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East Coast Q3 2014 Letter - Grove of Titans

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Some of the key takeaways are the importance of nature, specifically forests and redwood trees, and how they can provide clarity and awe. There are also several quotes praising nature.

“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” - John Muir "The redwoods, once seen, leave a mark or create a vision that stays with you always." - John Steinbeck "This is their temple, vaulted high, And here we pause with reverent eye, With silent tongue and awe-struck soul; For here we sense life’s proper goal." - Poem

The 'Grove of Titans' section is discussing the attributes that the author believes constitute an enduring business.


The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.

John Muir (1838 1914)
The Unpublished Journals of John Muir 1938

The redwoods, once seen, leave a mark or create a vision that stays with you always. No
one has ever successfully painted or photographed a redwood tree. The feeling they
produce is not transferable. From them comes silence and awe. It's not only their
unbelievable stature, nor the color, which seems to shift and vary under your eyes, no,
they are not like any trees we know, they are ambassadors from another time.
John Steinbeck (1902 1968)
Travels with Charlie 1962

Let us cultivate our garden [grove].

Voltaire (1694 1778)
Candide: or, The Optimist 1762

This is their temple, vaulted high,

And here we pause with reverent eye,
With silent tongue and awe-struck soul;
For here we sense lifes proper goal.
To be like these, straight, true and fine,
To make our world, like theirs, a shrine;
Sink down, O traveler, on your knees,
God stands before you in these trees.
Joseph B. Strauss (1870 1938)
The Redwoods


East Coast Asset Management Clients and Interested Parties

From: Christopher M. Begg, CFA CEO and Chief Investment Officer


November 10, 2014


Third Quarter 2014 Update Grove of Titans

In our third quarter letter you will find our portfolio update and general market observations.
Each quarter we highlight one component of our investment process. This quarter, in the section
titled Grove of Titans, I will discuss the attributes of what we think constitutes an enduring
business. As is our standard practice, client reporting, including performance and positioning,
has been sent under separate cover.
Market Summary1
S&P 500





Gold $/Troy

Crude Oil








Q3 2014

























Over the past two months, volatility has returned to the equity markets. A six-year recovery of
equity prices has many investors questioning the viability of an appreciating stock market.
Projecting market expectations through a rearview mirror is a limiting strategy. Instead, we think
harnessing business specific valuation and margin of safety tools are the only forward looking
methods that deserve merit. In these terms, we believe our portfolio of quality businesses at
todays valuations is an attractive and intelligent place to allocate capital.
Loss aversion is a deeply embedded human trait; thus its only normal to feel uncomfortable
when market prices move lower. While volatility can cause uneasiness, we feel that it often
creates the possibility for improved expected returns by increasing per share ownership through
direct purchases and company share buybacks. We think short-term volatility should often be
viewed as an opportunity to the long-term investor who seeks enduring businesses at reasonable
The S&P 500 Index, the MSCI All Country World Daily Total Return Index, the MSCI Emerging Markets Index, the
MSCI Europe Asia Far East Index (EAFE), and the Barclays Aggregate Bond Index are representative broad-based
indices and include the reinvestment of dividends. These indices have been selected for informational purposes only.
East Coasts investment strategy will not seek to replicate the performance of these or any other indices. Past
performance does not guarantee future results. The discussions in this letter are for information purposes only. Please
consult with your investment advisor before making any investment decisions. For complete disclosures about East
Coast Asset Management LLC visit our website or consult our Form ADV and Form ADV Part 2A.

East Coast Asset Management, LLC 16 Martin Street

Essex, MA 01929 | 978-801-0860

Page 2

Price and value are two contrasting sides of the same coin. The value of any investment is simply
the present value of all future cash flows. News and related media spawn noise that create an
environment where price overshoots value and they become disconnected, crisscrossing each
other along a trajectory. The increasingly short-term nature of investors only serves to bolster our
belief that employing a long-term business approach is a winning strategy through time.

Dialectical Materialism The Unified Theory of Reasoning:

