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VPMA Foundation Board of Directors Recruitment & Leadership Packet

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The key takeaways are that VPMA Foundation was created to encourage youth leadership and civic engagement. Its mission is to positively impact communities through hands-on volunteer work and grassroots initiatives like Step It Up.

The mission of VPMA Foundation is to positively impact communities locally and nationally by encouraging youth to be civic leaders. Its vision is to surpass this mission through hands-on community service projects and grassroots initiatives.

VPMA Foundation supports the Step It Up initiative, which encourages youth to commit to positive change through acts of respect, education, integrity, communication and service. It also organizes monthly community service projects.

Board of Directors

Recruitment Packet

Table of Contents............................................. Page 2
Words from the Founder.................................. Page 3
VPMA Foundation Overview............................ Page 4
Meet the Executive Director............................. Page 5
Statistical Overview............................ Page 6
Step It Up Initiative. Page 7
Why Join Our Board of Directors... Page 8
What VPMA Board Members Do. Page 9
What Are Board Members Expectations.. Page 10
Why Youve Been Chosen................................ Page 11
VPMA Volunteer Committees.. Page 12
What Volunteers Do... Page 13
What Is The Recruitment Process.. Page 14
2015 Goals At A Glance................................... Page 15
The Step It Up Pledge .................................. Page 16
Donation Confirmation Form.. Page 17

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3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021

Words From The Founder

VPMA Foundation was created in 2009 on the University of North Floridas campus as a
collegiate organization. My sole purpose was to encourage youth to be the voice of
change in their community by becoming hands on civic leaders. Since its creation,
VPMA Foundation has expanded to include a grassroots initiative entitled STEP IT UP.
Since inception VPMA Foundation has been actively giving back to the community. We
have fed the homeless, donated new and slightly used books to Salvation Armys Center
of Hope, performed at various schools and community functions spreading positive
messages, and have made great strides towards surpassing our mission and vision.
In closing, I hope that you will accept the invitation to join us in our efforts of positively
impacting communities not only locally, but nationally. Youre probably thinking a small
act of kindness is not enough. In response, I would like to leave you with a quote by
Marianne Williamson,
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful
beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask
ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are
you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There
is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God
that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light
shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated
from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Remember: Together We Can Make A Difference!

Nadine Robertson
Nadine DJ NOLA Robertson
Founder/Executive Director
Visionary Philanthropic Media Arts Foundation

3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021

VPMA Foundation Overview

Visionary Philanthropic Media Arts Foundation (VPMA Foundation) is proposing a program to mentor at risk
youth in the community utilizing media arts and other aspects within the entertainment business. These goals
shall be achieved in unison with the following educational ad hoc programs:

Education & Scholastic Attainment

Health & Recreational Enhancement
International & Cultural Enrichment
Political Awareness & Activism
Employment & Economic Empowerment
Parental & Family Relationships
& Community Outreach

Mission Statement:
The mission of VPMA Foundation is to educate, empower and employ underserved youth utilizing media arts
to engage them to positively transform themselves, their communities and the world.
Vision Statement:
VPMA Foundation envisions a world where media arts is used as vehicles to organize and empower
communities, build connections between generations, challenge perspectives and create an environment for
critical thinking which is necessary to build a more just and humane society.
1) Service
We elevate service to others above self-interest. We draw on knowledge, values, and skills to help people in
need and to address social problems.
2) Social Justice
We strive to improve social change efforts that focus primarily on issues of poverty, unemployment,
discrimination, and other forms of social injustices. These activities seek to promote sensitivity to and
knowledge about oppression and cultural and ethnic diversity. We strive to ensure access to needed information,
services, and resources; equality of opportunity; and participation in decision making for all people.
3) Dignity and Worth of the Person
We treat each person in a caring and respectful fashion, mindful of individual differences and cultural and
ethnic diversity.
4) Importance of Human Relationships
We understand that relationships between and among people are an important vehicle for change. We engage
people as partners in the helping process. We seek to strengthen relationships among people in a purposeful
effort to promote, restore, maintain, and enhance the well-being of individuals, families, social groups,
organizations, and communities.
5) Integrity
We are continually aware of VPMA Foundations mission, values, ethical principles and ethical standards and
practice in a manner consistent with them. We act honestly and responsibly and promote ethical practices on the
part of the organizations with which they are affiliated.

