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Location Report

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The document discusses the locations and cinematography plans for a 2 minute short film extract in the action/adventure genre. Four outdoor locations in Fairlop Field will be used with different shots and editing techniques employed in each.

Four outdoor locations in Fairlop Field will be used - Fairlop Field Forest Atmosphere, Fairlop Field Bridleway, Fairlop Field Bridleway Continued, and Fairlop Field Exit to open field.

Location 1 will use close-ups, POV shots and shot-reverse-shot. Location 2 will use tracking shots, high angles and continuous editing. Location 3 will use extreme long shots, long shots and cut editing. Location 4 will use point-of-view shots, over the shoulder shots and fast-paced editing.



For my A/S level film studies project portfolio, I will be producing a location report for
my creative artefact based upon my textual analysis of how the protagonists are
represented in Skyfall and The Bourne Ultimatum, so I have based my creative
artefact having similar narratives to the film. I have used the same theories that have
been obeyed on the films I was analysing too.
Using this report, my intention is to create a two minutes short film extract in the
action/adventure genre. So to support my filming and location ideas here I have
shown four pictures of my full filming locations. The film piece I will be producing is
fully filmed outdoor and does not consist of any indoor filming. Throughout the whole
of my film sequence I have decided to use non-diegetic music mostly, as my film
needed to fit an action/adventure genre.
Location 1 Fairlop Field Forest Atmosphere

My opening location is in a forest typed atmosphere, situated at the north of the

Fairlop golf course. I will be using many different type of cinematographys on this
location but to begin I will open my scene with a close up shot of DAVE (Michael
Douglas) standing behind a tree mumbling to himself and the scene cuts to a POV
shot of where the protagonist sees a tall dark figure walking behind the trees, then
the scene cuts back to where Dave relaxes and rests his back on the tree but all of a
sudden a gunshot rings out and Dave lies down flat on the ground. For all these
scenes I have decided to use the camera positioning close to Dave, as he would be
the main character revolving around that scene. The editing technique I will be using
here is shot-reverse-shot and Cut as it would structure and illustrate the scene better
to my audience. The muddy path and the trees represent the action/adventure genre
as this location makes my more tense because of the trees and places to hide.

Manjayan Senthilkumar 8203

Location 2 Fairlop Field Bridleway

For my second scene, I thought this location would be suitable because this is a very
quite location and represents my film genre. The low-key lighting and the forest
typed atmosphere also represent the action/adventure genre because on the film
Skyfall, which I analyzed for my textual analysis, had locations with dark lighting. For
this scene I have decided to use a tracking shot of the masked character walking
towards the source of Daves voice as this makes the scene clearer to my audience
because the cinematography tells them where the character is walking too. I also
decided to use a high angle shot here because to show the antagonists costume as
this Mise-en-scene element is very important because to illustrate to the audience of
how the protagonist is and who the antagonist is, the protagonist is always wearing
bright coloured clothes compared to the antagonists dark clothing. The type of nondiegetic music I will be using here is Action Thriller genre music, as this would raise
the tension in the audience whilst the scene is happening. The type of editing I will
be using on this scene is continuous editing which would make the scene look more
natural and would not show any elements of editing to the audience watching my
creative artefact.

Manjayan Senthilkumar 8203

Location 3 Fairlop Field Bridleway Continued

For my third scene, of the protagonist running to hide somewhere else, I have
decided to use this location because the atmosphere in this location has a muddy
path which helps me with my mise-en-scene as my film sequence contains action
throughout the whole film this location makes a remark on it. On this location will be
action of the protagonist running away from his first hiding first place as he hears a
gunshot ring outs. To explain this action to my audience on this scene I will be using
an extreme long shot here to show the body language of the character. I would also
be using a long shot here to explain to the audience of the action going on. The first
type of editing I intended to use on this scene was fade over but after looking at
some action adventure films I acknowledged that the fade editing would not be
suitable for the sequence, so I have decided to use cut editing to progress onto the
other shot. The non-diegetic music I will be using on this scene is going to be
continued from my last scene as I have decided to keep the background music
constant throughout my whole sequence. But on the other hand I have decided to
keep a little of ambient sound under -6DB because to make the scene look more
realistic and also explain to my audience of the action e.g. when he sprints away you
could hear his footsteps and crumpling of the dry leaves.

Manjayan Senthilkumar 8203

Location 4 Fairlop Field Exit to open field

This is the final location for my film sequence, I have decided to choose this location
because as the scene contains the action of the protagonist getting smacked by the
antagonist, to explain this action to my audience I have decided to use a point of
view shot and over the shoulder shot as these shots would show the action clearly.
The point of view shot is efficient there because to make the scene tenser, I will be
showing the action of the antagonist bringing his weapon out to hit the protagonist
through a first person view. I decided to use the over the shoulder shot from my
antagonists view because then it shows my audience the first person view from both
of my characters. The type of non diegetic music I will be adding on to this scene
would be carrying from my last scene but I have decided to add a drop on the
background music here because this scene contains the action of the antagonist
hitting the protagonist with a weapon so the use to sudden music beat drop tense the
scene more. The type of editing I will be using in this scene would be fast paced
editing as this make the scene tenser by adding different type of shots into a short

Manjayan Senthilkumar 8203

Manjayan Senthilkumar 8203

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