The quest for a theory explaining how the universe works has captured the imaginations of some
the worlds most enlightened thinkers. Einstein spent the final thirty years of his life attempting
to find a grand unifying principle that would explain the universe both theoretically and
In absence of a mathematical principle that unifies the laws of the universe, I do believe there
exists a theoretical unifying principle that when applied to certain questions can produce an
answer that aligns with how things work. This principle is called Dialectical Materialism or
Dialectics for short. Dialectics is a method of reasoning that I interpret to have three foundational
1. Cycle of Life: Everything is either coming into existence or fading out of existence. As
early as 99BC, Lucretius captured this idea in these words, Nature repairs one thing
from another and allows nothing to be born without the aid of another's death. In the
forest ecosystem, the forest floor recycles the fallen organic matter of trees to produce
new growth. In business, lack of continuous evolution in light of the reality of change,
bureaucracy, size and misaligned interests create an environment where disruptive
entrants recycle the fallen businesss organic matter to produce new, emerging
businesses. Dialectics reveals the transitory character of everything and the uninterrupted
process of becoming and of passing away. Human nature causes us to see things in their
static form versus the reality of all things being in motion.
Thus, the sum of things is ever being reviewed, and mortals live dependent one upon
another. Some nations increase, others diminish, and in a short space the generations
of living creatures are changed and like runners pass on the torch of life.
Lucretius (99BC 55BC)
2. Form versus Essence: Dialectics employs understanding something via its essence, not
just a fixed definition, or form. For ordinary understanding there is no difference
between the appearance of a thing and its essence, but for dialectics the form and essence
of something can be quite contradictory. I believe this to be one of the most important
competitive advantages of reason. In investing for example, most market participants are
keenly focused on the form of price and are too often ignorant of the essence of intrinsic
The role of the artist, like that of the scholar, consists of seizing current truths often
repeated to him, but which will take on new meaning for him when he has grasped
their deepest significance. If aviators had to explain to us the research which led to
their leaving earth and rising in the air, they would merely confirm very elementary
principles of physics neglected by less successful inventors.
Henri Matisse (1869 1954)

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3. Unity of Opposites: Dialectics is the reflection of the motion of reality and how
opposites assert themselves in nature. It is by the continual conflict of opposites and their
final passage into one another or into higher forms that determines the cycle of life
and the nature of how things are. Seeing things from the perspective of form forces
one to compartmentalize and categorize with a label. Dialectics seeks to see things
holistically and, through seeing the whole, one can see that in reality one opposition gives
way to its contrary. The essence of everything can be found in its binary nature where
the principle of opposing forces, or reciprocity, is one of the most powerful fundamental
laws of the universe. This is why inverting vexing questions to arrive at workable
answers can be so effective.
If you are acquainted with the principal, what do you care for a myriad of instances
and applications?
Henry David Thoreau (1817 1862)

Reasoning by Invariant Strategies:

I recently invited Peter D. Kaufman, CEO of Glenair, Board Member of the Daily Journal, and
Editor of Poor Charlies Almanac, to come speak to the Security Analysis class I teach at
Columbia Business School. Peter Kaufman is an exceptional business operator and is also one of
the great multidisciplinary thinkers of our time. On the topic of multidisciplinary learning and
rational decision-making, Peter shared the approach he uses, which he refers to as his threebucket framework, to arrive at universal principles that have high utility. Peter shared:
Every statistician knows that a large, relevant sample size is their best friend. What are
the three largest, most relevant sample sizes for identifying universal principals? Bucket
number one is inorganic systems, which are 13.7 billion years in size. It's all the laws of
math and physics, the entire physical universe. Bucket number two is organic systems,
3.5 billion years of biology on Earth. And bucket number three is human history, you can
pick your own number, I picked 20,000 years of recorded human behavior. Those are the
three largest sample sizes we can access and the most relevant.
Peter then walked the class through how compounding and the law of reciprocity can be applied
to these data sets and therefore applied to reason. A light immediately went on. Applying
questions to these three large data sets simplified and strengthened how I was organizing and
applying mental models. Kaufmans approach provides a framework of general laws that have
stood the test of time invariant, unchanging lenses that we can use to focus and arrive at
workable answers. A multidisciplinary framework helps shift the human paradigm to one of an
empathetic perspective, as if we were looking from the outside in. Just as I began this letter with
the three foundational insights of Dialectical Materialism, we want to be constantly searching for
these types of invariant strategies that can serve us in rational decision-making.
Everything about which I thought or read was made to bear directly upon what I had
seen and was likely to see. I feel sure it was this training, which has enabled me to do
whatever I have done in science. My mind seems to have become a kind of machine for
grinding general laws out of large collections of facts.
Charles Darwin (1809 1882)

