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Chapter-2 Drilling Fluids: Barite

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The key takeaways are that drilling fluid serves several important functions including removing cuttings from the borehole, controlling underground pressures, and lubricating and cooling the drill bit. It is a mixture of water, clay, and weighting materials like barite.

The main functions of drilling fluids are to remove cuttings from the borehole, cool and lubricate the drill bit, transmit power to drilling tools, support the borehole wall, contain formation fluids, support the weight of drill pipes and casings, and allow formation evaluation through logging.

Drilling fluid helps remove cuttings from the borehole through its jetting action at the bit nozzles which keeps the borehole face clear. It then lifts the cuttings to the surface through buoyancy effects and sufficient velocity/flow rate to overcome the cuttings sinking through gravity.


Drilling fluid -mud - is usually a mixture of water, clay, weighing material and
a few chemicals. Sometimes oil may be used instead of water, or oil added to the
water to give the mud certain desirable properties. Drilling fluid is used to raise
the cuttings made by the bit and lift them to the surface for disposal. But equally
important, it also provides a means of keeping underground pressures in check. The
heavier or denser the mud, is the more pressure it exerts. So weighing materials -

barite - are added to the mud to make it exert as much pressure as needed to
contain formation pressures. The equipment in the circulating system consists of a
large number of items. The mud pump takes in mud from the mud pits and sends it
out a discharge line to a standpipe. The standpipe is a steel pipe mounted vertically
on one leg of the mast or derrick. The mud is pumped up the standpipe and into a
flexible, very strong, reinforced rubber hose called the rotary hose or kelly hose.
The rotary hose is connected to the swivel. The mud enters the swivel the swivel:
goes down the kelly, drill pipe and drill collars and exist at the bit. It then does a
sharp U-turn and heads back up the hole in the annulus. The annulus is the space
between the outside of the drill string and wall of the hole. Finally the mud leaves
the hole through a steel pipe called the mud return line and falls over a vibrating,
screen like device called the shale shaker. Agitators installed on the mud pits help
maintain a uniform mixture of liquids and solids in the mud. If any fine silt or sand
is being drilled, then devices called desilters or desanders may be added. Another
auxiliary in the mud system is a device called degasser.

Functions of Drilling Fluids

In the early days of rotary drilling, the primary function of drilling fluids was
to bring the cuttings from the bottom of the hole to the surface. Today it is
recognized the drilling fluid has at least ten important functions:

A- Assists in making hole by:

1. Removal of cuttings
2. Cooling and lubrication of bit and drill string
3. Power transmission to bit nozzles or turbines

B- Assists in hole preservation by:

4. Support of bore hole wall
5. Containment of formation fluids

C-It also:
6. Supports the weight of pipe and casing
7. Serves as a medium for formation logging

D-It must not:

8. Corrode bit, drill string and casing and surface facilities
9. Impair productivity of producing horizon
10. Pollute the environment.

Removal of Cuttings
The removal of cuttings from the face of the well bore is still one of the
most important functions of drilling fluids. Fluid flowing from the bit nozzles
exerts a jetting action that keeps the face of the hole and edge of the bit clear of
cuttings. This insures longer bit life and greater efficiency in drilling.

The circulating fluid rising from the bottom of the well bore carries the
cuttings toward the surface. Under the influence of gravity the cuttings tend to
sink through the ascending fluid; but by circulating a sufficient volume of mud fast
enough to overcome this effect, the cuttings are brought to the surface. The
effectiveness of mud in removing the cuttings from the hole depends on several
Velocity is the rate at which mud circulates, and the annular velocity is an
important factor in transporting the cuttings to the surface. Annular velocities
between 30-60 m/min. are frequently used. Velocity is dependent upon pump

capacity, pump speed, bore hole size and drill pipe size. Calculations for annular
velocity are made as follows:
Annular Velocity (m/min) = [(Pump output (m3/min.) / Annular Volume (m3/m)]
Density is weight, per unit volume of mud and has a buoyant effect upon the
particles. Increasing mud density increases its carrying capacity both by buoyancy
and particles due to additional solids in interference.
Viscosity is significant in affecting the lifting power of mud. Viscosity
depends upon the concentration, quality, and dispersal of the suspended solids. In
the field it is measured as a timed rate of flow using a Marsh funnel. Viscosity is
also measured with the Fann viscometer. These instruments are valuable aids in
measuring the effectiveness of drilling mud controls, as shown by viscosity changes
in pilot tests.

