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B B O C a s e R e p or t

Angle Class III malocclusion with severe

anteroposterior discrepancy
Carlos Alexandre Cmara*


This case report describes the treatment of a 36-year-old patient who presented a skeletal and dental Class III malocclusion and missing upper canines. The patient was treated
with orthosurgical maxillary advancement (Le Fort 1) and occlusal adjustment of the first
premolars, which replaced the canines. This case was presented to the Brazilian Board of
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics (BBO), as representative of Category 4, i.e., malocclusion with severe anteroposterior discrepancy, as part of the requirements for obtaining
the BBO Diploma.
Keywords: Angle Class III malocclusion. Maxillofacial surgery. Corrective Orthodontics.

lower left molar was also absent. Thus, the right

side molar relationship was in Class I and the relationship between canines in atypical Class III
with the premolars replacing the canines. There
was an anterior -4 mm crossbite and a slight lower
arch midline shift (1 mm to the left). The posterior crowns seemed enlarged and showed signs of
gingival recession (Figs 1 and 2).
A sagittal view of the patients face showed
that the middle third was retruded in relation to
the upper and lower thirds. Maxillary deficiency
was evidenced by the near absence of zygomatic
projection and infraorbital depression. Moreover,
the mandible did not show a long chin-neck line1.
In frontal view, no significant discrepancies were
noted. The relative vertical expansion of the lower
third was well evidenced by the disparity between


Caucasian patient aged 36, female, in good
health and with average caries experience. No reported history of serious or chronic diseases. The
patient reported in her initial consultation that
her facial profile was concave since childhood
and her upper canines were extracted at an early
age. Her main complaint concerned a disharmony
of the anterior teeth and dissatisfaction with the
functional and aesthetic aspects.
A physical examination revealed that the patient had Class III skeletal and dental malocclusion characteristics. Occlusal relationship seemed
atypical since the premolars were found to be replacing the canines, which were missing. The first

* Specialist in Orthodontics, Rio de Janeiro State University. Brazilian Board of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Diplomate.

Dental Press J. Orthod.


v. 15, no. 2, p. 122-137, Mar./Apr. 2010

Cmara CA

The panoramic radiograph showed horizontal

bone loss in both arches (Fig 3).
Assessment of the lateral cephalometric radiograph (Fig. 4) confirmed the Class III skeletal
pattern with ANB equal to -10 (SNA = 74 and
SNB = 84) and compensatory inclination of the
incisors (1-NA = 30, 1-NB = 19 and IMPA =
84). These and other measurements can be seen
in Table 1.

the upper lip, lower lip and chin, which were at

a ratio of 1:3, when the ideal would be 1:2.2 This
disparity gave the impression that half of the lower
third looked heavy, especially for a female face.
The maxillary retrusion further contributed to this
impression, which was possibly enhanced by the
missing upper canines. Smile aesthetics was also affected by the retrusive maxilla due to a low smile
line and inadequate upper incisor exposure (Fig 1).

FIGURE 1 - Initial facial and intraoral photographs.

Dental Press J. Orthod.


v. 15, no. 2, p. 122-137, Mar./Apr. 2010

Angle Class III malocclusion with severe anteroposterior discrepancy

FIGURE 2 - Initial casts.

FIGURE 3 - Initial panoramic radiograph.

FIGURE 4 - Initial lateral cephalometric radiograph (A) and cephalometric tracing (B).

Dental Press J. Orthod.


v. 15, no. 2, p. 122-137, Mar./Apr. 2010

Cmara CA

and study prior to surgery. The surgery goal was

maxillary advancement (Le Fort I) with rigid fixation using plates and screws. The last phase would
involve finishing the case with special attention to
first premolar torque setting. Before the removal of
the fixed appliance an appointment was scheduled
for occlusal adjustment and to refine the occlusal
contacts and lateral and anterior guides.
Lower retention consisted of a 0.032-in braided wire retainer bonded to the lingual surface of
the anterior teeth, from canine to canine. In the
upper arch a wraparound removable upper plate
was used, made with 0.032-in stainless steel wire.

