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Appendix LL - Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns With Prepositions

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Appendix ll - Verbs,Adjectives,
abide by (v)
absentfrom (adj)
abstainfrom (v)
accompaniedby (adj)
accordingto (prep)
account for (v)
accusesb of (v)
accustomedto (adj)
acquaintedwith (adi)
addictedto (adj)
adequatefor (adi)
adjacentto (adj)
advantageof (n) (buc there's an advantage
in - (have)an advantage over sb)
afraid of (adj)
agree to/on sth (v)
agreewith sb (v)
aheadof (prep)
aim at (v)
allergicto (adi)
amazedatlby (adj)
amount to (v)
amusedatlwith (adi)
angD/at what sb does (adi)
angry with sb about sth (adj)
angrywith sb for doing sth (adi)
annoyedwith sb about sth (adi)
(in) answerto (n)
anxiousabout sth (adi)
(be) anxiousfor sth to happen(adj)
apologiseto sb for sth (v)
(make an) appealto sb for sth (n)
apply in writing (v)
applyto sb for sth (v)
approve of (v)
arguewith sb about sth (v)
arrangefor sb to do sth (v)
arrest sb for sth (v)
arrive at (a small place)(v)
arrive in (a town) (v)
ashamedof (adj)
ask about/for(v) (butask sb a question)
assure(sb) of (v)
astonishedatlby (adj)
attachedto (adj)
attack on (n)
arcacksb for sth (v)
attend to (v)
availableto (adj)
(un)awareof (adj)
bad at (adi) (buc He was very bad to me.)
ban sb from sth (v)
baseon (v)
basisfor (n)
beg for (v)
begin bylwith (v)
believein (v)
belongto (v)
benefit from (v)
bet on (v)
beware of (v)


(put the) blameon sb (n)

blame sb for sth (v)
blame sth on sb (v)
boast about/of (v)
bored with/of (adl)
borrow sth from sb (v)
brilliant at (adj)
bump into (v)
busy with (adi)

call atlon (phr v)
capableof (adi)
care about (v)
care for sb (v) (= like)
(take) care of (n)
care for sth (v) (= like to do sth)
carefulabout/oflwith (adj)
carelessabout/with (adi)
causeof (n)
cerain of (adi)
changeinto (v)
characteristicof (n/adj)
chargefor (v)
chargesb with (v)
check for (v)
choice benrveen/of(n)
clever at (adj) (buu lt was very clever of
you to buy it.)
close to (adj)
coax sb into (v)
coincidewith (v)
collaboratewith (v)
collide with (v)
comment on (v)
communicatewith (Y)
comparewith (v) (how peopleand things
are alike and how they are different)
companeto (v) (show the likenessbetween
sb/sthand sb/sthelse)
comparisonbewreen (n)
compete against/for/with(v)
complainof (v) (= suffer from)
complainto sb about sth (v) (= be annoyedat)
complimentsb on (v)
comply with (v)
concealsth from sb (v)
concentrateon (v)
(have)confidencein sb (n)
confident in (adj)
confineto (v)
contusedabout/by (adj)
confusionover (n)
congratulatesb on sth (v)
(n) (bucin connection
consciousof (adj)
connect to/with (v)
consider sb for sth (v)
consist of (v)
contact between (n) (buu in contact with)
content with (adi)
contrary to (adj)
contrast with (v)
contribute to (v)
convert to/into (v)

cope with (v)

correspondto/with (v)
count against(v)
count on sb (phr v)
cover in/with (v)
covered in/with (adi)
crash into (v)
(have)a cravingfor sth (n)
crazy about (adj)
crowded with (adi)
cruel to (adj)
cruelty towards/to (n)
cure for (n)
curiousabout (adj)


damageto (n)
date back to (v)
date from (v)
deal with (v)
dear to (adj)
decreasein (n)
dedicateto (v)
deficientin (adj)
definitionof (n)
delayin (n)
delight in (v)
delightedwirh (adi)
demandfor (n)
demandfrom (v)
depart from (v)
depanurefrom (n)
dependenton (adj)
deputisefor (v)
descendedfrom (adi)
describeas (v)
describesb/sth to sb else (v)
descriptionof (n)
die oflfrom (v)
die in an accident(v)
difrer from (v)
different from (adj)
difficulty in/with (n)
disadvanageof (n) (buttierel a
disadvantage in doingsth)
disagreewith (v)
disappointedwith/about/by (adi)
disapproveof (v)
dischargesb from (v)
discouragedfrom (adj)
disgustedbylat (adj)
dismissfrom (v)
disposeof (v)
from (adj)
dissatisfiedwith (adi)
distinguishbetween (v)
divide between/among(v)
divide into/by (v)
do sth about (v)
doubtful about (adj)
dream about (v)
dream of (v) (= imagine)
dressedin (adj)

