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Employee Motivation and

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Submitted to:
Dr. Pinaki N. Patnaik
Professor for Organization Behaviour
NALSAR University, Hyderabad

Prepared by:
Ajay Adepu-

Roll No- 2013-04

Aditi Chandani-Roll No-2013-05

Prateek Mittal- Roll No- 2013-42


We are grateful to many people who have contributed towards successful completion of the
evaluation activity conducted under this Research Project.
We would like extent our sincere gratitude to Dr. Pinaki Nandan Patnaik, professor Organization
Behaviour and HOD of Center for Management Studies, NALSAR for lending his full support
and guiding us through his thorough knowledge. He has been an excellent mentor and teacher.
Also we would like to thank all the employees of HCL Technologies who voluntarily
participated and took out time to help us in conducting a successful survey.





Executive Summary 4

3. Introduction of the Company...5

4. Research Methodology...8

5. Findings10
About Motivation level10
About Decision Making......11
6. Analysis13
Maslows Needs Hierarchy Theory.13
Vrooms Theory14
Herzbergs Two Factor Theory 14
Theory X and Theory Y..15
Goal Theory.15
7. Recommendations and Suggestions16
8. Bibliography.18
9. Annexure A- Questionnaire19
10. Annexure B- Responses..........22

This study was executed to check the impact of motivational factors on the satisfaction level of
the employees in the company, as well as to use that information to determine which factors and

incentives could be changed and what can be implemented in order to motivate them to do their
best work in the future.
The study was conducted by issuing a questionnaire to 10 employees working in HCL Chennai.
The employees that participated have been working at the company for varied periods of time
and are of three Levels i.e. Senior Project Managers, Project Managers and Team Leads. The
questionnaire consisted of 14 questions, and the data derived from the questionnaire was
analyzed and presented in this various forms to comprehend it with the theories taught in the
It was observed that satisfaction level with the work Culture at HCL was moderate but 50
percent employees were dissatisfied with the incentives provided by the company. The
employees seek motivation in the form of appreciation letters and promotion as compared to
monetary raise or hikes in salary. Recognition of the efforts of employees by their seniors was
given a much wider importance for job satisfaction. Decision making is mostly centralized but
efforts are put in by HCL in form of trainings and workshop to develop their decision making
It is our belief that employees in general are goal seeking and look for challenges and expect
positive re-enforcement at all times. Hence it could only be of benefit if organisations could
provide these rewards and factors. Employees are also financially motivated; motivation could
be seen as a moving target, as what motivates differs among different people. And may even
change for the same person over a given period of time, developments within the modern
organisation has probably made motivating employees ever more difficult due to the nature of
every individual, behaviour increasing the complexity of what can really motivate employees.


HCL roots in India go back to the year 1993 when its wholly owned subsidiary HCL Comnet
was instituted to focus on the domestic communication and connectivity services market. One of
the early entrants in India market its first assignment was to partner with a leading Financial

Institution to establish the worlds first floorless stock exchange. Over the years, HCL Comnet
diversified its portfolio to provide end-to-end enterprise IT infrastructure solutions and went on
to pioneer the Offshore Remote Infrastructure Management Industry in 2002-03. In year 2007,
the company took over a larger role within the HCL Technologies group to front-end HCL
Technologies complete portfolio in the India market. HCL is a 35 year old enterprise and one of
India's original IT garage start ups. Today this team, known as HCL Technologies India, is
delivering end to end IT solutions across Applications and Infrastructure using its Business
Aligned IT Services to Indian IT organizations across Industry sectors like: Banking &
Financial Services, Insurance, Life sciences & Healthcare, Energy & Utilities, Government &
Defense etc.
This team is 5,000 people strong dedicated to India Market who service its 175+ significant
clients across 550 points in the country. The HCL team comprises 93,000 professionals of diverse
nationalities, operating across 31 countries including 505 points of presence in India. HCL has
global partnerships with several leading Fortune 1000 firms, including several IT and
Technology majors.
HCL Developed the first indigenous micro computer at the same time as Apple and 3 years
before IBM's PC in 1978. This micro-computer virtually gave birth to the Indian computer
industry. HCL's in-depth knowledge of Unix led to the development of a fine grained multiprocessor Unix in 1988, three years ahead of Sun and HP.
Along with the swiftly growing software technology industry, HCL, which was hitherto known
as the pioneer in modern computing made the advent into software development.
HCL's R&D was spun off as HCL Technologies in 1997 to mark their advent into the software
services arena.
Today, HCL sells more PCs in India than any other brand, runs Northern Ireland's largest BPO
operation, and manages the network for Asia's largest stock exchange network apart from
designing zero visibility landing systems to land the world's most popular airplane. And this it
does across 31 countries and across 505 points of presence in India.