Page 4

Peter Kaufman shared a quote by Joseph Tussman on the importance of aligning with general
principles What the pupil must learn, if he learns anything at all, is that the world will do most
of the work for you, provided you cooperate with it by identifying how it really works and
aligning with those realities. If we do not let the world teach us, it teaches us a lesson. A
foundational principle that aligns with the world and is applicable across the geological time scale
of human, organic, and inorganic history is compounding. Compounding is one of the most
powerful forces in the universe. In fact it is the
only power law that exists with a variable in its
exponent. The power law of compounding cannot
only be applied to investing but it can even, and
more importantly, be applied to continued learning.
multidisciplinary framework is an individuals
greatest enduring advantage.
The illustration to the right outlines how I have
applied this framework of reasoning. Readers of
our quarterly letters will recognize that the first two
hexagons are the two lenses every investment is
taken through the lens of the business (Six Sides
of Great) and the lens of the investment (MTheory). The final three hexagons, or lenses, as
described above, observe a thesiss alignment with
the invariant strategies that we can curate from
human, biological, and physical history. In this
letter I will put this framework into practice as we
apply the question of business endurance to biology
Coastal Redwoods.
The illustration for this framework is based on the
sixth hexagonal number, 66. When a hexagonal
number is plotted, it creates this cornered hexagon
geometry the sixth hexagonal number creates five
hexagons born from a single point. The single
point represents general laws and foundational principles.
66 is the path of a people in flight, refugees from dust and shrinking land, from the
thunder of tractors and shrinking ownership, from the deserts slow northward invasion,
from the twisting winds that howl up out of Texas, from the floods that bring no richness
to the land and steal what little richness is there. From all of these the people are in
flight, and they come into 66 from the tributary side roads [of compartmentalized
knowledge), from the wagon tracks and the rutted country roads [of ingrained thinking].
66 is the mother road, the road of flight.
John Steinbeck (1902 1968)
Grapes of Wrath

Page 5

Seeing the Forest and the Trees:

One of the most limiting biases for individuals attempting to make sense of complex systems is
that they are a part of the systems. When you are part of the system it becomes increasingly
difficult to see the forest for the trees. Each individual trees uniqueness and complexity can
lead to confusion and ambiguity. The key is to attempt to step outside of the system and see the
forest and trees for the essence of what they are. How can we find these groves or islands of
simplicity in an infinitely complex world?
Jason Zweig of the Wall Street Journal asked Charlie Munger to describe a key attribute of
Berkshire Hathaways evolution over the years. His response: There isnt one novel thought in
all of how Berkshire is run. Its all about what [Mr. Mungers friend] Peter [Kaufman] calls
exploiting unrecognized simplicities. Peter Kaufman was sitting with Charlie during this
interview after the recent Daily Journal annual meeting. The entire quote that Charlie was
referencing was one that Peter attributes to a 28 year old writer for Sports Illustrated named Andy
Benoit, who wrote these words to describe the essence of a particular quarterbacks genius:
Most geniusesespecially those who lead othersprosper not by deconstructing intricate
complexities but by exploiting unrecognized simplicities. This quote captures the essence of
genius and can serve as a roadmap to the Grove of Titans.
Finding unrecognized simplicities requires one to step outside the forest, outside of the human
system to see and measure holistically without biases. Ive found geometry to be the most
effective way to think about and measure an infinitely complex world a world one can simplify
and illuminate with two geometric tools: Euclidean and Fractal.
To appreciate the nature of fractals, recall Galileos splendid 1632 manifesto: [Philosophy]
is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other
geometric figures, without which one is wandering about in a dark labyrinth. Observe that
circles, ellipses, and parabolas are very smooth shapes and that a triangle has a small
number of points of irregularity. These shapes were my love when I was a young man, but
are very rare in the wild. Galileo was absolutely right to assert that in science those shapes
are necessary. But they have turned out not to be sufficient, merely because most of the
world is of great roughness and infinite complexity. However, the infinite sea of complexity
includes two islands of simplicity: one of Euclidean simplicity and a second of relative
simplicity in which roughness is present but is the same at all scales.
Benoit B. Mandelbrot (1924 2010) The Fractalist
Decision-making that arrives from Euclidian thought can be solved using
simple tools, as if we were measuring a circle, triangle or square. These
simplicities are often hiding in plain sight but, while the answers can be quite
obvious, they may not seem that way to participants within the system. In
our system of investing, the failure to recognize what is hiding in plain sight
is often due to neglect, fear or lack of focus, and often leads to a mispricing.
A rich area of Euclidean sourcing is when we find a business with high
returns on tangible assets, with a sustainable competitive moat, trading at a
reasonable price due to the markets lack of focus on the businesss
economics. These mispricings are often time horizon mismatches between a
short-term consensus and a longer-term view. In our opinion, Euclidean
decision-making is preferred. However, in the world of investing, mispricings