6) Competence
We continually strive to increase our professional knowledge and skills and to apply them in practice. We aspire
to contribute to the knowledge base of any profession.
3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021

Meet The Executive Director

Nadine DJ NOLA Robertson
Nadine DJ NOLA Robertson is the Founder and Executive Director of
VPMA Foundation. The organization was created as a collegiate club on the
University of North Florida campus in 2009. Robertson has always had a love
for helping others and at the same time needed a vehicle to display her love for
music and the arts. She decided to combine the two and thus Visionary
Philanthropic Media Arts Foundation was formed. At the beginning Robertson
and a few other classmates conducted a few monthly service projects which
included a Christmas Toy Drive, Can Food Drive, Loose Change for Change
Drive, HIV/AIDS Awareness Tabling, and Volunteering time with local
nonprofit organizations including Mali Vai Washington Foundation, Teen
Leaders of America and Imprints of Ashley.
In 2009 Robertson interned with the Duval County State Attorneys Office Juvenile Offender Program. She
was exposed to many caseloads in which she felt teens could utilize mentors to help in better decision making
skills. She begin dwelling deeper into the Social Welfare and Sociological aspects of society and in 2010 she
graduated with a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice and obtained dual minors in both Sociology
and Social Welfare. Upon returning home to New Orleans Robertson set out on a quest to broaden her skills
as a counselor working with at risk youth while also seeking out workshops and spending time in the library
researching everything she could find out about establishing her own 501c3 organization.
In 2010 Robertson revamped a proposal she had written for Duval Countys Department of Healths Jax HipHop 4 HIVAIDS Awareness to include a new grassroots initiative entitled STEP IT UP with a sole purpose
to focus on major aspects surrounding at risk youth utilizing foundational principles she acquired throughout
her sociology and social welfare coursework. In 2012 Robertson landed a job with Boys Hope Girls Hope, a
national organization that provides educational opportunities and stability to motivated, underserved youth
through residential and community-based programs. She began work as a live in Residential Counselor,
mentoring and parenting 6 teenage boys and 4 teenage girls. Within a year, Robertson was promoted to
House Manager overseeing a staff of four. In her two year tenure at Boys Hope Girls Hope BR, Robertson
played an active role in all aspects of the organization i.e. Youth Mentoring, Tutoring, Grant Writing,
Program Development, Event Coordination, Human Resources, Board of Director participation, On Boarding
Staff, and Volunteer Recruitment to name a few. In the same year Robertson acquired a fiscal sponsor Mrs.
Sheryl Denise of Infinity Initiative and since has been on a path to progress her endeavors with the hopes of
opening a physical media arts center of her own.
In 2015 Robertson plans to launch a Youth and Parent Ambassador Program, spearhead the Step It Up School
Tour, release a positive kids coloring and activity book, and embark on her lifes calling of helping others see
that they too can reach their dreams one day at a time if they are persistent enough. Today VPMA Foundation
is alive and wellRobertson is still taking strides to reach her ultimate goalobtaining a physical facility.
3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021

Analyze The Need/Statistical

New Orleans has a high rate of juvenile delinquency and there are few extracurricular activities that are
available in the community that will engage teens. Our nation as a whole are facing major issues in regards to
HIV/AIDS, unemployment, High School dropout rates, and lack of funding for extracurricular activities.
Music and media seems to be the best outlet to reach youth today. VPMA Foundations program offers this as
an outlet in addition to an educational ad hoc curriculum which will touch on teen issues such as conflict
resolution, leadership, and community activism. These resources will allow teens to explore careers, apply for
jobs, intern, and learn about other organizations and/or services that exist within their community.
National Statistics report,

In 2013, the young, blacks, and males were most vulnerable to violent crime:
-- 1 in 12 persons age 12 to 15, compared to 1 in 357 age 65 or more
-- 1 in 24 blacks, compared to 1 in 28 whites
-- 1 in 23 males, compared to 1 in 33 females
(Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice)
Teenagers and young adults were more likely to become victims of violent crime than older persons.
In 2013, about a third of all victims of violent crime were ages 12 to 19 and almost half of all victims
of violence were under age 25. (Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice)
The percent of students reporting street gang presence at school nearly doubled between 1990 and
2013, increasing from 15.3% to 28.4%. (Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice)
In the U.S., 7 in 10 women who had sex before age 14, and 6 in 10 of those who had sex before age 15
report having had sex involuntarily. (

