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Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Airspace Complexity For Air Traffic Controller Workload-Based Sectorization

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The paper develops a methodology to partition airspace into sectors based on modeling air traffic controller workload across different hexagonal cells.

The paper analyzes the temporal and spatial distribution of air traffic controller workload across different regions of airspace.

The paper models air traffic controller workload for each hexagonal cell using various airspace metrics like horizontal movement, conflict detection/resolution, coordination, and altitude changes. It then simulates workload over time for each cell.

Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Airspace Complexity

for Air Traffic Controller Workload-Based Sectorization

Arash Yousefi* and George L. Donohue
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, 22030
We develop an Air Traffic Controller (ATC) workload-based methodology for airspace
sectorization. As an initial step, we partition the US National Airspace into three layers with
different altitude ranges. The range of each layer is based on the operational levels in low,
high, and ultra-high airspace. Each layer is further tiled to 2,566 hexagonal cells (hex-cells)
with 24 nautical mile sides. These hex-cells are assumed to be the finite elements of airspace
and ATC workload is modeled for each hex-cell using various airspace metrics. We simulate
a one-day scenario of the entire National Airspace System (NAS) and calculate the ATC
workload for each hex-cell. Furthermore, we apply new visualization techniques to analyze
the temporal and spatial distribution of the controller workload. Having the workload
values for each cell for the entire day, we develop clustering algorithms using optimization
theory to cluster cells and construct sectors. Our effort concentrates on simulation as a
means to evaluate cognitive workload for the elements of airspace regardless of current
sector and center boundaries.



total ATC workload for a sector or group of sectors during a given time interval
horizontal movement workload
conflict detection/resolution workload
coordination workload
altitude-change workload
ATC workload function at time t
number of sectors
side of hex-cell in nautical mile
generic function
time index
latitude in degree
longitude in degree



IR travel in the U.S. grew at a rapid pace until 2001, expanding from 172 million passenger enplanements in
1970 to nearly 615 million in 2000. However, over the next 4 years, a combination of factorsthe events of
September 11th, 2001, an economic recession, and other factorscombined to reduce the traffic back to 1995 levels.
Never-the-less, air travel remains one of the most popular modes of transportation and it is projected to grow with a
rapid pace1. A combination of many factors limit the National Airspace System (NAS) capacity and it is expected
that current system capacity could not maintain a high quality of service for the future demand. The limited airspace
capacity is already imposing significant en route delay in the congested areas of the NAS1.

Ph.D. Candidate and GRA, Center for Air Transportation Systems Research (CATSR), 4400 University Dr.,
MSN4A6, AIAA Member.

Professor and Director, Center for Air Transportation Systems Research (CATSR), 4400 University Dr., MSN4A6,
AIAA Member.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

