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The document outlines safety rules and procedures for handling liquefied petroleum gas in Texas, including specifications for equipment and transportation, storage and distribution.

The document covers rules and regulations regarding the design, construction, location and operation of LP-gas systems and equipment. It also discusses forms, records, enforcement of safety violations and licensing and fees.

Schools are required to perform leakage tests on their LP-gas piping systems every two years to check that the systems hold the required pressure. Documentation of tests must be kept and systems must be re-tested if suppliers are notified of leaks.


A manual of rules and procedures for handling and
odorizing liquefied petroleum gas in Texas, including
specifications for design, construction, and installation of
equipment used in transportation, storage, and distribution

Railroad Commission of Texas

B a r r y T. s m i t h e r m a n , C h a i r m a n
D av i d p o r t e r , C o m m i s s i o n e r
C h r i s t i c r add i c k , C o m m i s s i o n e r

January 2013

Important Notice
These Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LP-Gas) Safety Rules apply to the design, construction, location, and
operation of LP-gas systems, equipment, and appliances. The rules do not apply to marine terminals,
natural gasoline plants, refineries, tank farms, gas manufacturing plants, plants engaged in processing
liquefied petroleum gases, or to railroad loading racks used in connection with such establishments.
The rules do apply to truck loading racks.
The rules in this publication are not consecutively numbered to allow for future expansion, so there
may be a break in the numbering.
Revisions to the LP-Gas Safety Rules will occur after the date of this publication. It is your
responsibility to comply with the LP-Gas Safety Rules in effect at the time the LP-gas activities are
conducted or performed. The Railroad Commissions current LP-Gas Safety Rules can be viewed online
at On the gray bar at the top of the page, roll the cursor over Meetings, Hearings,
Orders & Rules and click on Rules. Then select Current Rules, scroll down to Chapter 9, LP-Gas
Safety Rules and select the rule you want to read.
The majority of the forms listed in 9.3 are also available for viewing and printing online at On the gray bar at the top of the page, roll the cursor over Licenses & Permits
and click on Propane, Liquefied Gas, Compressed Gas. Then select Propane, Liquefied Gas,
Compressed Gas Forms and choose the forms you want to view or print. If you are unable to view and
print the forms, please contact the LP-Gas Operations Section at (512) 463-6462.
Users are responsible for checking the accuracy, completeness, currency, and/or suitability of all
information. The Railroad Commission of Texas makes no representation, guarantee, or warranty as to
the accuracy, completeness, currency, or suitability of this information, which is provided strictly AS
IS. The Railroad Commission of Texas specifically disclaims any and all warranties, representations
or endorsements, express or implied, with regard to this information, including, but not limited to, the
warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement of privately owned
To order additional copies of the LP-Gas Safety Rules, please contact the Railroad Commissions
Publications Section at (512) 463-7309. Checks, money orders and MasterCard or Visa credit cards
are accepted. To download or print additional copies, go to On the gray bar at the
top of the page, roll the cursor over Education & Training and select Training Classes & Qualifying
Exams from the drop-down menu. Then click on the link that says LPG Safety Rules (PDF) under
Examinations and Certification.

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Railroad Commission of Texas

LP Gas Safety Rules

Important Notice.......................................................................................................................................................................3
Subchapter A General Requirements
9.1 Application of Rules, Severability, and Retroactivity....................................................................................................9
9.2 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................................10
9.3 LP-Gas Report Forms........................................................................................................................................................15
9.4 Records and Enforcement...............................................................................................................................................16
9.5 Effect of Safety Violations...............................................................................................................................................17
9.6 Licenses and Fees ............................................................................................................................................................19
9.7 Application for License and License Renewal Requirements......................................................................................21
9.8 Application for a New Certificate....................................................................................................................................24
9.9 Requirements for Certificate Renewal............................................................................................................................25
9.10 Rules Examination..........................................................................................................................................................25
9.11 Previously Certified Individuals.....................................................................................................................................29
9.12 Trainees............................................................................................................................................................................29
9.13 General Installers and Repairman Exemption............................................................................................................30
9.15. Penalty Guidelines for LP-Gas Safety Violations.......................................................................................................31
9.16 Hearings for Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of Licenses or Certificates............................................................44
9.17 Designation and Responsibilities of Company Representatives and Operations Supervisors...............................45
9.18 Reciprocal Examination Agreements with Other States............................................................................................49
9.21 Franchise Tax Certification and Assumed Name Certificates....................................................................................50
9.22 Changes in Ownership, Form of Dealership, or Name of Dealership........................................................................51
9.26 Insurance and Self-Insurance Requirements..............................................................................................................52
9.27 Application for an Exception to a Safety Rule.............................................................................................................56
9.28 Reasonable Safety Provisions.........................................................................................................................................58
9.31 LP-Gas Regional Supply Emergency Response............................................................................................................58
9.32 Consumer Safety Notification........................................................................................................................................59
9.35 Written Procedure for LP-Gas Leaks.............................................................................................................................59
9.36 Report of LP-Gas Incident/Accident.............................................................................................................................60
9.37 Termination of LP-Gas Service .....................................................................................................................................61
9.38 Reporting Unsafe LP-Gas Activities..............................................................................................................................62
9.41 Testing of LP-Gas Systems in School Facilities............................................................................................................62
9.51 General Requirements for LP-Gas Training and Continuing Education..................................................................65
9.52 Training and Continuing Education Courses...............................................................................................................68
9.54 Commission-Approved Outside Instructors.................................................................................................................75
Subchapter B - LP-Gas Installations, Containers, Appurtenances and Equipment
9.101 Filings Required for Stationary LP-Gas Installations................................................................................................79
9.102 Notice of Stationary LP-Gas Installations..................................................................................................................82
9.103 Objections to Proposed Stationary LP-Gas Installations..........................................................................................83
9.107 Hearings on Stationary LP-Gas Installations.............................................................................................................84
9.108 Interim Approval Order for Stationary LP-Gas Installations...................................................................................84
9.109 Physical Inspection of Stationary LP-Gas Installations............................................................................................84
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9.110 Emergency Use of Proposed Stationary LP-Gas Installations..................................................................................85

9.113 Maintenance..................................................................................................................................................................85
9.114 Odorizing and Reports..................................................................................................................................................85
9.115 Examination and Testing of Containers.....................................................................................................................86
9.126 Appurtenances and Equipment...................................................................................................................................86
9.129 Manufacturers Nameplate and Markings on ASME Containers.............................................................................87
9.130 Commission Identification Nameplates......................................................................................................................89
9.131 200 PSIG Working Pressure Stationary Vessels..........................................................................................................91
9.132 Sales to Unlicensed Individuals...................................................................................................................................91
9.134 Connecting Container to Piping..................................................................................................................................91
9.135 Unsafe or Unapproved Containers, Cylinders, or Piping..........................................................................................92
9.136 Filling of DOT Containers.............................................................................................................................................92
9.137 Inspection of Containers at Each Filling....................................................................................................................92
9.140 Uniform Protection Standards.....................................................................................................................................92
9.141 Uniform Safety Requirements......................................................................................................................................98
9.142 LP-Gas Container Storage and Installation Requirements......................................................................................99
9.143 Bulkhead, Internal Valve, API 607 Ball Valves, and ESV Protection for Stationary LP-Gas Installations With
Individual or Aggregate Water Capacities of 4,001 Gallons or More....................................................................................100
Subchapter C Vehicles and Vehicle Dispensers
9.201 Applicability...................................................................................................................................................................105
9.202 Registration and Transfer of LP-Gas Transports or Container Delivery Units.......................................................105
9.203 School Bus, Public Transportation, Mass Transit, and Special Transit Vehicle Installations and Inspections.107
9.204 Maintenance of Vehicles...............................................................................................................................................108
9.206 Vehicle Identification Labels........................................................................................................................................108
9.208 Testing Requirements...................................................................................................................................................108
9.211 Markings.........................................................................................................................................................................109
9.212 Manifests........................................................................................................................................................................109
Subchapter D - Adoption By Reference of NFPA 54 (National Fuel Gas Code)
9.301 Adoption by Reference of NFPA 54..............................................................................................................................109
9.302 Clarification of Certain Terms Used in NFPA 54........................................................................................................110
9.303 Exclusion of NFPA 54, 10.29.......................................................................................................................................111
9.306 Room Heaters in Public Buildings...............................................................................................................................111
9.307 Identification of Converted Appliances......................................................................................................................111
9.308 Identification of Piping Installation............................................................................................................................111
9.311 Special Exceptions for Agricultural and Industrial Structures Regarding Appliance Connectors and Piping
9.312 Certification Requirements for Joining Methods......................................................................................................112
9.313 Sections in NFPA 54 Adopted with Additional Requirements or Not Adopted......................................................113
Subchapter E - Adoption By Reference of NFPA 58 (LP-Gas Code)
9.401 Adoption by Reference of NFPA 58..............................................................................................................................114
9.402 Clarification of Certain Terms Used in NFPA 58........................................................................................................115
9.403 Sections in NFPA 58 Not Adopted by Reference, and Adopted with Changes or Additional Requirements.......115

6 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

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Chapter 113

Texas Natural Resources Code (LP-Gas Code)

Subchapter A - General Provisions

113.001 Title.............................................................................................................................................................................122
113.002 Definitions..................................................................................................................................................................122
113.003 Exceptions..................................................................................................................................................................123
Subchapter B - Administrative Provisions
113.011 Regulation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Activities.................................................................................................124
113.014 Employees..................................................................................................................................................................124
113.015 Funds for Financing Regulation of LPG Activities................................................................................................124
Subchapter C - Rules and Standards
113.051 Adoption of Rules and Standards............................................................................................................................124
113.0511 Limitations on Rulemaking Authority...................................................................................................................125
113.052 Adoption of National Codes......................................................................................................................................125
113.053 Effect on Certain Containers...................................................................................................................................125
113.054 Effect on Other Law.................................................................................................................................................125
Subchapter D - Licensing
113.081 License Requirement................................................................................................................................................126
113.082 Categories of LPG Activities; Fees...........................................................................................................................127
113.083 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Emergency......................................................................................................................128
113.084 Application.................................................................................................................................................................129
113.087 Course of Instruction, Examination, and Seminar Requirements......................................................................129
113.088 Examination; Seminar Fees.....................................................................................................................................131
113.089 Special Requirements for Licensing.......................................................................................................................131
113.090 Filing and Registration Fees....................................................................................................................................132
113.091 License Denial...........................................................................................................................................................132
113.092 License Issuance.......................................................................................................................................................132
113.093 License Renewal........................................................................................................................................................133
113.094 Staggered Renewal of Licenses................................................................................................................................133
113.095 License and Examination by Endorsement............................................................................................................133
113.096 Provisional License...................................................................................................................................................134
113.097 Insurance Requirement............................................................................................................................................135
113.098 Insurance Conditions................................................................................................................................................136
113.099 Statements in Lieu of Insurance Certificates........................................................................................................137
Subchapter E - Motor Vehicles and Testing Laboratories
113.131 Transport Trucks and Trailers.................................................................................................................................137
113.133 Motor Carrier Laws...................................................................................................................................................138
113.134 Department of Public Safety....................................................................................................................................138
Subchapter F - License and Registration for an Exemption: Denial and Disciplinary Action
113.161 Violations of Chapter or Rules; Informal Actions..................................................................................................138
113.162 Hearings.....................................................................................................................................................................139
113.163 Denial, Refusal To Renew, or Revocation of License or Registration for an Exemption in Event of Violation..139
113.164 Appeal.........................................................................................................................................................................141

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Subchapter G - Fees and Funds

113.201 Deposit and Expenditure of Fees and Funds.........................................................................................................141
Subchapter H - Enforcement
113.231 Injunctions.................................................................................................................................................................141
113.232 General Penalty.........................................................................................................................................................141
113.233 Entry for Inspection and Investigation...................................................................................................................142
113.234 Warning Tag................................................................................................................................................................142
113.235 Supplying or Removing LPG After Warning Tag Attached....................................................................................142
113.236 Penalty for Unauthorized Removal of Tag..............................................................................................................143
Subchapter I - Alternative Fuels Research and Education
113.241 Rules Regarding Research and Education.............................................................................................................143
113.242 Advisory Committees.................................................................................................................................................143
113.243 Alternative Fuels Research and Education Fund..................................................................................................143
113.2435 Consumer Incentive or Rebate Programs.............................................................................................................145
113.244 Fee on Delivery of LPG.............................................................................................................................................146
113.245 Report and Remission of Fees..................................................................................................................................147
113.246 Rules Regarding Fees; Agreements With Other States.........................................................................................147
113.247 Penalties Related to Report or Fees........................................................................................................................148
113.248 Civil Penalty...............................................................................................................................................................148
113.249 Attorney General.......................................................................................................................................................148
113.250 Criminal Penalty........................................................................................................................................................148
Subchapter J - Alternative Fuels Council
113.281 Definition....................................................................................................................................................................149
113.282 Alternative Fuels Council .......................................................................................................................................149
113.283 Composition ..............................................................................................................................................................149
113.284 Alternative Fuels Program.......................................................................................................................................150
113.285 Legislative Findings .................................................................................................................................................150
113.286 Alternative Fuels Conversion Fund ........................................................................................................................150
113.287 Fuels Conversion Loan Program..............................................................................................................................151
113.288 Interest Amounts.......................................................................................................................................................152
113.289 Term of Loan .............................................................................................................................................................152
113.290 Transfer of Vehicle or Other Property Converted With Loan Proceeds .............................................................152
Subchapter K - Liability of License Holder
113.301 Limitation of Liability of Licensed Installer or Servicer.......................................................................................152
113.351. Definitions ..............................................................................................................................................................153
113.352. Duty to Test for Leakage .......................................................................................................................................153
113.353. Requirements of Test..............................................................................................................................................153

113.354. Notice of Test...........................................................................................................................................................154
113.355. Termination of Service............................................................................................................................................154

113.356 Report to Board of Trustees.....................................................................................................................................154
113.357 Enforcement..............................................................................................................................................................154
113.401 Notice Required.........................................................................................................................................................155
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Railroad Commission of Texas

Subchapter A General Requirements

9.1 Application of Rules, Severability, and Retroactivity
(a) The LP-Gas Safety Rules apply to the location and operation of liquefied petroleum gas systems, equipment, and
appliances. These standards also apply to truck and railcar loading racks, but do not apply to marine terminals, natural
gasoline plants, refineries, tank farms, gas manufacturing plants, plants engaged in processing liquefied petroleum
gases, or to railcar loading racks used in connection with these excluded establishments.
(1) Subchapter A, General Requirements, applies to various types of LP-gas activities, including licensing,
examination, and training requirements.
(2) Subchapter B, LP-Gas Installations, Containers, Appurtenances, and Equipment Requirements, applies to
proposed and existing LP-gas installations, containers, and equipment, including cylinder exchange racks.
(3) Subchapter C, Vehicles and Vehicle Dispensers, applies to transports and bobtails that deliver LP-gas, and
school buses and other vehicles that are powered by LP-gas.
(4) Subchapter D, Adoption by Reference of NFPA 54 (National Fuel Gas Code), applies to the adoption by
reference of NFPA 54 and specifies additional or alternative requirements from those found in NFPA 54.
(5) Subchapter E, Adoption by Reference of NFPA 58 (LP-Gas Code), applies to the adoption by reference of NFPA
58 and specifies additional or alternative requirements from those found in NFPA 58.
(b) If any term, clause, or provision of these rules is for any reason declared invalid, the remainder of the provisions
shall remain in full force and effect, and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated.
(c) Nothing in these rules shall be construed as requiring, allowing, or approving the unlicensed practice of engineering
or any other professional occupation requiring licensure.
(d) Unless otherwise stated, the LP-Gas Safety Rules are not retroactive.
(e) As stated in Texas Natural Resources Code, Chapter 113, any LP-gas container with a water capacity of one gallon or
less, or any LP-gas piping system, or appliance attached or connected to such a container is exempt from the
LP-Gas Safety Rules, including any adopted NFPA pamphlets. For the purpose of consistency, the figure of 4.20 lb is
used to determine the weight of one gallon of LP-gas. The omission of a specific NFPA 58 pamphlet or any other NFPA
rule containing any such applicable language from Table 1 of 9.403 of this title (relating to Sections in NFPA 58 Not
Adopted by Reference, and Adopted With Changes, Additional Requirements, or Corrections) is inadvertent and shall
not be read or understood as requiring or allowing any such size of LP-gas container to comply with the adopted LP-gas
safety rule requirements.
(f) This chapter shall not apply to vehicles and fuel supply containers that:

(1) are manufactured or installed by original equipment manufacturers;

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(2) comply with Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; and
(3) comply with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Code 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code.
(g) Vehicles and fuel supply containers excluded from the requirements of this chapter pursuant to subsection (f) of
this section shall comply with the requirements of 9.203 of this title, relating to School Bus, Public Transportation,
Mass Transit, and Special Transit Vehicle Installations and Inspections, and the Commissions exception to NFPA 58 in Table 1 in 9.403(a), relating to Sections in NFPA 58 Not Adopted by Reference, and Adopted with Changes
or Additional Requirements.

9.2 Definitions
In addition to the definitions in any adopted NFPA pamphlets, the following words and terms, when used in this chapter,
shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Advanced field training (AFT)--The final portion of the training or continuing education requirements in which
an individual shall successfully perform the specified LP-gas activities in order to demonstrate proficiency in those
(2) AED--The Commissions Alternative Energy Division.
(3) AFRED--The organizational unit of the AED that administers the Commissions alternative fuels research
and education program, including LP-gas certification, exempt registration, training, and continuing education
(4) AFT materials--The portion of a Commission training module consisting of the four sections of the Railroad
Commissions LP-Gas Qualifying Field Activities, including General Instructions, the Task Information, the Operator
Qualification Checklist, and the Railroad Commission/Employer Record.
(5) Aggregate water capacity (AWC)--The sum of all individual container capacities measured by weight or volume
of water which are placed at a single installation location.

(6) Applicant--An individual:

(A) who is applying for a new certificate; or

(B) whose certification has lapsed for a period of less than two years and who is applying to restore certification
by paying any applicable fees and by completing any applicable training or continuing education requirements.
(7) Bobtail driver--An individual who operates an LP-gas cargo tank motor vehicle of 5,000 gallons water capacity or
less in metered delivery service.
(8) Breakaway--The accidental separation of a hose from a cylinder, container, transfer equipment, or dispensing
equipment, which could occur on a cylinder, container, transfer equipment, or dispensing equipment whether or not
they are protected by a breakaway device.

10 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

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(9) Categories of LPG activities--The LP-gas license categories as specified in 9.6 of this title (relating to Licenses
and Fees).
(10) Certificate holder--An individual:
(A) who has passed the required management-level qualification examination, satisfactorily completed any
applicable training or continuing education requirements as specified in 9.52 of this title (relating to Training
and Continuing Education Courses), and paid the applicable fee;
(B) who has passed the required employee-level qualification examination, paid the applicable fees, and
complied with the training or continuing education requirements in 9.52 of this title;
(C) who has passed the required employee-level qualification examination, has paid the applicable fee, and is
required to comply with a training requirement as specified in 9.52 of this title;
(D) who holds a current reciprocal examination exemption pursuant to 9.18 of this title (relating to
Reciprocal Examination Agreements with Other States); or
(E) who holds a current examination exemption pursuant to 9.13 of this title (relating to General Installers
and Repairman Exemption).
(11) Certified--Authorized to perform LP-gas work as set forth in the Texas Natural Resources Code. Employee
certification alone does not allow an individual to perform those activities which require licensing.
(12) CETP--The Certified Employee Training Program offered by the Propane Education and Research Council
(PERC), the National Propane Gas Association (NPGA), or their authorized agents or successors.
(13) Commercial installation--An LP-gas installation located on premises other than a single family dwelling
used as a residence, including but not limited to a retail business establishment, school, bulk storage facility,
convalescent home, hospital, retail LP-gas cylinder filling/exchange operation, service station, forklift refueling
facility, private motor/mobile fuel cylinder filling operation, a microwave tower, or a public or private agricultural
(14) Commission--The Railroad Commission of Texas.
(15) Company representative--The individual designated to the Commission by a license applicant or a licensee
as the principal individual in authority and, in the case of a licensee other than a Category P licensee, actively
supervising the conduct of the licensees LP-gas activities.
(16) Container delivery unit--A vehicle used by an operator principally for transporting LP-gas in cylinders.
(17) Continuing education--Courses required to be successfully completed at least every four years by certain
certificate holders.
(18) Director--The director of the AED or the directors delegate.

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(19) DOT--The United States Department of Transportation.

(20) Employee--An individual who renders or performs any services or labor for compensation, including individuals
hired on a part-time or temporary basis, on a full-time or permanent basis, or, for purposes of this chapter, an owneremployee.
(21) Interim approval order--The authority issued by the Railroad Commission of Texas following a public hearing
allowing construction of an LP-gas installation.
(22) Leak grades--An LP-gas leak that is:
(A) a Grade 1 leak that represents an existing or probable hazard to persons or property, and requires
immediate repair or continuous action until the conditions are no longer hazardous; or

(B) a Grade 2 leak that is recognized as being nonhazardous at the time of detection, but requires a scheduled
repair based on a probable future hazard.
(23) Licensed--Authorized to perform LP-gas activities through the issuance of a valid license.
(24) Licensee--A person which has applied for and been granted an LP-gas license by the Commission, or who holds
a master or journeyman plumber license from the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners or a Class A or B Air
Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors License from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation and
has properly registered with the Commission.
(25) LP-Gas Operations--The organizational unit of the AED that administers the LP-gas safety program, including
licensing, truck registration, installation approvals, complaint and accident investigations, inspections of stationary
installations and vehicles, and code enforcement.
(26) LP-Gas Safety Rules--The rules adopted by the Railroad Commission in the Texas Administrative Code,
Title 16, Part 1, Chapter 9, including any NFPA or other documents adopted by reference. The official text of the
Commissions rules is that which is on file with the Secretary of States office and available at or
through the Commissions web site at
(27) LP-gas system--All piping, fittings, valves, and equipment, excluding containers and appliances, that connect
one or more containers to one or more appliances that use or consume LP-gas.
(28) Mass transit vehicle--Any vehicle which is owned or operated by a political subdivision of a state, city, or
county, used primarily in the conveyance of the general public.
(29) Mobile fuel container--An LP-gas container mounted on a vehicle to store LP-gas as the fuel supply to an
auxiliary engine other than the engine to propel the vehicle or for other uses on the vehicle.
(30) Mobile fuel system--An LP-gas system, excluding the container, to supply LP-gas as a fuel to an auxiliary engine
other than the engine to propel the vehicle or for other uses on the vehicle.

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(31) Motor fuel container--An LP-gas container mounted on a vehicle to store LP-gas as the fuel supply to an engine
used to propel the vehicle.
(32) Motor fuel system--An LP-gas system, excluding the container, which supplies LP-gas to an engine used to
propel the vehicle.
(33) MPS gas (Methylacetylene-propadiene, stabilized)--A mixture of gases in the liquid phase and as defined in
Texas Natural Resources Code, Chapter 113, 113.002(4).
(34) Noncorrosive--Corrosiveness of gas which does not exceed the limitation for Classification 1 of ASTM
International (ASTM) Copper Strip Classifications when tested in accordance with ASTM D 1834-64, Copper Strip
Corrosion of Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases.
(35) Nonspecification unit--An LP-gas transport not constructed to DOT MC-330 or MC-331 specifications but which
complies with the exemption in 49 Code of Federal Regulations 173.315(k). (See also Specification unit in this
(36) Operations supervisor--The individual who is certified by the Commission to actively supervise a licensees LPgas operations and is authorized by the licensee to implement operational changes.
(37) Outlet--A site operated by an LP-gas licensee from which any regulated LP-gas activity is performed.
(38) Outside instructor--An individual, other than a Commission employee, approved by AFRED to teach certain
LP-gas training or continuing education courses.
(39) Person--An individual, partnership, firm, corporation, joint venture, association, or any other business entity,
a state agency or institution, county, municipality, school district, or other governmental subdivision, or licensee,
including the definition of person as defined in the applicable sections of 49 CFR relating to cargo tank hazardous
material regulations.
(40) Portable cylinder--A receptacle constructed to DOT specifications, designed to be moved readily, and used
for the storage of LP-gas for connection to an appliance or an LP-gas system. The term does not include a cylinder
designed for use on a forklift or similar equipment.
(41) Property line--The boundary which designates the point at which one real property interest ends and another
(42) Public transportation vehicle--A vehicle for hire to transport persons, including but not limited to taxis, buses
(excluding school buses and mass transit or special transit vehicles), or airport courtesy vehicles.
(43) Recreational vehicle--A vehicular-type unit primarily designed as temporary living quarters for recreational,
camping, travel, or seasonal use that either has its own motive power or is mounted on, or towed by, another
(44) Register (or registration)--The procedure to inform the Commission of the use of an LP-gas transport or
container delivery unit in Texas.
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(45) Repair to container--The correction of damage or deterioration to an LP-gas container, the alteration of the
structure of such a container, or the welding on such container in a manner which causes the temperature of the
container to rise above 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
(46) Rules examination--The Commissions written examination that measures an examinees working knowledge of
Chapter 113 of the Texas Natural Resources Code and/or the current LP-Gas Safety Rules.
(47) School--A public or private institution which has been accredited through the Texas Education Agency or the
Texas Private School Accreditation Commission.
(48) School bus--A vehicle that is sold or used for purposes that include carrying students to and from school or
related events.
(49) Self-service dispenser--A listed device or approved equipment in a structured cabinet for dispensing and
metering LP-gas between containers that must be accessed by means of a locking device such as a key, card, code,
or electronic lock, and which is operated by a certified employee of an LP-gas licensee or an ultimate consumer
trained by an LP-gas licensee.
(50) Special transit vehicle--A vehicle designed with limited passenger capacity which is used by a school or mass
transit authority for special transit purposes, such as transport of mobility impaired persons.
(51) Specification unit--An LP-gas transport constructed to DOT MC-330 or MC-331 specifications. (See also
Nonspecification unit in this section.)
(52) Subframing--The attachment of supporting structural members to the pads of a container, excluding welding
directly to or on the container.
(53) Trainee--An individual who has not yet taken and passed an employee-level rules examination.
(54) Training--Courses required to be successfully completed as part of an individuals requirements to obtain or
maintain certain certificates.
(55) Transfer--The procedure to inform LP-Gas Operations of a change in operator of an LP-gas transport or
container delivery unit already registered with LP-Gas Operations.
(56) Transfer system--All piping, fittings, valves, pumps, compressors, meters, hoses, bulkheads, and equipment
utilized in dispensing LP-gas between containers.
(57) Transport--Any bobtail or semitrailer equipped with one or more containers.
(58) Transport driver--An individual who operates an LP-gas trailer or semi-trailer equipped with a container of
more than 5,000 gallons water capacity.
(59) Transport system--Any and all piping, fittings, valves, and equipment on a transport, excluding the container.
(60) Ultimate consumer--The person controlling LP-gas immediately prior to its ignition.
14 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

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9.3 LP-Gas Report Forms

Under the provision of the Texas Natural Resources Code, Chapter 113, the Railroad Commission of Texas has adopted
the following forms.

Figure: 16 TAC 9.3

Railroad Commission of Texas LP-Gas Forms
Form Number

Form Title

Creation or Last
Revision Date

Applicable Rule
Number (16 TAC
____) or Other

LPG Form 1

Application for LPG License or License Renewal

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 1A

Outlet List

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 3

Liquefied Petroleum Gas License



LPG Form 4

Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vehicle Identification



LPG Form 7

Truck Registration/Re-registration/Transfer

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 8

Manufacturers Report of Pressure Vessel Repair, Modification, or


Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 8A

Report of DOT Cylinder Repair

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 16

Application for Examination

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 16A

Certified Employee Transfer Form

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 16B

Application for Registration by a Master or Journeyman Plumber or

a Class

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 16R

Application for LP-Gas Examination Exemption by Reciprocity


Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 18

Affidavit of Lost or Destroyed License

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 18B

Statement of Lost or Destroyed LPG Form 4 Decal

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 19

Transfer of LP-Gas Bulk Storage Plant or Cylinder Filling/Service


Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 20

Report of LP-Gas Incident/Accident

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 22

Report of LP-Gas Safety Rule Violation

Rev. 7/2012

9.38(a); 9.134

LPG Form 23

Statement in Lieu of Container Testing

Rev. 7/2012


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Form Number

Form Title

LPG Form 25

Application and Notice of Exception to the LP- Gas Safety Rules

LPG Form 28
LPG Form 28A

Creation or Last
Revision Date

Applicable Rule
Number (16 TAC
____) or Other

Rev. 7/2012


Notice of Election to Self-Insure

Rev. 7/2012


Bank Declarations Regarding Irrevocable Letter of Credit

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 30

Texas School LP-Gas Leakage Test Report

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 500

Application to Install LPG Facility (Aggregate Water Capacity of

10,000 Gallons or More)

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 500A

Notice of Proposed LP-Gas Installation

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 501

Completion Report for LP-Gas Installations of Less than 10,000

Gallons Aggregate Water Capacity

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 502

Application for Commission Identification

Nameplate Installation

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 503

Notice of Completed Installation of an LP-Gas System on School

Bus, Public Transportation, Mass Transit, or Special Transit

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 505

Testing Procedures Certification

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 506

Polyethylene Pipe/Tubing Heat-Fusion Certification

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 995

Certification of Political Subdivision of Self-Insurance for Workers

Compensation, General Liability, and/or Motor Vehicle Liability

Rev. 7/2012


LPG Form 996B

Statement in Lieu of Insurance Filing Certifying Workers

Compensation Coverage, including Employers Liability Insurance
or Alternative Accident/Health Insurance

Rev. 7/2012

Table 9.26(a);

LPG Form 997B

Statement in Lieu of Motor Vehicle Bodily Injury Insurance and

Property Damage Liability Insurance

Rev. 7/2012

Table 9.26(a);

LPG Form 998B

Statement in Lieu of General Liability Insurance and/or Completed

Operations or Products Liability Insurance

Rev. 7/2012

Table 9.26(a);
9.26(e); 9.26(f)

LPG Form 999

Notice of Insurance Cancellation

Rev. 7/2012


9.4 Records and Enforcement

(a) Records. Each LP-gas licensee or registrant shall retain:

(1) records of pressure tests and leakage tests for at least five years;

(2) a copy of all documentation submitted for an exception to an LP-gas rule pursuant to 9.27 of this title (relating
to Application for an Exception to a Safety Rule), including the LP-Gas Operations directors memorandum granting
the exception, for as long as the exception is in use; and

(3) a copy of all customer records for at least five years.

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(b) Periodic inspection. LP-Gas Operations shall formulate a plan or program for periodic evaluation or inspection
of records and facilities owned, operated, or serviced by LP-gas licenses or registrants for the purpose of verifying
compliance with this chapter.
(c) Scope of inspection. During normal business hours, an authorized representative of the Commission may, at any
reasonable time, inspect the files, records, reports, documents, equipment, transports, and facilities of an LP-gas
licensee for the purpose of verifying compliance with this chapter.
(d) Licensee and registrant obligations.
(1) A registrant, officer, employee, or representative of an LP-gas licensee shall cooperate with the Commission
and its authorized representatives in the administration and enforcement of the provisions in this chapter, in the
determination of compliance with the provisions of this chapter, and in the investigation of violations, complaints
alleging violations, and accidents or incidents involving LP-gas.
(2) A registrant, officer, employee, or representative of an LP-gas licensee shall make readily available all files,
records, reports, documents and information, and shall make readily accessible all company equipment, property,
and facilities as the Commission or its authorized representative may reasonably require in the administration and
enforcement of this chapter, and in the investigation of violations, complaints alleging violations, and accidents or
incidents involving LP-gas.
(3) Upon request by an authorized representative of the Commission, an LP-gas licensees officer, employee,
or representative, or a registrant shall provide copies of records, files, reports, documents, and information for
administration and enforcement of this chapter.

9.5 Effect of Safety Violations

(a) This section implements the provisions of Texas Natural Resources Code, 113.163, and applies to a violation that
occurs on or after September 1, 2005.
(b) Except as provided by subsections (e) and (f) of this section, the Commission may not approve an application for an
initial or renewal license or registration for an exemption under this chapter if:
(1) the applicant or registrant for an exemption has violated a statute or Commission rule, order, license, permit, or
certificate that relates to safety; or
(2) a person who holds a position of ownership or control in the applicant or registrant for an exemption has
held a position of ownership or control in another person during the seven years preceding the date on which the
application or registration for an exemption is filed and during that period of ownership or control the other person
violated a statute or Commission rule, order, license, permit, or certificate that relates to safety.

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(c) An applicant, registrant for an exemption, or other person has committed a violation described by subsection (b) of
this section if:
(1) a final judgment or final administrative order finding the violation has been entered against the applicant,
registrant for an exemption, or other person and all appeals have been exhausted; or
(2) the Commission and the applicant, registrant for an exemption, or other person have entered into an agreed
order relating to the alleged violation.
(d) Regardless of whether the persons name appears or is required to appear on an application or registration for an
exemption, a person holds a position of ownership or control in an applicant, registrant for an exemption, or other
person if the person is:
(1) an officer, director, general partner, sole owner, or trustee of, or the owner of at least 25 percent of the beneficial
interest in the applicant, registrant for an exemption, or other person; or
(2) the applicant, registrant, or other person and has been determined by a final judgment or final administrative
order to have exerted actual control over the applicant, registrant, or other person.
(e) The Commission shall approve an application for a license or registration for an exemption under this chapter, if all
of the following conditions, if applicable, are met:
(1) the conditions that constituted the violation have been corrected or are being corrected in accordance with a
schedule to which the Commission and the applicant, registrant for an exemption, or other person have agreed;

(2) all administrative, civil, and criminal penalties have been paid or are being paid in accordance with a payment
schedule to which the Commission and the applicant, registrant for an exemption, or other person have agreed; and

(3) the application or registration for an exemption complies with all other requirements of law and Commission
(f) The Commission may issue a license to an applicant described by subsection (b) of this section or approve a
registration for an exemption for a registrant for an exemption described by subsection (b) of this section for a term
specified by the Commission if the license or registration for an exemption is necessary to remedy a violation of law or
Commission rules.
(g) If the Commission is prohibited by subsection (b) of this section from approving an application for a license or
a registration for an exemption or would be prohibited from doing so by that subsection if the applicant, licensee, or
registrant for an exemption submitted an application or registration for an exemption, then the Commission, after notice
and opportunity for a hearing, by order may refuse to renew or may revoke a license or registration for an exemption
issued to the applicant, licensee, or registrant for an exemption under this chapter.
(1) In determining whether to refuse to renew or to revoke a persons license or registration for an exemption
under this subsection, the Commission shall consider the persons history of previous violations, the seriousness of
previous violations, any hazard to the health or safety of the public, and the demonstrated good faith of the person.

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(2) If an application or registration for an exemption is denied under this subsection, the Commission shall provide
the applicant or registrant for an exemption with a written statement explaining the reason for the denial.
(3) An order issued under this subsection must provide the applicant, licensee, or registrant for an exemption a
reasonable period to comply with the judgment or order finding the violation before the order takes effect.
 (4) The Commissions refusal to renew or revocation of a persons license or registration for an exemption under
this subsection does not relieve the person of any existing or future duty under law, rules, or license or registration
(5) On refusal to renew or revocation of a persons license or registration for an exemption under this subsection,
the person may not perform any activities under the jurisdiction of the Commission under this chapter, except as
necessary to remedy a violation of law or Commission rules and as authorized by the Commission under a license or
registration for an exemption issued under subsection (f) of this section.
(6) A fee tendered in connection with an application or registration for an exemption that is denied under this
section is nonrefundable.
(7) The Commission may not revoke or refuse to renew a license or registration for an exemption under this
subsection if the Commission finds that the applicant, licensee, or registrant for an exemption has fulfilled the
conditions set out in subsection (e) of this section.

9.6 Licenses and Fees

(a)A prospective licensee may apply to LP-Gas Operations for one or more licenses specified in subsection (c)(1) (16) of this section. Fees required to be paid shall be those established by the Commission and in effect at the time of
licensing or renewal.
(b) An original manufacturer of a new motor vehicle powered by LP-gas, or a subcontractor of a manufacturer who
produces a new LP-gas powered motor vehicle for the manufacturer, is not subject to the licensing requirements of this
title, but shall comply with all other LP-Gas Safety Rules.
(c) The license categories and fees are as follows.
(1) A Category A license for container manufacturers and/or fabricators authorizes the manufacture, fabrication,
assembly, repair, installation, subframing, testing, and sale of LP-gas containers, including LP-gas motor or mobile
fuel containers and systems, and the repair and installation of transport and transfer systems. The original license
fee is $1,000; the renewal fee is $600.
(2) A Category B license for transport outfitters authorizes the subframing, testing, and sale of LP-gas transport
containers, the testing of LP-gas storage containers, the installation, testing, and sale of LP-gas motor or mobile
fuel containers and systems, and the installation and repair of transport systems and motor or mobile fuel systems.
The original license fee is $400; the renewal fee is $200.

