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Thermal Aspects Material Considerations and Cooling Strategies in Cryogenic Machining-Libre

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Clean Products and Processes 1 (1999) 107116 Q Springer-Verlag 1999

Thermal aspects, material considerations and cooling strategies in

cryogenic machining
Shane Y. Hong, Zhibo Zhao

Because the high temperatures associated with the cutting
process reduce the tool life, the machining industry has
been using oil-based or water-based emulsion cutting
fluids to cool and lubricate the machining process.
Unfortunately, conventional cutting fluids create both
health [Beattie and Strohm 1994] and environmental
problems, adding to production costs. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health estimates that
more than 6 million workers are exposed to mineral oil,
and that approximately 1.2 million are exposed in the
metal cutting fluid application [NIOSH 1977]. Long term
exposure to cutting fluid can cause dermatitis, a skin
disorder common in the machining industry [Bennett
1992]. Dermatitis can range from an ugly rash to malignant cancer. In Ohio, line operators in a major automobile plant reported to the author that 30% of their
machining operators had developed dermatitis of various
degrees; two required hospitalized. Inhaling cutting fluid
vapor may cause lung disorders as well [Kennedy et al.
1989]. Because conventional cutting fluids are non-biodegradable, manufacturers must comply with environmental
regulations to dispose of them. Furthermore, manufacturing materials contaminated with the cutting fluid must
be treated before being disposed. The disposal of cutting
fluids now costs at least double the purchasing price in
the United States and four times its price in Europe.
Manufacturers need an environmentally safe new
machining process that is energy efficient, yet able to
Metal cutting, or machining, which represents an annual improve tool life, increase productivity, and reduce
$150 billion output in the United States, is widely used in production cost.
nearly all manufacturing industries, including the
Cryogenic machining offers a potential solution to the
aluminum, steel, automobile, and aerospace industries.
environmental and health concerns of conventional
machining. This process replaces the cutting fluid coolant
with super cold liquid nitrogen. Nitrogen, which is abundant (79% of air), is naturally recycled without damage
Received: 25 November 1998 / Accepted: 12 February 1999
to the environment. Nitrogen can be compressed to a
liquid, and as liquid it cools the cutting process, evapoS.Y. Hong, Z. Zhao
rates and becomes part of the air again. Nitrogen can
Columbia University, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
sufficiently lower the machining temperature to reduce
New York, NY 10027, USA
the tool wear and increase the tool life. However, to be
effective and economical, cryogenic machining must be
Correspondence to: S.Y. Hong
done under specific conditions.
The purpose of the machining process is to transform
This work is supported by National Science Foundation
the material into a desirable shape by using a cutting
(DMI-97-96089), the Edison Materials Technology Center
tool. The material properties of the workpiece and of the
(CT-32) and industrial support from GE Aircraft Engines,
tool determine the effectiveness in the cutting process.
GM-Delphi Chassis, Cincinnati-Milacron, Kennametal, and the
BOC Groups. The authors wish to express their gratitude to Mr. Because heat is a natural byproduct of the cutting
process, understanding the effect of temperature on the
D. Siddle and his group at Kennametal research laboratory for
material properties will help researchers and manufactheir support during the testing.
Abstract Conventional machining prolongs tool life by
using cutting oils to cool the metal cutting process.
Unfortunately, the cutting fluid contaminates the environment, and endangers the health of humans. Cryogenic
machining offers an environmentally safe alternative to
conventional machining by using liquid nitrogen, which
can be naturally recycled. However, for the cryogenic
machining process to be effective and economical, manufacturers must select the correct cooling approach. This
paper describes our experimental study to investigate the
cryogenic properties of some common cutting tool materials and five workpiece materials of industrial interest:
low carbon steel, AISI 1010, high carbon steel AISI 1070,
bearing steel AISI 52100, titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V, and
cast aluminum alloy A390. The paper addresses the major
aspects of heat generated in metal cutting in terms of its
effects on chip formation, tool wear, and on the functional integrity of the machined component. The paper
then discusses the cooling strategies for cryogenic
machining each material based on the thermal effects and
material properties. The investigators conclude that the
cooling approach must be finely adjusted for different
materials to obtain the optimum effectiveness in cryogenic machining. The goal of our study is to provide a
basis for designing the cryogenic machining system.

