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16.17 . A sound wave in air at 20C has a frequency of 150 Hz

and a displacement amplitude of 5.00 * 10 -3 mm. For this sound
wave calculate the (a) pressure amplitude (in Pa); (b) intensity (in
W>m2); (c) sound intensity level (in decibels).
16.18 .. You live on a busy street, but as a music lover, you want
to reduce the trafc noise. (a) If you install special sound-reecting
windows that reduce the sound intensity level (in dB) by 30 dB, by
what fraction have you lowered the sound intensity (in W/m2)? (b)
If, instead, you reduce the intensity by half, what change (in dB)
do you make in the sound intensity level?
16.19 . BIO For a person with normal hearing, the faintest sound
that can be heard at a frequency of 400 Hz has a pressure amplitude of about 6.0 * 10 -5 Pa. Calculate the (a) intensity; (b) sound
intensity level; (c) displacement amplitude of this sound wave at
16.20 .. The intensity due to a number of independent sound
sources is the sum of the individual intensities. (a) When four
quadruplets cry simultaneously, how many decibels greater is the
sound intensity level than when a single one cries? (b) To increase
the sound intensity level again by the same number of decibels as
in part (a), how many more crying babies are required?
16.21 . CP A babys mouth is 30 cm from her fathers ear and
1.50 m from her mothers ear. What is the difference between the
sound intensity levels heard by the father and by the mother?
16.22 .. The Sacramento City Council adopted a law to reduce
the allowed sound intensity level of the much-despised leaf blowers from their current level of about 95 dB to 70 dB. With the new
law, what is the ratio of the new allowed intensity to the previously
allowed intensity?
16.23 .. CP At point A, 3.0 m from a small source of sound that
is emitting uniformly in all directions, the sound intensity level is
53 dB. (a) What is the intensity of the sound at A? (b) How far
from the source must you go so that the intensity is one-fourth of
what it was at A? (c) How far must you go so that the sound intensity level is one-fourth of what it was at A? (d) Does intensity obey
the inverse-square law? What about sound intensity level?
16.24 .. (a) If two sounds differ by 5.00 dB, nd the ratio of the
intensity of the louder sound to that of the softer one. (b) If one
sound is 100 times as intense as another, by how much do they differ in sound intensity level (in decibels)? (c) If you increase the
volume of your stereo so that the intensity doubles, by how much
does the sound intensity level increase?

16.28 .. BIO The Vocal Tract. Many opera singers (and some
pop singers) have a range of about 2 12 octaves or even greater. Suppose a sopranos range extends from A below middle C (frequency
220 Hz) up to Eb-at above high C (frequency 1244 Hz). Although
the vocal tract is quite complicated, we can model it as a resonating
air column, like an organ pipe, that is open at the top and closed at
the bottom. The column extends from the mouth down to the
diaphragm in the chest cavity, and we can also assume that the
lowest note is the fundamental. How long is this column of air if
v = 354 m>s? Does your result seem reasonable, on the basis of
observations of your own body?
16.29 .. A certain pipe produces a fundamental frequency of
262 Hz in air. (a) If the pipe is lled with helium at the same temperature, what fundamental frequency does it produce? (The molar
mass of air is 28.8 g>mol, and the molar mass of helium is
4.00 g>mol.) (b) Does your answer to part (a) depend on whether
the pipe is open or stopped? Why or why not?
16.30 . Singing in the Shower. A pipe closed at both ends can
have standing waves inside of it, but you normally dont hear them
because little of the sound can get out. But you can hear them if you
are inside the pipe, such as someone singing in the shower. (a) Show
that the wavelengths of standing waves in a pipe of length L that is
closed at both ends are ln = 2L>n and the frequencies are given by
n = nv>2L = n1, where n = 1, 2, 3, . (b) Modeling it as a
pipe, nd the frequency of the fundamental and the rst two overtones for a shower 2.50 m tall. Are these frequencies audible?

Section 16.4 Standing Sound Waves and Normal Modes

16.33 . Two loudspeakers, A and B (Fig. E16.33), are driven by

the same amplier and emit sinusoidal waves in phase. Speaker B
is 2.00 m to the right of speaker A. Consider point Q along the
extension of the line connecting the speakers, 1.00 m to the right
of speaker B. Both speakers emit sound waves that travel directly
from the speaker to point Q. (a) What is the lowest frequency for
which constructive interference occurs at point Q? (b) What is the
lowest frequency for which destructive interference occurs at
point Q?

16.25 . Standing sound waves are produced in a pipe that is 1.20 m

long. For the fundamental and rst two overtones, determine the
locations along the pipe (measured from the left end) of the displacement nodes and the pressure nodes if (a) the pipe is open at
both ends and (b) the pipe is closed at the left end and open at the
right end.
16.26 . The fundamental frequency of a pipe that is open at both
ends is 594 Hz. (a) How long is this pipe? If one end is now closed,
nd (b) the wavelength and (c) the frequency of the new fundamental.
16.27 . BIO The Human Voice. The human vocal tract is a pipe
that extends about 17 cm from the lips to the vocal folds (also
called vocal cords) near the middle of your throat. The vocal
folds behave rather like the reed of a clarinet, and the vocal tract
acts like a stopped pipe. Estimate the rst three standing-wave frequencies of the vocal tract. Use v = 344 m>s. (The answers are
only an estimate, since the position of lips and tongue affects the
motion of air in the vocal tract.)

Section 16.5 Resonance and Sound

16.31 . You blow across the open mouth of an empty test tube
and produce the fundamental standing wave of the air column
inside the test tube. The speed of sound in air is 344 m>s and the
test tube acts as a stopped pipe. (a) If the length of the air column
in the test tube is 14.0 cm, what is the frequency of this standing
wave? (b) What is the frequency of the fundamental standing wave
in the air column if the test tube is half lled with water?
16.32 .. CP You have a stopped pipe of adjustable length close to
a taut 85.0-cm, 7.25-g wire under a tension of 4110 N. You want to
adjust the length of the pipe so that, when it produces sound at its
fundamental frequency, this sound causes the wire to vibrate in its
second overtone with very large amplitude. How long should the
pipe be?

Section 16.6 Interference of Waves

Figure E16.33

2.00 m

1.00 m

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