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Baldoza V Dimaano Digest

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BALDOZA, complainant,
J. Antonio
Municipal Secretary of Taal, Batangas, charges Municipal Judge Rodolfo B. Dimaano, of the same municipality, with abuse of
authority in refusing to allow employees of the Municipal Mayor to examine the criminal docket records of the Municipal Court to
secure data in connection with their contemplated report on the peace and order conditions of the said municipality.
Respondent stated that:

there has never been an intention to refuse access to official court records;


although court records are among public documents open to inspection not only by the parties directly involved but also by
other persons who have legitimate interest to such inspection, yet the same is always subject to reasonable regulation as to
who, when, where and how they may be inspected.


a court has unquestionably the power to prevent an improper use or inspection of its records and the furnishing of copies
therefrom may be refused where the person requesting is not motivated by a serious and legitimate interest but acts out of
whim or fancy or mere curiosity or to gratify private spite or to promote public scandal.

Restrictions are imposed by the Court for fear of an abuse in the exercise of the right. For fear that the dirty hands of partisan politics
might again be at play, Some of the cases filed and decided by the Court after the declaration of Martial Law and years after the
election still bore the stigma of partisan politics as shown in the affidavits and testimonies of witnesses.
Without casting aspersion on any particular individual, it is worth mentioning, that the padlocks of the door of the Court has recently
been tampered by inserting papers and matchsticks.
Under the circumstances, to allow an indiscriminate and unlimited exercise of the right to free access, might do more harm than good
to the citizenry of Taal. Disorder and chaos might result defeating the very essence of their request. The undersigned is just as
interested as Mr. Baldoza in the welfare of the community and the preservation of our democratic principles.
Be that as it may, a request of this magnitude cannot be immediately granted without adequate deliberation and upon advisement,
especially so in this case where the undersigned doubts the propriety of such request.
The case was thereupon referred to Judge Francisco Mat. Riodique for investigation and report. At the preliminary hearing Taal
Mayor Corazon A. Caniza filed a motion to dismiss the complaint to preserve harmony and (cooperation among officers in the same
municipality. This motion was denied by the Investigating Judge, but after formal investigation, he recommended the exoneration of
Pertinent portion of his report reads as follows:
* * * When this case was heard, complainant Dominador Baldoza informed the Court that he is aware of the motion to dismiss filed
by Mayor Corazon A. Caniza and that he is in conformity with the dismissal of the administrative charge against Judge Rodolfo
Dimaano. The Court asked him if he could prove his case and he said he can. So, the Court denied his oral motion to dismiss and
required him to present his evidence. Complainant only manifested to the Court that he has no oral evidence. The only evidence he has
are the exchanged communication which were all in writing and attached to the record between him and the respondent. The Court
asked the respondent what he has to say on the documentary evidence of the complainant. He manifested that all his answers to the
complaint are all embodied in his answers filed with the Court.
A careful perusal, scrutiny, and study of the communications between the complainant and the respondent, together with the answers
filed by the latter, reveal that there is no showing of abuse of authority on the part of the respondent. The respondent allowed the
complainant to open and view the docket books of the respondent under certain conditions and under his control and supervision.
Complainant admitted that he was aware of the rules and conditions imposed by the respondent when he went to his office to view his
docket books for the purpose mentioned in his communication. He also agreed that he is amenable to such rules and conditions which

the respondent may impose. Under these conditions, therefore, the Court finds that the respondent has not committed any abuse of
ISSUE: WON respondent acted arbitrarily in the premises
HELD: Case dismissed.
We find that the respondent did not act arbitrarily in the premises. As found by the Investigating Judge, the respondent allowed the
complainant to open and view the docket books of respondent certain conditions and under his control and supervision. it has not been
shown that the rules and conditions imposed by the respondent were unreasonable. Undoubtedly in a democracy, the public has a
legitimate interest in matters of social and political significance. In an earlier case, 1 this Court held that mandamus would lie to
compel the Secretary of Justice and the Register of Deeds to examine the records of the latter office. Predicating the right to examine
the records on statutory provisions, and to a certain degree by general principles of democratic institutions, this Court stated that while
the Register of Deeds has discretion to exercise as to the manner in which persons desiring to inspect, examine or copy the records in
his office may exercise their rights, such power does not carry with it authority to prohibit.
Citing with approval People ex rel. Title Guarantee & T. Co. vs. Railly, 2 this Court said:
The subject is necessarily committed, to a great degree, 'to his (register of deeds') discretion as to how much of the conveniences of the
office are required to be preserved for the accomodation of these persons. It is not his duty to permit the office to be thronged
needlessly with persons examining its books of papers, but it is his duty to regulate, govern, and control his office in such a manner as
to permit the statutory advantages to be enjoyed by other persons not employed by him as largely and extensibly as that consistently
can be done * * *. What the law expects and requires from him is the exercise of an unbiased and impartial judgment, by which all
persons resorting to the office, under legal authority, and conducting themselves in an orderly manner, shall be secured their lawful
rights and privileges, and that a corporation formed in the manner in which the relator has been, shall be permitted to obtain all the
information either by searches, abstracts, or copies, that the law has entitled it to obtain.
Except, perhaps, when it is clear that the purpose of the examination is unlawful, or sheer, Idle curiosity, we do not believe it is the
duty under the law of registration officers to concern themselves with the motives, reasons, and objects of the person seeking access to
the records. It is not their prerogative to see that the information which the records contain is not flaunted before public gaze, or that
scandal is not made of it. If it be wrong to publish the contents of the records, it is the legislature and not the officials having custody
thereof which is called upon to devise a remedy. As to the moral or material injury which the publication might inflict on other parties,
that is the publisher's responsibility and lookout. The publication is made subject to the consequences of the law.
The concurring opinion of Justice Briones predicated such right not on statutory grounds merely but on the constitutional right of the
press to have access to information as the essence of press freedom.
The New Constitution now expressly recognizes that the people are entitled to information on matters of public concern and thus are
expressly granted access to official records, as well as documents of official acts, or transactions, or decisions, subject to such
limitations imposed by law. 4 The incorporation of this right in the Constitution is a recognition of the fundamental role of free
exchange of information in a democracy. There can be no realistic perception by the public of the nation's problems, nor a meaningful
democratic decision making if they are denied access to information of general interest. Information is needed to enable the members
of society to cope with the exigencies of the times. As has been aptly observed: "Maintaining the flow of such information depends on
protection for both its acquisition and its dissemination since, if either process is interrupted, the flow inevitably ceases. " 5 However,
restrictions on access to certain records may be imposed by law. Thus, access restrictions imposed to control civil insurrection have
been permitted upon a showing of immediate and impending danger that renders ordinary means of control inadequate to maintain

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