Appendix ll - Verbs,Adjectives,

eagerfor (adj)
economiseon (v)
efficientat (adj)
iput) effort into sth (n)
on (n)
to sb/insth (adl)
to sb (n)
about (adl)
enviousof (adj)
equalto (adj)
escapefrom/to (v)
exampleof (n)
excellentat (adj)
exceptionto (n) (make an exception of
sth/sb = treat sth/sbas a soecialcasetake exception to sth = obiect to sth)
exchangesth for sth else (v)
excitedabout (adj)
exclaimat (v)
excusefor (n)
excusesb for (v)
exemptfrom (adj)
expel from (v)
experiencedin/at (adi)
experimenton/with (v)
expert at/in (sth/doingsth) (n) (= person
good at)
expert at/in/on(sth/doingsth) (adj)(= done
with skill or involvingtreat knowledge)
expert with sth (n) (= good at usingsth)
expert on (n) (= personknowledgeable
about a subject)

hce up to (phr v)
&ailin an attempt (v)
.ail to do sth (v)
hilure in (an exam)(n)
hilure to (do sth) (n)
hithful to (adj)
hll in (n)
hmiliar to sb (adj)(= known to sb)
hmiliar with (adj) (= haveknowledgeof)
amous for (adj)
redup with (adj)
ill sth with sth else(v)
inish with (v)
'ire at (v)
rieefrom (v)
'bnd of (adj)
'orget about (v)
'orgive sb for (v)
in (adl)
with/to (adj)
'rightenedof (adj)
tull of (adl)
'uriouswith sb about/atsth (adi)

geniusat (n)
glanceat (v)
glareat (v)
goodat (adj)(but He was very good ro me.)

grateful to sb for sth (adj)

tuess at (v)
guiltyof (adj)(buc he felt guilty about his

happento (v)
harmfulto (adj)
hear about (v) (= be told)
hear from (v) (= receivea letter)
hear of (v) (= learnthat sth or sb exiss)
heir to (n)
hinderfrom (v)
hint to sb about sth (v) (buc hint at sth)
hope for (v)
hope to do sth (v)
(no) hope of (n)
hopelessat (adj)

ideaof (n)
identicalto (adj)
illwith (adi)
impacton (n)
importantto sb (adi)
impressedby/with (adi)
(makean) impressionon sb (n)
improvementin/on (n)
incapableof (adj)
includein (v)
increasein (n)
independentoflfrom (adj)
indifferentto (adj)
indulgein (v)
inferior to (adj)
(be) informedabout (adi)
injectsth into sb/sth(v)
insiston (v)
insteadof (prep)
intelligentat (adj)
intent on (adj)
(haveno) intentionof (n)
interestin (n)
interestedin (adj)
interferewith/in (v)
interpretation of (n)
invasionof (n)
invest in (v)
invitation to (n)
invite sb to (v)
involve in (v)
irritated by (adi)

iealousof (adi)
ioin in (v)
ioke about (v)

knock at/on (v)

know about/of (v)

keen on sth (adj)
keen to do sth (adj)
kind to (adj)
key to (n)
knowledgeof (n)

lackin (v)
lackof (n)
laughat (v)
lead to (v)
lean on/against(v)
learn about/by (v)
leavefor (v) (= headfor)
lend sth to sb (v)
listen to (v)
live on (v)
long for (v)
Iook at (v)
look for (v) (= searchfor)

married to (adi)
marvel at (v)
meanto (adj)
mentionto (v)
mistakesb for (v)
mix with (v)

nameafter (v)
necessaryfor (adi)
needfor (n)
neglectof (n)
nervousabout (adj)
new to (adj)
niceto (adj)
nominatesb (for/as sth) (v)
(take)(no) notice of (n)
notoriousfor doingsth (adi)

obedientto (adi)
object to (v)
objection to (n)
obligedto sb for sth (adi)
obsessedwith (adi)
obviousto (adj)
occur to (v)
operate on (v)
opinionoflon (n)
opposite oflto (n)
optimisticabout sth (adj)

packedwith (adj)
part with (v)
patient with (adi)
pay by (check) (v)
pay for (v) (but pay a bill)
pay in (cash)(v)
peculiarto (adj)
persistin (v) (buc insist on)