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(3) A Category C license for carriers authorizes the transportation of LP-gas by transport, including the loading
and unloading of LP-gas, and the installation and repair of transport systems. The original license fee is $1,000; the
renewal fee is $300.
(4) A Category D license for general installers and repairmen authorizes the sale, service, and installation of
containers, excluding motor fuel containers, and the service, installation, and repair of piping, certain appliances
as defined by rule, excluding recreational vehicle appliances and LP-gas systems, and motor fuel and recreational
vehicle systems. The service and repair of an LP-gas appliance not required by the manufacturer to be vented to the
atmosphere is exempt from Category D licensing. The installation of these unvented appliances to LP-gas systems
by means of LP-gas appliance connectors is also exempt from Category D licensing. The original license fee is $100;
the renewal fee is $70. Additionally, master or journeyman plumbers who are licensed by the Texas State Board of
Plumbing Examiners or persons who are licensed with a Class A or B Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors
License issued by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation may register with AFRED as described in
9.13 of this title (relating to General Installers and Repairman Exemption). The initial registration fee is $50; the
registration renewal fee is $20.
(5) A Category E license for retail and wholesale dealers authorizes the storage, sale, transportation, and
distribution of LP-gas at retail and wholesale dealers, and all other activities included in this section, except the
manufacture, fabrication, assembly, repair, subframing, and testing of LP-gas containers, and except the sale and
installation of LP-gas motor or mobile fuel systems that service an engine with a rating of more than 25 horsepower.
The original license fee is $750; the renewal fee is $300.
(6) A Category F license for cylinder filling authorizes the operation of a cylinder filling facility, including cylinder
filling, the sale of LP-gas in cylinders, and the replacement of cylinder valves. The original license fee is $100; the
renewal fee is $50.
(7) A Category G license for dispensing stations authorizes the operation of LP-gas dispensing stations filling ASME
containers designed for motor or mobile fuel. The original license fee is $100; the renewal fee is $50.
(8) A Category H license for cylinder dealers authorizes the transportation and sale of LP-gas in cylinders. The
original license fee is $1,000; the renewal fee is $300.
(9) A Category I license for service stations and cylinder filling authorizes any service station and cylinder activity
set out in Category F and Category G of this section. The original license fee is $150; the renewal fee is $70.
(10) A Category J license for service stations and cylinder facilities authorizes the operation of a cylinder filling
facility, including cylinder filling and the sale, transportation, installation, and connection of LP-gas in cylinders, the
replacement of cylinder valves, and the operation of an LP-gas service station as set out in Category G. The original
license fee is $1,000; the renewal fee is $300.
(11) A Category K license for distribution systems authorizes the sale and distribution of LP-gas through mains or
pipes, and the installation and repair of LP-gas systems. The original license fee is $1,000; the renewal fee is $300.
(12) A Category L license for engine fuel authorizes the sale and installation of LP-gas motor or mobile fuel
containers, and the sale and installation of LP-gas motor or mobile fuel systems. The original license fee is $100; the
renewal fee is $50.
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(13) A Category M license for recreational vehicle installers and repairmen authorizes the sale, service, and
installation of recreational vehicle containers, and the installation, repair, and service of recreational vehicle
appliances, piping, and LP-gas systems, including recreational vehicle motor or mobile fuel systems and containers.
The original license fee is $100; the renewal fee is $70.
(14) A Category N license for manufactured housing installers and repairmen authorizes the service and
installation of containers that supply fuel to manufactured housing, and the installation, repair, and service of
appliances and piping systems for manufactured housing. The original license fee is $100; the renewal fee is $70.
(15) A Category O license for testing laboratories authorizes the testing of LP-gas containers, LP-gas motor fuel
systems or mobile fuel systems, transfer systems, and transport systems for the purpose of determining the safety
of the containers or systems for LP-gas service, including the necessary installation, disconnection, reconnection,
testing, and repair of LP-gas motor fuel systems or mobile fuel systems, transfer systems, and transport systems
involved in the testing of containers. The original license fee is $400; the renewal fee is $100.
(16) A Category P license for portable cylinder exchange authorizes the operation of a portable cylinder exchange
service, where the sale of LP-gas is within a portable cylinder with an LP-gas capacity not to exceed 21 pounds,
where the portable cylinders are not filled on site, and where no other LP-gas activity requiring a license is
conducted. The original license fee is $100; the renewal fee is $50.

9.7 Application for License and License Renewal Requirements

(a) N
 o person shall perform work, directly supervise LP-gas activities, or be employed in any capacity requiring contact
with LP-gas unless:
(1) that individual has taken and passed any applicable rules examination specified in 9.10 of this title (relating
to Rules Examination) and in 9.17 of this title (relating to Designation and Responsibilities of Company
Representatives and Operations Supervisors);
(2) the individual is in compliance with the training and continuing education requirements beginning in 9.51 of
this title (relating to General Requirements for Training and Continuing Education), except for a trainee described
in 9.12 of this title (relating to Trainees);
(3) prior to performing authorized LP-gas activities in Texas, the individual is employed by a licensee or by a
license-exempt entity, such as a political subdivision or a state agency; or
(4) the individual holds a current examination exemption certificate pursuant to 9.13 of this title (relating to
General Installers and Repairman Exemption) and is therefore exempt from the requirements of this subsection.
(b) A person exempt from licensing as authorized by Texas Natural Resources Code, 113.081(b), shall not engage in
any LP-gas activities in commerce or in business without first obtaining a license.
(c) A state agency or institution, county, municipality, school district, or other governmental subdivision is exempt from
licensing requirements as provided in 113.081(g) if the entity is performing work for itself on its own behalf, but is
required to be licensed to perform work for or on behalf of a second party .
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(d) Licensees, company representatives, and operations supervisors at each outlet shall have copies of all current
licenses and certification cards for employees at that location available for inspection during regular business hours.
In addition, licensees shall maintain a current version of the LP-Gas Safety Rules and shall provide at least one copy
to each company representative and operations supervisor. The copies shall be available to employees during business
(e) Licenses issued under this chapter expire one year after issuance at midnight on the last day of the month prior to
the month in which they are issued.
(f) An applicant for a new license shall file with LP-Gas Operations :
(1) a properly completed LPG Form 1 listing all names under which LP-gas related activities requiring licensing
are to be conducted and, for licensees engaging in LP-gas product activities as defined in Texas Natural Resources
Code, 113.081(a)(4), including a 24-hour emergency response telephone number. Any company performing LPgas activities under an assumed name (DBA or doing business as name) shall file copies of the assumed name
certificates which are required to be filed with the respective county clerks office and/or the Secretary of States
office with LP-Gas Operations and

(2) LPG Form 16 or 16B and any of the following applicable forms:
(A) LPG Form 1A if the applicant will establish any outlets;
(B) LPG Form 7 and any information requested in 9.202 of this title (relating to Registration and Transfer of
LP-Gas Transports or Container Delivery Units) if the applicant intends to register any LP-gas transports or
container delivery units;
(C) LPG Form 19 if the applicant will be transferring the operation of an existing bulk plant, service station,
cylinder filling, or portable cylinder exchange rack installation from another owner or name; and/or
(D) any form required to comply with 9.26 of this title (relating to Insurance and Self-Insurance

(3) pay the following fees:

(A) the applicable license fee specified in 9.6 of this title (relating to Licenses and Fees);
(B) transport registration fees specified in 9.202 of this title (relating to Registration and Transfer of LP-Gas
Transports or Container Delivery Units), if the applicant for license intends to operate a transport or container
delivery unit; and
(C) the nonrefundable management-level rules examination fee specified in 9.10 of this title (relating to Rules
Examination); and
(D) the nonrefundable fee for any required training course as specified in 9.51 of this title (relating to General
Requirements for Training and Continuing Education).

22 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

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(g) An applicant for license shall not engage in LP-gas activities governed by the Texas Natural Resources Code,
Chapter 113, and the LP-Gas Safety Rules, until it has employed a company representative and/or operations supervisor
who has passed the management-level rules examination specified in 9.10 of this title (relating to Rules Examination)
with a score of at least 75% and who has completed any required training in 9.51 and 9.52 of this title (relating to
General Requirements for Training and Continuing Education; and Training and Continuing Education Courses),
or who has obtained a General Installers and Repairman Exemption as specified in 9.13 of this title (relating to
General Installers and Repairman Exemption). Company representatives and operations supervisors shall also comply
with 9.17 of this title (relating to Designation and Responsibilities of Company Representatives and Operations
(h) For license renewals, LP-Gas Operations shall notify the licensee in writing at the address on file with LP-Gas
Operations of the impending license expiration at least 30 calendar days before the date a persons license is scheduled
to expire. The renewal notice shall include copies of LPG Forms 1, 1A, and 7, whichever are applicable, showing the
information currently on file. Renewals shall be submitted to LP-Gas Operations with any necessary changes clearly
marked on the forms. Licensees engaging in LP-gas product activities as defined in Texas Natural Resources Code,
113.081(a)(4), shall include on LPG Form 1 a 24-hour emergency response telephone number, if not previously
submitted, along with the license renewal fee specified in 9.6 of this title (relating to Licenses and Fees) and any
applicable transport registration fee specified in 9.202 of this title (relating to Registration and Transfer of LP-Gas
Transports or Container Delivery Units) on or before the last day of the month in which the license expires in order for
the licensee to continue LP-gas activities. Failure to meet the renewal deadline set forth in this section shall result in
expiration of the license. If a persons license expires, that person shall immediately cease performance of any LP-gas
activities authorized by the license. After verification, if the licensee has met all other requirements for licensing, LPGas Operations shall renew the license, and the person may resume LP-gas activities.
(1) If a persons license has been expired for 90 calendar days or fewer, the person shall submit a renewal fee
that is equal to 1 1/2 times the renewal fee required by 9.6 of this title. Upon receipt of the renewal fee, LP-Gas
Operations shall verify that the persons license has not been suspended, revoked, or expired for more than one
year. After verification, if the licensee has met all other requirements for licensing, LP-Gas Operations shall renew
the license, and the person may resume LP-gas activities.
(2) If a persons license has been expired for more than 90 calendar days but less than one year, the person shall
submit a renewal fee that is equal to two times the renewal fee required by 9.6 of this title. Upon receipt of the
renewal fee, LP-Gas Operations shall verify that the persons license has not been suspended, revoked, or expired
for more than one year. After verification, if the licensee has met all other requirements for licensing, LP-Gas
Operations shall renew the license, and the person may resume LP-gas related activities.
(3) If a persons license has been expired for one year or more, that person shall not renew, but shall comply with
the requirements for issuance of an original license.
(4) A person who was licensed in this state, moved to another state, and is currently licensed and has been in
practice in the other state for the two years preceding the date of application may obtain a new license without
reexamination. The person shall pay to LP-Gas Operations a fee that is equal to two times the renewal fee required
by 9.6 of this title.

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(A) As a prerequisite to licensing pursuant to this provision, the person shall submit, in addition to an
application for licensing, proof of having been in practice and licensed in good standing in another state
continuously for the two years immediately preceding the filing of the application;
(B) A person licensed under this provision shall be required to comply with all requirements of licensing
other than the examination requirement, including but not limited to the insurance requirements as specified
in 9.26 of this title (relating to Insurance Requirements) and the continuing education and training
requirements as specified in 9.51 of this title (relating to General Requirements for Training and Continuing
(i) Applicants for license or license renewal in the following categories shall comply with these additional requirements:
(1) An applicant for a Category A license or renewal shall file with LP-Gas Operations for each of its outlets legible
copies of:
(A) its current Department of Transportation (DOT) authorization. A licensee shall not continue to operate
after the expiration date of the DOT authorization; and/or
(B) its current American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code, Section VIII certificate of
(2) An applicant for a Category B or O license or renewal shall file with LP-Gas Operations a properly completed
LPG Form 505 certifying that the applicant will follow the testing procedures indicated. The company representative
designated on the licensees LPG Form 1 shall sign the LPG Form 505.
(3) An applicant for Category A, B, or O license or renewal who tests tanks, subframes LP-gas cargo tanks, or
performs other activities requiring DOT registration shall file with LP-Gas Operations a copy of any applicable
current DOT registrations. Such registration shall comply with Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 107
(Hazardous Materials Program Procedures), Subpart F (Registration of Cargo Tank and Cargo Tank Motor Vehicle
Manufacturers and Repairers and Cargo Tank Motor Vehicle Assemblers).

9.8 Application for a New Certificate

(a) An applicant for a new certificate shall:
(1) file with AFRED a properly completed LPG Form 16 and the applicable nonrefundable rules examination fee
specified in 9.10 of this title (relating to Rules Examination);
(2) pass the applicable rules examination with a score of at least 75%; and
(3) complete any required training and/or AFT in 9.51 and 9.52 of this title (relating to General Requirements for
Training and Continuing Education; and Training and Continuing Education Courses).
(b) An individual who holds an employee-level certificate who wishes to obtain a management-level certificate shall
comply with the requirements of this section, including training and fees.
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9.9 Requirements for Certificate Renewal

(a) Active status. In order to maintain active status, certificate holders shall comply with the applicable continuing
education requirements in this section.
(b) Certificate renewal date. AFRED shall notify licensees of any of their employees pending renewals and shall notify
the individual if not employed by a licensee, in writing, at the address on file with AFRED no later than March 15 of a
year for the May 31 renewal date of that year.
(c) Certificate holders shall remit the nonrefundable $35 annual certificate renewal fee to AFRED on or before May 31
of each year. Individuals who hold more than one certificate shall pay only one annual renewal fee.
(1) Failure to pay the nonrefundable annual renewal fee by the deadline shall result in a lapsed certification.
To renew a lapsed certification, the individual shall pay the nonrefundable $35 annual renewal fee plus a
nonrefundable $20 late-filing fee. Failure to do so shall result in the expiration of the certificate. If a persons
certification expires, that person shall immediately cease performance of any LP-gas activities authorized by the
certification. If an individuals certificate has been expired for more than two years from May 31 of the year in which
certification lapsed, that individual shall comply with the requirements for a new certificate.
(2) Upon receipt of the annual renewal fee and any late-filing penalty, AFRED shall verify that the individuals
certification has not been suspended, revoked, or expired for more than two years. After verification, AFRED shall
renew the certification and the individual may continue or resume LP-gas activities authorized by that certification.
(d) Continuing education. Certificate holders shall successfully complete the continuing education requirements as
specified in 9.51 and 9.52 of this title (relating to General Requirements for Training and Continuing Education, and
Training and Continuing Education Courses).
(1) Failure to comply with the continuing education requirements by the assigned deadline shall result in a lapsed
(2) If a certification lapses as specified in paragraph (1) of this subsection, the individual shall pay the $20 late fee.

9.10 Rules Examination

(a) In addition to complying with NFPA 4.4 and 11.2, an individual who files LPG Form 16 and pays the applicable
nonrefundable examination fee may take the rules examination at the Commissions AFRED Training Center, 6506 Bolm
Road, Austin, Texas, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday, except for state holidays,
and at other designated times and locations around the state. Tuesdays and Thursdays are the preferred days for
examinations at the AFRED Training Center.
(1) Dates and locations of available Commission LP-gas examinations may be obtained in the Austin offices
of AFRED and on the Commissions web site at, and shall be updated at least monthly.
Examinations shall be conducted in Austin and in other locations around the state. Individuals or companies may

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request in writing that examinations be given in their area. AFRED shall schedule its examinations and locations at
its discretion.
(2) Except in a case where a conditional qualification has been requested in writing and approved under 9.17(g)
of this title (relating to Designation and Responsibilities of Company Representatives and Operations Supervisors),
the Category E, F, G, I, and J management-level rules examination shall be administered only in conjunction with
the Category E, F, G, I and J management-level courses of instruction. Management-level rules examinations other
than Category E, F, G, I and J may be administered on any scheduled examination day.
(3) The Commission may not issue a certification card to an applicant for a management-level certificate that
requires completion of a course of instruction until the applicant completes both the required course of instruction
and passes the required management-level rules examination.
(4) An applicant for a management-level certificate shall pass the management-level rules examination within two
years after completing a required course of instruction. An applicant who fails to pass such an examination within
two years of completing such a course shall reapply as a new applicant.
(5) Exam fees.
(A) The nonrefundable management-level rules examination fee (for company representatives and operations
supervisors) is $70.
(B) The nonrefundable employee-level rules examination fee (for employees other than company
representatives or operations supervisors) is $40.

(C) The nonrefundable examination fee shall be paid each time an individual wishes to take the examination.

(D) Individuals who register and pay for a Category E, F, G, I or J training course as specified in 9.51(f)(2)
(A) of this title (relating to General Requirements for Training and Continuing Education) shall pay the charge
specified for the applicable examination.

(6) Time limits.

(A) Effective June 1, 2008, an applicant shall complete the examination within the time limit specified in this
(i) The Category E management-level (closed book), Bobtail employee-level (open book), and Service and
Installation employee-level (open book) examinations shall be limited to three hours.
(ii) All other categories of management-level examinations and all other employee-level examinations shall
be limited to two hours.

(B) The examination proctor shall be the official timekeeper.

(C) An examinee shall submit the examination and the answer sheet to the examination proctor before or at
the end of the established time limit for an examination.
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(D) The examination proctor shall mark any answer sheet that was not completed within the time limit.
(7) The Commission may offer employee-level LP-Gas Transport Driver, DOT Cylinder Filling, and Motor/Mobile
Fuel Dispensing examinations in Spanish or English.
(b) Table 1 of this subsection specifies the examinations offered by the Commission.

Employee-Level Examination Requirements for Licenses by Category

Table 1: 16 TAC 9.10(b) (Revised February 2008)
License Categories


Employee Level Exams Offered:

1. Bobtail Exam - See 9.10(b)(1)

2. Transport Driver Exam - See 9.10(b)(2)

3. On-Road Motor Fuel Exam - See 9.10(b)(3)

4. Non-Road Motor Fuel Exam - See 9.10(b)(4)

5. Mobile Fuel Exam - See 9.10(b)(5)

6. DOT Cylinder Filling Exam - See 9.10(b)(6)

* *

* *

7. Recreational Vehicle Exam - See 9.10(b)(7)

8. Service and Installation Exam - See 9.10(b)(8)

* *

9. Appliance Service and Installation Exam - See 9.10(b)(9)

* *

10. Motor/Mobile Fuel Dispensing Exam - See 9.10(b)(10)

* *

(1) The Bobtail examination qualifies an individual to operate a bobtail, to perform all the LP-gas activities
authorized by the Transport Driver, DOT Cylinder Filling, and Motor/Mobile Fuel examinations, and to perform leak
checks and pressure tests, light appliances, and adjust regulators and thermocouples. The Bobtail examination
does not authorize an individual to connect or disconnect containers, except when performing a pressure test or
removing a container from service.
(2) The Transport Driver examination qualifies an individual to operate an LP-gas transport equipped with a
container of more than 5,000 gallons water capacity, to load and unload LP-gas, and connect and disconnect
transfer hoses. The Transport Driver examination does not authorize an individual to operate a bobtail or to install
or repair transport systems.
(3) The On-Road Motor Fuel examination qualifies an individual to install LP-gas motor fuel containers, cylinders,
and LP-gas motor fuel systems, and replace container valves on motorized vehicles licensed to operate on public
roadways. The On-Road Motor Fuel examination does not authorize an individual to fill LP-gas motor or mobile fuel

LP-Gas Safety Rules - 27

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(4) The Non-Road Motor Fuel examination qualifies an individual to install LP-gas motor fuel containers, cylinders,
and LP-gas motor fuel systems, and replace container valves on vehicles such as industrial forklift trucks and
lawnmowers. The Non-Road Motor Fuel examination does not authorize an individual to fill LP-gas motor fuel
containers or cylinders.
(5) The Mobile Fuel examination qualifies an individual to install LP-gas mobile fuel containers, cylinders, and
LP-gas mobile fuel systems, and replace container valves on mobile fuel equipment such as trailers, catering trucks,
mobile kitchens, tar kettles, hot oil units, auxiliary engines and similar equipment. The Mobile Fuel examination
does not authorize an individual to fill LP-gas mobile fuel containers or cylinders.
(6) The DOT Cylinder Filling examination qualifies an individual to inspect, requalify, fill, disconnect and
connect cylinders, including industrial truck cylinders, and to exchange cylinder valves. The DOT Cylinder Filling
examination does not authorize an individual to fill ASME motor or mobile fuel containers.
(7) The Recreational Vehicle examination qualifies an individual to install LP-gas motor or mobile fuel containers,
including cylinders, and to install and repair LP-gas systems on recreational vehicles. The Recreational Vehicle
examination does not authorize an individual to fill LP-gas containers.
(8) The Service and Installation examination qualifies an individual to perform all LP-gas activities related to
stationary LP-gas systems, including LP-gas containers, appliances, and stationary engines. The Service and
Installation examination does not authorize an individual to fill containers or operate an LP-gas transport.
(9) The Appliance Service and Installation examination qualifies an individual to perform all LP-gas activities
related to appliances, including installing, repairing and converting appliances, installing and repairing connectors
from the appliance gas stop through the venting system, and to perform leak checks on the new or repaired portion
of an LP-gas system. The Appliance Service and Installation examination does not authorize an individual to install
a container, install or repair piping upstream of and including the appliance gas stop, or to install, repair or adjust
(10) The Motor/Mobile Fuel Dispensing examination qualifies an individual to inspect and fill motor or mobile fuel
containers on vehicles, including recreational vehicles, cars, trucks, and buses. The Motor/Mobile Fuel Dispensing
examination does not authorize an individual to fill LP-gas cylinders or ASME stationary containers.
(c) Within 15 calendar days of the date an individual takes an examination, AFRED shall notify the individual of the
results of the examination.

(1) If the examination is graded or reviewed by a testing service, AFRED shall notify the individual of the
examination results within 14 days of the date AFRED receives the results from the testing service. If the notice
of the examination results will be delayed for longer than 90 days after the examination date, AFRED shall notify
the individual of the reason for the delay before the 90th day. AFRED may require a testing service to notify an
individual of the individuals examination results.
(2) Successful completion of any required examination shall be credited to and accrue to the individual.
(3) An individual who has been issued a certification card shall make the card readily available and shall present
the card to any Commission employee or agent who requests proof of certification.
28 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

Railroad Commission of Texas

(d) Failure of any examination shall immediately disqualify the individual from performing any LP-gas related activities
covered by the examination which is failed, except for activities covered by a separate examination which the individual
has passed. If requested by an individual who failed the examination, AFRED shall furnish the individual with an
analysis of the individuals performance on the examination.
(1) Any individual who fails an examination administered by the Commission only at the Austin location may retake
the same examination only one additional time during a business day.
(2) Any subsequent examination shall be taken on another business day, unless approved by the AFRED director.

9.11 Previously Certified Individuals

A licensee, an ultimate consumer, or a state agency, county, municipality, school district, or other governmental
subdivision shall notify AFRED when a certified individual is hired by filing LPG Form 16A and a nonrefundable $10 fee
with AFRED within 10 calendar days, or in lieu of that form, the $10 fee and a written notice including the employees
name as recorded on a current drivers license or Texas Department of Public Safety identification card, employee social
security number, names of the newly-hired certified employees previous and new employers, and types of LP-gas work
to be performed by the newly-hired certified employee. A state agency, county, municipality, school district, or other
governmental subdivision is exempt from this subsection if such entity chooses not to certify its employees who perform
LP-gas activities.

9.12 Trainees
(a) A licensee or ultimate consumer may employ an individual as a trainee for a period not to exceed 45 calendar days
without that individual having successfully completed the rules examination as specified in 9.10 of this title (relating
to Rules Examination) subject to the following conditions. The trainee shall be directly and individually supervised
at all times by an individual who has successfully completed the Commissions rules examination for the areas of work
being performed by the trainee.
(b) A trainee who successfully completes the rules examination shall comply with the training requirements for a new
certificate in 9.51 and 9.52 of this title (relating to General Requirements for Training and Continuing Education; and
Training and Continuing Education Courses).
(c) A trainee who fails the rules examination shall immediately cease to perform any LP-gas related activities covered
by the examination failed.
(d) A trainee who has been in training for a total period of 45 calendar days, in any combination and with any number
of employers, shall cease to perform any LP-gas activities for which he or she is not currently certified.

LP-Gas Safety Rules - 29

Railroad Commission of Texas

9.13 General Installers and Repairman Exemption

(a) Any individual who is currently licensed as a master or journeyman plumber by the Texas State Board of Plumbing
Examiners or who is currently licensed with a Class A or B Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors License
issued by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation may register with AFRED and be granted an exemption to
the Category D licensing and examination requirements (including insurance, and training and continuing education)
provided the applicant:
(1) holds an active license in compliance with Texas Occupations Code, 1302.260, relating to Issuance and Term
of License, and 1301.351, relating to License, Endorsement, or Registration Required;
(2) submits a legible photocopy of a current Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractor or Master or
Journeyman Plumbers certificate;

(3) submits a legible photocopy of a picture state-issued identification card or drivers license;

(4) submits a properly completed LPG Form 16B; and

(5) pays the $50 registration fee.

(b) This exemption does not become effective until the registration/examination exemption certificate is issued by
(c) The registration/examination exemption accrues to the individual and is nontransferable.
(d) Any individual granted such exemption shall maintain registered status at all times. Upon failure to maintain
registered status, the individual shall immediately cease all affected LP-gas activities until proper status has been
(e) In order to maintain an exemption, each individual issued a registration/examination exemption certificate shall
pay a $20 annual renewal fee to AFRED on or before May 31 of each year. Failure to pay the annual renewal fee by May
31 shall result in a lapsed exemption. If an individuals exemption lapses, that individual shall cease all LP-gas activities
until the exemption has been renewed. To renew a lapsed exemption, the applicant shall pay the $20 annual renewal
fee plus a $20 late-filing fee. Failure to do so shall result in the expiration of the registration/examination exemption.
If an individuals registration/examination exemption has been expired for more than two years, that individual shall
complete all requirements necessary to apply for a new exemption.
(f) Any individual who is issued this exemption agrees to comply with the current edition of the LP-Gas Safety Rules. In
the event the exempt individual surrenders, fails to renew, or has the licensed revoked either by the Texas State Board
of Plumbing Examiners or the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, that individual shall immediately cease
performing any LP-gas activities granted by this section. The exemption certificate shall be returned immediately to
AFRED and all rights and privileges surrendered.

30 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

Railroad Commission of Texas

9.15. Penalty Guidelines for LP-Gas Safety Violations

(a) Policy. Improved safety and environmental protection are the desired outcomes of any enforcement action.
Encouraging licensees, certificate holders, and registrants to take appropriate voluntary corrective and future
protective actions once a violation has occurred is an effective component of the enforcement process. Deterrence
of violations through penalty assessments is also a necessary and effective component of the enforcement process. A
rulebased enforcement penalty guideline to evaluate and rank LPgasrelated violations is consistent with the central
goal of the Commissions enforcement efforts to promote compliance. Penalty guidelines set forth in this section will
provide a framework for more uniform and equitable assessment of penalties throughout the state, while also enhancing
the integrity of the Commissions enforcement program.
(b) Only guidelines. This section complies with the requirements of Texas Natural Resources Code, 81.0531. The
penalty amounts contained in the tables in this section are provided solely as guidelines to be considered by the
Commission in determining the amount of administrative penalties for violations of provisions of Texas Natural
Resources Code, Chapter 113, relating to LPgas safety; of rules, orders, licenses, permits, or certificates relating to
LPgas safety adopted under those provisions; and of regulations, codes, or standards that the Commission has adopted
by reference.
(c) Commission authority. The establishment of these penalty guidelines shall in no way limit the Commissions
authority and discretion to assess administrative penalties. The typical minimum penalties listed in this section are
for the most common violations cited; however, this is neither an exclusive nor an exhaustive list of violations that the
Commission may cite. The Commission retains full authority and discretion to cite violations of Texas Natural Resources
Code, Chapter 113, relating to LPgas safety; of rules, orders, licenses, permits, or certificates relating to LPgas safety
adopted or issued under those provisions; and of regulations, codes, or standards that the Commission has adopted by
reference, and to assess administrative penalties in any amount up to the statutory maximum when warranted by the
facts in any case, regardless of inclusion in or omission from this section.
(d) Factors considered. The amount of any penalty requested, recommended, or finally assessed in an enforcement
action will be determined on an individual case by case basis for each violation, taking into consideration the following

(1) the persons history of previous violations;

(2) the seriousness of the previous violations;

(3) any hazard to the health or safety of the public; and

(4) the demonstrated good faith of the person charged.

(e) Typical penalties. Regardless of the method by which the typical penalty amount is calculated, the total penalty
amount will be within the statutory limit. Typical penalties for violations of provisions of Texas Natural Resources
Code, Chapter 113, relating to LPgas safety; of rules, orders, licenses, permits, or certificates relating to LPgas
safety adopted under those provisions; and of regulations, codes, or standards that the Commission has adopted by
reference, are set forth in Table 1.

LP-Gas Safety Rules - 31

Railroad Commission of Texas

Figure: 16 TAC 9.15(e)

TABLE 1. LP-Gas Penalty Schedule Guideline

LP-Gas Rule/Statute

General Description


Tex. Nat. Res. Code,

Chapter 113

Any violation of Chapter 113, Texas Natural Resources Code

16 TAC 9.4(a)

Retention of records

16 TAC 9.4(d)

Licensee and registrant obligations

16 TAC 9.7(a)

Performing LP-gas activities without proper certification and/or license


16 TAC 9.7(d)

Copies of licenses and/or certifications


16 TAC 9.7(g)

Company representative and/or branch manager


16 TAC 9.7(h)

License renewals lapse, 1-2 months


16 TAC 9.7(h)

License renewals lapse, 3-4 months


16 TAC 9.7(h)

License renewals lapse, 5-6 months


16 TAC 9.7(h)

License renewals lapse, more than 6 months

16 TAC 9.9

Requirements for certificate renewal


16 TAC 9.11

Employee transfers


16 TAC 9.12



16 TAC 9.13

General installers and repairman exception


16 TAC 9.17

Designation and responsibilities of company reps


16 TAC 9.21

Franchise tax certification and assumed name certificates


16 TAC 9.22

Changes in ownership, form or name of dealership


16 TAC 9.23

Limitation/avoidance of licensee liability

32 - LP-Gas Safety Rules




Railroad Commission of Texas

LP-Gas Rule/Statute


General Description

16 TAC 9.26

Insurance and self-insurance requirements


16 TAC 9.28

Reasonable safety provisions


16 TAC 9.32

Consumer safety notification


16 TAC 9.35

Written procedure for leak check

16 TAC 9.36(a)

Report of an LP-gas incident/accident

16 TAC 9.36(c)

Completed Form 20


16 TAC 9.36(e)

Category P must notify supplier of incident


16 TAC 9.41

Testing LP-gas systems in school facilities

16 TAC 9.101(b)

Filings for stationary installations Form 501 (< 10,000 gal AWC), 1-5


16 TAC 9.101(b)

Filings for stationary installations Form 501 (< 10,000 gal AWC), 6-10


16 TAC 9.101(b)

Filings for stationary installations Form 501 (< 10,000 gal AWC), >10


16 TAC 9.101(c)

Filings for stationary installations Form 500 (>= 10,000 gal AWC)

16 TAC 9.109

Physical inspection of stationary installation


16 TAC 9.113



16 TAC 9.114(a)

Odorization in accordance with NFPA 58


16 TAC 9.126(a)(b)

All appurtenances and equipment shall be listed

16 TAC 9.126(c)

Licensee or operator of equipment not listed but approved for use by

manufacturer shall maintain documentation

16 TAC 9.129

Manufacturers nameplate and markings

16 TAC 9.131

200 PSIG working pressure stationary vessels






LP-Gas Safety Rules - 33

Railroad Commission of Texas

LP-Gas Rule/Statute

General Description


16 TAC 9.132

Sales to unlicensed individuals


16 TAC 9.134

Connecting container to piping


16 TAC 9.135

Unsafe or unapproved containers, cylinders or piping


16 TAC 9.136

Filling DOT containers


16 TAC 9.137

Inspection of containers at each filling

16 TAC 9.140

Uniform protection standards


16 TAC 9.141

Uniform safety requirements


16 TAC 9.142

LP-gas storage and installation requirements


16 TAC 9.143

Bulkhead, internal valve, ball valve and ESV protection


16 TAC 9.201

Applicability (includes 49 CFR 100-185)


16 TAC 9.202

Registration and transfer of LP-gas transports


16 TAC 9.203

School bus, public transportation, mass and special transit

16 TAC 9.204

Maintenance of vehicles

16 TAC 9.206

Vehicle identification labels

16 TAC 9.208

Testing requirements

16 TAC 9.211



16 TAC 9.212



16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 adopted by reference unless otherwise listed

16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 Section underground piping cover requirements

16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 Section connection of plastic piping

16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 Section tracer wire

34 - LP-Gas Safety Rules




Railroad Commission of Texas

LP-Gas Rule/Statute


General Description

16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 Section cap all outlets


16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 Section 8.2.3 test for leakage


16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 Section appliance installation

16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 Section 9.6.7 sediment trap

16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 Section12.2 venting of appliances


16 TAC 9.306

Room heaters in public buildings


16 TAC 9.307

Identification of converted appliances


16 TAC 9.308

Identification of piping installation


16 TAC 9.311

Special exceptions for appliance connectors and piping support on

agricultural and industrial structures


16 TAC 9.312

Certification requirements for joining methods

16 TAC 9.401

NFPA 58 adopted by reference unless otherwise listed

16 TAC 9.401

NFPA 58 Section 6.3.1 (distance from container), first occurrence


16 TAC 9.401

NFPA 58 Section 6.3.1 (distance from container), 2nd occurrence


16 TAC 9.401

NFPA 58 Section 6.3.1 (distance from container), 3 or more occurrences

16 TAC 9.401

NFPA 58 Section and (requalification of cylinders), 1-10



16 TAC 9.401

NFPA 58 Section and (requalification of cylinders), 11-20



16 TAC 9.401

NFPA 58 Section and (requalification of cylinders), >20


16 TAC 9.401

NFPA 58 Section 9.4.8 (chock blocks)

16 TAC 9.403

Sections in NFPA 58 not adopted by reference or adopted with change or

additional requirements





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Railroad Commission of Texas

(f) Penalty enhancements for certain violations. For violations that involve threatened or actual safety hazards, or that
result from the reckless or intentional conduct of the person charged, the Commission may assess an enhancement of
the typical penalty. The enhancement may be in any amount in the range shown for each type of violation, as shown in
Table 2.

Figure: 16 TAC 9.15(f)

Table 2. LP-Gas Penalty Enhancements
For violations that involve:

Threatened or actual safety


Death or personal injury

$5,000 to $20,000

Taking facility out of service

$1,000 to $5,000

Gas ignition or release requiring

emergency response

$1,000 to $15,000

Damage to LP-gas installation or vehicle

$1,000 to $5,000

Property damage exceeding $5,000

$1,000 to $15,000

Rerouting of traffic or evacuation of


$1,000 to $5,000

Severity of
violation or
culpability of
person charged

Time out of compliance

$100 to $2,000
for each month

Reckless conduct of person charged

Up to double the
total penalty

Intentional conduct of person charged

Up to triple the
total penalty

(g) Penalty enhancements for certain violators. For violations in which the person charged has a history of prior
violations within seven years of the current enforcement action, the Commission may assess an enhancement based
on either the number of prior violations or the total amount of previous administrative penalties, but not both. The
actual amount of any penalty enhancement will be determined on an individual casebycase basis for each violation. The
guidelines in Tables 3 and 4 are intended to be used separately. Either guideline may be used where applicable, but not

Figure 1: 16 TAC 9.15(g)

Table 3. Penalty enhancements based on number of prior violations within
seven years
Number of violations in the seven years prior to action

Enhancement amount









Five or more


36 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

Railroad Commission of Texas

Figure 2: 16 TAC 9.15(g)

Table 4. Penalty enhancements based on total amount of prior penalties
within seven years
Total administrative penalties assessed in the
seven years prior to action

Enhancement amount

Less than $10,000


Between $10,000 and $25,000


Between $25,000 and $50,000


Between $50,000 and $100,000


Over $100,000

10% of total amount

(h) Penalty reduction for settlement before hearing. The recommended monetary penalty for a violation may be reduced
by up to 50% if the person charged agrees to a settlement before the Commission conducts an administrative hearing
to prosecute a violation. Once the hearing is convened, the opportunity for the person charged to reduce the basic
monetary penalty is no longer available. The reduction applies to the basic penalty amount requested and not to any
requested enhancements.
(i) Demonstrated good faith. In determining the total amount of any monetary penalty requested, recommended, or
finally assessed in an enforcement action, the Commission may consider, on an individual casebycase basis for each
violation, the demonstrated good faith of the person charged. Demonstrated good faith includes, but is not limited to,
actions taken by the person charged before the filing of an enforcement action to remedy, in whole or in part, a violation
or to mitigate the consequences of a violation.
(j) Other sanctions. Depending upon the nature of and the consequences resulting from a violation of the rules in this
chapter, the Commission may impose a nonmonetary penalty, such as requiring attendance at a safety training course, or
may issue a warning.
(k) Penalty calculation worksheet. The penalty calculation worksheet shown in Table 5 lists the typical penalty amounts
for certain violations, the circumstances justifying enhancements of a penalty and the amount of the enhancement, and
the circumstances justifying a reduction in a penalty and the amount of the reduction.