Over the past decade, HCL has been one of the fastest growing technology companies not only in
India but in the world even during the depths of the economic downturn.
What has been the source of HCLs success during this period of economic turmoil?
A combination of unparalleled technical expertise and a unique management philosophy called
Employees First. At HCL, employees at all levels of the organization are ideapreneurs,
empowered indeed, expected to develop innovative solutions to operational and customer
As a $4.6 billion global company, HCL Technologies brings IT and engineering services
expertise under one roof to solve complex business problems for its clients. Leveraging an
extensive global offshore infrastructure and a network of offices in 26 countries, we provide
holistic, multi-service delivery in such industries as financial services, manufacturing, consumer
services, public services and healthcare.

HCL a global corporation enriching lives and enabling business transformation for our
customers, with leadership in chosen technologies and markets. Be the first choice for employees
and partners, with commitment to sustainability.

We enable business transformation and enrichment of lives by delivering sustainable world class
technology products, solutions and services in our chosen markets thereby creating superior
shareholder value.

Core Values

We shall uphold the dignity of every individual

We shall honour all commitments

We shall be responsible corporate citizens

We shall be committed to Quality, Innovation and Growth in every endeavour


Redefine Work Place

Renew Eco System
Repay Society

Research Problem:

The purpose of this assignment was to determine what types of motivational factors can
effectively promote innovation and increase employee motivation in the company, as well as to
provide recommendations on what to implement, eliminate, or change, based on our findings.
Secondly to identify critical variables decision making used by organization.
To get insight about the motivation level of the employees and find out what kind of

motivational tools are used by HCL Technologies.

Analyze what kind of decision making model is used by HCL Technologies.
To find the motivational tools used by the company to motivate employees.
To search the unique technique used by the company to motivate employees.
To find out companies Goals, Mission, Vision and Values.
To compare the research with the theories taught.

Data Collection Method:

The research data is personally collected by the researchers from the personnel of HCL from
several officers of the company at Chennai and Hyderabad. A qualitative evaluation shall be
utilized for this research project leveraging subjective methods such as questionnaire and
observations to collect substantive and relevant data. Upon collecting the qualitative data derived
from said questionnaire, careful analysis shall be done.

To gain an insight in the research methodology, companys website along with several other
websites has also been used. The study has been completed with the help of the official website
of the company, HCL technologies. All the information regarding the company, such as: vision,
mission, goals and core values have been collected from the companys website. This report also
provides with the milestones achieved by the company since its incorporation.

Convenience sampling technique is used as the selected subjects are conveniently accessible
and proximity to the researcher. Sampling Techniques is the process selecting few from a bigger
group to become the basis for estimating are predicting the fact, situation or outcome regarding
to better group. The research has been done with sample data 10 from the organization from
various levels. The questionnaire was circulated to the sample; it had 14 questions to analyze the
objectives which researchers have identified.

Sample Size : 10
Instrument Used: Questionnaire.

The purpose of this study was to determine what types of incentives and motivational techniques
can most effectively increase employee motivation in the company. The findings of this study are
presented as follows:
On Motivation
Regarding the satisfaction level with the work culture at HCl

Top Management is interested in motivating the employees were agreed by all the

As per the survey it can be concluded that, appreciation letter is the most motivational

It can be concluded that there is a 50-50 ratio of satisfied and dissatisfied employees in the

Following are the tools that motivates the employees

Incentives and other benefits influence an employees performance was agreed by most of
the employees.


On Decision making
Involvement of employees in Decision making process by the Top Management

Decision making process followed by HCL

Time taken by HCL to execute decisions, it was observed that it mainly depends on the issue.

Hcl gears up its employees by empowering them by following to participate in decision


Mainly the employees get motivated when due recognition is provided to them. As per the survey
it can be concluded that, appreciation letter is the most motivational incentive. Incentives and
other benefits improve an employees performance. Employees who have worked for more than
5 years are dissatisfied with the incentives provided by the company. Among employees who
have worked for a span of 2-5 years, are satisfied with incentives provided by the company
Centralized decision making policy is practiced at HCL. Time taken by HCL to execute a
decision depends on the nature of the problem. Mainly training programs and workshops are
conducted by HCL to enhance decision making skills in the employees. Over the years
employees have learned that they should be ready to face challenges and competition and they
also have realized the importance of team work. Other factors like recognition of work;
promotion etc also can help employees to achieve better job satisfaction level.