A. Capacity limitations and the role of Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs)

The capacity of the nations air transportation system has not kept pace with the growth in demand. Thus costs in
terms of lost time and extra fuel consumed continue to grow rapidly for society and business2. Capacity of the NAS
is constrained by many factors including number of runways, aircraft separation requirements, and the Air Traffic
Controller (ATC) workload limitations. Future increasing demand could result in under utilization of the airspace
system due to controller workload constraints. In congested areas of the NAS, the ATC workload limitation is a
critical capacity constraint which generates significant en route delay and increased Operational Errors (OE)5. The
controllers often enforce Miles in Trail (MIT) restrictions or they may reroute the aircraft or deny access into a
sector to avoid high workload situations. Without effective improvements to reduce the ATC workload in congested
areas, airspace capacity could not be maintained up to a level which satisfies the future growth.
Airspace sectorization has a direct impact on the amount of workload that controllers experience and an efficient
sectorization could ease the workload even in the complex traffic situations3,4, and 6. The current airspace sectorization
is not based on a comprehensive and system-level study of demand profiles and route structures. The majority of
sector boundaries have a historical, not an analytical background3,4,7,& 19. Currently, modifications and airspace
redesigns are often conducted within Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC) and the system-wide effect of any
change to the entire NAS is not usually studied. Throughout the years sectors in the congested airspace have been
divided into smaller sectors to lower the aircraft density. However the available frequency spectrum for controllerto-pilot and controller-to-controller communication eliminates the achievable number of sectors in the NAS8.
The ATC workload is directly related to the controllers situational awareness9. Structured air traffic reduces the
system dynamics and enables the ATC to develop mental abstractions to reduce the cognitive complexity of traffic
situation. This complexity reduction results in airspace capacity improvement10,11. Current air traffic patterns in the
U.S. contains highly structured routes that are favorable for the controllers. However current airspace sectorization
is not often in accordance with these structured routes and ATCs are not able to take full advantage of this existing
highly structured traffic. For example, an aircraft destined to ORD from LAX may cross up to 15 different sectors
while en route. Such a decentralized system produces significant amount of controller-to-controller and pilot-tocontroller coordination workload and this results in system inefficiency.
Recent advances in Air Traffic Management (ATM) technology are changing operating conditions of the ATC.
Today, with the use of advanced data links, one controller could be able to track an aircraft and communicate with a
pilot all the way from origin to destination. Advanced navigation equipment and data links such as Global
Positioning System (GPS), Airborne Separation Assurance System (ASAS), Automated Dependent Surveillance
Broadcasting (ADS-B) and Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) enable pilots to provide separation
assurance. Hence the ATC functions could become more strategic in nature.
B. Lack of trained ATCs and excessive number of ARTCCs
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) currently employs approximately 15,272 controllers out of which,
more than 7,000, almost half the workforce, are expected to retire in the next nine years12. The FAA has proposed to
raise the retirement age to help deal with an unprecedented number of retirements. But this temporary solution does
not address the issue in the long term. The retirement issue in addition to the increasing demand for air traffic
exacerbates challenges facing the ATM system. The Air Traffic facilities in continental U.S. are located in 20
ARTCCs across the country. As shown in Fig. 1, the overall traffic is not uniformly distributed among the Centers.
There are many administrative employees in each ARTCC other than the controllers. Such a decentralized system
results in inefficiencies in terms of providing unnecessary infrastructure and staffing requirements. Reducing the
number of centers could result in significant savings. The FAA has initiated the National Airspace Redesign (NAR)
project, which in part aims for a more optimal sectorization by balancing the traffic load and sectors capacity13. The
NAR project also proposes a reduction in number of Centers. In this venue, a comprehensive methodology that
analyses the temporal and spatial distribution of airspace complexity and provides a scientific, yet practical,
technique for airspace sectorization is needed to guide the decision makers.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Aircraft Handled (000's), Jan-Dec 2003















































Count, in thousands

Figure 1. Annual air traffic distribution among CON U.S. ARTCCs. Source:
FAA Factbook, March 2004. URL:

C. Deficiencies of previous research

The ATC workload is the major factor in designing the sector and center boundaries. The current heuristic
approaches for airspace design have reached the limit of their acceptability. To explore more automated and
systematic methodology, researchers have tackled the airspace partitioning problem in separate efforts. Various
mathematical methodologies like graph theory, genetic algorithm, computational geometry, and constraint
programming are applied to solve the portioning problem14-18. In general, these approaches do not consider
standalone metrics that reflect all the factors contributing to the ATC cognitive workload. Instead, they tried to
represent the workload by some simplified metrics that capture some of the contributing factors to the ATC
workload. In addition, to our knowledge, none of the proposed mathematical models has been practical enough for
designing the actual sector boundaries using real operational data. The previous approaches take the existing sector
boundaries as a basis and try to optimize them locally. In other words, the workload has its meaning in the context of
existing sector boundaries. The vertical movement of the aircraft is not usually considered and the proposed models
are representations of the airspace in 2-D.