LP-Gas Safety Rules - 37

Railroad Commission of Texas

Figure: 16 TAC 9.15(k)

TABLE 5. LP-Gas Penalty Worksheet

LP-Gas Rule/Statute

General Description

Typical Minimum
Penalty Amount/


Tex. Nat. Res. Code,

Chapter 113

Any violation of Chapter 113, Texas Natural

Resources Code

16 TAC 9.4(a)

Retention of records

16 TAC 9.4(d)

Licensee and registrant obligations

16 TAC 9.7(a)

Performing LP-gas activities without proper

certification and/or license

$500 $

16 TAC 9.7(d)

Copies of licenses and/or certifications

$100 $

16 TAC 9.7(g)

Company representative and/or branch manager

$500 $

16 TAC 9.7(h)

License renewals lapse, 1-2 months

$500 $

16 TAC 9.7(h)

License renewals lapse, 3-4 months

$750 $

16 TAC 9.7(h)

License renewals lapse, 5-6 months

$1,000 $


16 TAC 9.7(h)

License renewals lapse, more than 6 months


16 TAC 9.9

Requirements for certificate renewal

$250 $


16 TAC 9.11

Employee transfers

$100 $


16 TAC 9.12



16 TAC 9.13

General installers and repairman exception


16 TAC 9.17

Designation and responsibilities of company reps

$500 $


16 TAC 9.21

Franchise tax certification and assumed name


$500 $


16 TAC 9.22

Changes in ownership, form or name of dealership

$500 $


16 TAC 9.23

Limitation/avoidance of licensee liability

38 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

$1,000-2,500 $
$500 $
$2,500 $

$1,000-2,500 $

$500-$1,000 $
$500-1,000 $

$2,500 $

Railroad Commission of Texas

LP-Gas Rule/Statute

General Description

Typical Minimum
Penalty Amount/



16 TAC 9.26

Insurance and self-insurance requirements

$1,000 $


16 TAC 9.28

Reasonable safety provisions

$2,500 $


16 TAC 9.32

Consumer safety notification

$500 $


16 TAC 9.35

Written procedure for leak check


16 TAC 9.36(a)

Report of an LP-gas incident/accident


16 TAC 9.36(c)

Completed Form 20

$100 $


16 TAC 9.36(e)

Category P must notify supplier of incident

$250 $


16 TAC 9.41

Testing LP-gas systems in school facilities


16 TAC 9.101(b)

Filings for stationary installations Form 501 (<

10,000 gal AWC), 1-5 occurrences

$100 $


16 TAC 9.101(b)

Filings for stationary installations Form 501 (<

10,000 gal AWC), 6-10 occurrences

$200 $


16 TAC 9.101(b)

Filings for stationary installations Form 501 (<

10,000 gal AWC), >10 occurrences

$500 $


16 TAC 9.101(c)

Filings for stationary installations Form 500 (>=

10,000 gal AWC)


16 TAC 9.109

Physical inspection of stationary installation

$250-1,000 $


16 TAC 9.113


$250-1,000 $


16 TAC 9.114(a)

Odorization in accordance with NFPA 58

$500-2,500 $


16 TAC 9.126(a)-(b)

All appurtenances and equipment shall be listed


16 TAC 9.126(c)

Licensee or operator of equipment not listed but

approved for use by manufacturer shall maintain


16 TAC 9.129

Manufacturers nameplate and markings


16 TAC 9.131

200 PSIG working pressure stationary vessels

$100-500 $
$1,000 $

$1,000 $

$1,000 $

$1,000 $

$250 $

$1,000 $
$500-1,000 $

LP-Gas Safety Rules - 39

Railroad Commission of Texas

LP-Gas Rule/Statute

General Description

Typical Minimum
Penalty Amount/



16 TAC 9.132

Sales to unlicensed individuals

$1,000 $


16 TAC 9.134

Connecting container to piping

$250-1,000 $


16 TAC 9.135

Unsafe or unapproved containers, cylinders or


$500-2,500 $


16 TAC 9.136

Filling DOT containers

$500-2,500 $


16 TAC 9.137

Inspection of containers at each filling


16 TAC 9.140

Uniform protection standards

$100-750 $


16 TAC 9.141

Uniform safety requirements

$100-750 $


16 TAC 9.142

LP-gas storage and installation requirements

$100-500 $


16 TAC 9.143

Bulkhead, internal valve, ball valve and ESV


$500-2,500 $


16 TAC 9.201

Applicability (includes 49 CFR 100-185)

$500-2,500 $


16 TAC 9.202

Registration and transfer of LP-gas transports

$500-1,500 $


16 TAC 9.203

School bus, public transportation, mass and special



16 TAC 9.204

Maintenance of vehicles


16 TAC 9.206

Vehicle identification labels


16 TAC 9.208

Testing requirements


16 TAC 9.211


$250 $


16 TAC 9.212


$250 $


16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 adopted by reference unless otherwise


40 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

$500 $

$100-500 $
$250-1,000 $
$50-100 $
$250-1,000 $

$250-2,500 $

Railroad Commission of Texas

LP-Gas Rule/Statute

Typical Minimum
Penalty Amount/

General Description



16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 Section underground piping cover



16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 Section connection of plastic



16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 Section tracer wire

$100-500 $


16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 Section cap all outlets

$100-500 $


16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 Section 8.2.3 test for leakage

$1,500 $


16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 Section appliance installation


16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 Section 9.6.7 sediment trap


16 TAC 9.301

NFPA 54 Section12.2 venting of appliances

$500-1,000 $


16 TAC 9.306

Room heaters in public buildings

$250-1,000 $


16 TAC 9.307

Identification of converted appliances

$100-250 $


16 TAC 9.308

Identification of piping installation

$100-250 $


16 TAC 9.311

Special exceptions for appliance connectors and

piping support on agricultural and industrial

$100-500 $


16 TAC 9.312

Certification requirements for joining methods


16 TAC 9.401

NFPA 58 adopted by reference unless otherwise



16 TAC 9.401

NFPA 58 Section 6.3.1 (distance from container),

first occurrence

$500 $


16 TAC 9.401

NFPA 58 Section 6.3.1 (distance from container),

2nd occurrence

$750 $


16 TAC 9.401

NFPA 58 Section 6.3.1 (distance from container), 3

or more occurrences

$250-750 $

$500-1,000 $

$500-1,000 $
$100-500 $

$500 $
$250-2,500 $

$1,000 $

LP-Gas Safety Rules - 41

Railroad Commission of Texas

LP-Gas Rule/Statute

General Description

Typical Minimum
Penalty Amount/



16 TAC 9.401

NFPA 58 Section and

(requalification of cylinders), 1-10 cylinders

$500 $


16 TAC 9.401

NFPA 58 Section and

(requalification of cylinders), 11-20 cylinders

$750 $


16 TAC 9.401

NFPA 58 Section and

(requalification of cylinders), >20 cylinders


16 TAC 9.401

NFPA 58 Section 9.4.8 (chock blocks)


16 TAC 9.403

Sections in NFPA 58 not adopted by reference or

adopted with change or additional requirements


Subtotal of typical penalty amounts from Table 1 (lines 1-77, inclusive)


Reduction for settlement before hearing: up to 50% of line 78 amt.


Subtotal: amount shown on line 78 less applicable settlement reduction on line 79

$1,000 $
$100-250 $
$250-2,500 $
______% $

Penalty enhancement amounts for threatened or actual safety hazard from Table 2

Death or personal injury

Taking facility out of service

$5,000 to
$1,000 to $5,000 $

Gas ignition or release requiring emergency response

Damage to LP-gas installation or vehicle

$1,000 to
$1,000 to $5,000 $

Property damage exceeding $5,000

Rerouting of traffic or evacuation of premises

$1,000 to
$1,000 to $5,000 $

Penalty enhancement for severity of violation from Table 2

$100 to $2,000/


Time out of compliance


Subtotal: amount shown on line 81 plus all amounts on lines 81 through 87, inclusive

42 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

Railroad Commission of Texas

LP-Gas Rule/Statute

General Description

Typical Minimum
Penalty Amount/


Penalty enhancements for culpability of person charged from Table 2


Reckless conduct of person charged


Intentional conduct of person charged

Up to double line X $
Up to triple line X $

Penalty enhancements for number of prior violations within past seven years from Table 3


$1,000 $



$2,000 $



$3,000 $



$4,000 $


Five or more

$5,000 $

Penalty enhancements for amount of penalties within past seven years from Table 4

Less than $10,000

$1,000 $


Between $10,000 and $25,000

$2,500 $


Between $25,000 and $50,000

$5,000 $


Between $50,000 and $100,000

$10,000 $


Over $100,000

10% of total

Subtotal: Line 88 amt. plus amts. on line 89 and/or 90 plus the amt. shown on any line from 91 through

101 100, inclusive

102 Reduction for demonstrated good faith of person charged

103 TOTAL PENALTY AMOUNT: amount on line 101 less any amount shown on line 102

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9.16 Hearings for Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of Licenses or

(a) The Commission may deny, suspend, or revoke a license or certificate for any individual who fails to comply with the
LP-Gas Safety Rules.
(1) If LP-Gas Operations determines that an applicant for license, certificate, or renewal has not met the
requirements of the LP-Gas Safety Rules, LP-Gas Operations shall notify the applicant in writing of the reasons for
the proposed denial. In the case of an applicant for license or certificate, the notice shall advise the person that the
application may be resubmitted within 30 calendar days of receipt of the denial with all cited deficiencies corrected,
or, if the person disagrees with LP-Gas Operations determination, that person may request in writing a hearing on
the matter within 30 calendar days of receipt of the notice of denial.
(2) If a person resubmits the application for license or license renewal within 30 calendar days of receipt of the
denial with all deficiencies corrected, LP-Gas Operations shall issue the license or license renewal.
(b) Hearing regarding denial of license or license renewal.
(1) An applicant receiving a notice of denial of a license or license renewal may request a hearing to determine
whether the applicant did comply in all respects with the requirements for the category or categories of license
sought. The request for hearing shall be in writing, shall refer to the specific requirements the applicant claims
were met, and shall be submitted to LP-Gas Operations within 30 calendar days of the applicants receipt of the
notification of denial.
(2) Upon receipt of a request complying with paragraph (1) of this subsection, LP-Gas Operations shall forward the
request for a hearing to the Office of General Counsel for the purpose of scheduling a hearing within 30 calendar
days following the receipt of the request for hearing to determine the applicants compliance or noncompliance with
the licensing requirements for the category or categories of license sought.
(3) If, after hearing, the Commission finds the applicants claim has been supported, it shall enter an order in its
records to that effect, noting the category or categories of license for which the applicant is entitled to be licensed,
and the license or renewal shall be issued.
(4) If, after hearing, the Commission finds that the applicant is not qualified for the license or license renewal in
the category or categories of license sought, it shall likewise enter an order in its records to that effect, and no
license or renewal shall be issued to the applicant.
(c) Suspension or revocation of licenses or certifications.
(1) If LP-Gas Operations finds by means including but not limited to inspection, review of required documents
submitted, or complaint by a member of the general public or any other person, a probable or actual violation of or
noncompliance with the Texas Natural Resources Code, Chapter 113, or the LP-Gas Safety Rules, LP-Gas Operations
shall notify the licensee or certified person of the alleged violation or noncompliance in writing.

44 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

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(2) The notice shall specify the acts, omissions, or conduct constituting the alleged violation or noncompliance and
shall designate a date not less than 30 calendar days or more than 45 calendar days after the licensee or certified
person receives the notice by which the violation or noncompliance shall be corrected or discontinued. If LP-Gas
Operations determines the violation or noncompliance may pose imminent peril to the health, safety, or welfare
of the general public, LP-Gas Operations may notify the licensee or certified person orally with instruction to
immediately cease the violation or noncompliance. When oral notice is given, LP-Gas Operations shall follow it with
written notification no later than five business days after the oral notification.
(3) The licensee or certified person shall either report the correction or discontinuance of the violation or
noncompliance within the time frame specified in the notice or shall request an extension of time in which to
comply. The request for extension of the time to comply shall be received by LP-Gas Operations within the same
time frame specified in the notice for correction or discontinuance.
(d) Hearing regarding suspension or revocation of licenses and certifications.
(1) If a licensee or certified person disagrees with the determination of LP-Gas Operations under this section, that
person may request a public hearing on the matter to be conducted in compliance with the Texas Government
Code, Chapter 2001, et seq., Chapter 1 of this title (relating to Practice and Procedure), and this chapter. The
request shall be in writing, shall refer to the specific rules or statutes the licensee or certified person claims to have
complied with, and shall be received by LP-Gas Operations within 30 calendar days of the licensees or certified
persons receipt of the notice of violation or noncompliance. LP-Gas Operations shall forward the request for
hearing to the Office of General Counsel.
(2) If LP-Gas Operations determines that the licensee or certified person may not comply within the specified time,
LP-Gas Operations may call a public hearing to be conducted in compliance with the Texas Government Code,
Chapter 2001, et seq., Chapter 1 of this title, and any other applicable rules.

9.17 Designation and Responsibilities of Company Representatives and

Operations Supervisors
(a) Each licensee shall have at least one company representative for the license and, in the case of a licensee other
than a Category P licensee, at least one operations supervisor for each outlet.
(1) A licensee maintaining one or more outlets shall file LPG Form 1 with LP-Gas Operations designating the
company representative for the license and/or LPG Form 1A designating the operations supervisor for each outlet.
(2) A licensee may have more than one company representative.
(3) An individual may be operations supervisor at more than one outlet provided that :
(A) each outlet has a designated LP-gas certified employee responsible for the LP-gas activities at that outlet;
(B) the certified employees and/or operations supervisors telephone number is posted at the outlet on a sign
with lettering at least 3/4-inch high, visible and legible at all times; and

LP-Gas Safety Rules - 45

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(C) the certified employee and/or the operations supervisor monitors the telephone number and responds to
calls during normal business hours.
(4) The company representative may also serve as operations supervisor for one of the licensees outlets provided
that the individual meets both the company representative and the operations supervisor requirements in this
(5) A licensee shall immediately notify LP-Gas Operations in writing upon termination, for whatever reason, of
its company representative or any operations supervisor and shall at the same time designate a replacement
by submitting a new LPG Form 1 for a new company representative or a new LPG Form 1A for a new operations
(A) A licensee shall cease all LP-gas activities if, at the termination of its company representative, there is no
other qualified company representative of the licensee who has complied with the Commissions requirements.
A licensee shall not resume LP-gas activities until such time as it has a properly qualified company
representative or it has been granted an extension of time in which to comply as specified in subsection (g) of
this section.
(B) A licensee shall cease LP-gas activities at an outlet if, at the termination of its operations supervisor
for that outlet, there is no other qualified operations supervisor at that outlet who has complied with the
Commissions requirements. A licensee shall not resume LP-gas activities at that outlet until such time as it
has a properly qualified operations supervisor or it has been granted an extension of time in which to comply as
specified in subsection (g) of this section.
(b) Company representative. A company representative shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) be an owner or employee of the licensed entity, in the case of a licensee other than a Category P licensee;
(2) be the licensees principal individual in authority and, in the case of a licensee other than a Category P
licensee, responsible for actively supervising all LP-gas activities conducted by the licensee, including all appliance,
container, portable cylinder, product, and system activities;

(3) have a working knowledge of the licensees LP-gas activities to insure compliance with the LP-Gas Safety Rules;
(4) pass the appropriate management-level rules examination and complete any required training specified in 9.52
of this title (relating to Training and Continuing Education Courses), or in the case of an applicant for a Category D
license, obtain a General Installers and Repairman Exemption as specified in 9.13 of this title (relating to General
Installers and Repairman Exemption);
(5) comply with the work experience or training requirements in subsection (g) of this section, if applicable;
(6) be directly responsible for all employees performing their assigned LP-gas activities, unless an operations
supervisor is fulfilling this requirement; and
(7) submit any additional information as deemed necessary by LP-Gas Operations.

46 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

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(c) Operations supervisors. An operations supervisor, in the case of a licensee other than a Category P licensee, shall
comply with the following requirements:
(1) be an owner or employee of the licensee;
(2) pass the applicable management-level rules examination and complete any required training specified in
9.52 of this title (relating to Training and Continuing Education Courses) or, in the case of a Category D license
only, obtain a General Installers and Repairman Exemption as specified in 9.13 of this title (relating to General
Installers and Repairman Exemption), before commencing or continuing the licensees LP-gas activities at the
outlet; and
(3) be directly responsible for actively supervising the LP-gas activities of the licensee at the designated outlet.
(d) In lieu of an operations supervisor requirement for a Category P license, the Category E, J, or other licensee
providing the Category P licensee with portable cylinders for exchange shall be required to:
(1) prepare a manual containing, at a minimum, the following:

(A) a description of the basic characteristics and properties of LP-gas;

(B) an explanation of the various parts of an LP-gas cylinder, including what the purpose of each part is and
how to operate the cylinder valve;

(C) complete instructions on how to properly transport cylinders in vehicles;

(D) a prohibition against moving or installing cylinder cages at any store location;

(E) a prohibition against taking or storing inside a building any cylinders that have or have had LP-gas in them;

(F) a requirement that all cylinders containing LP-gas be stored in a manner so that the relief valve is in the
vapor space of the cylinder;

(G) a requirement that the employees who handle the cylinders know the location within the store of the
manual and know the contents of the manual;
(H) instructions related to any potential hazards that may be specific to a location, including but not limited to
the proper distancing of cylinders from combustible materials and sources of ignition;
(I) detailed emergency procedures regarding a leaking cylinder, including all applicable emergency contact
(J) a requirement that any accidents be reported to the Category E, J, or other licensee who prepares the
manual, and detailed procedures for reporting any accidents;
(K) all Commission rules applicable to the Category P license, including the requirement that the Category P
licensee is responsible for complying with all such rules;
LP-Gas Safety Rules - 47

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(L) all provisions of Subchapter H (Enforcement) of Chapter 113 of the Texas Natural Resources Code;

(M) a detailed description of the training provided to each employee of the Category P licensee who may be
engaged in any activities covered by the Category P license; and
(N) a page for the signatures, printed names and dates of training for each individual trained at each outlet on
this manual.
(2) provide a copy of the manual for display at each outlet or location of the Category P licensee;
(3) provide training as to the contents of the manual to each employee who may be engaged in any activities
covered by the Category P license at all outlets or locations of the Category P licensee and maintain records
regarding the employees of the Category P licensee who have been trained; and
(4) complete all three requirements of this subsection, for existing Category P licensees, prior to October 25, 2001,
and within 45 days of any Category P license obtained on or after September 1, 2001.
(e) The Category P licensee is responsible for the following:
(1) insuring that each employee who is involved with the activities covered by the Category P license is
knowledgeable about the contents of the manual and has signed and dated the signature page of the manual; and
(2) insuring that each such employee is aware of the location of the manual and can show the manual to employees
of the Commission upon their request.
(f) Category P licensees. The company representative requirement for a Category P licensee may be satisfied
by employing a Category E, J, or other licensee company representative if the Category E, J, or other company
representative is authorized by the Category P licensee to assign and remove any employee who does not comply with
the LP-Gas Safety Rules or who performs any unsafe LP-gas activities.
(g) Work experience substitution for Category E, F, G, I, and J. The AFRED director may, upon written request, allow
a conditional qualification for a Category E, F, G, I, or J company representative or operations supervisor who passes
the applicable management-level rules examination provided that the individual attends and successfully completes
the next available Category E, F, G, I, or J management-level training course, or a subsequent Category E, F, G, I, or
J management-level training course agreed on by the AFRED director and the applicant. The written request shall
include a description of the individuals LP-gas experience and other related information in order that the AFRED
director may properly evaluate the request. If the individual fails to complete the training requirements within the time
granted by the AFRED director, the conditional qualification shall immediately be voided and the conditionally qualified
company representative or operations supervisor shall immediately cease all LP-gas activities. Applicants for company
representative or operations supervisor who have less than three years experience or experience which is not applicable
to the category for which the individual is applying shall not be granted a conditional qualification and shall comply with
the training requirements in 9.52 of this title (relating to Training and Continuing Education Courses) prior to AFRED
issuing a certificate.

48 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

Railroad Commission of Texas

9.18 Reciprocal Examination Agreements with Other States

(a) AFRED may accept the examination requirements for LP-gas transport drivers from other states provided that the
qualifying state has entered into a reciprocal agreement with Texas as specified in this section.
(b) A state that is interested in a reciprocal agreement with Texas shall provide a copy of its examination used to
qualify transport drivers to AFRED. AFRED shall provide a copy of the Texas examination to the other states LP-gas
authority. The states shall review the materials to ensure that they contain substantially equivalent requirements. If
each state accepts the requirements of the other state, both states shall sign the reciprocal agreement.
(1) The reciprocal agreement shall be in the form of a letter on the official letterhead of the state requesting the
reciprocal agreement. The letter shall be signed and dated by an official representative of the LP-gas authority in
both states. For Texas, the official representative shall be the AFRED director.
(2) The reciprocal agreement shall remain in effect until either state requests a change and may be terminated by
either state at any time.
(3) If either state revises its examination or related requirements, it shall immediately notify the other state by
submitting the revised examination or related requirements.
(4) AFRED shall maintain a current list of all states participating in reciprocal agreements, a list of participating
states applicable fees, and a list of all individuals who have received a reciprocal examination exemption.
(5) Copies of examinations from other participating states are subject to or excepted from required disclosure in
accordance with Chapter 552 of the Government Code.
(c) Individuals who apply for a reciprocal examination exemption shall pay the applicable fees required by each state in
exchange for exemption from examination requirements.
(1) Individuals from other participating states shall remit to AFRED the nonrefundable employee-level rules
examination fee and the annual certificate renewal fee specified in 9.10 and 9.9 of this title (relating to Rules
Examination, and Requirements for Certificate Renewal, respectively).
(2) Individuals from Texas who apply for a reciprocal examination exemption in other states shall pay to the other
state any fees specified by that state.
(d) Applicants for a reciprocal examination exemption shall provide the following information to AFRED to verify that
they are properly and currently certified in their state:
(1) a state-issued certification card, license, letter, or similar document which shall clearly show a valid date
and an indication that the individual passed the examination. Maintaining valid certification in the other state is
required for continuing reciprocity in Texas; and
(2) LPG Form 16R. Applicants from other states shall provide their Social Security numbers to AFRED for purposes
of record-keeping and to comply with the requirements in Texas Family Code Annotated 231.302(c) (Vernon
LP-Gas Safety Rules - 49

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1996), which mandates disclosure of Social Security numbers by applicants to assist in the administration of
laws relating to child support. Social Security numbers are subject to or excepted from disclosure to the public in
accordance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 552.
(3) Texas applicants shall provide copies of their Commission-issued wallet certification cards showing their annual
certification as their written proof when applying to other states for reciprocal examination exemptions.
(e) Individuals from other states who apply for a reciprocal examination exemption from Texas either shall be employed
by a company that is properly and currently licensed in Texas or shall themselves fulfill all other licensing requirements
in the LP-Gas Safety Rules.
(f) Individuals who obtain reciprocal examination exemptions are liable under the laws and rules of the state in which
they perform the LP-gas activities.
(1) Each state shall be responsible for its own enforcement actions against individuals with reciprocal examination
(2) If a participating state has an enforcement action against an individual with a reciprocal examination
exemption, that state shall inform the other state within 14 calendar days of initiating the action.
(3) A state may suspend, revoke, or deny a reciprocity renewal or an individuals reciprocal examination exemption,
as specified in 9.16 of this title (relating to Hearings for Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of Licenses or
Certificates) and shall notify the other state and all individuals holding the reciprocal examination exemption
within 14 calendar days of such suspension, revocation, or denial.
(g) Upon the effective date of this section, AFRED may issue reciprocal examination exemptions only for LP-gas
transport driver examinations. For purposes of reciprocal agreements, a transport is defined as a cargo tank motor
vehicle of more than 5,000 gallons water capacity.

9.21 Franchise Tax Certification and Assumed Name Certificates

(a) An applicant for an original or renewal license that is a corporation or limited liability company shall be in good
standing with the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas. The licensee shall provide a copy of the
Franchise Tax Statement from the Comptroller of Public Accounts showing In Good Standing.
(b) All applicants for license shall list on LPG Form 1 all names under which LP-gas related activities requiring
licensing are to be conducted. Any company performing LP-gas activities under an assumed name (DBA or doing
business as name) shall file copies of the assumed name certificates which are required to be filed with the respective
county clerks office and/or the secretary of states office with LP-Gas Operations .

50 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

Railroad Commission of Texas

9.22 Changes in Ownership, Form of Dealership, or Name of Dealership

(a) Changes in ownership which require a new license.
(1) Transfer of dealership or outlet by sale, lease, or gift. The purchaser, lessee, or donee of any dealership or outlet
shall have a current and valid license authorizing the LP-gas activities to be performed at the dealership or outlet
or shall apply for and be issued an LP-gas license prior to engaging in any LP-gas activities which require a license.
The purchaser, lessee, or donee shall notify LP-Gas Operations by filing a properly completed LPG Form 1 prior to
engaging in any LP-gas activities at that dealership or outlet which require an LP-gas license.
(2) Other changes in ownership. A change in members of a partnership occurs upon the death, withdrawal,
expulsion, or addition of a partner. Upon the death of a sole proprietor or partner, or the dissolution of a corporation
or partnership, or any change in members of a partnership, or other change in ownership not specifically provided
for in this section, an authorized representative of the previously existing dealership or of the successor in interest
shall notify LP-Gas Operations in writing and shall immediately cease all LP-gas activities of the previously existing
dealership which require an LP-gas license and shall not resume until LP-Gas Operations issues an LP-gas license
to the successor in interest.
(b) Change in dealership business entity. When a dealership converts from one business entity into a different kind
of business entity, the resulting entity shall have a current and valid license authorizing the LP-gas activities to be
performed or shall apply for and be issued a license before engaging in any LP-gas activities which require an LP-gas
license and shall immediately notify LP-Gas Operations in writing of the change in business entity.
(c) Dealership name change. A licensee which changes its name shall not be required to obtain a new license but shall
immediately notify LP-Gas Operations as follows prior to engaging in any LP-gas activities under the new name. The
licensee shall file:
(1) an amended LPG Form 1 and, if applicable, Form 1A;
(2) a copy of the licensees business documents reflecting the name change, such as amendments to the articles of
incorporation or assumed name filings;
(3) certificates of insurance or affidavits in lieu of insurance (where permitted by 9.26 of this title (relating to
Insurance Requirements) or both;
(4) an amended LPG Form 7 to transfer any LP-gas transport or container delivery unit, including any fees
specified in 9.202 of this title (relating to Registration and Transfer of LP-Gas Transports or Container Delivery
Units); and
(5) an amended LPG Form 19, if applicable, to specify storage container inventory.
(d) Company representative and operations supervisor. In all changes of ownership, form of dealership, or name of
dealership, the resulting entity shall have a properly certified company representative for the license and an operations
supervisor, if required, at each outlet and as outlined in 9.17 of this title (relating to Designation and Responsibilities
of Company Representatives and Operations Supervisors).
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(e) In the event of a death of a sole proprietor or partner, the AFRED director may grant a temporary exception not to
exceed 30 calendar days to the examination requirement for company representatives and operations supervisors. An
applicant for a temporary exception shall agree to comply with all applicable safety requirements.

9.23 Limitation/Avoidance of Licensee Liability

(a) An LP-gas licensee shall not limit or avoid its liability or that of its insurer for damages proximately resulting from
any negligent act or acts of the licensee.
(b) An attempt to limit or avoid liability before the negligent act or acts, through indemnity clauses or otherwise, shall
be null and void.
(c) This section shall not apply to negotiations or settlements, or both, made subsequent to a licensees negligent act or
(d) To the extent that any damage occurring during or subsequent to any of the following acts does not proximately
result from any negligent act of the licensee, the licensee may limit liability based upon:
(1) unauthorized, unsafe, or improper application of LP-gas or any LP-gas system or equipment by any user or other
(2) any use or operation of LP-gas or any LP-gas system or equipment contrary to specific representations made by
any user or other person to an LP-gas licensee during or preceding installation or servicing of such LP-gas system
or equipment and relied upon by such LP-gas licensee in selecting, designing, installing, or servicing such system or
equipment; or
(3) any modification, change, installation, alteration, tampering, or other action by any unlicensed person to or
upon any LP-gas system or equipment.

9.26 Insurance and Self-Insurance Requirements

(a) LP-gas licensees or applicants for license shall comply with the minimum amounts of insurance specified in Table 1
of this section or with the self-insurance requirements in subsection (i) of this section. Before LP-Gas Operations grants
or renews a license, an applicant shall submit either:
(1) An insurance Acord form; or any other form approved by the Texas Department of Insurance that has been
prepared and signed by the insurance carrier containing all required information. The forms must be issued by an
insurance company authorized or accepted by the Texas Department of Insurance; or
(2) properly completed documents demonstrating the applicants compliance with the self-insurance requirements
set forth in subsection (i) of this section.

52 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

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(b) Each licensee shall file LPG Form 999 or other written notice with LP-Gas Operations at least 30 calendar days
before the cancellation of any insurance coverage. The 30-day period commences on the date the notice is actually
received by LP-Gas Operations.
(c) A licensee or applicant for a license that does not employ or contemplate employing any employee to be engaged in
LP-gas related activities in Texas may file LPG Form 996B in lieu of filing a workers compensation, including employers
liability insurance, or alternative accident and health insurance coverage. The licensee or applicant for a license shall
file the required insurance form with LP-Gas Operations before hiring any person as an employee engaged in LP-gas
related work .

Figure: 16 TAC 9.26(a)



Category of

Type of Coverage

All Except P

Workers Compensation, including Employers

Liability or Alternative to Workers Compensation
including Employers Liability, or Accident/Health
insurance coverage: Medical expenses in the
principal amount of at least $150,000; accidental
death benefits in the principal amount of at least
$100,000; loss of limb or sight on a scale based
on principal amount of at least $100,000; loss of
income based on at least 60% of employees preinjury income for at least 52 weeks, subject to a
maximum weekly wage calculated annually by the
Texas Workforce Commission

LPG Form 996A; the Acord

form; or any other form prepared
and signed by the insurance
carrier containing all required

LPG Form 996B

A, B, C,
E, O, H, J

General liability coverage including: premises

and operations in an amount of at least
$300,000 per occurrence and $300,000

LPG Form 998A; the Acord

form; or any other form prepared
and signed by the insurance
carrier containing all required

LPG Form 998B

Completed operations or products liability

insurance, or both, in an amount of at least
$300,000 aggregate

LPG Form 998A; the Acord

form; or any other form prepared
and signed by the insurance
carrier containing all required

LPG Form 998B

D, F, G, I,
K, L, M,
N, P

General liability coverage including: premises

and operations in an amount of at least
$25,000 per occurrence with a $50,000 policy

LPG Form 998A; the Acord

form; or any other form prepared
and signed by the insurance
carrier containing all required

LPG Form 998B

C, E, H, J, Ultimate

Motor vehicle coverage: minimum $500,000

($300,000 for state agencies) combined single
limit for bodily injuries to or death of all persons
injured or killed in any one accident, and loss
or damage to property of others in any one

LPG Form 997A; the Acord

form; or any other form prepared
and signed by the insurance
carrier containing all required

LPG Form 997B

A, B, C,
E, O

Form Required

Statement in
Lieu of Required
Insurance Filing

LP-Gas Safety Rules - 53

Railroad Commission of Texas

(d) A licensee, applicant for a license, or an ultimate consumer that does not operate or contemplate operating a motor
vehicle equipped with an LP-gas cargo container or does not transport or contemplate transporting LP-gas by vehicle in
any manner may file LPG Form 997B in lieu of a motor vehicle bodily injury and property damage insurance form, if this
certificate is not otherwise required. The licensee or applicant for a license shall file the required insurance form with
LP-Gas Operations before operating a motor vehicle equipped with an LP-gas cargo container or transporting LP-gas by
vehicle in any manner.
(e) A licensee or applicant for a license that does not engage in or contemplate engaging in any LP-gas operations that
would be covered by completed operations or products liability insurance, or both, may file LPG Form 998B in lieu of
a completed operations and/or products liability insurance form . The licensee or applicant for a license shall file the
required insurance form with LP-Gas Operations before engaging in any operations that require completed operations
and/or products liability insurance.
(f) A licensee or applicant for a license that does not engage in or contemplate engaging in any operations that would
be covered by general liability insurance may file LPG Form 998B in lieu of filing a general liability insurance form. The
licensee or applicant for a license shall file the required insurance form with LP-Gas Operations before engaging in any
operations that require general liability insurance.
(g) A licensee may protect its employees by obtaining accident and health insurance coverage from an insurance
company authorized to write such policies in this state as an alternative to workers compensation coverage. The
alternative coverage shall be in the amounts specified in Table 1 of this section.
(h) A state agency or institution, county, municipality, school district, or other governmental subdivision shall meet
the requirements of this section for workers compensation, general liability, and/or motor vehicle liability insurance by
filing LPG Form 995 with LP-Gas Operations as evidence of self-insurance, if permitted by the Texas Labor Code, Title 5,
Subtitle C, and Texas Natural Resources Code, 113.097.
(i) Self-insurance requirements.
(1) This subsection applies to a licensees or a license applicants motor vehicle bodily injury and property damage
liability coverage and general liability coverage. A licensee or license applicant shall not elect to self-insure for
more than 12 consecutive months, exclusive of the six-month period for which a letter of credit is required to
remain in effect pursuant to paragraph (4) of this subsection.
(2) A licensee or license applicant desiring to self-insure shall file with LP-Gas Operations a properly completed
LPG Form 28, Notice of Election to Self-Insure (created 11/02) and a properly completed LPG Form 28A, Bank
Declarations Regarding Irrevocable Letter of Credit (created 11/02). The licensee or license applicant shall attach
to the LPG Form 28A any documentation necessary to show that the bank issuing the irrevocable letter of credit
meets the requirements in paragraph (5)(E) of this subsection.
(3) The irrevocable letter of credit shall be in an amount that is no less than the total of all minimum insurance
coverage amounts required by the Commission in the Table in subsection (a) of this section for every coverage for
which the licensee or license applicant seeks to self-insure.

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(4) The irrevocable letter of credit shall be valid until the expiration date shown on LPG Form 28, which shall be no
sooner than six months after the earlier of either:

(A) the expiration date of the license; or

(B) the effective date of insurance coverage.

(5) A letter of credit commemorated by LPG Form 28-A shall:

(A) be irrevocable during its term;

(B) be payable to the Commission or Commissions designee in part or in full as directed by the Commission in
compliance with an order from state or federal court;

(C) include a guarantee from the bank that issues the letter of credit (irrevocable confirmed credit);

(D) not apply to the licensing requirements for workers compensation insurance including employers liability
insurance or alternative accident/health insurance; and
(E) be issued by a federally insured bank authorized to do business in the State of Texas which meets or
exceeds the following requirements:
(i) Bank management shall attest that the bank is not subject to any outstanding written enforcement
action, agreement, order, capital directive, or prompt corrective action directive issued by a state or federal
bank regulatory agency;
(ii) The bank shall be well capitalized as defined in federal bank regulatory statutes with:

(I) a total risk-based capital ratio of 10% or greater;

(II) a Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio of 6% or greater; and

(III) a leverage ratio of 5% or greater.

(iii) The bank shall have received a satisfactory or better rating at its most recent Community
Reinvestment Act (CRA) examination by a federal bank regulatory agency;
(iv) The bank management shall attest that the full amount of the letter of credit, when added to other
indebtedness of the licensee or applicant for license to the bank, is within the banks regulatory lending
limit; and
(v) The issuing bank shall be in good standing with the State Comptrollers Office regarding the payment of
franchise taxes and other obligations to the state.
(6) Within 30 days of the occurrence of any incident or accident involving the business activities of a self-insured
LP-gas licensee that results in property damage or loss and/or personal injuries, the licensee shall notify LP-Gas
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Operations in writing of the incident. The licensee shall include in the notification a list of the names and addresses
of any individuals known to the licensee who may have suffered losses in the incident. The licensee shall also
provide written notice to all such individuals of the licensees status as being self-insured and of the expiration date
of the licensees letter of credit.
(j) Each licensee shall promptly notify LP-Gas Operations of any change in insurance coverage or insurance carrier by
filing a properly completed revised Acord form; other form approved by the Texas Department of Insurance that has
been prepared and signed by the insurance carrier containing all required information; or documents demonstrating
the applicants compliance with the self-insurance requirements set forth in subsection (i) of this section. Failure to
promptly notify LP-Gas Operations of a change in the status of insurance coverage or insurance carrier may result in an
enforcement action and an administrative penalty.

9.27 Application for an Exception to a Safety Rule

(a) A person may apply for an exception to the provisions of this chapter by filing LPG Form 25 along with supporting
documentation, and a $50 filing fee with LP-Gas Operations.
(b) The application shall contain the following:
(1) the section number of any applicable rules;
(2) the type of relief desired, including the exception requested and any information which may assist LP-Gas
Operations in comprehending the requested exception;
(3) a concise statement of facts which support the applicants request for the exception, such as the reason for the
exception, the safety aspects of the exception, and the social and/or economic impact of the exception;
(4) for all stationary installations, regardless of size, a description of the acreage and/or address upon which the
subject of the exception will be located. The description shall be in writing and shall include:

(A) a site drawing;

(B) sufficient identification of the site so that determination of property boundaries may be made;

(C) a plat from the applicable appraisal district indicating the ownership of the land; and

(D) the legal authority under which the applicant, if not the owner, is permitted occupancy.

(5) the name, business address, and telephone number of the applicant and of the authorized agent, if any;
(6) an original signature in ink by the party filing the application or by the authorized representative;
(7) a list of the names and addresses of all interested entities as defined in subsection (c) of this section.

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(c) Notice of the application for an exception to a safety rule.

(1) The applicant shall send a copy of LPG Form 25 by certified mail, return receipt requested, or otherwise
delivered to all affected entities as specified in paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) of this subsection on the same date
on which the form or application is filed with or sent to LP-Gas Operations. The applicant shall include a notice to
the affected entities that any objection shall be filed with LP-Gas Operations within 18 calendar days of postmark
or other delivery of the application. The applicant shall file all return receipts with LP-Gas Operations as proof of
(2) If an exception is requested for a stationary site, affected entities to whom the applicant shall give notice shall
include but not be limited to:

(A) persons and businesses owning or occupying property adjacent to the site;

(B) the city council or fire marshal, if the site is within municipal limits; and

(C) the county Commission, if the site is not within any municipal limits.

(3) If an exception is requested for a motor or mobile fuel installation, affected entities to whom the applicant shall
give notice shall include but not be limited to:

(A) the Texas Department of Public Safety; and

(B) all processed gas loading and unloading facilities utilized by the applicant.

(4) LP-Gas Operations may require an applicant to give notice to persons in addition to those listed in paragraphs
(2) and (3) of this subsection if doing so will not prejudice the rights of any entity.
(d) Objections to the requested exception shall be in writing, filed at LP-Gas Operations within 18 calendar days of the
postmark of the application, and shall be based on facts that tend to demonstrate that, as proposed, the exception would
have an adverse effect of public health, safety, or welfare. LP-Gas Operations may decline to consider objections based
solely on claims of diminished property or esthetic values in the area.
(e) LP-Gas Operations shall review the application within 21 business days of receipt of the application. If LP-Gas
Operations does not receive any objections from any affected entities as defined in subsection (c) of this section, the
LP-Gas Operations director may administratively grant the exception if the director determines that the installation,
as proposed, does not adversely affect the health or safety of the public. LP-Gas Operations shall notify the applicant in
writing by the end of the 21-day review period and, if approved, the installation shall be installed within one year from
the date of approval. LP-Gas Operations shall also advise the applicant at the end of the objection period as to whether
any objections were received and whether the applicant may proceed. If the LP-Gas Operations director denies the
exception, LP-Gas Operations shall notify the applicant in writing, outlining the reasons and any specific deficiencies.
The applicant may modify the application to correct the deficiencies and resubmit the application along with a $30
resubmission fee, or may request a hearing on the matter. To be granted a hearing, the applicant shall file a written
request for hearing within 14 calendar days of receiving notice of the administrative denial.

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(f) A hearing shall be held when LP-Gas Operations receives an objection as set out in subsection (d) from any affected
entity, or when the applicant requests one following an administrative denial. LP-Gas Operations shall mail the notice of
hearing to the applicant and all objecting entities by certified mail, return receipt requested, at least 21 calendar days
prior to the date of the hearing. Hearings will be held in accordance with the Texas Government Code, Chapter 2001, et
seq., Chapter 1 of this title (relating to Practice and Procedure), and this chapter.
(g) Applicants intentionally submitting incorrect or misleading information are subject to penalties in the Texas
Natural Resources Code, 91.143, and the filing of incorrect or misleading information shall be grounds for dismissing
the application with prejudice.
(h) After hearing, exceptions to this chapter may be granted by the Commission if the Commission finds that granting
the exception for the installation, as proposed, will not adversely affect the safety of the public.
(i) A request for an exception shall expire if it is inactive for three months after the date of the letter in which the
applicant was notified by LP-Gas Operations of an incomplete request. The applicant may resubmit an application

9.28 Reasonable Safety Provisions

If an LP-gas installation, equipment, or appurtenances not specifically covered by the LP-Gas Safety Rules has been
or will be installed, LP-Gas Operations shall apply and require any reasonable safety provisions to ensure the LP-gas
installation is safe for LP-gas service. If the affected entity disagrees with LP-Gas Operations determination, the entity
may request a hearing. The installation shall not be placed into LP-gas operation until the Commission has determined
that the installation is safe for LP-gas service.

9.31 LP-Gas Regional Supply Emergency Response

(a) The purpose of this section is to develop a distribution plan to minimize the severity of disruptions in the supplies
of LP-gas in various regions of Texas. This section outlines the Commissions mechanisms for both determining that a
regional LP-gas shortage exists and responding to a regional LP-gas shortage emergency.
(b) The Commission may determine that an LP-gas supply emergency exists within designated counties of the state.
The Commission may also determine the duration of the regional supply emergency. The Commission shall issue notice
when it has determined that an LP-gas regional supply emergency exists and when it determines that the LP-gas
regional supply emergency has ended or will end. In determining whether an LP-gas regional supply emergency exists,
the Commission may consider any relevant information, including but not limited to the following:
(1) notification from LP-gas storage facilities as appropriate, including, but not limited to, storage facilities located
at gas processing plants, pipeline terminals, petroleum refineries, and inland salt domes, that they are attaining
maximum LP-gas withdrawal rates;

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(2) notification from LP-gas licensees that sufficient supplies are not available locally or that curtailments are
anticipated; and
(3) weather data.
(c) Upon the Commission finding that an LP-gas regional supply emergency exists, the Commission may request
selected LP-gas loading rack operators to give first priority in loading to LP-gas transport vehicles whose cargoes are
bound for counties designated as within the region subject to the LP-gas supply emergency until the regional supply
emergency has been determined to be abated.

