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Sample Definition: A Sample Is A Group of Units Selected From A Larger Group (The

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Sample Definition: A sample is a group of units selected from a larger group (the
population). By studying the sample it is hoped to draw valid conclusions about the larger group.
There are several alternative ways of taking a sample. The major alternative sampling
plans may be grouped into 1. Probability Techniques and 2. Non-Probability Techniques. In
probability sampling every element in the population has a known nonzero probability of
selection. The simple random is the best known probability sample, in which each member of the
population has an equal probability of being selected. Probability sampling designs are used
when the representativeness of the sample is of importance in the interest of wider
generalizability. When time or other factors, rather than generalizability, become critical, nonprobability sampling is generally used.
In non-probability sampling the probability of any particular element of the population
being chosen is unknown. The selection of units in non-probability sampling is quite arbitrary, as
researchers rely heavily on personal judgment. It should be noted that there are no appropriate
statistical techniques for measuring random sampling error from a non-probability sample. Thus
projecting the data beyond the sample is statistically inappropriate. Nevertheless, there are
occasions when non-probability samples are best suited for the researchers purpose.

Probability Sampling Probability sampling is a sampling technique wherein the

samples are gathered in a process that gives all the individuals in the population equal chances of
being selected. In this sampling technique, the researcher must guarantee that every individual
has an equal opportunity for selection and this can be achieved if the researcher utilizes
randomization. The advantage of using a random sample is the absence of both systematic and
sampling bias. If random selection was done properly, the sample is therefore representative of
the entire population.
The effect of this is a minimal or absent systematic bias which is the difference between
the results from the sample and the results from the population. Sampling bias is also eliminated
since the subjects are randomly chosen.

Types of Probability Sampling


Simple Random Sampling.

Simple random sampling is the easiest form of

probability sampling. All the researcher needs to do is assure that all the members of the
population are included in the list and then randomly select the desired number of subjects.
There are a lot of methods to do this. It can be as mechanical as picking strips of paper with
names written on it from a hat while the researcher is blindfolded or it can be as easy as using a
computer software to do the random selection for you.


Stratified Random Sampling.

Stratified random sampling is also known as

proportional random sampling. This is a probability sampling technique wherein the subjects
are initially grouped into different classifications such as age, socioeconomic status or gender.
Then, the researcher randomly selects the final list of subjects from the different strata. It is
important to note that all the strata must have no overlaps. Researchers usually use stratified
random sampling if they want to study a particular subgroup within the population. It is also
preferred over the simple random sampling because it warrants more precise statistical


Systematic Random Sampling. Systematic random sampling can be likened to

an arithmetic progression wherein the difference between any two consecutive numbers is the
same. Say for example you are in a clinic and you have 100 patients.

The first thing you do is pick an integer that is less than the total number of the
population; this will be your first subject e.g. (3).

Select another integer which will be the number of individuals between subjects e.g. (5).

You subjects will be patients 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, and so on.


Cluster Random Sampling.

Cluster random sampling is done when simple

random sampling is almost impossible because of the size of the population. Just imagine doing
a simple random sampling when the population in question is the entire population of Asia.

In cluster sampling, the research first identifies boundaries, in case of our example; it can
be countries within Asia.

The researcher randomly selects a number of identified areas. It is important that all areas
(countries) within the population be given equal chances of being selected.

The researcher can either include all the individuals within the selected areas or he can
randomly select subjects from the identified areas.


Mixed/Multi-Stage Random Sampling.

This probability sampling technique

involves a combination of two or more sampling techniques enumerated above. In most of the
complex researches done in the field or in the lab, it is not suited to use just a single type of
probability sampling.
Types of non-probability sampling:
In non-probability sampling designs, the elements in the population do not have any probabilities
attached to their being chosen as sample subjects. This means that the findings from the study of
the sample cannot be confidently generalized to the population. However the researchers may at
times be less concerned about generalisability than obtaining some preliminary information in a
quick and inexpensive way. Sometimes non-probability could be the only way to collect the data.