Various studies have concluded that mentoring makes a difference: When kids enjoy a regular, positive
activity with an adult over the course of a year, those kids are 46% less likely to begin using drugs, 27% less
likely to begin using alcohol, and 52% less likely to skip school. This decreases drug-related suspensions,
drug-related crime, and the number of babies born drug-affected.
Children guided by a successful role model are more likely to improve their academic performance, through
better decision-making skills, self-confidence, and sense of belonging. Keep in mind, youth mentors help
children set goals, solve problems, and make good choices. A mentor never takes the place of a parent. A
mentor simply provides a positive role model for the at-risk child. Simple activities such as reading together,
playing games, shooting some hoops, going to museums, and doing homework can mean the world to a young
person eager for guidance.
In closing, youth mentors are desperately needed to provide companionship and guidance to at-risk children.
Family tragedy, divorce, and financial problems can leave a child lonely and longing for adult support. These
children need help with their school work, a listening ear, and unwavering encouragement. Unfortunately,
school teachers in crowded classrooms have little time to give individual attention. This is why Visionary
Philanthropic Media Arts Foundation programs are needed in New Orleans.
3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021


The Problem: The societal ills that confront todays youth are paramount. Statistics show that many of our
youth are dropping out of school, engaging in promiscuous sex, lacking parental support, becoming
aggressive & violent, and engaging in cliques that promote illegal activity i.e. selling drugs & stealing. Our
current educational system alone cannot educate our youth through traditional book knowledge, therefore
many of our youth lack knowledge in regards to non-violence, peer pressure, abstinence, safe sex, and the
importance of obtaining a higher education. There is a need to impact youth on a level that will encourage the
need of knowing that they are not alone in facing many of their everyday issues. In addition, our youth need
to know that there are various organizations and service providers available that are more than willing to
provide the essential resources to encourage them to step it up.
Why Its Important:
Youth today are being forced to deal with exigent circumstances at very young ages. It is important to break
the cycle in educating our youth about topics that they will face or are facing before the wrong decision is
made, thus affecting their life chances in the long run. The choice to help guide youth through the sometimes
awkward developmental stages that accompany the transition into adulthood is paramount in decreasing
statistical data. This event can offer not only academic and career guidance, but also allow youth to physically
see models for leadership, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills. Effective health & prevention skills, can
educate as well as prevent youth from embarking down a delinquent road, that can lead to criminal records or
even death, by providing youth with information about topics that they can utilize in their lives. This initiative
will also encourage attendees to pass the knowledge on, thus we are equipping youth with the knowledge to
help save countless lives, thereby creating a positive impact in the communities in which we live.
Plan of Action:
Understanding the dominant popular culture of youth is critical in prevention. This initiative will consist of a
positive Hip-Hop movement in order to spark a youth driving atmosphere where teens will be comfortable in
embarking on educational resources in awareness and prevention, in regards to non-violence, peer pressure,
making informed decisions, and the importance of obtaining a higher education. This initiative targets youth
who would never access preventative services through traditional community providers or dont seek
information because of stigmas, cultural and community fear and discrimination. It creates a safe environment
to obtain education, awareness, prevention, and treatment services in a youth friendly environment.
Theme: STEP IT UP! And Together We Can Make A Difference!
This initiative is designed to educate our youth about dealing with everyday issues through a collaborative
effort with local community resources, while also stressing the need for youth to step up every aspect of their
life. The event has five primary goals: 1) To spearhead a community effort to educate youth about the
importance of obtaining a higher education. 2) To encourage our youth to make informed decisions about
their life & those that surround them. 3) To be positive community leaders, speaking out against drugs &
violence plaguing our neighborhoods 4) To promote abstinence as a way of preventing the contraction of
HIV/AIDS 5) To encourage the practice of safer sex for those who are sexually active.