9.32 Consumer Safety Notification

(a) A person holding a license to install or repair an LP-gas system who sells, installs, or repairs an LP-gas system,
piping, or other equipment that is part of a system, or an appliance that is connected or attached to a system shall
provide the following notice to the purchase or owner of the system, piping, or other equipment or appliance:
WARNING: Flammable Gas. The installation, modification, or repair of an LPG system by a person who is not licensed
or registered to install, modify, or repair an LPG system may cause injury, harm, or loss. Contact a person licensed or
registered to install, modify, or repair an LPG system. A person licensed to install or repair an LPG system may not be
liable for damages caused by the modification of an LPG system by an unlicensed person except as otherwise provided by
applicable law.
(b) A person holding a license to install or repair an LP-gas system who sells, installs, or repairs an LP-gas system,
piping, or other equipment that is part of a system, or an appliance that is connected or attached to a system shall
document the notice requirements in subsection (a) of this section.

9.35 Written Procedure for LP-Gas Leaks

(a) In addition to NFPA 58, each licensee shall maintain a written procedure to be followed when any
employee receives notification of a possible leak. The licensee shall ensure that all employees are familiar with the
procedure and shall authorize employees to implement the procedure without management oversight. The written
procedure shall be available to emergency response agencies as specified in NFPA 58, 6.25.2, and as stated in Table 1 of
9.403 of this title, (relating to Sections in NFPA 58 Not Adopted by Reference, and Adopted with Changes or Additional
(b) The written procedures shall include the classification of the leak grade as defined in 9.2 of this title (relating to
(c) The procedures shall include the appropriate action criteria for the classification of leak determined according to
the table in this section. The examples of leak conditions are provided as guidelines and are not exclusive. The judgment
of the company personnel at the scene is of primary importance in determining the grade assigned to a leak.

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Table 1: 16 TAC 9.35(c)

LP-Gas Leak Classification

Action Criteria


Grade 1

Requires prompt action to protect life and

property. The prompt action in some
instances may require one or more of the
1. Implementation of company emergency
2. Evacuating premises
3. Blocking off an area
4. Rerouting traffic
5. Eliminating sources of ignition
6. Venting the area
7. Stopping the flow of gas by closing valves
or other means
8. Notifying police and fire departments

1. Any leak which, in the judgment of

operating personnel at the scene, is
regarded as an immediate hazard
2. Escaping gas that has ignited
3. Any indication of gas which has
migrated into or under a building or into
a tunnel
4. Any leak that can be seen, heard or
felt and which is in a location that may
endanger the general public or property

Grade 2

Many Grade 2 leaks, because of their

location and magnitude, can be scheduled for
repair on a normal routine basis with periodic
re-inspection as necessary.

Any leak which, in the judgment of operating

personnel at the scene, is NOT regarded as
an immediate hazard shall be scheduled for
repair, where no migration of gas into or
under a building or into a tunnel is evident

Product may not be introduced into a

container with a Grade 2 leak on a container
appurtenance until the leak is repaired.

9.36 Report of LP-Gas Incident/Accident

(a) At the earliest practical moment or within two hours following discovery, a licensee owning, operating, or servicing
the equipment of an installation shall notify LP-Gas Operations by telephone of any event involving LP-gas which:
(1) caused a death or any personal injury requiring hospitalization; or
(2) required taking an operating facility out of service; or
(3) resulted in unintentional gas ignition requiring an emergency response; or
(4) involved the LP-gas installation on any vehicle propelled by or transporting LP-gas; or
(5) caused an estimated damage to the property of the operator, others, or both totaling $5,000 or more, including
gas loss; or

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(6) could reasonably be judged as significant because of rerouting of traffic, evacuation of buildings, or media
interest even though it does not meet paragraphs (1) - (5) of this subsection; or
(7) is required to be reported to any other state or federal agency (such as the Texas Department of Public Safety
or the United States Department of Transportation).
(b) The telephonic notice required by this section shall be made to the Railroad Commissions 24-hour emergency line
at (512) 463-6788 and shall include the following:
(1) name of reporting operator;
(2) location of leak or incident;
(3) time of incident;
(4) fatalities and/or personal injuries;
(5) phone number of operator;
(6) status of incident regarding immediate hazard; and
(7) other significant facts relevant to the incident.
(c) Following the initial telephone report, the LP-gas licensee who made the telephone report shall submit a properly
completed LPG Form 20 to LP-Gas Operations. The report shall be postmarked within 14 calendar days of the date of
initial notification to LP-Gas Operations, or within five business days of receipt of the fire departments report, whichever
occurs first, unless LP-Gas Operations grants authorization for a longer period of time when additional investigation or
information is necessary.
(d) Within five business days of receipt, LP-Gas Operations shall review LPG Form 20 and notify in writing the person
submitting the LPG Form 20 if the report is incomplete and specify in detail what information is lacking or needed.
Incomplete reports may delay the resumption of LP-gas activities at the involved location.
(e) In the case of an accident or incident at a Category P licensees location, the Category P licensee shall immediately
notify the Category E, J, or other licensee who supplies cylinders to the Category P licensee and the Category E, J, or
other licensee shall be responsible for making the accident or incident report to LP-Gas Operations as specified in this

9.37 Termination of LP-Gas Service

(a) If LP-Gas Operations determines that any LP-gas container or installation constitutes an immediate danger to the
public health, safety, and welfare, LP-Gas Operations shall require the immediate removal of liquid and vapor LP-gas
and/or the immediate disconnection by a properly licensed company to the extent necessary to eliminate the danger.
This may include appliances, equipment, or any part of the system including the servicing container. A warning tag shall

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be installed by LP-Gas Operations until the unsafe condition is remedied. Once the unsafe condition is corrected, the
tag may be removed if authorized by LP-Gas Operations.
(b) If LP-Gas Operations determines that any LP-gas container or installation does not comply with the Texas Natural
Resources Code, Chapter 113, or the LP-Gas Safety Rules, but does not constitute an immediate danger to the public
health, safety, and welfare, LP-Gas Operations shall take action to ensure that the container or installation comes into
compliance as soon as practicable. LP-Gas Operations action may include the placement of a warning tag. Once the
container or installation complies with Texas Natural Resources Code, Chapter 113, and the LP-Gas Safety Rules, LPGas Operations may remove or delegate the removal of the warning tag.
(c) If the affected entity disagrees with the removal from service and/or placement of a warning tag, the entity may
request a review of LP-Gas Operations decision within 10 calendar days. LP-Gas Operations shall notify such entity of
its finding, in writing, stating the deficiencies, within 10 business days. If the entity disagrees, the entity may request or
LP-Gas Operations on its own motion may call a hearing. Such installation shall be brought into compliance or removed
from service until such time as the final decision is rendered by the Commission.

9.38 Reporting Unsafe LP-Gas Activities

(a) A person may report any unsafe or noncompliant LP-gas activities to LP-Gas Operations by mail, telephone,
electronic mail, or facsimile transmission (fax). When possible, the person shall make the report using LPG Form 22.
If a person makes a report of unsafe or noncompliant LP-gas activities to LP-Gas Operations without using LPG Form
22, LP-Gas Operations shall complete the LPG Form 22. Within five business days of receipt of such report, LP-Gas
Operations shall notify the licensee and any other applicable persons in writing regarding the report and specify the
reported violations, if any.
(b) If the submitting person does not specifically request anonymity, the Commission may release the persons name in
accordance with any applicable open records procedures.
(c) A person who reports unsafe LP-gas activities may be called to testify at a Commission hearing if one is necessary
following the initiation of an enforcement action.

9.41 Testing of LP-Gas Systems in School Facilities

(a) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, have the following meanings, unless the
context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) Leakage test--An operation performed on a school LP-gas system using LP-gas as the test medium at not more
than normal operating pressure and a gauging instrument measuring gas pressure in psig, ounces/square inch, or
inches of water column to verify there is no gas leakage.
(2) School district--An entity created under the laws of this state and accredited by the Texas Education Agency
under Texas Education Code, Chapter 39, Subchapter D; a private elementary or secondary school, other than a

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school in a residence; or a state or regional school for the blind and visually impaired or the deaf created under
Texas Education Code, Chapter 30.
(3) School district facility--Each building or structure operated by a school district and equipped with a school
LP-gas system, in which students receive instructions or participate in school sponsored extracurricular activities,
excluding maintenance or bus facilities, vehicle fueling facilities, administrative offices, and similar facilities not
regularly used by students.
(4) School LP-gas system--All piping, fittings, valves, regulators, appliance connectors, equipment, and connections
supplying fuel gas from the outlet of the shutoff valve at each LP-gas storage container or upstream of each meter to
the shutoff valve(s) on each appliance in a school district facility.
(5) Supplier--An individual or company that sells and delivers LP-gas to a school district facility. If more than one
individual or company sells and delivers LP-gas to a school district facility, each individual or company is a supplier
for purposes of this section.
(b) School district requirements. A school district shall ensure that a leakage test is performed on each school LP-gas
system as specified in this section. The leakage test shall be performed by an LP-gas licensee, an individual registered
with the Commission pursuant to 9.13 of this title (relating to General Installers and Repairman Exemption), or an
employee of the school district who has been certified by the Commission to perform such a test.
(1) If a leak is found in a school LP-gas system, the school district shall immediately remove the affected school
district facility from LP-gas service until repairs are made and it passes a subsequent school LP-gas system leakage
test. If an employee of a school district performs the initial test, then the subsequent test may not be performed by a
school district employee.
(2) Each school district shall provide the districts supplier with a copy of the most current LP-Gas Form 30 as proof
the school LP-gas system has been tested in accordance with this section.
(3) A school district shall retain LPG Form 30 specifying the date and result of the leakage test performed on each
school LP-gas system for a minimum of five years from the date each test was performed. A school district shall
make LPG Form 30 readily available for review by the Commission or its authorized representative upon request.
(c) Leakage test requirements.
(1) The results of each leakage test shall be immediately documented on LPG Form 30.
(2) LP-gas shall be used as the test medium.

(3) Leakage test pressure shall not exceed normal operating pressure.

(4) Leakage test duration shall not be less than 30 minutes.

(5) Test pressure shall be monitored with a manometer or with a pressure-measuring instrument designed and
calibrated to read, record, or indicate a pressure loss caused by leakage during the test period. Mechanical gauges

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used to measure test pressures shall have a range such that the highest end of the scale is not greater than five
times the test pressure.
(6) The manual shutoff valve installed in the piping upstream of each appliance must be open and must supply
pressure to the appliance. To prove the integrity of the 100 percent pilot shutoff valve on each appliance so
equipped, the manual control on the 100 percent pilot shutoff valve must be turned to the on position. Pilots not
incorporating a 100 percent pilot shutoff valve and all manual gas valves not incorporating safety shutoff systems
shall be in the off position prior to the leakage test.
(d) Methods for conducting a leakage test.
(1) Upstream of first stage regulator. Insert a pressure gauge between the manual shutoff valve on the container(s)
and the first stage regulator. Admit full container pressure to the system, and then close the manual shutoff valve
on the container(s). Release gas from the system to lower the pressure gauge reading by 10 psig. If there is no
decrease or increase in gauge pressure after the minimum test duration, the system has no leakage and may remain
in service.
(2) Between first stage and second stage regulators. Insert a pressure gauge with a 30-psig scale downstream of the
first stage regulator, pressurize the system to normal operating pressure, and then close the manual shutoff valve on
the container(s). Release LP-gas from the system to lower the pressure gauge reading by at least one-half the inlet
pressure to the second stage regulator. If there is no decrease or increase in gauge pressure after the minimum test
duration, the system has no leakage and may remain in service.
(3) Downstream of final stage regulator(s). For systems serving appliances that receive gas at pressures of 1/2
psig or less, insert a water manometer or pressure gauge into the system downstream of the final system regulator.
Pressurize the system to normal operating pressure and close the manual shutoff valve on the container(s). To
ensure that all regulators in the system are unlocked and a leak anywhere in the system is communicated to the
gauging instrument, release enough gas from the system, through a range burner or other suitable means, to drop
the pressure to 9 (plus or minus 1/2) inches of water column. If there is no decrease or increase in gauge pressure
after the minimum test duration, the system has no leakage and may remain in service.
(e) Supplier requirements. A supplier shall terminate LP-gas service to a school district facility if:
(1) the supplier receives official notification from the school district, the LP-gas licensee, or the person conducting
the leakage test that there is leakage in a school LP-gas system;
(2) the leakage test performed on a school LP-gas system was not performed in accordance with the requirements
of this section; or
(3) the supplier has not received a copy of LPG Form 30 from the school district verifying that the school LP-gas
system has been tested in accordance with this section.
(f) Commission requirements.
(1) At the request of a school district, the Commission shall assist the district in providing for the certification of an
employee of the school district or school, as applicable, to conduct a leakage test.
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(2) LP-Gas Operations shall initiate any enforcement proceedings necessary under Texas Natural Resources Code,
Chapter 113.
(g) Compliance deadlines.
(1) Each school district shall ensure a leakage test is performed as required by this section at least once every two
years beginning with the 2010-2011 school year.
(2) School districts shall complete the initial leakage tests before the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year. In
the case of a year-round school, a school district shall ensure that a leakage test in each school district facility is
conducted and reported not later than July 1 of the year in which the test is performed, with the first test due by
July 1, 2010.
(3) A school district may perform the leakage tests on a two-year cycle provided that at least one-half of the school
districts facilities are tested each year.

9.51 General Requirements for LP-Gas Training and Continuing Education

(a) In addition to complying with NFPA 4.4 and 11.2, effective March 1, 2001, individuals shall comply with the
training and continuing education requirements in this chapter.
(b) Applicants for new licenses or new certificates, as set forth in 9.7 and 9.8 of this title (relating to Application for
License and License Renewal Requirements, and Application for a New Certificate, respectively) and persons holding
existing licenses or certificates shall comply with the training or continuing education requirements in this chapter.
Any individual who fails to comply with the training or continuing education requirements by the assigned deadline
may regain certification by paying the nonrefundable course fee and satisfactorily completing an authorized training or
continuing education course within two years of the deadline. In addition to paying the course fee, the person shall pay
any fee or late penalties to AFRED.
(1) The training requirements apply only to applicants for Category D, E, F, G, I, J, K, or M management-level
certificates and certain employee-level certificates.
(2) The continuing education requirements apply to:
(A) all management-level certificate holders and employee-level certificate holders as specified in the tables in
9.52 of this title (relating to Training and Continuing Education Courses); and
 (B) any ultimate consumer who has purchased, leased, or obtained other rights in any LP-gas bobtail, including
any employee of such ultimate consumer if that employee drives or in any way operates the equipment on an
LP-gas bobtail.
(3) The training and continuing education requirements do not apply to:

(A) an ultimate consumer driving or fueling a motor vehicle powered by LP-gas;

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(B) an individual who fuels motor vehicles as an employee of an ultimate consumer;

(C) an employee of a state agency, county, municipality, school district, or other governmental subdivision,
unless such an individual is or becomes certified;

(D) an individual with a general installers and repairman exemption; or

(E) anyone certified only as a transport driver, or who holds only an on-road motor fuel, non-road motor fuel, or
mobile fuel certification.
(4) Each individual who performs LP-gas activities as an employee of an ultimate consumer or a state agency,
county, municipality, school district, or other governmental subdivision shall be properly supervised by his or her
employer. Any such individual who is not certified by the Commission to perform such LP-gas activities shall be
properly trained by a competent person in the safe performance of such LP-gas activities.
(c) Individual credit. Successful completion of any required training or continuing education class shall be credited to
and accrue to the individual.
(d) No partial credit. Individuals attending classes shall receive credit only if they attend the entire class and pay
any training or continuing education course fees in full. The Commission shall not award partial credit for partial
(e) Schedules. Dates and locations of available AFRED LP-gas training and continuing education classes can be
obtained in the Austin offices of AFRED, and on the Commissions web site at and shall be updated
at least monthly. AFRED classes shall be conducted in Austin and in other locations around the state. Individuals or
companies may request in writing that AFRED classes be taught in their area. AFRED shall schedule its classes and
locations at its discretion.
(f) Registering for a class.
(1) To register for a scheduled training or continuing education class, an individual shall complete the registration
form provided by AFRED and file the form with the AFRED training section prior to the class. AFRED shall also
accept class registrations via regular mail, electronic mail (e-mail), or facsimile transmission (fax); such requests
shall include the applicants full name, address, phone number, level (either manager or employee) and category of
certification (such as cylinder filling or service and installation), e-mail address, and the name or number, location,
and date of the requested class.
(2) Costs for classes.
(A) Each registration for a training class shall require the payment of the applicable nonrefundable class fee as

(i) $75 for an initial eight-hour class;

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(ii) $150 for the initial 16-hour Category F, G, I, and J class; and

(iii) $750 for the initial 80-hour Category E class.

(B) The Category E, F, G, I, and J class fees do not include the management-level rules examination or
license fee described in 9.6 and 9.10 of this title (relating to Licenses and Fees, and Rules Examination,
(C) Current certificate holders who have paid the annual renewal fee and who want to add a new certification
other than Category E, F, G, I, or J shall not be required to pay the $75 class fee.
(D) Continuing education classes shall be offered at no charge to certificate holders who have timely paid the
annual certificate renewal fee specified in 9.9 of this title (relating to Requirements for Certificate Renewal).
(E) Requests for classes where no training or continuing education class credit is given shall be submitted in
writing to the AFRED training section. The AFRED training section may conduct the requested classes at its
discretion. The nonrefundable fee for a non-credit class is $250 if no overnight expenses are incurred by the
AFRED training section, or $500 if overnight expenses are incurred. AFRED may waive the fee for a non-credit
class in cases where the Commission recovers the cost of the class from another source, such as a grant.

(F) AFRED may charge reasonable fees for materials for classes using third-party materials.

(3) AFRED shall schedule individuals to attend classes on a first-come, first-served basis, except as follows:
(A) Priority for attending the 16-hour Category F, G, I, and J class, and the 80-hour Category E class is based on
when the class fee is paid.
(B) Priority for attending classes other than the 16-hour Category F, G, I, and J class, and the 80-hour Category
E class shall be given to applicants or certificate holders who must comply with training or continuing
education requirements by the next May 31 deadline.
(C) If any class has fewer than eight individuals registered within seven calendar days prior to the class,
AFRED may cancel the class and may reschedule the registered individuals in another class agreed upon by the
individuals and the AFRED training section. The AFRED training section reserves the right to determine class
sizes for all classes.
(4) If a previously registered individual is unable to attend the class at the time and place for which the individual
is registered due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, another individual from the same company may
attend that same class in his or her place.
(5) Applicants who take classes offered by an entity other than AFRED shall comply with the registration, fee, and
other requirements specified by that entity.
(g) Retention of records. Individual applicants or certificate holders shall be responsible for promptly notifying the
AFRED training section in writing of any discrepancies or errors in the training or continuing education records,

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and shall notify AFRED of any discrepancies or errors in examination records or certification cards. In the event of
a discrepancy, AFREDs records, including due dates, shall be deemed correct unless the individual has copies of
applicable documents which clarify the discrepancy.

9.52 Training and Continuing Education Courses

(a) Training. In addition to complying with NFPA 4.4 and 11.2, applicants for a new certification and applicants who
have passed a certification examination but have not completed an applicable training course shall complete training
as specified in the tables in subsection (h) of this section prior to their first certificate renewal deadline. Category E
management-level applicants shall attend the 80-hour class; Category F, G, I, and J management-level applicants shall
attend the 16-hour class; and Category D, K and M management- level applicants and all applicants for employee-level
certifications that are subject to training requirements shall attend an eight-hour class. A certificate holders training
deadline shall not be extended if that individual retakes and passes an examination for the current category and level of
certification. A training deadline shall be extended only after a certificate holder successfully completes an applicable
training class.
(1) Individuals who pass an employee level rules examination between March 1 and May 31 of any year shall
have until May 31 of the next year to complete any required training. Individuals who pass an employee level rules
examination at other times shall have until the next May 31 to complete any required training. Completion of AFT
shall be in accordance with subsection (g) of this section.
(2) Applicants for company representative or operations supervisor shall comply with the training requirements in
this section prior to the Commission issuing a certificate.
(b) Continuing education. A certificate holder shall complete at least eight hours of continuing education every four
years as specified in the tables in subsection (h) of this section. Upon fulfillment of this requirement, the certificate
holders next continuing education deadline shall be four years after the May 31 following the date of the most recent
class the certificate holder has completed, unless the class was completed on May 31, in which case the deadline
shall be four years from that date. A certificate holders continuing education deadline shall not be extended if an
examination for a current category and level of certification is retaken and passed; a continuing education deadline
shall be extended only after a certificate holder successfully completes an applicable continuing education class.
An individual who completes a continuing education class after the assigned deadline shall have four years from the
original deadline to complete the next class.

(1) Continuing education requirements for certain categories.

(A) Certificate holders who hold only a Category D, F, G, J, or K certificate as of the effective date of this
section shall have completed their initial continuing education requirement by May 31, 2005. Beginning
September 1, 2005, Category M and recreational vehicle technician certificate holders shall have completed
their initial continuing education requirement by May 31, 2006. Certificate holders who hold a Category D, F, G,
J, K, or M certificate or a recreational vehicle technician certificate and who have more than one certification
as of February 1, 2001, shall complete their continuing education requirement by the continuing education
deadline assigned for the initial certificate. Public employees who were certified as of June 1, 2006, shall have
completed their continuing education requirement by May 31, 2007.
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Figure: 16 TAC 9.52(h) -- Table One



Category Category Category Category Category

G Mgmt. I Mgmt. J Mgmt. K Mgmt. M Mgmt.

Category Category Category

D Mgmt. E Mgmt. F Mgmt.

Dispenser Operations

Course Title

Bobtail Operations

Residential System Installation







Residential System Layout and


Introduction to Propane


Residential Appliance Controls

Appliance Conversion, Installation

and Venting




Recreational Vehicle Gas


Electrical Troubleshooting and

Repair of Residential Gas


Residential System Inspection


Regulatory Compliance for



Category E Management Course



Category F, G, I, and J
Management Course



LP-Gas Safety Rules - 69











70 - LP-Gas Safety Rules








Category F, G, I, and J
Management Course

Category E Management Course

Residential System Inspection

Recreational Vehicle Gas


Electrical Troubleshooting and

Repair of Residential Gas

Service &

Residential Appliance Controls


Motor &
Cylinder Mobile Fuel

Appliance Conversion, Installation

and Venting

Residential System Installation

Residential System Layout and


Bobtail Operations

Dispenser Operations

Introduction to Propane

Course Title

& Installation


Figure: 16 TAC 9.52(h) -- Table Two


Railroad Commission of Texas

Railroad Commission of Texas

D Mgmt.

E Mgmt.

F Mgmt.

G Mgmt.

I Mgmt.

J Mgmt.

K Mgmt.

M Mgmt.

Figure: 16 TAC 9.52(h) -- Table Three

(Revised February 2008)
Course Title



Operating a Cylinder Delivery Vehicle to Deliver



Operating a Truck, Tank Trailer or Tractor/
Trailer to Deliver or Relocate ASME Tanks

Basic Principles and Practices

CETP 2.4
Maintaining ASME Tanks

CETP 2.5
Maintaining DOT Cylinders

CETP 1.0

CETP 3.1
Operating Dispensing Equipment to Fill

CETP 3.2
Maintaining Bulk Plant Equipment

Delivery Basics

CETP 3.3

Performing Cargo Tank Product Transfers

CETP 3.4

Performing Railcar Product Transfers

CETP 2.1

CETP 3.5

Maintaining DOT Intermodal (IM) Tanks


CETP 3.6

Layout, Design, and Selection of a Vapor

Distribution System

Operating a Bobtail to Deliver Propane

CETP 3.7

Preparing and Installing Vapor Distribution


CETP 4.1

Transfer System Operations


CETP 2.2

CETP 4.2

Appliance Installation

CETP 5.0

Basic Electricity for Propane Appliances

Operating a Transport to Deliver Propane

CETP 6.0

Large Industrial/Commercial Gas-Fired


CETP 7.0

GAS Check

CETP 2.3

CETP 8.0


Credit hours may not equal the total number of course hours.

LP-Gas Safety Rules - 71

72 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

CETP 1.0

CETP 2.1

CETP 2.2

CETP 2.3

CETP 2.4

CETP 2.5

CETP 3.1

CETP 3.2

CETP 3.3

CETP 3.4

CETP 3.5

CETP 3.6

CETP 3.7

CETP 4.1

CETP 4.2

CETP 5.0

CETP 6.0

CETP 7.0

CETP 8.0


GAS Check

Large Industrial/Commercial Gas-Fired Equipment

Basic Electricity for Propane Appliances

Appliance Installation

Transfer System Operations

Preparing and Installing Vapor Distribution Systems

Layout, Design, and Selection of a Vapor Distribution System

Maintaining DOT Intermodal (IM) Tanks

Performing Railcar Product Transfers

Performing Cargo Tank Product Transfers

Maintaining Bulk Plant Equipment

Operating Dispensing Equipment to Fill Containers

Maintaining DOT Cylinders

Maintaining ASME Tanks

Operating a Truck, Tank Trailer or Tractor/Trailer to Deliver

or Relocate ASME Tanks

Operating a Cylinder Delivery Vehicle to Deliver Propane

Operating a Transport to Deliver Propane

Operating a Bobtail to Deliver Propane

Delivery Basics

Basic Principles and Practices

Course Title


Credit hours may not equal the total number of course hours.

Motor &
Mobile Fuel

Note: The CETP 2.4, 3.6, and 3.7 courses are not accepted by the Commission for continuing education credit.




Service &

Service &

Figure: 16 TAC 9.52(h) -- Table Four



Railroad Commission of Texas

Railroad Commission of Texas

(B) Certificate holders who are certified to perform LP-gas activities covered by different certifications shall
complete the continuing education requirements for any one of the certifications held in order to maintain
active status. For each subsequent continuing education requirement, such individuals shall be responsible for
attending a different continuing education class relevant to one of the other certifications held.
(2) Certificate holders who attend a class offered by an outside instructor shall not be entitled to a refund of the
annual renewal fee or any other fees or penalties required by the Commission.
(3) Individuals who have not paid the annual certificate renewal fee, including general installers and repairman
exemption holders or members of the general public, shall not attend training or continuing education classes free
of charge, but may request from the AFRED training section to attend classes at the charge specified in 9.51 of this
title (relating to General Requirements for Training and Continuing Education). Such requests shall be in writing
and handled at AFREDs discretion on an individual basis and if space is available in the requested class.
(4) Any certificate holder who has timely paid the annual certificate renewal fee but is not otherwise required to
attend a Commission continuing education class may voluntarily attend a class, if space is available, by registering
with the AFRED training section as specified in 9.51 of this title (relating to General Requirements for Training
and Continuing Education).
(c) Adding a new certification. A current certificate holder who successfully completes an examination for an
additional certification that requires completion of a training course shall be assigned a training deadline pursuant to
subsection (a)(1) of this section. Upon completion of the required training, the certificate holder shall be assigned a
continuing education date pursuant to subsection (b) of this section.
(d) Train-the-Trainer classes. The Train-the-Trainer classes shall not count as credit towards the training or continuing
education requirements.
(e) Class materials. Individuals who attend AFRED-taught classes shall receive a copy of the class materials at no
charge. Additional copies may be purchased from AFRED at the established price.
(f) Certificates of completion. The AFRED training section shall issue a certificate of completion to each individual
who completes an AFRED-taught class. Individuals shall retain the certificates as proof of completion of the class.
(g) Advanced field training (AFT). Some classes may include AFT in addition to the classroom hours, during which
class attendees shall perform LP-gas activities. AFT shall be properly completed within 30 calendar days of attending
the class. All qualification tasks included in the AFT shall be completed. The AFT materials, including the qualification
checklist and the certification page, shall be readily available at the licensees Texas business location for review by an
authorized Commission representative during normal business hours.
(1) The responsibility of certifying AFT activities shall not be delegated to an unauthorized individual. AFT
qualification tasks shall be witnessed by an authorized individual, verified as being successfully completed, and the
AFT form signed as follows:
(A) For licensees with only one company representative, that company representative shall self-certify the AFT.
(B) For licensees with more than one company representative, one company representative may certify the
AFT of another company representative, but shall not self-certify.
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(C) Company representatives shall certify operations supervisors AFT.

(D) The company representative or an operations supervisor authorized by the licensee and in current good
standing with the Commission shall certify the employees AFT.

(E) If authorized, a Commission-approved outside instructor may certify any AFT.

(2) Other AFT situations shall be handled as follows:

(A) For a certified individual employed by a licensee, the licensee shall retain the most recently completed
AFT material for each applicable category of the individuals certification in the individuals employment
(B) For an individual who ceases employment with a licensee, the licensee shall retain the latest required AFT
material for at least two years from the date the individual is no longer employed by the licensee. The twoyear period shall be based on the renewal period for the examination renewal fee penalty. The licensee shall
provide a copy of the AFT material to the individual.
(C) For an individual who begins employment with a different licensee, the new licensee shall obtain a copy
of the individuals AFT material from the individual and shall place the copy in the individuals employment
(D) An individual who is never employed by a licensee shall retain the most recently completed AFT material
for each applicable category of the individuals certification in a safe location for at least two years from the
date the class that required the AFT was attended.
(E) For an individual who is employed by a licensee when a class requiring AFT is attended, but who prior to
the AFTs being certified becomes employed by a new licensee, the new licensee shall certify the individuals
(F) For an individual who is employed by a licensee when a class requiring AFT is attended, but who prior
to the AFTs being certified ceases employment with the licensee and wishes to continue performing LP-gas
activities, the individual shall contact a company representative or operations supervisor of another applicable
licensee or an AFRED-approved outside instructor to complete the AFT and maintain the LP-gas certification.
(3) Individuals who attend the 80-hour Category E management-level class or the 16-hour Category F, G, I, and J
management-level class shall perform any required AFT activities during the class.
(4) If AFT is required for a class, the AFT checklist outlining the specific activities to be performed shall be
included in the class materials.
(5) A certified individual is exempt from the AFT requirement of a continuing education course if the individual
has previously completed that same course, including the AFT.
(h) Available courses. Training and continuing education courses and other information are shown in Tables 1 through
4 of this subsection. Items on the tables marked with an x indicate courses that meet training or continuing education
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requirements for management-level or employee-level certificate holders in that category.

(i) Credit for attendance at CETP courses. A certificate holder who has successfully completed a CETP class, including
any applicable knowledge and skills assessments, may receive credit toward the continuing education requirements
specified in this section as follows:
(1) The CETP class shall be approved for the category of certificate held as indicated on Tables 3 and 4 in
subsection (h) of this section.
(2) The successful completion of a CETP class is determined by a National Propane Gas Association class
certificate, which is issued only after an individual has completed the prescribed course of study, including any
related knowledge and skills assessments, for the applicable CETP job classification.
(3) To receive credit toward the Commissions continuing education requirements, the certificate holder shall
submit the following information, clearly readable, by regular mail to AFRED, Railroad Commission of Texas, P.O.
Box 12967, Austin, Texas 78711-2967, or by electronic mail to the following address:

(A) the individuals full name, address, telephone number, Social Security number;

(B) the LP-gas certification(s) currently held; and

(C) the CETP class date and a readable copy of the CETP class certificate for an approved CETP class as
specified in Tables 3 and 4 of subsection (h) of this section. The CETP class attendance date shall be within
one year of the certificate holders continuing education deadline.
(4) AFRED shall review the submitted material within 30 business days of receipt and shall notify the certificate
holder in writing that the request is approved, denied, or incomplete. If the material is incomplete, AFRED shall
identify the necessary additional information required. The certificate holder shall file the additional information
within 30 calendar days of the date of a notice of deficiency in order to receive credit for the CETP course
attendance. Certificate holders requesting credit for CETP class attendance shall submit such requests to allow
processing time so that a request is finally approved by May 31 in order for the certificate holder to receive credit
toward that deadline.

9.54 Commission-Approved Outside Instructors

(a) General.
(1) AFRED may approve and award training or continuing education credit for the management-level and
employee-level applicants and certificate holders specified in this section offered by an outside instructor provided
the outside instructor complies with the requirements of this section.
(A) Authorized Category D outside instructors may offer only the applicable training and continuing education
classes to Category D or K management-level applicants or certificate holders and to service and installation
and appliance service and installation employee-level applicants or certificate holders.

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(B) Authorized Category E outside instructors may offer only the applicable training and continuing education
classes to Category D or K management-level applicants and to portable cylinder filling, motor/mobile fuel
dispenser, bobtail, service and installation, and appliance service and installation applicants and employeelevel certificate holders.
(C) Authorized Category I outside instructors may offer only the applicable training and continuing education
classes to Category F, G, I, and J management-level certificate holders and DOT cylinder filling and motor/
mobile fuel dispenser applicants and employee-level certificate holders.
(D) Authorized Category M outside instructors may offer only the applicable training and continuing education
classes to Category M management-level applicants and recreational vehicle technician employee-level
applicants or certificate holders.
(2) LP-gas companies may offer courses to their own personnel and to other companies personnel provided that
the LP-gas company and the outside instructor comply with the requirements of this section.
(3) All curriculum and course materials submitted for AFRED review by an outside instructor applicant shall be
printed or typewritten, organized, and easily readable, and shall remain confidential within the limits of Tex. Govt
Code, Chapter 552 (Public Information Act).
(4) Copies of the AFREDs curricula and materials are available from AFRED at a reasonable cost.
(b) Application process. Outside instructor applicants shall submit the following to AFRED:
(1) a non-refundable $300 registration fee for each outside instructor;
(2) a copy of the applicants Category D, E, I, or M current certification card or, in the case of Category D only, a
copy of the master or journeyman plumber/class A or B registration/examination exemption certificate issued by
(3) for each course the outside instructor applicant intends to teach:
(A) the curriculum for and a description of the course;
(B) the course materials and related supporting information or a statement that the instructor will use AFRED
course materials;
(C) a statement specifying whether the outside instructor seeks approval to certify any AFT described in 9.52
of this title (relating to training and continuing education courses);
(4) proof that the outside instructor applicant has experience, during at least three of the four years prior to the
date of filing the application, in both:

(A) conducting LP-gas training or continuing education courses and

(B) performing or supervising LP-gas activities; and

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(5) any other information required by this section.

(c) Curriculum standards. The curriculum for each course that an outside instructor applicant intends to teach shall
include, where applicable, information that is at least the equivalent of AFREDs course or courses on the same topic
or topics, and shall include all applicable current LP-gas regulations for Texas. Courses not offered by AFRED may be
approved if the courses are equal or greater in overall quality to other approved courses.
(d) AFRED review. AFRED shall review the application for approval as an outside instructor and, within 14 business
days of the filing of the application, shall notify the applicant in writing that the application is approved, denied,
or incomplete. If an application is incomplete, AFREDs notice of deficiency shall identify the necessary additional
information, including any deficiencies in course materials. The outside instructor applicant shall file the necessary
additional information within 30 calendar days of the date of AFREDs notice of deficiency. The outside instructor
applicants failure to file the necessary additional information within the prescribed time period may result in the
dismissal of the outside instructors application and the necessity of the outside instructor applicant again paying the
non-refundable $300 registration fee for each subsequent filing of an application.
(e) Additional requirements for approval. Outside instructor applicants whose applications are approved in writing by
AFRED shall attend AFREDs Train-the-Trainer Course, the fee for which is included in the $300 registration fee. The
Train-the-Trainer Course shall include classroom instruction and the subject-matter examinations for each course
for which the applicant seeks approval to conduct. An outside instructor applicant shall pass the subject-matter
examination for each course with a score of at least 85 percent and shall attend the subject-matter courses for which the
applicant seeks approval to conduct.
(f) Notification of approval. Within 10 business days of the outside instructor applicants completion of the requirements
of this section, AFRED shall notify the applicant in writing that the applicant is approved as an outside instructor and
the outside instructor may then begin offering the approved courses.
(g) Term of approval. AFRED approval of an outside instructor remains valid for three years unless the Commission
revokes the approval pursuant to subsection (l) of this section.
(h) Renewal of approval. To continue offering AFRED-approved LP-gas classes, an outside instructor shall renew his or
her AFRED approval every three years by paying a nonrefundable $150 renewal fee to AFRED and attending a Train-theTrainer refresher class prior to the outside instructors next renewal deadline.
(i) Revision of course materials. An outside instructor who revises any course materials previously approved by AFRED
shall submit the revisions in writing, along with a nonrefundable $100 review fee to AFRED, and shall not use the
materials in a course until the outside instructor has received written AFRED approval. AFRED shall review the revised
course materials and, within 14 business days, shall notify the outside instructor in writing that the revised course
materials are approved or not approved. If the revised course materials are not approved, AFREDs notice shall identify
the portion or portions that are not approved and/or shall describe any deficiencies in the revised course materials. The
outside instructor shall file any necessary additional information within 30 calendar days of the date of AFREDs notice
of disapproval. The outside instructors failure to file the necessary additional information within the prescribed time
period may result in the dismissal of the outside instructors request for approval of revised course materials and the
necessity of again paying the $100 review fee for each subsequent filing of revised course materials.

