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What's Correct For My Application A Centrifugal or Reciprocating Compressor PDF

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Paul Gallick
Senior Applications Engineer
Elliott Company
Jeannette, Pennsylvania

Greg Phillippi
Director Process Marketing and Sales

Benjamin F. Williams
Application Engineer
Ariel Corporation
Mount Vernon, Ohio

Nuclear Propulsion Engineering and served on two nuclear

submarines: the USS John Adams and the USS Nathan Hale.

Paul B. Gallick is a Senior Applications Engineer for Elliott

Company Ebara Group in Jeannette, Pennsylvania. He has worked
for Elliott as a Compressor Product Engineer, a Lubrication and Seal
Oil Systems Engineer, and currently as a Compressor Application
Engineer, for more than 21 years. He is responsible for compressor
selection, specification review, and other aspects related to the
preparation of quotations for new and rerated compressors.
Mr. Gallick has a B.S. degree (Mechanical Engineering, 1978)
from the University of Pittsburgh and is a registered Professional
Engineer in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

This tutorial addresses the question of which compressor
type is better suited to a given applicationa centrifugal or
reciprocating design. The general application map will be
presented and discussed, as will the advantages and disadvantages
of each type of compressor. The application guidelines will be
addressed from the standpoint of reliability, cost, efficiency, size,
and other more general application parameters such as molecular
weight, compression ratio, and flow range, etc.
The intent of the tutorial will be to provide guidelines and
comparative information to be used by contractors and users to
determine which type of compressor will be the best fit for their
particular application.

Greg Phillippi is the Director of Process Marketing and Sales

for Ariel Corporation, in Mount Vernon, Ohio. He began his career
as a design engineer with Cooper Energy Services in 1978. In 1985
he accepted a position as a Design Engineer with Ariel
Corporation. From 1985 to the end of 1999 he worked as a Design
Engineer and Design Engineering Manager at Ariel. In 2000, Mr.
Phillippi accepted a position with ACI Services, Inc., in
Cambridge, Ohio, where he was deeply involved with marketing,
sales and engineering. In January 2004, he moved backed to Ariel
in his present role. He has significant experience in the design and
application of reciprocating compressors.
Mr. Phillippi has a BSME degree (1978) from Ohio Northern
University and an MBA degree (2000) from Ashland University.

The tutorial is organized into four sections. The first, HOW A
very basic explanation of how a recip compressor works. The next
will do the same for a centrifugal compressor. The goal with these
two sections is to serve as a primer for the rest of the tutorial. The
third section, and the primary content of the tutorial, will be where
the two different machines are compared and contrasted. Finally,
the fourth section is entitled CASE STUDIES. Here 12 different
sets of application conditions (four sets of inlet and outlet pressures
each at three different gas mole weights) are used to compare the
performance of the two machines.

Benjamin F. Williams is an Applications Engineer for Ariel

Corporation, in Mount Vernon, Ohio. He primarily focuses on
process and international applications for Ariel Corporation,
where he has worked since 1997. Prior to working at Ariel, he
worked for Lone Star Compressor Corporation, in South Houston,
Texas, from 1985 to 1997. During his 20+ years in the compressor
industry (the majority in process compression), Mr. Williams has
worked in design, application, reapplication, and service of many
different compressor makes and models. He is specially trained in


How a reciprocating compressor works will be explained by
discussing pressure versus time (Figure 1) and pressure versus
volume (Figure 2) diagrams.

Table of Contents


Figure 1. Pressure Versus Time Diagram.

Figure 2. Pressure Versus Volume Diagram.

Figure 3. Aerodynamic Parts of a Centrifugal Compressor.

The P-T diagram (Figure 1) is a plot of the pressure of the gas in

the compression chamber versus the angle of crankshaft rotation,
which is essentially time because crank angle and time are directly
related. Understanding the P-T diagram will help in understanding
the P-V diagram, which underlies all the theory of reciprocating
gas compressor operation.
The P-V diagram (Figure 2) is a plot of the pressure of the gas
trapped in the compression chamber versus the volume of gas
trapped in the compression chamber. The volume of gas trapped
in the compression chamber is not linearly related to crank
angle or time, so the two diagrams have different shapes and
A reciprocating compressor is a positive displacement machine
meaning a certain volume of gas is drawn in to the compression
chamber where it is trapped, compressed, and released.