Treatment goals were based on the maxillary
deficiency that led to the midface retrusion. The anterior crossbite resulting from the maxillary retrusion and missing maxillary canines required correction by means of surgical maxillary advancement.
The establishment of normal occlusionaccording
to Andrewss six keys to optimal occlusionwas
achieved through maxillary advancement and occlusal adjustment of the premolars that replaced
the canines. Presurgical orthodontic decompensation was accomplished by aligning and leveling the
upper and lower arches. For the lower arch it was
decided that the space left by the missing tooth
(36) would be closed during the orthodontic mechanics of decompensation. The surgical goal focused on maxillary advancement since the maxilla
was retruded in relation to the lower third and the
mandible did not show a significant disparity, as attested by the normal length of the chin-neck line.

The orthodontic appliance was comprised of
brackets, which were bonded from premolar to
premolar and molar bands, which were placed on
the molars (including the third molars). Buccal
tubes were bonded to the lower second molars.
With the exception of the first 0.012-in orthodontic arch wires, which were NiTi, all others
were stainless steel. The use of these arch wires
allowed the customization of arch size diagrams
and the use of sizes that enabled arch decompensation. In other words, any compensation generated by the initial malocclusion was corrected
based on individual features and on the ideal
size for the patients arches. It should be noted
that the distance between the canines and lower
molars served as a reference for producing upper and lower diagrams. The use of customized
contoured arch wires which conformed to such
measurements allowed a slow and gradual decompensation. However, the decompensation of
the maxillary transverse width caused a decrease
in intermolar width, bringing about a stalemate.
In fact, the decrease in intermolar width occurred
on account of torque correction. Since this was a
Class III malocclusion case, even when these teeth
are not crossed they do present with lingual root
torque compensations.3 Thus, after correcting
the torque of the posterior teeth a discrepancy

The treatment plan was based on the need for
dental decompensation for presurgical preparation.
It also consisted in installing the upper and lower
fixed appliance (Standard Edgewise system, 0.022
x 0.028-in slot, round 0.012-in, 0.014-in, 0.016-in,
0.018-in, 0.020-in and rectangular 0.019 x 0.025in arch wires). All orthodontic wires were stainless
steel, except the first, which was a NiTi. In the final
stage of alignment and leveling with round arches
the use of Class II elastics was started with the purpose of decompensating the lingual inclination in
the lower anterior crowns and preparing for placement of the rectangular 0.019 x 0.025-in arch wire.
The use of Class II-oriented elastics would also
serve to assist in closing the space between teeth
37 and 35, caused by the absence of 36.
Following the insertion of the rectangular wires,
casts were made of the upper and lower arches
to analyze a simulation of the postsurgical occlusion. As soon as the occlusion was prepared additional documentation was ordered for evaluation

Dental Press J. Orthod.


v. 15, no. 2, p. 122-137, Mar./Apr. 2010

Angle Class III malocclusion with severe anteroposterior discrepancy

advancement surgery, thus segmenting the maxilla. However, the simulation models showed that
the crossbite was negligible. This fact, compounded by the disadvantages of a two-step surgery
(expansion and advancement), such as discomfort
and compromised esthetics, as well as, on the other hand, the possibility of relapse5 after a singlestep surgery, led the author to compensate for the
transverse discrepancy between the maxilla and
mandible by increasing molar buccal root torque,

was found between maxillary and mandibular

widths. Whenever the cast models were manipulated to simulate the postsurgical position a lingual crossbite appeared. In fact, maxillary atresia
was also expressed in the transverse dimension.
Thus, there was a discrepancy between the maxillary and mandibular bone bases which showed
up after dental decompensation. The ideal solution to this problem would be maxillary expansion surgery performed either prior to or during

FIGURE 5 - Presurgical facial and intraoral photographs.