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(j) Continuing requirements. Outside instructors shall:

(1) maintain their Category D, E, I, or M certificate or Category D registration/examination exemption certificate in
continuous good standing. The Train-the-Trainer class shall not count as credit towards any training or continuing
education requirements. Any interruption of the required Category D, E, I, or M certification or Category D
registration/examination exemption certificate may result in the Commission revoking the outside instructors
(2) adhere to professional standards of conduct in class presentations; and
(3) report to AFRED within three business days of the conclusion of a class the names, social security numbers,
and any other information required by AFRED, of the persons completing the class. The report shall be made by
electronic mail (e-mail) in an electronic format provided by AFRED. The outside instructor shall ensure that
AFRED receives the report by securing written acknowledgment of its receipt by AFRED. This acknowledgment may
be by return electronic mail (e-mail) or by facsimile transmission (fax).
(k) Disclaimer. Outside instructors are responsible for every aspect of the classes they teach, including the location,
schedule, date, time, duration, price, content, material, demeanor and conduct of the outside instructor, and reporting
of attendance information. AFRED shall not monitor or supervise the actual class presentations by outside instructors.
AFRED is not obligated to gather, maintain, or distribute information about outside instructors course offerings, other
than the names, telephone numbers, and addresses of approved outside instructors and the date on which an outside
instructors approval would expire, absent renewal. AFRED may refuse to issue or renew a certificate for an individual
who presents for credit an unapproved class; a class taught by an unapproved outside instructor; or a class taught using
unapproved, incomplete, or incorrect materials.
(l) Complaints.
(1) Complaints regarding outside instructors shall be made to AFRED in writing by electronic mail (e-mail),
facsimile transmission (fax), or U. S. Postal Service; shall include the printed name, address, telephone number,
and, if filed by fax or U.S. Postal Service, the signature of the person complaining; shall state the outside instructors
name, the date, location, and title of the course; and shall set forth the facts that the complainant alleges
demonstrate that the outside instructor:

(A) failed to meet or maintain AFRED requirements for outside instructor approval;

(B) failed to deliver a course as approved, including failure to follow the approved curriculum, to use the
approved course materials, or to deliver the requisite numbers of hours of instruction; or
 (C) engaged in other conduct, including the use of language, that created an atmosphere not conducive
to learning. Such conduct includes but is not limited to demeaning, derogating, or stereotyping women or
men, disabled persons, members of any political, religious, racial, or ethnic group, or a particular individual,
organization, or product.
(2) Upon receipt of a complaint and at its discretion, AFRED may gather any additional information necessary
or appropriate to making a full and complete analysis of the complaint. AFRED shall deliver a written copy of the

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analysis and any findings by certified mail to the outside instructor who is the subject of the complaint. The outside
instructor may file a written response within 20 calendar days from the date the findings are postmarked.
(3) If AFRED determines that an outside instructor has engaged in conduct prohibited by this section, AFRED may
prepare a report that states the facts on which the determination is based and the recommendation as to the action
AFRED intends to take. AFRED may issue a written warning to the outside instructor; decline to approve or renew
the outside instructors approval; or revoke the outside instructors approval.
(4) AFRED shall mail a copy of the report and recommendation to the outside instructor by certified mail and
shall include a statement that the outside instructor has a right to a hearing on the determination contained in the
(5) Within 20 calendar days after the date the notice is postmarked, the outside instructor shall file a
written response either accepting the determination and recommended action or requesting a hearing on the
(6) If the outside instructor accepts the determination, he or she shall notify AFRED in writing of the acceptance,
and AFRED shall take the action indicated in the report.
(7) If an outside instructor requests a hearing or fails to respond timely to the notice given under paragraph (5)
of this subsection, the AFRED director shall refer the matter to the Office of General Counsel for the setting of a
hearing. The Office of General Counsel shall assign an examiner to conduct a hearing, which shall be conducted
under the Commissions General Rules of Practice and Procedure, Chapter 1 of this title (relating to Practice and
(8) Following the hearing, the Commission may enter an order finding that the outside instructor has violated
Commission rules or that no violation has occurred; and may make any other finding based on the evidence in the
(9) If the outside instructor does not comply with the order of the Commission, and if the enforcement of the
Commissions order is not stayed, then the Office of General Counsel may refer the matter to the attorney general
for enforcement of the Commissions order.

Subchapter B - LP-Gas Installations, Containers,

Appurtenances and Equipment Requirements
9.101 Filings Required for Stationary LP-Gas Installations
(a) No LP-gas container shall be placed into LP-gas service or an installation operated or used in LP-gas service
until the requirements of this section, as applicable, are met and the facility is in compliance with all applicable LPGas Safety Rules and statutes, in addition to any applicable requirements of the municipality or the county where
an installation is or will be located. LP-gas systems under the jurisdiction of DOT Safety regulations in 49 CFR Parts
192 and 199, and Part 40 shall comply with Chapter 8 of this title (relating to Pipeline Safety Regulations) prior to
implementation of service.
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(b) Commercial installations with an aggregate water capacity of less than 10,000 gallons.
(1) Within 30 calendar days following the completion of a container installation, the licensee shall submit LPG
Form 501 to LP-Gas Operations stating:

(A) the installation is in total compliance with the statutes and LP-Gas Safety Rules;

(B) all necessary LP-gas licenses and certificates have been issued; and

(C) the date the installation has been placed into LP-gas service.

(2) Pay a nonrefundable fee of $10 for each LP-gas container, including cylinders, each retail LP-gas cylinder
exchange storage rack, and each forklift cylinder exchange rack or a forklift cylinder exchange installation
where a storage rack is not installed that is listed on the form. A nonrefundable $35 fee shall be required for any
(3) LP-Gas Operations shall review the submitted information within 21 business days of receipt of all required
information and shall notify the applicant in writing of any deficiencies. LP-gas operations may commence prior to
the submission of LPG Form 501 if the facility is in compliance with the LP-Gas Safety Rules.
(c) Aggregate water capacity of 10,000 gallons or more.
(1) For installations with an aggregate water capacity of 10,000 gallons or more, the licensee shall submit the
following information to LP-Gas Operations at least 30 days prior to construction if the applicant is required to give
notice as described in 9.102 of this title (relating to Notice of Stationary LP-Gas Installations):

(A) LPG Form 500;

(B) LPG Form 500A with all applicable documents;

(C) a plat drawing from the appropriate appraisal district identifying:

(i) the facilitys property boundaries;

(ii) the names of all real property owners within 500 feet; and

(iii) a 500-foot radius measured from the proposed container location on the site.

(D) a site plan of sufficient scale that identifies:

(i) the location, types, and sizes of all containers already on site or proposed to be on site;

(ii) the distances from the containers and the transfer system to the property lines, buildings, and
railroad, pipeline, or roadway rights-of-way;

(iii) any known potential hazards;

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(iv) location of bulkhead and distance from nearest container;

(v) location of remote emergency shut-off valves;

(vi) route of vehicular traffic around containers;

(vii) location of any electrically operated material handling equipment such as pumps or compressors; and

(viii) distance and location to nearest highway.

(E) If the facility is accessed from a public highway under the jurisdiction of the Texas Department of
Transportation, a statement or permit from the Texas Department of Transportation showing that the driveway
is of proper design and construction to allow safe entry and egress of the LP-gas transports.
(F) pay a nonrefundable fee of $50 for the initial application. A nonrefundable $30 fee shall be required for any
(2) In addition to NFPA 58, 6.5.4, prior to the installation of any individual LP-gas container, LP-Gas Operations
shall determine whether the proposed installation constitutes a danger to the public health, safety, and welfare.
(A) LP-Gas Operations may impose restrictions or conditions on the proposed LP-gas installation based on one
or more of the following factors:
 (i) nature and density of the population or occupancy of structures within 500 feet of the proposed or
existing container locations;

(ii) nature of use of property located within 500 feet of the LP-gas installation;

(iii) nature and volume of vehicular traffic within 500 feet of the proposed container;

(iv) type and number of roadways within 500 feet of the proposed container;

(v) type of operations on the installations premises;

(vi) potential sources of ignition that might affect an LP-gas leak;

(vii) existence of dangerous or combustible materials in the area that might be affected by an emergency
(viii) any other factors material to the public health, safety, and welfare.
(B) The Commission does not consider public health, safety, and welfare to include such factors as the value of
property adjacent to the installation, the esthetics of the proposed installation, or similar considerations.
(3) If an LP-gas stationary installation, equipment, or appurtenances not specifically covered by the LP-Gas Safety
Rules has been or will be installed, LP-Gas Operations shall apply and require any reasonable safety provisions to
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ensure the LP-gas installation is safe for LP-gas service. If the affected entity disagrees with LP-Gas Operations
determination, the entity may request a hearing. The installation shall not be placed into LP-gas operation until
LP-Gas Operations has determined that the installation is safe for LP-gas service.
(4) LP-Gas Operations shall notify the applicant in writing outlining its findings. If the application is
administratively denied, the applicant may modify the submission and resubmit it or request a hearing on the
matter in accordance with Chapter 1 of this title (relating to Practice and Procedure).
(5) The licensee shall not commence construction until notice is received from LP-Gas Operations. Upon
completion of a field inspection as specified in 9.109 of this title (relating to Physical Inspection of Stationary LPGas Installations), the operator, pending the inspection findings, may commence LP-gas operations of the facility.
(6) If the subject installation is not completed within one year from the date of LP-Gas Operations completed
review, the requirements of this subsection shall be resubmitted for LP-Gas Operations review.
(d) An applicant or operator shall not be required to submit LPG Form 500, LPG Form 500A, or a site plan prior to the
installation of bulkheads, swivel-type piping, breakaway devices, pneumatically-operated internal valves, or emergency
shutoff valves, or when maintenance and improvements are being made to the piping system at an existing LP-gas
installation with a capacity of 10,000 gallons or more.
(e) If a licensee is replacing a container with the same or less overall length and diameter, installed in the identical
location of the existing container, the licensee shall file LPG Form 500.
(f)In addition, LP-Gas Operations may request LPG Form 8, a Manufacturers Data Report, or any other documentation
or information pertinent to the installation in order to determine compliance with the LP-Gas Safety Rules.

9.102 Notice of Stationary LP-Gas Installations

(a) For a proposed installation with an aggregate water capacity of 10,000 gallons or more, an applicant shall
send a copy of the filings required under 9.101(c) of this title (relating to Filings Required for Stationary LP-Gas
Installations) by certified mail, return receipt requested or otherwise delivered, to all owners of real property situated
within 500 feet of any proposed container location at the same time the originals are filed with LP-Gas Operations .
LP-Gas Operations shall consider the notice to be sufficient when the applicant has provided evidence that copies of
a complete application have been mailed or otherwise delivered to all real property owners. The applicant may obtain
names and addresses of owners from current county tax rolls.
(b) An applicant shall notify owners of real property situated within 500 feet of any proposed container location if:
(1) the current aggregate water capacity of the installation is more than doubled in a 12-month period;
(2) the resulting aggregate water capacity of the installation will be more than 120,000 gallons; or
(3) LP-Gas Operations considers notice to be in the public interest.

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(c) An applicant shall not be required to give notice for installations at hot-mix plants where LP-gas containers of
10,000 gallons aggregate water capacity or more are used as fuel storage supply for asphalt heating provided that:
(1) the applicant submits proof that such hot-mix operations will not exceed two years at the specified location;
(2) the applicant has obtained approval from the fire marshal if the operations are within a citys limits or
extraterritorial jurisdiction.

9.103 Objections to Proposed Stationary LP-Gas Installations

(a) Each owner of real property situated within 500 feet of the proposed location of any LP-gas containers of 10,000
gallon aggregate water capacity or more receiving notice of a proposed installation shall have 18 calendar days from
the date the notice is postmarked to file a written objection using the LPG Form 500A sent to them by the applicant
as described in 9.102 of this title (relating to Notice of Stationary LP-Gas Installations) with LP-Gas Operations. An
objection is considered timely filed when it is actually received by the Commission.
(b) LP-Gas Operations shall review all objections within 10 business days of receipt. An objection shall be in writing and
shall include a statement of facts showing that the proposed installation:
(1) does not comply with the LP-Gas Safety Rules, specifying which rules are violated;
(2) does not comply with the statutes of the State of Texas, specifying which statutes are violated; or
(3) constitutes a danger to the public health, safety, and welfare, specifying the exact nature of the danger. For
purposes of this section, danger means an imminent threat or an unreasonable risk of bodily harm, but does not
mean diminished property or esthetic values in the area.
(c) Upon review of the objection, LP-Gas Operations shall either:
(1) schedule a public hearing as specified in 9.107 of this title (relating to Hearings on Stationary LP-Gas
Installations); or
(2) notify the objecting party in writing within 10 business days of receipt requesting further information for
clarification and stating why the objection is being returned. The objecting entity shall have 10 calendar days
from the postmark of LP-Gas Operations letter to file its corrected objection. Clarification of incomplete or
nonsubstantive objections shall be limited to two opportunities. If new objections are raised in the objecting partys
clarification, the new objections shall be limited to one notice of correction.

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9.107 Hearings on Stationary LP-Gas Installations

(a) Reason for hearing. LP-Gas Operations shall call a public hearing if:
(1) the notice given to each real property owner situated within 500 feet of the proposed installation does not meet
the requirements set forth in 9.102(a) of this title (relating to Notice of Stationary LP-Gas Installations);
(2) LP-Gas Operations receives an objection that complies with 9.103 of this title (relating to Objections to
Proposed Stationary LP-Gas Installations); or
(3) LP-Gas Operations determines that a hearing is necessary to investigate the impact of the installation.
(b) Notice of public hearing. LP-Gas Operations shall give notice of the public hearing at least 21 calendar days prior
to the date of the hearing to the applicant and to all real property owners who were required to receive notice of the
proposed installation under 9.102 of this title (relating to Notice of Stationary LP-Gas Installations).
(c) Procedure at hearing. The public hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the Texas Government Code,
Chapter 2001 et seq., the general rules of practice and procedure of the Railroad Commission of Texas, and the LP-Gas
Safety Rules.

9.108 Interim Approval Order for Stationary LP-Gas Installations

If the Commission finds after a public hearing that the proposed installation complies with the LP-Gas Safety Rules
and the statutes of the State of Texas, and does not constitute a danger to the public health, safety, and welfare, the
Commission shall issue an interim approval order. The construction of the installation and the setting of the container
shall not proceed until the applicant has received written notification of the interim approval order. Any interim
approval order shall include a provision that such approval may be suspended or revoked if:
(1) the applicant has introduced LP-gas into the system prior to final approval; or
(2) a physical inspection of the installation indicates that it is not installed in compliance with the submitted plat
drawing for the installation, the LP-Gas Safety Rules or the statutes of the State of Texas; or
(3) the installation constitutes a danger to the public health, safety, and welfare.

9.109 Physical Inspection of Stationary LP-Gas Installations

(a) Aggregate water capacity of 10,000 gallons or more. The applicant shall notify LP-Gas Operations in writing when
the installation is ready for inspection. If LP-Gas Operations does not physically inspect the facility within 30 calendar
days of receipt of notice that the facility is ready for inspection, the facility may operate conditionally until the initial
complete inspection is made. If any safety rule violations exist at the time of LP-Gas Operations initial inspection, the
installation may be required to cease LP-gas operations until the violations are corrected.

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(b) Aggregate water capacity of less than 10,000 gallons. After receipt of LPG Form 501, LP-Gas Operations shall
conduct an inspection as soon as possible to verify that the installation described is in compliance with the LP-Gas
Safety Rules. The facility may be operated prior to inspection if it is in compliance with the LP-Gas Safety Rules. If any
LP-gas statute or safety rule violation exists at the time of the first inspection at a commercial installation, the subject
container, including any piping, appliances, appurtenances, or equipment connected to it may be immediately removed
from LP-gas service until the violations are corrected.
(c) Material variances. If LP-Gas Operations determines the completed installation varies materially from the
application originally accepted, correction of the variance and notification to LP-Gas Operations or resubmission of the
application is required. The review of such resubmitted application shall comply with 9.101 of this title (relating to
Filings Required for Stationary LP-Gas Installations).
(d) In the event an applicant has requested an inspection and LP-Gas Operations inspection identifies violations
requiring modifications by the applicant, LP-Gas Operations shall consider the assessment of an inspection fee to cover
the costs associated with any additional inspection, including mileage and per diem rates set by the legislature.

9.110 Emergency Use of Proposed Stationary LP-Gas Installations

When there is an immediate need for LP-gas supply under emergency circumstances, LP-Gas Operations may waive the
requirement for the initial complete inspection for a limited time period in order to meet the emergency need. LP-gas
shall not be introduced into the container and it shall not be placed into LP-gas service until LP-Gas Operations grants
permission to do so.

9.113 Maintenance
All LP gas storage containers, valves, dispensers, accessories, piping, transfer equipment, gas utilization equipment,
and appliances shall be maintained in safe working order and in accordance with the manufacturers instructions and
the LP Gas Safety Rules. If any one of the LP gas storage containers, valves, dispensers, accessories, piping, transfer
equipment, gas utilization equipment, and appliances is not in safe working order, LP-Gas Operations may require that
the installation be immediately removed from LP gas service and not be operated until the necessary repairs have been

9.114 Odorizing and Reports

(a) Odorization shall comply with NFPA 58, 4.2.
(b) If LP-Gas Operations determines that there shall be insufficient odorization, LP-Gas Operations may require testing
as deemed necessary to determine its sufficiency. If testing is deemed necessary, LP-Gas Operations shall notify the
necessary parties in writing as soon as possible. The written notification will advise which entity is responsible for having
the tests performed and paying for the tests to be conducted. The testing shall be performed by a recognized testing

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laboratory equipped for and experienced in testing of odorization and, if requested, a copy of the test results shall be
provided to LP-Gas Operations.
(c) The person or facility odorizing the gas or the operator of an automatic loading rack shall be responsible for the

9.115 Examination and Testing of Containers

(a) In order to determine the safety of a container, LP-Gas Operations may require that the licensee or operator of the
container send a copy of the manufacturers data report on that container to LP-Gas Operations. LP-Gas Operations may
also require that the container and equipment be examined by a Category A, B, or O licensee, with a comprehensive
report on the findings submitted to LP-Gas Operations for its consideration. This subsection may be applied even though
an acceptable LPG Form 23 has been received.
(b) Any stationary ASME LP-gas container previously in LP-gas service which has not been subject to continuous LP-gas
vapor pressure shall be retested by an authorized Category A, B, or O licensed entity utilizing recognized ASME test
methods to determine if the container is safe for LP-gas use in Texas, and the test results shall be submitted to LP-Gas
Operations on LPG Form 8.
(c) Any stationary ASME LP-gas container which has been subject to continuous LP-gas vapor pressure is not required
to be tested prior to installation, provided the licensee or operator of the container files a properly completed LPG Form
23 with LP-Gas Operations at the time LPG Form 500 is submitted for any facility requiring submission of a site plan in
accordance with 9.101 of this title (relating to Filings Required for Stationary LP-Gas Installations).
(d) Any stationary ASME LP-gas container brought into Texas from out-of-state and intended for stationary LP-gas
installation in Texas at any facility requiring submission of a site plan shall be tested in accordance with subsection
(b) of this section prior to review approval being granted by LP-Gas Operations, unless that container is owned by a
valid licensee. In this case, LP-Gas Operations may determine that such tests are not necessary upon the receipt of an
acceptable LPG Form 23 from the licensee.

9.126 Appurtenances and Equipment

(a) All appurtenances and equipment placed into LP-gas service shall be listed by a nationally recognized testing
laboratory such as Underwriters Laboratory (UL), Factory Mutual (FM), or American Gas Association (AGA) unless:
(1) it is specifically prohibited for use by another section of the LP-Gas Safety Rules;
(2) there is no test specification or procedure developed by the testing laboratory for the appurtenance or
equipment; or

(3) it is used and in compliance with any NFPA standard adopted by the Commission.

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(b) Appurtenances and equipment that cannot be listed but are not prohibited for use by the LP-Gas Safety Rules or
the manufacturers instructions shall be acceptable for LP-gas service, provided the appurtenances and equipment are
installed in compliance with the applicable LP-Gas Safety Rules.
(c) The licensee or operator of the appurtenances or the equipment shall maintain documentation sufficient to
substantiate any claims regarding the safety of any valves, fittings, and equipment and shall, upon request, furnish
copies to LP-Gas Operations.

9.129 Manufacturers Nameplate and Markings on ASME Containers

(a) LP-gas shall not be introduced into an ASME container unless the container is equipped with an original nameplate
or at least one of the nameplates defined in this subsection permanently attached to the container.
(1) Commission identification nameplate--A nameplate issued under the procedures specified in 9.130 of this
title (relating to Commission Identification Nameplates) and attached by an authorized representative of the
Commission for the purpose of identifying an ASME stationary container when the original nameplate is lost or
(2) Duplicate nameplate--An additional ASME container nameplate issued by the original manufacturer with
duplicate information as the original nameplate and clearly marked as a duplicate nameplate, but installed in a
remote location.
(3) Modification (or alteration) nameplate--A nameplate issued and affixed by an ASME Code facility including only
partial information applicable to a modification or alteration performed on that container.
(4) Replacement nameplate--A nameplate including the identical information as the original nameplate and
identified as a replacement nameplate, but issued and affixed by the original manufacturer or its successor company
or companies when the original nameplate is lost or illegible.
(b) Nameplate thickness for stainless steel nameplates issued on or after September 1, 1984, shall be sufficient to resist
distortion due to the application of markings and fusion welding.
(c) Nameplates shall be attached in a location that will remain visible after installation of the containers.
(d) Nameplates on containers built prior to September 1, 1984, shall include at least the following legible information:
(1) the name of container manufacturer;
(2) the manufacturers serial number;
(3) the containers working pressure; and
(4) the containers water capacity.

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(e) Nameplates on containers built on or after September 1, 1984, shall be stainless steel and permanently attached
to the container by continuous fusion welding around the perimeter of the nameplate, and shall be stamped or etched
with the following information in characters at least 5/32 inch high:
(1) service for which the container is designed (underground, aboveground, or both);
(2) name and address of container supplier or trade name of container;

(3) water capacity of container in pounds or U.S. gallons;

(4) design pressure in pounds per square inch;

(5) the wording This container shall not contain a product that has a vapor pressure in excess of _______ psi at
100 degrees F;
(6) outside surface area in square feet;
(7) year of manufacture;
(8) shell thickness and head thickness;
(9) overall length of the container, the outside diameter of the container, and dish radius of the heads;
(10) manufacturers serial number;

(11) ASME Code symbol;

(13) type of construction W; and

(14) degree of radiography RT-_______.

(12) minimum design metal temperature ______ F degrees at MAWP _______ psi;

(f) Any replacement nameplate issued by an original container manufacturer for containers constructed prior to
September 1, 1984, shall be stainless steel and shall be affixed in accordance with ASME Code. The owner or operator of
the container shall ensure that a copy of LPG Form 8 is filed with LP-Gas Operations when a replacement nameplate is
(g) Nameplates on LP-gas motor or mobile fuel tanks shall be permanently attached in a manner which will minimize
corrosion of the nameplate or its fastening means and not contribute to corrosion of the container. If the nameplate is
not continuously welded to the container, then it shall be raised at least 1/4 inch but no more than 1/2 inch from the
containers surface.
(h) In addition to a container nameplate, underground containers shall have a system nameplate permanently attached
to the system in a location that will be readily accessible for inspection when the containers are buried. Where the

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container is buried, mounded, insulated, or otherwise covered so the nameplate is obscured, a duplicate nameplate shall
be installed in a clearly visible and accessible location.
(i) LP-Gas Operations may remove a container from LP-gas service or require ASME acceptance of a container at any
time if LP-Gas Operations determines that the nameplate, in any form defined in subsection (a)(1) - (4) of this section,
is loose, unreadable, or detached, or if it appears to be tampered with or damaged in any way and does not contain at a
minimum the items defined in subsection (d) of this section.

9.130 Commission Identification Nameplates

(a) Prior to an original ASME nameplate or any manufacturer-issued nameplate becoming unreadable or detached from
a stationary container with a water capacity of 4,001 gallons or more, the owner or operator of the container may request
an identification nameplate from LP-Gas Operations. Commission identification nameplates shall be issued only for
containers which can be documented as being in continuous LP-gas service in Texas from a date prior to September 1,
1984. The containers serial number and manufacturer on the original or manufacturer-issued nameplate shall be clearly
readable at the time the Commission identification nameplate is attached.
(1) The owner or operator of the container shall submit LPG Form 502 including clear photographs of the container

(A) nozzle openings;

(B) front, rear, and side views;

(C) location of the nameplate;

(D) detailed view of the nameplate; and

(E) if a photograph cannot clearly depict the lettering on the nameplate, a pencil rubbing of the nameplate
shall be submitted.
(2) LP-Gas Operations shall review LPG Form 502 and the supporting documentation. LP-Gas Operations shall have
the manufacturers data report on file for the container or the licensee shall provide a copy to LP-Gas Operations.
The Commission identification nameplate shall not be issued unless the manufacturers data report is reviewed.
Upon review of submitted documents and confirmation of the manufacturers data report, LP-Gas Operations shall
mail a letter to the owner or operator of the container stating the estimated costs, which will be based on the
(A) actual cost of the nameplate itself, including adhesive and other materials necessary to attach the
nameplate; and
(B) projected travel costs for the Commission employee performing the inspection and/or attachment of the
nameplate, at a cost of $60 plus the mileage and rate from Austin as set by the official state travel mileage

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(3) The owner or operator of the container shall pay the total estimated costs to LP-Gas Operations before LP-Gas
Operations will proceed. Within 15 business days of receipt of all required documents and fees, LP-Gas Operations
(A) verify that it has continuous documentation for the container, showing the container in LP-gas service in
Texas prior to September 1, 1984;
(B) inspect the container to ensure that the container is not dented, pitted, or otherwise damaged, and
complies with other applicable LP-Gas Safety Rules, unless additional time is necessary as determined by the
LP-Gas Operations director; and
(C) advise the owner or operator that the container shall be tested if it appears to be pitted or otherwise
(i) If the owner or operator refuses to test the container, it shall be removed from service within 10
calendar days of the date of inspection.
(ii) If the container passes the test, LP-Gas Operations shall proceed with the attachment of the
(D) Within the 15-day period, LP-Gas Operations shall notify the applicant in writing, in clear and specific
language, of the outcome of LP-Gas Operations review.
(4) Following LP-Gas Operations review of any required tests and payment of all other amounts due in addition to
the previously-paid estimated costs, and when all requirements have been met, LP-Gas Operations shall issue an
identification nameplate for the container.
(5) The Commission identification nameplate shall be stainless steel, stamped or etched with the Commissions
mark or symbol, and attached by a Commission employee using an adhesive material. Nameplates shall include the
wording and information as follows:

(A) Railroad Commission of Texas LP-Gas Container Identification Nameplate;

(B) RRC ID No. *00000*; and

(C) For Identification Only.
(6) Commission identification nameplates shall be affixed only by a Commission employee and shall be affixed at
the Commissions convenience.
(b) Commission identification nameplates shall serve only to identify the container as being an ASME container and
shall in no way indicate the condition of the container or whether it is safe for LP-gas service.
(c) Commission identification nameplates shall not be valid until LP-Gas Operations has received the final paperwork
from the Commission employee who attached the nameplate. LP-Gas Operations shall mail a letter to the owner or
operator of the container stating the date on which the nameplate is valid.
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(d) If at any time during the Commission identification nameplate request or approval process, the original ASME
nameplate becomes completely unreadable or detached, the owner or operator of the container shall immediately
remove the container from service and no Commission identification nameplate shall be issued or attached. In
addition, LP-Gas Operations may remove such a container from service as specified in 9.129(i) of this title (relating to
Manufacturers Nameplate and Markings on ASME Containers).
(e) If the Commission employee finds upon inspection of a container prior to the attachment of the Commission
identification nameplate that the container does not pass inspection, for whatever reason, the inspector shall not attach
the nameplate, but shall return the nameplate and all paperwork to the Commissions Austin office.
(f) Fees charged for the Commission identification nameplate are nonrefundable except as described in this subsection.
The cost of the nameplate is refundable only if the Commission employee finds upon actual inspection of the container
that the original nameplate has become totally detached or unreadable, or that the container is pitted, dented, or
otherwise damaged, therefore prohibiting attachment of the nameplate. The fees charged relating to LP-Gas Operations
travel and research costs will be refunded only if LP-Gas Operations research shows that the nameplate cannot be
issued. Otherwise, these fees will be nonrefundable if these activities have taken place before the Commission employee
inspects a container and finds that a nameplate cannot be issued.

9.131 200 PSIG Working Pressure Stationary Vessels

In addition to NFPA 58, and, 200 psig working pressure stationary vessels in LP-gas service in Texas prior
to September 1, 1981, may be continued in service for commercial propane provided that they are fitted with pressure
relief valves set for 250 psig normal start to discharge and comply with other provisions of this chapter. For the purpose
of this section, commercial propane is defined as having a vapor pressure not in excess of 210 psig at 100 degrees
Fahrenheit. This section does not apply to LP-gas motor fuel and mobile fuel containers.

9.132 Sales to Unlicensed Individuals

A licensee shall not sell LP-gas or an LP-gas container to an unlicensed individual for resale. A licensee shall not sell an
LP-gas container to an unlicensed individual for installation without determining that such container will be installed by
a licensee authorized to perform such installation.

9.134 Connecting Container to Piping

LP-gas piping shall be installed only by a licensee authorized to perform such installation, a registrant authorized by
9.13 of this title (relating to General Installers and Repairman Exemption), or an individual exempted from licensing
as authorized by Texas Natural Resources Code, 113.081. A licensee shall not connect an LP-gas container or cylinder
to a piping installation made by a person who is not licensed to make such installation, except that connection may be
made to piping installed by an individual on that individuals single family residential home. A licensee may connect to
piping installed by an unlicensed person provided the licensee has performed a pressure test, verified that the piping

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has been installed according to the LP-Gas Safety Rules, and filed a properly-completed LPG Form 22 with LP-Gas
Operations, identifying the unlicensed person who installed the LP-gas piping.

9.135 Unsafe or Unapproved Containers, Cylinders, or Piping

In addition to NFPA 58,,, and 5.2.2, a licensee or the licensees employees shall not introduce LPgas into any container or cylinder if the licensee or employee has knowledge or reason to believe that such container,
cylinder, piping, or the system or the appliance to which it is attached is unsafe or is not installed in accordance with
the statutes or the LP-Gas Safety Rules.

9.136 Filling of DOT Containers

(a) In addition to NFPA 58, DOT containers of less than 101 pounds LP-gas capacity, other than containers
designed to be used on forklift or industrial trucks, shall be filled by weight only. The weight of such containers shall be
determined by scales that meet the specifications of the National Institute of Standards and Technologys Handbook 44.
Scales at licensees facilities shall be currently registered with the Texas Department of Agriculture. The scales shall
have a rated weighing capacity which exceeds the total weight of the cylinders being filled. The scales shall be accurate
during the filling of the cylinder. The formula for filling LP-gas containers by weight under this section is as follows:

(1) The propane capacity in pounds is determined by multiplying the total water capacity in pounds by .42.
(2) Add the tare weight of a cylinder to the liquid weight of the product plus the weight of the hose and nozzle. The
total weight of these three is the proper scale setting.
(b) Containers designed to be used on forklifts or industrial trucks shall be filled as specified in NFPA 58, 11.12.

9.137 Inspection of Containers at Each Filling

In addition to NFPA 58,,, and 5.2.2, before filling a container or cylinder, the individual filling the
container or cylinder shall conduct a visual inspection of the exposed, readily accessible areas of the container or
cylinder for any obvious defects. Where the container or cylinder is dented, bulged, gouged, or corroded such that the
integrity of the container or cylinder is substantially reduced, such container or cylinder shall not be filled.

9.140 Uniform Protection Standards

(a) In addition to NFPA 58, LP-gas transfer systems and storage containers shall be protected from
tampering and/or vehicular traffic as specified in this section. New LP-gas containers which have never been installed
or had LP-gas introduced into them, or other installations listed in paragraphs (1)-(4) of this subsection, are not

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required to comply with the fencing and guard railing requirements in subsections (b) and (d) of this section. The
fencing and guard railing requirements also do not apply to the following:
(1) LP-gas systems and containers located at private residences;
(2) LP-gas systems and containers which service vapor systems where the aggregate storage capacity of the
installation is less than 4,001 gallons, unless the LP-gas system, transfer system, or container is subject to tampering
or vehicular traffic;
(3) LP-gas piping which contains no valves and which complies with all other applicable LP-Gas Safety Rules; and

(4) LP-gas storage containers located on a rural consumers property from which motor or mobile fuel containers
are filled.
(b) In addition to NFPA 58,,,,,, and, fencing at LP-gas installations shall
comply with the following:
(1) Fencing material shall be chain link with wire at least 12 1/2 American wire gauge in size, or industrial-type
fencing, or material providing equivalent protection as determined by LP-Gas Operations.
(2) Fencing shall be at least six feet in height at all points.
(3) Uprights, braces, and cornerposts of the fence shall be composed of noncombustible material.
(4) Gates in fences where bulkheads are installed shall be located directly in front of the bulkhead. Gates shall be
locked whenever the area enclosed is unattended. Gate posts on gates installed directly in front of the bulkhead
shall be located at 45-degree angles to the nearest corner of the bulkhead. There shall be at least two means
of emergency access from the fenced enclosure. If guard service is provided, it shall be extended to the LP-gas
installation. Guard service shall be properly trained as set forth in 9.51(b)(4) of this title (relating to General
Requirements for Training and Continuing Education). However, if a fenced area is not larger than 100 square feet
in area, the point of transfer is within three feet of a gate, and any containers being filled are not located within the
enclosure, a second gate shall not be required.
(5) Clearance of at least three feet shall be maintained between the fencing and the container and the entire
transfer system.
(6) Fencing which is located more than 25 feet from any point of an LP-gas transfer system or container shall be
designated as perimeter fencing. If an LP-gas transfer system or container is located inside perimeter fencing
and is subject to vehicular traffic, it shall be protected against damage according to the specifications set forth in
subsection (d) of this section.
(7) The operating end of a container, including the entire transfer system, shall be completely enclosed by fencing.

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(c) Containers which are exempt from the fencing requirements include:
(1) ASME containers or manual dispensers originally manufactured to or modified to be considered by LP-Gas
Operations as self-contained units. Self-contained units shall be protected as specified in subsection (d) of this
(2) DOT portable or forklift containers in storage racks or at single family dwellings used as private residences; and
(3) DOT portable or forklift containers that have been used in LP-gas service but are not awaiting use or resale.
(d) In addition to NFPA 58,,,,,, and 8.4.2, guardrails at LP-gas
installations, except as noted in subsection (a) of this section, shall comply with the following:
(1) In addition to NFPA 58, where fencing is not used to protect the installation as specified
in subsection (b) of this section, locks for the valves or other suitable means shall be provided to prevent
unauthorized withdrawal of LP-gas, and guardrailing specified in paragraphs (2)-(6) of this subsection, or
protection considered by LP-Gas Operations to be equivalent, shall be required.
(2) Vertical supports for guardrails shall be at least three-inch schedule 40 steel pipe or other material with equal
or greater strength. The vertical supports shall be capped on the top or otherwise protected to prevent the entrance
of water or debris into the guardpost; anchored in concrete at least 18 inches below the ground; and rise at least 30
inches above the ground. Supports shall be spaced four feet apart or less.
(3) The top of the horizontal guardrailing shall be secured to the vertical supports at least 30 inches above the
ground. The horizontal guardrailing shall be at least three-inch schedule 40 steel pipe or other material with equal
or greater strength. The horizontal guardrailing shall be capped on the ends or otherwise protected to prevent the
entrance of water or debris into the guardpost; and welded or bolted to the vertical supports with bolts of sufficient
size and strength to prevent damage to the protected equipment under normal conditions, including the nature of
the traffic to which the protected equipment is subjected.
(4) Openings in horizontal guardrailing, except the opening that is permitted directly in front of a bulkhead,
shall not exceed three feet. Only one opening is allowed on each side of the guardrailing. A means of temporarily
removing the horizontal guardrailing and vertical supports to facilitate the handling of heavy equipment may be
incorporated into the horizontal guardrailing and vertical supports. In no case shall the protection provided by the
horizontal guardrailing and vertical supports be decreased. Transfer hoses from the bulkhead shall be routed only
through the 45-degree opening in front of the bulkhead or over the horizontal guardrailing.
(5) Clearance of at least three feet shall be maintained between the railing and any part of an LP-gas transfer
system or container or clearance of two feet for retail cylinder filling or service station installations. The two posts
at the ends of any railing which protects a bulkhead shall be located a minimum of 24 and a maximum of 36 inches
at 45-degree angles to the nearest corner of the bulkhead.
(6) The operating end of the container and any part of the LP-gas transfer system or container which is exposed
to collision damage or vehicular traffic shall be protected from this type of damage. The protection shall extend at
least three feet beyond any part of the LP-gas transfer system or container which is exposed to collision damage or
vehicular traffic.
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(e) A combination of fencing and guardrails specified in subsections (b) and (d) of this section shall not result in less
protection than using either fencing or guardrails alone.
(f) If exceptional circumstances exist or will exist at an installation which would require additional protection such as
larger-diameter guardrailing, then the licensee or operator shall install such additional protection. In addition, LPGas Operations at its own discretion may require an installation to be protected with added safeguards to adequately
protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public. LP-Gas Operations shall notify the person in writing of the
additional protection needed and shall establish a reasonable time period during which the additional protection shall
be installed. The licensee shall ensure that any necessary extra protection is installed. If a person owning or operating
such an installation disagrees with LP-Gas Operations determination made under this subsection, that person may
request a public hearing on the matter. The installation shall either be protected in the manner prescribed by LP-Gas
Operations or removed from service with all product withdrawn from it until LP-Gas Operations final decision.
(g) In addition to NFPA 58, LP-gas installations shall comply with the sign and lettering requirements specified
in Table 1 of this section. An asterisk indicates that the requirement applies to the equipment or location listed in that
Figure: 16 TAC 9.140(g)
9.140. Uniform Protection Standards -- Table 1 (Revised February 2008)

1. Red letters at least 2 high (or at

least 1 1/4 high for storage racks
for DOT portable or forklift
cylinders) on white or aluminum
background: NO SMOKING


Storage Racks for

DOT Portable or

Licensee or NonLicensee ASME

4001+ Gal.

Any Licensee
Installation (DOT
Container Filling
and/or Service
Station Only)

2. Red letters at least 4 high on

white or aluminum background:

3. Black letters at least 4 high: NO


4. Letters at least 1/2 high:


5. Letters at least 2 high on each

operating side of the dispenser:

6. Block letters at least 2 high on a

background of contrasting color to
the letters, including instructions on
activation and visible from the point
of transfer: PROPANE (or LP-GAS)

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7. Letters at least 4 high on

container or 1 1/4 high on cylinder
exchange or storage rack indicating
contents: LP-GAS or BUTANE or

8. Letters at least 4 high on a

background of contrasting color to
the letters, marked on both sides or
both ends of any container holding
unodorized gas: NOT ODORIZED

9. Letters at least 4 high: Name of

Licensee (not required for nonlicensee installations)

10. Letters at least 2 high on

operating end of container: W.P. ___,

11. If more than one container,

letters at least 2 high on operating
end of each container:
NO. _______

12. Letters at least 2 high on a

background of contrasting color, readily
visible to the public, stating: 24-Hour
Emergency Number _______ (not
required at non-licensee installations)

13. Lettering at least 3/4 high with

the telephone number of the certified
employee responsible for the outlet,
and/or the operations supervisor, on a
background of contrasting color, readily
visible to the public (not required at nonlicensee installations)

(1) Unless colors are specified, lettering shall be in a color that sharply contrasts to the background color of the
sign, and shall be readily visible to the public.
(2) Items 1, 2, and 3 in Table 1 may be combined on one sign.
(3) Items 1, 2, and 3 in the column entitled Licensee or Non-Licensee ASME 4001+ Gal. A.W.C. in Table 1 apply
to installations with 4,001 gallons or more aggregate water capacity protected only by guardrailing as required in
subsection (d) of this section, and bulkheads as required by 9.143 of this title (relating to Bulkhead, Internal
Valve, API 607 Ball Valve, and ESV Protection for Stationary LP-Gas Installations with Individual or Aggregate Water
Capacities of 4,001 Gallons or More) for commercial, bulk storage, cylinder filling, or forklift installations.
(4) Item 11 in the column entitled Requirements in Table 1 applies to facilities which have two or more
(5) Item 13 in the column entitled Requirements in Table 1 applies to outlets where an LP-gas certified employee
is responsible for the LP-gas activities at that outlet, when a licensees employee is the operations supervisor at

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more than one outlet as required by 9.17(a) of this title (relating to Designation and Responsibilities of Company
Representative and Operations Supervisor).
(6) Any information in Table 1 of this subsection required for an underground container shall be mounted on a sign
posted within 15 feet horizontally of the manway or the container shroud.
(7) Licensees and non-licensees shall comply with operational and/or procedural actions specified by the signage
requirements of this section.