Cooling and Lubrication

Considerable heat is generated by friction in the bit and where drill string is
in contact-with the formation or casing. There is little chance for this heat to be
conducted away by the formation; therefore, the circulating fluid must remove it.
The heat, having been transmitted from points of friction to the mud, is
transmitted to the atmosphere at the surface. Solids in the mud help to lubricate.
The application of conventional oil emulsion mud coupled with various emulsifying
agents increases this lubricity. This shows up in decreased torque, increased bit
life, reduced pump pressure, etc.

Wall Building
A good drilling fluid should deposit a good filter cake on the wall of the
hole to consolidate the formation and to retard the passage of fluid into the
formation. This property of the mud is improved by increasing the colloidal
fraction of the mud by adding bentonite and chemically treating the mud to
improve de-flocculation and solids distribution. In many cases it may be
necessary to add starch or other fluid loss control additives to reduce the fluid

Control of Sub-surface Pressures

The proper restraint of formation pressures depends upon density or weight
of the mud. Normal pressure gradient is equal to 0.105 bar/m of depth. This is the
pressure exerted by a column of formation water. Normally the weight of water
plus the solids picked up from drilling is sufficient to balance formation pressures.
However, at times abnormal pressure requires the addition of a higher specific

gravity material, such as barite, to increase the hydrostatic head of the mud
column. The density of mud is measured with a mud balance in g/cm3, lb/gal, lb/cu
ft or psi/1000 ft of depth. The hydrostatic pressure that a column of mud exerts
upon any point in the hole can be calculated as follows:
Hydrostatic pressure:

bar = (depth, m) x (mud weight, g/ml) x (0.1)

psi = (depth, ft) x (mud weight, lb/gal) x (0.052)
psi = (depth, ft) x (mud weight, lb/ft3) x (0.00695)

Suspending Cuttings and Sand and Releasing Them at the Surface

Good drilling fluids have properties that cause the solids particles being
carried to the surface to be held in suspension, due to a gel or thixotropy that
develops after circulation has stopped. Upon resumption of circulation, the mud
reverts to its fluid condition and these coarse particles, together with the sand are
carried to the surface. The sand tube and screen are used to measure the sand
content of the mud. A comparison of the sand content of samples taken at the flow
line and suction will tell whether or not the sand is being properly removed at the
surface or is being re-circulated through the system. High sand content of the flow
line discharge is to be expected if sandy formations are being drilled. Sand is
extremely abrasive and if it is being re-circulated through the system, pumps, and
fittings will be damaged. Regular tests for sand content should be made on the
mud, and the sand content not allowed to run over two percent at the pump suction.

Support of Weight of Drill Pipe and Casing

With increasing depths, the weight supported by the surface equipment
becomes increasingly important. Since a force equal to the weight of mud displaced
buoys up both the drill pipe and casing, an increase in mud density necessarily
results in a considerable reduction in total weight, which the surface equipment
must support. Equally, if the casing is not completely filled up during running, some
of the hook load is alleviated and the string can be "floated in".

Protection of Well Bore and Assurance of Maximum Hole Information

Optimum values of all the properties of drilling fluid are necessary to offer
maximum protection of the formation, yet sometimes these values must be
sacrificed to gain maximum knowledge of the formations penetrated. For example,
salt may upset mud and increase the fluid loss, yet it may be added to control the
resistivity in order to get the proper interpretation of an electric log. Again, oil
may improve the performance of mud and even the production of a well, but if it
interferes with the work of the geologist or ecologist, it may be forbidden for use
in the drilling fluid.