Dental Press J. Orthod.


v. 15, no. 2, p. 122-137, Mar./Apr. 2010

Cmara CA

molars. After such compensations additional exams were ordered for surgical planning and the
patient was referred for surgery (Figs 5 to 9).
As expected, an 8 mm maxillary advancement
enabled the correction of the anterior crossbite
with an atypical occlusion relationship since the
upper first premolars had replaced the canines.

which shortened the intermolar width of these

teeth (Table 2). In other words, the proper fit between upper and lower molars in the transverse
direction was achieved by dental compensation
through molar buccal root torque, which allowed
the palatal cusps of the upper molars to occlude
with the fossae and marginal ridges of the lower

FIGURE 6 - Presurgical cast models.

FIGURE 7 - Presurgical panoramic radiograph.

Dental Press J. Orthod.


v. 15, no. 2, p. 122-137, Mar./Apr. 2010

Angle Class III malocclusion with severe anteroposterior discrepancy

FIGURE 8 - Presurgical lateral cephalometric radiograph (A) and cephalometric tracing (B).

FIGURE 9 - Total (A) and partial (B) superimposition of initial (black) and presurgical (blue) cephalometric tracings.

Dental Press J. Orthod.


v. 15, no. 2, p. 122-137, Mar./Apr. 2010

Cmara CA

treatment. The occlusal adjustments were refined

six months after appliance removal. The space left
by tooth 36 was closed using orthodontic elastic
chains and with the aid of inter maxillary elastics
used before surgery (Fig 10).
The planned retainers were used. In the upper arch a removable wraparound appliance and
in the lower, 0.032-in braided wire was bonded
from canine to canine.

In the final stage, after the orthodontic adjustments, occlusal adjustment was performed by
wearing down the upper first premolar region
so that the occlusal contacts were simultaneous
and bilateral, exerting equipotent axial forces
with no lateral resultant forces. The lateral guides
were obtained through group disocclusion so as
to not force or traumatize the premolars, which
already presented with gingival recession before

FIGURE 10 - Final facial and intraoral photographs.

Dental Press J. Orthod.


v. 15, no. 2, p. 122-137, Mar./Apr. 2010

Angle Class III malocclusion with severe anteroposterior discrepancy

second molar, which kept a Class II relationship

on both left and right sides due to the absence
of canines. The premolars replaced the canines
and after the necessary orthodontic adjustments
and some wearing down of the occlusal contacts
also assumed their function. The maxillary advancement also provided aesthetic enhancement
since both the profile and the smile showed significant improvement. The profile became more

The 8 mm surgical maxillary advancement
(Le Fort 1) corrected the sagittal discrepancy
of the Class III malocclusion with a reduction
in ANB from -10 to 0 (Table 1). Incisor decompensation allowed the anterior crossbite to
be corrected and correct vertical and horizontal overlaps were achieved. The space of the
missing first lower left molar was taken by the

FIGURE 11 - Final cast models.

FIGURE 12 - Final panoramic radiograph.

Dental Press J. Orthod.


v. 15, no. 2, p. 122-137, Mar./Apr. 2010

Cmara CA

balanced with well-proportioned facial thirds.

The proper positioning and greater exposure
of the upper incisors contributed to a balanced
smile.4 A frontal view of the face at rest showed

improvement in the proportions of the facial

thirds and in the relationship between the upper
lip, lower lip and mentum, which was increased
to 1:2 (Figs 10 to 14).

FIGURE 13 - Final lateral cephalometric radiograph (A) and cephalometric tracing (B).

FIGURE 14 - Total (A) and partial (B) superimposition of initial (black) and final (red) cephalometric tracings.

Dental Press J. Orthod.


v. 15, no. 2, p. 122-137, Mar./Apr. 2010

Angle Class III malocclusion with severe anteroposterior discrepancy

normal length of the chin-neck line. In addition, two factors were crucial to the maxillary
surgery. Firstly, there was a risk that mandibular setback might interfere with the reduction
of oropharynx space, which might lead to the
emergence of a respiratory disorder, in particular, Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Secondly, the possibility of relapse is reduced when a single bone
is moved.5 Four years later, result stability confirmed this expectation (Figs 15 to 19).
The correction of skeletal and dental problems
allowed the occlusal, functional and aesthetic
goals to be achieved.

