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Clinician-Scientists in Public Sector Hospitals - Why and How

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Clinician Scientists in Public HealthcareE Shyong Tai



Clinician Scientists in Public Sector HospitalsWhy and How?

E Shyong Tai, 1MB ChB, PhD, FAMS

The Singapore Biomedical Sciences (BMS) initiative was
launched in June 2000 to develop the Biomedical Sciences
cluster as one of the key pillars of Singapore economy.
Beginning in the late 2000s, the initiative evolved with
an increasing focus on establishing a critical mass of high
quality clinician scientists in the belief that this will facilitate
the successful implementation of the research initiatives. In
this editorial, I hope to share my thoughts in relation to 2
questions. Firstly, in an environment where we are short of
clinicians to deliver essential services in our public hospitals,
and a workforce that increasingly seeks work-life balance,
why should we encourage clinicians in public hospitals to
participate in activities that do not directly contribute to
patient care? Secondly, if we do want clinician scientists
in our public health institutions, how do we find them and
retain them?
My Personal Experience
I was trained as a physician in the United Kingdom and
returned to Singapore in 1991 where I received training,
first in internal medicine, then in endocrinology. I secured
my first grant from the National Medical Research Council
(NMRC) in 1997, as a registrar, and eventually, became
one of the 7 physicians to embark on the clinician scientist
scheme in the Singapore General Hospital. I committed
8 years to working on a number of research projects,
earning a PhD in the process. I like to think that I became
a pretty credible clinician scientist. In 2010, I accepted an
appointment as head of the Division of Endocrinology in
the National University Hospital. All of a sudden, I was
confronted with the very real issues of filling up rosters for
clinical duties, scheduling clinicians to teach and examine
under- and post-graduate students, shortening waiting
times for new appointments in the specialist outpatient
clinics, discharging patients early to ease the bed crunch,
all of which were far more urgent and pressing than the
need for research. Why should I encourage or even allow
the clinicians in my division to do research? Here are my
thoughts after 4 years as the head of endocrinology.

Challenges for Healthcare Providers in The Future

Over the next several decades, our population will age
rapidly. This will result in a great increase in the demand for
healthcare as the prevalence of chronic diseases increases.
At the same time, we will see a decline in the number of
individuals in the workforce, who are required to provide
the care that we will all need. The healthcare issues of the
future cannot be solved by simply increasing the number
of healthcare providers. They will simply not be available.
Nor is the solution to make healthcare providers just work
harder. Recognising this, the Ministry of Health, along
with our public health institutions, has begun a process that
will transform the landscape of healthcare in Singapore.
I believe that this process of transformation will pose
challenges for the healthcare providers of the future. While
I cannot purport to know what precise changes will take
place, I think we can make some predictions about some
of the characteristics of the healthcare environment of the
future, which may help us identify some of these challenges.
Firstly, change is inevitable, and given the way things
move in Singapore, it will occur rapidly. There will also be
a great deal of uncertainty. All countries, including the most
developed ones, are struggling with many of the same issues
and it is not evident that the solution has been found. As
such, healthcare providers of the future will need to possess
the same kind of creativity and innovation that allowed
Jeff Bezos, through Amazon, to transform the business of
selling books. They will also need to be prepared to carefully
measure the outcomes resulting from any changes they
implement, which will allow them to change track using
data to guide the next strategy.
Secondly, it is likely to involve the development and use
of new technologies, and it will be an incredibly data rich
environment. In addition to the great gains made in the
biomedical sciences, the advent of the internet and mobile
technologies has changed the way we communicate and
interact in our daily lives. These technologies have the power
to enable the healthcare transformation that is required.1 To
begin with, the widespread adoption of electronic medical
records will lead to the accumulation of mountains of data

Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, National University Health System, Singapore

Address for Correspondence: Dr Tai E Shyong, Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University
of Singapore, National University Health System, 10 Medical Drive, Singapore 117597.