Pythagorean Tree - Fractal

Page 6
tend to look more fractal in the wild.
Fractal Geometry is the ability to measure roughness and complex patterns that repeat in nature.
Benoit Mandelbrot coined this term and this type of physics helped make sense of the rest of the
world, which appeared infinitely complex and immeasurable. Mandelbrot and other Fractalists
came to the conclusion that they could, for example, mathematically measure the roughness and
complexity of the bark of a redwood tree, a cloud, or the irregular geography of a coastline. What
the Fractalists further concluded was that there was self-similarity within some of these patterns
of roughness that could be measured. To multidisciplinary decision-makers trying to make
sense of complex systems, this is an effective way to think about perceiving simplicities when
the questions or problems are optically rough or obscured. When we view certain
complexities, at a proper perspective, what we find is a beautiful pattern of repeating selfsimilarity. A few great value investors are quite skilled at recognizing these patterns and have a
process for sourcing these self-similar fractals. Once someone points them out they seem so
obvious, but for most participants they hide in plain sight, fractally camouflaged.
Examples of where we find self-similar fractal patterns are in companies that are transforming
(systemic, separations, and secular), businesses or industries that have a short-term cloud over
them that obscures truths, and/or situations where there is a large constituency of shareholders
selling for uneconomic reasons. In both Euclidean and Fractal terms we are looking for situations
that are misunderstood and where there is an unrecognized simplicity hiding in plain sight.
In the illustration2 to the right I have demonstrated (using simple successive rules) the evolution
from an equilateral Euclidian triangle toward Fractal geometry. We progressively arrive at the
Koch Snowflake, which is
an interesting fractal shape
because we can continue
our simple successive rule
(of dividing each side of a
triangle in three parts and
bumping out the middle)
into infinity. The shape and
area of the hexagon remain
the same, yet the perimeter
is infinite. This expresses
the universal idea that
within a bounded system
(niche or circle/hexagon of
progress eternally repeated.

You will also note that the interior of our hexagons shows another simple rule repeated. Applied are the iterations of
a plane-filling curve (Peano) to show how knowledge can compound and be plane filling with a domain (hexagon) of
confidence. The plane filling shape begins with the stylized E and its unity of opposites denoting essence,
everlasting, and eternal and fills the plane through simple rules repeated without end.

Page 7

Grove of Titans
Coastal Redwoods as a Model of the
Enduring Business:
The Grove of Titans is home to the largest ecosystem of
redwood trees that has been discovered to date. Long
hidden in plain sight off a popular hiking trail in Jedediah
Smith Redwoods State Park, the Grove boasts the Lost
Monarch, the largest coastal redwood on earth. The Lost
Monarch and the nine other Titans that surround her have
stood and observed nearly two thousand years of
geological time: the rise and fall of Rome, the discovery of
America, two World Wars, industrial and technological
revolutions and the growth of the population on Earth
from 200 million to 7 billion. The Grove of Titans was
discovered in 1998 by explorers Dr. Steve Sillett and
Michael Taylor. A handful of others have found the
Grove since then, but none have revealed its location, even
though hikers walk by it every day. The hikers are unable
to see the Grove of Titans for the density of the trees
before them.

Artist Credit: Camille O. Vicente

The Coastal Redwood tree is not only the tallest living organism on the planet but, as a forest, it is
the oldest living ecosystem on Earth. Some of the Coastal Redwood trees have been around since
Lucretius wrote On the Nature of Things in 99 BC. What is it about the nature of things that
endow the Coastal Redwood with near immortality that we can apply to recognizable traits that
would sustain greatness in businesses? And for business operators, what traits can we borrow to
cultivate our businesses from a garden of greatness to a Grove of Titans?
A tree can be thought of as in the business of selling oxygen. For a tree to produce oxygen there
is a simple formula that a tree engages in with natures counterparties, called photosynthesis. A
tree needs six molecules of carbon dioxide (CO2 = cost of goods sold) and six molecules of water
(H2O = salaries and operating expenses). It, then engages in a transaction with the light energy
of the sun (photosynthesis = a customer order), which then produces six molecules of oxygen (O2
= the final product for delivery) and sugar (C6H12O6 = profits). The sugar, or profits, is stored
as cellulose, which is what allows the tree to grow (mass = intrinsic value).
While all trees have the capability to produce oxygen, only one tree has unlocked the capability to
grow to rarified heights, grow more mass than any living organism on the planet and sustain life
for thousands of years. Using the Coastal Redwood as a model, I have compiled six lessons from
this monarch of biology that align with what allows a great business to be truly everlasting.