Clean Products and Processes 1 (1999)

limit on the practical cutting speed for machining metals

and alloys with high melting points.
Temperature also affects chip-breakability. It is well
established that the chip-breakability is characterized by
critical fracture strain [Gane 1978, Nakayama 1984, Cook
1963]. The cutting temperature and the chip temperature
can affect the critical fracture strain of a chip, in turn
affecting chip breaking. The critical fracture strain for
various metals increases significantly when the temperature of the chip is above 400 7C [Kluft 1979]. Cook [1963]
noted a correlation between the cutting temperature and
Temperatures in machining
The power consumed in machining is largely converted
the critical fracture strain. The cutting temperature at the
into heat near the cutting edge of the tool. This causes
tool/interface considerably affects the physical state of the
the temperature of the tool, chip and workpiece to rise.
machined surface. Surface alterations, such as thermal
The heat generated in machining can influence the prop- residual stress, plastic deformation, oxidation, and metalerties of the work material being machined, as well as the lurgical structural transformation, may occur due to the
effective life of the cutting tool. As shown in Fig. 1, heat
thermal and/or mechanical loads during machining.
is generated mainly in two plastic deformation zones: the Surface alterations often impair the functional integrity of
primary zone ahead of the cutting edge, and the
the machined component [Neailey 1988, Sadat 1987, Von
secondary zone adjacent to the chip-tool interface. Where Turkovich 1981].
additional heat is generated due to the sliding friction
Based on this evidence, the objective in machining is
along the rake face. The critical temperatures in
to reduce the cutting temperatures. To reduce the negamachining include temperatures at the primary shear
tive effects of the high temperatures generated in the
zone, and the chip-tool interface, as well as the average
machining process, manufacturers have:
body temperature of the chip.
controlled the quantity of heat generated by optimizing
The average temperature in the primary shear zone
operation parameters,
strongly influences the flow stress and the compressive
developed more effective high-temperature resistant
stress at the cutting edge of the tool, thus influencing the
tool materials,
cutting force and tool wear. The temperature at the chip- effectively removed heat from the cutting zone,
tool interface greatly affects the rate of tool wear. In
changed the metallurgical and mechanical properties of
general, difficult-to-machine materials generate high
the workpiece and tool materials,
cutting temperatures at the chip-tool interface and
changed the frictional characteristics at the interfaces.
promote tool wear due to increased adhesion and diffuThe development of cutting tool materials, such as
sion. It is unlikely that the stress acting on the tool
tungsten carbides, ceramic tool, diamond, CBN and
increases with the cutting speed. The temperatures at the various tool coatings, has greatly advanced metal
chip-tool interface, however, do increase with the cutting machining. Limitations have been reached, however,
speed; it is this temperature rise which sets the ultimate
particularly in the area of high-speed machining of difficult-to-machine materials.
To counteract the destructive effects of high temperature, the machining industry has used a wide variety of
cutting fluids in the machining process. However,
conventional cutting pollutes the environment. Cryogenic
machining, an environmentally safe approach, eliminates
many of the detrimental effects of high cutting temperatures.
turers solve ongoing problems with the machining
This study investigates the thermal aspects of the
metal cutting process, studies the materials behavior at
cryogenic temperatures, and then discusses the cooling
strategies for environmentally safe cryogenic machining.
The goal is to provide a basis for designing the cryogenic
machining system.


Cryogenic machining and cooling strategies

Fig. 1. Heat generation zone and cutting temperature distribution using example in dry cutting low carbon steel

In cryogenic machining, manufacturers use an extremely

cold or sub-zero coolant. Depending on the purpose,
cryogenic coolant may be applied to the cutting area,
chip, workpiece, or cutting tool [Dillon 1990, Uehara
1968, 1970]. The main functions of cryogenic machining
include (1) removing heat effectively from the cutting
zone, hence lowering cutting temperatures, (2) modifying
the frictional characteristics at the tool/chip interfaces,
and (3) changing the properties of the workpiece and the
tool material.
Materials respond differently to temperature and
machining. Therefore, the strategy for improving machi-

