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Critical State Soil Mechanics: A Frame Work For Elastic-Plastic Behaviour of Soils

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Department of Civil Engineering

National Institute of Technology Warangal

Critical State Soil Mechanics

A frame work for elastic-plastic behaviour of soils

Rakesh J. Pillai

November 13, 2014


Soil behaviour under different conditions
Critical State Line and Roscoe Surface
Critical State Line
Drained and Undrained Planes
The Roscoe Surface
Shape of Roscoe Surface
Hvorslev Surface
Behaviour of OC Clays
Hvorslev Surface

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Normally Consolidated (NC) clays

CD Tests

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Normally Consolidated (NC) clays

CIU Tests

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Over Consolidated (OC) clays

CD Tests

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Over Consolidated (OC) clays

CIU Tests

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Normally Consolidated (NC) clays

Families of Undrained Tests

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Normally Consolidated (NC) clays

Families of Drained Tests

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

The Critical State


Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Critical State Line


Data from Parry (1960)

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

The single and unique line of

failure points of both drained
and undrained tests is defined
as the critical state line

The crucial property is that

failure of initially isotropically
compressed samples will
occur once the stress state of
the samples reach the line
irrespective of the test path
followed by the samples

Failure is manifested as a
state at which large shear
distortions occur with no
change in stress or in specific
volume (v)

Critical State Line


Projection of CSL to the q 0 p0

q 0 = Mp0
CSL in v ln(p0 ) space
v = ln(p0 )
M, , N, and are the soil
constants (or parameters)

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Critical State Line


Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Drained and Undrained Planes

Undrained Planes

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM


Undrained stress path lie on

the constant v plane, which is
parallel to the plane
containing q 0 , p0 axes

Failure point is where the

undrained plane touches the

The initial state of the sample

and the test conditions
completely determine the
precise point on the CSL
where the sample fail

Undrained Plane

Mathematically the undrained paths can be derived:

Suppose a sample is isotropically compressed to a mean normal

effective stress (p00 ) and a specific volume of (v0 )

We can determine the qf0 , pf0 and vf at failure in a standard

undrained triaxial test using the following three equations
vf = v0

= exp [( vf )/]
qf0 = Mpf0

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Drained and Undrained Planes

Drained Planes

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM


Drained plane should make a

projection of line with a slope
3 in the q 0 p0 space

Exact shape of the stress

path within the drained plane
depends on the experimental
relationship between the
increase in q 0 and the change
in v as the test proceeds

Whatever be the shape it

should lie on the drained

Drained Plane


If we know the initial stress state and if drained triaxial

compression is conducted, the final point can be determined as
the intersection of drained plane with the CSL
Suppose a sample is isotropically compressed to a mean normal
effective stress (p00 ) and a specific volume of (v0 )
We can determine the qf0 , pf0 and vf at failure in a standard
drained triaxial test using the following equations
qf0 = 3(pf0 p00 )
qf0 = Mpf0
qf0 = 3Mp00 /(3 M)

vf = ln[3p00 /(3 M)]

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Importance of CSL

If we know the (i) initial conditions of the sample, (ii) the position
of the CSL (values of M, and ) and (iii) the conditions of the
triaxial test (drained on undrained), the failure state of the sample
can be uniquely determined

Final states can be determined for other loading conditions like

triaxial extension, constant p tests etc.

The knowledge of the position of CSL for a particular soil allows

as to predict the stress state and void ratio at failure of NC clays,
subjected to a variety of stress paths

We know where the soil state is going to be at failure.........!!!

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

The Roscoe Surface

Undrained and Drained Planes

Undrained planes for different

initial conditions
Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM


Drained planes for different initial


The Roscoe Surface


Both the undrained and

drained stress paths seem to
define a curved 3-D surface
linking the NCL and the CSL

Whether the drained and

undrained tests on NC
samples define the same
surface in the q 0 : p0 : v space

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

The Roscoe Surface


One way to check whether the

surface is unique is to see
whether the samples
subjected to drained and
undrained loading have the
same specific volume when
subjected to the same
effective stress

In this figure whether the

samples have same specific
volume at point B ???

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

The Roscoe Surface


Perform a series of drained

tests on NC samples

Construct a series of contours

of constant v in the q 0 p0
space (remember that
undrained stress paths are
contours of constant v )

Now the question is whether

the two contours are
consistent and having the
same shape ???

