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Operation Black Thunder Hidden Truths Of India Site review tribuneindia

Sikh News Site
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Planning for Operation Black Thunder was initiated in early 1988 at

Manesar at Aravali hills, 40kms from Delhi by National Security
Guards (NSG) under patronage of union Home Minister, rather
Ministry of Internal Security. A large model of Sri Darbar Sahib
complex was created; also used for practice were a high school at
Tauru and a college at Nuh in Haryana whose structures resembled
the parikarma of Sri Darbar Sahib. Weekend visits to Sri Darbar
Sahib became a regular feature of the Special Action Group (SAG) of
the NSG. They also started growing their hair for operational
State-sponsored terrorist groups began massive murderous assaults
from December 1987 liquidating families of militants and their
sympathisers. Their homes were put to fire. The units were placed
under the overall charge of Izhar Alam, Senior Superintendent of
Police, Amritsar. Ribeiro had certain reservations and conveniently
went on leave to Bombay. The police made regular announcements

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of ‘recoveries’ of Russian made RPG rockets and Russian surface to

air missiles, earlier imported by RAW (India external intelligence
agency) from Kabul, from all over Punjab. This served as a prelude
to pursuit of new tougher policy.
Free speech was brutally repressed by the Indian government as the
Union Home Ministry gave instructions to media-persons and
journalists at Amritsar to behave or face the consequences. Kuldip
Singh Arora, Amritsar correspondent of United News of India (UNI)
was picked up on April 13, 1988 under the ridiculous National
Security Act for meeting militants inside the Golden Temple, a
serious charge under the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act
(TADA). About 100 other journalists had conducted such interviews
and so Amritsar’s Working Journalists Association clearly
interpreted this as a signal to fall in line and not “write anything that
displeases it (the government)”.
After the 25th April the security forces established themselves on
several rooftop pickets including the one facing the Clock Tower
wherefrom General Sunderji had directed Operation Bluestar. The
security forces had in the last couple of months kept the militants
inside the complex under observation to prevent their escape.
The time for Operation Black Thunder arrived after the debate in
Parliament on Punjab was over in the first week of May.
Despite countless provocations, there was no firing from inside. To
prepare the nation, the state-sponsored terrorists fired on Gadi
Lohars, a nomad tribe celebrating a marriage at Panipat in Haryana
on May 8th killing 13 people. That served the dual purpose of also
keeping Haryana Chief Minister Devi Lal in check. The following day
DIG(CRPF) Sarabdeep Singh Virk chose to take notorious Santokh
Singh Kala, a former militant who was now leading a state-
sponsored terrorist outfit along with him atop the buildings around
the complex. Suffice to say Kala knew exactly how to provoke action

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between the religious militants and the CRPF and set the ball rolling
on behalf of the CRPF.
Rajiv Gandhi tabled eight of eleven meetings regarding Operation
Black Thunder. Home Minister Buta Singh and Minister of State for
Home P. Chidambaram were in support. After the green light was
given Air Force airlifted Special Action Group (SAG) of 1000
commandos of National Security Guards (NSG) and their equipment
to Amritsar on May 11 and 12. Meanwhile exchange of firing had
gone on intermittently. 800 pilgrims had been evacuated on May 10
but recitation of gurbani had stopped.
Jasvir Singh Rode was at Punjabi University, Patiala on May 9 but
rushed back to Amritsar on hearing of firing. On May 11 the local
administration bluffed Rode to take him the following day at 8am to
enter the Temple from Santokhsar Gurdwara to restore rituals.
Precisely at this time security forces started firing. Rode, Savinder
Singh, Jaswant Singh, Kashmira Singh, Bhai Mokham Singh and
Gurdev Singh Koanke, former Acting Jathedar of Akal Takht
alongside 24 others were prevented from proceeding further. After
protests, Rode decided to move ahead despite the firing. Deputy
Commissioner Sarabjit Singh Inspector General (Border) Chaman
Lal and Senior Superintendent Suresh Arora were present. Koanke
told the police ‘You men are liars. It is you who are shooting, not the
militants.’ He was struck with a CRPF rifle butt. Rode and his men
were arrested for violating the curfew. The NSG had prepared itself
and begun Operation Black Thunder.
Half a dozen militants tried to escape during the night but were fired
on yet two escaped. This was followed by a long intense gunfire
exchange between militants and security forces. Two Jaguars flew
near the temple at the time. The security forces took over Guru Ram
Das Serai and ‘neutralised’ two Bungas.
The killing of militants by security forces outside the temple was