A centrifugal compressor is a dynamic type of compressor
where the pressure rise is accomplished by transfer of dynamic
(motion-related) energy from the rotor to the gas.

The basic aerodynamic components of a centrifugal compressor

are the impellers, diffusers, and return channels. (Figure 3)

Velocity (kinetic energy) is imparted from moving blade to gas

in the impeller (Figure 4).


(kinetic energy) is converted to pressure (potential

energy) in the diffuser.

Figure 4. Impeller Discharge Gas Velocity.

For a given pressure ratio, more head is required to compress a

low molecular weight gas than for a higher molecular weight gas
(Figure 5).

Increasing speed imparts higher kinetic energy, which converts

to higher pressure (potential energy) (Figure 6).


head/pressure ratio curve is essentially constant with

changing volume flow at fixed speed (Figure 7).

Centrifugal compressor performance can be estimated using the

fan laws. According to the fan laws, capacity is proportional to

speed, head is proportional to the square of the speed, and power is
proportional to the cube of the speed. Since these laws assume
ideal gases with constant k and Z values, they apply with
reasonable accuracy to single-stage compressors or multistage
compressors with low pressure ratios. For a multi-stage centrifugal
compressor with a high pressure ratio, the laws still apply
directionally, but the accuracy of performance estimates using the
fan laws is insufficient for most calculations.

Figure 5. Gas Mole Weight Effect on Head.

Table of Contents




is 3008F (1498C). Air compressors may run at discharge temperatures

in excess of 4008F (2048C).

CentrifugalMaximum temperature based on the compressor

design itself is typically 400 to 4508F (204 to 2328C). Higher

temperatures are possible but require special designs such as center
supported diaphragms, less efficient seal materials, and high
temperature O-rings and sealants.
The process may also have discharge temperature limitations
due to fouling, temperature limits of downstream components, and
process efficiency.
Minimum Suction (Inlet) Temperature

Figure 6. Effect of Speed on Head.

Figure 7. Effect of Speed Range on Overall Flow Range.

The following text is organized by topic with comments for that
topic relating to reciprocating and centrifugal compressors.
Maximum Discharge (Outlet) Pressure

ReciprocatingThe typical reciprocating compressor is used for

discharge pressures up to 12,000 psi (828 bar). Special compressors
(called hypercompressors) are used in low density polyethylene
production and discharge at pressures up to 50,000 psi (3500 bar).

CentrifugalDischarge pressures to 1450 psi (100 bar) for

horizontally split compressors. Discharge pressures up to 15,000
psi (1034 bar) for radially split (barrel) compressors.
Minimum Suction (Inlet) Pressure


be applied with suction pressures at

atmospheric or even a slight vacuum. In vacuum applications,
precautions must be taken to prevent atmospheric air from leaking
into the cylinder through the piston rod packing.

ReciprocatingThe common compressor cylinder materials,

cast gray iron and cast ductile iron, are acceptable for use at
temperatures as low as 2408F (2408C) which typically occur in
refrigeration applications.
The lowest suction temperatures requested typically are in liquefied
natural gas boil-off gas applications. These inlet temperatures can be
as low as 22608F (21628C). Compressor cylinders used for this
application require very special materials and are not offered by all
CentrifugalStandard centrifugal compressor materials are
typically suitable for 220 to 2508F (219 to 2468C).
Refrigeration compressors in ethylene service typically have
inlet temperatures as low as 21558F (21048C), which require
special low temperature compressor materials.
Similar to reciprocating compressors, the lowest temperature
requirement for centrifugal compressors is typically found in
liquefied natural gas (LNG) boil-off gas applications. Centrifugal
compressor designs and materials for this service can accommodate
minimum temperatures down to 22758F (21718C). Special low
temperature stainless steels are typically used for this service.
Special low temperature seals and O-rings are also required.
Maximum Flow

ReciprocatingReciprocating compressors are positive

displacement type compressors. Capacity is limited by cylinder
size, the number of throws available, and the available
driver speeds. A throw is a location on the crankcase where
acompressor cylinder can be attached.
CentrifugalCentrifugal compressors can be sized for an inlet
flow of 400,000 acfm (680,000 m3/hr) in a single body.
The maximum flow through a centrifugal compressor is limited
by the choke point, which is the point at which the flow through
some part of the compressor nears a velocity of Mach 1.
Minimum Flow

ReciprocatingSimilar to the maximum flow, the minimum flow

in a reciprocating compressor is limited by cylinder size, stroke, and
speed. Very small reciprocating compressors are available.

