counteract this challenge: Crest
Factor Reduction (CFR), which attempts to limit the signal peaks, and predistortion, which attempts to match the signal to the non-linear characteristics of
the amplifier.
CFR was first widely used with CDMA signals and is also an important technique
for LTE, although the specifics of the implementation will be somewhat different.
CFR is distinct from predistortion in that it attempts to limit the peaks in the
signal before it reaches the amplifier rather than shaping the input signal to
compensate for amplifier nonlinearity. As such, CFR is a general technique that
can be applied to any amplifier design. CFR improves headroom at the cost of
degraded in-channel performance. OFDM signals without CFR have RF power
characteristics similar to that of Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN), with
peak power excursions more than 10 dB above the average power. It is impractical to design and operate power amplifiers with this level of headroom. Careful
use of CFR can substantially reduce peak power requirements while maintaining
acceptable signal quality. The effectiveness of CFR can be evaluated using the
Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) applied to a series of
instantaneous power measurements.
Predistortion enables the use of amplifier technologies that are both more
power-efficient and less costly, although predistortion also adds design and
operational complexity. Predistortion is a more advanced power management
technique than CFR because it requires tight coupling to a specific amplifier
design. Predistortion maintains the in-channel performance while operating in
the non-linear region of the amplifier. This minimizes signal compression so that
out-of-channel performance does not degrade at the higher operating level. A
number of analog and digital predistortion techniques are available, from analog
predistortion to feed-forward techniques and the full adaptive-digital predistortion used in the latest generations of more power-efficient base stations requiring digital-in, RF-out test functionality.
Finally, consider that optimizing designs for sufficient phase noise performance
is particularly challenging in OFDM systems for two reasons. First, excessive
phase noise degrades the orthogonality of the closely spaced subcarriers
causing frequency domain Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) leading to impaired
demodulation performance. Second, phase noise reduction can be expensive in
terms of system cost and power efficiency. Relatively, these costs are a larger
issue for the UE as opposed to the eNB.


A Systematic
Approach to Verifying
Transmitter Quality

Analysis of MIMO signals has to be a multi-step process to ensure we find a

root cause of any problems in the transmitters. When complex digitally modulated signals are verified and optimized, it is tempting to go directly to advanced
digital demodulation measurements using vector signal analysis. However, it
is usually more productive and sometimes necessary to follow a verification
sequence that begins with basic spectrum measurements and continues with
vector measurements (combined frequency and time) before switching to digital
demodulation and modulation analysis, as shown in Figure 16.



Digital demodulation

Basic singnal power

and frequency

Power vs. time, CCDF,


Constellation and
modulation quality analysis,
advanced analysis

Figure 16. Sequence for verification of LTE performance

Each of the verification sequence stages are represented below with example
measurements, beginning with RF spectrum measurements (Figure 17), then
proceeding to vector measurements (Figure 18), and finally to digital demodulation (Figure 19). The latter shows:
Trace A the IQ constellation (which shows the analyzer has locked to and
demodulated the signal)
Trace B power and frequency from a single FFT
Trace C the error vector spectrum
Trace D the error summary
Trace E the EVM in the time domain as a function of symbol
Trace F the frame summary

Figure 17. Spectrum of 5 MHz downlink showing power, OBW, and center frequency


Figure 18. CCDF measurements of uplink signals: from left to right, QPSK, 16QAM,
64QAM and the AWGN reference curve

Figure 19. Example analysis of digitally demodulated 5 MHz LTE downlink signal using
Agilent 89601A VSA software


While many transmitter measurements are a straightforward matter of connecting the transmitter RF output directly to an RF signal analyzer input and
measuring signal characteristics and content, some measurements will require
connecting, probing and measuring at early or intermediate points in the transmitter signal chain. Figure 20 shows a typical transmitter block diagram and the
possible ways in which signals can be injected or probed at different points.






Signal analyzer

signal analysis






D to A

A to D

Baseband processing



Signal studio
digital interface

Medium access control

Logic analyzer


Figure 20. Stimulus and analysis of different point in the UE block diagram


In the case of MIMO transmission, it may be possible to isolate and measure

each transmitter separately, while it may also be that the only access point is to
the coupled, precoded signals. When deciding on the measurement method, its
important to choose the test configuration that will give the most accurate results.
Table 2 shows which measurements require single or dual analyzer inputs.

Device configuration and

analyzer connection

Single input measurement

Analyzer Configuration

Measurement steps

Using the same analysis configuration steps

as SISO signal
Start with Demodulator OFF

Connect to each transmitter

output separately

Measure power versus time and gated

spectrum to ensure each channel has
the expected power level and spectrum

Use Hanning window with gate time = 1

symbol (67 us)

Record signal and use spectrogram

Turn Demodulator ON

Sync to P-SS or RS

Display RS, P-SS, and S-SS (which may not

be configured for all transmitters)

Check constellation and EVM of

uncoupled signal elements

Codebook index = 0

Shared Channel and Control Channel

Precoding ON

Check constellation and EVM of diversity

and SM signals

Combine signals using a

power coupler

Two or four transmitter ports active

TX Diversity or spatial
multiplexing ON

Codebook index = 0
Measure signals using a
two-input analyzer
All codebook values

Allows precise measurement of relative

power, timing and phase
Two inputs needed to remove the effect of
coupling between the transmitters
(e.g. precoding)
Allows measurement of the residual error
that will be seen by the UE receiver

Table 2. A basic structure for diagnosing multi-transmitter signal impairments


Check all RS based measurements

Check shared channel constellations

and EVM with all codebook values

Combining Simulation
and Measurement to
Address Hardware

Todays design techniques center around system simulation to avoid costly

hardware iterations and speed up the overall design process. Agilent offers
design tools which, later in the design process, can be interfaced with test
instrumentation to provide a mixed hardware and simulation environment, so
that engineers can functionally test completed components and subsystems in
a system context. Figure 21 shows a complete transmitter and receiver with a
faded MIMO channel using Agilent SystemVue software.

Figure 21. Complete transmitter and receiver with faded MIMO channel using Agilent
SystemVue software.

As shown in Figure 21, combining simulation with test offers a number of benefits.
Simulation is a powerful and flexible way to model both baseband and RF design
elements as well as RF path impairments and the creation of pre-coded MIMO
channels. As the design is turned into functioning physical blocks, combining
simulation with test instrumentation allows stimulation and analysis of the blocks
in a real-world environment.
One powerful example is to create a MIMO dual-transmitter source and perform
coded BER measurements on a complete MIMO dual-receiver and baseband
combination. The transmitter payload can be either digital or analog IQ data,
combined with control and pre-coding, with real-time error analysis provided by
comparing the receiver data output with the sent data. Stress-testing the receivers by applying known fading and channel coupling scenarios, while measuring
real-time BER, builds confidence that the design will work correctly in the realworld. The block diagram of such a system is shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22. Block diagram of a MIMO dual-receiver and baseband combination


This overview of MIMO and LTE has shown some of the engineering challenges
associated with implementing spatial multiplexing and other system features of LTE.
This knowledge can help receiver and transmitter designers improve their designs
through insight gained from key measurements.

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Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2009, 2010
Printed in USA, January 25, 2010

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