Motivation Motivation is the driving force within individuals that compels them
physiologically and psychologically to pursue one or more goals to fulfill their needs or
Motivation is the process that accounts for an individuals intensity, direction, and persistence of
effort toward the attainment of a goal. Intensity is concerned with how hard a person tries.
However, unless effort is channeled in a direction that benefits the organization, high intensity is
no guarantee of favorable job-performance outcomes. Quality of effort, therefore, is just as
important as intensity of effort. Finally, persistence (how long a person can maintain effort) is
important. A motivated person stays with a task long enough to achieve his or her goal.


Work motivation originates both within as well as beyond an individual's being, to initiate
work-related behavior, and to determine its form, direction, intensity, and duration. Motivation is
a person's internal disposition to be concerned with. Because of motivation's role in influencing
workplace behavior and performance, it is a key for organizations to understand and to structure
the work environment to encourage productive behaviors and discourage those that are
A brief history of motivation theory is presented in order to outline the current understanding of
employee motivation.
Maslow (1943) suggests that human needs can be classified into five categories and that these
categories can be arranged in a hierarchy of importance. These include physiological, security,
belongings, esteem and self-actualization needs. According to him a person is motivated first and
foremost to satisfy physiological needs. As long as the employees remain unsatisfied, they turn to
be motivated only to fulfill them. When physiological needs are satisfied they cease to act as
primary motivational factors and the individual moves up the hierarchy and seek to satisfy
security needs. This process continues until finally self actualization needs are satisfied.
According to Maslow the rationale is quite simple because employees who are too hungry or too
ill to work will hardly be able to make much a contribution to productivity hence difficulties in
meeting organizational goals.
It can be concluded from the survey that decision making in HCL is mostly centralized and
occasionally they are made a part of the decision making process. Decision making is part of
realizing the Self Esteem need of the employees, hence satisfying this need of the employees can
help them step up to the self actualization level. Hcl also holds training programmes workshops
and counseling session to enhance employees decision making skills.
Vroom (1964) proposes that people are motivated by how much they want something and how
likely they think they are to get it he suggest that motivation leads to efforts and the efforts
combined with employees ability together with environment factors which interplays resulting
to performance. This performance interns lead to various outcomes, each of which has an
associated value called Valence.
The theory, therefore, focuses on three relationships


1. Effortperformance relationship. The probability perceived by the individual that exerting a

given amount of effort will lead to performance.
2. Performancereward relationship. The degree to which the individual believes performing at a
particular level will lead to the attainment of a desired outcome.
3. Rewardspersonal goals relationship. The degree to which organizational rewards satisfy an
individuals personal goals or needs and the attractiveness of those potential rewards for the
In the following survey it was analyzed that employees can achieve job satisfaction by
recognition of their work and performance by their managers and superiors. Vrooms theory in
turn validates this point. Once employees are motivated they will give better outputs.
Herzberg suggested that there are factors in a job, which causes satisfaction. These he called
intrinsic factors (motivators) and other factor that cause dissatisfaction which he refers to as
extrinsic (hygiene factors). According to him if the motivational factors are met, the employee
becomes motivated and hence performs higher. Company usually concentrates more on Hygine
factors for motivation but it was observed that motivational factors like achievement,
recognition, work itself were ignored in motivating employees.
During this survey it was concluded that employees were motivated by Appreciation letters that
recognize the efforts put in by a employee and promotion of employees as compared to
incentives that can be provided to them.
Mc Gregory suggested that there exist two sets of employees (lazy and ambitious employees)
with lazy employees representing theory X, hard and ambitious workers representing Y.
According to him the lazy employee should be motivated to increase performance in an
Geogopalaus path Goal theory of motivation states that, if a worker sees high productivity as a
path leading to the attainment of one or more of his personal goals, he will turn to be a high
producer. But if he sees low productivity as the path leading to the attainment of his goal he will
turn to be a low producer and hence needs to be motivated. 50 percent of employees were found


to be satisfied with incentives provided by HCL and other half was dissatisfied. Hence there is a
need to satisfy and motivate the other half of the employee for better productivity.
It is true that human behaviour in general is dynamic and could affect the individuals personal
attitude as well as factors surrounding that individual.
According to Bassette-jones & Lloyd expectancy, equity, goal setting and reinforcement theory
have resulted in the development of a simple model of motivational alignment. The model
suggests that once needs of employees are identified and organisational objectives and also
satisfy employee needs .If poorly aligned then low motivation will be the outcome.
Organisations must be able to arouse, directs and sustained human behaviour to achieve
organisational goals and meet shareholders value. Many organisations have failed to link
employees interest to those of the organisations and as such, employees and employers job
contract has become unstable, with higher labour turn over.