Transmit Hydraulic Horsepower to the Bit

The drilling fluid is the medium for transmitting available hydraulic
horsepower at the surface to bit-. Hydraulics should be considered when planning a
mud program. In general, this means that circulating rates should be such that
utilization of optimum power is used to clean the face of the hole ahead of the bit.
The flow properties of the mud, plastic viscosity and yield point, exert a
considerable influence upon hydraulics and should be controlled at their proper

Clays and Colloid Chemistry

Colloids are not a specific kind of matter. They are particles whose size falls
roughly between that of the smallest particles that can be seen with an optical
microscope and that of true molecules, but they may be of any substance. Colloidal
systems may be consist of solids dispersed in liquids, i.e., clay suspensions, liquid
droplets dispersed in liquids, i.e., emulsions, or solids dispersed in gases, i.e., smoke.
One characteristic of aqueous colloidal systems is that the particles are so small
that they are kept in suspension indefinitely by bombardment of water molecules, a
phenomenon known as Brownian motion. Another characteristic of colloidal systems
is that the particles are so small that properties like viscosity and sedimentation
velocity are controlled by surface phenomena.
Clay minerals which occur in all types of sediments and sedimentary rocks,
constitute the most abundant class of minerals in these rocks, comprising 40% of
all the minerals present. Clay minerals mostly belong to the group of silicates having
layer structures, but differ from most layer silicates by having hydrous nature.
Over 50% of the clay minerals in the earths crust are illites. The order of
relative abundance of clay minerals is as follows:
-Montmorillonite and mixed-layer illite-montmorillonite
-Chlorite and mixed-layer chlorite-montmorillonite
-Kaolinite and septechlorite
-Attapulgite, palygorskite and sepiolite
Most layer silicates are usually in microscopic size, also occur as
submicroscopic particles. Although initially water was used as the carrying fluid,
the advantages of using suspensions of clay-in-water became apparent as clay
minerals were inadvertently incorporated in the fluid as a result of drilling through

argillaceous strata. Subsequently, it became the usual practice to add surface clays
to water in order to prepare a mud for circulation. As the primary function of a
drilling fluid is to remove cuttings, a thick slurry facilitated this action as
compared to a liquid of low viscosity and devoid of shear strength, i.e., water. Also,
clay-in-water suspensions served to keep the formation fluids confined to their
respective formations during drilling operations.

Properties of Clay Minerals

Two characteristic physical properties of clay minerals are size and shape of
particles. The physicochemical properties of clays which are of great interest to
the petroleum engineers and petroleum geologists are:
-Base exchange capacity
-Adsorption and retention of water
-Deflocculation and flocculation

Swelling of clays
Some clays do not swell upon hydration, e.g., kaolinite clay exhibits little or no
swelling on hydration. Sodium-montmorillonite, on the other hand, swells in water to
many times its dry volume. Swelling properties of different clays are a function of
-Chemical composition
-The amount and types of exchangeable cations
In swelling due to hydration, there are two types of swelling; swelling due to the
expansion of the crystal lattice itself, and swelling due to the adsorption of water
on surface of the clays particles.

Flocculation and Deflocculation

Deflocculation is defined as the state of a dispersion in which solid particles
in a liquid remain geometrically independent and unassociated with adjacent
particles. In good drilling fluids, clay is in a state of deflocculation. Flocculation is
defined as the state of dispersion in which there is a formation of clusters of
particles separable by relatively weak mechanical forces. This may be caused by a
change in chemical composition of the dispersion neutralization of negative charges
on clay particles.
Clays Used in Drilling Fluids
The suitability of clays for use in drilling fluids may be determined by
-Yield, i.e., the number of barrels of mud of a given viscosity obtained from a ton of
clay in fresh water
-Suspension capacity in salt water
-Plastic viscosity
-Apparent viscosity
-Yield strength
Thixotropic properties, i.e., the difference in gel strength determined immediately
after agitation and after quiescence (usually 10 min)
-Wall building properties as measured by water loss through a filter paper
-Thickness of filter cake produced

Types of Drilling Fluids

Many types of drilling fluids are used in industry. Major categories include
air, water- and oil base fluids. Each has many subcategories based on purpose,
additives, or clay states.