Appendix ll - Verbs,Adjectives,

(take a) photographof (n)

pictureof (n)
pity for (n)
take pity on sb (exp)
pleasantto (adj)
pleasedwith (adj)
(take)pleasurein (n)
(havethe) pleasureof (n)
point at/to (v)
(im)politeto (adj)
popularwith (adi)
praisesb for (v)
pray for sth/sb (v)
prefer sth to sth else (v)
(havea) preferencefor (n)
prepare for (v)
presentsb with (v)
prevent sb/sth from (v)
(take)pride in (n)
pride oneselfon sth/on doing (v)
profit from (v)
prohibit sb from doingsth (v)
prone to (adl)
protect againsdfrom(v)
protection from (n)
protest about/at (v)
proud of (adi)
providesb with (v)
provide sth for sb (v)
punishsb for (v)
puzled about/by (adj)


quarrel about sth/with sb (v/n)

qualif as/in (v)
qualifiedfor (adj)
quick at (adi)
quotation from (n)


rave about (v)

react to (v)
reaction to (n)
readyfor (adj)
reasonfor (n)
reasonwith (v)
rebel against(v)
receivefrom (v)
(keep) a record of (n)
recover from (v)
reductionin (n)
refer to (v)
(in/with) referenceto (n)
refrain from (v)
regardas (v)
regardlessof (prep)
related to (adi)
relationshipbetween (n) (bue a
relationship with sb)
relevantto (adj)
rely on (v)
remind sb oflabout (v)
remove from (v)
replacesth with sth else (v)
reply to (n/v)
report on (n/v)
reputation for/of (n)


researchon/into (n)
respectfor (n)
respectedfor (adj)
respondto (v)
for (n)
for (adl)
resultfrom/in (v) (= be the consequence
resultin (v) (= cause)
resultof (n)
resultingfrom (adi)
rhyme with (v)
rich in (adi)
(get) rid of (phr)
rise in (n)
(make)room for (n)
rude to (adj)

safefrom (adj)
sameas (adj)
satisfiedwith/by (adi)
savesb from (v)
savesth for sb (v)
scaredof (adj)
searchfor (v/n)
(be) in searchof (n)
sensibleof sth (adl) (= awareof sth)
sensitiveto (adj)
sentencesb to (v)
separatefrom (v)
seriousabout (adj)
settle for/on (v)
sharein/of sth (n)
shelter from (v)
shockedatlby (adl)
shoot at (v)
shon oflon (adi)
shout at (v)
shy of (adj)
sick of (adl)
sillyto do sth (adi)(but:it was silly of him)
similarto (adj)
at (adj)
slow in/about doing sth/to sth (adj)
smellof (n/v)
smileat (v)
solutionto (n)
sorry about (adl) 1= 1""1sorry for sb) (but:
I'm sorry for doingsth)
speakto/with sb about (v)
in (v)
specialistin (n)
spendmoneyon sth (v)
spendtime in/doingsth (v)
split into/in (v)
spy on (v)
stare at (v)
strainon (n)
study for (v)
subjectto (adj/v)
submitto (v) (bucsubmit sth for publication)
subscribeto (v)
succeedin (v)
suffer from (v)
sufficientfor sth/sb(adi)
suitablefor (adi)
superiorto (adj)

sure oflabout(adj)
surrenderto (v)
surroundedby (adj)
suspectsb of (v)
suspiciousof (adj)
with (v)
take sth to sb/sth (v)
talentfor sth (n)
talk to sb about sth (v)
(have)taste in (n)
taste of (v)
terrible at (adj)
terrified of (adi)
thank sb for (v)
thankfulfor (adj)
think aboudof (v)
threat to sb/sthiof sth (n)
threatensb with sth (v)
throw at (v) (in order to hit)
throw to (v) (in order to catch)
tire of (v)
tired of (adj)(= fed up with)
translatefrom ... into (v)
tread on (v)
trip over (v)
trouble with (n)
typical of (adj)
unawareof (adj)
of (n)
uneasyabout (adj)
upset about/over sth (adi)
(make) use of (n)
usedto (adi)
usefulfor/to (adj)
validfor (lengthof time) (adi)
validin (places)(adi)
value sth at (v)
vote against/for(v)
vouch for (v)

wait for (v)
warn sb againsdabout/of(v)
waste (time/money)on (v)
weak in/at (adj)
wink at (v)
wonder about (v)
work as/in/atsth (v)
worry about (v)
worthy of (adl)
write about (v)
write to sb (v)
wrong about (adj)

