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The Link Between Food, Nutrition, Diet and Non-Communicable Diseases

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The link between food, nutrition, diet

and non-communicable diseases

Why NCDs need to be considered when addressing major nutritional challenges
1 Foods, diets and nutritional status are important

determinants of non-communicable diseases (NCDs)

What we eat and our nutritional status can affect

cardiovascular diseases, some types of cancer and
diabetes (see page 2). Foods, diet and nutritional status,
including overweight and obesity, are also associated
with elevated blood pressure and blood cholesterol, and
resistance to the action of insulin. These conditions
are not only risk factors for NCDs, but major causes
of illness themselves.

2 NCDs affect people in every corner of the world

Of 52.8 million deaths worldwide in 2010, 34.5 million were
due to NCDs, including cardiovascular diseases (coronary
heart disease, cerebrovascular diseases such as strokes,
and peripheral vascular diseases), diabetes, cancers and
chronic respiratory diseases. About 80% of these deaths
were in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs); 29% of
these deaths were in people under age 60. Once affected,
people often live with the consequences of NCDs for the
rest of their lives; in 2010, NCDs contributed to 79% of
illness in the worlds population.

3 Populations around the world are increasingly

exposed to foods and diets that influence the risk

of developing NCDs

Globally, calories obtained from meat, sugars and oils

and fats have been increasing during recent decades, and
those from fibre-rich foods such as wholegrains, pulses
and roots have been declining. Consumption of processed
and convenience foods continue to rise rapidly in LMICs.
This nutrition transition affects dietary patterns and
nutrient intake, which influence the risk of developing
NCDs (see page 2).

4 Undernutrition places people at risk of developing NCDs

Undernutrition, and its effects on growth, development and
maturation, has numerous detrimental outcomes, including
the potential to increase risk of developing an NCD later
in life (see page 2).

5 Food systems present challenges to the prevention

and control of NCDs as well as undernutrition

Food systems have undergone dramatic changes in past

decades. It is well established that this has had implications for
nutrition, food security and environmental sustainability. Global
food system changes have also had dramatic implications for
NCDs by influencing the nutritional quality of foods that are
available, affordable and acceptable to consumers.

6 A more concerted response is needed for policy

actions, governance and monitoring and evaluation

In 2011, the UN Political Declaration on NCDs called for

population-based policies, multisectoral action, crossagency working and monitoring and evaluation. The World
Health Organization (WHO) has led the way in developing this
global response to NCDs. They have put into place a global
architecture for addressing NCDs, including recommendations
on population-based actions and monitoring frameworks
with targets and indicators. Greater coordination is needed
between this process and actions being taken to address
undernutrition and challenges in the food system at the global,
regional and national levels. NCDs have been conspicuously
absent from both the health and nutrition-related Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) and other international
development agendas. At the national level there has been
a wide range of responses, but still insufficient formulation
and implementation of integrated policies, cross-sectoral
governance, and monitoring and evaluation.

World Cancer Research Fund International and The NCD Alliance:

working together to reduce nutrition-related non-communicable diseases

The science on the connection

between nutrition and NCDs
Dietary patterns

Body composition

Consuming predominantly plant-based diets
reduces the risk of developing obesity, diabetes,
cardiovascular diseases, and some forms of cancer.
Plant-based diets are high in vegetables and fruits,
wholegrains, pulses, nuts and seeds, and have
only modest amounts of meat and dairy. These
diets help to achieve and maintain a healthy
weight, reduce blood pressure, and are also rich
in sources of dietary fibre (which protects against
colorectal cancer).

 verweight and obesity is associated with increased
total mortality and increased risk of disease or death
from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and several
types of cancer. It does so by increasing high blood
pressure, blood cholesterol, insulin resistance and
inflammation as well as hormone levels.

Life course
T he provision of nutrients in the womb, and what
we eat and how active we are from birth onwards
influences the size and shape of the human body
throughout the life course. These processes
influence the rate at which we grow and mature
from conception to adult life, and our physical and
mental development. There is a need to understand
these processes better, but they have already been
shown to influence risk of cardiovascular diseases
and cancers. Babies that are born large within the
normal range and people who grow tall have
a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes
in adulthood, but a greater risk of some cancers.
Conversely those who are born small have a greater
risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes later
in life. These effects apply not just to people who are
seriously over- or under-nourished, but also across
the full spectrum of growth and body composition.