CentrifugalCentrifugal compressors can be sized for flow as

pressures to atmospheric or below. For

subatmospheric inlet conditions, special seal and buffering designs
are employed to keep atmospheric air from being drawn into the

low as a few hundred acfm. Unlike a reciprocating compressor

where minimum flow is solely a function of compressor geometry
and speed, the minimum flow for a centrifugal compressor is
limited by an aerodynamic condition known as surge, which is
a function of compressor geometry, speed, aerodynamic gas
conditions, and system resistance.

Maximum Discharge (Outlet) Temperature

Flow Range

ReciprocatingDischarge temperature limits will depend on the

application and the seal element materials selected. In hydrogen rich
applications, API 618 (1995) limits discharge temperatures to 2758F
(1358C). For natural gas service the maximum discharge temperature
limit is 3508F (1758C); although in most cases a more practical limit

ReciprocatingReciprocating compressors have the ability to

change flow (throughput) through speed control, the addition of fixed
clearance to a cylinder (fixed or variable volume clearance pockets),
cylinder end deactivation, and system recycle. Typical flow range
might be 100 percent down to as low as 20 percent, and even lower.


Table of Contents


The application will determine what type of capacity control

method is required and used. On low compression ratio applications
(compression ratio less than 1.6, such as natural gas pipeline gas transmission) adding fixed clearance will have little if any effect on flow.
These applications may use speed control or cylinder end deactivation.
In other applications, with higher compression ratios, it is quite
common to use clearance pockets and cylinder end deactivation to
regulate flow.

CentrifugalAs discussed above, the flow range of a centrifugal

compressor is set by the surge and choke points.
Typical turndown for a fixed speed, multistage centrifugal
compressor is approximately 20 to 30 percent. With speed
variation or adjustable inlet guide vanes, the turndown can be
increased to 40 to 50 percent or more (Figure 9).


weight of a reciprocating compressor

obviously varies with size, which varies with speed, stroke, and rod
load rating.
It is safe to say that on a mass per power basis the centrifugal
compressor will be lighter.


weight of a centrifugal compressor varies

depending on compressor size (refer to Size below) and, to a
smaller degree, on materials of construction.
The driver, baseplate, and auxiliary systems contribute
significantly to the weight of a centrifugal compressor package.

ReciprocatingReciprocating compressors come in a wide

variety of sizes. The size and weight of a reciprocating compressor
is directly related to stroke, speed, and rod load rating. Stroke, in
turn, can be related to the driver speed. In general, the higher the
driver rotating speed, the shorter the stroke and therefore the
smaller the compressor. Conversely, a slower speed compressor
will typically have a longer stroke and be physically larger.
CentrifugalThe size of a centrifugal compressor is mainly a
function of flow capacity (sets the diameter) and number of stages
(sets the length).
Casing outer diameters range from as small as 20 inches (500
mm) to as large as 150 inches (3800 mm).

ReciprocatingReciprocating compressors will probably never

be as reliable as centrifugal compressors. The recip has many more
parts and more rubbing seals (pressure packing, piston rings, and
rider rings) that wear and require more frequent replacement than
any seal or other part in a centrifugal.
In addition a recip has compressor valves, which though very
simple mechanical devices (simple spring-loaded check valves),
require considerable maintenance.
Another significant factor affecting the reliability of the recip is
the cleanliness of the process gas. Wear life of the seals and the
valves will be considerably longer with a process gas that is free of
liquid and solid debris.
CentrifugalReliability/availability of centrifugal compressors

is typically 98 to 99 percent.

Typical Maintenance Intervals


intervals for a reciprocating

compressor vary significantly with the application and follow
along with the comments made in the reliability section.
Compressor valve and seal element intervals might be as short as
a few months and as long as three to five years (some applications

may be even longer). This depends so much on the specifics of the

application and the cleanliness of the gas.
A major overhaul (typically defined as completely going
through the machine to the point of replacing the bearings) may be
required only every 10 years or longer.

