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A Global Market Rotation Strategy With An Annual Performance of 41.4 Percent

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A Global Market Rotation Strategy with an annual performance of 41.

since 2003
The following strategy is one of my favorite rotation strategies, which many of my friends, customers
and I use now for some years.

The Global Market Rotation Strategy (GMR)

The GMR Strategy switches between 6 different ETFs on a monthly basis. The back tested return of
this strategy since 2003 is quite impressive.

Annual performance (CAGR) = 41.4% (S&P500=8.4%)

Total performance since 2003 = 3740% (S&P500=134%)
69% of trades have positive return versus 31% with negative return

These global markets and ETFs are:

US Market (MDY - S&P MidCap 400 SPDRs)

Europe (IEV - iShares S&P Europe 350 Index Fund)
Emerging Markets (EEM - iShares MSCI Emerging Markets)
Latin America (ILF - iShares S&P Latin America)
Pacific region (EPP - iShares MSCI Pacific ex-Japan)

During market corrections I invest in:

US Treasury Bonds (EDV - Vanguard Extended Duration Treasuries (25+yr))

Cash or SHY (SHY - Barclays Low Duration US Treasury)

Selection of the strategy ETFs

For the design of a well performing rotation strategy, it is important that the selected ETFs are not
too volatile, show longer term visible trends and have a good market volume, so that they cannot be
manipulated. They all should have more or less the same volatility. The 5 global markets ETFs fulfill
this condition. They all are capitalized enough, so that they cannot be manipulated in the short term.

Why rotating?
The 5 ETFs follow slightly different economic cycles and there are long periods where one market
outperforms the other until it becomes so overpriced and investors begin to remove their money
from that market in order to invest in other cheaper valued markets.
Looking back 12 month, we see that the US market was the clear winner and the MDY S&P Midcaps
performed +35%. In comparison, the ILF Latin America market lost nearly -10% and the more
important EEM Emerging Markets ETF only made +3.5%. Rest assured that this outperforming will
not continue forever. At one moment EEM, ILF or another ETF will bounce back and outperform the
US market. This is the moment when I switch the ETFs.
However, switching between these markets alone is not enough to really get a good performance. By
switching only between this 5 ETFs I would have made 21% annual return since 2003. Not too bad,
compared to the 8.4% of the SPY S&P500. But if I look at the charts, I recognize that during periods of
big market corrections also all my 5 ETFs suffered big losses. Although these markets are globally
distributed, the correlation between them is very high. The 60 day correlation is mostly higher than
0.75. This means there is no way to escape a market correction like the subprime crash in 2008 when
the S&P500 lost nearly 55%. To avoid this scenario, we would need to switch to some negatively
correlated assets. The best are US-Treasuries and if they do not work, then cash is an option as well.
Based on my strategy back tests, I have chosen the EDV - Vanguard Extended Duration Treasuries
(25+yr) ETF. At the moment, due to rising yields, the correlation to the S&P500 (SPY) is nearly 0
which is quite abnormal. Normally the correlation it is between -0.5 and -0.75. However, I am sure
that during a future market correction these correlations will go down very quickly.
When designing a good rotation strategy, the Return to Risk ratio (Sharpe-Ratio) is one of the most
important numbers. The higher it is, the more return you will get for the risk you have within your
Return to Risk ratio (Sharpe ratio)
Strategy (investment 2003 today)

Sharpe ratio


Annual return

5 Global Markets ETFs equally weighted (5x20%)




ACWI - iShares MSCI All-World ACWI Index




AGG - iShares Core Total US Bond (4-5yr)




SPY S&P500 investment




5 Global Markets alone rotation *)




5 Global Markets + Cash exit rotation *)




5 Global Markets + Treasury (EDV) rotation *)




* For the last three rotation strategies we invest in only one ETF at the time

Rotation compared to diversification

If we compose an equally weighted portfolio of these 5 ETF's then the back test chart since 2003 is
nearly 100% identical to the ACWI ETF (iShares MSCI All-World ACWI Index). Both would have about
3% annual performance and a maximum draw down of about nearly 60%. This shows you that this
strategy is really trading an all-world selection.
It shows you also that maximum diversification which we have in the equally weighted portfolio is
not the way to achieve good performance. The strategy did very well in selecting the good ETFs to
achieve an annual return of 41% instead the 2.6% for an equal mix of the 5 ETFs. A good rotation
strategy is always better than broad diversification.
You can also see the important to escape bigger market corrections. The strategy does it by switching
early to cash or Treasuries.

The automatic "crash guard" of the strategy

The Treasuries plays the role of automatic "crash guard" of the rotation strategy. Think of the 5
global markets be a truck speeding down the highway. Now I am following close with my car and my
car has one of these new automatic brake systems which brake automatically to avoid a crash. These
braking systems measure the distance to the car in front of you. Such a control system has a gain
setting which has to be fine-tuned very well. If the gain is too low, the car will not brake enough. If
the gain is too high the car will begin to brake hard and accelerate which will cause oscillation.
You can tune the gain of the treasuries by selecting the duration of the treasuries. Duration acts like
a leverage. If you choose a short duration Treasury it will take too long to switch and you will suffer
losses at a sudden market correction. If the duration or also leverage is too high you will switch too
early which results in buy high sell low.
For this strategy we tried all Treasuries from SHY, IEI TLH, TLT, EDV, and also leveraged Treasuries.
EDV had the best "gain" for the "automatic brake system" for this strategy.