Water Based Muds

Water based muds consist of four basic phases;
-Active colloidal solids
-Inert solids
Water is the continuous phase of any water-based mud. Primary function of
the continuous phase is to provide the initial viscosity which can be modified to
obtain any desirable rheological properties. The second function of the continuous
phase is to suspend the reactive colloidal solids, such as bentonite, inert solids,
such as barite. Water also acts as a medium for transferring the surface available
hydraulic horsepower to the bit on the bottom of the hole. Water is also a solution
medium for all conditioning chemicals which are added to the drilling fluid. In water
based muds, clay is added to increase density, viscosity, gel strength and yield
point, and to decrease fluid loss. Clays used in water based drilling fluids are mainly
in three groups:
-Montmorillonites (bentonite)
Chemicals used in water based muds can be grouped according to their functions

Types of Water Based Muds:

a) Clear Water: Fresh water and saturated brine can be used to drill hard
formations, compacted and near normally pressured formations. This mud is made
by pumping water down to the hole during drilling and letting it react with
formations containing clays or shales. The water dissolves the clays and returns to
the surface as mud. This mud is characterized by its high solids content and a high
filter loss resulting in a thick filter cake.

b) Calcium Muds: Calcium muds are superior to fresh water muds when drilling
massive sections of gypsum and anhydrite as they are susceptible to calcium
contamination. When calcium is added to a suspension of water and bentonite, the
calcium cations will replace the sodium cations on the clay plates. When calcium
mud comes into contact with shaly formations, the swelling of shale is greatly
reduced in the presence of calcium cations. The major advantage of calcium mud is
their ability to tolerate a high concentration of drilled solids without these
affecting the viscosity of mud. Calcium muds are classified according to the
percentage of soluble calcium in the mud.

1- Lime Mud which contains up to 120 ppm of soluble calcium and it is prepared by
mixing bentonite, lime [Ca(OH)2], thinner, caustic soda and filtration control agent.

2- Gyp Mud which contains up to 1200 ppm of soluble calcium. It is similar to lime
mud except that the lime is replaced by gypsum and they have higher temperature

c) Lignosulphonate Mud: This mud type is considered to be suitable when :

- high mud densities are required,
- working under moderately high temperatures
- high tolerance for contamination by drilled solids
- low filter loss is required.
This type of mud consists of fresh water or salt water, bentonite, ferrochrome
lignosulphonate, caustic soda, CMC or stabilized starch. It is not suitable for
drilling shale sections due to adsorption of water.

d) KCl / Polymer Mud: The basic components of KCl/polymer muds are:

-fresh water or sea water
-inhibiting polymer
-viscosity building polymer
-stabilized starch or CMC
-caustic soda
This mud is suitable for drilling shale sections due to its superior sloughinginhibition properties. It is also suitable for drilling potentially productive sands.
The advantages of this type of mud are:
- higher shear thinning
- high true yield strength
- improved bore hole stability
- good bit hydraulics and reduced circulating pressure losses.
The disadvantage is their instability at temperatures above 250 oF.

Oil Based Muds

Oil based muds has been defined as a system the continuous or external phase of
which is any suitable oil. At the present time, there are two mud systems the
external phase of which is oil, i.e., true oil muds and invert emulsion muds.
True oil mud systems consist of the following components:
-Suitable oil
-Calcium hydroxide
-Weighting materials
-Other chemical additives
Among all of these, only oil and asphalt are necessary for the proper functioning of
oil muds. The others are only used for the purpose of enhancing and stabilizing
rheological properties and plastering characteristics.
Different types of oils have been used as the continuous phase in oil muds. The
following commonly available oils have gained widespread acceptance;
-Lease crude oil
-Refined oils

The following specifications are used as guidelines for the selection of oil:
-Specific weight (API gravity) For viscosity purposes

-Aniline point A measure for the aromatic content of the oil

-Flash point It is the temperature at which oil vapor ignites upon passing flame
over the hot oil