CentrifugalPer API 617 (2002), Seventh Edition, a centrifugal

compressor has to be designed for at least five years of

uninterrupted service. In clean service, a centrifugal compressor
can operate continuously for 10 years or longer.
Maintenance requirements are typically limited to replacing
bearing pads and seal wearing parts.
Compressed Gas Molecular Weight

ReciprocatingA reciprocating compressor has no limit with

regard to molecular weight. Very light and very heavy gases are
compressed equally well. Over the range of molecular weight
different application configurations may be required. For example,
very low molecular weight gases may present some seal challenges
and very high molecular weight gases pose issues with efficiency.
But nonetheless, the recip handles the whole range quite well.

ratio is highly dependent on

molecular weight. Head is developed by increasing gas velocity to
create kinetic energy and then converting the kinetic energy to
pressure in the diffuser. The amount of kinetic energy is a function
of gas velocity and mass or molecular weight.
Centrifugal compressors are used for a broad range of molecular
weight including low molecular weight applications such as
hydrogen recycle and high molecular weight applications using
refrigerant gases with molecular weights over 100.

Compression Ratio

ReciprocatingThe maximum compression ratio that a

reciprocating can handle in one stage is limited mostly by
compressed gas discharge temperature. The piston rod load
generated by the compression ratio may also be a limit.
Typical compression ratios are 1.2 to 4.0.
CentrifugalCompression ratio is a function of gas molecular
weight, compressibility, stage geometry, compressor speed, and the
number of compressor stages.
For a specific gas, the limits to compression ratio are the
mechanical and rotordynamic limitations on speed and the number
of stages that can be accommodated in a single body. Discharge
temperatures resulting from high compression ratios can usually be
controlled by intercooling.


compressors are made of very

common materials such as gray iron, ductile iron, carbon steel,
alloy steel, and stainless steel, in cast, forging, or bar stock form.
Some compressor pistons and covers may be made of aluminum.
For corrosive applications it is common to see stainless steel,
typically 17-4PH or a 400 series, used for piston rods and
compressor valve seats and guards.

CentrifugalMaterials for major components such as casings,

nozzles, shafts, impellers, etc., are primarily carbon, alloy, and/or
stainless steels. Components may be cast, forged, or fabricated.
Some cast or nodular iron may be used for stationary components.
Material selection is primarily dependent on temperature, stress
(pressure, torque), and gas composition (corrosive, erosive, etc).
Multiservice Capability

ReciprocatingIt is very easy to have a multiservice reciprocating

compressor. The number of different services on a given

Table of Contents



compressor crankcase (frame) is only limited by the number of

throws available and the number of stages required for each
service. Eight, 10, and even 12 throw frames are not uncommon.

CentrifugalWhile it is possible to have a multisection

centrifugal compressor with different services/gases in each
section, this is not typical.


compressors have a very

characteristic adiabatic efficiency curve (Figure 8). As compression
ratio drops, adiabatic efficiency drops. Efficiency changes with
molecular weight. Efficiency will also vary with several other
factors, most significantly the compressor cylinders ratio of valve
flow area to main bore diameter and piston speed.


Lead Time

ReciprocatingToday, reciprocating compressor lead time is

quite long due to the increased demand from the natural gas
industry. Lead time for a bare compressor will vary from 14 to 40
weeks depending on size and manufacturer. Quite often, electric
motor driven compressor lead time is driven by the lead time of the
motoragain depending on size (horsepower).
CentrifugalTypical lead times for a centrifugal compressor
train are in the range of 35 to 75 weeks. Lead time is most
significantly affected by the original equipment manufacturer
(OEM)/subvendor shop loading, availability of any special materials
required (low temperature, corrosion resistant, etc.), special/unique
design requirements, and testing/inspection requirements.
Installation Time and Complexity

ReciprocatingInstallation time for a reciprocating compressor

varies significantly with size and location, and whether or not the
compressor is packaged. Packaged compressors are common today
up to 5000 hp (3.4 MW) of a high speed short stroke design.
Installation time for these might vary from a few days to a couple
of weeks. Larger slow speed long stroke compressors assembled at
site might require three to four weeks to install.
CentrifugalSimilar to a reciprocating compressor, the installation

Figure 8. Reciprocating Compressor Efficiency.