Shane Y. Hong, Zhibo Zhao: Thermal aspects, material considerations and cooling strategies in cryogenic machining

nability must vary depending on the material being

machined. For example, machining low carbon steel
always causes severe problems in chip breaking;
machining heat resistant alloys, such as titanium and
nickel alloys, causes tools to wear quickly. Accordingly,
in cryogenic machining different cooling strategies are
needed for solving problems specific to the individual
materials being machined. The authors define cooling
strategies as the ways cryogenic coolant is applied in
cryogenic machining to improve the machinability of the
materials. These strategies, which may serve different
purposes, include:
freezing the workpiece,
delivering the cryogen to the tool/chip or tool/work
cooling the cutting tool, or
cooling the chip.
To choose cooling strategies, the properties of both
tool materials and workpiece materials must be considered because they are fundamental in determining
machining characteristics. The desirable properties of
tool materials generally include high hardness and wear
resistance, high toughness and high strength to resist
various forms of fractures, and low chemical affinity with
the workpiece. Properties of the workpiece materials
become problematic when their hardness and strength
are abrasive to cutting tools and when these properties
cause a high compressive stress to act on the cutting
edge raising the cutting temperatures. The materials
ductility and toughness affect the chip formation process.
Highly ductile materials, for instance, are likely to
produce continuous chips and built-up edges.
These points support the need to understand material
behaviors to effectively evaluate cooling strategies for
cryogenic machining.

Table 1. Nominal compositions of the tested carbide tool materials [provided by Kennametal, Inc.]












To address this issue, several representative grades of

carbide-cobalt alloys, K3109, K313, K420, K68 and SP274,
were investigated at cryogenic temperatures. A brief
description of each materials composition is given in
Table 1. The experiments conducted on these materials
included microstructural observations, impact tests, three
point bending tests, and indentation tests. Due to their
extreme hardness and brittleness, carbide tool materials
do not respond to tensile testing. Instead, transverse
rupture strength was widely used to characterize the fracture strength of tungsten tool materials. The three point
bending test was used to study their behavior. The transverse rupture strength (TRS) is defined as TRSp3FL/
2bh 2, where F is the applied load, L the distance between
the supports, b and h the specimen width and height.
Cemented carbides are a group of hard, wear-resistant,
refractory materials in which the hard carbide particles
are bonded or cemented together by a ductile metal
binder, usually cobalt. The microstructures of the
cemented carbides usually consist of two phases: WC
grains and the binder phase. The amount of binder and
the WC grain size generally determine the properties of
the carbide tool materials. Consequently, the tested
carbide grades have the following features:
K3109: A large volume of binder phase and coarse WC
grains characterize K3109. It is also identified by high
impact strength, high strength (TRS), and relatively
Tool materials consideration
Cutting tool materials belong to a group of refractory
low hardness. As expected, K3109 is the toughest grade
and non-ductile materials. Chipping and breaking of the
among all the tested carbide tool materials.
cutting edge and fracturing of the tool are common
K313: K313 is an unalloyed grade that has a low
modes of tool failure. To address problems of tool failpercentage of cobalt binder phase, and has the finest
ures requires an understanding of the materials resistWC grains in its microstructure. Therefore, high hardance to chipping and fracturing (i.e., toughness) and the
ness, high edge wear-resistance, relatively high strength
resistance to thermal and mechanical loads. Traditionally,
(TRS), and moderate impact strength characterize
cutting tools have been subjected to high temperature
conditions in the machining process, therefore, little is
K420: K420 is an alloyed grade of WC/TaC/TiC-Co that
known about the properties of tool materials at the
has a moderate amount of cobalt binder phase and
subzero temperatures in cryogenic machining. Low
coarse carbide grains. While the introduction of other
temperatures increase the cutting tools hardness and
carbides such as TaC and TiC contributes to high
wear resistance, while decreasing its chemical affinities to
hardness and high thermal plastic deformation resistworkpiece materials. These characteristics are believed to
ance, they also cause a decrease in strength. Consebe beneficial in cryogenic machining; however, when
quently, the general features of K420 include moderate
exposed to low temperatures, most materials become
hardness, high thermal shock resistance, relatively high
brittle. Degradations in tools strength and toughness at
impact strength, and relatively high strength (TRS).
low temperatures, if any, would negate any possible gains K68: K68 is a low cobalt unalloyed grade with intermefrom cryogenic machining. To evaluate the potential of
diate carbide grain sizes. This accounts for its high
cryogenic machining, it is critical to know whether the
hardness, moderate impact strength, and moderate
cutting tool materials can maintain enough toughness.
strength (TRS). This grade of carbide also exhibits high