Appendix ll - Prepositional


againstthe law
at an advantage
at the age of
at the airport
at an auction
at the beginningof (when sth started) (but:
in the beginning = originally)
at one's best
at breakfast/lunchetc
at the bottom of
at the bus stop
at church
at college
at the corner/on the corner
at all costs
at the crossroads
at dawn
at one's desk
at the door
at ease
at the end (= when sth is finished)(but in
the end = finally;at all evena)
at your exPense
at fault
at first
at first hand
at first sight
at a glance
at hand
at heart
at home
at/in a hotel
at ...milesper hour
at large
at last
at the latest
at least
at the very least
at lenSth
at liberty
at a loss
at the match
at midnight
at the moment
at most
at night
at noon
at once
at peace/war
at a place
at Present
at a profit
at the prospect
at random
ar any rarc
at one's nequest
at the samedme
at school
at sea
at short notice
at (high/full)speed
at/in the station
at sunset

at the table
at the time
at times
at dre top of (buc on top of)
at work
at 23 Mills St
at the weekend

before long
By il
by accident
by all accounts
by appointment
by the arm/hand
by auction
by birth
by bus/train/plane/hel
boat/sea/air/caretc (buc on a/the bus/
plane/train/ship/boat - in a taxi/car/
by chance
by cheque
by correspondence
by daylnight
by degrees
by the dozen
by eye
by hr
by force
by hand
by heart
by inviation
by land/sea/air
by law
by marriage
by meansof
by mistake
by nature
by now
by oneself
by order of
by phone
by mail
by profession
by request
by (the/one's)side
by surprise
by the time
by the way
by oneself
by one's watch


for ages
for breakfast/lunch/dinner
for certain
for a change
for ever
for fear (of)
for fun (= for amusement)
for good
for granted
for hire
for keeps

for instance
for luck
for life
for love
for nothing
for once
for the rest of
for safekeeping
for one's sake
for the sakeof
for sale(= to be sold)
for short
for the time being
for a holiday
for a walk
for a while

from now on
from scratch
lnin action
in additionto (+ ;nt 1o.r,
in advance(of)
in agreement(with/on/ about)
in aid of
in all (= all in all)
in an attempt
in answerto
in an armchair
in bed
in the beginning(= originally)
in blossom
in a book
in brief
in business
in any case
in cash
in the centre of
in charge(of)
in cities
in code
in colour
in comfort
in common
in comparisonwith
in conclusion(to)
in (good/bad)condition
in confidence
in control (of)
in the corner
in the country
in danger
in the dark
in debt
in demand
in detail
(be) in difficulty
in the direction of
in doubt
in a ...dress
in due course
in the end (= finally)
in exchangefor
in existence
in fact


Appendixll - Prepositional
in fashion
in favour of
in flames
in the flesh
in focus
in one'sfree time
in full swing
in the future
in general
in good time
in half
in hand
in haste
in good/badhealth
in hiding
in honour of
in hopesof
in the hospital
in a hotel
in a hurry
in inldpencil/pen
in sb'sinterest
in isolation
in length/widthetc
in all sb'slife
in the limelight
in a line
in the long run
in love (with)
in luxury
in the meantime
In a mess
in the middleof
in a mirror
in moderation
in a moment
in a good/badmood
in the mood
in the morning
in mourning
in nameonly (= not in reality)
in needof
in the news
In a newsPaPer
in the nameof (= on behalfof)
in the nick of time
in the north/south
in a nutshell
in the open
in one'sopinion
in orbit
in other words
In Parn
rn Parrs
in the park
in particular
in the past
In Person
in pieces
in placeof
in politics
in pounds
in practice/theory
in principle
in prison
in private/public
in all probability
In Protress


