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15 Assignment 2

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CS143 Handout 15

Autumn 2007 October 17, 2007

Programming Project 2: Syntax Analysis
Written by Julie Zelenski, Godmar Back, and updated by Jerry.

The Goal
This time around you’ll extend your Decaf compiler (at this point it’s nothing more than
a lexer) to handle the syntax analysis phase, the second task of the front-end, by using
bison to create a parser. The parser will read Decaf source programs and construct a
parse tree. If no syntax errors are encountered, your code will print the completed parse
tree as flat text. At this stage, you aren’t responsible for verifying meaning, just
structure. The purpose of this project is to familiarize you with the tools and give you
experience in solving typical difficulties that arise when using them to generate a parser.

There are two challenges to this assignment. The first is all about yacc/bison—taking
your LR parsing knowledge, coming up to speed on how the tools work, and generating
a Decaf parser. The second challenge will come in familiarizing yourself with our
provided code for building a parse tree. In years gone by, we have not provided this
infrastructure, because we previously thought that students would rather make their
own choices. But past students have said they needed more guidance, especially where
it saves them from dead ends. So we’re giving you a set of classes to provide some
structure to your design. It's just a starting skeleton to get you going on, your job will be
to fully flesh it out over the course of the projects. My sense is that in the long run you'll
be glad to have had our help, but you'll have to first invest the time to come up to speed
on someone else's code, so be prepared for that in this project.

Due: Wednesday, October 31st at 11:59 p.m.

Decaf Program Structure

The reference grammar given in the Decaf language handout defines the official
grammar specification you must parse. The language supports global variables,
functions, classes and interfaces, variables of various types including arrays and objects,
arithmetic and Boolean expressions, constructs such as if, while, and so on. First, peruse
the grammar specification carefully. Although the grammar is fairly large, most of it is
not tricky to parse.

In addition to the language constructs already specified for you, you’ll also extend the
grammar to support C-style post-increment and decrement expressions along with
switch statements.

Starter files
The starting files reside in the subdirectory /usr/class/cs143/assignments/pp2. As
always, be sure to read through the files we give you to understand what we have
provided. If you have questions, be sure to ask! The pp2 project directory contains the
following files:

Makefile builds project main and its helper functions
scanner.h declares scanner functions and types
scanner.l our lex scanner for Decaf
parser.h declares parser functions and types
parser.y skeleton of a yacc parser for Decaf
ast.h/.cc interface/implementation of base AST node class
ast_type.h/.cc interface/implementation of AST type classes
ast_decl.h/.cc interface/implementation of AST declaration classes
ast_expr.h/.cc interface/implementation of AST expression classes
ast_stmt.h/.cc interface/implementation of AST statement classes
errors.h/.cc error-reporting class to use in your compiler
list.h simple list template class
location.h utilities for handling locations, yylloc/yyltype
utility.h/.cc interface/implementation of various utility functions
samples/ directory of test input files

Copy the entire directory to your home directory. Use make to build the project. The
Makefile provided will produce a parser called dcc. As usual, dcc reads input from
stdin , writes output to stdout, and writes errors to stderr. You can use standard UNIX
file redirection to read from a file and/or save the output to a file:

% dcc < samples/program.decaf >& program.out

The scanner.l file is our lex specification for a Decaf scanner. Take a look at the code to
learn how we did things, as it's always interesting to see how different people solve the
same problem. You can use our scanner or replace it with your own.

Using yacc to generate the parser

• The given parser.y input file contains a very incomplete skeleton which you
must complete to accept the correct grammar. Your first task is to add the rules
for each of the Decaf grammar features. You do not need the actions to build the
parse tree yet. In fact, it may help to first concentrate on getting the rules written
and conflicts resolved before you add actions. This is precisely what I did when I
wrote my own parser.
• Running yacc on an incorrect or ambiguous grammar will report shift/reduce
errors, useless rules, and reduce/reduce errors. To understand the conflicts being
reported, scan the generated y.output file that identifies where the difficulties lie.

Take care to investigate the underlying conflict and what is needed to resolve it
rather than adding precedence rules like mad until the conflict goes away.
• Your parser should accept the grammar as given in the Decaf specification
document, but you can rearrange the productions as needed to resolve conflicts.
Some conflicts (if-else, overlap in function versus prototype) can be resolved in a
multitude of ways (re-writing the productions, setting precedence, etc.) and you
are free to take whatever approach appeals to you. All that you need to ensure is
that you end up with an equivalent grammar.
• All conflicts and errors should be eliminated, i.e. you should not make use of
yacc’s automatic resolution of conflicts or use %expect to mask them. You’ll see
messages in y.output like: "Conflict in state X between rule Y and token Z
resolved as reduce." This is fine—it just means that your precedence directives
were used to resolve a conflict.

The Parse Tree

• There are several files of support code (the generic list class, and the five ast files
with various parse tree node classes). Before you get started on building the parse
tree, read through these carefully. The code should be fairly self-explanatory.
Each node has the ability to print itself and, where appropriate, manage its parent
and lexical location (these will be of use in the later projects). Consider the
starting code yours to modify and adapt in any way you like.