CentrifugalPolytropic efficiency is typically used for centrifugal

compressors rather than adiabatic. Adiabatic is commonly used for
air compressors.
Typical polytropic efficiencies range from 70 percent to 85
percent. Efficiencies approaching 90 percent are possible. In a
centrifugal compressor, efficiency is primarily affected by the
internal leakage and mechanical losses.
Cost: Capital and Operating

ReciprocatingGenerally a reciprocating compressor will have a

lower capital cost but a higher operating cost compared to a centrifugal.
The lower capital cost is a direct result of the machine consisting of
smaller parts that cost less and are easier to manufacture. Higher
operating cost results from the recip containing more wearing
parts requiring more maintenance and downtimemost specifically
compressor valves, which do not exist in a centrifugal.
CentrifugalThe capital cost of a centrifugal compressor is
typically higher than a reciprocating compressor operating at the
same conditions. This is primarily due to the fact that centrifugal
compressors require parts with more complex geometry such as
impellers and diaphragms. However, a centrifugal compressor has
fewer wearing parts, resulting in lower operating costs in terms of
replacement parts, repairs, and downtime.

time varies widely depending on the size of the compressor. The

number of main casing nozzle connections and the type of driver
also affect installation time.
The location can be a factor as well. Remote or offshore
locations can add to the installation time.
The compressor and driver are typically packaged on a base plate
complete with oil piping and wiring to junction boxes. Process
equipment such as coolers and scrubbers and process control valves
are typically installed at site. Auxiliary systems such as lube oil
consoles, control panels, and seal buffer systems may also be installed
separately. Piping and wiring from these auxiliary systems and process
equipment to the compressor train are typically done at site.
Installation time for a typical motor/gear driven compressor package
is two to three weeks. For a very large compressor or a gas turbine
driven compressor the installation time could be three to six weeks.

APPENDIX A contains tables where the performance data for
reciprocating and centrifugal compressors are compared for four
different sets of pressure conditions, each for three different mole
weight gases, for a total of 12 case study points. The purpose of
these case studies is to compare performance and to help explain
why a certain design compressor fits a certain application better
than the otherfrom a performance perspective. Figure 9 is a chart
showing discharge pressure versus inlet flow intending to compare
and contrast where each type of compressor fits best in this map.
The case study points have been selected from this map.

Minimum/Maximum Power

ReciprocatingReciprocating compressors vary in size from the

very small, under 10 hp (7.5 kW), to very large at 12,000 hp (9.0 MW).
Even higher horsepower compressors are available from some
manufacturers for some very specialized applications, like very high
pressure ethylene compression (hyper compressors).

CentrifugalPower developed is dependent on the mass flow of

the gas compressed, the head required, and the efficiency. The
power required to drive a centrifugal compressor can be as low as
100 hp (75 kW) and as high as 130,000 hp (97 MW) or more.

Figure 9. NGPSA Compressor Coverage Chart. (Courtesy, NGPSA

Engineering Data Book, 1994)

Table of Contents


Table A-1. Case Study Performance Data, A.

Case Study Number 1A Low Flow, Low Pressure, Medium Molecular Weight
Capacity = 600 acfm (1019.4 m3/hr)
Suction Pressure = 5 psig (0.34 BarG)
Suction Temperature = 80o F (27o C)
Discharge Pressure = 45 psig (3.1 BarG)
Molecular Weight = 18.83 (S.G. = 0.65)
Power, hp (kW)
Flow, scfm (Nm3/hr)

Power per flow, hp/scfm (kW/Nm /hr)

Number of Stages
Equivalent Head, ft (m)



79 (59)

150 (112)

774 (1,244)

774 (1,244)

0.102 (0.047)

0.193 (0.090)

54,869 (16724)

59,230 (18,053)

Case Study Number 1B Low Flow, Low Pressure, Low Molecular Weight
Capacity = 600 acfm (1019.4 m3/hr)
Suction Pressure = 5 psig (0.34 BarG)
Suction Temperature = 80o F (27o C)
Discharge Pressure = 45 psig (3.1 BarG)
Molecular Weight = 2.02 (S.G. = 0.07)
Power, hp (kW)
Flow, scfm (Nm3/hr)



78 (58)

This case is too small for a

centrifugal compressor.