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supplemented with selective killing inside by the infiltrators. For

example when of all the people inside Jagir Singh a senior person
who was spokesman of the Panthic Committee came out of room 14
to fetch a pail of water from the holy tank. He was shot in the back
of the head, obviously from inside and lay near the sarovar.
On May 15 in response to an appeal by Inspector General (Border)
Chaman Lal and Deputy Commissioner Sarabjit Singh to surrender,
151 persons including 17 women and children came out with their
hands and weapons in the air. These included Surjit Singh Penta
who had according official documents swallowed cyanide. However
others believe he had been killed by Police. 46 people, mostly
infiltrators then spent 2 or 3 days desecrating the Main Temple of
Sri Darbar Sahib with their excreta & later surrendered to K.P.S. Gill
on May 18.


The Government of India was participating in activities directed at

the violation of human rights in respect of India's Sikh community
(5).The United Nations Human Rights Committee has called the
situation in Punjab "disturbing" and "completely unacceptable." Asia
Watch, in its 138-page report, "Punjab in Crisis", released August 25,
1991, states: "Security forces have engaged in widespread torture and
summary execution of Sikhs." Asia Watch charges that human rights
abuses by the security forces are part of a deliberate government
policy of repression. Nowhere in the world has any government
pursued the kind of genocidal policies against a religious minority as
in India since the Second World War (41). On 10th December, 1984,
the United Nation General Assembly through Resolution 39/46
adopted a new 'Convention against Torture and other Cruel' or
Degrading Punishment which gave teeth to another earlier
declaration by specifically detailing rights to impartial examination
of alleged offenses, punishment of those found guilty, and the right

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to compensation. The Indian government has so far cynically

refused to either sign or ratify this convention (42). Sardar Simranjit
Singh Mann, Indian Police Service, Deputy Inspector General of
Police, resigned in June 1984 in protest of Operation Bluestar. He
told the President of India and rest of the world the whole story
about war operations against the Sikh homeland, Punjab. He wrote
in his resignation letter to the President of India that at least 30,000
innocent pilgrims (infants, children, youth, elderly men and women)
died in the bloody battle (4-6th June). For telling the truth, he was
imprisoned in jail far from his place of residence. His relatives were
harassed and not allowed to visit him. Inhumane and humiliating
treatment was accorded tohim by the Indian government (1).


Since the genocide of Sikhs in 1984 in the Sikh homeland hundreds

of thousands of Sikhs have been imprisoned without trial and
without proof of any crime committed (jails in Rajasthan, Punjab
and other states; 43).


Caches of arms, including rockets, are smuggled into India from

Pakistan - not by terrorists but by the Indian secret services. The
Sunday Observer (24th April, 1988) has discovered that the Research
and Analysis Wing (RAW), India's external intelligence outfit, has
been receiving a secret consignment of arms. India's cabinet
secretary, to whom Raw is supposed to report, could not explain the
incident (44). Analysis of the political situation of India reveals that
repeated attacks on the sacred Sikh institution, whether religious,
educational, cultural or socio-political, point to one direction: the

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highly visible minority of the Sikhs has no place in India. The

ulterior motives of the Russian backed Indian regime indicate
further that the Indian administration is out to destroy the precious
heritage of the Sikhs. Furthermore, this situation is in accordance
with an earlier analysis that if one tries to "kill the language, kill the
culture and kill the literature", ultimately one succeeds in destroying
a community (12).


