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Mortality Associated With Odontogenic Infection!: Case Report

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case report

Mortality associated with odontogenic

A. W. Green,1 E. A. Flower,2 and N. E. New,3

Odontogenic causes are the most common source for spreading

maxillo-facial infections.1 These infections can develop into life
threatening events. However a fatal outcome is fortunately rare and
is generally associated with an immunocompromised status.2,3 This
case report highlights a spreading maxillo-facial infection, which
resulted in massive haemorrhage from the subclavian vein into the
pleural cavity and subsequent death of a young fit male patient.

25-year-old male was referred with

rapidly advancing bilateral neck
swelling of 3 days duration. Examination
revealed marked trismus (opening limited
to approximately 1 cm), raised tongue
and slight dysphagia but no respiratory
The patient admitted to being an irregular dental attender, with a history of intermittent dental pain over the previous
4 months. A panoramic radiograph showed
heavily carious teeth in both the right and
left lower quadrants with associated periapical pathology (Fig. 1). There was no relevant previous medical history.
The patient was taken to theatre, within
3 hours of presentation, for removal of the
carious teeth and extra-oral drainage.
A fibre-optic awake intubation was performed and intra-venous antibiotics started
at induction (500 mg amoxycillin and
500 mg metronidazole both three times a
day). Extra-oral incisions were performed
and the carious teeth were extracted. No
frank pus was located but extra-oral drains
were placed. Over the next 2 days his condition significantly improved and he was discharged home.

In brief
Take odontogenic infections seriously
Importance of regular dental
Good oral hygiene and diet habits
Rapid surgical and antibiotic
treatment for spreading facial

Two days later the patient reattended.

He was pyrexial and had not been taking
his antibiotics, as he found it difficult to
swallow. Clinically pus was noted escaping from the extra-oral incision. Blood
cultures were obtained and found to be
positive for Streptococcus intermedius,
which was sensitive to penicillin. Intravenous antibiotics were commenced,
(benzyl penicillin 600 mg four times a
day and metronidazole 500 mg three
times a day). Over the next 4 days the

extra-oral swelling and swallowing

improved and the patient was discharged
home, with oral antibiotics and a followup appointment arranged for 1 week
later. No further contact was made by the
patient. However, on the day of the
patients scheduled follow-up appointment, he was unexpectedly brought to
the A&E department by emergency
ambulance, having suffered at home sudden haemorrhaging from the oral cavity
and subsequent respiratory arrest. On
admission the patients haemoglobin was
5.8 x 109 g/dl. Initial examination
revealed that the haemorrhage was arising
deep within the aerodigestive tract and not
from the mouth.
Despite extensive resuscitation measures the patient suffered an electromechanical dissociation arrest and died
2 hours later.
At the post-mortem performed there,
an abscess cavity was found at the root of
the neck which communicated with the
operation sites. It involved the subclavian vein and partially destroyed it. The
subsequent haemorrhage tracked behind
the pleura producing a mass and through
the pleura into the pleural cavity producing a massive haemothorax measuring
3,750 ml.
The chest x-ray on admission showed a
mass in the right side of the chest above the
carina, which on post-mortem was shown
to be blood trapped beneath the parietal

1SHO Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery, Queen

Elizabeth Hospital, Kings Lynn, Norfolk; 2Consultant

Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery, Queen Elizabeth

Hospital, Kings Lynn, Norfolk; 3Consultant
Histopathologist, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kings
Lynn, Norfolk
*Correspondence to: A. W. Green, 6 King Street,
Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE30 1ES
Received 21.08.00; Accepted 15.11.00
British Dental Journal 2001; 190: 529530

Fig. 1 Pre-operative
showing carious teeth
and periapical pathology




case report
readily through the soft tissues, because of
its ability to produce hyaluronidase and
streptokinase, which breaks down ground
substance and fibrin. It has been postulated that mixed infections, involving
Streptococcus intermedius and Fusobacterium, can produce rapidly spreading
infections, because of a symbiotic reaction.6 However, Fusobacterium was not
cultured in this case.


Fig.2 Chest x-ray showing

mass in right side of chest
above the carina

pleura. The chest x-ray was taken prior to

the final bleed (Fig. 2).

The post-mortem showed the lateral pharyngeal space to be the reservoir of
infected material, which had tracked
down around the carotid sheath to the
root of the neck, where the subsequent
haemorrhage occurred. Removal of the
original odontogenic cause, supported by
appropriate antibiotics, would normally
result in resolution of the lateral pharyngeal space infection.4 In this particular
case, however, infection continued,
despite the apparent resolution of the
neck swelling.
Further clarification of the situation might
have been obtained with additional imaging


of the neck. Plain film radiographs (lateral

soft tissue C-spine and posterior anterior
view of the same region) may have identified
infection in the soft tissues.3 The ideal imaging modality would be magnetic resonance
imaging or ultrasound, which clearly defines
the spaces and also helps differentiate cellulitis from an abscess.5 Given the clinical picture at the time and the fact that the patients
clinical condition was improving, both in the
hospital and at home, there were no indications for further imaging.
In deep neck infections from odontogenic origins the commonest causative
organisms are generally Streptococci and
oral anaerobes. In this case Streptococcus
intermedius was isolated, which was sensitive to penicillin.
Streptococcus intermedius spreads very

This particular case highlights the importance of taking all odontogenic infections
seriously and emphasises the need for
early treatment and prompt referral when


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infections: report of two cases and review of
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Wong T. A nationwide survey of deaths from
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experience. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1999; 57:
Peterson L J. Contemporary management of
deep infections of the neck. J Oral Maxillofac
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Krishnan V, Johnson J V, Helfrick J F.
Management of maxillofacial infections. J Oral
Maxillofac Surg 1993; 51: 868-873.
Fielding A F, Reck S F, Barker W J. Use of
magnetic resonance imaging for localization of
a maxillofacial infection: Report of a case. J
Oral Maxillofac Surg 1987; 45: 548.
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