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Prayer A Gift From God

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A Gift from God


Mike Sackmary
Spock Sackmary

March 8, 2011

Prayer is a gift from God to people. He promises that He will be found by those who seek
Him. 1 This is very much unlike all the other gods whom people worship. What other
deity makes this promise? Not the gods of ancient Greece, Rome or Egypt. Not Lucifer,
who is revered by Satanists. Not Allah, the god of the Muslims. Only the God of the
Bible makes the amazing promise to be found by anyone who seeks Him. His promise
does not stop there however.
God not only promises to be found but also to actively lead His followers. I will direct
your paths2 God gives His followers instructions, guiding, correction and promises to
never leave us or forsake us.3
The question then, is what does God mean when He says He will direct your path?
One of the tools which God uses to guide us is prayer. The goals of prayer are: a) to know
God better b) to grow deeper in love with God c) to know the people we pray with better
and d) to grow in our love for our fellow people. There are many ways to pray, and prayer
can be done alone or with other people. Proper prayer glorifies God and produces peace
about our relationship with God.
When the goals of prayer are being met, the Christian is uplifted, strengthened,
encouraged and experiences a peace which surpasses all human understanding. It is a
great privilege for a believer to serve God but to know the consuming fire of our Fathers
holy love for us is a greater privilege. It is a fact of human psychology, and our spiritual
incompleteness, that our prayer lives become more precious to us during our darkest
times. How many Old Testament Jews and New Testament Christians have endured
broken bodies throughout the centuries? Yet, none suffered a lost soul.
Stories of martyrs come to us from many sources. Even now in March 2011 persecution
of Christians continues on scale never before seen on the earth. Like the saints of ancient
times the modern-day followers of Jesus are going through imprisonment and torture.
Some are being murdered, while others are mutilated and then released as examples of

"I love those who love me; and those who diligently seek me will find me.
-Proverbs 8:17
The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, To the person who seeks Him.
- Lamentations 3:25

I have directed you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in upright paths.
Prov. 4:11.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
- Prov. 3:5-6

I will never forsake you, nor will I ever leave you. - Hebrews 13:5

the enemys hatred toward the Christian God. Through all of this, whenever a letter is
published or an interview broadcast these Christians are upbeat hopeful and energized to
continue sharing the Gospel with non-Christians.
You may well ask what it is that drives such passion. Are these people insane? No, not
insane. They are living out the reality that the enemies of God will stop at nothing in their
attempts to stop Gods message of faith, hope and love from reaching the world.
From where do the Christians derive the faith to continue? From their prayer lives. If you
want to know how to develop an effective prayer life, dear reader, read on.
Definition of Prayer
Prayer is the act of communicating directly with God through either unspoken thoughts
or spoken words. In order to pray in an effective manner, it is helpful if the following
questions are answered during the prayer.
What is the specific request?
What is the biblical reason why God should grant the request?
Does the prayer glorify God?
When a person prays, God answers. Gods responses to prayers may be said to be of one
of several types. These are; Wait., Yes., No. and silence. While the first three types
of answers usually contain additional instructions, the fourth type of answer does not.
When God answers our prayers with silence we can enter a dangerous way of thinking.
Instead of being joyful and hopeful we can become angry, frustrated and bitter. O
Christian, why should you allow Gods silence to drive you into fear, darkness and
hopelessness? You are His child. Our most gracious and loving Father answers all
Christian prayers. Sometimes His silence is the appropriate answer.
For now, let us agree that of the four general types of answers (wait, yes, no and
silence), that silence is the answer which strikes at the heart of our impatience. The topic
of Gods silent response to prayer will be examined in more detail in the following pages.
How Prayer Works
There have been many books written on the subject of prayer. This section of this paper is
simply one attempt to explain how prayer works. If this example does not make sense to
you, please read the Bible, especially the Psalms, for examples of prayers.
The prayer cycle may be described in many ways. There are, however, some things that it
is not. It is not a blind directionless groping for answers. It is not the steady repetition of a

long string of words over and over until ones head aches. The prayer cycle looks like

