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Lesson 1: About Public Relations

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Lesson 1

About Public Relations

Learning Objectives:

Should be able to understand the basics of PR.

2 History of PR.

Definitions of various terms important from PR point of view.

Most of us have vague concept or idea of Public Relations. Can any of you tell me what
do you understand by the term PR.
All right I have to ask you all, what are you studying? Or if you have to ask somebody
how do they earn their livelihood? What according to you would be the answer? We all
would have a problem in answering because it gets difficult to put in words exactly what
we are studying and how do we earn our livelihood. Many times it gets difficult to
answer even the simplest of communication. Now, in the recent past this subject has
facilitated all of us to understand how to answer these questions. Do we mean that all of
us have to study PR else we cannot answer the questions. Probably yes. So we first need
to understand what PR is all about.
The formal practice of what today is called public relations is less than 100 years old.
Yet during its relatively brief history, public relations have been defined in many widely
differing ways. Not surprisingly, the earliest definitions emphasized the roles of press a
gentry and publicity since these were major elements from which modern public relations
Later as public relations was recognized and employed by more organizations, definitions
began to include:
1 the need for research prior to initiating actions, careful planning and thorough
evaluation or measurement of results.
2 a continuing, systematic process instead of a one-time or single activity.
3 multiple audiences or publics.
4 its role as an essential function of management.
5 public participation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration and accommodation as
important tools.

the need, in most instances, for long-term commitment

. Many of these definitions were quite lengthy, so much so that they tended more to
describe what public relations does than what it is. In 1988, in an attempt to solve this
dilemma the governing body of the Public Relations Society of America -its Assembly formally adopted a definition of public relations which has become most accepted and
widely used:
"Public relations helps an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other."
In this definition, the essential functions of research, planning, communications dialogue
and evaluation are implied. Key words are "organization" rather than the limiting
implication of "company" or "business", and "publics" which recognizes that all
organizations have multiple publics from which they must earn consent and support
Purpose & Philosophy of PR:
To understand the purpose and philosophy of PR, it is important that we understand what
PR is?
Public Relations practice is deliberate, planned, sustained effort. To establish and
maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its public.IPR.
Now, in the above definitions there are several key words worth noting: planned, and
sustained, suggests these relationships are not automatic or effortless. Indeed they have
to be established and maintained. The key word is: understanding. Many think PR is
just about promoting an organization; whereas most PR work involves ensuring publics
have an accurate view of the organization even if they dont like what it does.
The word publics goes beyond just the public but different groups of people- not just
consumers, but suppliers, employees, trustees, members, local and national trade,
political bodies, local residents. One of the key concepts of PR is that these groups or
publics have different information needs and exert different demands on organizations.
Understanding these differences is vital skill of PR.
Publicity is non personal stimulation of demand for product/service or business unit by
planting commercially significant news about it in a published medium or obtaining
favourable presentations of it on radio, television or stage that is not paid for by the
sponsor. - Philip Kotler- relegated it to mere publicity and diverted it to one of the Ps of
marketing- the P for promotion.
Public relations is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their
consequences, counseling organization leaders and implementing planned programes of
action which will serve both the organizations and public interest.-the Mexican statement.
That is, in 1978 world assembly of public relations associations held in Mexico agreed on
The word art and social science are helpful in explaining the continuing tension between
understanding pr as a measurable, science based application of communication tools and