Without institutions, especially sacred religious institutions, no

community can advance, let alone survive; Sikhs are no exception to
this rule (45). The Thakur Commission Report on its investigation
into the assassination of Indira Gandhi, was deliberately suppressed
until after two Sikhs, Satwant Singh and Kehar Singh, were hanged
for their alleged part in the assassination. Kehar Singh was convicted
and hanged on the flimsiest of possible evidence despite pleas of
national and international lawyers of the highest repute such as
Lord Gilford and lawyers for the highly respected human rights
organization, Amnesty International. Kehar Singh's only crime was
that he was an initiated Sikh and an uncle of Beant Singh who had
been murdered while in captivity (46). Observing that not a single
Hindu has been detained under the draconianlaws introduced in the
state of Punjab, the report goes on to ask: "Is there one law for the
minorities another for the Hindu majority? Can a Hindu never be a
militant, terrorist, or secessionist under Indian law? Is the mass
murder of Sikhs, rape of Sikh women and pillage of Sikh properties
in the post-Indira Gandhi assassination riots to remain unpunished
under India's secular laws? The report has cited the "Justice Sodhi
report" of February 1989 which observes that during Mr S. S. Ray's
regime, many of 780 under trials in the high security central jail at
Amritsar had, before their formal arrest, been illegally detained by

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the police for multiple weeks, tortured and robbed for their
possessions. Several also alleged that they had been falsely
implicated (47). Max Madden, a British Member of Parliament,
investigating the human rights violations, reported that the forces of
law and order are pitched against freedom fighters; state violence
and repression had alienated many Sikhs and Hindus in Punjab,
while provoking widespread violence and terror. "I shall never forget
the Sikh father whose 14-year-old daughter was raped and drowned
by a police officer. The father was brutally beaten by police three
times over two days" (48).


Terry Dicks, another British Member of Parliament, reporting on the

status of Sikhs in India (Human Rights debated in the House of
Commons, 29 November, 1991), cited the rape of young women, the
beating of old men and the number of young boys, to say nothing of
the imprisonment without trial of many thousands of innocent
people, has been going on since 1984 and continues unabated.
Indian security forces are killing hundreds of innocent Sikhs in fake
encounters and there is evidence that those forces have swept
through villages in Punjab intent on nothing less than widespread
slaughter. All those activities are taking place under the umbrella of
President's rule, which in effect means direct rule from Delhi. The
New Delhi regime gives security forces the unfettered power to take
whatever action they wish against people living in the state ofPunjab
(49). In an address to members of an International convention, Mr
Dicks told delegates in Canada to lobby for an end to economic aid to
India, a break of diplomatic relations with that country, and a United
Nations investigation of "India's abuse of human rights" (50).

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Dr H. S. Shergill, in his composition, 'Main han dharat Punjab di',

states that hardly any family was spared in Punjab from human
rights infringement. Mothers, sisters and brothers will never again
see their dear ones again who have been taken to the 'interrogation
centres', that are better characterized as the "butcher houses" of
Punjab. The grounds used to cremate these victims give the false
impression of being calm and peaceful, but they are demanding an
end to these ruthless, brutal slayings and an end to human rights
violations all over India. Even the waters of Punjab's rivers and
canals are riddled with the blood of the innocent. Still,
Narsimhanrao and his administration claim that their conscience is
clear and their hands are clean (51).


Derek Lee, one of the three members of the Canadian House of

Commons, who visited Punjab in 1992, said that he talked to a young
Sikh father who pleaded unsuccessfully with an Indian court
requesting that his young son, not be handed over to police in
Punjab. A few days later, the boy, who had been handed over to the
police in Punjab, was found dead. This murder was made to look like
a traffic fatality (52). In a press release, the Council of Khalistan
informed that the "staged surrender of Bhai Kanwar Singh Dhami, a
freedom fighter, back fired before the newsmedia." Bhai Dhami said,
in the presence of news media that Senior Superintendent of Police,
Ajit Singh Sandhu threatened him with death if he did not touch the
feet of Mr Gill, Police Chief of Punjab. Policeofficer Sandhu had
boasted to Dhami that he had killed over 500 persons over the span
of his career. With this surrender drama going away, the much
battered image of the Punjab police has received yet another blow. It

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has also proved once again that allegations of illegal detention and
custodial deaths against the police are not just a figment of the
imagination (53).