There is a tradition in some Christian churches to pray for one hour. The Bible never sets
a minimum or maximum time limit on prayer. The authors opinion is that a prayer
should only be as long as the one praying feels it should be. But for the curious reader,
one way to prayer for an hour is this;
How to pray for an hour
This example follows the Lords Prayer, which was prayed by Jesus Christ. See Matthew
6:9-13. There are five sections of the prayer. If twelve minutes are spent per section, the
prayer will take about one hour to complete.
1. Praise God the Father
Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your Name (Matt. 6:9)
Thank God for who He is, for His Word and for what he has done in your life.
2. Participate with the Father
Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Matt. 6:10)
Pray for Gods will and rule in every area of your life. Willingly submit to His
leadership and ask how you can join Him in what He is already doing.
3. Ask for what you need
Give us this day our daily bread (Matt. 6:11)
Make your requests known to God. Ask Him with the understanding that not all
your requests are going to be aligned with His plans. Be specific in your prayers
so that you will be able to know when He answers.
4. Confess your sins
Forgive us our trespasses as we have forgiven those who trespass against us.
(Matt. 6:12)
Confession and cleansing are keys to successful prayer. Be willing to admit your
own errors and be willing to forgive those who have harmed you. This is one of
the most difficult teachings in the entire Bible. It goes against every aspect of
human nature. Yet, the Christian who learns to forgive grows so strong in the faith
that entire nations can be changed. Unleashing the power of God in our lives
requires a willingness to let go of feelings of hatred and revenge. There is not
room for our personal anger and for Gods holy love to both command center
stage in our minds. One must win out over the other.
5. Proclamation to the Father

Do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom
and the power and the glory forever. Amen. (Matt. 6:13)
Proclaim God as the Lord and Master of your life. Recognize that every one of us
will sometimes give into temptation. What you are asking God for is not to live a
perfectly sinless life. This was something that only Jesus Christ did. What you are
asking God for is to help you develop a habit of resisting temptation and doing
better and better to live a holy life.
The last sentence of the Lords Prayer helps us recognize Gods position as the Creator
and Lord over everything for all eternity.
Obstacles to Prayer
Sometimes prayer does not seem to be working. When God chooses to answer prayers
with silence, it can be helpful to examine our lives for the presence of some, or all, of
these obstacles.

Worshipping the wrong thing.

We must worship God, and only God. The God of the Bible does not share His
place with other gods, idols, money or any other objects of our affections. See
Exodus 20:1-6. These commandments are not negotiable. They are demands that
God places on His followers.
See Habbakuk 2:18-20.
What profit is the idol when its maker has carved it,
Or an image, a teacher of falsehood?
For its maker trusts in his own handiwork
When he fashions speechless idols.
Woe to him who says to a piece of wood, Awake!'
To a mute stone, 'Arise!'
And that is your teacher?
Behold, it is overlaid with gold and silver,
And there is no breath at all inside it.

Insufficient faith


Praying outside of Gods will

The more you study the Psalms, and the prayers recorded in the Bible, the more
you will learn about how to pray in accordance with Gods will.

Not making time in your schedule for prayer

If you do not set aside time to pray, your prayers will be rushed, infrequent, and

Not confessing your sins

Confess your sins, not out of guilt, but because confession clears the mind to hear
Gods response to prayer.

Not reading the Bible

The best way to get to know God is by reading and meditating upon the Bible. If
you do not read the Scriptures, which God gave to all of us, how can you expect
to know Him?