affection of many practitioners for the looser ,more creative aspects of the works. In US
the social science elements dominate the understanding of pr .in uk it largely considered a
management function.
Philip kitchen (1997) summarizes the definition as suggesting that public relations
Is a management function?
Covers a broad range of activities and purposes in practice
Is regarded as two ways of interactive, suggests that public facing companies are not
Suggests that relationships are long term rather than short term.
IPR has extended definition realistically to:
Public relations practice is the discipline concerned with the reputation of organizing
products and services or individuals with the aim of earning understanding and support
PR must be
Very clear about purpose
With well defined objectives, PR can be economical in achieving specific results.
The philosophy must be clear too.
1 To build up mutual understandings and good relations.
2 To inform the public through different media.
3 How to employ the objectives.
4 To create a public opinion.
5 To win the publics.
6 To build up a good image of organization.
7 To help the company in informing the public about good work done by the
8 To inform the public about the activities achievement outstanding performances of
the organization to the publication through n/p and other media.
9 To advise the management about what the public thinks about the company ie to
provide the management with necessary feedback.
10 To publish the launchings of a new product or services.
11 To establish and maintain cordial relation with the press and other media for avoiding
adverse criticism.
12 To maintain good relations with the government both state and central and the
community in adverse criticism
13 To mould public opinion in favour of the organization.
14 To change the attitudes of the various groups og public in favour of the organization
and its products of servicing.
15 To arrange effective and timely publicity of the performance and the policies of the
16 To establish and maintain mutual understanding and cordial relations between the
organization and its internal publics i.e. employees.


This is clearly demonstrated in the PR transfer process
The pr transfer process
Negative emotions------positive emotions
Much of the problem solving in pr: involves the conversion of these negative -----positive
This model epitomizes the crucial situation in which pr has to operate, first having
established the extent and nature of negative emotions.
The purpose of pr is to convert a bad situation to a better one.
Take each state and understand what it means
Most organizations have to contend with some degree of hostility at some point of time
or the other. this is a fact about public services that they cannot please all people all the
time .in commercial world people at different times for different reasons may be hostile
to their services .The PR task here is to present facts in order to be understood. People
may not love you. But with understanding you can sympathise be tolerant. Research may
identify cause, misinformation, knack of information or information from the rival
sources. If hostility is unjustified a good informative PR program can reverse the
situation. Opinion leaders can do damage to the organization. Research may identify
grounds of hostility- misinformation, false information from the rivals.
Overcoming prejudice may be difficult.
It is seen that prejudices are often deep rooted and bound up in

Family upbringing
Political, or religious background
Nationality or ethnic group.

There can be `prejudice about colors, shapes- these can very well affect products. And
consumer acceptance levels. Sometimes prejudice can seem petty immature. Prejudice
can be overcome through understanding.
Post-war prejudice and hostility to Japan has been overcome today- through the passage
of time.
Hence the popularity of Japanese cars in Asia today and abroad. There was prejudice
about airships that Airships Industries had to encounter after a number of air disasters.
Eg: Sahara Airlines, Indian Airlines.
Apathy can be defines as: a dreadful negative state.
Apathy in fact, is understandable, people wrapped up in own affairs, that they often resist
new ideas.
Apathy- a kind of protective conservatism- it is in peoples interest to be aware about
beneficial products/services. Local authorities have to fight apathy- to get people to enjoy
rights, services, facilities to which they are entitled.
Apathy made it necessary for use of seats belts in cars; it is legal and compulsory in many
parts of the country. In the changing times today, apathy is often to do with lifestyles &
older age groups. People do not want to change. This is very true in the developing
countries. Ministries often use PR to affect social changes. Which also call for
revolutionary change in the lifestyle.
The world has become really complex, and we are inevitably ignorant about many things.
With the introduction of new products, advertising alone will not break barriers of
ignorance & informative, educational PR is essential. The market has to be prepared foe
new things. But the marketing world is not in love with market education- including trade
and consumers. It takes a great deal of effort to educate the consumers or masses on
some product services or a corporate image or reputation.
When PR is accepted as integral part of marketing mix, it can be great asset in
demolishing ignorance and to pave the way for successful advertising.
E.g.: Sony used PR a year before launching Compact Video Camera.
Also you could consider the voluminous Reliance Mobile Communication before it leads
to the actual launch which advocated Kar lo duniya mutthi mein
Advance knowledge can build interest, curiosity expectation and awareness and can be an
excellent prelude to product launch.

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