The Indian government murdered unborn childs by torturing

pregnant mothers. The unborn child of Sikh leader, Kulbir Kaur
Dhami was killed recently after she and her husband were brutally
beaten and tortured by Indian security forces. Dr Gurmit Singh
Aulakh, President, Council of Khalistan, said that "events like the
murder of Kulbir Kaur's unborn child show the whole world clearly
that 'the world's largest democracy' is really a tyranny willing to
commit any act of brutality or terrorism to maintain its occupation
of the Sikh nation, Khalistan." People do not willingly live under
tyranny. Dr Aulakh in a message to the Sikh nation said: unify under
the banner of Khalistan, raise the slogan of 'India Quit Khalistan',
and boycott elections under the Indian constitution. Khalsa ji, mark
my words, by April 13, 1999, the 300th anniversary of the birth of the
Khalsa Panth, our Nishan sahib will fly high in a free and sovereign
Khalistan! Even the House of Representatives member, the Hon.
Dan Burton, in recognizing the birthday of the 295th birthday of the
Sikh nation on 13th April, predicted that by its 300th birthday in
1999, Khalistan will be free (55) The Sikh leaders of Punjab
presented a memorandum on 21st February, 1994, to the United
States Embassy in New Delhi, applauding President Clinton's
support of 27th December, 1994, for Sikh rights. Hindu intentions
were exposed, when, after occupying the Sikh shrines in June, 1984,
all the archives, museums, national records were burnt to ashes. It
included the Sikh Reference Library which preserved the most
precious documents written even by the Sikh Gurus, the records of
the Akali Party and the SGPC. The intentional burning of the nationa

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archives was a repetition of the Stalinist acts. On October 31, 1984,

Indira Gandhi fell victim to a well planned, complex, political
conspiracy. Rajiv Gandhi, his wife Sonia, and other key people in
Prime Minister's inner circle are alleged to have hatched and
implemented this sinister conspiracy. Two Sikh guards were blamed
for Mrs Gandhi's political assassination and one of whom was shot
and killed after having been disarmed and taken into custody by
other security personnel. Other Sikhs were subsequently implicated
after years of mock trials and legal drama, two Sikhs were hanged to
death on January 6, 1989 (1,56).

Since 1984 the genocide of the Sikhs is on-going. Killings in fake

encounters daily are a common-place. The dead bodies of Sikhs are
not handed over to their families, apparently in order to avoid the
trace of inhumane torture of the Sikhs by the Indian police,
paramilitary and army personnel.


International human rights organizations are banned from entering

the Sikh homeland. In spite of this, international human rights
agencies have exposed the persecution of Sikhs in India. In another
clear message that India's state terrorism is not an internal affair, 29
members of the United States Congress wrote to President Clinton
on 11th February, 1994, "to cut all developmental aid to India, until
the Indian government permits Amnesty International to investigate
human rights violations in Punjab, Khalistan" (57).



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The persecution of Sikhs has been highlighted by Amnesty

International, Asia Watch and the other human rights'
organizations. The international community has, understandably,
taken notice. Since 1984 more than 250,000 Sikhs have been killed
and the onslaught continues. The killers of Sikhs are offered berths
in the central and state cabinets of India. In finding amicable,
honorable, dignified and permanent solutions, the authors strongly
believe in the following solution presented, on 5th January, 1994, to
the Secretary General of the United Nations in a letter to seek his
immediate attention and personal intervention in the deteriorating
condition of the Sikhs in their own homeland (Punjab-Khalsastan)
due to brutal killings, staged encounters, rapes, humiliation,
oppression, persecution, prosecution, rampage and looting by the
Indian armed forces (Indian army, paramilitary police and
intelligence corps) and Punjab's present administration of Beant
Singh, a Congress (I) puppet of the New Delhi administration,
imposed by Narsimhanrao administration with the endorsement of
merely 7% of the total electoral votes.


Innocent women and children have fallen victims to brutal Indian

armed forces which completely disregard human rights. The Sikh
political leader, Sardar Simranjit Singh Mann, himself a victim of
post-1984 situation of Punjab (1), created by the Indira Gandhi,
Rajiv Gandhi, V. P. Sinh, Chandershekhar, and Narsimhanrao
administrations, has repeatedly been denied a passport to travel
abroad, preventing him from providing first-hand information to
world leaders, the international Sikh community and international
newsmedia with regard to issues concerning his people within and
outside of Punjab (58). The cultural, political, economical and