-Fire point It is the temperature at which continuous fire is sustained over the oil
surface when flame is passed over it
Although presence of water is not required in oil muds, some water is
generally added to react with chemical additives in order to enhance the
rheological properties and plastering characteristics of oil. A number of bodying
agents have been used in oil muds to achieve the desired rheological and filtration
loss characteristics. Bodying agents can be classified into two groups:
-Colloidal size materials
-High molecular weight metal soaps
Asphalts which are colloidal-size organophilic materials are used in oil mud have to
impart required properties and control fluid loss, mainly through their absorptive
characteristics. Asphalt work with the same principle as clays in water-based muds.
Heavy metal soaps of fatty acids (emulsifiers) are added to the oil muds in order
to emulsify the water in oil. The functions of emulsifiers in oil muds are as follows:
-Imparting weak gel strength to oil muds because gel strength is necessary for
suspension of weighting materials,
-Emulsification of any water picked up during drilling operation,










contamination, thus, controlling fluid loss

Aerated Muds
Interest in under balanced drilling is increasing worldwide. In under balanced
drilling operations, pressure of the drilling fluid in the borehole is intentionally
maintained below the formation pore fluid pressure, in the open hole section of the
well. As a result formation fluids flow into the well when a permeable formation is

penetrated during under balanced drilling. Usually, aerated fluids are used in under
balanced drilling operations. Most frequently used aerated fluids are air-liquid
mixtures, foams, mist and gas.
Selection of Drilling Fluids
Selection of the best fluid to meet anticipated conditions will minimize well
costs and reduce the risk of catastrophes such as stuck drill pipe, loss of
circulation, gas kick, etc. Consideration must also be given to obtain adequate
formation evaluation and maximum productivity. Some important considerations
affecting the choice of muds to meet specific conditions are presented as follows:

-Location : The availability of supplies must be considered, i.e., in an offshore well,

the possibility of using salt water should be considered.

-Mud-making shales : Thick shale sections containing dispersible clays cause a rapid
rise in viscosity as cuttings become incorporated in the mud. When the mud is unweighted, it is easy to reduce the excessive viscosity, however, when the mud is
weighted, costly chemicals such as barite should be used to restore the mud

-Pressured formations : The density of the mud should be adjusted as pressurized

formations are to be drilled. However, high density muds increase the cost of
drilling and have risks of stuck pipe, loss circulation, etc.

-High temperature : Most of the mud additives degrade with time and elevated
temperatures, which are higher than degradation temperature. Special additives
must be used to make mud resistive to high temperatures.

-Hole instability : Two basic forms of hole instability are hole contraction and hole
enlargement. If the lateral earth stresses bearing on the walls of the hole exceed
the yield strength of the formation, hole slowly contracts. He density of the mud

should be high enough to resist contracting. Hole enlargement occurs at watersensitive shale zones. Shale stabilizers should be used to prevent hole enlargement.

-Rock salt : To prevent the salt from dissolving and consequently enlarging the hole,
either an oil base mud or a saturated brine must be used.

-Hole inclination : In highly deviated holes, torque and drag are a problem because
the pipe lies against the low side of the hole and the risk of pipe stuck is high.
Proper muds should be selected to prevent such problems, and keep cutting to be
removed from the well properly.

Formation evaluation : The selected mud should be suitable for logging tools, MWD,
Productivity impairment : Solids control or density adjustments should be
considered properly to keep the formations non-damaged or blocked.

Field Tests on Drilling Fluids Properties

It is necessary to perform certain tests to determine if the mud is in proper
condition to perform the functions previously discussed. The frequency of these
tests will vary in particular areas depending upon conditions. A standard API form
should be provided for reporting the results of these tests:

Density or mud weight: Report in g/ml or in lb/gal, lb/cu ft, or psi/1000 ft of

depth. Instrument should be calibrated once a day when weight is critical.

Viscosity: The Marsh funnel viscosity is used for routine field measurement.
Report viscosity in seconds per quart. Plastic viscosity (cP) and Yield Point
(lb/100 sq ft) are measured with the Fann viscometer.

Gel strength: Report as lb/100 sq ft.

Fluid loss: Report cc of filtrate at the end of thirty minutes, measure and

record cake thickness in mm.

pH: Measure with p-Hydrion paper or pH meter.