In view of the fact that this was an adult patient with a Class III malocclusion, surgery was
always an option. Maxillary advancement was
preferred because the midface was retruded
in relation to the upper and lower thirds. This
retrusion showed that there was a maxillary
atresia which, accompanied by an absence of
canines, compounded the retrusive effect with
a 4 mm anterior crossbite. Moreover, although
there was a discrepancy in position between
maxilla and mandible, the mandible was not
excessively large. This fact was attested by the

FIGURE 15 - Facial and intraoral control photographs taken four years after treatment completion.

Dental Press J. Orthod.


v. 15, no. 2, p. 122-137, Mar./Apr. 2010

Cmara CA

FIGURE 16 - Control casts four years after treatment completion.

FIGURE 17 - Panoramic radiograph four years after treatment completion.

Dental Press J. Orthod.


v. 15, no. 2, p. 122-137, Mar./Apr. 2010

Angle Class III malocclusion with severe anteroposterior discrepancy

FIGURE 18 - Profile lateral radiograph (A) and cephalometric tracing (B) - four years after treatment completion.

FIGURE 19 - Total (A) and partial (B) superimposition of initial (black), final (red) and control (green) cephalometric tracings four years after treatment

Dental Press J. Orthod.


v. 15, no. 2, p. 122-137, Mar./Apr. 2010

Cmara CA

TablE 1 - Summary of cephalometric measurements.




























Convexity Angle






Y Axis







Facial Angle




























1 NA (degrees)







1 NA (mm)



1 NB (degrees)







1 NB (mm)


1-1 - Interincisal Angle








1 APo (mm)


Upper Lip S Line




Lower Lip S Line




TablE 2 - Upper and lower interpremolar and intermolar widths (in mm).



Upper Inter-premolar





Upper Inter-molar





Lower Inter-premolar





Lower Inter-molar





Dental Press J. Orthod.


v. 15, no. 2, p. 122-137, Mar./Apr. 2010

Angle Class III malocclusion with severe anteroposterior discrepancy

through orthodontic preparation and orthognathic surgery. Knowledge of the patients aesthetic
and functional needs as well as her expectations
and concerns facilitated the correction of the
bone and occlusal discrepancy through maxillary
advancement and relocation of upper first premolars to perform the functions of the missing
canines. Therefore, although unusual, this case
met the requirements of the Brazilian Board of
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics (BBO),
which perceives and assesses treatment results by
taking into account the ideal and actual precepts
underlying an adequate orthodontic treatment.

Every orthodontic treatment aims to achieve
(a) adequate occlusion while ensuring satisfactory and healthy functioning of the stomatognathic
systems physiological routine, (b) optimal facial,
oral and dental aesthetics and (c) long-term result stability. Adult patients with functional and
aesthetic needs raise the level of difficulty in attaining these goals since, deprived of the ability
to change provided by bone growth, they require
additional, integrated procedures to achieve the
desired goals. Angle Class III malocclusion is a
classic example of this situation, where orthodontic possibilities are limited and need support from other specialties, particularly surgery.
However, the key to a successful treatment lies in
understanding and integrating these two specialties in seeking the best alternatives and procedures. In our case, the treatment was carried out

Dental Press J. Orthod.

Arthur Farias, for the help in illustration this
paper; Sergio Varela, responsible for the surgery
in the presented patient; Telma Araujo, for his
valuable review.


v. 15, no. 2, p. 122-137, Mar./Apr. 2010

Cmara CA



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Submitted: December 2009

Revised and accepted: February 2010

Contact address
Carlos Alexandre Cmara
Rua Joaquim Fagundes 597, Tirol
CEP: 59.022-500 Natal / RN, Brazil

Dental Press J. Orthod.


v. 15, no. 2, p. 122-137, Mar./Apr. 2010

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