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Andal's Thiruppavai Pasuram 28 For Day 28 of Margazhi (Jan 11, 2015 in USA)

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Today's (Jan 11, 2015 in USA) Pasuram 28 is the second of three final
pasurams (starting with yesterday's pasuram 27) where Andal addresses the
Lord as Govindhaa by name. In pasuram 1, the Lord was called NaaraayaNaa
and described as the son of Nandababa Maharaj (Nandagopan kumaran) and
Mother Yashoda (Yashodai iLam chingam), an obvious reference to the
identity of Krishna and NarayaNa who was also referred to as the one who
will bestow ultimate liberation (moksha, or paRai in Andal's Tamil). The same
is being repeated in today's pasuram. She addresses the Lord as Govindhaa,
the name conferred upon the young seven-year old boy (see Canto 10, chapter
26 of Srimad Bhagavatam) Krishna by Indra, after the Govardhana-giri-dhaari
episode where Indra begs for Krishna's forgiveness (See Pasuram 27
discussion in yesterdays post on the meaning of Koodarai vellum seer
Govindhaa. Amazing Indras begging forgiveness is also found in chapter
27 of Canto 10 of Srimad Bhagavatam. Sloka 23 of chapter 27, Canto 10,
states clearly that the name Govinda was conferred during the
coronation of the young-boy Krishna, the last sloka 28 of this chapters
also concludes with the name Govinda for Krishna. Surabhi, the mother
of all the cows offered her prayers to Krishna for saving all the cows who
are her children and begged Krishna to become their king, or Indra, and
said that she wishes to coronate Krishna as the king. She did the
abhishekam for the coronation ceremony by pouring upon Krishna her
own milk, from her udders. Indra then ordered that the waters of all the
holy rivers, starting with Ganga, be poured upon Krishna. The celestial
elephant, white in color with four tusks, poured the water upon Krishna,
see verses. The great sages chanted Vedic mantras at this ceremony. And
all the celestials than rejoiced and sang and danced, verses 22 to 24 of
Canto 10, chapter 27 of Srimad Bhagavatam).

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episode is depicted in this artwork
for pasuram 24, Andal says
kuNDRu (hill) kuDaiyaai (as an
umbrella) eDuththaai (lifted);
guNam poTri (glory to You, praise
be to Your great qualities such as
compassion). The other depiction
is the spear, which Andal says
conquers foes (veNDru) by
destroying their enmity (pagai
kuDukkum). Indra and the
Govardhana-giri-dhari episode is
the perfect example. Although the
Lord is not usually depicted with
sarvapraharaNaayudha (final verse of
VishNu Sahasranamam) and He is
also Skanda (chapter 10, verse 24),
the commander-in-chief of the
armies of the devas, who is always
depicted with the spear, and
worshipped in Tamilnadu.

AnDRu ivvulagam aLandhaai aDi PoTRi

In today's pasuram Andal describes the simple childhood pastimes of the
gopis (females) and gopas (males) who spend their days grazing cattle and
follow them to the forests and share a nice lunch there. It is in the family of
such humble folks that Krishna has chosen to born now. How blessed that
Krishna chose them to be His family! What more do they need? What more
can be spend of their being deserving for the ultimate beautitude - the
granting of moksham itself. Andal makes a very direct plea to the Lord iRaivaa nee thaaraai paRaiyElor embaavaai - please You grant us the paRai
that we all need. She announces that to all the world, paRaiyElor empaavai.
This is the Lord with no wants (kuRai onDrum illaadha). ONLY THE LORD
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Those who think they have no wants are merely deluding themselves like a
popular Tamil song goes that many like to sing. This is my humble opinion and
please do not take offense but think deeply about that song and what Andal is
telling us through this pasuram. Until we have that paRai, we are ALL with
kuRai, wants - KuRai onDrum illai is an illusion and foolishness and indeed an
inappropriate statement. If we keeping singing "kuRai onDRum illai", Krishna
may just decide that we are contented fully and not grant that paRai
(moksham, liberation) that Andal wants for ALL.

No kuRai, No paRai.



VENDuvana kETTiyEl eNDraai

Kurai ONDrum illai eNDrom
Parai tharuyaai eNDRom
Kurai onDRu unDRo enDraai
Ariyaadha piLLaigaLom
Kurai theerppaai eNDrom
KuRai theerppai eNDrom
Kurai OnDrum illaadhaa Govindaa eNDRom

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VENDuvana kETTiyEl eNDraai

Kurai ONDrum illai eNDrom
Parai tharuyaai eNDRom
Kurai onDRu unDRo enDraai
Ariyaadha piLLaigaLom
Kurai theerppaai eNDrom
KuRai theerppai eNDrom
Kurai OnDrum illaadhaa Govindaa eNDRom

Sangath Tamizh maalai muppadhum thappaamE

Ingip parisuraippaar iiriRaNDu maal varaith thoL
kuRaivoNDrum illai enDRu kuRaiyaai thavaththavarai

KuraivoNDrum illaadha GovindhanE kaappan

The Tamil word kuRai used in this pasuram means something that is
wanting, or lacking, a gap or a hole, a deficiency. Govindhaa or KrishNa is
without kuRai (kurai oNDrum illandha), says Andal and then she concludes by
asking for PaRai. Only He can be without wants. We are all wanting as noted in

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the above composition inspired by this study of todays pasuram, which is

translated below.
Krishna said:
We said:
We then said:
Krishna said:
We said:
We said:
We said:
We said:

Ask what you want

KuraivoNDrum illai, we have no wants (kuRai)
Parai tharuvaai, give us paRai (moksha, liberation)
O! you have one kuRai?
Ignorant children that we are
Take away (fill up) our kuRai
Take away (fill up) our kuRai
KuRaivoNDrum illaadha Govindhaa we say.

Those who never miss (thappamE) and never misread the meaning
(thappamE) of the 30 pasurams composed in Sangaththamizh (the Tamil
language prevalent in ancient times, called the Sangam era of Tamils)
Will be blessed here in this world by the four-armed (two and two) Perumal
Even those who have conducted their penances here with the chants of
kuRaivoNDrum illai
That KuraivoNDrum illaadha Govindaa will protect.

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Vamshi vibhooshita karat navaneeradaabhaat

Peetaambaraat aruNabimba phalaadharOshThaat l
PoorNendu sundara mukhaat arvinda netraat
KrishNaat param kimapi tattvam aham na jaanE ll
ll Om Tat Sat ll ll Sarvam Shree KrishNaarpaNam astu ll
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