ATC Workload Modeling

Research in controller workload has been motivated by a desire to understand occupational stress, eliminate
operational errors, enhance safety, and improve controller training. Surprisingly there is no globally accepted
definition for ATC Controller workload controller workload is a confusing term and with a multitude of
definitions, its measurement is not uniform19. Workload measurement in ATC is often based on several parameters
measured at the same time. As workload cannot be measured directly, it has to be inferred from quantifiable
variables. 19-35. Researchers have traditionally estimated workload through four basically different categories of
Physical interaction of ATC with control devices like number of key strokes and communication tasks,
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Physiological state of the ATC like heart rate and blood pressure,
Psychological state of the ATC as the amount of cognitive demand that is generated by traffic situations,
Traffic characteristics have been quantified through measurable constraints pertaining to the task and its
environment: total number of aircraft monitored during a work shift, number of coordination actions,
availability versus restriction of airspace, number of conflict points per hour, etc. Individually or combined,
they are seen as indicators of controllers workload.
All of these metrics are measured during the actual operation or using real time simulations assuming that sector
boundaries are already designed. These measures have meaning in the context of already designed sector
boundaries. For the purpose of workload-based sectorization, the ATC workload needs to be modeled for any given
volume of airspace given a certain traffic pattern. In other words, when we are interested in designing the airspace,
there is no existing sector that conventional methods could be applied for workload measurement. Instead, a large
scale simulation is essential to calculate variety of airspace metrics such as aircraft density, number and geometry of
conflicts, number of coordination actions, altitude changes, communication actions, etc. The simulation must be able
to calculate all the mentioned airspace metrics for generic and uniform sector building-blocks.
Ref. 36 discuses an analytical method for workload modeling based on the traffic characteristics and sector
complexity. The ATC workload is divided into four variables:
1- Horizontal Movement Workload (WLHM),
2- Conflict Detection and Resolution Workload (WLCDR),
3- Coordination Workload (WLC),
4- Altitude-Change Workload (WLAC).
In each sector or group of sectors, the summation of these four variables gives the total workload, Eq.(1).



The horizontal movement workload (WLHM) is determined by the number of aircraft in a sector (sector density)
and the average flight time. The Conflict Detection/Resolution (CDR) workload (WLCDR) is based on the conflict
detection using the type of conflict and the conflict severity. The coordination workload (WLC) is determined by the
type of coordination action including: voice call (coordination between two controlled airspace), clearance issue (i.e.
for changing the course), inter-facility transfer (coordination between two sectors from different ARTCCs), silent
transfer (coordination from controlled to uncontrolled airspace), intra-facility transfer (coordination between sectors
within an ARTCC), and tower transfer (coordination between Tower and TRACON ATC). The altitude-change
workload (WLAC) is determined by the type of sector altitude clearance request for level-off, commence-climb and
The Total Airport and Airspace Modeler (TAAM) has been utilized in order to calculate the variables in Eq.(1).
TAAM is a large-scale fast-time ATM simulator that simulates the aircraft performance in all phases of flight (gateto-gate), airport operations, and ATCs decision-making. TAAM counts and records different actions that controllers
take as well as the number of aircraft passing through each sector37. TAAM output tables are used to calculate each
of the four variable in Eq.(1). For detailed formulation and validation refer to Ref. 36.


Temporal and Spatial Distribution of ATC workload

A. Airspace partitioning
Todays airspace over continental U.S. is divided into low, high, and ultra-high altitude ranges that cover
controlled airspace in classes A, B, C, D, and E38. The operational environment of each altitude range is of different
nature. Most of the General Aviation (GA) aircraft use the low altitude airspace whereas commercial operations
take place in the high and ultra-high airspace depending on the flight range. Thus the traffic pattern in each altitude
range has certain characteristics and for the purpose of airspace sectorization each altitude range should be treated
differently. Keeping this in mind, we partition the continental U.S. airspace into three layers as follows:
Mean Sea Level (MSL) to FL210, where short-hull turboprops tend to fly and Visual Flight Rule (VFR)
operations take place.
FL210 to FL 310, where most of the short to medium-hull jet aircraft fly. It is also transition layer from
ultra-high jet routes to lower level airspace.
Above FL310, where en route airspace and jet routes are located.