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

The Roscoe Surface

Experimental Evidence

Experimental evidence - from

the studies of Henkel (1960)

We can conclude that the

curved surface traced out in
q 0 : p0 : v space by families of
drained and undrained tests is
identical for both families of

This surface is called the

Roscoe Surface

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM


Shape of the Roscoe Surface


Can we have a direct

comparison between the
drained and undrained stress
The difficulty is that v
changes during a drained test
and the test path through a
succession of constant v
sections of the Roscoe
surface, each section being of
different sizes
Noramalization can be done
to account the variation in
specific volume during the test

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Consider undrained stress


Stress paths have same

shape, but different sizes
based on the initial isotropic
consolidation pressure (pe0 )

Normalize with pe0

Shape of Roscoe Surface


Equivalent pressure (pe0 ) at any

specific volume is obtained from
the equation for the normal
consolidation line using current
value of v , irrespective of the
stress state
pe0 = exp[(N v )/]

Drained stress paths can be

normalized by equivalent

Data from Balasubramanian

(1969) for tests carried out on
Kaolinite clays show that the
Roscoe surface is unique for
different loading conditions
Data from drained, undrained and constant p tests

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Roscoe Surface as a State Boundary Surface


Now we will consider the

behaviour of lightly
overconsolidated samples

Consider the undrained

behaviour of a family of samples,
isotroically compressed and
unloaded to different OCRs as in
first picture

All the samples have same initial

specific volume (void ratio)

If the initial void ratios are

different, the stress paths can be
normalized by equivalent

Typical test data obtained by

Loudon (1967) is shown in
second picture

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Roscoe Surface as a State Boundary Surface


All stress paths start from points

below the Roscoe surface
(Roscoe surface coincides with
the stress path of NC sample)

Lightly OC samples also fail at

the CSL

Close observation shows that the

stress paths of OC samples rise
almost vertically towards the
Roscoe surface and then move
close to the surface towards the

Roscoe surface forms a

boundary beyond which test
paths do not pass (remember

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Behaviour of Overconsolidated Samples


Stress paths
Stress-strain and volume change
behaviour (Drained test)
Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

The Hvorslev Surface


Similar to the case of NC clays

we normalize with pe0 , so that the
drained and undrained test
results can be compared

Failure states of the samples are

plotted in the normalized stress

The failure points of both drained

and undrained tests lie on a
single line

At right hand side the line meet

the critical state line at the end of
Roscoe surface

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

At the left end, the line is

bounded by the fact that soil
is not able to withstand any
tensile stresses

The Hvorslev Surface


If the soil cannot withstand

tensile effective stress, then the
value of 3 cannot be less than 0.

Then the corresponding q 0 /p0

value will be 3 (for 3 = 0,
q 0 = 10 and p0 = 10 /3)

This straight line where the OC

samples fail is called "The
Hvorslev surface"

The significant feature of the

surface is that the shear strength
of a specimen at failure is a
function of both mean normal
stress (p0 ) and of the specific
volume (v ) of the samples at

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Expression for Hvorslev Surface


Assuming the equation of Hvorslev surface as,

q 0 /pe0 = g + h(p0 /pe0 )


q 0 = gpe0 + hp0


We know that, pe0 = exp[(N v )/]; substituting in equation (2)

q 0 = g exp[(N v )/] + hp0


The Hvorslev surface intersects the CSL given by the equations,

qf0 = Mpf0 and vf = ln(pf0 )
Then equation(3) at the point of CSL, (pf0 , qf0 ) becomes,
(M h)pf0 = g exp[(N vf )/]

(M h)pf0 = g exp
+ lnpf0

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM


Expression for Hvorslev Surface


From equation (5) we get,

g = (M h) exp

Thus the equation of Hvorslev Surface can be written as:

+ hp0
q 0 = (M h) exp



This equation explicitly states that the deviatoric stress at the

failure of an OC specimen depends on the mean normal effective
stress (p0 ) and the specific volume (v )

If two OC samples fail at the same p0 but at different specific

volumes, the one with lower specific volume will exhibit higher
deviatoric stress (q 0 )

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Behaviour of OC Clays after Failure


There are experimental difficulties in the case of OC clays to

determine the critical state; after failure strain localization happens
There are proofs form carefully done experiments that the stress
state moves towards CSL after failure in the case of CSL

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

The Complete State Boundary Surface


Roscoe surface, Hvorslev surface

and tension failure line forms the
complete state boundary surface
in q/pe0 p0 /pe0 space

Any constant v section of the

state boundary surface will have
a shape as in figure 1

The complete state boundary

surface is shown in figure 2

The critical state line forms a

ridge seperating the Roscoe and
Hvorslev surfaces

Rakesh J. Pillai | CSSM

Thank You!

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