Convenience Sampling.

Convenience sampling (also called haphazard or

accidental sampling) refers to sampling by obtaining units or people who are most conveniently
available. For example, it may be convenient and economical to sample employees in companies
in a nearby area, sample from a pool of friends and neighbors. The person-on-the street interview
conducted by TV programs is another example. TV interviewers go on the street with camera
and microphone to talk to few people who are convenient to interview. The people walking past
a TV studio in the middle of the day do not represent everyone (homemakers, people in the rural
areas). Likewise, TV interviewers select people who look normal to them and avoid people
who are unattractive, poor, very old, or inarticulate. Another example of haphazard sample is that
of a newspaper that asks the readers to clip a questionnaire from the paper and mail it in. Not
everyone reads the newspaper, has an interest in the topic, or will take the time to cut out the
questionnaire, and mail it. Some will , and the number who do so may seem large, but the sample
cannot be used to generalize accurately to the population. Convenience samples are least reliable
but normally the cheapest and easiest to conduct. Convenience sampling is most often used

during the exploratory phase of a research project and is perhaps the best way of getting some
basic information quickly and efficiently. Often such sample is taken to test ideas or even to gain
ideas about a subject of interest.

Purposive Sampling.

Depending upon the type of topic, the researcher lays

down the criteria for the subjects to be included in the sample. Whoever meets that criteria could
be selected in the sample. The researcher might select such cases or might provide the criteria to
somebody else and leave it to his/her judgment for the actual selection of the subjects. That is
why such a sample is also called as judgmental or expert opinion sample. For example a
researcher is interested in studying students who are enrolled in a course on research methods,
are highly regular, are frequent participants in the class discussions, and often come with new
ideas. The criteria has been laid down, the researcher may do this job himself/herself, or may ask
the teacher of this class to select the students by using the said criteria. In the latter situation we
are leaving it to the judgment of the teacher to select the subjects. Similarly we can give some
criteria to the fieldworkers and leave it to their judgment to select the subjects accordingly. In a
study of working women the researcher may lay down the criteria like: the lady is married, has
two children, one of her child is school going age, and is living in nuclear family.

Quota Sampling. A sampling procedure that ensures that certain characteristics

of a population sample will be represented to the exact extent that the researcher desires. In this
case the researcher first identifies relevant categories of people (e.g. male and female; or under
age 30, ages 30 to 60, over 60, etc) then decides how many to get in each category. Thus the
number of people in various categories of sample is fixed. For example the researcher decides to
select 5 males and 5 females under age 30, 10 males and 10 females aged 30 to 60, and 5 males
and 5 females over age 60 for a 40 person sample. This is quota sampling. Once the quota has
been fixed then the researcher may use convenience sampling. The convenience sampling may
introduce bias. For example, the field worker might select the individual according to his/her
liking, who can easily be contacted, willing to be interviewed, and belong to middle class. Quota
sampling can be considered as a form of proportionate stratified sampling, in which a
predetermined proportion of people are sampled from different groups, but on a convenience
basis. Speed of data collection, lower costs, and convenience are the major advantages of quota
sampling compared to probability sampling. Quota sampling becomes necessary when a subset
of a population is underrepresented, and may not get any representation if equal opportunity is

provided to each. Although there are many problems with quota sampling, careful supervision of
the data collection may provide a representative sample of the various subgroups within the

Snowball Sampling. Snowball sampling (also called network, chain referral, or

reputational sampling) is a method for identifying and sampling (or selecting) cases in the
network. It is based on an analogy to a snowball, which begins small but becomes larger as it is
rolled on wet snow and picks up additional snow. It begins with one or a few people or cases
and spreads out on the basis of links to the initial cases. This design has been found quite useful
where respondents are difficult to identify and are best located through referral networks. In the
initial stage of snowball sampling, individuals are discovered and may or may not be selected
through probability methods. This group is then used to locate others who possess similar
characteristics and who, in turn, identify others. The snowball gather subjects as it rolls along.
For example, a researcher examines friendship networks among teenagers in a community. He
or she begins with three teenagers who do not know each other. Each teen names four close
friends. The researcher then goes to the four friends and asks each to name four close friends,
then goes to those four and does the same thing again, and so forth. Before long, a large number
of people are involved. Each person in the sample is directly or indirectly tied to the original
teenagers, and several people may have named the same person. The researcher eventually
stops, either because no new names are given, indicating a closed network, or because the
network is so large that it is at the limit of what he or she can study.