Clean Products and Processes 1 (1999)


edge wear-resistance in machining stainless steels, cast

irons, nonferrous metals, nonmetals, and most high
temperature alloys.
SP274: SP274 is an alloyed grade with a low binder
content. Normally used as a substrate material for
coated carbide tool materials, the material is characterized by high hardness and moderate TRS.
The indentation testings at liquid nitrogen temperature indicate an increase in the hardness of all the tested
materials compared to the materials hardness at room
temperature. Figures 2 and 3 show impact strength versus
temperature, and transverse rupture strength (TRS)
versus temperature, respectively. Even though the carbide
grades show different tendencies, they generally retain
their toughness and transverse rupture strength even as
the temperature decreases toward liquid nitrogen temperature. This indicates that the carbide tool materials,
within the composition ranges investigated in this study,
have the properties needed for cryogenic machining.
Therefore, a variety of cooling strategies is available when
using these tool materials.

Fig. 3. Transverse rupture strength of the carbide tool materials

versus temperature

Properties of workpiece materials:
case studies of cooling strategies

Fig. 2. The impact strength of the carbide tool materials versus


The mechanical properties of the workpiece materials are

the major factors influencing their machinabilities. High
hardness and high strength materials are not only abrasive to cutting tools, but also responsible for the high
compressive stress acting on the cutting edge and high
cutting temperatures. Ductility and toughness of materials affect the chip formation process; highly ductile
materials, for instance, are likely to produce continuous
chips and built-up edges. In an effort to determine the
best machining temperature or cooling strategy for
cryogenic machining, the mechanical properties such as

Shane Y. Hong, Zhibo Zhao: Thermal aspects, material considerations and cooling strategies in cryogenic machining

hardness, tensile properties and impact strength were

investigated at low temperatures.

Materials and experiments
Five workpiece materials were utilized in this study: low
carbon steel 1010, high carbon steel 1070, bearing steel
E52100, high silicon aluminum alloy A390, and titanium
alloy Ti-6Al-4V. These materials represent a spectrum of
the typical materials used in automobile and aerospace
industries of special interests to our sponsors. Their
compositions are given in Table 2. Essentially, the
specimen preparation and the procedures for these
mechanical testing meet ASTM standards. For low
temperature experiments, a tensile tester, a Rockwell
tester and an impact tester were modified so that a liquid
Fig. 4. Strength and hardness of 1010 versus temperature
container could be attached. Liquid chemicals, such as
alcohol and isopentane, that were cooled by liquid
nitrogen were employed as the cooling media.
Machining tests on some of the workpiece materials
were conducted using a CNC turning machine. The evaluated machining characteristics included cutting force,
rate of tool wear, chip breakability, and surface finish of
the machined surface.

AISI-SAE 1010 is a very soft, mild steel of low strength
and high ductility. In spite of its low hardness, it has a
poor machinability due to its difficulty in chip breaking.
The adhesive wear of the cutting tool, the formation of
built-up edges at moderate cutting speeds, and its particularly poor chip breakability represent the machining
characteristics of this steel and most other low carbon
The microstructure of 1010 steel consists of two
micro-constituents, ferrite and pearlite, which accounts
for the soft, ductile, sticky nature of this material.
Figures 4 and 5 show the mechanical properties of 1010
steel at cryogenic temperatures. Hardness and strength
increase as the temperature decreases. The average room
temperature hardness is only Rgp54, (corresponding to
Rbp83). Even at liquid nitrogen temperature, the hardness of 1010 only reaches a level of Rcp27. Due to the
existence of the BCC (body center cubic) structure of
ferrite, the impact strength of 1010 exhibits a sharp transition from ductility to brittleness when the temperature
is decreased to about 50 7C. While elongation and reduc-