• We’ve included limited comments to give an overview of the functionality in our

provided classes, but if you find that you need to know more details, don't be shy
about opening up the .cc file and reading through the implementation to figure it
out. You can learn a lot by just tracing through the code, but if you can't seem to
make sense of it on your own, you can send us email or come to office hours.

• You could add actions for each rule as you go, but I recommend that you wait
until all rules are debugged and then go back and add actions. The action for
each rule will be to construct the section of the parse tree corresponding to the
rule reduced for use in later reductions. For example, when reducing a variable
declaration, you will combine the Type and Identifier nodes into a VarDecl
node, to be gathered in a list of declarations within a class or statement block at a
later reduction.

• Be sure you understand how to use symbol locations and attributes in

yacc/bison: accessing locations using @n, getting/setting attributes using $
notation, setting up the attributes union, how attribute types are set, the attribute
stack, yylval and yylloc, so on. There is additional information on how to do
these things (and much more) in the on-line references (though everything you
see in the yacc handout should be more than enough.)

• Keep on your toes when assigning and using results passed from other
productions in yacc. If the action of a production forgets to assign $$ or
inappropriately relies on the default result ($$ = $1), you don’t get warnings or
errors; instead, you’re rewarded with entertaining runtime nastiness because you
use some variable you’ve never initialized.

We expect you to match our output on the reference grammar, so be sure to use look at
our output and make good use of diff -w. At the end of parsing, if no syntax errors have
been reported, the entire parse tree is printed via an inorder traversal. Our parse classes
are all configured to properly print themselves in the expected format, so there is
nothing new you need to do here. If you have wired up the tree in the correct way, the
printed version should match ours, line for line.

Beyond The Reference Grammar

Once you have the full grammar from the Decaf spec operational, you have three
creative tasks to finish off your syntax analysis:

1. Postfix expressions. Add post-increment and decrement expressions:

if (i == arr[j]--) j++;

Both of these are unary operators at the same precedence level as unary minus
and logical not. You only need to support the postfix form, not the prefix. An
increment or decrement can be applied to any assignable location (i.e. anything
that has storage). You will need to modify the scanner and parser, and add new
parse tree nodes for this new construct.

2. Switch statements. Add productions for parsing a C-style switch statement.

switch (num) {
case 1: i = 1;
case 2: i = 10; break;
default: Print("hello");

The expression in the switch is allowed to be any expression (as part of later
semantic analysis, we could verify that it is of integer type). Unlike in C, the curly
braces after the expression are mandatory. The case labels must be compile-time
integer constants. Unlike in C, it is required that there is at least one non-default
case statement in any switch statement. If there is a default case it must be listed
last. A case contains a sequence of statements, possibly empty. If empty, control
just flows through to the next case. You will need to modify the scanner and
parser, and add new parse tree nodes for this new construct.

3. Error handling. If the input is not syntactically valid, the default behavior of a
yacc-generated parser is to call yyerror to print a message and halt parsing. In
the starter code, we have provided a replacement version of yyerror that attempts
to print the text of the current line and mark the first troubling token using the
yylloc information recorded by the scanner like this:

*** Error line 18.

class Cow extends Animal extends Object {
*** syntax error

This makes for a little clearer error-reporting, but just giving up at the first error is
not desirable behavior for a compiler, so your task is add in some error-handling.

Before you try implementing anything, we suggest your first experiment with
your favorite compiler (javac, csc, g++, etc.) with a critical eye to see how parse
errors are handled. Feed it some syntactically incorrect code and evaluate how
good a job it does at clearly and accurately reporting the problem. Is the error
wording clear and specific? Is it helpful? Is it obvious how the compiler continues
from there? What kind of syntax errors can it recover from gracefully and what
errors really trip it up?

Given you are now writing your own compiler, you have a chance to personalize
it to handle your common mistakes! Which keywords do you often misspell,
what particular differences are there between Decaf and C++/Java that trip you
up, how would you like these to be handled?

Pick out some simple errors that you think you can tackle and incorporate the use
of yacc's error pseudo-terminal to add some rudimentary error-handling
capabilities into your own parser. In your README, describe which errors you
attempt to catch and provide some sample instances that illustrate the errors from
which your parser can recover.

To receive full credit, your parse must do some error recovery, but our
expectations for the standard requirements are quite modest. Simple recovery,
say, at the statement and declaration levels, is enough, we just want you to
explore and experiment with yacc's error handling. Feel free to attempt more
ambitious error-handling and we will credit it as an extension.

In the starting project, there is a samples directory containing various input files and
matching .out files which represent the expected output.

Although we've said it before, we'll say it again, the provided test files do not test every
possible case! Examine the test files and think about what cases aren’t covered. Make
up lots of test cases of your own. Run your parser on several incorrect files to make sure
it finds their errors. What formations look like valid programs but aren’t? What
sequences might confuse your processing of expressions or class definitions? How well
does your error recovery strategy stand up to abuse?