Sequential Sampling.

Sequential sampling is similar to purposive sampling

with one difference. In purposive sampling, the researcher tries to find as many relevant cases as
possible, until time, financial resources, or his or her energy is exhausted. The principle is to get
every possible case. In sequential sampling, a researcher continues to gather cases until the
amount of new information or diversity is filled. The principle is to gather cases until a saturation
point is reached. In economic terms, information is gathered, or the incremental benefit for
additional cases, levels off or drops significantly. It requires that the researcher continuously
evaluates all the collected cases. For example, a researcher locates and plans in-depth interviews
with 60 widows over 70 years old who have been living without a spouse for 10 or more years.
Depending on the researchers purposes, getting an additional 20 widows whose life experiences,
social background, and worldview differ little from the first 60 may be unnecessary.


Theoretical Sampling. In theoretical sampling, what the researcher is sampling

(e.g. people, situation, events, time periods, etc.) is carefully selected, as the researcher develops
grounded theory. A growing theoretical interest guides the selection of sample cases. The
researcher selects cases based on new insights they may provide. For example, a field researcher
may be observing a site and a group of people during week days. Theoretically, the researcher
may question whether the people act the same at other times or when other aspects of site
change. He or she could then sample other time periods (e.g. nights and weekends) to get more
full picture and learn whether important conditions are the same.
Thus, the difference between is of that the probability and non-probability sampling have
to do with a basic assumption about the nature of the population under study. In probability
sampling, every item has a chance of being selected. In non-probability sampling, there is an
assumption that there is an even distribution of characteristics within the population. This is what
makes the researcher believe that any sample would be representative and because of that, results
will be accurate. For probability sampling, randomization is a feature of the selection process,
rather than an assumption about the structure of the population.
In non-probability sampling, since elements are chosen arbitrarily, there is no way to
estimate the probability of any one element being included in the sample. Also, no assurance is
given that each item has a chance of being included, making it impossible either to estimate
sampling variability or to identify possible bias. Reliability cannot be measured in nonprobability sampling; the only way to address data quality is to compare some of the survey
results with available information about the population. Still, there is no assurance that the
estimates will meet an acceptable level of error. Statisticians are reluctant to use these methods
because there is no way to measure the precision of the resulting sample.
Despite these drawbacks, non-probability sampling methods can be useful when
descriptive comments about the sample itself are desired. Secondly, they are quick, inexpensive
and convenient. There are also other circumstances, such as in applied social research, when it is
unfeasible or impractical to conduct probability sampling. Statistics Canada uses probability

sampling for almost all of its surveys, but uses non-probability sampling for questionnaire testing
and some preliminary studies during the development stage of a survey.

Berg, Sven. (2006). "Snowball SamplingI," pp. 78177821 in Encyclopedia of

Statistical Sciences, edited by Samuel Kotz, Campbell Read, N. Balakrishnan, and Brani
Vidakovic. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Lucas, Samuel R. (2014a). "Beyond the Existence Proof: Ontological Conditions,

Epistemological Implications, and In-Depth Interview Research.", Quality & Quantity, 48: 387408. doi:10.1007/s11135-012-9775-3.

Lucas, Samuel R. (2014b). "An Inconvenient Dataset: Bias and Inappropriate Inference

in the Multilevel Model.", Quality & Quantity, 48: 1619-1649. doi:10.1007/s11135-013-9865-x

Marshall, Martin N. 1996. "Sampling for Qualitative Research." Family Practice 13:

522526. doi:10.1093/fampra/13.6.522

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