I. Culture Hexaploidal DNA of the Organization

Just as all trees produce oxygen, a businesss product differentiation is not an enduring moat. If
the differentiation has any merit, it will eventually be copied and advantages will soon be frittered
away. Xerox, Kodak, BlackBerry and countless other businesses once held product dominance

Page 8
and fell to this fate. The only moat that is not fleeting, and conversely the only moat that is
truly enduring, is culture.
And they asked me how I did it; and I gave 'em the Scripture text,
"You keep your light so shining a little in front o' the next!"
They copied all they could follow, but they couldn't copy my mind,
And I left 'em sweating and stealing a year and a half behind.
Rudyard Kipling (1865 1936)
Excerpt from The Mary Gloster
Evolutionary biologists attribute the DNA3 (hexaploidal sets of six totaling 66) of the Coastal
Redwood as the phylogenetic competitive advantage that drives its ability to endure through time,
as it has an exponential amount of genetic coding to adapt to an ever-changing ecosystem to
evolve and survive.
The culture, or DNA, of any organization is defined by the unique manner in which it adapts to
change, which can be measured by how effectively the business works with its constituent
counterparties. When viewing the business from an external perspective, I believe there are six
key counterparties that every business is responsible for: suppliers, customers, employees,
owners, stewards and society. Collectively these six counterparties makes up the organizations
ecosystem. An enduring business must be hexaploidal with its counterparties, meaning it must
create a win-win relationship with each counterparty over time. Business
endurance is sum multiplicative if a business scores a zero with any one of
its counterparties over time, it introduces a disease that will eventually limit its
growth and its likelihood of survival.
1. Employees The Leaves: Enduring businesses honor their employees
in exceptional, authentic ways. The leaves of the tree perform the
most important function. They accomplish interacting with all of the
trees counterparties and this is vital. Nature honors this function by
giving them the greatest glory of beauty, height, color and stature.
Enduring businesses turn the organizational chart upside down
invert always invert.
Everlasting businesses know that the
environment of trust and loyalty they engender with employees is of
supreme importance.
2. Suppliers The Roots: Enduring businesses think about their suppliers
as partners. The Coastal Redwoods ability to grow to heights higher
than the Statue of Liberty is directly related to its strong, collaborative
foundation in its roots. A Coastal Redwoods roots provide the
important function of foundational strength and feeding the tree with
its critical needs of nutrients to survive and prosper. A winning
relationship with suppliers is one of the most overlooked areas for
business sustainability.
Most businesses nickel and dime their
suppliers to extract short-term profits. Enduring businesses know that their supplier base
The current working hypothesis of evolutionary biologists is that the Coastal Redwood genus (Sequoia Sempervirens
Everlasting Redwood) emerged in the Jurassic period when two existing species, the Sequoia and Dawn Redwood,
hybridized and created a new species. This branch off in the tree of life is even more unique as both of these ancestor
species, like humans and most conifers, have sets of two chromosomes in their DNA (46 in humans). The leaping
emergent effect when the Coastal Redwood hybridized is that the species became polyploidal more than sets of two.
In fact the Coastal Redwood became hexaploidal sets of six chromosomes that total 66.

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is truly the base of the organizations strength. In some Titans I have studied, a few
suppliers feel so well respected and valued by the enduring business that they are content
to have them as their only customer. Mutual collaboration and trust create a leaping
emergent effect.
3. Stewards The Trunk of the Tree: The leaders of enduring businesses are not just
effective operators and intelligent capital allocators, but they think of themselves as
stewards of the enduring enterprise. They want to leave the business in better shape
for the leadership that follows. The trunk of the tree has an important job as it sets the
tone of the whole tree controlling the speed at which water and nutrients must be
transported, employing resources to fight disease, and allocating resources into cellulose
to foster growth. The trunk of the Coastal Redwood operates the essential long pipes, the
xylem, between our aforementioned counterparties of suppliers and employees.
Stewards of enduring businesses operate the businesses to last through time. They do this
by persistent incremental progress repeated without end, continual improvement of
processes and systems and by persistent innovation through research and development,
sowing seeds for the future. These investments may be at the expense of short-term
profits for a longer-term reward. If they starve the future of these nutrients the
organizations will not endure. Wall Street celebrates when companies eke out small
incremental profits at the expense of investments in marketing and research and
development. Thus many business leaders are easily persuaded and motivated to ignore
this critical counterparty.4
4. Customers The Light: The Coastal Redwoods DNA, or culture of excellence, figured
out something quite important in its evolution. Trees need to synthesize sugar from
sunlight to survive and thrive, so they genetically modified themselves to assure
unequaled access to this source by growing higher than any other species on Earth. In
our model of what makes an enduring business, this is quite fitting as the businesses that
can altruistically grow closest to the customers needs and desires are the ones that will
deserve unequaled access to their demand. All of us can look back as consumers where
we felt completely served by a business because they listened to our needs and wants
humanely and delivered a product or service that surpassed our expectations.
The light [customer] is a messenger, carrying a story about the form [essence] of the
object [objective].
William L. Bragg
1915 Nobel Prize for invention of X-ray Crystallography5
5. Owners The Mass of the Tree: The Coastal Redwood astutely takes its excess profits or
sugars and reinvests, creating cellulose that gives these Titans their extraordinary mass
height and width. Enduring businesses take great care in how they allocate the resources

An enduring business culture with stewards in place asks the question: What is the one thing our competitors do not
want us to do? And answer consistently with Lets do that! Berkshire Hathaways Geico Insurance is a prime
example. If you are in a region where they operate, look at how they blanket every billboard and advertisement
opportunity for the benefit of long-term gain. How many public insurance companies would spend nearly all of their
earnings to gain a very large reward for the future leaders and owners of their business? That is why Titans are a rare
breed, breathing rarified air.
X-ray crystallography has been associated with twenty-nine Nobel Prizes including the discovery of the double helix
structure of DNA. Many of these discoveries were harnessed by the culture of the Cavendish Laboratory a model of
what it takes to build an enduring enterprise.