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physical asphyxiation of the Sikh nation is being executed in

systematic manner at the direction of the New Delhi
administrations. As a result of these atrocities and consequential
disintegration of the Sikh homeland, Punjab - Khalsa Stan, 24
Congressmen of the United States of America made a strong plea
(17th November, 1993) to the Hon William J Clinton, President of
the United States, to "assume an active diplomatic role in the
Khalistan crisis" and use his good office to persuade theIndian
government to arrange for a plebiscite for self-determination for
Sikhs in Punjab, Khalsastan, like the one held recently in Puerto
Rico, where Puerto Ricans voted overwhelmingly to stay with the
United States. The following is the outline to the above mentioned
plebiscite for self-determination: It is strongly urged, Sir, to avoid
further loss of life and dignity, and in order to find a peaceful and
amicable solution for the chronic Sikh problem of Punjab, that the
following steps be taken under your directions:


1. All Indian armed forces and agencies (intelligence and otherwise,

exceeding 500,000 in number) be immediately withdrawn from
Punjab 2. All Sikhs detained under draconian laws of Indian
parliament be unconditionally released from jails. 3. The United
Nations' forces or teams be sent to Punjab to take control of law and
order situation until the plebiscite or self-determination vote is held
(under the auspices of the U. N.) 4. Sardar Simranjit Singh Mann,
President of the Shromani Akali Dal (the political party of Sikhs) be
issued at the United Nations' passport, so that he could hold talks,
discussions and consultations with yourself, international
dignitaries, international news media and the international Sikh
community 5. Dr Sohan Singh (80-year-old), a medical specialist and
retired administrator, leader of the Panthic Committee of Sikhs, and

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Afghan national, whom the Indian intelligence took in custody from

Nepal in November 1993 and remains imprisoned in India in an
interrogation centre, more commonly known as "butcher Centre", be
freed immediately so that he may get much needed medical
treatment for his ailing health in the United States (59). In addition,
Dr Singh could meet with the international news media to describe
the treatment received from Indian administration and its armed
forces during his detention. 6. The Indian government must bear the
cost of all United Nations' operations (maintenance of law and order,
civil and defense administration, etc.) until the "self-determination"
vote is held in Punjab-Khalsastan). 7. All areas of Punjab separated
after 15th August, 1947 and other Punjabi-speaking be returned to
the Sikh homeland. 8. Indian government must compensate the Sikh
homeland and its nationals for all damages deliberately incurred
during the Operation Bluestar of 1984, 30th October-November
1984, mund, woodrose, black thunder, Red Star, Night Domination,
Final Assault, Healing Touch and Chase operations (60), man-made
floods of 1989 and 1993, and maintaining armed forces in the Sikh
homeland (Punjab or Khalasatan) since 1984 against the wishes of
the Sikhs. 9. Amritsar airport be opened to international air traffic,
so that foreign nationals can be directly transported to region of
concern without the enterference of authority, custom, immigration
and personnel. 10. The present chief minister, Beant Singh, police
chief K. P. Gill, former Police Chief J. F. Reibero, former governor of
Punjab S. S. Ray, S.D. Sharma and their several associates who aided
in committing humanrights violations, brutal atrocities, heinous
crimes against humanity be tried before an international panel
jurists.11. Until India refrains from committing human rights
violations and permits Amnesty International, Asia Watch and other
international humanrights watch-dog agencies to assess those
violations, all United Nationsaid must be suspended The authors
sincerely hope that the above points will aid in the creationof an
environment for international peace and it may even, as we perceive,

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avoid the greatest tragedy of this century (61 Sir Mohammed Iqbal, a
great poet, philosopher and a native of Kashmir had extensively
studied the major religions, their philosophies and concluded that
those faiths were eradicated which did not have state support or
were not protected by their followers. Dr Iqbal's hint was clearly to
Buddhism, which originated in India. The moment Ashoka gave up
state protection, it lost its roots in India and was swallowed up by
external pressure. He states further that I have studied another faith
critically which started with recitation and combination of the
musical instrument of Mardana, Guru Nanak's disciple, and Guru
Nanak's composition. It flourished despite all odds and adversaries
of times because successors of Guru Nanak and his followers have
been taught that nothing is above truth, "truth is high, still higher is
truthful living", and truth must be protected. Truth is truth
regardless of the followers. This is the primary reason for which the
Sikh faith has stood firm despite persecution, prosecution, tortures
and atrocities (62).