Sand content: Report as percent by volume.
Salt content: Report as ppm chloride, or ppm sodium chloride.
Retort Analysis: Determine the liquid and solid content of a drilling fluid. (percent
by volume)
Other tests which may enter into the evaluation of a mud system are as
follows: Apparent viscosity,Pf, Pm, lime content, ppm calcium (hardness), percent
solids by volume, temperature, resistivity, etc. The API has recommended standard
methods of conducting these tests, and detailed procedures may be found in their
publication, "Recommended Practice on Standard Field Procedure for Testing
Drilling Fluids". (API RP 13B).

Rheological Properties:
Determine viscometer readings to calculate the following for a drilling or
completion/ work over fluid: Plastic Viscosity (PV, cp); Yield Point (YP, lbf/100 ft2);
Gel Strength - Max. dial reading at 3 rpm- (Tau, lbf/100 ft2); Apparent viscosity
(AV, cp); Consistency index (K, lbf/secn/cm2); Yield stress (YS, lbf/100 ft2); Flow
index (n, unit-less)
PV = 600 - 300
YP = 600 - PV
AV = 600 / 2
n = 3.32 log (600 / 300)
K = 300 / (511n)
Gel strength = Max. dial reading at 3 rpm

Given the following well data, determine PV, YP, AV, n and K.
600 = 36
300 = 24
PV = 36 -24 = 12 cP
YP = 24 12 = 12 lbf/100 ft2
AV = 600 / 2 = 36 / 2 = 18 cP
n = 3.32 log (600 / 300) = 3.32 log (36/24) = 0.5846
K = 300 / (511n) = 24 / 5110.5846 = 0.626
Drilling Fluid Additives
There are fundamental aspects that have to be controlled in order to have an
effectively and successfully purposing drilling fluid. These aspects can be
categorized as:
-Viscosity Control
-Fluid Loss Control
-Weight Control
-Corrosion Control

Viscosity Control
Viscosifiers :Many different products are classified as viscosifiers. Bentonite,
attapulgite clays, subbentonites and polymers are most widely used viscosity
builders. Bentonite, attapulgite clays and sub-bentonites all form colloidal
suspensions in water. They increase viscosity, yield point and gel-strength by intersurface friction and by

chemically binding-water. Polymers are multi-purpose

additives that may simultaneously modify viscosity, control filtration properties,

stabilize shales and create or prevent clay flocculation.

Thinners : Mud thinners or dispersants reduce viscosity by breaking the

attachment of clay plates through the edges and faces. The thinners absorb to the
clay plates, thus disturbing attractive forces between the sheets. Thinners are
added to a mud to reduce viscosity, gel strength and yield point. Most thinners can
be classified as organic materials or as inorganic complex phosphates. Organic
thinners include lignosulfonates, lignins and tannins. Inorganic thinners include
sodium acid pyrophosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, sodium tetraphosphate and
sodium hexametaphosphate. Organic thinners are good for higher temperatures.

Phosphates :
-Useful as effective thinners in most bentonite water-based muds at shallow
-Small amounts of thinner are very effective at temperatures less than 130F
-pH is around 5, so caustic soda or some other hydroxyl ion containing additive is
required to maintain pH above 7.0,
-They have very low temperature stability,
-They have no fluid loss ability,
-At relatively low temperatures, they revert to orthophosphates, which severly
flocculates clays and increase viscosities and gel strengths,

Lignites :
-They have a temperature stability of 400F,
-They are organic thinners serving both as dispersants and as fluid loss control
agents due to their colloidal structure,

-They are not suitable for high-salt content fluids due to the insolubility of lignite
in salt,
-They may cause disintegration of active solids,

Tannins :
-They are dual-purpose materials serving as dispersants and fluid loss control
-They are effective in thinning lime muds and cement contaminated muds,

Lignosulfonates :
-They are effective for lime muds,
-They are effective as general purpose thinners due to the heavy metal-ions
-They have temperature stability in the range of 300F to 350F,
-They are dual-purpose additives serving as both dispersants and fluid loss
-They may cause disintegration,