Page 10
of the business to grow the per share value proportionally to all owners. Great businesses
often grow intrinsic value at exceptional rates as they gain a larger percentage of the
revenues of their market by organic growth. Last quarter, I wrote about the importance
of an owner mindset in the letter Horse in Motion.
6. Society The External Ecosystem: If you were to ascend the canopy of a Coastal
Redwood, you would find a unique ecosystem where the Marbled Murrelet, the Northern
Spotted Owl, and countless other species who make their homes only in these old growth
forests. Coastal Redwoods are also one of the greatest consumers of the excessive
carbon we create on our planet. Any business is only allowed to endure because it is sum
additive to both the community and the environment collectively its external
ecosystem. Lose-win, win-lose, and lose-lose systems with the community and the
environment are models destined for failure. Great enduring businesses celebrate and
share their success with society and society will then honor and celebrate what fruits they
enjoy from their success. The general law of reciprocity in practice.

II. Thrive on Adversity Fires and Floods:

Earlier in this letter I shared the model of dialectical materialism as a living reality of life.
Everything is either coming in or fading out of existence. Every one hundred years a flood or fire
has been the bane of existence for trees through time; complete forests are wiped out and growth
begins anew. The hexaploidal survival instincts embedded in the DNA of Coastal Redwoods is
keen to this truth and has adapted to not just resist dialectal materialisms greatest weapon, but to
thrive through it; the most remarkable characteristic of this species is how their bark evolved to
grow very thick and fire resistant. When the fires come to the forest through natural or human
means, scientists have shown that the species is not only unharmed, but the fire clears the forest
floor of competing species and these Titans gain more share of the forest. The same event occurs
during floods, as their root structure is highly resistant to the rot and disease that can infect most
other species.
Organizations that endure look at time scales that are beyond immediate. They look at the fire
and flood time scales and not only anticipate and prepare for these circumstances, but they also
welcome this reality. They are keenly aware of the downside of financial, operational and
reputational leverage. Prepared for flood and fire, it is in the inevitable economic cycles, similar
to the one we experienced in 2008, that they thrive. In these periods, enduring businesses
reinforce partnerships with suppliers by helping them. They reinforce trust with employees by
resisting lay offs, even it if means short-term profit impairment. In fact, most enduring
businesses go into the marketplace and look for great talent to add to their team. They lead
through example to the benefit of society.

III. Seams and Edges Fog Where there is mystery there is margin:
The Coastal Redwood does not thrive in every environment and location. The Coastal Redwoods
occupy a narrow strip of land approximately 470 miles in length and between 5 - 47 miles in
width along the Pacific coast of North America. They usually grow in the mountains where there
is significant precipitation in the form of fog from the nearby ocean. Coalescence of coastal fog
accounts for a considerable part of the trees' water needs.

Page 11
Great businesses become great because they occupy a niche that they can serve over a long period
of time, operating with care and doing such an exceptional job that they gain a larger and larger
share of that niche. Competitors will exit or fail because
the towering, altruistic Titan above starves them of the
light of the customer. This niche is often in an area at the
seams and edges of big competitive markets for goods
and services. The Titans dominate this niche where they
can earn extraordinary profits because the customer is
willing to pay a fair price for an exceptional product.
These niches are often obscured in a fog of mystery
because a few businesses dominate the domain, or to
compete against entrenched players would be near
impossible. One of the most important business sayings I
have ever heard is fitting to describe these niche
opportunities for operator and investor where there is
mystery [fog], there is margin.
All services, professional as truly as other services, obey the law of supply and demand.
There is always a large supply of poor work in all walks of life and for that sort of service a
limited demand. There is always a small, a very limited supply of good workmanship and a
correspondingly great demand for it. And it always commands high compensation and that,
too, of various desirable kinds. Every step a man takes in capacity to work, and to do better
work will bring him into a higher plane of action a plane in which there will be fewer
competitors, greater demand, and higher rewards. The life of such a man will be a pyramid,
which rises higher step by step, with ever narrowing competition, until it reaches the summit
of excellence, influence, and success, where a man stands at the head of his profession.
Dr. Martin B. Anderson
Teacher/Mentor to Frederick Taylor Gates University of Rochester
Chapters of My Life (1928) - Memoir of Frederick Taylor Gates
Trusted Advisor to John D. Rockefeller, Sr.