3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021

Why Join Our Board of

We need leaders. Whether your commitment is specific to individuals who are deemed at risk, people who can
benefit from mentors or for the overall betterment of your community, we need you. You were likely directed
to this recruitment packet--or you found it yourself--because someone believes you have leadership qualities.
There are many opportunities for you to invest your time, talent and treasure in New Orleans. We hope you
choose VPMA Foundation as the organization in which you dedicate your valuable skills and efforts.
Top Five Reasons to Become a VPMA Foundation Board Member
1. Giving Back. You may have been blessed with a connection to an individual who helped you along
the way while others may not have. Some kids just need a mentor and their families have extra
responsibilities and demands on their lives that you may not. Invest your time where it matters most.
2. Fulfillment. Our youth and their families are extremely appreciative of all we do at VPMA. Nothing is
more fulfilling than serving a population that treats every day as something special.
3. Leadership Development. Transfer your professional skills to the Board of Directors position; but,
more importantly, develop new leadership skills and achievements.
4. Networking. Serve with a dedicated group of professionals and caring individuals. VPMA and the
New Orleans community is always appreciative of your support, and as a member of our organization,
you will have opportunities to interact with other VPMA Foundation members.
5. Help VPMA Foundation Build a Caring Community. Families and individuals who are serviced by
our organization need a world class VPMA Foundation board of directors. A strong board is critical to
building a caring community that will help those within our community have the best possible life.

3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021

What VPMA Board Members Do

VPMA Foundation Board Members:
Represent the membership of VPMA.
Work with VPMA staff to plan the strategic direction of the organization.
Attend monthly Board meetings.
Invest in VPMA through commitment of time (committee meetings) or money (financial contribution).
Serve three year terms.
Assist with planning of social, outreach, fundraising and other events.
Serve as liaison to one of VPMA Chapter Organizations from around the State.

Shared Responsibilities of VPMA Foundation Board Members

Legal/Fiscal Management.
Strategic Planning.
Fund Development and Philanthropy.
Community Outreach and Public Affairs.
Event Planning.

3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021

What Are Board Members

What Will Be Expected of Me?
Board members' contributions come in three areas: time, talent and treasure.

Talent: All board members are expected to dedicate their talent at monthly Board meetings that last
approximately two-three hours.

Board members are also asked to commit either time or treasure (or both) to the organization:

Time: At least five hours of volunteer time per month, including at least three hours in the VPMA
space or virtual office. Volunteer time can be spent either in committee meetings, planning for events,
dedication to special projects or helping with programming.

Treasure: Make or secure a financial contribution of at least $1,000 annually (or whatever you can
contribute within your means prior to the end of the calendar year) to support VPMA's mission and

Board members are also asked to secure at least three other volunteers (friends, family, co-workers) who will
volunteer for the organization in some meaningful way.

Time Commitment a Concern?

Of ultimate importance is Board members' talent. All Board members are expected to dedicate at least two three hours to the regular monthly Board meeting. Beyond that, Board members can make a financial
investment in the organization if they cannot commit more of their time than the two or three hours per month
for Board meetings.

3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021

Why Youve Been Chosen?

Desired Areas of
Our goal is to enhance the fullservice aspect of VPMA, increase
our outreach efforts and events,
enhance the fundraising capacity
of the Board, support the VPMA
staff as operating management
and contribute to the longevity of

At VPMA, we believe in Asset-Based Community

Development. Your skill set--regardless of what it is--can
benefit individuals and their families. If you like to go to movies,
organize a field trip to the movies with a free youth.
If you like to play sports, coach a recreational team. If you have
a passion for politics, help us advocate for our youth in front of
federal, state and local elected officials.
Doubting if you have what it takes to be considered a
leaderYou are a leader either because you sought this
recruitment packet out or because someone has nominated
you by sending this recruitment packet to you. Why you?
Because we need you. Raise your hand for VPMA.

The following skill sets and

expertise are some that are
sought to meet that goal:
Connection to Down syndrome
or an individual with a disability.
Marketing and Communications:
advertising, branding, public
Non-Profit Management:
planning, facilitation.
foundations, endowments.
Any area of expertise that will
achieve our collective goals.

3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021

VPMA Volunteer Committees








Development and
Volunteer Recruitment



VPMA Programs

Family Day In
the Park

Awareness Walk



Holiday Party
Feed the
Back to School

3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021

What VPMA Volunteers Do?

What Do VPMA Committee Members Do?
Utilize skills and services to make New Orleans a better place for youth and their families.
Attend monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly meetings of the committee members.
Assist in planning and execution for your committee.