773 (1243)

Power per flow, hp/scfm (kW/Nm /hr)

Number of Stages

0.101 (0.047)

Equivalent Head, ft (m)

540,746 (164,819)

Case Study Number 1C Low Flow, Low Pressure, High Molecular Weight
Capacity = 600 acfm (1019.4 m3/hr)
Suction Pressure = 5 psig (0.34 BarG)
Suction Temperature = 80o F (27o C)
Discharge Pressure = 45 psig (3.1 BarG)
Molecular Weight = 28.05
Power, hp (kW)
Flow, scfm (Nm3/hr)

Power per flow, hp/scfm (kW/Nm /hr)

Number of Stages
Equivalent Head, ft (m)



85 (63)

151 (113)

774 (1,245)

774 (1,245)

0.110 (0.050)

0.192 (0.089)

36,702 (11,187)

38,578 (11,759)

Case Study Number 2A, High Flow, Medium Pressure, Medium Molecular Weight
Capacity = 10,000 acfm (16,990.1 m3/hr)
Suction Pressure = 200 psig (13.8 BarG)
Suction Temperature = 80o F (27o C)
Discharge Pressure = 1000 psig (68.95 BarG)
Molecular Weight = 18.83



Table of Contents




Table A-2. Case Study Performance Data, B.

Power, hp (kW)
Flow, scfm (Nm3/hr)

Power per flow, hp/scfm (kW/Nm /hr)

Number of Stages
Equivalent Head, ft (m)

18,909 (14,100)

21850 (16.306)

145,830 (234,522)

145,830 (234,522)

0.130 (0.060)

0.150 (0.070)

78,822 (24,025)

81,400 (24,811)

Case Study Number 2B, High Flow, Medium Pressure, Low Molecular Weight
Capacity = 10,000 acfm (16,990.1 m3/hr)
Suction Pressure = 200 psig (13.8 BarG)
Suction Temperature = 80o F (27o C)
Discharge Pressure = 1000 psig (68.95 BarG)
Molecular Weight = 2.02
Power, hp (kW)



14,295 (10,660)

Flow, scfm (Nm3/hr)

Power per flow, hp/scfm (kW/Nm3/hr)
Number of Stages
Equivalent Head, ft (m)

145,830 (225,430)
0.098 (0.047)

This case can not be

accomplished with a reasonable
number of centrifugal
compressor bodies/stages.


Case Study Number 2C, High Flow, Medium Pressure, High Molecular Weight
Capacity = 10,000 acfm (16,990.1 m3/hr)
Suction Pressure = 200 psig (13.8 BarG)
Suction Temperature = 80o F (27o C)
Discharge Pressure = 1000 psig (68.95 BarG)
Molecular Weight = 28.05
Power, hp (kW)

Flow, scfm (Nm /hr)

Power per flow, hp/scfm (kW/Nm3/hr)
Number of Stages
Equivalent Head, ft (m)



21,102 (10,660)

20,960 (15,642)

154,014 (225,430)

154,014 (225,430)

0.137 (0.047)

0.136 (0.063)

53,211 (16,219)

49,700 (15,149)

Case Study Number 3A, Medium Flow, Medium Pressure, Medium Molecular Weight
Capacity = 3,000 acfm (5,097 Nm3/hr)
Suction Pressure = 200 psig (13.79 BarG)
Suction Temperature = 80o F (27o C)
Discharge Pressure = 600 psig (41.37 BarG)
Molecular Weight = 18.83



Power, hp (kW)

3,945 (2,948)

4,252 (3,173)

43,867 (70,537)

43,867 (70,537)

0.090 (0.042)

0.097 (0.045)

50,545 (15,406)

51,700 (15,758)

Flow, scfm (Nm /hr)

HP per flow, hp/scfm (kW/Nm3/hr)
Number of Stages
Equivalent Head, ft (m)

Table of Contents


Table A-3 .Case Study Performance Data, C.

Case Study Number 3B, Medium Flow, Medium Pressure, Low Molecular Weight
Capacity = 3000 acfm (5,097 Nm3/hr)
Suction Pressure = 200 psig (13.8 BarG)
Suction Temperature = 80o F (27o C)
Discharge Pressure = 1000 psig (69 BarG)
Molecular Weight = 2.02



Power, hp (kW)

3,775 (2,815)

This case can not be

accomplished with a reasonable
number of centrifugal
compressor bodies/stages.