Fig. 5. Elongation or reduction in area and impact strength of

1010 steel versus temperature

tion in area also indicate the transition, they occur at a

lower temperature. This means that the same material
responds differently to temperature according to the
loading modes.
The main effects of low temperature on the low
carbon steel 1010 include:
increased strength and hardness,
reduced toughness, and
reduced elongation and reduction in area.
The effects of these variations on the machining
process can be evaluated by observing their influence on
Table 2. The materials and their compositions
chip formation. The decrease in toughness and ductility
promotes chip formation, reduces contact length between
the tool and chip, and increases the shear plane angle,
which results in a decrease in cutting force. Enhancing
0.09% C, 0.39% Mn, 0.01% S, 0.01%P, 0.006% Si,
0.022% Al
brittleness is favorable for increasing the curvature of the
0.650.76% C, 0.600.90% Mn
chip curl and increasing chip breakability. For steels of
0.981.1% C, 0.250.45% Mn, 0.025% S, 0.025% P, low hardness, the dominant factor determining their poor
0.150.30% Si, 1.301.60% Cr
machinability is their soft, ductile (plastic), sticky nature
4.05.0% Cu, 0.450.65% Mg, 0.10% Mn,
rather than their hardness and strength. This corresponds
16.018.0% Si, 0.5% Fe, 0.1% Zn, 0.2% Ti
with the observation that hard steels often require a
6% Al, 4% V
lower cutting resistance than soft steels, especially at high


Clean Products and Processes 1 (1999)


cutting speeds [Araki 1985]. Previous studies also show a

decrease in cutting force in spite of an increase in hardness and strength by freezing a workpiece of mild carbon
steels [Uehara 1970, Rice 1966].
Based on this evidence, cooling the workpiece to the
temperature range at which the workpiece becomes
brittle is a better machining condition for low carbon
steels. Cryogenic machining tests were conducted in our
laboratory. Pre-cooling the workpiece improved chip
breaking as demonstrated in our separate paper [Ding
and Hong 1998]. Yet, cooling the chip produced even
better chip breaking [Hong 1999].

AISI 1070 and AISI E52100 steels

Fig. 7. Elongation, reduction in area and impact strength of

The high carbon content of these steels has a significant

1070 versus temperature
influence on their mechanical properties and machinability. It increases their tensile strength, shear strength,
and hardness; this often causes a high temperature rise
during machining. The effects of the carbon content on
machinability are also directly related to the formation of
hard, abrasive carbides.
Large amounts of eutectoid pearlite are found in the
microstructures of the 1070 steel and the annealed
E52100 steel. The highly abrasive and sharp lamellae of
cementite within the pearlite accelerates tool wear. Extra
carbide particles are also present in the microstructure of
E52100 because of its hypereutectoid composition. This
can create severe abrasive wear. Therefore, tool life in
machining steels depends largely on the amount of
carbon. Up to 0.24% carbon in steels can favorably affect
the machinability because it generates the desired brittleness for chip formation. A higher content of carbon
usually adversely affects machinability because of the
Fig. 8. Tensile strength, yield strength and hardness of 52100
high strength of steel and the large amount of carbides.
steel versus temperature
Through our own material tests at cryogenic temperatures, the mechanical properties of 1070 and E52100
steels are displayed as Fig. 6, Fig. 7, Fig. 8 and Fig. 9. Both
steels exhibit similar temperature dependencies. As
temperature decreases, their hardness and strength
increase rapidly. According to the results of impact
strength, percent of elongation, and area reduction tests,
toughness and ductility decrease with lowering tempera-

Fig. 9. Elongation, reduction in area and impact strength of

52100 versus temperature

Fig. 6. Strength and hardness of 1070 versus temperature

tures. Unlike the 1010 steel, 1070 and E52100 alloys have
no distinctive ductility to brittleness transition. Instead,
impact strength, elongation and reduction in area change

Shane Y. Hong, Zhibo Zhao: Thermal aspects, material considerations and cooling strategies in cryogenic machining