Fluid Loss Additives

The reasons for fluid loss control are:
-To maintain hole integrity,
-To protect water sensitive shales,
-To minimize hole washout to achieve better casing cement jobs,
-To reduce fluid loss to productive formation and to minimize formation damage,
-To reduce log analysis problems,

Bentonite :
-A multipurpose additive that aids in fluid loss control, barite suspension, viscosity
generator for hole cleaning purposes,

-It is not suitable for use in environments high in concentration of sodium, calcium
or potassium without pre-hydration,
-It may contaminate formations such as salt or anhydrite,
-Slurries are susceptible to the effect of high temperature gelation which could
cause an increase in the fluid loss,

Starch :
-They work well as fluid-loss agents in the presence of low soluble calcium or sodium
-They are suitable for salt-water or gyp muds,
-An increase in viscosity is observed when it is used,
-A bactericide must be used to prevent digradation and fermantation,
-It degrades at temperatures over 200F,

-It is active in low to moderate contaminating-concentrations, which makes it
suitable for use in inhibited muds,
-It has a temperature stability up to 400F,
-A thinner may be necessary to counteract the viscosity effects of the additive,
-It may cause a thinning effect in some salt muds

Cypan :
-It can be used successfully in high-temperature regions due to its stability up to

-It is highly sensitive of calcium ion contamination,

-It may cause dynamic filtration
XC Polymer :
-It builds viscosity,

-It increases gel structure,

-It has low viscosity at high shear rates,
-It has high viscosity at low shear rates,
-Suspends barite,

Lignites and Tannins :

-They have good temperature stability in the range of 300F to 350F,
-They have colloidal structure that aids in fluid-loss control,
-The dual action of fluid loss control and dispersing tendencies makes these
products suitable for single-product usage in some cases,
-They are susceptible to calcium-ion contamination and subsequent mud flocculation
due to sequestering nature of the additive,

Weighting Materials
They are substances with high specific gravity which can be added to the mud to
increase its density, usually to control formation pressure. Barite is by far the
most common weighting material used in drilling fluids. It has an API defined
specific gravity of 4.2, which makes it possible to increase mud weight up to 21 ppg.
It is cheap and readily available. However, suspension of barite requires high gel
strength and viscosity. Hematite is sometimes used depending on the availability.
Calcium Carbonate is an additive used in drilling muds, workover fluids and packer
fluids to increase the fluid density. It has a specific gravity of 2.7, therefore, the
fluid density can be increased up tp 12 ppg. It is more economical than other
agents, and can be suspended easier than barite. Also it is acid soluble.
Lost Circulation Materials
-Fibous materials for seepage losses and in combination with other materials

-Flake materials for seepage losses

-Granular for losses in fractures
-Slurries that develop strength over time
pH Adjusters
Due to the acid pH of some mud additives and to the operating pH of some mud
systems, it may be necessary to add materials to increase the pH of the mud
system. The three most common pH adjusters are:
-Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)
-Potassium hydroxide
-Calcium hydroxide
They are corrosive, so additional care is required when used.

Mixture of drilling fluids

If two substances having different densities are mixed then the density of
the mixture is a function of the quantity and density of the components of the
mixture. This relationship can be expressed as follows:
V1D1 + V2D2 = (V1 + V2) (DR)
where,V1=Volume of the first substance; V2=Volume of the second substance;
D1=Density of the first substance; D2=Density of the second substance; DR =
Density of the resulting mixture.
Increasing the weight of drilling mud with a material such as barite can be
related in a similar manner.
V1W1 + V2WB = (V1 + V2) (W2)

where,V1=Volume of mud before weighting; V2=Volume of barite added; W1=Initial

mud density; W2= Final mud density of the second substance; DR = Density of
barite, (35.4 ppg). Assuming an average density for barite of 35. 4 ppg (4.25
Sp.Gr.) then a barrel of barite weighs 35.4 x 42 or 1490 lbs. Barite for oil field
applications is packaged in 100 lb sacks.
Therefore, if V1 is 100 bbls and WB is 35.4 ppg, then
Sacks of barite / 100 bbl of mud = [1490 (W2 W1)] / (35.4 W2)

How much barite is required to increase the density of 300 bbls of mud from 4 ppg
to 15 ppg.