Flow, scfm (Nm3/hr)

41,861 (67,610)

Power per flow, hp/scfm (kW/Nm /hr)

Number of Stages

0.090 (0.041)

Equivalent Head, ft (m)

511,799 (155,996)

Case Study Number 3C, Medium Flow, Medium Pressure, High Molecular Weight
Capacity = 3000 acfm (5,097 Nm3/hr)
Suction Pressure 200 psig (13.8 BarG)
Suction Temperature = 80o F (27o C)
Discharge Pressure = 1000 psig (69 BarG)
Molecular Weight = 28.05



Power, hp (kW)

3,927 (2,928)

4,062 (3,031)

45,477 (73,125)

45,477 (73,125)

0.086 (0.040)

0.089 (0.041)

33,937 (10,344)

31,161 (9,498)

Flow, scfm (Nm3/hr)


HP per flow, hp/scfm (kW/Nm /hr)

Number of Stages
Equivalent Head, ft (m)

Case Study Number 4A, Medium Flow, High Pressure, Medium Molecular Weight
Capacity = 2000 acfm (3,398 Nm3/hr)
Suction Pressure = 200 psig (13.8 BarG)
Suction Temperature = 80o F (27o C)
Discharge Pressure = 3500 psig (241.4 BarG)
Molecular Weight = 18.83



Power, hp (kW)

7,012 (5,229)

9,732 (7,263)

29,027 (46,675)

29,027 (46,675)

0.241 (0.180)

0.335 (0.156)

16 (2 bodies)

163,227 (49,752)

147,763 (45,038)

Flow, scfm (Nm3/hr)


Power per flow, hp/scfm (kW/Nm /hr)

Number of Stages
Equivalent Head, ft (m)

Case Study Number 4B, Medium Flow, High Pressure, Low Molecular Weight
Capacity = 2000 acfm (3,398 Nm3/hr)
Suction Pressure = 200 psig (13.8 BarG)
Suction Temperature = 80o F (27o C)
Discharge Pressure = 3500 psig (241.4 BarG)
Molecular Weight = 2.02



Table of Contents




Table A-4. Case Study Performance Data, D.

Power, hp (kW)

6,844 (5,134)

Flow, scfm (Nm /hr)

Power per flow, hp/scfm (kW/Nm3/hr)
Number of Stages
Equivalent Head, ft (m)

27,908 (44,880)
0.245 (0.114)

This case can not be

accomplished with a reasonable
number of centrifugal
compressor bodies/stages.


Case Study Number 4C, Medium Flow, High Pressure, High Molecular Weight
Capacity = 2000 acfm (3,398 Nm3/hr)
Suction Pressure = 200 psig (13.8 BarG)
Suction Temperature = 80o F (27o C)
Discharge Pressure = 3500 psig (241.4 BarG)
Molecular Weight = 28.05



Power, hp (kW)

5,890 (4,392)

7,811 (5,829)

30,318 (48,750)

30,318 (48,750)

0.194 (0.090)

0.258 (0.120)


105,164 (32,054)

76,779 (23,408)

Flow, scfm (Nm /hr)

Power per flow, hp/scfm (kW/Nm3/hr)
Number of Stages
Equivalent Head, ft (m)

Table of Contents


API Standard 617, 2002, Axial and Centrifugal Compressors and
Expander-Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas
Industry Services, Seventh Edition, American Petroleum
Institute, Washington, D.C.
API Standard 618, 1995, Reciprocating Compressors for
Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services, Fourth
Edition, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C.
NGPSA Engineering Data Book, 1994, 1, Revised 10th
Edition, Compiled and Edited in Cooperation with the Gas
Processors Association, Copyright 1987 Gas Processors

Basic Thermodynamics of Reciprocating Compression, Short
Course Presented at the 2005 Gas Machinery Conference,
October 2005.

Brown, R. N. ,1986, CompressorsSelection and Sizing, Houston,

Texas: Gulf Publishing Company.
Paluselli, D. A, Basic Aerodynamics of Centrifugal Compressor,
Elliott Company, Jeannette, Pennsylvania.

The authors wish to acknowledge Mr. John F. Vanderhoff,
formerly senior application engineer with Elliott Company and
presently with Westinghouse in Monroeville, Pennsylvania, who
contributed a significant amount of effort to this tutorial while
employed at Elliott Company.

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