(8) Any 24-hour emergency telephone numbers shall be:

(A) monitored at all times; and

(B) be answered by a person who is knowledgeable of the hazards of LP-gas and who has comprehensive LPgas emergency response and incident information, or has immediate access to a person who possesses such
knowledge and information. A telephone number that requires a call back (such as an answering service,
answering machine, or beeper device) does not meet the requirements of this section.
(h) Storage racks used to store nominal 20-pound DOT portable or any size forklift containers shall be protected against
vehicular damage by:

(1) meeting the guardrail requirements of subsection (d) of this section; or

(2) installing guard posts, provided:

(A) effective February 1, 2008, for new installations, the guard posts are installed a minimum of 18 inches
from each storage rack and consist of at least three-inch schedule 40 steel pipe, capped on top or otherwise
protected to prevent the entrance of water or debris into the guard post, no more than four feet apart, and
anchored in concrete at least 30 inches below ground and rising at least 30 inches above the ground; or
(B) effective February 1, 2008, for new installations, the guard posts are installed a minimum of 18 inches from
each storage rack and are constructed of at least four-inch schedule 40 steel pipe capped on top or otherwise
protected to prevent the entrance of water or debris into the guard post, and attached by welding to a minimum
8-inch by 8-inch steel plate at least 1/2 inch thick. The guard posts and steel plate shall be permanently
installed and securely anchored to a concrete driveway or concrete parking area.

(3) Guardrail or guard posts are not required to be installed if:

(A) the cylinder storage rack is located a minimum of 48 inches behind a concrete curb or concrete wheel stop
that is a minimum of five inches in height above the grade of the driveway or parking area;
(B) if the requirements of subparagraph (A) cannot be met, the cylinder storage rack must be installed a
minimum of 48 inches behind a concrete curb or concrete wheel stop that is a minimum of four inches in height
above the grade of the driveway or parking area, and a concrete wheel stop at least four inches in height must
be installed at least 12 inches from the curb or first wheel stop;

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(4) All parking wheel stops and cylinder storage racks in paragraph (3) of this subsection must be secured against
(i) Self-service dispensers shall be protected against vehicular damage by:

(1) guardrails that comply with subsection (d)(2)-(6) of this section; or

(2) guard posts that comply with subsection (d)(2) of this section; or

(3) where routine traffic patterns expose only the approach end of the dispenser to vehicular damage, support
columns, concrete barriers, bollards, inverted U-shaped guard posts anchored in concrete, or other protection
acceptable to LP-Gas Operations, provided:
(A) such protection extends beyond the framework of the dispenser; and
(B) at least 24 inches of clearance is maintained between the approach end of the dispenser and the protective
(4) Self-service dispensers utilizing protection specified in paragraphs (2)-(3) of this subsection shall be connected
to supply piping by a device designed to prevent the loss of LP-gas in the event the dispenser is displaced. The
device must retain liquid on both sides of the breakaway point and be installed in a manner to protect the supply
piping against damage.

9.141 Uniform Safety Requirements

(a) In addition to NFPA 58,, containers shall be painted as follows:
(1) ASME containers, except vaporizers, shall be painted white or aluminum, or any other heat-reflective color
(such as light green, light blue, etc.). Darker, heat-absorbing colors (such as black, navy blue, etc.) shall not be
(2) If LP-Gas Operations disapproves of a certain color, the licensee or ultimate consumer shall provide to LP-Gas
Operations information from the container or paint manufacturer stating specific reasons why the color is heatreflective and should be approved. The LP-Gas Operations director shall make the final determination and shall
notify the licensee or ultimate consumer.
(b) In addition to NFPA 58,, each LP-gas private or public motor/mobile or forklift refueling installation which
includes a liquid dispensing system shall incorporate into that dispensing system a breakaway device. Any vapor return
hose installed at such installations shall also be equipped with a breakaway device. LP-gas installations at which forklift
cylinders are completely removed from the forklift before being filled are not required to have a breakaway device.
(c) Locking handles on ball-type shutoff valves. Any ball-type shutoff valve less than two inches in size shall have a
locking handle. If a ball-type shutoff valve of any size has a locking handle installed at the terminal end of the hose,
the main liquid and/or vapor valves or main shutoff valves on the stationary container at an attended installation may

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remain open as long as the locking handle on the transfer hose remains locked until the transfer hose is properly
connected. If a ball-type shutoff valve two inches or larger in size does not have a locking handle, the main liquid and/or
vapor valves or main shutoff valves on the stationary container shall remain closed at all times and shall not be opened
until the transfer hose is properly connected or disconnected.
(d) Pumps. A retail operated DOT portable container filling installation and/or service station installation shall be
equipped with a pump.
(e) In addition to NFPA 58,, all containers shall be numbered in accordance with the requirements set forth in
Table 1 of 9.140 of this title (relating to Uniform Protection Standards).
(f) In addition to NFPA 58, 6.4.7, no canopies or coverings are allowed over any LP-gas container or over loading and
unloading areas where LP-gas transport transfer operations are performed. Non-combustible wind breaks and other
weather protection may be installed to provide employees and customers protection against the elements of weather,
but shall not be installed over any portion of an LP-gas container.
(g) Any container that may have contained product other than LP-gas shall be thoroughly cleaned and purged prior to
introducing LP-gas into such container. Only grades of LP-gas determined to be noncorrosive may be introduced into any
container. LP-gas may not contain anhydrous ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, or any other contaminant.
(1) If it is known or suspected that the LP-gas has been or may be contaminated, the person responsible for the
contamination shall have one or more of the tests contained in Liquefied Petroleum Gas Specifications for Test
Methods, Gas Processors Association (GPA) 2140 performed by a testing laboratory or individual qualified to
perform the tests. LP-Gas Operations may request information necessary to determine the qualification of any
testing laboratory or individual.
(2) The results of the tests shall certify whether the LP-gas is contaminated or corrosive, whether the use of the LPgas in the containers will damage either the stationary or non-stationary containers or the container valves, fittings,
or appurtenances, or whether the contaminated product or container or container valves, fittings, or appurtenance
will endanger the health, safety, and welfare of the general public.
(3) Based on the results of the tests, LP-Gas Operations may require that the LP-gas be removed immediately from
the container or that the container be removed immediately from LP-gas service.
(h) A container designed for underground installation only shall not contain liquid fuel at any time the container is
aboveground or uncovered.

9.142 LP-Gas Container Storage and Installation Requirements

Except as noted in this section and in addition to NFPA 58 6.3.1, LP-gas containers shall be stored or installed in
accordance with the distance requirements in NFPA 58, 6.2.2, 6.4.5, and 8.4.1 and any other applicable requirements
in NFPA 58 or the LP-Gas Safety Rules.

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(1) An LP-gas liquid dispensing installation other than a retail operated DOT portable container filling/service
station installation is not required to have a pump, provided that the storage containers are located one and one
half times the required distances specified in NFPA 58, 6.2.2, or a minimum distance of 15 feet if the storage
container is less than 125 gallons water capacity.
(2) Any LP-gas container constructed prior to 1970 which has an odd-numbered water gallon capacity (for example,
517 water gallons instead of 500 water gallons) that is not more than 5.0% greater than the standard water gallon
capacity may be installed utilizing the minimum distance requirement based on the standard water gallon capacity.

9.143 Bulkhead, Internal Valve, API 607 Ball Valves, and ESV Protection
for Stationary LP-Gas Installations With Individual or Aggregate Water
Capacities of 4,001 Gallons or More
(a) Instead of NFPA 58, 6.6.12, effective February 1, 2001, new stationary LP-gas installations with individual or
aggregate water capacities of 4,001 gallons or more, including licensee and nonlicensee locations, shall install a vertical
bulkhead, and for all container openings 1 1/4 inches or greater, pneumatically-operated emergency shutoff valves
(ESV), pneumatically-operated internal valves, or pneumatically-operated API 607 ball valves as required in this
section and in the table in 9.403 of this title (relating to Sections in NFPA 58 Not Adopted by Reference, and Adopted
With Changes or Additional Requirements) for NFPA 58, 6.11.1. In lieu of a pneumatically-operated internal valve
or a pneumatically-operated ESV, a backflow check valve may be installed where the flow is in one direction into the
container. The backflow check valve shall have a metal-to-metal seat or a primary resilient seat with metal backup, not
hinged with combustible material, and shall be designed for this specific application.

(1) The pneumatic ESV and/or backflow check valves shall be installed in the fixed piping of the transfer system
upstream of the bulkhead and within four feet of the bulkhead with a stainless steel flexible wire-braided hose not
more than 36 inches long installed between the ESV and the bulkhead.
(2) The ESV shall be installed in the piping so that any break resulting from a pull away will occur on the hose
or swivel-type piping side of the connection while retaining intact the valves and piping on the storage side of
the connection and will activate the ESV at the bulkhead and the internal valves, ESV, and API 607 ball valves at
the container or containers. Provisions for anchorage and breakaway shall be provided on the cargo tank side for
transfer from a railroad tank car directly into a cargo tank. Such anchorage shall not be required from the tank car
(3) Pneumatically-operated ESV, internal valves, and API 607 ball valves shall be equipped for automatic shutoff
using thermal (fire) actuation where the thermal element is located within five feet (1.5 meters) of the ESV,
internal valves, and/or API 607 ball valves. Temperature sensitive elements shall not be painted nor shall they have
any ornamental finishes applied after manufacture.
(4) Internal valves, ESVs, and backflow check valves shall be tested annually for working order. The results of the
tests shall be documented in writing and kept in a readily accessible location for one year following the performed

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(5) Pneumatically-operated internal valves, ESV, and API 607 ball valves shall be interconnected and incorporated
into at least one remote operating system.
(b) In addition to NFPA 58 5.9.6, within two years of February 1, 2001, or by February 1, 2003, at the latest, stationary
LP-gas installations in existence as of February 1, 2001, with individual or aggregate water capacities of 4,001 gallons or
more, including licensee and nonlicensee locations, or railroad tank car transfer systems to fill trucks with no stationary
storage involved, which do not have a bulkhead, ESV, and/or backflow check valves where the flow is in one direction
into the container shall install vertical bulkheads, pneumatic ESV and/or backflow check valves where the flow is in one
direction into the container.
(c) Existing installations which have horizontal bulkheads and cable-actuated ESV shall comply with the following:
(1) If the horizontal bulkhead requires replacement, it shall be replaced with a vertical bulkhead;
(2) If a cable-actuated ESV requires replacement, it shall be replaced with a pneumatically operated ESV;
(3) If the horizontal bulkhead or a backflow check valve or a cable-actuated ESV are moved from their original
location to another location, no matter what the distance from the original location, then the installation shall
comply with the requirements for a vertical bulkhead and pneumatically operated ESV;

(4) All cable-actuated ESV shall be replaced with pneumatically-operated ESV by January 1, 2011.
(d) Bulkheads, whether horizontal or vertical, shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) Bulkheads shall be installed for both liquid and vapor return piping;
(2) No more than two transfer hoses shall be attached to a pipe riser. If two hoses are simultaneously connected
to one or two transports, the use of the two hoses shall not prevent the activation of the ESV in the event of a pull
(3) Both liquid and vapor transfer hoses shall be plugged or capped;
(4) Bulkheads shall be located at least 10 feet from any aboveground container or containers and a minimum of 10
feet horizontally from any portion of a container or valve exposed aboveground on any underground or mounded
container. If the 10-foot distance cannot be obtained, the licensee or nonlicensee shall inform the Safety Division
(the Division) in writing and include all necessary information. The Division may grant administrative distance
variances to a minimum distance of five feet. If the licensee or nonlicensee requests that the bulkhead be closer
than five feet to the container or containers, the licensee or nonlicensee shall apply for an exception to a safety rule
as specified in 9.27 of this title (relating to Application for an Exception to a Safety Rule);
(5) Horizontal bulkheads shall not be converted to vertical bulkheads;
(6) Bulkheads shall be anchored in reinforced concrete to prevent displacement of the bulkhead, piping, and
fittings in the event of a pullaway;

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(7) Bulkheads shall be constructed by welding using the following materials or materials with equal or greater
strength, as shown in the diagram.

(A) Six-inch steel channel iron shall be used;

(B) Legs shall be four-inch schedule 80 piping;

 (C) The top crossmember of a vertical bulkhead shall be six-inch standard weight steel channel iron. The
channel iron shall be installed so the channel portion is pointing downward to prevent accumulation of water or
other debris. The height of the top crossmember above ground shall not result in torsional stress on the vertical
supports of the bulkhead in the event of a pullaway;
 (D) The kick plate shall be at least 1/4 inch steel plate installed at least 10 inches from the top of the bulkhead
crossmember. A kick plate is not required if the crossmember is constructed to prevent torsional stress from
being placed on the piping to the pipe risers;
 (E) Either a schedule 40 pipe sleeve or a 3,000-pound coupling shall be welded between the top crossmember
and the kick plate;

  (i) Pipe sleeves shall have a clearance of 1/4 inch or less for the piping to the pipe riser, and the piping
shall terminate through the bulkhead with a schedule 80 pipe collar, a minimum 12-inch schedule 80
threaded (not welded) pipe riser (nipple), and an elbow or other fitting between the bulkhead and hose
 (ii) If a 3,000-pound coupling is used, no collar is required; however, the minimum 12-inch length of
schedule 80 threaded pipe riser and an elbow or other fitting between the bulkhead and hose coupling are
  (iii) Elbows or other fittings shall comply with NFPA 58, 2.4.4 and shall direct the transfer hose from
vertical to prevent binding or kinking of the hose.
(8) In lieu of a minimum 12-inch nipple or a vertical bulkhead, swivel-type piping (breakaway loading arm) may
be installed. The swivel-type piping shall meet all applicable provisions of the LP-Gas Safety Rules. The swivel-type
piping may also be used for unloading, but shall not be used in lieu of ESVs. The swivel-type piping shall be installed
and maintained according to the manufacturers instructions.
(9) LP-Gas Operations may require additional bulkhead protection if the installation is subject to exceptional
circumstances or located in an unusual area where additional protection is necessary to protect the health, safety,
and welfare of the general public.
(e) In addition to NFPA 58, as amended in the table in 9.403 of this title (relating to Sections in NFPA 58 Not
Adopted by Reference, and Adopted with Changes or Additional Requirements), ESVs, internal valves, and API 607 ball

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Figure: 16 TAC 9.143(d)(7)

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valves shall have emergency remote controls conspicuously marked according to the requirements of Table 1 of 9.140
of this title (relating to Uniform Protection Standards) as follows:
(1) Effective February 1, 2001, for all new facilities, where a bulkhead, internal valves, and ESVs are installed,
at least one clearly identified and easily accessible manually operated remote emergency shutoff device shall be
located between 20 and 100 feet from the ESV in the path of egress from the ESV. Existing installations shall have
complied by August 1, 2001.
(2) Beginning September 1, 2005, for new installations, at least one clearly identified and easily accessible
manually operated remote emergency shutoff device shall be located between 25 and 100 feet from the ESV at the
bulkhead and in the path of egress from the ESV. API 607 ball valves installed after February 1, 2008, shall also
meet the requirements of this section.
(3) The use of swivel-type piping as specified in subsection (d)(8) of this section shall not eliminate the
requirement for an ESV. Swivel-type piping may be installed between the bulkhead and the minimum 12-inch
nipple, but shall not eliminate the requirement for an ESV. The swivel-type piping shall be installed and maintained
according to the manufacturers instructions.
(f) The bulkheads, internal valves, backflow check valves, and ESVs shall be kept in working order at all times in
accordance with the manufacturers instructions and the LP-Gas Safety Rules. If the bulkheads, internal valves,
backflow check valves and ESVs are not in working order in accordance with the manufacturers instructions and the
LP-Gas Safety Rules, the licensee or operator of the installation shall immediately remove them from LP-gas service and
shall not operate the installation until all necessary repairs have been made.
(g) In addition to NFPA 58 5.9.6 and, by February 1, 2003, rubber flexible connectors which are 3/4-inch or
larger in size installed in liquid or vapor piping at an existing liquid transfer operation shall have been replaced with
a stainless steel flexible connector. Stainless steel flexible connectors shall be 60 inches in length or less, and shall
comply with all applicable LP-Gas Safety Rules. Flexible connectors installed at a new installation after February 1,
2001, shall be stainless steel.
(h) If necessary to increase LP-gas safety, LP-Gas Operations may require a pneumatically-operated internal valve
equipped for remote closure and automatic shutoff through thermal (fire) actuation to be installed for certain liquid
and/or vapor connections with an opening of 3/4 inch or one inch in size.
(i) Stationary LP-gas installations with individual or aggregate water capacities of 4,001 gallons or more are exempt
from subsections (a) and (b) of this section provided:
(1) each container is filled solely through a 1 3/4 inch double back check filler valve installed directly into the
container; and
(2) at least one clearly identified and easily accessible manually operated remote emergency shutoff device shall
be located between 25 and 100 feet from the point of transfer in the path of egress to close the primary discharge
valves in the containers; and

(3) the LP-gas installation is not used to fill an LP-gas transport.

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Subchapter C Vehicles and Vehicle Dispensers

9.201 Applicability
(a) This subchapter applies to transport containers and moveable fuel storage tenders such as farm carts constructed to
MC-330 or MC-331 Department of Transportation (DOT) specifications, nonspecification units, container delivery units,
school buses, mass transit vehicles, special transit vehicles, and public transportation vehicles.
(1) Transfer of LP-gas from one transport to another shall be permitted only through a hose with a nominal inside
diameter of 1 1/4 inch or less and protected by an off-truck remote control shutdown as required in 49 CFR.
(2) An LP-gas transport shall not be joined to manifold piping or to a stationary container for use as an auxiliary
storage container at any stationary installation except with prior approval from LP-Gas Operations.
(b) All transports and moveable fuel storage tenders shall comply with MC-330 or MC-331, or the exemption in Title 49,
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 173.315(k).
(c) Licensees and ultimate consumers shall comply with other DOT or motor vehicle requirements, if applicable. In
addition, transports and container delivery units shall also comply with the applicable sections of Title 49 CFR, the
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, and any other applicable regulations. Examples of such additional requirements
are as follows:
(1) 49 CFR 177.834(j) states: Except for a cargo tank conforming to 173.29(b)(2) of this subchapter, a person
may not drive a cargo tank motor vehicle containing a hazardous material regardless of quantity unless: (1) All
manhole closures are closed and secured; and (2) All valves and other closures in liquid discharge systems are
closed and free of leaks.
(2) 49 CFR 177.840(g) states: Each liquid discharge valve on a cargo tank, other than an engine fuel line valve,
must be closed during transportation except during loading and unloading.
(3) 49 CFR 180.405(n) states: Thermal activation. No later than the date of its first scheduled leakage test after
July 1, 1999, each specification MC 330 or MC 331 cargo tank motor vehicle and each nonspecification cargo tank
motor vehicle conforming to 173.315(k) of this subchapter, marked and certified before July 1, 1999, that is used to
transport a liquefied compressed gas, other than carbon dioxide and chlorine, that has a water capacity of 13,247.5
liters (3,500 gallons) or less must be equipped with a means of thermal activation for the internal self-closing stop
valve as specified in 178.337- 8(a)(4) of this subchapter.

9.202 Registration and Transfer of LP-Gas Transports or Container Delivery

(a) A person who operates a transport equipped with LP-gas cargo tanks or any container delivery unit, regardless of
who owns the transport or unit, shall register such transport or unit with LP-Gas Operations in the name or names under
which the operator conducts business in Texas prior to the unit being used in LP-gas service.

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(1) To register a unit previously unregistered in Texas, the operator of the unit shall:
(A) pay to LP-Gas Operations the $270 registration fee for each bobtail truck, semitrailer, container delivery
unit, or other motor vehicle equipped with LP-gas cargo tanks; and

(B) file a properly completed LPG Form 7.

(2) To register an MC-330/MC-331 specification unit which was previously registered in Texas but for which the
registration has expired, the operator of the unit shall:

(A) pay to LP-Gas Operations the $270 registration fee;

(B) file a properly completed LPG Form 7; and

(C) file a copy of the latest test results if an expired unit has not been used in the transportation of LP-gas for
over one year.
(3) To transfer a unit, the new operator of the unit shall:
(A) pay the $100 transfer fee for each unit; and

(B) file a properly completed LPG Form 7.

(b) LP-Gas Operations may also request that an operator registering or transferring any unit:
(1) file a copy of the Manufacturers Data Report; or
(2) have the unit tested by a test other than those required by 9.208 of this title (relating to Testing
(c) When all registration or transfer requirements have been met, LP-Gas Operations shall issue LPG Form 4 which
shall be properly affixed in accordance with the placement instructions on the form. LPG Form 4 shall authorize
the licensee or ultimate consumer to whom it has been issued and no other person to operate such unit in the
transportation of LP-gas and to fill the transport containers.

(1) A person shall not operate an LP-gas transport unit or container delivery unit in Texas unless the LPG Form 4
has been properly affixed or unless its operation has been specifically approved by LP-Gas Operations.
(2) A person shall not introduce LP-gas into a transport container unless that unit bears an LPG Form 4 or unless
specifically approved by LP-Gas Operations.
(3) LPG Form 4 shall not be transferable by the person to whom it has been issued, but shall be registered by any
subsequent licensee or ultimate consumer prior to the unit being placed into LP-gas service.

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(4) This subsection shall not apply to:

(A) a container manufacturer/fabricator who introduces a reasonable amount of LP-gas into a newly
constructed container in order to properly test the vessel, piping system, and appurtenances prior to the initial
sale of the container. The liquid LP-gas shall be removed form the transport container prior to the unit leaving
the container manufacturer/fabricators premises; or
(B) a person who introduces a maximum of 150 gallons of LP-gas into a newly constructed transport container
when such container will provide the motor fuel to the chassis engine for the purpose of allowing the unit to
reach its destination.
(5) LP-Gas Operations shall not issue an LPG Form 4 if;
(A) LP-Gas Operations or a Category A, B, or O licensee determines that the transport is unsafe for LP-gas

(B) LP-Gas Operations does not have an inspection record of the transport or cylinder delivery unit by a
Commission representative within four years of its initial registration on or after January 1, 2006; or

(C)LP-Gas Operations has not inspected the transport or cylinder delivery unit at least once within a four-year
cycle thereafter.
(6) If an LPG Form 4 decal on a unit currently registered with LP-Gas Operations is destroyed, lost, or damaged, the
operator of that vehicle shall obtain a replacement decal by filing LPG Form 18B and a $50 replacement fee with LPGas Operations.

9.203 School Bus, Public Transportation, Mass Transit, and Special Transit
Vehicle Installations and Inspections
(a) After the manufacture of or the conversion to an LP-gas system on any vehicle to be used as a school bus, mass
transit, public transportation, or special transit vehicle, the manufacturer, licensee, or ultimate consumer making the
installation or conversion shall notify LP-Gas Operations in writing on LPG Form 503 that the applicable LP-gas powered
vehicles are ready for a complete inspection to determine compliance with the LP-Gas Safety Rules.
(b) If LP-Gas Operations initial complete inspection finds the vehicle in compliance with the LP-Gas Safety Rules
and the statutes, the vehicle may be placed into LP-gas service. For fleet installations of identical design, an initial
inspection shall be conducted prior to the operation of the first vehicle, and subsequent vehicles of the same design
may be placed into service without prior inspections. Inspections shall be conducted within a reasonable time frame to
ensure the vehicles are operating in compliance with the LP-Gas Safety Rules. If violations exist at the time of the initial
complete inspection, the vehicle shall not be placed into LP-gas service and the manufacturer, licensee, or ultimate
consumer making the installation or conversion shall correct the violations. For public transportation vehicles only,
either manufactured to use or converted to LP-gas, if LP-Gas Operations does not conduct the initial inspection of such
vehicle within 30 business days of receipt of LPG Form 503, the vehicle may be operated in LP-gas service if it complies
with the LP-Gas Safety Rules. The manufacturer, licensee, or ultimate consumer shall file with LP-Gas Operations
LP-Gas Safety Rules - 107

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documentation demonstrating compliance with the LP-Gas Safety Rules, or LP-Gas Operations shall conduct another
complete inspection before the vehicle may be placed into LP-gas service.
(c) The manufacturer, licensee, or ultimate consumer making the installation or conversion shall be responsible for
compliance with the LP-Gas Safety Rules, statutes, and any other local, state, or federal requirements.
(d) If the requested LP-Gas Operations inspection identifies violations requiring modifications by the manufacturer,
licensee, or ultimate consumer, LP-Gas Operations shall consider the assessment of an inspection fee to cover the costs
associated with any additional inspection, including mileage and per diem rates set by the legislature.

9.204 Maintenance of Vehicles

All LP-gas vehicles and vehicle containers, valves, dispensers, accessories, piping, transfer equipment, gas container,
gas utilization equipment, and appliances shall be maintained in safe working order and in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions and the LP-Gas Safety Rules. If any of the LP-gas vehicles and vehicle containers, valves,
dispensers, accessories, piping, transfer equipment, gas containers, gas utilization equipment, or appliances is not in
safe working order, LP-Gas Operations may require that the vehicle be immediately removed from LP-gas service and
not be operated until the necessary repairs have been made.

9.206 Vehicle Identification Labels

LP-gas shall not be introduced into any vehicle powered by LP-gas and designed for regular use on public roadways
unless the vehicle is properly identified by a weather-resistant diamond-shaped label described in NFPA 58, 11.11.1, as
that section is amended in Table 1 of 9.403 of this title (relating to Sections in NFPA 58 Not Adopted by Reference, and
Adopted With Changes or Additional Requirements).

9.208 Testing Requirements

Each transport container unit required to be registered with LP-Gas Operations shall be tested in accordance with 49
CFR 180.407, relating to requirements for test and inspection of specification cargo tanks. The tests shall be conducted
by any individual authorized by the United States Department of Transportation through a DOT CT number to conduct
such tests. This section shall not apply to the initial transfer of unregistered units that are tested and transferred from
another state. If the test results show any unsafe condition, or if the transport unit does not comply with 49 CFR Parts
100-185, the transport container unit shall be immediately removed from LP-gas service and shall not be returned to
LP-gas service until all necessary repairs have been made and LP-Gas Operations authorizes in writing its return to

108 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

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9.211 Markings
In addition to NFPA 58, each LP-gas transport and container delivery unit in LP-gas service shall be marked
on each side and the rear with the name of the licensee or the ultimate consumer operating the unit. Such lettering
shall be legible and at least two inches in height and in sharp color contrast to the background. LP-Gas Operations shall
determine whether the name marked on the unit is sufficient to properly identify the licensee or ultimate consumer.

9.212 Manifests
(a) All manifests or bills of lading shall indicate the amount and type of odorant per gross gallons, the vapor pressure
of the product at 100 degrees Fahrenheit, the net gallons, the loading temperature, the specific gravity at 60 degrees
Fahrenheit, the type of product, and the United Nations number with verification by the loading entity and loader. A
copy of the manifest or bill of lading shall be given to the entity receiving the shipment.
(b) This requirement shall not apply to loads covered by permanent shipping papers authorized by DOT.
(c) Manifests shall be made available to the Commission upon request.

Subchapter D - Adoption By Reference of NFPA 54

(National Fuel Gas Code)
9.301 Adoption by Reference of NFPA 54
(a) Except as modified in the remaining sections of this subchapter, the Commission adopts by specific reference the
provisions established by the National Fire Protection Association in its 2006 edition of the National Fuel Gas Code,
commonly referred to as NFPA 54 or Pamphlet 54. Nothing in this section or subchapter shall prevent the Commission,
after notice, from adopting additional requirements, whether more or less stringent, for individual situations to protect
the health, safety, and welfare of the general public. Any documents or parts of documents incorporated by reference
into these rules shall be a part of these rules as if set out in full.
(b) The Commission also adopts by reference all other NFPA publications or portions of those publications referenced in
NFPA 54 which apply to LP-gas activities only. The adopted pamphlets referenced in NFPA 54 are:

(1) NFPA 30A, Code for Motor Fuel Dispenser Facilities and Repair Garages, 2003 edition;

(2) NFPA 37, Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines, 2002
(3) NFPA 51, Standard for the Design and Installation of Oxygen-Fuel Gas Systems for Welding, Cutting, and Allied
Processes, 2002 edition;

LP-Gas Safety Rules - 109

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(4) NFPA 52, Vehicular Fuel Systems Code, 2006 edition;

(5) NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, 2004 edition;

(6) NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, 2005 edition;

(7) NFPA 82, Standard on Incinerators and Waste, and Linen Handling Systems and Equipment, 2004 edition;

(8) NFPA 88A, Standard for Parking Structures, 2002 edition;

(9) NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, 2002 edition;
(10) NFPA 90B, Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems, 2006 edition;
(11) NFPA 96, Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations, 2004 edition;
(12) NFPA 211, Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances, 2003 edition;
(13) NFPA 409, Standard on Aircraft Hangars, 2004 edition;
(14) NFPA 853, Standard for the Installation of Station Fuel Cell Power Systems, 2003 edition; and
(15) NFPA 1192, Standard on Recreational Vehicles, 2005 edition.

9.302 Clarification of Certain Terms Used in NFPA 54

(a) Authority having jurisdiction. As pertains to LP-gas activities in Texas, the phrase authority having jurisdiction
defined in NFPA 54, 3.2, and referenced in other NFPA publications shall be the Railroad Commission of Texas or any
of its divisions or employees, except with respect to the definitions of approved, engineering, labeled, and listed in
NFPA 54, 3.2.
(b) Qualified agency. The term qualified agency as defined in NFPA 54, 3.3.83, shall include a person (as person is
defined in 9.2 of this title (relating to Definitions)) who holds a current license issued by the Commission, or a person
performing certain LP-gas activities on his own premises, as allowed in 9.134 of this title (relating to Connecting
Container to Piping).
(c) Engineering. The Commission does not adopt language in any NFPA 54 rule such as sound engineering practice,
accepted engineering practice, good engineering practice, sound engineering design, or similar language that
might be understood to mean or refer to the practice of engineering. The omission of a specific NFPA 54 rule or other
NFPA pamphlets containing such language from the exceptions listed in this subchapter is inadvertent and shall not be
read or understood as requiring, allowing, or approving the unlicensed practice of engineering or any other professional
occupation requiring a license.

110 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

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9.303 Exclusion of NFPA 54, 10.29

The Commission does not adopt NFPA 54, 10.29, which refers to NFPA 52,Vehicular Fuel Systems Code. Persons
engaging in CNG activities shall comply with the Commissions adopted rules at Chapter 13 of this title (relating to
Regulations for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)).

9.306 Room Heaters in Public Buildings

In addition to applicable requirements in NFPA 54, Chapter 10, Installation of Specific Equipment, room heaters in
schools, day care centers, foster homes, hotels or other similar buildings or rooms used for temporary lodging shall be
vented and equipped with a safety shut-off device, except that room heaters with 40,000 Btu or less input and infrared
heaters are not required to be vented, but shall have a safety shutoff device and an oxygen depletion system (ODS).

9.307 Identification of Converted Appliances

(a) In addition to the requirements of NFPA 54, 9.1.3, and NFPA 58, 5.20, upon completion of the conversion and
testing of LP-gas appliances, the licensee, registrant, or appliance manufacturer making the conversion shall attach to
each such appliance a decal or tag of metal or other permanent material indicating that the appliance is converted for
use with LP-gas.
(b) Conversion of an appliance for use with LP-gas by an authorized representative of the appliance manufacturer, using
parts provided by the manufacturer, is not an activity requiring licensing pursuant to Texas Natural Resources Code,

9.308 Identification of Piping Installation

(a) In addition to the requirements of NFPA 54, Chapter 7, Gas Piping Installation, LP-gas piping shall be installed,
altered, repaired, pressure tested, and leakage tested only by persons properly licensed or certified by the Commission.
(b) Licensees and registrants shall document and retain such documentation of all pressure and leakage tests pursuant
to 9.4 of this title (relating to Records and Enforcement).

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9.311 Special Exceptions for Agricultural and Industrial Structures

Regarding Appliance Connectors and Piping Support
(a) In addition to the requirements of NFPA 54, 9.6.2 and NFPA 58 regarding gas hose connectors, agricultural
structures, such as greenhouses or broiler houses, or industrial structures not inhabited by humans may have appliance
connectors more than six feet in length provided that:
(1) the hose used shall be marked as acceptable for LP-gas service;
(2) the hose shall comply with NFPA 58, through;
(3) the length of the hose used shall be only that which is sufficient to serve the purpose for which it is intended;
(4) manufactured hose connections, such as quick-connect or threaded fittings, shall be used.
(b) Only broiler houses and other types of poultry houses may connect LP-gas piping with stainless steel screwtype banded clamps in lieu of the required manufactured hose connections specified in subsection (a)(4) of this
section, provided that the clamps are properly installed and the connections are gas-tight, that the clamps are used in
conjunction with hose barb adaptors, and that the systems operating pressure is 6 1/2 ounces or less. Other agricultural
structures shall comply with the requirements of subsection (a)(4) of this section.
(c) In addition to the requirements in NFPA 54, 7.2.6, the support spacing requirement for 3/4 to one inch pipe shall
not apply to agricultural structures not inhabited by humans, such as greenhouses and broiler houses, provided that:

(1) such piping is supported by ceiling trusses no more than ten feet apart; and

(2) pipe joints and fittings are supported by the trusses.

9.312 Certification Requirements for Joining Methods

(a) In addition to the requirements in NFPA 54, 5.6.4, and NFPA 58, 5.9.5, and in addition to other LP-gas
certification requirements, prior to performing heat-fusion on polyethylene pipe or tubing, an individual shall be
certified by the manufacturer or the manufacturers authorized representative. The certification shall confirm that the
individual has a working knowledge of heat-fusion methods and the ability to properly perform the heat-fusion activity.
(b) The employer of an individual certified to perform heat-fusion activities shall complete LPG Form 506, which
shall be maintained and available for review by a Commission representative. If the individual certified as required by
subsection (a) of this section does not perform any heat-fusion activities for 12 consecutive months, that individual
shall be recertified prior to resuming any heat-fusion activities.
(c) Licensees shall retain written proof regarding any current certifications for installation and repair methods for
corrugated stainless steel tubing.

112 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

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9.313 Sections in NFPA 54 Adopted with Additional Requirements or Not

Table 1 of this section lists certain NFPA 54 sections which the Commission adopts with additional requirements or does
not adopt in order to address the Commissions rules in this chapter.

Table 1: 16 TAC 9.313

NFPA 54 Sections with Additional Requirements or Not Adopted
Affected NFPA 54 Section

Specific Action


additional requirements

Chapter 7

additional requirements


additional requirements


additional requirements


additional requirements

Chapter 10

additional requirements


not adopted

Commission Rule(s) to be Followed

or Other Comments
See Comission rule 9.312,
Certification Requirements for
Joining Methods
See Commission rule 9.308,
Identification of Piping Installation
See Commission rule 9.311(c),
Special Exceptions for Agricultural
and Industrial Structures Regarding
Appliance Connectors and Piping
See Commission rule 9.307,
Identification of Converted
See Commission rule 9.311(a),
Special Exceptions for Agricultural
and Industrial Structures Regarding
Appliance Connectors and Piping
See Commission rule 9.306, Room
Heaters in Public Buildings.
See Commission rule 9.303,
Exclusion of NFPA 54, 10.29.

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Subchapter E - Adoption By Reference of NFPA 58

(LP-Gas Code)
9.401 Adoption by Reference of NFPA 58
(a) Except as modified in this subchapter, the Commission adopts by specific reference the provisions established by
the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) in its 2008 edition of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code (formerly
titled Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases), commonly referred to as NFPA 58 or
Pamphlet 58, effective February 1, 2008. Nothing in this section or subchapter shall prevent the Commission, after
notice, from adopting additional requirements, whether more or less stringent, for individual situations to protect the
health, safety and welfare of the general public. Any documents or parts of documents incorporated by reference into
these rules shall be a part of these rules as if set out in full.
(b) The Commission also adopts by reference all other NFPA publications or portions of those publications referenced
in NFPA 58, 2.1, which apply to LP-gas activities only. The adopted pamphlets referenced in NFPA 58 are:
(1) NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers, 2007 edition;
(2) NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 2007 edition;
(3) NFPA 15, Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection, 2007 edition;
(4) NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, 2005
(5) NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, 2008 edition;
(6) NFPA 30A, Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages, 2008 edition;
(7) NFPA 51B, Standard for Fire Prevention in Use of Cutting and Welding Processes, 2003 edition;
(8) NFPA 55, Standard for the Storage, Use, and Handling of Compressed Gases and Cryogenic Fluids in Portable
and Stationary Containers, Cylinders, and Tanks, 2005 edition;
(9) NFPA 59, Utility LP-Gas Plant Code, 2004 edition;
(10) NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, 2008 edition;
(11) NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities, 2005 edition;
(12) NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2006 edition;
(13) NFPA 160, Standard for the Use of Flame Effects Before an Audience, 2006 edition;

114 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

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(14) NFPA 220, Standard on Types of Building Construction, 2006 edition;

(15) NFPA 251, Standard Methods of Tests of Fire Resistance of Building Construction and Materials, 2006 edition;
(16) NFPA 1192, Standard on Recreational Vehicles, 2005 edition.

9.402 Clarification of Certain Terms Used in NFPA 58

(a) Authority having jurisdiction. As pertains to LP-gas activities in Texas, the phrase authority having jurisdiction
defined in NFPA 58, 3.2, and referenced in other NFPA publications shall be the Railroad Commission of Texas or any of
its divisions or employees, except with respect to the definitions of approved, labeled, and listed in NFPA 58, 3.2.
(b) Engineering. The Commission does not adopt language in any NFPA 58 rule such as sound engineering practice,
accepted engineering practice, good engineering practice, sound engineering design, or similar language that might
be understood to mean or refer to the practice of engineering. The omission of a specific NFPA 58 rule or other NFPA
pamphlets containing such language from Table 1 of 9.403 of this title (relating to Sections in NFPA 58 Not Adopted by
Reference, and Adopted with Changes or Additional Requirements) is inadvertent and shall not be read or understood as
requiring, allowing, or approving the unlicensed practice of engineering or any other professional occupation requiring a
(c) Container capacity, piping system, and appliance exceptions. The Commission does not adopt language in any NFPA
rule, chart, figure, or table pertaining to any LP-gas container having a water capacity of one gallon (4.2 pounds LP-gas
capacity) or less, or to any LP-gas piping system or appliance attached or connected to such a container.