As late Abraham Lincoln (1884), President of the United States of

America had said, "no man is good enough to govern another
without that other's consent", the morally and ethically bankrupt
New Delhi administrations, with a history full of betrayals, human
rights violations, oppression, persecution, genocide and annihilation
of non-Hindu and non-brahmin ethnic communities have no right to
govern the Sikh homeland. The Sikhs have to struggle much harder
to regain their lost sovereignty and without it this community has no
future. According to Max Arthur Macauliff (The Sikh Religion, 1903,
Vol 1, p. lvii), "It (Hinduism) is like the boa constrictor of the Indian
forests. When a petty enemy appears to worry it, it winds round its
opponent, crushes it in its folds, and finally causes it to disappear in

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its capacious interior................. Hinduism has embraced Sikhism in

its folds; the still comparatively young religion is making a vigorous
struggle for life, but its ultimate destruction is, it is apprehended,
inevitable without State support."



The authors would like to convey their sincere thanks to Miss A. T.

Kerr and others who assisted us with their comments, criticisms and
suggestions on the work presented herein.



1 Dilgeer HS and Sekhon AS 1992 The Sikhs' Struggle for

Sovereignty: An Historical Perspective. (Ed) A. T. Kerr. The Sikh

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Educational Trust,Box 60246, University of Alberta Postal Outlet,

Edmonton, Alberta


T6G 2S5, Canada

2 Sekhon AS 1993 The Khalsa Panth and Granth : Internal and

External Threats The Sword, Spring/Summer, 13 :6-8.


3. Dilgeer 1980 The Akal Takht. Punjabi Book Company, Jullundur,

Punjab 4 Sekhon 1991 The Akal Takht Sahib: Its his history and role
in Sikh polity. The Sikh Spectrum 2: 11-12 5. Mirza SH, Hasnat SF,
Mahmood S 1985. The Sikh Question? From constitutional demands
to armed conflict. Centre for South Asian Studies, University of the
Panjab, New Campus Lahore, Pakistan. 6. End Indian Tyranny in
Khalistan: Support freedom for the Sikh homeland, Council of
Khalistan, Washington D, C., April, 1994. 7. Rao R 1989. Dalit Voice,
December 1-15 8. Dilgeer HS 1989 Origins of anti-Sikh policy during
the Nehru dynasty. The Sword 8 (fall/winter): 8-9. 9. Editorial,
Tanashahi da Nanga Nach. Gurdwara Gazette 64 (11):7-9, 1993 10.
Singh N 1994 Beadabi. Sant Sipahi 49 (4): 10. 11. Sekhon AS 1990
What alternative do the Sikhs have? The Sword


(fall/winter) 8: 17-21.

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12. Gill PS 1975 Sikh Heritage, p. 240. New Academic Publishing Co

Jullundhar, Punjab 13. Gill GS 1994 Manuvadi punjabi boli nu vi kha
riha hai Sant Sipahi 49(4): 47-49 14. Shergill GS 1993. Vibhachar da
soma, brahminvadi samaj. Sant-Sipahi 48 (3) :33-35. 15. Charhdi
Kala, 21-28 July, 1993. 16. Charhdi Kala, 29 July-4th August, 1993.
17. Gill GS 1994 Sikh sant jan manmatiye sadh? Sant Sipahi 49(2):
27-30. 18. World Sikh News, August 30, 1991. 19. World Sikh News,
8th April, 1994. 20. Mayavati, General Secretary, Bahujan Samaj
Party, Press InterviewGandhi Manuvadi si 1994 Sant Sipahi 49 (4):
46. 21.Singh B 1994 Sant samaj ki brahmani mukhdhara? Sant Sipahi
49 (2) : 19-21. 22. Khalsa ji suchet ho jao, Tasvir pooja (editorial)
1994 Sant Sipahi


49(2): 24

23. Sekhon AS 1993 The Granth and Panth:: Internal and External
Threats The Sword, Spring/Summer, 13: 6-8. 24. World Sikh News,
16th July, 1993 25. New Yorker, 29 March, 1993 26. Charhdi Kala,
7th April, 199327. Chahrdi Kala 5th March, 1992. 28. Singh L 1992 Ki
Sri Guru Arjan Dev ji Vishnu bhagat sun? Sant Sipahi


