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Direct and Indirect Speech

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Direct Speech (Kalimat Langsung) ialah kata-kata kalimat yang diucapkan langsung oleh si pembicara.
Indirect Speech (Kalimat Tak Langsung) ialah kalimat yang diucapkan untuk melaporkan kata-kata si
pembicara kepada orang lain. Jadi, Indirect Speech (Reported Speech) digunakan bila kita ingin melaporkan
kata-kata seseorang kepada orang lain secara tak langsung.
Direct & Indirect Speech terdiri dari 3 jenis yaitu :
I. Statement (pernyataan)
II. Command (perintah)
III. Question (pertanyaan)
Perubahan-perubahan yang perlu dari Direct ke Indirect Speech :
1. To be & Auxiliary Verbs




Have/has to

had to
Ought to

Time & Place (keterangan waktu & tempat)

next week
last night
last week



Simple present
Simple past
Present perfect
Present continous
Present perfect continous
Simple future


the following day
the following week
that night
that day
the day before
the night before
the week before, the precious week

simple past
past perfect
past continous
past perfect continous
past future

Dalam Indirect Statement kita menggunakan kata that (bahwa) sebagai penghubung antara kalimat
pengantar (introduce phrase) dan kata-kata yang dilaporkan (reported words). Kalimat-kalimat pengantar
dalam indirect statement ialah :
He said
He said to me
He told me

that + reported words

e.g - Mary told her friends I have been to Bali twice.

- Mary told her friends that she had been to Bali twice.
- Father said I am going out of town tomorrow
- Father said that he was going out of town the following day.

- Mary told John my father warned me last night

- Mary told John that her father had arned her the night before.
- My sister said to me I dont like tennis
- My sister said to me that she didnt like tennis.
- Tom said I didnt go to school this morning
- Tom said that he hadnt gone to school that morning.
Apabila kalimat pengantarnya dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense, maka kalimat yang dilaporkan tidak
mengalami perubahan.
e.g - John says I will go to Bandung tomorrow
- John says that he will go to Bandung tomorrow
- Mary says I have seen that film
- Mary says that she has seen that film.
- My brother says I met Tom at the party last night
- My brother says that he met Tom at the party last night.
- Tom says I dont like English
- Tom says that he dont like English.

Command dibagi dalam 2 (dua) bagian yaitu :
1. Positive Command
Dalam perintah positif kita tambahkan to di depan kalimat perintahnya, sebagai penghubung antara
kalimat pengantar dan perintah yang dilaporkan. Kalimat-kalimat pengantar dalam jenis ini ialah :
to + infinitive
He asked me
He told me
e.g - He asked me Open your book
- He asked me to open my book.
- Mary told me Stop talking to Jane
- Mary told me to stop talking to Jane.
- Mother asked John Pay attention to what I say
- Mother asked John to pay attention to what she says.
- John told Mary Wait until I come
- John told Mary to wait until he comes.
- The teacher said to the students Be quiet while I am talking
- The teacher told the students to be quiet while she is talking.

Negative Command
Dalam perintah negatif kita tambahkan not to di depan perintah yang dilaporkan.
e.g - Mary told John Dont wait for me
- Mary told John not to wait for her.
- I told him Dont mention it to anyone
- I told him not to mention it to anyone.
- Father asked her Dont go there alone
- Father asked her not to go there alone.
- Ira asked Tom Dont come to my house again
- Ira asked tom not to come to her house again.

- Mothers asked John Dont smoke too much

- Mother asked John not to smoke too much.

Bila pertanyaan langsung (direct question) menggunakan kata-kata tanya seperti ; Where, When, Why,
What, Who, How, dll, maka kata-kata tersebut digunakan sebagai penghubung dalam reported Speech.
Pertanyaan yang dilaporkan berubaha menjadi bentuk positif. Kalimat pengantarnya ialah :
Positive Form
He asked me
When etc.
e.g - The man asked me : Where do you live ?
- The man asked me where I lived.
- John asked Mary : Why do you get angry with me ?
- John asked Mary why she got angry with him.
- I asked him : When did you get back from your trip ?
- I asked him when he had got back from his trip.
- He asked me : How will you go there ?
- He asked me how I would go there.
- John asked the girl : What is your name ?
- John asked the girl what her name was.
Bila pertanyaan langsung tidak menggunakan kata-kata tanya, dan hanya merupakan pertanyaan dalam
bentuk Yes & No Question, maka kita menggunakan kata-kata if, whether (jika, apakah) sebagai
penghubung antara kalimat pengantar dan pertanyaan yang dilaporkan.
e.g - The boy asked John : Does Mary live near here?
- The boy asked John if Mary lived near there.
- The teacher asked her : Have you finish your homework ?
- The teacher asked her if he had finished her homework.
- Mary asked me : Did you she John at the party the night before.
- Mary asked me whether I had seen John at the party the night before.
- We asked them : Will you go to the movie with us tonight ?
- We asked them whether they would go to the movie with us that night.
- Mother asked John : Are you going to marry her ?
- Mother asked John if he was going to marry her.
Note :


Baik if maupun whether dapat digunakan bergantian


Bila pertanyaan dan pernyataan digabung dalam Reported Speech maka kita menggunakan kata as
(karena) sebagai penghubung pada bagian kalimat pernyataan yang dilaporkan. Dalam hal ini kalimat
pernyataan tersebut dilaporkan kemudian. Perhatikanlah contoh-contoh berikut ini :
e.g - She asked me :What is the time ?, my watch has stopped.
- She asked me what the time was as her watch had stopped.
- Ira asked John :what is the matter with you ?, You dont look well.
- Mary asked John what the matter was with him as he didnt look well.
- I asked her :How long have you been studying English ?, Your accent is very good.
- I asked her how long she had been studying English as he her accent was very good.