Remember that syntax analysis is only responsible for verifying that the sequence of
tokens forms a valid sentence given the definition of the Decaf grammar. Given that our
grammar is somewhat loose, some apparently nonsensical constructions will parse
correctly and, of course, we are not yet doing any of the work for verify semantic
validity (type-checking, declare before use, etc.). The following program is valid
according to the grammar, but is obviously not semantically valid. It should parse just
fine, though.

string binky()
neverdefined b;

if (1.5 * "Stanford")
b / 4;

Extension Ideas
These are listed in the order in which we suggest (though not insist) you do them.

1) Lexical Locations: Carry lexical locations with your AST nodes. Like other
attributes, lexical location is created from the symbol location of the terminals at
the leaves. Each AST node combines location information from its children. Use
the Join function in location.h for that.

2) The Decaf-to-C++ compiler: In addition to outputting your parse tree, provide an

option to output your tree as a C++ program. Decaf and C++ are syntactically so
similar that outputting C++ code from a Decaf AST amounts to little more than
traversing the tree in appropriate order and printing the lexemes for the leaves of
the tree!

Map Decaf’s basic types to their same-named C++ counterparts. To output a C++
boilerplate that provides some primitives you can use, use the provided file
cppemitter.h. It contains macros to handle ReadLine and ReadInteger and a

template class for arrays. To activate the DECAF-TO-C++ compiler (and turn off
the normal parse tree printing), you should update ParseCommandLine to allow for
–d c++. Interpret this flag as an instruction to emit C++ code to emulate the Decaf.

Simplifications. Handling the following constructs is optional for this extension:

i) Functions, methods, or variables that are declared in the source after they
are first used. This is legal in Decaf, but would not be legal in C++. In this
case, it is okay for your DECAF-TO-C++ compiler to output C++ code that
doesn’t compile. As such, it is okay to not have separate header files for
the C++ classes you output. Your C++ output will look like Java in that
every method is defined right where it is declared! In other words, only a
single pass over the tree is required to fulfill the requirements of this
extension, even though you won’t be able to translate some valid Decaf

ii) Interfaces. You do not need to output interface declarations; you do not
need to handle the implements clause for Decaf classes.

iii) There is no semantic checking whatsoever. If the Decaf program is

semantically incorrect, so will be the C++ program your parser outputs.
The C++ compiler will flag these problems.

Be sure to check out the sample file for some inspiration. Make sure
you make generous use of parentheses to avoid getting caught in unwanted
operator precedence relationships!

We will grade this extension by running syntactically and semantically well-

formed Decaf programs through your parser, compiling the output and actually
running the executables – just like we’ll do in the final project!

3) Full C++ Output: Support functions and methods that require forward
declarations. This will require multiple passes over your AST nodes. Support
interfaces through pure virtual functions and multiple inheritance. Still, no
semantic checking is required.

4) Improved error handling: There is a lot of opportunity to add improved error

handling. Designing and implementing a comprehensive error recovery strategy
can be tricky, but very worthwhile in ensuring your mastery of yacc and its inner
workings. As a pathological example, strip all the semicolons out of a valid
program and run it through your parser. What does it take to make you parser
able to successfully cope with input like that.

5) Semantic Errors: The division between syntax and semantics can be a fuzzy one.
The Decaf reference grammar is fairly loose and allows invalid sequences to parse
that will be rejected later during semantic analysis (i.e. a non-Boolean test
expression, a break outside a loop or switch, and so on). Experiment with
extending and rearranging the grammar to catch some of these issues as syntax
errors instead. Was it worth it?

6) Other features. What other favorite features from other languages would you like
to add to the grammar? A LISP cond expression? The C ternary operator? The
C# foreach construct for arrays? Java's labeled break and continue statements?
Once you get the hang of yacc, adding new constructs is pretty easy. (It's the
semantic checking and code generation that's the work!)

Keep in mind that your primary goal (and what counts the most) is satisfying the base
assignment requirements. Make sure you have perfected all the required features and
thoroughly tested before you let yourself wander onto further explorations.

If you do decide to add something fancy, be sure to explain in your README file what we
should expect and tell us what we need to do to try it out. If your extensions interfere
with our testing of your standard features, you should provide some mechanism to turn
them off. This is very important as it makes it much more difficult to grade programs
otherwise. If you do have some features to turn on, include a file, OPTIONAL, that
describes exactly how to compile your code with the optional extensions. This way, we
won’t have to crawl through your README to find it. If your extra features do not
interfere with standard testing, there is no need to turn them off. If providing the option
to turn extra features off is too cumbersome, you may ask us for an exception.

To avoid tweaking the class statistics on the standard requirements, credit for optional
extensions is not added to your assignment score, but instead is tracked separately and
added as part of the final course grade determination.

We expect your programs to accept exactly the reference grammar with the added
constructs, have no parser conflicts, and have some rudimentary error recovery. We will
run your program through the given test files from the samples directory as well as
others of our own. We will compare (diff -w) your output to the output of our solution.
This project is worth 60 points. Most points are allocated for correctness, with the
remainder reserved for the write-up of your error handling explorations in your README.

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