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Each layer is further tiled to 2,566 hexagonal cells (hex-cells) which are assumed to be the finite elements of
airspace. Figure 2 illustrates a view of airspace partitioning process. In such a partitioning, we disregard any
existing sector or center boundary. We model the ATC workload for each hex-cell and describe how these cells
could be clustered to construct
sectors. The hex-cells need to be
24 nm
small enough to provide reasonable
resolution also large enough to
Over FL310
capture conflict scenarios for
48 nm
FL210 to FL 310
Below FL210
Current minimum lateral separation
in en route airspace is 5 nm and
controllers often add a safety buffer
to this minimum. Taking this into
account, side of each hex-cell is
considered to be 24 nm or 0.4
degree, which is enough to
accommodate 3 to 4 aircraft along
one route.
Tiling a surface is possible by a
hexagonal mesh. For the purpose
of airspace sectorization the most
suitable geometry seems to be a
hexagonal mesh. Computationally,
it is easier to cluster hex-cells in
every direction. Figure 3 illustrates Figure 2. Airspace partitioning and the hex-cell structure.
how hexagons can be clustered
together in different directions in a plane. For the triangular and Clustering Direction Hexagon
rectangular mesh, if we cluster two cells in diagonal directions,
they touch each other in their edges and do not have a common
side. So an aircraft cannot move from one cell to the other
without leaving the cluster. It is only in a hexagonal mesh that all
the cells have common sides for clustering in every direction.
Also by using a hexagonal mesh, we avoid the acute and right
angles in triangle and rectangle that may result to short transit
times for aircraft passing close to the edges.
Our intention is to develop the methodology for a workloadbased airspace sectorization and we have selected the described
geometry for airspace layers and hex-cell mesh as an initial
concept. One could divide the airspace to more than three layers Figure 3. Comparison of different tiling
with different ranges or tile each layer with smaller/larger cells.
B. Simulation and hex-cell workload modeling
We use TAAM to simulate a one-day scenario of entire NAS operations. Each hex-cell is treated as a sector and
ATC workload is modeled using various airspace metrics that are calculated by TAAM. For each hex-cell the
coordination workload in Eq. (1) is set to zero (WLC=0) because, in reality, there is no hand in/off when an aircraft
moves form one hex-cell to the other. The required flight schedule and flight tracks are extracted from the Enhanced
Traffic Management System (ETMS) database and converted into proper format for TAAM. In the ETMS flighttable there are few sets of flying tracks recorded for each flight ID. ETMS updates the recorded routes every time
Airline Operation Centers (AOC) file a new flight plan. These updates are due to the FAA amendments and
advisories or to avoid inclement weather along the previously filed route. We filter the last filed route, before the
aircraft push back, as an input to the simulation model. In the ETMS, there are many flights with missing attributes
like origin, destination, or departure/arrival time. Total number of flights that are retrieved from the ETMS is
roughly 45,000 flights. So we are missing 5,000-15,000 flights per day. Figure 4 shows a view of TAAM simulation
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with hex-cells as sectors and actual flown tracks. TAAM output tables provide all the parameters for calculation of
workload based on Eq. (1).
The hex-cell workload values
during 15 minute bins are plotted in
Fig.5. Each line represents one hexcell and low and high altitude cells are
separated into two graphs. The low
altitude hex-cells generally have
higher workload due to their larger
altitude range. All the hex-cells follow
a same trend throughout the day and
there are few hex-cells with
exceptionally high workload values.
In the next sections we investigate the
geographical location of these cells.
Figure 6 categorizes the high
altitude hex-cells by their ARTCC for
each hour of the day. Each bar
represents one hex-cell and height of
the bars indicates the total workload
during one hour intervals. The New
York Center (ZNY), the smallest
Center in the NAS, contains the most
complex hex-cells whereas in larger Figure 4. A view of TAAM simulation.
Centers like ZLC and ZMP there are
hex-cells with very low workload values. A comparison of Centers located in east and west coasts points out the
time lag between operational peaks in each side of the country. For instance, in ZLA, the peak workload starts at
15:00 Zulu whereas in ZDC, workload begins to grow at 11:00 Zulu.

Figure 5. Workload trend of each hex-cell during one day for low and high altitude layers.
Currently there are 20 ARTCCs that cover the whole continental NAS. The NAR project proposes a reduction
for number of ARTCCs. Reducing the number of Centers may potentially enhance the system efficiency in terms of
necessary infrastructure and staffing requirements. The methodology presented in this paper could be useful for
designing more efficient ARTCC boundaries. The total hourly workload for a Center is simply the integral of
workload values for all the cells. Figure 6 depicts the fact that current Center boundaries do not balance the airspace
complexity among all the Centers. Centers like ZLC, ZMP, and ZDV cover large areas of the NAS but they contain
very small portion of overall traffic complexity. These low workload Centers could be expanded to cover larger
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Figure 6. Workload values for high altitude hex-cells categorized by their ARTCCs.

