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DESAMA vs. Elisea Gozun 157882 March 30, 2006

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Didipio Earth-Savers' Multi-Purpose Association, Inc. (DESAMA) Et al. vs.

EliseaGozun, et al.; G.R. No. 157882; March 30, 2006

On 25 July 1987, then President Corazon C. Aquino promulgated Executive Order
No. 279 which authorized the DENR Secretary to accept, consider and evaluate
proposals from foreign-owned corporations or foreign investors for contracts of
agreements involving either technical or financial assistance for large-scale
exploration, development, and utilization of minerals, which, upon appropriate
recommendation of the Secretary, the President may execute with the foreign
proponent.A petition for mandamus and prohibition assailing the constitutionality
of the Philippine Mining Act of 1995,together with the IRR issued by the DENR
Administrative Order No. 96-40, s. 1996(DAO 96-40) and of the Financialand
Technical Assistance Agreement (FTAA) entered into on20 June 1994 by the
Republic of the Philippines and Arimco Mining Corporation (AMC), a corporation
established under the laws of Australia and owned by its nationals. After several
unsuccessful actions to cancel the FTAA agreement with the government, the
petitioners finally submitted a petition to the court. In their memorandum
petitioners pose whether or notRepublic Act No. 7942 and the CAMC FTAA are
void because they allow theunjust and unlawful taking of property without
payment of just compensation , in violation of Section 9, Article III of the
Constitution issues, amongothers issues.
Whether or not RA 7942 and the DENR RRs are valid.
The SC ruled against Didipio. The SC noted the requisites of eminent domain. They
1. The expropriator must enter a private property;
2. The entry must be for more than a momentary period.
3. The entry must be under warrant or color of legal authority;
4. The property must be devoted to public use or otherwise informally
appropriated or injuriously affected;
5. The utilization of the property for public use must be in such a way as to oust
the owner and deprive him of beneficial enjoyment of the property.
In the case at bar, Didipio failed to show that the law is invalid. Indeed there is
taking involved but it is not w/o just compensation. Sec 76 of RA 7942 provides
for just compensation as well as section 107 of the DENR RR. To wit,
Section Provided, that any damage to the property of the surface owner,
occupant, or concessionaire as a consequence of such operations shall be
properly compensated as may be provided for in the implementing rules and
Section 107. Compensation of the Surface Owner and Occupant- Any damage
done to the property of the surface owners, occupant, or concessionaire thereof
as a consequence of the mining operations or as a result of the construction or
installation of the infrastructure mentioned in 104 above shall be properly and
justly compensated.
Further, mining is a public policy and the government can invoke eminent domain
to exercise entry, acquisition and use of private lands.

Public respondents are of the view that petitioners eminent domain claim is not
ripefor adjudication as they fail to allege that CAMC has actually taken their
properties nor do they allege thattheir property rights have been endangered or
are in danger on account of CAMCs FTAA. In effect, public respondents insist that
the issue of eminent domain is not a justiciable controversy which this Court can
take cognizance of. Aquestion is considered ripe for adjudication when the act
being challenged has had a direct adverse effect onthe individual challenging it.
However, the court cannot await the adverse consequences of the law in order to
consider thecontroversy actual and ripe for judicial intervention.Actual eviction of
the land owners and occupants need not happen for this Court to intervene. By
the mereenactment of the questioned law or the approval of the challenged act,
the dispute is said to have ripenedinto a judicial controversy even without any
other overt act. Indeed, even a singular violation of theConstitution and/or the
law is enough to awaken judicial duty. Nevertheless, the petition was still
dismissed due to the baseless contention of the issues submitted. The FTAA was
in full compliance with the necessary requirements of the lawand Constitution.
The allegation of the lack of payment of just compensation was dismissed since
the court has hadauthority in eminent domain cases to make sure the proper
amount was established regardless of the fact that therewould be an intervention
from an executive department or legislature to make any initial determination of
the amount.

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