Considering the cryogenic properties of 1070 and

E52100 and their conventional machining characteristics,
cooling the workpiece may not be an ideal approach.
First, 1070 and E52100 have high strength levels even at
room temperature. Their rapid increases in strength with
decreasing temperatures lead to higher cutting resistances. Second, the hard carbides would become more
abrasive at low temperatures. Because abrasive wear and
adhesive wear at operating cutting temperatures are the
major concerns in machining 1070 and E52100, an effective cryogenic approach is applying the cryogen to the
cutting zone adjacent to the chip tool interface. This
targets lower cutting temperatures, enhances the hardness
of the cutting tool, and reduces the friction at the chip/
tool interface. Our test results on cryogenic machining of
high strength materials showed that applying the cryogenic coolant to the cutting zone produces better results
than freezing the workpiece. Cryogenic machining of
Fig. 10. Hardness of A390 versus temperature
1070 and 52100 by injecting liquid nitrogen to the tool
face and chip yielded significant tool life improvement
[Markus 1993].
ness of A390 with temperature is given in Fig. 10. The
increase in bulk hardness by cooling the workpiece may
not be a concern for cryogenic machining, but the
Cast aluminum alloy A390
The microstructure of A390 consists mainly of two
increase in the micro-hardness of the primary silicon
constituents: a soft aluminum matrix and a primary
phase would make the workpiece more abrasive. Theresilicon phase. The high nominal Si content in the alloy
fore, a possible solution is cooling the cutting tool with a
provides sufficient quantities of the hard primary silicon cryogenic to enhance its hardness and resistance to abraphase to ensure the strength and the high degree of wear sive wear. Keeping the cutting tool cool may also
resistance of these cast alloys. However, this large
decrease the tools tendencies to adhere to the soft
amount of primary silicon phase also causes the
aluminum matrix phase, which may reduce build-up
machining problem of this alloy.
edges and improve surface finish.
Almost all aluminum alloys belong to a group of
materials with high toughness, but A390 does not follow
this trend because of its high content of silicon. A390 is
Titanium Alloy Ti-6A1-4V
extremely brittle; the impact strength of a standard Vnotch A390 specimen is only about 0.5 J, and its elonga5.5.1
tion is less than 0.5% at any temperature from 20 7C to
Properties of the Ti-6A1-4V alloy
The tested material in this study is the Ti-6Al-4V
196 7C. These characteristics are responsible for the
annealed alloy. Its microstructure consists of a coarse,
desirable chip forms in the machining of this alloy.
The A390 alloy contains 1618% silicon, which makes plate-like alpha phase and a grain boundary beta phase.
The variation of its hardness with temperature is shown
it a hyper-eutectic casting alloy. This alloy has a large
in Fig. 11. At room temperature, the hardness of the
amount of primary silicon phase in the microstructure.
annealed Ti-6A1-4V alloy is Rcp33.5. Between room
This phase has a Knoop hardness number (KHN) of
temperature and 50 7C, the hardness exhibits a rapid
10001300, compared to a maximum aluminum matrix
increase. When the temperature further drops below
hardness of 180KHN [Jorstad 1980]. The presence of the
50 7C, the hardness increases gradually. At liquid
primary silicon phase in the alloy provides its strength
nitrogen temperature, the hardness of Ti-6Al-4V is about
and superior wear resistance. However, because of its
Rcp42. The results of the impact strength, percent elonhardness, it is extremely abrasive to any cutting tools.
Tool life is strongly dependent on the size of the primary gation, and reduction in area indicate that the alloy Ti6Al-4V can maintain, to a large extent, its toughness and
silicon phase; tool life decreases as the size of the
ductility at low temperatures, even at liquid nitrogen
primary silicon phase increases. The ductile and sticky
temperature [Collings 1983].
nature of the aluminum matrix phase makes it likely to
adhere to the cutting tools and form built-up edges,
which often cause a poor surface finish.
The evaluation of AA and ASM indicate that the A390 Characteristics of machining Titanium alloy
Titanium and its alloys are classified as difficult-toalloy has the poorest machinability among the cast
aluminum alloys, mainly due to the abrasive nature of its machine materials. The main problems in machining
primary silicon phase. Increasing tool life by reducing the titanium and their alloys are the high cutting temperaabrasive wear of the cutting tool is particularly important tures and the rapid tool wear. Most tool materials wear
rapidly even at moderate cutting speeds when machining
in machining the A390 alloy. The variation of the hard-


Clean Products and Processes 1 (1999)


Fig. 11. Hardness of Ti-6Al-4V versus temperature

titanium and its alloys. Therefore, current machining

practice limits the cutting speed to less than 1 m/s to
minimize tool wear. The machining characteristics for
titanium and its alloys are summarized below [Machado
1990, Komanduri 1981; Donachie 1982].
1. Titanium and its alloys are poor thermal conductors;
their thermal conductivity is only about one sixth that
of steel. As a result, the heat generated when
machining titanium cannot dissipate quickly; rather
most of the heat is concentrated on the cutting edge
and tool face.
2. Titanium has a strong alloying tendency or chemical
reactivity with the cutting tool material at tool operation temperatures. This causes galling, welding, and
smearing, along with rapid wear or cutting tool failure.
3. During machining, titanium alloys exhibit thermal
plastic instability which leads to unique characteristics
of chip formation. The shear strains in the chip are
not uniform; rather, they are localized in a narrow
band that forms serrated chips.
4. The contact length between the chip and the tool is
extremely short (less than one-third the contact length
of steel with the same feedrate and depth of cut). This
implies that the high cutting temperature and the high
stress are simultaneously concentrated near the cutting
edge (within 0.5 mm).
5. Serrated chips create fluctuations in the cutting force;
this situation is further promoted when alpha-beta
alloys are machined. The vibration force, together with
the high temperature, exerts a micro-fatigue loading
on the cutting tool, which is believed to be partially
responsible for severe flank wear.
Regarding mechanical properties, titanium alloys
experience rapid increases in their strength and hardness
while their toughness and ductility show little variation
as temperature decreases. Therefore, it is difficult to
discuss a cryogenic strategy based on their mechanical
properties at a cryogenic temperature. However, considering the main machining characteristics of titanium
which arise from a high cutting temperature and its high