C. Airspace Complexity Visualizer (ACV)

To explore the geographic location and daily workload trend for each hex-cell we have developed the Airspace
Complexity Visualizer (ACV). The ACV color codes the hex-cells based on their workload and displays a sequence
of 144 frames of entire NAS for 10 minute bins during the day. Figures 7 and 8 illustrate two frames of ACV for
high and low altitude hex-cells during 18:10 to 18:20 Zulu. As we expect for the low altitude airspace, hex-cells

Figure 7. One frame of ACV for time bin of 18:10 to 18:20 Zulu. Low altitude hex-cells are
color-coded based on their workload values.
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with high workload are located in vicinity of large airports and densely population areas whereas in the high altitude
airspace the complex airspace is further out the airports in the en route airspace.

Figure 8. One frame of ACV for time bin of 18:10 to 18:20 Zulu. High altitude hex-cells are
color-coded based on their workload values.
Unfortunately it is not possible to include more frames of ACV in this paper. Running the ACV for the entire
day displays how the airspace complexity propagates throughout the NAS. Congested areas grow in a very
structured fashion between airports and the routing structure is clearly identifiable.


Airspace Sectorization

In this section we discuss an optimization-based methodology for clustering the hex-cells and construct sectors.
A. Requirements for an optimum airspace secotrization
We identify the top-level requirements for an efficient sectorization system as follows:
The system shall;
1. be bounded by the Canadian & Mexican borders as well as the boundaries between oceanic airspace
and current ARTCCs,
2. be developed independent from the inland ARTCC and sector boundaries,
3. be implemented in accordance to the operational flight levels,
4. focus on the en route airspace. The Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) areas shall not be
included in the system,
5. minimize the overall coordination workload,
6. balance the spatial distribution of overall workload among all the sectors,
7. provide reasonable average sector transit time and avoid very short sector transit times,
8. avoid highly concave sectors.
Requirements 1 to 3 are already considered in the process and we focus on the rest of the requirements. The
operational environment in the TRACON area is different from the en route airspace39. The arrival/departure aircraft
entering the TRACON are assigned Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STAR), Standard Instrument Departure
(SID) routes, and pre-defined holding patterns. In the TRACON, the minimum lateral separation is 3 nm versus 5
nm in the en route. The main task of TRACON controllers is sequencing assignment which is assigned based on the
runway configuration, the structure of SIDs and STARs, and wake vortex separation standards. As a result, local
considerations are necessary for TRACON sectorization. In this paper we focus on sector design out of the
TRACON areas. The minimization of coordination workload is one of the main objectives in our methodology.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Coordination actions include controller-to-controller and controller-to-pilot communications for hand-off/hand-in

and frequency assignments. This objective is satisfied if we minimize the hand-off/hand-in by decreasing the
number of sectors. By balancing the distribution of workload among the sectors, we eliminate sectors with very high
complexity as well as low complex sectors. This removes the airspace chokepoints which are one of the main
sources of airspace inefficiencies. From the human perception point of view, it is important that aircraft remain in
the sectors for long enough periods. Short transit times do not allow the controllers to comprehend the traffic
situation and take necessary coordination actions. Short transit times typically occur in highly concave sectors where
aircraft cross the sector close to the edges. Thus maintaining convex shapes for sectors is set as a requirement.
B. Sectorization Algorithm
1. Defining a design period
We model the workload as a varying
function of time. Any clustering algorithm
produces different sector boundaries for each
period of the day. But human factor studies
suggest a constant sectorization allowing the
ATCs to sketch the traffic patterns in their
mind10,11,&40. The ATCs memorize the enter/exit
points and they often know at what time which
traffic is entering their sector, where are the
potential conflicting areas, and what are the
necessary resolution actions. They develop
abstract mental models of the traffic pattern. If
we change the sector boundaries dynamically
throughout the day, ATCs will not be able to
develop such abstract models. This decreases the
situational awareness and imposes high
operational stress on the ATCs. Therefore we
define a representative design-period that
captures the workload dynamics throughout the Figure 9. Percentile of high altitude workload for each
day. In Fig. 9, total workload for each center is ARTCC in one hour increments. At time 21 Zulu all the
calculated by integrating the workload values for centers are operated with over 80 percent of their maximum
all hex-cells within each ARTCC. Each line daily workload.
represents the percentage of maximum daily
workload for each center during different time bins. It
Center for
can be observed that at time 21:00 Zulu all the centers
potential sector
are operating above 80 percent of their maximum daily
workload. It means that despite the time lag for
operational peaks, at 21:00 Zulu most of the high
altitude airspace is very congested. As an initial phase,
we select this time as the design-period and apply
clustering algorithms based on the hex-cells workload
during 20:00 to 21:00 Zulu. Future research may (2 3 )S
suggest other methods for defining this design-period to
capture the systems dynamics more rigorously.
2. Geometry of the clustering algorithm
So far, we have 2,566 hex-cells that need to be
clustered into n sectors. We define a set of potential
centers for sectors on top of the hex-cell mesh. It means
that the clusters start to grow from these potential
centers. The geometry of centers for potential sectors is Figure 10. The geometry of clustering algorithm.
illustrated in Fig. 10. Parameter S denotes the side of Potential centers for sectors are shown in red circles.
The side of each hex-cell is S=24 nm.
the hex-cells which is set to 24 nm.
The number of potential sectors is large enough that
it does not restrict the clustering process. In other words, the clustering algorithm has enough flexibility to open
sectors and assign hex-cells to achieve the optimum solution.

. . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . .
. . . .

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3. Clustering algorithm
One can think of the clustering
problem as a standard facility location
problem, where we have a set of
customers that need to be assigned to
facilities. Sectors are assumed to be
the facilities and the customers are the
hex-cells. Not all the facilities have to
be opened so as for the sectors. For
the entire NAS, we create 649
potential centers for sectors. We also
filter out the hex-cells with zero
workload during the design period.
These zero-workload hex-cells do not
have any impact in the clustering
algorithm and they can be assigned to
any sector after the clustering is
Figure 11. Potential centers for sectors are shown in blue and centers
finished. At the end, we have 2,031
for non-zero workload hex-cells are shown in red.
customers and 649 potential facilities
as shown in Fig.11. For visualization
purposes from this point on, we represent the hex-cells by MINIMIZE (variation of workload among sectors)
their center points. The facility location problems are SUBJECT TO:
extensively studied by operation researchers41 and there is
sector contiguity
a wealth of knowledge in this area. However constraints
avoiding highly concave sectors
for avoiding concavity or sector contiguity are not
number of sectors is limited
necessary in general facility location problems. We
avoid extremely large sectors
develop a linear integer minimization program to solve the
some other ordinary constraints
clustering problem. The algorithm is summarized in Table
Table 1. Summary of minimization problem.
The objective is to minimize the variation of workload
among sectors. In other words, we cluster the hex-cells into sectors in such a way that balances the distribution of
workload among the sectors. The detailed mathematical formulation of minimization problem is a long discussion
and beyond the scope of this paper.
4. Clustering example
Our intention is to apply the clustering algorithm
for the entire NAS at the same time. But, as an initial
step, we select the high altitude layer in Chicago
Center (ZAU) to test the algorithm. The centers for
hex-cells and potential sectors for ZAU high altitude
layer are illustrated in Fig. 12. There are 70 hex-cells
and 16 potential sectors. So the minimization
algorithm needs to solve (70 16) = 1,120 combinatorial
variables to assign the hex-cells to sectors. The
maximum number of sectors to be opened is a given n(cell)=70
parameter to the minimization problem. In the case of n(sector)=16
ZAU we assign the maximum number of sectors to 6.
So 70 hex-cells will be assigned to maximum 6
opened sectors. The minimization problem is solved
using CPLEX solver and the results are shown in Fig.
13. As illustrated in this figure, 6 sectors are opened Figure 12. Center-points of potential sectors and centerand they are all convex and continuous. However one points of hex-cells in high altitude layer of ZAU center.
needs to pay attention that the ZAU center boundaries
do not form a convex polygon. In Fig. 13, the indented sector sides are due to the concave shape of the ZAU Center

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5. Problem complexity
In the ZAU example there are (16 70) = 1,120
combinatorial variables to be solved. The CPLEX runtime in a Pentium-M 1.6 GHz processor, with 1 GB
RAM was less than a minute. But the complexity of
problem increases non-linearly w.r.t the number of
hex-cells and sectors. For each altitude layer of entire
NAS we have (649 2031) = 1, 318,119 variables. This
is an extremely large scale optimization problem. We
are currently working on the efficiency of the
algorithm. Another approach could be to reduce the
problem size by dividing the NAS into East-West
Mississippi or Atlantic-Pacific segments, or splitting
the NAS using the time-zones. Then apply the
clustering algorithm for a smaller population of hexcells and sectors.