- He told me :I am off to the movie, Where are you going ?

- He told me that he was off to the movie and asked me where I was going.
- She said :It is cold inside, Is the window open ?
- She said that it was cold inside and asked if the window was open.
Bila dalam pertanyaan langsung disertai dengan jawaban Yes dan No, maka kita menggunakan kata but
sebagai penghubung untuk jawaban No dan kata and sebagai penghubung untuk jawaban Yes.
e.g - He asked me :Will you go out wiith me ? No, I wont.
- He asked me if I would go out with him but I said I wouldnt.
- Mother asked John :Have you had lunch ? No, I havent.
- Mother asked John if he had had lunch but he said he hadnt.
- She asked me :Can you meet me tomorrow ? No.
- She asked me if I could meet her the following day but I said I couldnt.
- I asked her :Do you like vegetables ? Yes, I do.
- Is asked her if she liked veggetables and she said she did.
- Mary asked John :Did you phone me last night ? Yes, I did.
- Mary asked John if he had phoned her the night before and he said he had.
- Father asked me :Are you going to the movie tonight ? Yes.
- Father asked me if I was going to the movie that night and I said I was.

Direct & Indirect with Auxiliaries

Perhatikan perubahan-perubahan yang perlu dari Auxiliaries
had been
must & have to
had to
must not
wasnt to/musnt
didnt have to
e.g - Mary said : I was sick yesterday.
- Mary said that she had been sick the day before.
- The man asked me : Can you speak English ?
- The man asked me if I could speak English.
- Mary said to John :You may come to my house tomorrow.
- Mary said to John that she might come to his house the following day.
- Mother told John :You must study harder if you want to pass the exam.
- Mother told John that he had to study harder if he wanted to pass the exam.
- The police told me : You must not drive without license.
- The police told me that I wasnt to drive without license.
- The teacher told them :You neednt hurry.
- The teacher told them that they didnt have to hurry.

A. Perubahan Tenses Dalam Indirect Speech

Dalam indirect speech atau reported speech didahului dengan kata said, misalnya: I said, Jack said atau They
said. Selain itu, tenses atau bentuk waktunya berubah menjadi bentuk waktu yang lebih lampau.
Perhatikan tabel berikut :

Direct Speech
Simple Present
He said, I go to Jakarta every
Simple Past
He said,I went to Jakarta every
Present Perfect
He said, I have gone to Jakarta
every month.
Present Continuous
He said,I am going to Jakarta
every month.
Past Continuous
He said, I was going to Jakarta
every month.
Future (will)
He said,I will go to Jakarta every
Furure (going to)
He said, I am going to Jakarta
every month.

Indirect Speech
Simple Past
He said (that) he went to Jakarta
every month.
Past Perfect
He said (that) he had gone to
Jakarta every month.
Past Perfect
He said (that) he had gone to
Jakarta every month.
Past Continuous
He said (that) he was going to
Jakarta every month.
Perfect Continuous
He said (that) he had been going
to Jakarta every month.
Would + verb
He said (that) he would go to
Jakarta every month.
Past Continuous
He said (that) he was going to
Jakarta every month.

B. Indirect Speech Dengan Perintah

Bentuk indirect atau reported speech perubahan dari kalimat perintah biasanya menggunakan kata said, told,
dan ordered dan kemudian diikuti bentuk to infinitive.

Direct Speech
He said,Go to school every day.
He said,Wash your face!
The police ordered,Walk on!
The teacher said,Dont be lazy!

Indirect Speech
He told me to go to school every
He told me to wash my face.
The police ordered me to walk on.
The teacher told me not to be lazy.

C. Indirect Speech Dengan Larangan

Bentuk indirect speech perubahan dari kalimat larangan biasanya membuat mustn't tetap mustn't tetapi
didahului that + Subject dan diikuti dengan auxiliary dan verb tanpa mengubah tenses (bentuk waktunya).

Direct Speech
He told me,You mustnt drive a car
without a driving licence.

Indirect Speech
He told me that I musnt drive a car
without a driving licence.

D. Indirect Speech Dengan Tanya

Bentuk Indirect Speech yang merupakan perubahan dari kalimat tanya dapat dikelompokan menjadi dua:
a. Indirect Speech dengan Yes-No Question : biasanya menggunakan kata "whether".
b. Indirect Speech dengan W-H Question : Biasanya menggunakan kata tanya yang ada dalam kalimat

Direct Speech
He said, Do you go to school every

Indirect Speech
He asked me whether I went to
school every day.

He said, Where do you go to


He asked me where I went to


She asked, When will they come?

She asked me when they

would come.

E. Perubahan Pada Adverbs, Articles, dan Modals

Perubahan dari bentuk langsung menjadi tidak langsung juga mengakibatkan adanya perubahan pada
adverbs, articles, dan modals tertentu, sebagai berikut :
can ---> could
will ---> would
here ---> there
now ---> then
next week ---> the following week
shall ---> should
may ---> might
this ---> that
yesterday ---> the day before

Direct Speech

Indirect Speech

He said,I can go to school every

He said (that) he could go to school
every day.

He said,I may go to school every

He said (that) he might go to school
every day.

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