47(4):35-37. 29. Sekhon AS 1993 A tragedy answer

sought! Air India Flight 182 of 22nd June, 1985. The Sword,
Spring/Summer, 13:12-13. 30. Kilgour D 1989 Who killed Air India
Flight 182? How long will the Sikhs have to bear the blame? The
Sword, Fall/Winter, 6:22 and 23. 31. Kashmeri Z, McAndrew B 1989
Soft Target. James Lorimer Press, Toronto Ontario 32. World Sikh

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News, 3rd August, 1990 33. Dilgeer HS 1989 White paper on the Sikh
nation. World Sikh News, 10th


March. 34. Dilgeer HS 1993 White paper on the Sikh nation. Revised
by A. S. Sekhon. The Sikhs: Past and Present 3(1):38-41. 35. Chawla
LK: World Sikh News, 4th March, 1994 36. Baserke A 1994 Unholy
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AS 1992 Major schools of Sikh studies. The Sword (fall/winter) 12:
30-34 38. Singh B 1993 Bachiter Natak Guru Gobind Singh ji di
rachana hai. Sant Sipahi 48(12):37-39 39. Singh B 1994 Panth maru
khatarnak rujhan. Sant Sipahi 49(4):41-43. 40. Dilgeer HS, Takhar
SS, Sekhon HS. 1989. Is India really a world power? The Sword,
Fall/Winter, 6: 10-11 41. Singh P. 1991. Khalistan The Only Solution.
The Bleeding Punjab, U. S Edition, p. 222.42. Persecution of Sikhs in
India. 2. Some reports concerning deaths in police custody allegedly
as a result of torture or shooting during 1985. Amnesty International
Report 1985 (Abridged). The Sikh Messenger, Summer 1986, p.
28-3143. Sekhon AS Persecution of Sikhs in India. An open letter to
Rajiv Gandhi: Prime Minister of India. The Sikh Messenger,
Summer 87, p.27-29 44. Extraordinary attempt to malign Sikhs. The
Sikh Messenger Spring/Summer 88, p.26-27. 45. Sekhon AS 1988.
India's destruction of the Sikh institutions and heritage. The Sikh
Messenger, Autumn/Winter'88, p.28-29. 46. Pendry V 1989.
Persecution of Sikhs in India. Where the guilty are protected by the
government. The Sikh Messenger, Fall/Winter'89, p.27-28). 47. The
Sikh Messenger, Spring/Summer 1990, p. 26-27. 48. House of
Commons Official Report 22 March, 1990. The Sikh Messenger,
Spring/Summer 1990, p. 28-30. 49. The Sikh Messenger,
Autumn/Winter'91, p.29-34. 50. The Edmonton Journal, 1st
November, 1993. 51. Sekhon AS 1992. Narsimhanrao's conscience is

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clear, and hands are clean. The Sword, Spring/Summer, 11:42-48 52.
The Sword, Spring/Summer, 11: 6-8, 1992. 53. Nayak RV, India
Today of April 30, 1994. 54. Press release, Council of Khalista,
Washington, D. C. Indian government murders unborn child by
torturing pregnant mother. 55. Congessional Record, 103rd
Congress, Second Session, Washington Tuesday, April 12, 1994. 56.
Sekhon AS 1989 The Sikhs: Terrorists, Patriots or Victims of
Polluted politics and India's State Terrorism? The Sword
(Fall/Winter) 6: 23-25. 57. Press release Council Khalistan,
Washington, D. C.; The Sikhs: Past and Present 1993 Vol 3, Nos. 1 &


58. Sekhon AS 1993 The tale of Punjab and Kashmir under Indian
military occupation The Sword, Spring/Summer, 13: 22-24. 59.
World Sikh News, 24th December, 1993. 60. Chahrdi Kala, July
29-4th August, 1993. 61. Sekhon AS1994; Dr Sekhon seeks the
United Nations intervention Suppression of the Sikhs in their
homeland, Punjab (Khalsa Stan) by Indian regime and its armed
forces. The Sikhs: Past and Present 3 (2) : 25-26. 62. Sekhon AS,
Dilgeer HS 1992 Sikhs, Khalistan, and the global community The
Sword, Spring/Summer, 11: 11-13.

PO ST E D BY W IN DO W S F IT T ER A T 1 1 : 1 1 PM


Sunil Khatri said...

Oh my God, I never knew these hidden facts.

7 : 2 7 PM

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