IV. Evolution Persistent Incremental Progress Eternally Repeated:

Compounding, evolution, and human and business success are only made possible by persistent,
incremental progress, repeated without end. The Coastal Redwood, with the help of an evolved
cultural hexaploidal DNA, doggedly progresses incrementally every day, every year, some over
the last two millennia. Always getting better, flood and fire prepared, quenched by drinking in
the fog of uncertainty in the niche they dominate, leaning toward a shifting angle of the sun,
growing deeper roots through evolving geology. The Coastal Redwood also importantly controls
growth. Most trees grow too fast reaching for the sun. Overreaching is one of most common
causes of death in trees as it creates an air pocket in the trees pipes, xylem, which is why trees
will often rot from the inside out.
Enduring businesses avoid this fate by employing resolute incremental growth. The stewards of
these enduring businesses know that most business failures are the direct result of overreaching.
Instead of incremental progress, they overreach in an effort to get theirs now. Quite often, that
unnecessary extra decays the organization from the inside out. If you study business failure,
you can point to overreaching as the single biggest cause of dialectical materialism in business.
We see it every day in the marketplace, in how management rewards themselves with options,

Page 12
and in how management teams follow inferior mergers and acquisitions strategies. How often do
we see mergers and acquisitions work well in biology? It is a biologically flawed objective, so
why should it work seamlessly in business? It is a short-cut strategy to produce growth that often
creates that same embolism that will eventually rot the decent business as they try to merge
contrasting DNAs.
There are evolved business systems that can integrate mergers and
acquisitions well, but they are outliers.

V. Limits and Enduring Societal Value Cathedral Rings and Fairy Rings:
While Coastal Redwoods are nearly excluded from the saying
that trees do not grow to the sky, they are not immune from the
laws of physics. Size and age eventually can prove limiting,
even for redwoods. If you walk in the Grove of Titans, and in
other redwood forests, you will notice that many of the large
redwoods grow in circular rings. The rings are referred to as
cathedral rings or fairy rings and are formed after a large Coastal
Redwood has been felled and eventually dies. The immortal
nature of the Coastal Redwood genus is that new growth will
asexually spring from the old monarchs root system around the
trunk of the decaying tree.
Enduring businesses often find it necessary, at times, to divide in order to thrive. John D.
Rockefellers Standard Oil Company is a living example of a cathedral ring in business. When
the government found it necessary to break up Standard Oil in 1911, it created 33 Baby
Standards that would evolve over time. Exxon Mobil, Chevron, and other sprouts born from
Standard Oil represent the largest immortal case study on business that exists in human history.
Chernows biography, aptly titled Titan, is in my opinion the best biography ever written that
documents the history of how Rockefeller conducted his affairs. Charlie Munger recently
commented on John D. Rockefeller Sr. and Titan at the Daily Journal meeting.
Question: You mentioned recently that you enjoyed Ron Chernows book on John D.
Rockefeller, Sr.
Munger: Oh, hugely. If any of you havent read that book, you should read it. Thats a
wonderful biography. [Titan, by Ron Chernow] It shows how high grade that man was as a
business partner. He may have been tough on competitors, but as a partner, he was one of
the most admirable people who have ever lived. And as a philanthropist you can actually
chart what his philanthropy has accomplished some of the most remarkable things in the
whole history of philanthropy.
What Titans of enduring businesses do with the wealth they create is of meaningful importance to
society. Just as Standard Oils cathedral ring thrives today, as Charlie references above, John Sr.
created another ring of philanthropy that has not been equaled yet in human history. With the
intelligent insight of his most trusted advisor Frederick T. Gates and his son John D. Rockefeller
Jr., created a Fairy Ring6 of philanthropies that have done unprecedented compounded good for

A fitting memorial to the good works of John D. Rockefeller and the Rockefeller Family can be found artistically in
the Union Church of Pocantico Hills. Just as the Grove of Titans has nine Coastal Redwoods surrounding the Lost
Monarch, the Union Church has the last work of the master Henri Matisse, a stained-glass rose window surrounded by
nine Marc Chagall stained-glass windows, which includes his masterpiece The Good Samaritan in memory of John
D. Rockefeller Jr.

Page 13
society. Today we are witness to an equally unprecedented philanthropic force in the form and
essence of The Gates Foundation, endowed by Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett.