Food and nutrients

 ruits and vegetables independently contribute to
preventing cardiovascular disease. It is likely that
particular vegetables and fruits, including cruciferous
vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli, and many
fruits or vegetables that are rich in folate, also protect
from developing cancers of the colon and rectum,
mouth, pharynx, larynx and oesophagus.

Eating red and processed meat increases risk of
developing colorectal cancer. Saturated fat and trans
fats increase blood cholesterol and cardiovascular
risk. Higher sodium/salt intake is a major risk factor
for elevated blood pressure and cardiovascular
diseases, and probably stomach cancer. Diets high
in meat and dairy also increase blood pressure. Diets
high in energy-dense, highly-processed foods and
refined starches and/or sugary beverages contribute
to overweight and obesity.

 Breastfeeding also plays a role in the health

of mothers and their children. For example, the
greater the sum of months a mother accumulates
lactating over successive pregnancies, the lower her
risk of developing breast cancer. Breastfeeding also
promotes a healthy growth trajectory in the infant
that is associated with lower risk of later obesity.
The first thousand days from conception to the
age of two are critical for the current health of the
child and also for later risk of disease in adulthood.
By influencing health and nutritional status of
prospective mothers, early nutrition can also
influence the health of subsequent generations.

Recommendations for priority actions

While there are many lessons still to be learned, there is widespread agreement on a number of priority actions
needed to effect change.

Key actions for national governments

u Develop and implement a comprehensive range
of well-targeted policy actions to provide an
environment conducive to nutritious, healthy diets.
This should include the options set out in WHO and
UN documents and take a coordinated approach
to undernutrition, obesity and NCDs. World Cancer
Research Fund Internationals NOURISHING
framework (see back page) lists some of the policies
needed to change food environments, food systems,
and create incentives for behaviour change.
u Governments should ensure that agricultural and
food policies are supportive of health policies. They
should set nutrition goals for policies, programmes
and interventions in agriculture and across all other
relevant sectors.
u Where data is available, national governments should
monitor the implementation and effects of policies to
address nutrition and NCDs following the indicators
set in international frameworks. They should also
assess the effects of agri-food systems and policies
on nutrition and NCDs.
u Governments should ensure evaluation is
incorporated early in the policy development process
and establish data collection systems where data
is lacking.

u Agencies should assist countries in monitoring

and evaluation. They should provide guidance on
appropriate metrics where needed (e.g. in agriculture
and food systems) and collate the data for
international use.
u Tools should be provided to governments to help
them safeguard against conflict of interest in
governance and policymaking.

Key actions for researchers

u Researchers should engage proactively with the
monitoring and evaluation of policy actions in order
to build the evidence base, and communicate the full
range of available evidence clearly and consistently
to policymakers.

Key actions for donors and research funders

u Support capacity building for effective policy
development in governments, the development
of a trained workforce of public health nutrition
professionals, and advocacy in civil society
organisations. These are needed to enable effective
policies to be developed and implemented, sustain
support for the prioritisation of nutrition and NCDs,
and overcome opposition from vested interests.

Key actions for international health,

u Support the development of data systems to enable

countries to monitor and evaluate in the many places
where data is lacking.

u The institutional architecture for NCDs and nutrition

should be strengthened to ensure different UN
agencies and programmes work more effectively
together, engage in constructive dialogue, and
agree on common objectives. Clear roles and
responsibilities are needed for each agency.

u Provide support to evaluation studies, including

rapid response funding streams to allow for the
collection of baseline data in response to the
introduction of new policies.

u In conjunction with other members of the UN

Interagency Taskforce on NCDs, the WHO should
provide toolkits to enable countries to design and
implement effective policies. A toolkit should be
available for all key policy actions, including
a summary of the best available evidence and how
policies can more effectively address inequalities.