About Risk and Return

Many conservative and cautious investors think that they have a small risk investing in a bond ETF
like the AGG. However, if you compare the Sharpe ratio, you recognize that an SPY investment has
about the same risk under the condition, that you invest only half your money and keep the rest in
cash. The SPY investment return would be the same, because the annual performance was exactly
twice the annual AGG performance.
With the Global Market Rotation strategy, you can reduce your risk and your volatility easily by just
keeping a good part of your money in cash or short term bonds.
Even if the volatility of 25.6% seems a little bit high, this does not mean that the strategy is risky. The
25.6% is the medium 20 day volatility since 2003 which is slightly higher because of the switching
between the ETFs. However, it is much more important, what happens during a market correction.
Here my strategy showed its strength in the past. During the S&P500 market crash in 2008, the
strategy produced a solid return of 55.5% while the S&P500 was -36.8% down by the end of the year.
I consider such a strategy as quite save, because the strategy will avoid big losses during market
corrections. It will always switch quite early into treasuries or into cash for the case that treasuries
would not anymore play the role of a safe haven asset.

Annual performance of the Global Market Rotation Strategy


GMR performance

S&P500 performance

2013 until end July



How to rotate the ETFs

I rotate or switch the ETFs on a monthly basis. Every month I calculate a ranking of the 6 ETFs and
based on the results I invest in the best ETF for the next coming month. I use a software which I have
written in Mathlab to find out which the best look back period (a) and the best investment period (b)
is. The (b) period will give me my investment return. The software just varies the look back period (a)
between 1 week to 12 months for investment periods of 2 weeks to 3 months. The software just
loops through 10 years of historical price data and outputs a scatter diagram which shows which (a)
and (b) periods give the best positive return. The result is a 3 dimensional mountain diagram which
highlights the best periods. The investment period (b) is less critical than (a). However (b) should
always be shorter then (a). One month for (b) is a good value for our 5 ETFs. The look back period (a)
can make big differences. However (a) normally lies somewhere between 1 and 5 month.

My Mathlab method is very interesting to test if an ETF can be used for a rotation or a trend
following strategy. You cannot use an ETF if you cannot find a look back/investment period pair
which gives you a stable positive return. Also for some ETFs you get completely different returns,
only by changing the (a) parameter a little bit. Such ETFs are also not good for rotation strategies.

For example, it is nearly impossible to design good rotation strategies for commodities. They are too
volatile and they can be very easily be manipulated. Also, if you the look back (a) and investment
periods (b) are too short, it becomes difficult to achieve positive returns. The shorter the periods are,
the more your performance becomes a function of the random market noise which overlays existing
trends. This is why I am not a friend of intraday trading. In addition intraday trading is really a hard
work. I rather make money without being shackled to a computer screen the whole day.
For the ranking, I also use the volatility of the ETFs. While this is not so important for the 5 Global
market ETFs, it is important to lower the EDV ranking a little bit according to the higher volatility of
the EDV ETF. EDV has a medium 20 day volatility which is roughly 50% higher than the volatility of
the 5 global market ETFs. This results in higher spikes during small market turbulences and the model
would switch too early between shares (our 5 ETFs) and Treasuries.
This probably sounds now very complicated, but you can get quite good results by just looking at the
3 month historical performance and then always invest the next month in the best ETF. This is
something you can do by yourself. You will still make about 34% annual return per year. The
additional annual return I get for these complicated calculations, however, is +7.4% which is also not
too bad.

Here is an example of the investments since September 2012


Portfolio GMR




monthly return monthly return









Nov.2012 EPP















Mrz.2013 MDY



















(You find the complete list of investments since 2003 on

As you can see, since January the strategy is invested in MDY. It is not necessary to switch the ETF
every month. I would say, that you have to switch all 2-3 month on average. In addition, instead of
buying the ETFs, you can buy Comex futures for some of the ETFs. This is what I do. It is the case for
MDY and IEV (Europe). Instead of the EDV you can buy Ultra-TBonds which are similar to the TLT ETF,
but you have to buy about 1.5x your normal investment because EDV behaves like a 1.5x leveraged

If you are interested to follow exactly my Global Rotation Strategy you can subscribe to my
inexpensive monthly strategy email which tells you by month end, what ETF you have to invest for
the next month. There are also some other strategies from a very conservative low volatility bond
rotation strategy up to a strategy with 70.5% annual return investing in inverse volatility.
If you are interested, and would like to have you assets managed by us, please contact me for further
In addition, you find all this and additional information on our website

Happy trading and best regards from Switzerland

Frank Grossmann
Email: mail@logical-invest.comAugust 2013

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