9.403 Sections in NFPA 58 Not Adopted by Reference, and Adopted with

Changes or Additional Requirements
(a) Table 1 of this section lists certain NFPA 58 sections which the Commission does not adopt because the
Commissions corresponding rules are more pertinent to LP-gas activities in Texas, or which the Commission adopts with
changed language or additional requirements in order to address the Commissions existing rules.

LP-Gas Safety Rules - 115

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Table 1: 16 TAC 9.403(a)

Affected NFPA 58

Specific Action

Commission Rule(s) to be Followed or Other Comments (underlining shows

added language; strike-outs show deleted language)

1.7.11 3.2.2

additional requirement

In addition to definition for "Authority Having Jurisdiction," see Commission rule

9.402(a), Clarification of Certain Terms Used in NFPA 58.

1.4.1 4.3.1

not adopted

See Commission rules 9.27, Application for an Exception to a Safety Rule, and
9.101, Filings Required for Stationary LP-Gas Installations.

1.4.2 4.3.2

not adopted

See Commission rules 9.101, Filings Required for Stationary LP-Gas

Installations, and 9.102 (c), Notice of Stationary LP-Gas Installations.

1.5. 4.4

additional requirements

See Commission rule 9.10, Rules Examination, 9.51, General Requirements

for Training and Continuing Education, and 9.52, Training and Continuing
Education Courses.

additional requirements

See Commission rule 9.135, Unsafe of Unapproved Containers, Cylinders, or

Piping and 9.137, Inspection of Containers at Each Filling.


additional requirements

See Commission rule 9.135, Unsafe of Unapproved Containers, Cylinders, or

Piping and 9.137, Inspection of Containers at Each Filling.

additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.131, 200 PSIG Working Pressure Stationary Vessels.

additional requirement

See Commission rules 9.140 (g), Table 1, Uniform Protection Standards, and
9.141 (e), Uniform Safety Requirements.

not adopted

See Commission rule 9.129, Manufacturer's Nameplate and Markings on ASME


with changes

Warning labels shall be applied to all cylinders of 4.2 lb (1.9 kg) to 100 lb (45.4
kg) LP-Gas capacity and not filled on site. The label shall include information on
the potential hazards of LP-Gas.

not adopted

See Commission rule 9.140, Table 1, Uniform Protection Standards.

with changes

Cylinders with 4.2 lb (1.9 kg) 4 lb (1.8 kg) through 40 lb (18 kg) propane capacity
for vapor service shall be equipped or fitted with a listed overfilling prevention
device that complies with UL 2227, Overfilling Prevention Devices, and a fixed
maximum liquid level gauge. These devices shall be permitted to be a part of the
container valve assembly.

additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.131, 200 PSIG Working Pressure Stationary Vessels.

additional requirements
and with changes

See Commission rules 9.9.143(e),

Containers of 4000 gal 2000 gal (7.6 m3) water capacity or less shall be fitted
with valves and other appurtenances in accordance with Table Shutoff,
filler, check, and excess-flow valves shall comply with ANSI/UL 125, Standard for
Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia and LP-Gas (Other than Safety Relief), except
that shutoff valves used on DOT cylinders shall comply with UL 1769, Cylinder
Valves. Containers over 4000 gal (15.1 m3) of 2001 gal through 400 gal (7.6 m3
through 15.1 m3)water capacity in bulk plant and industrial plant service shall be
fitted with valves and other appurtenances in accordance with as adopted
with changes. Containers of 2001 gal through 4000 gal (7.6 m3 through 15.1 m3)
water capacity in other than bulk plant and industrial plant service shall be in
accordance Table


with changes

Heading: Container Connection and Appurtenance Requirements for Containers

Used in Other Than Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants
Column 1 Header: Cylinders 4.2 2 Through 420 lb Propane Capacity
Part F, Column 2: R (4.2 4 thru 40 lb) (see 5.7.3)

116 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

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with changes

Overfilling prevention devices shall be required on cylinders having 4.2 lb 4 lb

through 40 lb (1.9 1.8 kg through 18 kg) propane capacity for vapor service. (See
2.3.15.) (See 5.7.3)

with changes

ASME containers over 4000 gal (15.2 m3) water capacity shall be equipped in
accordance with through and Table the following:
(A through I not adopted.)
1. Container openings 1 -inch or greater:
a. A pneumatically operated internal valve equipped for remote closure and
automatic shutoff using thermal (fire) actuation where the thermal element is
located within 5 ft (1.5 m) of the internal valve, or a double back flow check filler
valve, or a positive shutoff valve in combination with a back flow check valve.
b. An internal valve installed in containers prior to February 1, 2001, shall be
equipped for pneumatically-operated remote closure and automatic shutoff using
thermal (fire) actuation as described above by February 1, 2003.
c. Each container equipped with a positive shutoff valve that is located as close
to the container as is practical in combination with an excess flow valve shall be
retrofitted by February 1, 2006, with one of the following:
1. A pneumatically operated internal valve equipped for remote closure and
automatic shutoff using thermal (fire) actuation installed directly into the
2. A pneumatically operated emergency shutoff valve equipped for remote
closure and automatic shutoff using thermal (fire) actuation installed in the line
downstream within four feet of the existing positive shutoff valve.
3. A double back flow check filler valve.
4. A positive shutoff valve in combination with a back flow check valve.
d. Any vapor or liquid withdrawal opening 1 1/4 inch or larger with piping
attached that exclusively provides service to stationary appliances or equipment,
which is not part of a transfer system, may be equipped with an excess flow valve
and a shutoff valve installed as close as practical to the container, in lieu of an
internal valve or emergency shutoff valve.
e. For reducing the size of a container opening, only one bushing with a minimum
pressure rating in accordance with Table shall be installed.
f. Container openings that are not compatible with internal valves shall be
permitted to utilize both an excess-flow valve installed in the container and a
valve complying with API 607, Fire Test Soft-Seated Quarter Turn Ball Valves,
which shall be pneumatically actuated and shall fail in the closed position.
2. Container openings less than 1-inch:
a. A positive shutoff valve that is located as close to the container as practical in
combination with either an excess-flow valve or a back flow check valve installed
in the container, or
b. A pneumatically operated internal valve with an integral excess-flow valve or
excess-flow protection, or
c. A double back flow check filler valve.


not adopted

See NFPA 58 with changes

not adopted

See NFPA with changes

with changes

The appurtenances specified in Table and shall comply with the
(1 - 6 no changes)

LP-Gas Safety Rules - 117

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with changes

Other container openings shall be equipped with any of the following: (1 - 5 no

(6) For reducing the size of a container opening, only one bushing with a
minimum pressure rating in accordance with Table shall be installed. 5.9.5

additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.312(b), Certification Requirements for Joining Methods.

2.4.6 5.9.6

additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.143(b) and (g), Bulkhead, Internal Valve, and ESV
Protection for Stationary LP-Gas Installations with Individual or Aggregate Water
Capacities of 4,001 Gallons or More.


additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.311, Special Exceptions for Agricultural and Industrial
Structures Regarding Appliance Connectors and Piping Support. 5.20

additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.307, Identification of Converted Appliances. 6.2.2

with changes

LP-Gas containers shall be located outside of buildings.

1: (no change.)
2: Containers from 1 gal (3.785 l) to of less than 125 gal (0.5 m3) water capacity
for the purposes of being filled in buildings or structures complying with Chapter
[3 7 no changes] 6.3.1

additional requirement and In addition to Table 1 6.3.1, see Commission rule 9.142, LP-Gas Container
with changes
Storage and Installation Requirements.
Containers installed outside of buildings, whether of the portable type replaced
on a cylinder exchange basis or permanently installed and refilled at the
installation, shall be located with respect to the adjacent containers, important
building, group of buildings, or line of adjoining property that can be built upon,
in accordance with Table 6.3.1, Table 6.4.2, Table, and 6.32 6.3.3 through


not adopted 6.4.1

additional requirement
with changes

Where storage containers having an aggregate water capacity of more than 4000
gal (15.1 m3) are located in heavily populated or congested areas, the siting
provisions of 6.3.1 and Table 6.3.1 shall be permitted to be modified by the fire
safety analysis described in 6.25.3 Commission. 6.4.7

additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.141(f), Uniform Safety Requirements.


additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.101(c)(2), Filings Required for Stationary LP-Gas


additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.140, Uniform Protection Standards.

additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.141(a), Uniform Safety Requirements.


with changes

Cylinders shall be installed only aboveground, and shall be set upon a firm
foundation of concrete, masonry, or metal and or be otherwise firmly secured
against displacement. The cylinder shall not be in contact with the soil.

with changes

Horizontal ASME containers designed for permanent installation in stationary

service above ground shall be placed on masonry or other noncombustible
structural supports located on concrete or masonry foundations with the
container supports. Containers shall not be in contact with the soil. (a) additional requirement

- (d)

additional requirement

118 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

See Commission rule 9.140(d), Uniform Protection Standards.

See Commission rule 9.140, Uniform Protection Standards.

Railroad Commission of Texas 6.8.2(B)

with changes

Single-stage regulators shall not be installed in fixed piping systems on or after

February 1, 2001 June 30, 1997, except for installations covered in 6.8.2(C).
Single-stage regulators in good working order installed prior to February 1, 2001,
may remain in service.


additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.143, Bulkhead, Internal Valve, and ESV Protection for
Stationary LP-Gas Installations with Individual or Aggregate Water Capacities of
4,001 Gallons or More.

with changes

Flexible metallic connectors shall not exceed 60 in. (1.52 m) in overall length
when used with liquid or vapor piping on stationary containers of 2000 gal (7.6
m3) water capacity or less. 6.11.1

with changes

The requirements of 6.11.2 through 6.11.5 shall be required for internal valves in
liquid and/or vapor service installed on containers over 4000-gal (15.2-m3) water
capacity by July 1, 2003.


with changes

Internal valves shall be installed in accordance with with changes and
Table on containers over 4000 gal (15.2 m3) water capacity. 6.11.3

with changes

Automatic shutdown of internal valves in liquid and/or vapor service shall be

provided using thermal (fire) actuation. The thermal sensing element of the
internal valve shall be within 5 ft (1.5 m) of the internal valve. 6.11.4

with changes

At least one remote shutdown station for internal valves in liquid and/or vapor
service shall be installed not less than 25 ft (7.6 m) or more than 100 ft (30 m)
from the liquid transfer point. This shall be retroactive to all internal valves
required by the code.


not adopted

See Commission rule 9.140 (g), Uniform Protection Standards, Table 1. 6.12

not adopted

See Commission rule 9.143, Bulkhead, Internal Valve, and ESV Protection for
Stationary LP-Gas Installations with Individual or Aggregate Water Capacities of
4,001 Gallons or More.

3.2.24 6.16.2

not adopted


not adopted

See Commission rule 9.113.

additional requirements

See Commission rule 9.140 (b) and (d), Uniform Protection Standards.

with changes

Cylinders shall be in accordance with the following requirements:

(1) - (4) (No change.)
(5) Cylinders with LP-gas propane capacities greater than 4.2 lb (1.9 kg) 2 lb (0.9
kg) shall be equipped as provided in Table, and an excess-flow valve shall
be provided for vapor service when used indoors.
(6) (No change.)
(7) Cylinders having LP-gas water capacities greater than 4.2 lb (1.9 kg) 2.7
lb (1.2 kg) and connected for use shall stand on a firm and substantially level
(8 9 No change)

additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.140(b), Uniform Protection Standards.

with changes

Transportation (movement) of cylinders having LP-gas water capacities greater

than 4.2 lb (1.9 kg) 2.7 lb (1.2 kg) within a building shall be restricted to
movement directly associated with the uses covered by section 6.19.
(a A) Valve outlets on cylinders having LP-gas water capacities greater than 4.2
lb (1.9 kg) 2.7 lb (1.2 kg) shall be tightly plugged, capped, or sealed with a listed
quick-closing coupling or a listed quick-connect coupling.
(b B-C) (No change.)

LP-Gas Safety Rules - 119

Railroad Commission of Texas

with changes

Cylinders having an LP-gas a water capacity greater than 4.2 lb (1.9 kg) 2.7 lb
(1.2 kg) shall not be left unattended.

with changes

During the hours the building is not open to the public, cylinders used and
transported within the building for repair or minor renovation and with an LPgas water capacity greater than 4.2 lb (1.9 kg) 2.7 lb (1.2 kg) shall not be left

not adopted

See Commission rule 9.1(e), Application of Rules, Severability, and


not adopted

See Commission rule 9.1(e), Application of Rules, Severability, and


with changes

Cylinders having an LP-gas water capacity greater than 4.2 lb (1.9 kg) 2.7 lb (1
kg) [nominal 1 lb (0.5 kg)] LP-gas shall not be located on decks or balconies of
dwellings of two or more living units above the first floor unless they are served by
exterior stairways.

with changes

Patio heaters utilizing an integral LP-Gas container greater than 4.2 lb (1.9 kg)
1.08 lb (0.49 kg) propane capacity shall comply with and

with changes

The provision of shall not apply to fixed electrical equipment at

residential installations of LP-Gas systems or to systems covered by Section 6.23.

additional requirements

See Commission rule 9.140(b), Uniform Protection Requirements.

with changes

The container liquid withdrawal opening used with retail operated vehicle fuel
dispensers and retail operated dispensing stations shall be equipped with one of
the following:
(1) (2) (No change)

additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.140(d), Uniform Protection Standards.

with changes

A listed quick-acting shutoff valve or a listed quarter turn ball valve with a
locking handle shall be installed at the discharge end of the transfer hose.

additional requirements

See Commission rule 9.140, Uniform Protection Standards, Table 1.

additional requirements

See Commission rule 9.141(b), Uniform Safety Requirements.

additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.35, Written Procedure for LP-Gas Leaks. 6.25.3

not adopted

Commission rules require all redundant safety features.


with changes

Alternate Provisions for Installation of Underground and Mounded ASME


additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.140 (b), Uniform Protection Standards.

additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.136, Filling of DOT Containers.

with changes

The volumetric method shall be limited to the following containers, where they
are designed and equipped for filling by volume:
(1) Cylinders of less than 200 lb (91 kg) water capacity that are not subject to
DOT jurisdiction
(1) (2) Cylinders of 101 lb LP-gas capacity 200 lb (91 kg) water capacity or more
(2) (3) Cargo tanks or portable tanks containers complying with DOT
specifications MC 330, MC 331, or DOT 51
(3) (4) ASME and API-ASME containers complying with or

additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.140(b), Uniform Protection Standards.


not adopted

Table 8.3.1(a)

not adopted

120 - LP-Gas Safety Rules

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Table 8.3.1(b)

with changes

Heading: Maximum Allowable Storage Quantities of LP-Gas in Mercantile,

Industrial, and Storage Occupancies
Column 2 (Mercantile) Not Adopted

5.3.1 8.3.2

not adopted

See Commission rule 9.1(e), Application of Rules, Severability, and


additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.140(b) and (d), Uniform Protection Standards.

not adopted

See Commission rule 9.140(d), Uniform Protection Standards.

5.4.3 8.4.3

not adopted

See Commission rule 9.27, Application for an Exception to a Safety Rule.


Additional requirement

See Commission rule 9.211, Markings.

with changes

Valves and fittings shall be protected by a method approved by the authority

having jurisdiction to minimize the possibility of damage.

8.1.3 11.2

additional requirements

See Commission rules 9.10, General Requirements for Training and Continuing
Education, and 9.51, Training and Continuing Education Courses.


Not adopted

See Commission rule 9.129, Manufacturers Nameplate and Markings on ASME



with changes

Where an overfilling prevention device is installed on an engine fuel container,

venting of gas through a fixed maximum liquid level gauge shall not be required
provided: 1. The OPD is verified by the owner of the vehicle to be working
properly; 2. The verification of the valve is documented yearly and clearly
marked on the container in a visible location; and 3. The OPD is replaced every
two years, documentation is kept by the owner of the vehicle, and the container is
marked in a visible location verifying its replacement.

with changes

Fuel containers shall be installed to prevent their jarring loose and slipping
or rotating, and the fastenings shall be designed and constructed to withstand
without permanent deformation static loading in any direction equal to four
times the weight of the container filled with fuel. This shall not prohibit the
use of specific mounting brackets designed and manufactured by a container
manufacturer, original vehicle manufacturer, or the authorized representative of
either. Each specific mounting bracket shall be marked in a visible location, to
indicate the manufacturer of the bracket.


with changes

The marking shall consist of a border and the word PROPANE [1 in. (25 mm)
minimum height centered in the diamond] in silver or white reflective luminous
material on a black or Pantone 2945 C Royal Blue or equivalent background.

Chapter 10 13

not adopted

Commission authority does not extend to marine shipping and receiving



with changes

Scope. This chapter includes requirements related to the operations and

maintenance of bulk plant, industrial plant, refrigerated, marine, and pipeline
LP-Gas systems. The provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to all new and
existing installations.

Additional requirement

See Commission rules 9.36, Report of LP-Gas Incident/Accident.

Additional requirement

See Commission rules 9.35, Written Procedure for LP-Gas Leaks.

(b) If a section in NFPA 58 refers to another section in NFPA 58 which the Commission has not adopted, or which
the Commission has adopted with additional or alternative language, then persons shall comply with the applicable
Commission rule.

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Railroad Commission of Texas

Chapter 113

Texas Natural Resources Code (LP-Gas Code)

Subchapter A - General Provisions

113.001 Title
This chapter may be cited as the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code or LPG Code.

113.002 Definitions
In this chapter:

(1) Commission means the Railroad Commission of Texas.

(2) Repealed by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 1233, 76(2), eff. Sept. 1, 2001.

(3) Employee means any individual who renders or performs any services or labor for compensation and includes
individuals hired on a part-time or temporary basis or a full-time or permanent basis including an owner-employee.
(4) Liquefied petroleum gas, LPG, or LP-gas means any material that is composed predominantly of any of the
following hydrocarbons or mixtures of hydrocarbons: propane, propylene, normal butane, isobutane, and butylenes.
(5) Container means any receptacle designed for the transportation or storage of LPG or any receptacle designed
for the purpose of receiving injections of LPG for use or consumption by or through an LPG system.
(6) Appliance means any apparatus or fixture that uses or consumes LPG furnished or supplied by an LPG system
to which it is connected or attached.
(7) LPG system means all piping, fittings, valves, and equipment, excluding containers and appliances, that
connect one or more containers to one or more appliances that use or consume LPG.
(8) Transport system means any and all piping, fittings, valves, and equipment on a transport, excluding the
(9) Transfer system means all piping, fittings, valves, and equipment utilized in dispensing LPG between
(10) Transport means any bobtail or semitrailer equipped with one or more containers.

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(11) Subframing means the attachment of supporting structural members to the pads of a container but does not
include welding directly to or on the container.
(12) Representative means the individual designated to the commission by a license applicant or licensee as the
principal person in authority and, in the case of a licensee other than a category P licensee, actively supervising
the conduct of the licensees LPG activities.
(13) Person means any individual, partnership, firm, corporation, association, or any other business entity, a state
agency or institution, county, municipality, school district, or other governmental subdivision.
(14) Registrant means any person exempt from the licensing requirements, as established by rule pursuant to
Section 113.081 of this code, who is required to register with the commission, any person qualified by examination
by the commission, or any person who applies for registration with the commission.
(15) Intermodal portable tank means a portable tank built according to the United States Department of
Transportation specifications and designed primarily for international intermodal use.
(16) Intermodal container means a freight container designed and constructed for interchangeable use in two or
more modes of transport.
(17) Mobile fuel system means an LPG system, excluding the container, to supply LP-gas as a fuel to an auxiliary
engine other than the engine to propel the vehicle or for other uses on the vehicle.
(18) Mobile fuel container means an LPG container mounted on a vehicle to store LPG as the fuel supply to an
auxiliary engine other than the engine to propel the vehicle or for other uses on the vehicle.
(19) Motor fuel system means an LPG system, excluding the container, to supply LP-gas as a fuel to an engine used
to propel the vehicle.
(20) Motor fuel container means an LPG container mounted on a vehicle to store LPG as the fuel supply to an
engine used to propel the vehicle.
(21) Portable cylinder means a receptacle constructed to United States Department of Transportation
specifications, designed to be moved readily, and used for the storage of LPG for connection to an appliance or an
LPG system. The term does not include a cylinder designed for use on a forklift or similar equipment.

113.003 Exceptions
(a) None of the provisions of this chapter apply to:

(1) the production, refining, or manufacture of LPG;

(2) the storage, sale, or transportation of LPG by pipeline or railroad tank car by a pipeline company, producer,
refiner, or manufacturer;

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(3) equipment used by a pipeline company, producer, refiner, or manufacturer in a producing, refining, or
manufacturing process or in the storage, sale, or transportation by pipeline or railroad tank car;
(4) any deliveries of LPG to another person at the place of production, refining, or manufacturing;

(5) underground storage facilities other than LP-gas containers designed for underground use;

(6) any LP-gas container having a water capacity of one gallon or less, or to any LP-gas piping system or appliance
attached or connected to such container; or

(7) a railcar loading rack used by a pipeline company, producer, refiner, or manufacturer.

(b) Nothing in Subsection (a) of this section shall be construed to exempt truck loading racks from the jurisdiction of
the commission under this chapter.

Subchapter B - Administrative Provisions

113.011 Regulation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Activities
The commission shall administer and enforce the laws of this state and the rules and standards of the commission
relating to liquefied petroleum gas.

113.014 Employees
Sufficient employees shall be provided for the enforcement of this chapter.

113.015 Funds for Financing Regulation of LPG Activities

The commission shall look only to the revenue derived from the operation of this chapter and appropriated by the
legislature for expenses of regulating liquefied petroleum gas activities and administering this chapter.

Subchapter C - Rules and Standards

113.051 Adoption of Rules and Standards
Except as provided in Section 113.003 of this code, the commission shall promulgate and adopt rules or standards or
both relating to any and all aspects or phases of the LPG industry that will protect or tend to protect the health, welfare,
and safety of the general public.

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113.0511 Limitations on Rulemaking Authority

(a) The commission may not adopt rules restricting advertising or competitive bidding by a licensee except to prohibit
false, misleading, or deceptive practices.
(b) In its rules to prohibit false, misleading, or deceptive practices, the commission may not include a rule that:

(1) restricts the use of any medium for advertising;

(2) restricts the use of a licensees personal appearance or voice in an advertisement;

(3) relates to the size or duration of an advertisement by the licensee; or

(4) restricts the licensees advertisement under a trade name.

113.052 Adoption of National Codes

The commission may adopt by reference, in whole or in part, the published codes of the National Board of Fire
Underwriters, the National Fire Protection Association, the American Society for Mechanical Engineers, and other
nationally recognized societies or any one or more of these codes as standards to be met in the design, construction,
fabrication, assembly, installation, use, and maintenance of containers, tanks, appliances, systems, and equipment for
the transportation, storage, delivery, use, and consumption of LPG or any one or more of these purposes.

113.053 Effect on Certain Containers

Rules, standards, and codes adopted pursuant to Sections 113.051 through 113.052 of this code do not apply to
containers used in accordance with and subject to the regulations of the United States Department of Transportation or
to containers that are owned or used by the United States government.

113.054 Effect on Other Law

The rules and standards promulgated and adopted by the commission under Section 113.051 preempt and supersede any
ordinance, order, or rule adopted by a political subdivision of this state relating to any aspect or phase of the liquefied
petroleum gas industry. A political subdivision may petition the commissions executive director for permission to
promulgate more restrictive rules and standards only if the political subdivision can prove that the more restrictive rules
and standards enhance public safety.

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Railroad Commission of Texas

Subchapter D - Licensing
113.081 License Requirement
(a) Unless otherwise stated in this chapter, no person may engage in any of the following activities unless that person
has obtained a license from the commission authorizing that activity:
(1) container activities: the manufacture, assembly, repair, testing, sale, installation, or subframing of containers
for use in this state, except that no license is required for the sale of a new container of 96 pounds water capacity or
(2) systems activities: the installation, service, and repair of systems for use in this state, including the laying or
connecting of pipes and fittings connecting with or to systems or serving a system and appliances to be used with
liquefied petroleum gas as a fuel;
(3) appliance activities: the service, installation, and repair of appliances used or to be used in this state in
connection with systems using liquefied petroleum gas as a fuel, except that no license shall be required for
installation or connection of manufactured unvented appliances to LPG systems by means of LPG appliance
connectors, or where only duct or electrical work is performed to or on an LP-gas appliance; or
(4) product activities: the sale, transportation, dispensation, or storage of liquefied petroleum gas in this state,
except that no license shall be required to sell LPG where the vendor never obtains possessory rights to the product
sold or where the product is transported or stored by the ultimate consumer for personal consumption only.
(b) The provisions of Subsection (a) of this section do not apply to a person who is not engaged in business as provided
in Section 113.082 of this code. A person, except a political subdivision, is considered to be engaged in business as
provided in Section 113.082 of this code if such person installs or services an LPG motor or mobile fuel system on a
motor vehicle used in the transportation of the general public. The provisions of Subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2) of
this section do not apply to intermodal containers or intermodal portable tanks constructed in accordance with United
States Department of Transportation specifications.
(c) A mobile home park operator will not be deemed to be a person engaged in business as provided in Section 113.082
of this code if such mobile home park operator obtains no possessory rights to LP-gas products, and utilizes only LP-gas
licensees in the installation and maintenance of the LP-gas containers and system. For purposes of this subsection,
the term mobile home park operator means an individual or business entity owning or operating a place, divided into
sites, at which the primary business is the rental or leasing of the sites to persons for use in occupying mobile homes as
dwellings. Mobile home has the meaning set out in Chapter 1201, Occupations Code.
(d) The commission by rule may exempt from Section 113.082(a)(4) of this code journeymen or master plumbers
licensed by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners.
(e) The commission by rule may exempt from Section 113.082(a)(4) of this code a person licensed under Chapter 1302,
Occupations Code.

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(f) No license is required by an original manufacturer of a new motor vehicle powered by LPG or subcontractor of such a
manufacturer who produces a new LPG-powered vehicle for the manufacturer.
(g) The commission by rule may establish reasonable conditions for licensing and exemptions from license requirements
for a state agency or institution, county, municipality, school district, or other governmental subdivision.

113.082 Categories of LPG Activities; Fees

(a) A prospective licensee in LPG may apply to the commission for a license to engage in any one or more of the
following categories of LPG activities:
(1) container manufacturers/fabricators: the manufacture, fabrication, assembly, repair, installation, subframing,
testing, and sale of LPG containers, including LPG motor or mobile fuel containers and systems, and the repair and
installation of transport and transfer systems;
(2) transport outfitters: the subframing, testing, and sale of LPG transport containers, the testing of LPG storage
containers, the installation, testing, and sale of LPG motor or mobile fuel containers and systems, and the
installation and repair of transport systems, and motor or mobile fuel systems;
(3) carriers: the transportation of LPG by transport, including the loading and unloading of LPG, and the
installation and repair of transport systems;
(4) general installers and repairmen: the sale, service, and installation of containers, excluding motor fuel
containers, and the service, installation, and repair of piping, certain appliances as defined by rule, excluding
recreational vehicle appliances and LPG systems, excluding motor fuel and recreational vehicle systems;
(5) retail and wholesale dealers: the storage, sale, transportation, and distribution of LPG at retail and wholesale,
and all other activities included in this section except the manufacture, fabrication, assembly, repair, subframing,
and testing of LPG containers, and except the sale and installation of LPG motor or mobile fuel systems that have an
engine with a rating of more than 25 horsepower;
(6) cylinder filling: the operation of a cylinder-filling facility, including cylinder filling, the sale of LPG in cylinders,
and the replacement of a cylinder valve;
(7) service station: the operation of an LPG service station filling ASME containers designed for motor and mobile
(8) cylinder dealers: the transportation and sale of LPG in cylinders;
(9) service station and cylinder filling: any service station and cylinder activity set out in Subdivisions (6) and (7);
(10) service station and cylinder facilities: the operation of a cylinder-filling facility, including cylinder filling and
the sale, transportation, installation, and connection of LPG in cylinders, the replacement of cylinder valves, and
the operation of an LPG service station as set out in Subdivision (7);

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(11) distribution system: the sale and distribution of LPG through mains or pipes and the installation and repair of
LPG systems;
(12) engine fuel: the sale and installation of LPG motor or mobile fuel containers, and the sale and installation of
LPG motor or mobile fuel systems;
(13) recreational vehicle installers and repairmen: the sale, service, and installation of recreational vehicle
containers, and the installation, repair, and service of recreational vehicle appliances, piping, and LPG systems,
including recreational vehicle motor or mobile fuel systems and containers;
(14) manufactured housing installers and repairmen: the service and installation of containers that supply fuel to
manufactured housing, and the installation, repair, and service of appliances and piping systems for manufactured
(15) testing laboratory: the testing of an LP-gas container, LP-gas motor fuel systems or mobile fuel systems,
transfer systems, and transport systems for the purpose of determining the safety of the container or systems for
LP-gas service, including the necessary installation, disconnection, reconnecting, testing, and repair of LPG motor
fuel systems or mobile fuel systems, transfer systems, and transport systems involved in the testing of containers; or
(16) portable cylinder exchange: the operation of a portable cylinder exchange service, where the sale of LP-gas is
within a portable cylinder with an LP-gas capacity not to exceed 21 pounds; the portable cylinders are not filled on
site, and no other LP-gas activity requiring a license is conducted.
(b) The commission by rule shall establish reasonable application and original license fees and renewal fees for each
type of license listed in this section.

113.083 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Emergency

(a) In the event of a temporary statewide, regional, or local shortage of liquid petroleum gas in this state or another
state, as determined under Subsection (b) of this section, LP gas trucks and operators meeting all certification,
permitting, and licensing requirements of the federal government and another state whose governor has declared an
LP gas emergency may transport LP gas in this state without having first obtained any license, permit, or certification
ordinarily required under state law.
(b) The governor may determine the existence of a temporary statewide, regional, or local shortage of LP gas in this
state or another state and on such a determination, the governor may join with the governor of any other state in
declaring an LP gas emergency.
(c) The waiver of Texas licensing, permitting, and certification requirements regarding LP gas trucks and operators
is valid only during the time of the emergency. An LP gas emergency may not continue for more than 14 days unless
renewed by the governor.

128 - LP-Gas CODE

Railroad Commission of Texas

113.084 Application
(a) An application for a license shall be submitted to the commission on forms furnished by the commission or on a
facsimile of those forms.
(b) A prospective licensee shall submit the required application together with the original nonrefundable license fee
established by the commission under Section 113.082 for each type of license for which an application is made. The
applicant shall submit additional information and data with each application as the commission may reasonably require.
(c) A licensee shall submit the nonrefundable renewal fee for each type of license sought along with information and
data the commission may reasonably require.

113.087 Course of Instruction, Examination, and Seminar Requirements

(a) The satisfactory completion of the requirements of this section is mandatory, and operations requiring an LPgas license may not commence, continue, or resume unless examination and seminar requirements are fulfilled. The
commission shall prepare, administer, and grade or review an examination required by this section or contract
with a testing service to prepare, administer, and grade or review the examination.
(b) Before license issuance, the commission shall require the individual designated as the licensees representative to
the commission to provide good and sufficient proof through examination of working knowledge of this chapter and
rules of the commission which affect the type of license for which application is made. Thereafter, each licensee shall
maintain a qualified representative at all times.
(c) Each individual who will be actively supervising those operations requiring any license under this chapter, other
than a license under Section 113.082(a)(16), at any outlet or location, as designated by the commission, shall be
required to provide good and sufficient proof through examination that the supervisor has a working knowledge of the
safety requirements and penalties in this chapter and the rules of the commission which apply to that type of license.
Each licensee under Section 113.082(a)(5) who provides portable cylinders to a licensee under Section 113.082(a)(16)
(1) prepare or obtain a manual approved by the commission covering the proper procedures for handling LP-gas in
the portable cylinder exchange process;
(2) provide a copy of the manual to each outlet or location of the licensee under Section 113.082(a)(16); and
(3) provide training approved by the commission regarding the contents of the manual to each individual who will
be actively supervising operations requiring a license under Section 113.082(a)(16) at each outlet or location.
(d) As determined by commission rule, each individual who is or will be utilized by a licensee or a public employee of
the state, the federal government, or a state or federal subdivision in LPG-related activities shall be required to provide
good and sufficient proof through examination that the employee has a working knowledge of the safety requirements
in the rules of the commission relating to the activity or activities. Should the commission determine that an individual

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has a history of failure to comply with the requirements of this code or with the rules of the commission, the commission
shall promptly mail written notification of failure to qualify for LP-gas employee certification and the reasons therefor to
the registrant. Written notice by the commission, a written request for a hearing, and the public hearing itself shall be
governed by Section 113.091.
(e) No licensee may employ or otherwise utilize any person as a representative to the commission, nor as a supervisor
or employee in LPG-related activities, unless and until the person has qualified by satisfactory completion of the
examination or training requirements, as applicable, established by this section.
(f) The commission shall promulgate rules relating to changes in representatives, supervisors, and employees, and may
permit temporary exemption from the examination or training requirements, as applicable, for a maximum period of 45
(g) In no event shall an original or renewal license be issued to an applicant whose listed representative has not
maintained qualified status, as defined by rule, or to any person who has a history of failure to comply with the
requirements of this code or with the rules of the commission. The commission shall have written notification of license
denial and the reasons therefor prepared promptly and mailed to both the representative and the license applicant.
Written notice by the commission, a written request for a hearing, and the public hearing itself shall be governed by
Section 113.091 of this code.
(h) Satisfactory completion of any required examination or training under this section shall accrue to the individual.
(i) Not later than the 30th day after the date a person takes a licensing examination under this chapter, the commission
shall notify the person of the results of the examination.
(j) If the examination is graded or reviewed by a testing service:
(1) the commission shall notify the person of the results of the examination not later than the 14th day after the
date the commission receives the results from the testing service; and
(2) if notice of the examination results will be delayed for longer than 90 days after the examination date, the
commission shall notify the person of the reason for the delay before the 90th day.
(k) The commission may require a testing service to notify a person of the results of the persons examination.
(l) If requested in writing by a person who fails a licensing examination administered under this chapter, the
commission shall furnish the person with an analysis of the persons performance on the examination.
(m) The commission, by appropriate rule, shall require, in addition to examination requirements as set out in
Subsections (b), (c), and (d) of this section:
(1) an examination for technical competence that is validated by a recognized educational testing organization or
similar organization; or
(2) attendance at approved academic, trade, professional, or commission-sponsored seminars, other continuing
education programs, and periodic reexaminations.
130 - LP-Gas CODE

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(n) Prior to qualifying an individual to perform LP-gas work, the commission may establish by rule an initial course
of instruction for any person who has not yet passed the examination for the LPG activity for which the person seeks
qualification; for any person who has not maintained qualified status, as defined by rule; and for any person whose
certification has been revoked pursuant to Subchapter F of this code. If an initial course of instruction is established by
the commission, it shall be available at least once every 180 days.
(o) The commission by rule may exempt from any provision of this section:

(1) a journeyman or master plumber licensed by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners;

(2) a person licensed under Chapter 1302, Occupations Code; or

(3) company representatives, operations supervisors, or employees of a testing laboratory that was registered under
Section 113.135 prior to the effective date of this subsection.

113.088 Examination; Seminar Fees

(a) The commission shall establish reasonable examination, course of instruction, and seminar registration fees.
(b) Before seminar attendance or examination of any person, except as provided by this subsection or Subsection (c),
the commission shall receive a nonrefundable fee for each examination or seminar registration. If the examination is
administered by a testing service, the testing service may administer the examination before the commission receives
the fee. A testing service that administers an examination shall collect a nonrefundable fee for the examination before
the examination is administered and shall forward the fee to the commission not later than the fifth business day after
the date the testing service receives the fee.
(c) The commission may exempt voluntary firemen, or public employees of the State of Texas, federal government, or
state or federal subdivisions from the examination fee, the examination renewal fee, and seminar fees.

113.089 Special Requirements for Licensing

(a) If application is made for a license under Section 113.082(a)(5) or for any other type of license specified by
commission rule, the commission, in addition to other requirements, shall have an actual inspection conducted of any
and all facilities, bulk storage equipment, transportation equipment, and dispensing equipment of the applicant to
verify satisfactory compliance with all current safety laws, rules, and practices. The inspection may be waived by the
commission on an application resulting solely from a change in legal entities under which a current licensee operates.
(b) The inspection, if required, shall be performed before the issuance of the license, but in no event later than 15 days
after the inspection is requested in writing by the applicant for license.
(c) A license under Section 113.082(a)(5) and any other type of license specified by commission rule shall not be issued
until the inspection under Subsection (a) of this section verifies the applicant to be in satisfactory compliance with all
current safety laws, rules, and practices.
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113.090 Filing and Registration Fees

(a) The commission by rule may establish reasonable fees for the review of site applications related to the installation of
containers when site applications are reviewed by the commission before such installation is placed into LP-gas service.
(b) The commission by rule may establish reasonable fees for recording the location of containers at public buildings
and commercial installations when prior approval of site applications is not required.
(c) The commission by rule may establish reasonable fees for any registration required under this code.

113.091 License Denial

(a) Should an applicant fail to meet the requirements for original or renewal licensing set out in this chapter, the
commission shall have written notification prepared promptly and mailed to the applicant. The notice shall specify the
reason for the applicants failure to qualify for license and advise the applicant of the right to request a hearing.
(b) Within 30 days of the notice of denial, an applicant for license under this chapter who is denied a license may
request a hearing to determine whether or not the applicant has complied in all respects with the licensing procedure
applicable to each type of license sought. The applicants request for hearing must be in writing and delivered to the
(c) A hearing to determine an applicants compliance with the licensing procedure applicable to each type of license
sought must be scheduled within 30 days following receipt of a request under Subsection (b) of this section.
(d) If the record made at the hearing supports the applicants claim, the commission shall enter an order in its records
to that effect, noting each type of license to which the applicant is found entitled, and the commission shall have the
license or licenses issued. If the applicant is found unqualified, the commission shall likewise enter an order in its
records to that effect, and no license may be issued to the applicant.

113.092 License Issuance

(a) The commission shall issue the appropriate license to an applicant who has satisfied the licensing procedures and
requirements set out in this chapter and in the rules of the commission, except where a prior license has been revoked
as provided for in Subsection (a) of Section 113.163 of this code.
(b) The license shall be issued in the name under which the applicant proposes to conduct business.
(c) The license shall belong to the applicant to which it is issued and shall be nontransferable.