Key actions for civil society

food and development agencies

u Agencies should champion the prioritising of

nutrition, including NCDs, across international
development agendas. The UN should integrate
nutrition and NCDs into the post-2015 development
agenda, and explicitly add NCD risk factor measures
to its Scaling-Up Nutrition initiative.

u Civil society should act as advocates and watchdogs,

by monitoring and assessing policy actions being
taken by government agencies and commercial
operators and their impact on nutrition and NCDs.
u Civil society should build coalitions across
organisations with a stake in nutrition and NCDs
for more effective global and national advocacy.
They should likewise work to develop a social
movement to create demand for policy change,
and mobilise the mass media in support of nutrition
and NCDs.

Adapting WoRld Cancer Research Fund Internationals

NOURISHING framework for malnutrition in all its forms





Policy Area

Policy Actions for nutrition and NCDs

Nutrition label standards and regulations on the

use of claims and implied claims on foods

Nutrition labelling that is clear and concise, such as interpretative

signals, on all packaged foods

Offer healthy foods and set standards in public

institutions and other specific settings

Offer healthy foods in school feeding, social safety net

programmes and other institutional settings, including the use
of behavioural incentives

Use economic tools to address food

affordability and purchase incentives

Use financial instruments, such as health-oriented cash transfer

programmes, and well-targeted taxes and healthy food subsidies

Restrict food advertising and other forms

of commercial promotion

Restrict advertising and promotion of breast-milk substitutes,

and of unhealthy foods especially to children

Improve nutritional quality of the whole food


Improve the nutritional quality of the food supply, such as through

community food production, biofortification and reformulation

Set incentives and rules to create a healthy

retail and food service environment

Set incentives and rules for retailers and traders to ensure

a healthier community food environment

Harness the food supply chain and actions

across sectors to ensure coherence with health

Harness the power of other sectors to improve nutrition

governance and policy coherence

Inform people about food and nutrition through

public awareness

Inform the public and private sector about nutrition and health,
the role of government policy, and the need for responsible
corporate actions

Nutrition advice and counselling in health care


Nutrition interventions, including support for breastfeeding and

complementary feeding, and dietary counselling in primary care

Give nutrition education and skills

Give training and education to increase skills, including

targeted health literacy to health workers

World Cancer Research Fund International, 2014

This brief was written by World Cancer Research Fund International in collaboration with: Dr. Sanjay Basu (Stanford Univ., USA), Prof. Philip James,
Dr. Tim Lobstein and Hannah Brinsden (World Obesity Federation), Dr. Shweta Khandelwal (Public Health Foundation of India), Tryggve Eng Kielland,
Maxime Compaor, Ida Tidemann-Andersen (Norwegian Cancer Society), Prof. Mary LAbb (Univ. Toronto, Canada), Jane Martin (Obesity Policy
Coalition, Australia), Prof. Milla McLachlan (Stellenbosch Univ., South Africa), Dr. Jaime Miranda (Univ. Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Peru), Dr. Ladda
Mo-Suwan (Prince of Songkla Univ., Thailand), Prof. Abdulrahman Musaiger (Arab Center for Nutrition, Bahrain), Dr. Rachel Nugent (Univ. Washington,
USA), Dr. Juan Rivera Dommarco (National Institute of Public Health, Mexico), Dr. Md. Shamim Hayder Talukder and Shusmita Khan (Eminence,
Bangladesh), Prof. Ricardo Uauy (Univ. Chile and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK) and The NCD Alliance.

About World Cancer Research Fund International and The NCD Alliance
World Cancer Research Fund International leads and unifies a network of cancer prevention charities with a global reach. We are the worlds
leading authority on cancer prevention research related to diet, weight and physical activity. We work collaboratively with organisations
around the world to encourage governments to implement policies to prevent cancer and other non-communicable diseases.
The NCD Alliance is a global civil society network of over 2,000 organisations in 170 countries working together to elevate non-communicable
diseases on the global health and development agenda.
World Cancer Research Fund International 22 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3HH
Tel: +44 (0)20 7343 4200 Email:


2014 World Cancer Research Fund International

2nd edition October 2014

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