VI. Freedom Organizations in Flight:

The essence of everything eternal lies in its freedom. Freedom is written in the signature of all
things. If we carefully ponder the physical universe, the biological, and human history, freedom
is this untenable force in motion that is at the essence of which we see in form. The Coastal
Redwoods seek freedom, which assures them unblocked access to sunlight.
If freedom is the essence to that which endures, how does one assure the enduring benefits that
freedom bestows? My answer is that it can be found in altruistic meritocracy. The only path
toward freedom is to rightly deserve. The best, most deserving product provides the freedom of
price. The most enlightened win-win system with all counterparties assures the freedom to
celebrate success. Altruistic meritocracy is not a business model of survival of the fittest but a
model that looks to engender freedom by having a win-win relationship with all counterparties.
The meritocracy that is most deserving of freedom over time in both business and in human
history has three important attributes: deeply fluent literacy with the terrain in which it operates,
delayed gratification instead of a focus on short-term reward, and an elevated purpose where
lifes reward is not finite, time stamped and compartmentalized, but rather holistic of a wellexamined life. Liberty enlightening the world!

Firm Updates:

Research Analyst/Trader: We welcome Daniel McQueen to East Coast in the

role of Research Analyst and Trader. Dan recently graduated with honors from
Bentley University. Dan was captain of the varsity golf team at Bentley and at
the time of joining us he had a plus one handicap. While we expect his
handicap to increase, we have already seen the same work ethic and
determination to succeed in his role at East Coast. We are lucky to have Dan on
our team.

We look forward to meeting and talking with you soon. We greatly value your support and trust.
When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the
John Muir (1838 1914)
On behalf of the firm,

Christopher M. Begg, CFA

CEO, Chief Investment Officer, and Co-Founder

Page 14

Appendix: A Titans Last Puzzle

In the last decade of his life, the artistic Titan Henri Matisse
turned almost exclusively to cut paper as his medium and
scissors his chief implement. He created what became known
as cut-outs. His cut-outs would be used in paintings,
prints, tile murals, and stained-glass windows. The Matisse
Cut-Outs exhibition just arrived this month at the Museum of
Modern Art (MoMA) from the Tate Modern in London, where
its summer exhibition set attendance records.
In 1954, Henry Matisse was commissioned by the Rockefeller
Autumns Morning Light Through La Rosace
Family to create a stained-glass rose window in memory of
Photo Credit: Christopher M. Begg
Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, the wife of John D. Rockefeller Jr., in the
familys Union Church, Pocantico Hills, Tarrytown, New York. Abby Aldrich Rockefeller was a
founding member of MoMA, and great admirer and collector of Matisses art.
Matisses final puzzle and last creation, known as La Rosace, began with a request to create an
original stained-glass work within the restraints of the pre-existing framework twenty-five
lights that varied in size. This complexity perfectly suited the simplicity of Matisses cut-out
technique, the process he used to create the maquette for the window. Although Matisse was
confined to a wheel chair, he still managed to find infinite freedoms through his work. When I
am doing the cut-outs, you cannot imagine to what degree the sensation of flight which comes to
me, helps me better to adjust my hand as it guides the path of my scissors. Cut-outs allowed
Matisse to transcend the form of a painted outline with filled-in color and move directly to
essence. Cutting into color reminds me of a sculptors direct carving.
Due to his failing health, Matisse was unable to travel from France to New York to see the
church. Instead, he was sent a full-sized architectural drawing of the framework, including time
and light studies, which were hung in his studio bedroom. Henri Matisse solved this design in the
final days of his life, as he died November 3rd, 1954, just days after writing to the family. Matisse
reported that he had been able to complete, I think happily, the newness and the absorbing
aspect of this work for me was to express myself in a well defined space, fragmented, and equally
small as that contained in the woodwork of the rose window.
I felt compelled to visit the Union Church at Pocantico Hills recently to see La Rosace. Through
my visit, I learned that Nelson Rockefeller eventually decided to plant a conifer tree behind the
church in front of Matisses window. Rockefeller insisted on this in order to prevent the sun from
shining too powerfully through the window, thus ensuring that it gave the kind of light originally
planned by Matisse. When the tree matured its branches could be seen swaying through the
glass, adding a third dimension of motion to the window and casting beautiful shadows, an
intersection between nature and art that Matisse might well have appreciated.
La Rosace is often overlooked in the Matisse canon due to the nature of the commission and the
medium being misunderstood. In my opinion, it is Henri Matisses most profound work of
genius. La Rosace, like the Koch snowflake, expresses the universal idea that within a bounded
area one can produce boundless outcomes. La Rosace portrays in its austerity how the natural
light of persistent, incremental progress eternally repeated can produce infinite abundance and
wonder. Matisse, through his artistic medium, searched for essence, freedom, and simplicity and
from what he discovered earned immortality. Titans ambassadors from another time.

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