Asking with the wrong motives

See James 4:3. You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives,
so that you may spend it on your pleasures. You know how to ask with the right

See Zech. 7:11-13 "But they refused to pay attention and turned a stubborn
shoulder and stopped their ears from hearing .They made their hearts like flint so
that they could not hear the law and the words which the LORD of hosts had sent
by His Spirit through the former prophets; therefore great wrath came from the
LORD of hosts. And just as I called and they would not listen, so they called and I
would not listen," says the LORD of hosts;

Treating God like an oracle

This may be the most common obstacle to prayer. God is not someone we go to
just to get immediate answers. Prayer is a two-way communication that builds our
relationship with the Lord. Would you enjoy being with someone who only asked
you for things, but who rarely spent time with you just because they wanted to?
But the LORD is in His holy temple
Let all the earth be silent before Him."

Marriage conflicts / Family conflicts

See 1 Peter 3:5-7. The relationship between man and wife is a partial reflection of
the relationship between God and His followers. Just as a man will live out his life
giving everything he can to his woman, so will God give to His followers,
abundantly beyond all our expectations. When the marriage relationship is
suffering, the power of prayer is dampened. To release the power of prayer in our
lives, it is necessary to maintain a healthy and beautiful and loving marriage.
If you are not married, treat your relationship with God the way you would treat a
marriage. Would you be faithful in a marriage? If so, then be celibate until such

time as God gives you a spouse. Sex outside of marriage is a common mistake
and it destroys the effectiveness of prayers.

Not praying with other Christians

Praying alone is the foundation of developing an effective prayer life. God grants
an additional way to grow in your faith. This is to pray with other Christians. See
Ephesians 5:1-21 and Colossians 3:16.

Not listening.
Your authors refer to this obstacle to prayer as You heard God but you didnt like
the answer. How many times shall you expect God to answer your prayers if you
do not accept His answers? See 2 Kings 17:40 However they did not listen, but
acted according to their previous behavior.

All of the foregoing obstacles to prayer may be overcome by judicious use of the
following questions. Ask yourself these questions when you pray and watch your prayer
life grow as a result.
What is my request? What is the biblical reason why God should grant the request? Have
I thanked God for His love, patience, peace, mercy and provision in my life?
Examples of Effective Prayers in the Bible
There are so many prayers recorded in the Bible that to mention all of them would cause
this paper to be hundreds of pages long. Rather than give you a headache, dear reader, we
have decided to limit ourselves to giving a few examples. To gain the most from these
examples you should read the passages in their entirety.
One thing to be noted from these examples is that the people praying love God with their
whole hearts. The prayers are of different lengths, cover different topics, come from
different time periods and cultures, and yet they all help us to see the glory of God.

Examples of Prayer in the Bible

The person

The main point of the


The passage



Prayer to have a child

and promise to
the child to the Lord

1 Samuel 1:10-28


1 Samuel 2:1-10

God made
Samuel the

Thanksgiving to God

and dedication of the

boy Samuel to the Lord

first king of

Mary (Jesus

Thanksgiving to God
for His grace and love

Luke 1:46-55

The prayer is
recorded in the
Bible for all
people to read.


To stop the Lords

punishment of the

Numbers 11:2

God stopped


Elijah prayed that there

would be no rain.

I Kings 17:1
1 Kings 18:1
James 5:17

There was no
rain for three
years and six
months, until
Elijah prayed
for rain.

Paul the apostle

Increased spiritual
maturity for the
Colossian Christians

Colossians 1:9-12

The Colossians
increased in
their spiritual

King David

Request for God to

prevent the impending
death of his infant son,
who was the result of
David committing
adultery with another
mans wife.

2 Samuel 11:1-27
2 Samuel 12:1-23

God did not

allow David to
have his
selfish desire.

The prayer is in
2 Samuel 12:16-23
but the rest of the
passage 11:1-12:23
must be read to
gain the full story.