Figure 13. Sectorization of high altitude airspace in
ZAU Center. Maximum number of opened sectors is
assigned to 6.

D. An alternative approach; workload as a continuous function of time, latitude, and longitude

As explained before, the hex-cells have to be large enough to capture the conflicting scenarios. This eliminates
the resolution of hex-cell mesh. To achieve higher resolution, we linearly interpolate the workload values between
centers of the hex-cells. For each time bin, the linear interpolation yields a continuous workload surface which is a
function of time, latitude, and longitude, Eq. (2).

WLt = f(lat,lon)
where :
f is a generic function
t denotes the time interval


The workload function is indexed by time intervals, for example WL1440 denotes the workload function during
14:30 to 14:40 Zulu. Figure 14 illustrates the projection of a workload surface into a plain for time interval of 14:30
to 14:40 Zulu (WL1440). The ACV also animates these surfaces and visualizes the propagation of airspace complexity
throughout the NAS continuously. The existing jet routes between congested airports are clearly identified and it is
possible to study the evolution of high workload areas throughout the day.
We also calculate iso-workload contours for each WLt. These contours are shown in Fig. 15. The partial

. The gradient vectors are

derivative of WLt, w.r.t latitude and longitude yields the gradient vector WL
perpendicular to the iso-workload contours and their length indicates the magnitude of the gradient, Eq. (3).


1440 =


For our next approach, we will make an analogy with the world of physics and crystal growing. To grow a
crystal, one begins by heating the raw materials to a liquid state. This molten material is then slowly cooled, until the
crystal structure is frozen in. If the temperature is decreased too quickly, flaws in the crystal can be locked in. Slow
temperature decrease allows these flaws to work themselves out forming a much better crystal. This process is called

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Figure 14. Planar Projection of the high altitude WL1440 surface. Large airports and center
boundaries are illustrated in magenta and red.
One can think of the final state of a crystal as a local
optimum: no small movement of the molecules can decrease
the total energy content. A perfect crystal contains the
minimum energy content of all the final possibilities.
Because molecules only move locally, the laws of physics
only require that some local optimum be found. But if
annealing creates better solutions, perhaps we can simulate
this annealing process.
We propose that the sectorization could be modeled as an
annealing process to calculate the global optimum in terms of
ATC workload distribution. By constructing continuous
functions for workload, we transform the problem domain so
that we can apply Simulated Annealing (SA) techniques for
the sectorization process. The discussion of sectorization by
Figure 15. Iso-workload contours and gradient
SA is beyond the scope of this paper and we leave this
vectors of WL1440 for the high altitude layer.
methodology for the future work.



An ATC workload-based methodology is discussed to solve the airspace sectorization problem. ATC workload
is modeled using large scale simulation for elements of airspace regardless of current sector and center boundaries.
Hexagonal cells are assumed to be the building blocks of sectors and these building blocks are clustered to construct
sectors. Initial results for sectorizarion of a single ARTCC is promising. We are currently working on efficiency of
the clustering algorithm and applying the methodology for the entire NAS. We define the design-period as the time
period that most of the NAS is congested. To include the impact of weather related disruptions, it is possible to
simulate the workload for few bad-weather days and define the design period for combination of different days
including when the inclement weather interrupts the operations. We use TAAM to calculate the required airspace
metrics for workload modeling. The presented methodology is general and other ATM models could be used for
workload measurement and validation of TAAM outputs.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

As an alternative approach we model the workload as a continuous function of time, latitude, and longitude of
each point in the NAS. Accordingly we propose to use Simulated Annealing techniques for designing the sector
boundaries. This could open new venues for development of alternate clustering algorithms.
The presented methodology for analysis of tempo-spatial distribution of ATC workload could also be used to
determine the optimum number and location of ARTCCs.

This work was supported by the FAA aviation research grant 00-G-016 and by grant NAG-2-1643 from the
NASA. Special thanks to Karla Hoffman (GMU), John Shortle (GMU), Lance Sherry (GMU), Chun-Hung Chen
(GMU), Terry Thompson (Metron Aviation Inc.), and Mark Klopfenstein (Metron Aviation Inc.) for technical
suggestions. Also thank to Ariela Sofer (GMU), Lauren Magruder (GMU), Colleen Peranteau (FAA), Steve
Bradford (FAA), and Barri Caldwell (NASA) for their support.


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