December 2014, Vol. 43 No. 12


Clinician Scientists in Public HealthcareE Shyong Tai

about our patients over time which can now be mined to

predict and prevent adverse outcomes in our patients. This
will allow us to transform our healthcare system from one
that is primarily reactive (i.e. treating the patient when he
or she comes to us with a symptom) to a proactive one,
where we predict an adverse outcome and put in place
measures to prevent it. These data will also facilitate clinical
decision support, which will reduce unjustified variation
in the healthcare provided and reduce errors. Finally,
mobile technology can be used to enhance our interactions
with patients, moving away from the office consult as
the primary channel of communication, not just between
patient and healthcare provider, but even between different
healthcare providers. They also serve as a novel channel of
communication through which we can engage our patients
so that they can better participate in their own care. Our
National Electronic Health Record is a great example of
the technology that is being built to support out healthcare
system.2 However, technology is only an enabler. To take
advantage of these opportunities, clinicians will need to
decide what technologies are required, when they should
be deployed, and how to interpret the data that is collected
using these technologies. As such, they need to become
familiar with the technologies and their capabilities, and
be familiar with handling and interpreting large volumes
of data that will be collected.
Finally, integration and coordination of care for individual
patients needs to take place across institutions and
throughout a patients lifetime as his or her health and social
circumstances change. This requires the healthcare leaders of
the future to be able to influence other healthcare providers
and build collaborations that do not rely on the traditional
levers of appraisals and salaries, and often take place (given
the new technologies available) without opportunities for
a handshake, or a face-to-face conversation.
What Does This Have To Do with Clinician Scientists?
As clinician scientists, our ability to do work that is funded
and eventually gets published is dependent on the creativity
of the investigator. A competitive funding environment
makes innovation a key component of every successful
grant application. One must constantly question the status
quo and seek to do better than what is currently available.
Clinician scientists are taught to withhold judgment until
they have collected data in a rigorous manner, and interpreted
the said data with scientific discipline. Clinician scientists
are also used to being wrong. My research career is strewn
with hypotheses have proven to be false, often through
studies that I have conducted myself. But good clinician
scientists always learn from these mistakes, and use that
data to refine their next hypothesis. They are also used to
failure. With a 15% to 20% success rate for grant funding
in Singapore, I have written more grants that have not been

funded, than grants that have been funded. Failure to accept

acknowledged guidelines, indecisiveness in the face of
insufficient data, being wrong, frequent failure; these are
not attributes that we commonly associate with physicians,
who often have to make decisions on the spot, when faced
with life threatening situations, sometimes in the absence
of adequate data because the randomised clinical trial
simply has not been conducted yet. Nonetheless, I believe
that these attributes will serve them well during the next
several decades as we transform the healthcare system.
Clinician scientists are also used to taking technologies
that they have never used before, and seeing if they can
use it to answer the questions that they are interested in
asking. Or they develop new technologies to solve problems
that they have in the clinic.3,4 Finally, the current research
environment has required clinician scientists to develop the
leadership skills to manage the complex healthcare system
of the future. When I started out studying the genetics of
human disease, we were carrying out what we thought
were large studies involving a few hundred patients.5
Over time, we realised that these studies were largely
underpowered, and could lead to misleading conclusions.
Today, it is appreciated that large datasets (often in the
tens to hundreds of thousands of samples) are required to
make discoveries that we are confident in. The result is
papers and publications that involve hundreds of authors.6
These investigators came together because they realised
that together, they could achieve something that each
could not achieve on their own. They were prepared to
share the glory of authorship with others for a common
purpose, of learning more about the biological processes
that underlie human disease. In this context, not only do
clinician scientists learn to handle large volumes of data,
they are forced to acquire the ability to build collaborations
based on a common purpose, to negotiate agreements and
concessions between parties, to communicate across the
world often without an opportunity to get to know each
other face to face. These same skills will be required to unite
the diverse components of Singapores healthcare system,
which includes public health institutions, private sector
providers, voluntary welfare and non-profit organisations,
multiple government agencies, patients and their families,
together in a common purpose: providing for the health of
a population.
I encourage clinicians in the Division of Endocrinology
to undertake research not just because they may find a
cure for the key diseases that plague mankind. I believe
that that having research as part of the division helps me
create an environment where creativity and innovation can
thrive, where clinicians can challenge current beliefs, and
be wrong, in the safe environment of the well-controlled
clinical trial or research protocol. Where they can learn
to embrace, or develop, new technologies; handle large