The following recommendations are made to the company based on the findings and conclusions
of this study on employee motivation and its most influencing factors, for the purpose of
enhancing the overall level of employee motivation in the company and increasing work
Put effort into ensuring that employees are properly credited and receive recognition for the
good work they do in their respective positions.
Company must motivate dissatisfied employees and provide different kind of incentives
depending on the type of employee and the level on which they are working.


Providing new challenges day by day to capable employees so that they retain their
motivation to work and performance levels.
To satisfy the Self Esteem need more decision making power should be vested in the hands
of the employees to motivate them to progress to self actualization needs.
Long-term incentives such as opportunity for promotion, along with other like incentives, are
beneficial in influencing more overall productivity. Also, short-term financial incentives
could give motivation to only do what has been successful in the past and not to be creative.
Where financial rewards might be excessive, inappropriate, or unaffordable, being praised or
personally thanked can facilitate the employees desire to have a greater, more meaningful
effect on the company.
Top Level management and immediate managers should not keep any communication gap
between the management and their employees, they should try to find out the reasons of
dissatisfaction among the employees and on a continuous basis.
Supervisors can help employees broaden their perspective by regularly discussing strategic
issues, and by supporting involvement in campus organizations, committees, and training

With a broadened viewpoint, the employee better realizes how his/her job

supports the mission and vision of the organization. An employees feeling of contributing
to the whole enhances his/her sense of belonging and satisfaction.
With the data from the questionnaire collected and analyzed, and with the recommendations
drawn from the findings of the study, the company will be better able to understand what it can
do to motivate its employees more effectively and increase morale in the workplace.
Recommendations to the company based on this study include: promoting more from within the
company, encouraging better and more frequent communication between managers and
employees, making sure employees are receiving significant credit and recognition for their great
work, and offering more opportunities for employees to increase their skill-sets and to master
their respective positions


Fred Luthans, organizational Behaviour, An evidence based approach, 12th Edition 2013,

McGraw Hill
Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge, Organizational Behaviour, 15th Edition 2012,

Website of HCL Technologies


You have been invited to participate in an Academic Research project being carried out by
Students of MBA at NALSAR, university of Law at Hyderabad. This research aims to identify a
number of characteristics that have an influences on the way organizations work and employees
function in it. The result of this research will help the students optimize skills and evaluate the
subject of Organizational Behaviour with practical examples.
The questionnaire is purely for research purpose only. This will be used only for the research
project and in learning the nuances of Organizational Behaviour with a practical approach
The questionnaire comprises of 15 questions i.e. 12 Multiple choice questions and 3 elaborative
questions. You can answer these questions by putting in your choice of answer in the column


provided for the answers. We request you to answer all the questions. When you have completed
the questionnaire you can save it with your name after the provided file name.
We value your time put in for answering these questions and are grateful for your help.
Thank you for participating
Contact No:
Designation in your Company:



Q1. Since how many years you have been working in this HCL?
a. 0-2 Years
b. 2-5 Years
c. 5-7 Years
d. More than 7 Years
Q2. Rate your level of satisfaction with the working culture of the
a. Highly Satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Average
d. Dissatisfied
e. Highly Dissatisfied
Q3. Rate the statement Top Management is interested in
motivating the employees?
a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strong Disagree
Q4. Which type of incentives motivates you more?
a. Incentive Awards
b. Promotion
c. Appreciation letters
d. Others (please specify)


Q5. How far you are satisfied with the incentives provided by the
a. Highly Satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Dissatisfied
d. Highly Dissatisfied
Q6. Which of the following factors which motivates you most?
a. Salary Increase
b. Promotion
c. Leave
d. Motivational talks
e. Recognition
Q7. Do you think that incentives and other benefits will influence
your performance?
a. Influence
b. Does not influence
c. No Opinion

Q8. Does the Top Management involve you in decision making

which are connected to your department?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Occasionally
Q9. What kind of decision making process is followed in your
a. Centralized
b. Decentralized
c. Others (Please Specify)
Q10. How much time does your HCL take to execute a decision?
a. A week
b. 15 days
c. A month
d. Depends on the issue
Q12. What steps does your HCL take to enhance decision making
skills in the employees?
a. Counseling
b. Workshops
c. Training programs
d. Others (please specify

Q13. What helps the employees or you achieve better job satisfaction?
Q14. What are those key traits that employees need to succeed in HCL?
Q15. What is the best learning from your job?


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