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113.093 License Renewal

(a) A person who is otherwise eligible to renew a license may renew an unexpired license by paying the required
renewal fee to the commission before the expiration date of the license. A person whose license has expired may not
engage in activities that require a license until the license has been renewed.
(b) A person whose license has been expired for 90 days or less may renew the license by paying to the commission a
renewal fee that is equal to 1-1/2 times the normally required renewal fee.
(c) A person whose license has been expired for more than 90 days but less than one year may renew the license by
paying to the commission a renewal fee that is equal to two times the normally required renewal fee.
(d) A person whose license has been expired for one year or more may not renew the license. The person may obtain a
new license by complying with the requirements and procedures, including the examination requirements, for obtaining
an original license.
(e) A person who was licensed in this state, moved to another state, and is currently licensed and has been in practice
in the other state for the two years preceding the date of application may obtain a new license without reexamination.
The person must pay to the commission a fee that is equal to two times the normally required renewal fee for the
(f) Not later than the 30th day before the date a persons license is scheduled to expire, the commission shall send
written notice of the impending expiration to the person at the persons last known address according to the records of
the commission.
(g) A renewal license will be issued to a licensee as soon as is practicable after compliance with this section, and
fulfillment of insurance, examination, and seminar requirements established by this chapter, and submission of any
information and data the commission may reasonably require.
(h) Renewal fees shall be nonrefundable.

113.094 Staggered Renewal of Licenses

The commission, by rule, may adopt a system under which licenses expire on various dates during the year. For the year
in which the license expiration date is changed, license fees payable on a specified date shall be prorated on a monthly
basis so that each licensee shall pay only that portion of the license fee that is allocable to the number of months during
which the license is valid. On renewal of the license on the new expiration date, the total license renewal fee is payable.

113.095 License and Examination by Endorsement

(a) The commission may waive any license requirement for an applicant with a valid license from another state having
license requirements substantially equivalent to those of this state.

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(b) The commission by rule may waive the requirements of Section 113.087 for an applicant holding a valid examination
certificate issued by another state having certification requirements substantially equivalent to those of this state.

113.096 Provisional License

(a) The commission may issue a provisional license to an applicant currently licensed in another jurisdiction who seeks
a license in this state and who:
(1) has been licensed in good standing for at least two years in another jurisdiction, including a foreign country,
that has licensing requirements substantially equivalent to the requirements of this chapter;
(2) has passed a national or other examination recognized by the commission relating to the activities regulated
under this chapter; and
(3) is sponsored by a person licensed by the commission under this chapter with whom the provisional license
holder will practice during the time the person holds a provisional license.
(b) The commission may waive the requirement of Subsection (a)(3) for an applicant if the commission determines
that compliance with that subsection would be a hardship to the applicant.
(c) A provisional license is valid until the date the commission approves or denies the provisional license holders
application for a license. The commission shall issue a license under this chapter to the provisional license holder if:
(1) the provisional license holder is eligible to be licensed under Section 113.095; or
(2) the provisional license holder:
(A) passes the part of the examination under Section 113.087 that relates to the applicants knowledge and
understanding of the laws and rules relating to the activities regulated under this chapter in this state;
(B) meets the academic and experience requirements for a license under this chapter; and

(C) satisfies any other licensing requirements under this chapter.

(d) The commission must approve or deny a provisional license holders application for a license not later than the
180th day after the date the provisional license is issued. The commission may extend the 180-day period if the results
of an examination have not been received by the commission before the end of that period.
(e) The commission may establish a fee for provisional licenses in an amount reasonable and necessary to cover the
cost of issuing the license.

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113.097 Insurance Requirement

(a) The commission shall not issue a license authorizing activities under Section 113.082 of this code or renew an
existing license unless the applicant for license or license renewal provides proof of required insurance coverage with an
insurance carrier authorized to do business in this state as evidenced by a certificate of authority having been issued to
the carrier by the State Board of Insurance or, if the applicant is unable to obtain coverage from such a carrier, provides,
on approval of the commission, proof of required insurance coverage issued by a surplus lines insurer that meets the
requirements of Chapter 981, Insurance Code, and rules adopted by the commissioner of insurance under that chapter.
(b) A licensee shall not perform any licensed activity under Section 113.082 of this code unless the insurance coverage
required by this chapter is in effect.
(c) Except as provided in Section 113.099 of this code, the types and amounts of insurance provided in Subsections (d)
through (i) of this section are required while engaged in any of the activities set forth in Section 113.082 of this code or
any activity incidental thereto.
(d) Each licensee under Section 113.082(a)(3), (5), (8), or (10) must carry motor vehicle bodily injury and property
damage liability coverage on each motor vehicle, including trailers and semitrailers, used to transport LP-gas. The
commission shall establish by rule a reasonable amount of coverage to be maintained, except that coverage shall not be
less than the amounts required as evidence of financial responsibility under Chapter 601, Transportation Code.
(e) All licensees must carry general liability coverage in a reasonable amount, based on the type or types of licensed
activities, which shall be established by commission rule.
(f) Each licensee, other than a category P licensee, must acquire and maintain appropriate workers compensation or
coverage for its employees under policies of work-related accident, disability, and health insurance, including coverage
for death benefits, from an insurance carrier authorized to provide coverage in this state, in the amounts required by the
(g) Notwithstanding Subsection (f) of this section, a state agency or institution, county, municipality, school district, or
other governmental subdivision may submit appropriate evidence of workers compensation coverage by self-insurance
if permitted by the state workers compensation act. The commission may require forms of evidence of coverage for this
purpose other than that required under Section 113.098 of this code.
(h) As required by commission rule, a licensee under Section 113.082(a)(1), (2), (3), (5), or (15) must carry
completed operations or products liability insurance, or both, in a reasonable amount, based on the type or types of
licensed activities.
(i) The commission by rule may exempt or provide reasonable alternatives to the insurance requirements set forth
in Subsections (a) through (e) and (h) of this section for a state agency or institution, county, municipality, school
district, or other governmental subdivision.
(j) The commission by rule may exempt from the insurance requirements of this section or adopt a reasonable
alternative to those requirements for:

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(1) a master or journeyman plumber licensed by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners; or

(2) a person licensed under Chapter 1302, Occupations Code.

(k) The commission by rule may allow a licensee to self-insure under Subsection (d), (e), or (f) and by rule shall
establish standards for that self-insurance.

113.098 Insurance Conditions

(a) As evidence that required insurance has been secured and is in force, certificates of insurance which are approved
by the commission shall be filed with the commission before licensing, license renewal, and during the entire period
that the license is in effect. Any document filed with the commission in a timely manner which is not completed in
accordance with the instructions indicated on the insurance certificate forms supplied by the commission, but which
complies with the substantive requirements of this section and with the rules adopted under this section may be
considered by the commission to be evidence that required insurance has been secured and is in force for a temporary
period not to exceed 45 days. During this temporary period, a licensee shall file with the commission an amended
certificate of insurance which complies with all procedural and substantive requirements of this section and the rules
adopted hereunder.
(b) All certificates filed under this section shall be continuous in duration.
(c) Cancellation of a certificate of insurance becomes effective on the occurrence of any of the following events and not
(1) commission receipt of written notice stating the insurers intent to cancel a policy of insurance and the passage
of time equivalent to the notice period required by law to be given the insured before the insurance cancellation;
(2) receipt by the commission of an acceptable replacement insurance certificate;
(3) voluntary surrender of a license and the rights and privileges conferred by the license;
(4) commission receipt of a statement made by a licensee stating that the licensee is not actively engaging in any
operations which require a particular type of insurance and will not engage in those operations unless and until all
certificates of required insurance applicable to those operations are filed with the commission; or
(5) written order of commission.
(d) Cancellation under Subsection (c) of this section shall not become effective until approved by the commission.

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113.099 Statements in Lieu of Insurance Certificates

(a) A licensee or an applicant for a license under Section 113.082(a)(3), (5), (8), or (10) that does not operate or
contemplate the operation of a motor vehicle equipped with an LP-gas cargo container and does not transport or
contemplate the transportation of LP-gas by vehicle in any manner, may make and file with the commission a statement
to that effect in lieu of filing a certificate of motor vehicle bodily injury and property damage insurance.
(b) A licensee or an applicant for a license that does not engage in or contemplate engaging in any operations which
would be covered by general liability insurance for a period of time may make and file with the commission a statement
to that effect in lieu of filing a certificate of general liability insurance.
(c) A licensee or an applicant for a license that does not employ or contemplate the hiring of an employee or employees
to be engaged in LPG-related activities in this state may make and file with the commission a statement to that effect
in lieu of filing evidence of coverage of workers compensation or other alternative form of coverage as provided in this
(d) A licensee or an applicant for a license under Section 113.082(a)(1), (2), (3), (5), or (15) that does not engage in
or contemplate engaging in any LP-gas operations which would be covered by completed operations or products liability
insurance, or both, for a period of time may make and file with the commission a statement to that effect in lieu of filing
a certificate of insurance.
(e) Any statement filed pursuant to Subsections (a) through (d) of this section must further state that the licensee or
applicant agrees to file a certificate of insurance evidencing appropriate coverage before engaging in any activities that
require insurance coverage under this subchapter.

Subchapter E - Motor Vehicles and Testing

113.131 Transport Trucks and Trailers
(a) Each transport truck, trailer, or other motor vehicle equipped with an LPG cargo container and each truck used
principally for transporting LPG in portable containers shall be registered with the commission.
(b) A licensee who has purchased, leased, or obtained other rights to use any unit described in Subsection (a) of
this section shall register that unit in the name or names under which the licensee conducts business before the
transportation of LPG by means of that unit.
(c) An ultimate consumer of LPG who has purchased, leased, or obtained other rights to use any unit described in
Subsection (a) of this section shall register that unit in the persons name before the transportation of LPG by means of
that unit on public roads or highways.

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(d) The commission, by rule, shall establish reasonable, nonrefundable annual registration and transfer fees for each
LP-gas cargo trailer, semitrailer, bobtail, and cylinder-delivery unit registered or transferred as follows:

(1) the annual registration fee established by the commission shall not be less than $100 nor more than $300.

(2) the annual transfer fee established by the commission shall not be less than $25 nor more than $100.

(e) Any unit registered pursuant to this section shall be covered by motor vehicle bodily injury and property damage
liability insurance as prescribed by Section 113.097 of this code.
(f) Any delivery or transport driver shall meet the applicable examination and seminar requirements set out in Section
113.087 of this code.

113.133 Motor Carrier Laws

No provision of this chapter shall be construed to modify, amend, or revoke any motor carrier law of this state.

113.134 Department of Public Safety

The Department of Public Safety shall cooperate with the commission in the administration and enforcement of this
chapter and the rules promulgated under this chapter to the extent that they are applicable to motor vehicles.

Subchapter F - License and Registration for an

Exemption: Denial and Disciplinary Action
113.161 Violations of Chapter or Rules; Informal Actions
(a) The commission shall notify a licensee or registrant in writing when it finds probable violation or noncompliance
with this chapter or the safety rules promulgated under this chapter.
(b) The notification shall specify the particular acts, omissions, or conduct comprising the alleged violation and shall
designate a date by which the violation must be corrected or discontinued.
(c) The licensee or registrant shall report timely compliance or shall request extension of time for compliance if
deemed necessary.
(d) If a licensee or registrant objects to the complaint or requirements under this section, or if the commission
determines that the licensee or registrant is not proceeding adequately to compliance, then, on written request of the
licensee or registrant or order of the commission, a public hearing shall be conducted as provided in Section 113.162 of
this code.
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(e) If the commission determines that the probable violation or noncompliance constitutes an immediate danger to the
public health, safety, and welfare, it shall require the immediate cessation of the probable violation or noncompliance
and proceed with a hearing as provided in Section 113.162.

113.162 Hearings
Any hearing or proceeding under this chapter shall be subject to the provisions of the Administrative Procedure and
Texas Register Act.

113.163 Denial, Refusal To Renew, or Revocation of License or Registration

for an Exemption in Event of Violation
(a) Except as provided by Subsections (d) and (f), the commission may not approve an application for a license
under this chapter or approve a registration for an exemption under Section 113.081(d) or (e) if:
(1) the applicant or registrant for an exemption has violated a statute or commission rule, order, license, permit, or
certificate that relates to safety; or
(2) a person who holds a position of ownership or control in the applicant or registrant for an exemption has
held a position of ownership or control in another person during the seven years preceding the date on which the
application or registration for an exemption is filed and during that period of ownership or control the other person
violated a statute or commission rule, order, license, permit, or certificate that relates to safety.
(b) An applicant, registrant for an exemption, or other person has committed a violation described by Subsection (a) if:
(1) a final judgment or final administrative order finding the violation has been entered against the applicant,
registrant for an exemption, or other person and all appeals have been exhausted; or
(2) the commission and the applicant, registrant for an exemption, or other person have entered into an agreed
order relating to the alleged violation.
(c) Regardless of whether the persons name appears or is required to appear on an application or registration for an
exemption, a person holds a position of ownership or control in an applicant, registrant for an exemption, or other
person if:

(1) the person is:

(A) an officer or director of the applicant, registrant for an exemption, or other person;

(B) a general partner of the applicant, registrant for an exemption, or other person;

(C) the owner of a sole proprietorship applicant, registrant for an exemption, or other person;

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(D) the owner of at least 25 percent of the beneficial interest in the applicant, registrant for an exemption, or
other person; or

(E) a trustee of the applicant, registrant for an exemption, or other person; or

(2) the applicant, registrant for an exemption, or other person has been determined by a final judgment or final
administrative order to have exerted actual control over the applicant, registrant for an exemption, or other person.
(d) The commission shall approve an application for a license under this chapter or for a registration for an exemption
under Section 113.081(d) or (e) if:
(1) the conditions that constituted the violation are corrected or are being corrected in accordance with a
schedule to which the commission and the applicant, registrant for an exemption, or other person have agreed;

(2) all administrative, civil, and criminal penalties are paid or are being paid in accordance with a payment
schedule to which the commission and the applicant, registrant for an exemption, or other person have agreed; and
(3) the application or registration for an exemption is in compliance with all other requirements of law and
commission rules.
(e) If an application or registration for an exemption is denied under this section, the commission shall provide the
applicant or registrant for an exemption with a written statement explaining the reason for the denial.
(f) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), the commission may issue a license to an applicant described by Subsection (a) or
approve a registration for an exemption for a registrant for an exemption described by that subsection for a term
specified by the commission if the license or registration for an exemption is necessary to remedy a violation of law or
commission rules.
(g) A fee tendered in connection with an application or registration for an exemption that is denied under this section
is nonrefundable.
(h) If the commission is prohibited by Subsection (a) from approving an application for a license or a registration for
an exemption or would be prohibited from doing so by that subsection if the applicant, licensee, or registrant for an
exemption submitted an application or registration for an exemption, the commission, after notice and opportunity for
a hearing, by order may refuse to renew or may revoke a license or registration for an exemption issued to the applicant,
licensee, or registrant for an exemption under this chapter. The commission may not revoke or refuse to renew a
license or registration for an exemption under this subsection if the commission finds that the applicant, licensee, or
registrant for an exemption has fulfilled the conditions set out in Subsection (d).
(i) An order issued under Subsection (h) must provide the applicant, licensee, or registrant for an exemption a
reasonable period to comply with the judgment or order finding the violation before the order takes effect.
(j) On refusal to renew or revocation of a persons license or registration for an exemption under Subsection (h), the
person may not perform any activities under the jurisdiction of the commission under this chapter, except as necessary
to remedy a violation of law or commission rules and as authorized by the commission under a license or registration for
an exemption issued under Subsection (f).
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(k) In determining whether to refuse to renew or to revoke a persons license or registration for an exemption under
Subsection (h), the commission shall consider the persons history of previous violations, the seriousness of previous
violations, any hazard to the health or safety of the public, and the demonstrated good faith of the person.
( l) Refusal to renew or revocation of a persons license or registration for an exemption under Subsection (h) does not
relieve the person of any existing or future duty under law, rules, or license or registration conditions.

113.164 Appeal
Any party to a proceeding before the commission is entitled to judicial review under the substantial evidence rule.

Subchapter G - Fees and Funds

113.201 Deposit and Expenditure of Fees and Funds
Money received by the commission under this chapter shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the
General Revenue Fund and spent in accordance with the appropriations made by law.

Subchapter H - Enforcement
113.231 Injunctions
(a) On request of the commission, the attorney general may bring an action in the name and on behalf of the state to
enjoin a person from committing any act that violates or does not comply with any provision of this chapter or of any rule
promulgated under this chapter.
(b) A suit for injunction instituted pursuant to Subsection (a) of this section shall be in addition to any other remedies
at law or in equity.
(c) A district court of any county in which it is shown that all or part of the acts have been or are about to be committed
has jurisdiction of an action brought under Subsection (a) of this section.
(d) No bond for injunction may be required of the commission or the attorney general in relation to a proceeding
instituted pursuant to Subsection (a) of this section.

113.232 General Penalty

(a) In addition to injunctive relief and other penalties provided in this chapter, a person who knowingly violates or fails
to comply with this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor and is punishable by
a fine of not less than $100 nor more than the maximum fine as set out in Section 12.23 of the Penal Code.
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(b) A person previously convicted under Subsection (a) of this section who knowingly violates or fails to comply with
this chapter is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than the maximum fine allowed by law
for a Class C misdemeanor, nor more than the maximum fine as set out in Section 12.21 of the Penal Code.
(c) A penalty prescribed by this section is in addition to injunctive relief and other penalties provided by this chapter.
(d) Each day the violation or failure to comply continues constitutes a separate offense.

113.233 Entry for Inspection and Investigation

(a) An inspector, employee, or agent of the commission may enter the premises of a licensee under this chapter or
any building or other premises open to the public at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining and verifying
compliance with this chapter and the safety rules of the commission. This same authority shall extend to private
property with the permission of the owner of such private property or an authorized agent of the owner.
(b) Any authorized representative of the commission may enter any buildings or premises where an accident has
occurred in which LP-gas was a probable cause for purposes of investigating the cause, origin, and circumstances
of such accident. The commission may request that any state or local authority having jurisdiction take appropriate
action, to the extent permitted by law, as may be necessary for preservation of property and premises.

113.234 Warning Tag

An inspector, employee, or agent of the commission may declare any container, appliance, equipment, transport,
system, or LP-gas operation that does not conform to the safety requirements of this chapter or rules adopted under this
chapter, or which is otherwise defective, as unsafe or dangerous for LP-gas service and shall attach a warning tag in a
conspicuous location.

113.235 Supplying or Removing LPG After Warning Tag Attached

(a) Any person who knowingly sells, furnishes, delivers, or supplies LPG for storage in or use or consumption by or
through a container, appliance, transport, or system to which a warning tag is attached is guilty of a misdemeanor and
on conviction is punishable by a fine of not less than $50 and not more than $2,000.
(b) LP-gas shall be removed from a container to which a warning tag is attached only under the direction of the
(c) In an emergency situation and for immediate need, the commission may allow a reasonable amount of LP-gas to be
introduced into a container or may allow an LP-gas system or an LP-gas appliance to be placed into LP-gas service, for a
reasonable time period provided the reasons for the warning tag have been eliminated.

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113.236 Penalty for Unauthorized Removal of Tag

An unauthorized person who knowingly removes, destroys, or in any way obliterates a warning tag attached to a
container, appliance, transport, or system is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is punishable by a fine of not less
than $50 and not more than $2,000.

Subchapter I - Alternative Fuels Research and

113.241 Rules Regarding Research and Education
The commission may adopt all necessary rules relating to the purposes of this subchapter and activities regarding
the use of LPG and other environmentally beneficial alternative fuels that are or have the potential to be effective in
improving the quality of air in this state.

113.242 Advisory Committees

The commission may appoint one or more advisory committees composed of members representing the LPG industry
and other environmentally beneficial alternative fuels industries, consumers, and other interests to consult with and
advise the commission on opportunities and methods to expand the use of LPG and other environmentally beneficial
alternative fuels.

113.243 Alternative Fuels Research and Education Fund

(a) The alternative fuels research and education fund is created in the state treasury.
(b) The fund consists of money from:

(1) fees charged under this subchapter;

(2) the penalties for the late payment of the fee charged under this subchapter;

(3) gifts, grants, or other assistance received by the commission from any source for the purposes of this

(4) interest earned on amounts in the fund;

(5) amounts collected by the commission under an agreement with another state in accordance with Section

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(6) assessments, rebates on assessments, and other money collected by the commission under the Propane
Education and Research Act of 1996 (15 U.S.C. Section 6401 et seq.) or other applicable federal law; and
(7) fees, royalties, or other things of value received from the items described by Subsections (f)(1)(A)-(D).
(c) The fund may be used only by the commission to pay for activities relating to the specific fuel from which the fee,
royalty, or other thing of value was derived or the specific fuel, if any, for which the gift, grant, or other assistance is
given, including direct and indirect costs relating to:
(1) researching all possible uses of LPG and other environmentally beneficial alternative fuels to enhance air
(2) researching, developing, and implementing marketing, advertising, and informational programs relating to
alternative fuels to make alternative fuels more understandable and readily available to consumers;
(3) developing and implementing conservation and distribution plans to minimize the frequency and severity of
disruptions in the supply of alternative fuels;
(4) developing a public information plan that will provide advisory services relating to alternative fuels to
(5) developing voluntary participation plans to promote the use of alternative fuels by federal, state, and local
(6) implementing consumer incentive or rebate programs developed pursuant to Section 113.2435 of this
(7) other functions the commission determines are necessary to add a program established by the commission for
the purpose of promoting the use of LPG or other environmentally beneficial alternative fuels; and
(8) the administrative costs incurred by the commission under this subchapter.
(d) If a specific fee, royalty, gift, grant, other thing of value, or other assistance is designated for or collected from
discrete components of the alternative fuels industry, the fee, royalty, gift, grant, other thing of value, or other assistance
shall be deposited in a separate account in the fund.
(e) The commission may apply for, request, solicit, contract for, receive, and accept gifts, grants, and other assistance
from any source for the purposes of this subchapter. Money received under this subsection shall be deposited in a
separate account in the fund as provided in Subsection (d) of this section.
(f) The commission may:
(1) apply for, register, secure, hold, and protect under the laws of a state, the United States, or a foreign country a
patent, copyright, trademark, or other evidence of protection or exclusivity issued for an idea, publication, or other
original innovation fixed in a tangible medium, including:

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(A) a logo;

(B) a service mark;

(C) a study;

(D) an engineering, architectural, or graphic design;

(E) a manual;

(F) automated systems software;

(G) an audiovisual work; or

(H) a sound recording;

(2) enter into a license agreement with a third party in return for a fee, royalty, or other thing of value; and

(3) waive or reduce the amount of a fee, royalty, or other thing of value to be assessed if the commission determines
that the waiver will:
(A) further the goals and missions of the commissions division responsible for alternative fuels research and
education; and

(B) result in a net benefit to the state.

(g) Money received under Subsection (f) shall be deposited in a separate account in the fund as provided by Subsection
(d), except that any money received by the commission from the items described by Subsections (f)(1)(E)-(H) shall be
deposited in the general revenue fund.

113.2435 Consumer Incentive or Rebate Programs

(a) The commission may establish consumer rebate programs for purchasers of appliances and equipment fueled by
LPG or other environmentally beneficial alternative fuels for the purpose of achieving energy conservation and efficiency
and improving the quality of air in this state.
(b) The commission may adopt rules necessary to establish a program under this section.
(c) Rules adopted and promulgated by the commission under this section shall specify the following:
(1) rebate levels for various types of equipment such that the rebates achieve an amount of public good comparable
to the rebate amount;
(2) a condition that the recipient agree to practice environmentally sound operating principles;
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(3) a condition that the rebate recipient agree to not modify the equipment for a specified number of years as set by
the commission;
(4) any other conditions or restrictions determined by the commission that would help ensure that either of the
desired goals of achieving energy conservation and efficiency or improving air quality in this state is furthered;
(5) a limitation on the proportion of the fund usable for the rebate program that limits the proportion usable to not
more than 50 percent of the funds available; and
(6) that the name or seal of the commission shall not be used on any advertising that promotes the propane water
heater rebate program.
(d) Notwithstanding Subsection (c)(5), the commission shall make available for rebates during a fiscal year the entire
amount of money made available for rebates during the preceding fiscal year that was not spent during the preceding
fiscal year. The amount of money made available for rebates during the preceding fiscal year that was not spent during
the preceding fiscal year is not counted in determining the limitation on the proportion of the fund usable for the rebate
program during a fiscal year.

113.244 Fee on Delivery of LPG

(a) A fee is imposed on odorized LPG delivered into any means of conveyance to be sold and placed into commerce.
Except as provided by Subsection (e), the fee is in an amount determined as follows:

(1) $7.50 for each delivery into a cargo tank having a capacity of less than 1,500 gallons;

(2) $9 for each delivery into a cargo tank having a capacity of 1,500 gallons or more but less than 1,800 gallons;

(3) $10 for each delivery into a cargo tank having a capacity of 1,800 gallons or more but less than 2,000 gallons;

(4) $12.50 for each delivery into a cargo tank having a capacity of 2,000 gallons or more but less than 2,500 gallons;

(5) $13.50 for each delivery into a cargo tank having a capacity of 2,500 gallons or more but less than 2,700 gallons;

(6) $25 for each delivery into a cargo tank having a capacity of 2,700 gallons or more but less than 5,000 gallons;

(7) $37.50 for each delivery into a cargo tank having a capacity of 5,000 gallons or more but less than 8,000 gallons;

(8) $50 for each delivery into a cargo tank having a capacity of 8,000 gallons or more but less than 12,000 gallons;
(9) $25 for each increment of 5,000 gallons or any part of 5,000 gallons delivered into a cargo tank having a capacity
of 12,000 gallons or more.

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(b) The owner of LPG at the time of odorization or at the time of import of odorized LPG shall pay the fee based on the
net amount of odorized LPG sold and placed into commerce. The fee shall be collected and remitted to the commission
as provided by Section 113.245 by the person who odorizes the LPG or imports odorized LPG.
(c) Time of import means the time of entry into this state from another state or from outside the United States.
(d) The fee does not apply to a delivery of odorized LPG destined for export from the United States or this state if the
LPG is in continuous movement to a destination outside the United States or this state. As to LPG exported from this
state, and notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a delivery fee may be levied and collected under this
section only if required to be levied and collected by implementation of the Propane Education and Research Act of 1996
(15 U.S.C. Section 6401 et seq.).
(e) If the commission is party to an agreement with another states propane education and research program under
Section 113.246(c), the fee on LPG destined for export to that state and in continuous movement to a destination in that
state shall be assessed at the rate in effect in that state.
(f) The commission may transfer fees collected under Subsection (e) to the agency or organization in the other state
that is party to the commissions agreement with that state.

113.245 Report and Remission of Fees

(a) Each person responsible for collecting and remitting a fee on a delivery of LPG shall, on or before the 25th day of
the month following the end of each calendar month, file a report with the commission and remit the amount of fees
required to be collected or paid during the preceding month.
(b) Each person responsible for collecting and remitting a fee on a delivery of LPG or the persons representative shall
prepare the report required under Subsection (a) of this section on a form provided or approved by the commission.

113.246 Rules Regarding Fees; Agreements With Other States

(a) The commission shall adopt rules necessary for the administration, collection, reporting, and payment of the fees
payable or collected under this subchapter and the Propane Education and Research Act of 1996 (15 U.S.C. Section 6401
et seq.) or other applicable federal law.
(b) The rebate program provided in Section 113.2435 shall be funded by 50 percent of the total delivery fees collected
under Section 113.244. Administrative costs for the Alternative Fuels Research and Education Division program may
not exceed 25 percent of the total delivery fees collected. The remainder of the total delivery fees collected may be
expended at the discretion of the commission.
(c) The commission may enter into an agreement with an agency of or an organization in another state and with the
national Propane Education and Research Council to coordinate the administration, collection, reporting, and payment
of the fees payable or collected under the Propane Education and Research Act of 1996 (15 U.S.C. Section 6401 et seq.)
or other applicable federal law.

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(d) The commission may enter into an agreement with an agency of or an organization in another state to coordinate
the administration, collection, reporting, and payment of the fees payable or collected under this subchapter and the
other states propane education and research program created by that states law or rule.
(e) An agreement executed under Subsection (c) or (d) may include reporting, auditing, collecting, apportioning, and
remitting fees and assessments payable or collected under this subchapter, the Propane Education and Research Act
of 1996 (15 U.S.C. Section 6401 et seq.) or other applicable federal law, and the other states propane education and
research program. The commission may adopt rules necessary to implement the agreements authorized by this section.
(f) None of the funds payable or collected under or by the authority of the Propane Education and Research Act of 1996
(15 U.S.C. Section 6401 et seq.) may be spent on the promotion or marketing of propane for use in on-the-road vehicles.

113.247 Penalties Related to Report or Fees

(a) A person who fails to file a report as provided by this subchapter or who possesses a fee collected or payable
under this subchapter and who fails to remit the fee to the commission at the time and in the manner required by this
subchapter and rules of the commission shall pay a penalty of five percent of the amount of the fee due and payable. If
the person fails to file the report or pay the fee before the 30th day after the date on which the fee or report is due, the
person shall pay a penalty of an additional five percent of the amount of the fee due and payable.
(b) The commission may add a penalty of 75 percent of the amount of the fee or penalty due if failure to file the report
or pay the fee when it comes due is attributable to fraud or an intent to evade the application of this section or a rule
made under this subchapter.

113.248 Civil Penalty

A person forfeits to the state a civil penalty of not less than $25 nor more than $200 if the person:

(1) fails or refuses to comply with or violates this subchapter; or

(2) fails or refuses to comply with or violates a commission rule for administering or enforcing this subchapter.

113.249 Attorney General

The attorney general, at the request of the commission, may sue in a court of competent jurisdiction to collect any fee or
penalty due under this subchapter.

113.250 Criminal Penalty

(a) A person commits an offense if the person makes and delivers to the commission a report required under this
subchapter to be made and delivered to the commission, if the report contains false information. An offense under this
subsection is a felony of the third degree.
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(b) The court may not fine a corporation or association under Section 12.51(c), Penal Code, unless the amount of the
fine under that subsection is greater than the amount that could be fixed by the court under Section 12.51(b), Penal
(c) In addition to a sentence imposed on a corporation, the court shall give notice of the conviction to the attorney
general as required by Article 17A.09, Code of Criminal Procedure.

Subchapter J - Alternative Fuels Council

113.281 Definition
In this subchapter, council means the Alternative Fuels Council.

113.282 Alternative Fuels Council

The Alternative Fuels Council is an agency of the state.

113.283 Composition
(a) The council is composed of the following individuals:

(1) the commissioner of the General Land Office;

(2) the members of the Railroad Commission of Texas;

(3) the comptroller; and

(4) the chairman of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.

(b) A member may designate an individual from the state agency the member represents to serve in place of the
(c) The initial chairman of the council shall be the commissioner of the General Land Office or a person designated
by the commissioner. Chairmanship of the council shall rotate annually between the commissioner of the General
Land Office and the chairman of the Railroad Commission of Texas or individuals designated by those members under
Subsection (b) of this section.

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113.284 Alternative Fuels Program

(a) The council shall coordinate a comprehensive program to be carried out by state agencies in support of the use of
environmentally beneficial alternative fuels.
(b) In developing a program under this section, the council may adopt rules necessary to achieve the purposes of this

113.285 Legislative Findings

(a) The legislature finds that this subchapter serves the public purposes of:

(1) development and diversification of the economy of the state;

(2) elimination of unemployment or underemployment in the state; and

(3) development or expansion of transportation or commerce in the state.

(b) The enumeration of public purposes in Subsection (a) of this section is not intended to be a complete list of the
public purposes served by this subchapter and does not preclude a finding that this subchapter serves a public purpose
not enumerated in that subsection.

113.286 Alternative Fuels Conversion Fund

(a) The alternative fuels conversion fund is in the state treasury.
(b) To the extent permitted by federal law or regulations, the council may use the money in the fund only to:

(1) make loans or grants under this subchapter;

(2) finance activities supporting or encouraging the use of compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, liquefied
petroleum gas, methanol or methanol/gasoline blends of 85 percent or greater, ethanol or ethanol/gasoline blends of
85 percent or greater, or electricity; or

(3) pay the costs of administering this subchapter.

(c) The council may apply for, request, solicit, contract for, receive, and accept gifts, grants, and other assistance from
any source for the purposes of this subchapter.
(d) The council shall maintain a separate account in the fund for money received that is designated for the promotion
of a specific fuel or that is collected from a discrete component of the alternative fuels industry. The council may
use money in a separate account in the fund only to finance an activity that relates to the fuel for which the money is

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(e) The fund consists of:

(1) oil overcharge funds appropriated by the legislature;

(2) gifts, grants, and other assistance to the council or fund for the purpose of financing alternative fuels activities;

(3) other money designated by the legislature or the executive branch;

(4) payments of principal and interest on loans made under this subchapter; and

(5) interest earned on amounts in the fund.

113.287 Fuels Conversion Loan Program

(a) The council may make loans, grants, or other distributions to eligible borrowers to fund conversion or infrastructure
projects to promote the use of environmentally beneficial fuels or for other purposes, subject to applicable regulations or
approval of the United States Department of Energy.
(b) The council shall adopt rules necessary to administer the fuels conversion loan program.
(c) The council shall adopt rules under this section in accordance with applicable rules and regulations of the United
States Department of Energy.
(d) The council by rule shall determine which individuals and businesses are eligible for a loan, grant, or other
disbursement under this section. The rules shall provide for historically underutilized businesses, individuals with
low incomes, institutions of higher education, and health care facilities to be eligible for loans, grants, or other
disbursements to undertake conversion and infrastructure projects for fuels.
(e) A state agency, county, municipality, school district, or mass transit authority or department is eligible to receive
a loan, grant, or other disbursement under this subchapter to carry out an eligible conversion or infrastructure project
regarding LPG or another environmentally beneficial fuel to comply with fuel requirements provided by or by rules
adopted under:

(1) Subchapter A, Chapter 2158, Government Code; or

(2) Subchapter C, Chapter 2171, Government Code.

( f) The council may make a loan to finance the construction of an infrastructure refueling facility only if the facility is
to serve and be accessible to the general public to the extent practicable.

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113.288 Interest Amounts

(a) The council may loan money under this subchapter at no interest to a state agency, county, municipality, school
district, or mass transit authority or department.
(b) A loan to any other entity must bear interest at a rate that is not greater than the auction average rate quoted on a
bank discount basis for 26-week treasury bills issued by the United States as published by the federal reserve board for
the week preceding the week in which the interest rate is determined, plus two percent.

113.289 Term of Loan

A loan under this subchapter must be repaid not later than the fifth anniversary of the date the loan was issued.

113.290 Transfer of Vehicle or Other Property Converted With Loan

A borrower may not transfer to another person a vehicle or other property converted to alternative fuel use with the
proceeds of a loan under this subchapter unless before the transfer:
(1) the loan is fully repaid; or
(2) the alternative fuels equipment purchased, installed, or constructed with the loan proceeds is removed and
installed on another vehicle or other property owned by the person.

Subchapter K - Liability of License Holder

113.301 Limitation of Liability of Licensed Installer or Servicer
A person is not liable for damages caused solely by a malfunction or the installation, modification, or improper operation
of an LPG system that the person delivered for installation, installed, or serviced in a residential, commercial, or public
building or in a motor vehicle if:

(1) the person was licensed by the commission to perform the installation or service or was a registrant;

(2) the delivery, installation, or service was performed in compliance with the safety rules and standards adopted
by the commission;

(3) the person has no control over the operation or use of the LPG system;

(4) the person was not negligent; and

(5) the person did not supply a defective product which was a producing cause of harm.

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Subchapter L - Testing of LP-Gas Systems In School

113.351. Definitions
In this subchapter:

(1) School district means:

(A) an entity created under the laws of this state and accredited by the Texas Education Agency under
Subchapter D, Chapter 39, Education Code;

(B) a private elementary or secondary school, other than a school in a residence; or

(C) a state or regional school for the blind and visually impaired or the deaf under Chapter 30, Education

(2) Supplier means an individual or company that sells and delivers liquefied petroleum gas to a school district
facility. If more than one individual or company sells and delivers LP-gas to a facility of a school district, each individual
or company is a supplier for purposes of this subchapter.

113.352. Duty to Test for Leakage

(a) Each school district shall perform leakage tests for leakage on the LP-gas piping system in each school district
facility at least biennially. The tests must be performed before the beginning of the school year.
(b) The school district may perform the leakage tests on a two-year cycle under which the tests are performed for the
LP-gas piping systems of approximately one-half of the facilities each year.
(c) If a school district operates one or more school district facilities on a year-round calendar, the leakage test in each
of those facilities must be conducted and reported not later than July 1 of the year in which the test is performed.
(d) A test performed under a municipal code satisfies the pressure testing requirements prescribed by this section.

113.353. Requirements of Test

(a) The school district shall perform the leakage test to determine whether the LP-gas piping system holds at least the
amount of pressure specified by the commission.
(b) The leakage test must be conducted in accordance with commission rules.
(c) At the request of a school district, the commission shall assist the district in providing for the certification of an
employee of the school district or school, as applicable, to conduct the test and in developing a procedure for conducting
the test.
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113.354. Notice of Test

(a) A school district shall retain documentation specifying the date and the result of each leakage test or other inspection of each
LP-gas piping system until at least the fifth anniversary of the date the test or other inspection was performed.
(b) Before the introduction of any LP-gas into the LP-gas piping system, the school district shall provide verification to the
districts supplier that the piping has been tested in accordance with this subchapter.
(c) The commission may review a school districts documentation of each leakage test or other inspection conducted by the school

113.355. Termination of Service

A supplier shall terminate service to a school district facility if:
(1) the supplier receives official notification from the firm or individual conducting the test of a hazardous leakage in the facility
LP-gas piping system; or
(2) a test at the facility is not performed as required by this subchapter.

113.356 Report to Board of Trustees

An identified LP-gas leakage in a school district facility shall be reported to the board of trustees of the district in which the facility
is located.

113.357 Enforcement
The commission shall enforce this subchapter.

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113.401 Notice Required
(a) A person holding a license to install or repair an LPG system who sells, installs, or repairs an LPG system, piping
or other equipment that is part of a system, or an appliance that is connected or attached to a system shall provide the
following notice to the purchaser or owner of the system, piping or other equipment, or appliance:
WARNING: Flammable Gas. The installation, modification, or repair of an LPG system by a person who is not
licensed or registered to install, modify, or repair an LPG system may cause injury, harm, or loss. Contact a person
licensed or registered to install, modify, or repair an LPG system. A person licensed to install or repair an LPG
system may not be liable for damages caused by the modification of an LPG system by an unlicensed person except
as otherwise provided by applicable law.
(b) The commission shall adopt rules relating to the notice required by Subsection (a).

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