To God the Father, through the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Son
Lengthy papers have been written concerning this topic. One of your authors has waded
through headache-inducing reams of theses and other overly-long volumes regarding
prayer. Provided here is a summary for the reader. For those of you who wish to dig
deeper, there is a virtually unlimited number of papers which may be obtained from
almost any Christian seminary.
God has chosen to represent Himself, in the Bible, as consisting of three separate and
distinct persons. These are; God the Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus the Son. Gods
written Word (the Bible) presents this way of existing as being unique to God. The

Scriptures never give an explanation of why or of how God exists as three separate
persons, all of whom are God, while also stating that God is one being. Perhaps Gods
unique way of existing is beyond human comprehension. The point we wish to make here
is that the Bible shows us that prayer is done to God the Father, through the Holy Spirit,
in the Name of the Son.
Why is this relevant? Because when we understand that all three persons of the one triune
God are involved in our prayers, we begin to gain a tiny bit of comprehension about
Gods vastness, greatness, majesty, power and love for us.
What to do when the answer is silence
One of the greatest frustrations in life is to receive silence from God in response to a
prayer. It is important at such times to remember that God loves every one of us. We are
His creation. Each of us is unique and yet we all are made in His image.
Does the prayer glorify God?
When confronted with silence, ask if the prayer is one that glorifies God. It is a selfish
prayer of which you are the sole beneficiary? Is it a prayer that is focused on furthering
the advance of the Gospel to the unsaved, or on lifting up fellow believers, or on
providing aid and comfort to those who are in some sort of physical or psychological
pain? Does the prayer glorify God?
Are there obstacles to prayer in your life?
Look for the presence of obstacles to prayer. Check the examples given in this paper. Are
any of these things present in your life? There are of course obstacles other than those we
mentioned. The idea is to look for things that might be blocking your prayers. You know
how to apply this idea.
Do you have the Holy Spirit?
Make sure you have the Holy Spirit. If you have any doubt about whether God has
indwelt you with His Holy Spirit, ask yourself what you believe about Jesus Christ. There
are many Bible verses which describe the fact that only Christians are indwelt with the
Holy Spirit.4 There are also many verses that describe the requirements for becoming a
Salvation through belief in Jesus Christ is something that is available to every human
being, without regard to nationality, ethnicity, age, gender, or any other factor. Consider
this verse, 1st John 1:12 12But to as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to
become children of God. and this one, Romans 10:9-10 If you confess with your mouth
We are living in post-Old Testament times. The Old Testament gives many examples of Gods Spirit
coming upon people who believed in, and followed, God. However, that was in the past. Once Jesus was
resurrected, Gods Spirit indwelt everyone who became a Christian. This same indwelling occurs now for
everyone who accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be
saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth
he confesses, resulting in salvation.
Jesus own words about Himself are recorded in John 3:16-17. These are some of the
most well-known Bible verses in the world. John 3:16-18 "For God so loved the world,
that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but
have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that
the world might be saved through Him. He who believes in Him is not judged; he who
does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the
only begotten Son of God.
Is there unconfessed sin in your life?
Confess your sins. A refusal to acknowledge mistakes can often result in God answering
prayer with silence. Confession should not be driven by guilt, but by the knowledge that
agreeing with God (that your behavior was wrong) is fundamental to growing more
mature in your faith. Please remember the words of the preacher Thomas Watson Guilt
clips the wings of prayer so that prayer cannot fly to the throne of grace.5 Confess your
sins. Dont carry the burden of guilt.
Prayer is a gift from God. It is a tool by which we have direct access to God. Effective
prayer increases our confidence in God. This results in an increased level of peace and
joy within the person doing the praying. There are obstacles which can block our prayers,
some of which are mentioned in this paper. Sometimes when a person is not hearing an
answer to prayer, one or more obstacles may be present in their life.
The reader may not agree with some of the statements made in this paper. Good! Part of
the goal in writing this paper is to stimulate the thinking of the reader. Comments are
welcome at Let us close now with a prayer for the reader.

A prayer for you

Since the day we heard of your salvation, we do not cease to pray for you, and to
ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and
spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing
Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;
A Godly Mans Picture by Thomas Watson, originally published in 1666AD. Almost four hundred years
later, this book still stirs the hearts of Christians.

strengthened with all might according to His glorious power, for all patience and
endurance with joy; giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you and us to
be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light, through the Holy Spirit,
in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son.

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