Sacks of barite / 100 bbl of mud = [1490 (W2 W1)] / (35.4 W2)
Sacks of barite / 100 bbl of mud = [1490 (15 14)] / (35.4 15) = 72.4
Sacks of barite / 300 bbl of mud = 72.4 x 3 = 217.2
The below formula is called the starting volume formula. It is used to
determine the initial volume of mud to start with in order to obtain a specific
volume of mud after weighting.
SV = [(35.4 W2) / (35.4 W1)] DV

Example-2 How much 12 ppg mud is needed to prepare exactly 250 bbls of 14 ppg

SV = [(35.4 W2) / (35.4 W1)] DV
SV = [(35.4 14) / (35.4 12)] 250 = 228 bbls
The below formula is called the starting volume formula. It is used to
determine the initial volume of mud to start with in order to obtain a specific
volume of mud after weighting.
% by volume water = 100 [(W1 W2) / (W2 8.33)]

Example-3 What volume of water will be necessary to reduce the density of 1200
bbls of 15.2 ppg mud to 13.5 ppg?

% by volume water = [(15.2 13.5) / (13.5 8.33)] = 0.327
bbls of water to add = 1200 x 0.327 = 392
The above problem can be solved similarly to obtain the result directly in barrels
rather than percent by volume.
bbl of water to be added = present vol. [(W1 W2) / (W2 8.33)]
bbl of water to be added = 1200 [(15.2 13.5) / (13.5 8.33)] = 392

Example-4 Calculate how much water and barite must be mixed to make exactly
500 bbl of 14 ppg mud?

V1W1 + V2W2 = VFWF
V1 + V2 = VF and V2 = VF V1
V1 (8.33) + V2 (35.4) = 500 (14)
V1 (8.33) + (500- V1) 35.4 = 7000
V1 = 395 bbl of water
V2 = VF V1
V2 = 500 395
V2 = 105 bbl of barite
105 (14.9) = 1565 sx of barite
Example-5 Calculate how much oil, water and barite are required to make exactly
300 bbl of 15 ppg oil mud with 80/20 oil/water ratio.

V1W1 + V2W2 + V3W3 = VFWF
V1 + V2 +V3 = VF
The oil and water have a ratio of 80/20 so that they can be considered as one
volume (V) that is 80 % oil and 20 % water.
V1 + V2 +V3 = VF
V + V3 = 300
V3 = 300 - V
V[ (0.8) (6.8) + (0.2) (8.33)] + V3 (35.4) = 300 (15)
V[ (0.8) (6.8) + (0.2) (8.33)] + (300 V) (35.4) = 300 (15)

V = 216 bbl of water and oil

216 (0.8) = 173 bbl of oil
216 (0.2) = 433 bbl of water
300 216 = 84 bbl of barite (84 x 41.9 = 1252 sx of barite)

Example-6 Calculate how much oil will have to be added to change the oil/water
ratio of 100 bbl of 80/20 oil mud to 90/10.
Retort Analysis: Oil : 64 %, Water : 16 % and Solids: 20 %

The oil water ratio is changed by the following formula:
{Volume of water / [(Volume of water + Pressure volume of oil + Volume of oil to be
added) ]} = New percent of water in liquid phase
Volume of water = 100 x (0.16) = 16 bbl
Volume of oil = 100 x (0.64) = 64 bbl
[16 / (16 + 64 +V)] = 0.1
V = 80 bbl
Example-7 If the same 80/20 mud is to be changed to 75/25 oil water ratio,
calculate how much water will have to be added
Retort Analysis: Oil : 64 %, Water : 16 % and Solids: 20 %

The oil water ratio is changed by the following formula:
{Volume of oil / [(Volume of oil + Pressure volume of water + Volume of water to be
added) ]} = New percent of oil in liquid phase
Volume of water = 100 x (0.16) = 16 bbl
Volume of oil = 100 x (0.64) = 64 bbl
[64 / (16 + 64 +V)] = 0.75 = 5 bbl

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