in question
in reality
in return
in the right/wrong
in a row/rows
in ruins
in safety
in season
in secret
in self-defence
in the shapeof
in short
in sight (of)
in the sky
in silence
in some respecc
in stock
in style
in the streets
in succession
in the suburbs
in the sun/shade
in good/badaste
in tears
in theory
in time
in no time
in touch
in town
in tune (with)
in turn
in two/half
in uniform
In use
in vain
in view of
in a loud/lowvoice
in a way (= in a manner)
in the way
in writing
in a word
in the world
on account of
on a ...afternoon/ evening
on the agenda
on the air
on approval
on arrival
on average
on bail
on balance
on the beach
on behalfof
on one's birthday
on board
on the border
on the bottom
on business
on call
on a campsite(at a campsite)
on the coast
on condition
on the contrary
on credit
on a cruise/excursion/

on (a ...) day
on demand
on a diet
on duty
on earth
on edge
on an expedition
on a farm (buc in a field)
on fire
on the (4th) floor (of)
on the floor
on foot
on the ground
on the one hand
on holiday
on horseback
on impulse
on the lnternet
on an island(buc in the mountains)
on a tourney
on one'sknees
on leave
on the left
on loan
on the market (= available
to the publicl
on one'smind
on that morning
on the move
on NewYear'sDay
on the news
on this/that occasion
on order
on the outskirts
on one's own
on PaSe...
on Parade
on the Pavement
on the phone
on a platform
on principle
on PUrPose
on the radio/Tv
on the right
on sale(= sold at reducedprice) (buc frr *
= to be sold)
on schedule
on the screen
on secondthoughts
on the side
on sight
on the soh
on this street/on the street(s)
on strike
on good/badterms
on time
on toP of
on the trail of
on a triP
on the way (to) (= as I was going)
on the whole
Orrf of
out of breath
out of character
out of condition
out of control
out of danger

Appendixll - Prepositional

out of date
out of debt
out of fashion
out of focus
out of hand
out of luck
out of order
out of the ordinary
out of place
out of practice
out of print
out of the question
out of reach
out of season
out of sight
out of step
out of stock
out of tune
out of turn

out of use
out of work


under arrest
under one's breath
under control
under the control of
under the impression
under orders
under pressure
under repair
under the weather


off the air

off colour
off duty
off limits
off the map
off the point
off the record
off the road
off school/work
off the top of your head




without fail


to some extent
(come)to an end


a. words ending in -sr-ssr-chr-xr -shr.2r-o add .es
b. nouns ending in vowel + o, double o, short forms/
musicalinstruments/pnopernounsendingin -o add -s

-fl-fe ending
nouns ending in -fl-fe drop -fl-fe and add .ves

3 -y ending
a. words ending in consonant+ y drop -y and add -ies,
b. words endingin consonant+ y add -ing
c. words ending in vowel + y add -s, -ed, -ing, -er, -est

-ie ending
words ending in -ie change -ie to -y before -ing

pitch- pitches,
bus- buses,moss- mosses,
mix- mixes,
topoz- topozes,
tomoto- tomotoes,
zoo- zoos
rodeo- rodeos,
igloo- tgloos,
rodio- rodios,piono- pionos

wife- wives,leof- leoves(but:roofs,chefs)

hurry- hurries- hunied,funny- funnier- funniest,

worry- worrying
employ- employs
- emp@ng
- employed

dte- dying

5 dropping-e
a. words ending in -e drop -e and add -ing, -ed, -er, -est

sove- soving- soved(but,be - being)

b. adjectivesending in -e add -ly to form their adverbs
rore- rorely,nice- nicely(buttrue - truly)
c. adjectivesendingin -le changeJe to form their adverbs incredible
- incredibly(but whole- wholly)
d. verbs endingin .ee add -ing
see- seeing

Pronunciation of -(e)s ending (noun plurals and the 3rd percon singular of verbs in the Present Simple)
/s/ after lfl, Itl, lpl, lkl

lul alter lzl, ld1l, ltfil, lsl, U


lzl alter lbl,lg!,lml,ldl,lll,lnl,lvl or any vowel sound


Pronunciation of -ed ending

ltdl after ltl,ldl

Itl after lkl, l!1, lfl, lsl, [], lpl

I d alter lbl, I d3l, I ml, lvl, I gl, lll, I nl, I zl, vowel + I rl



snubbed,nudged,dimmed,ooved, drugged,spilled,

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