Time Commitment a Concern?

Two or three hours per month (at most) are what would
be expected of a committee member. As committees
are where most of the execution occurs, time will be
mostly spent at your leisure taking care of assigned

How Can I Learn More About Committee Activities?

Visit our website at and click on Join Our Team
Contact Nadine Robertson at (504)223-4939 or

3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021

What Is the Recruitment







How to Apply.

Send your resume and 500 words on why you want to be part of the VPMA Foundation Board of
Directors to Nadine Robertson at


Visit our website at for more information about VPMA

Contact Nadine Robertson at 504-223-4939 or

Interested in Other Opportunities to Volunteer At VPMA?

View the information on the following pages about other opportunities within our committee structure
and general volunteering or contact our office at (504)223-4939 or

3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021

2015 Goals At A Glance

VPMA Foundation At A Glance

Become Incorporated in 2015

Surpass Our Annual 2015-2016 Budget: Approximately $50,000

Paid Staff: Executive Director, Program Director, Office Manager, Volunteer Coordinator

Generate Funding Sources: Individual membership dues and gifts, fundraising events,
grants, event income

Recruit and Maintain Annual Volunteers: 200 plus

Develop State-wide Chapters (at least one chapter each year)

Increase Participating Members: 1,500 individuals/families statewide

Launch State Wide-Step It Up School Tour & Step It Up Initiative Campaign

Conduct Major Fundraising Events: Community Concert and Non-Violence Awareness Walk

Conduct Social Events: Family Day In the Park, Youth Talent Show, Youth Ambassador Tour
and much more

Conduct Outreach Efforts: Leadership Training Workshops, Community Job Readiness

Workshops, College Prep Workshops, Voter Registration Drive, Back to School Drive, Feed
the Homeless for Thanksgiving Drive, Toys for Christmas, Monthly Community Service

3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021

The Step It Up Pledge

In order to make the community and the world a better place, change must
first start with me. I commit myself as best I can to become a vehicle for
change and agree to Step It Up in the following ways:
To Respect Myself and Others
To respect myself and other people regardless of race, sex, age. religion etc.

To Seek Knowledge
To seek answers to my questions by becoming more educated and putting in the time and effort to make
myself a better person.

To Exemplify Integrity
To lead by example and do whats right even when no one is looking.

To Communicate Better
To share my feelings honestly, to look for safe ways
to talk and act when I'm angry, and to work
at solving problems peacefully.

To Listen
To listen carefully to others who may be better suited than me on specific subjects.

To Forgive
To say I'm sorry and mean it
when I have hurt another person,
to forgive others when they have hurt me,
and to keep from holding grudges.

To Make Better Decisions

To weigh consequences for my actions and have the willpower to make the right decision.

To Give and Share

To give and share no matter how small it may be time or any tangible resource to others
who are in need.

To Be Courageous
To challenge injustices in all its forms whenever I see it,
whether at home, at school or in the community, and
to stand with others who are treated unfairly.

3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021

Donation Confirmation Form

I, the duly authorized undersigned, having carefully read this packet and hereby agree to support
Visionary Philanthropic Media Arts Foundation (VPMA Foundation) by agreeing to make a charitable
donation. In response VPMA Foundation has agreed to take the necessary steps to carry out its mission.
NAME: _________________________________ TITLE: _______________________________
COMPANY: ______________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________
CITY: __________________________STATE:_______________ZIP:_______
PHONE: ________________________FAX:____________________________
E-MAIL:_____________________________________ WEBSITE: _________________________________
PACKAGE CHOICE: _______________________________________
SIGNATURE _______________________________________ DATE _______________________
___Our check is enclosed. __Please invoice me: ____once for the full amount
___50% now or other payment term ________.
If you would like to pay by credit card, please fill out the following:
Company:__________________________ Phone_______________________________
Credit card#_____________________________ Expiration _____________ Sec Code________
Address ______________________ City__________ State _______________ Zip code ________
Signature ____________________ Print Name ________________ Date ________________
To ensure that your company logo is included on the program and all print materials, please return this
form to the following address prior to show air date: Visionary Philanthropic Media Arts Foundation
(VPMA Foundation), 3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058.

3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021



3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021

3904 Catawba Ct. Harvey, LA 70058 Tel 504.223.4939 Fax 504.341.9021

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