Annals Academy of Medicine

Clinician Scientists in Public HealthcareE Shyong Tai

volumes of data; and acquire the skills they will need to

lead future generations through the transformation that
is coming. Failure to provide this environment not only
fails to develop innovation and creativity in our existing
clinicians, it actually propels the most innovative and
creative of our profession out of the public sector. A close
friend and a mentor in the private sector told me once, E
Shyong, you need to realise that the skills required for a
successful career in research and the skills required for a
really successful career in the private sector are the same.
They are just applied to achieve different ends. If we fail
to provide an environment where creativity and innovation
thrive, then the most innovative clinicians will find other
environments in which to exercise their creativity, in
building their businesses in the private sector; and they
will be extremely successful.
Recruiting and Retaining Clinician Scientists
Having created the right environment, how then, do
we recruit and retain clinician scientists in public sector
healthcare? The provision of funding for salaries and
research funding for clinician scientists at all different levels
(through the National Medical Research Councils Talent
Development Scheme7) is necessary but insufficient. One
thing I have learnt is that clinician scientists are highly
motivated individuals. It is this motivation that allows
them to continue even when their experiments fail, or their
grants do not get funded, or their papers get rejected. This
motivation comes from a sense of higher purpose and I
have become convinced that our ability to recruit and retain
clinician scientists in our public health system is highly
dependent on our ability to give them this sense of purpose.
How do we do that? I believe that many clinician scientists
are physicians first and scientists second. For this reason,
clinician scientists often aspire to excellence in their field
of clinical service, and not just their research. We dont
like being the odd balls in the hospital, traipsing in and
out of the lab, blissfully unaware of what it takes to treat a
real patient. As such, we need to give them opportunities
to shape clinical care and become leaders in their field.
To this end, I have believed for a long time that the very
existence of the term clinician scientist is detrimental to
our ability to attract and retain these highly creative and
motivated people in our healthcare system.
This brings me to my final point, which relates to
convergence. I believe that dividing the practice of medicine
into 3 missions: research, education and clinical service,
and telling clinician scientists that their role is only to
work in one of these areas, is not only artificial, it makes it
less attractive for clinician scientists to stay in the system.

December 2014, Vol. 43 No. 12


There is only one mission: to provide state-of-the-art care

for our patients of today and to reshape the healthcare
system in a way that will provide for the health of our
future generations. To achieve this, we need to give our
patients the best care available (clinical service), develop
new treatments and more effective ways to deliver and fund
healthcare (research), and prepare our medical students and
junior doctors for this role (education). We all need to do
this together, with each of us contributing to each of these
roles in different proportions at different times, depending
on our interests, skills and aspirations. Convergence is also
important for maintaining work-life balance. I often tell
young clinician scientists that the best way to meet their
aspirations, of being excellent clinicians, educators and
researchers, is to seek convergence in what they do. Their
research should be as close to what they do in the clinic as
possible. They should approach their clinical work with
the same scientific discipline as they might a laboratory
experiment, and where they have a novel idea, they should
formulate an experiment and carefully measure and evaluate
the outcomes of any changes that they make. Then they
should write about it and teach it to future generations of
clinicians. In this way, one piece of work can satisfy our
need to do research, provide clinical service and educate
future generations. Its time to bring research, clinical
service and education in medicine together.


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December 2014.

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