Fig. 12a,b. The microstructures of Ti-6Al-4V chips (200!) cut

at (a) dry machining condition and (b) cryogenic temperature
(196 7C). Low temperature has a remarkable effect on the chip
formation process of Ti-6Al-4V alloy

chemical affinity for tool materials at operating temperatures, an effective cryogenic strategy is to cool the workpiece and cutting tool simultaneously. This is expected
lower the cutting temperature,
enhance the chemical stability of the workpiece,
enhance the hardness and chemical stability of the
tool, and
reduce the friction at the work/tool interface and tool/
chip interface.
Titanium and its alloys have been a major subject of
cryogenic machining studies. Most of the work indicates
an improvement in their machinabilities by either
freezing the workpiece or cooling the tool using a cryogenic coolant. [Uehara 1968, 1970, Dillon 1990, Holis 1961,
Reed 1965, Christopher 1990]. Freezing the workpiece was
suggested as the ideal cutting condition for machining
titanium and its alloys from a technical perspective
[Dillon 1990, Rennhack 1974, Xuan 1991]. However, due
to its increased strength and hardness, frozen titanium
negatively affects the machining process. Therefore, if an
effective coolant were available for lowering the tool
temperature, it would be more appropriate to use than to
cool the workpiece.
Titanium and its alloys represent the most challenging
materials in machining. With the advancement in cutting
tool materials, many difficult-to-machine materials can

Shane Y. Hong, Zhibo Zhao: Thermal aspects, material considerations and cooling strategies in cryogenic machining

0.01 kg/s), this process improves the productivity and

reduces the production cost significantly [Hong 1995].


Fig. 13. The SEM photograph of the rough side of Ti-6Al-4V

chip cut under dry machining conditions

In cryogenic machining, the liquid gas is used to lower

the cutting temperature, alter the material properties, and
maximize the effectiveness of the cutting tool. As the
temperature decreases, the tool material increases its
hardness, and physical and chemical stability tendencies that we anticipate will be beneficial for cryogenic
machining. Our studies on carbide-cobalt alloys at cryogenic temperature revealed desirable mechanical properties, such as high transverse rupture strength and high
impact strength. The properties of these carbide tool
materials will allow the machining industry to flexibly
select cooling strategies for cryogenic machining.
We studied five workpiece materials. This paper
discussed the cooling strategies for cryogenic machining
of these materials based on their mechanical properties at
cryogenic temperatures and their characteristics during
conventional machining. Low temperatures appear to be
an ideal machining conditions for low carbon steel 1010
because it exhibits a distinctive ductility-brittleness transition. For high carbon steel 1070 and high alloy steel
E52100, applying cryogens to the cutting zone is expected
to impede the rise in temperature and rate of tool wear.
When machining A390, we propose cooling the cutting
tool with cryogens, which may enhance its hardness and
resistance to the abrasive wear of the Si phase in A390.
Cooling the workpiece and cutting tool for the Ti-6Al-4V
alloy may effectively lower the cutting temperature and
reduce the chemical affinity. This can most effectively be
achieved by injecting cryogen to the tool-chip and toolworkpiece interfaces.

Fig. 14. The SEM Photograph of the rough side of Ti-6Al-4V
chip cut under cryogenic machining conditions

now be machined at higher metal removal rates. None of

these tool materials, however, seem to be effective in
machining titanium because of their chemical affinities
with titanium. The calculation of Hartung, et. al. [1982],
indicates that no potential materials are suitable for
machining titanium. Thus, cryogenic machining, which is
able to both lower the cutting temperature and enhance
chemical stability of both the workpiece and the tool, is
expected to have a great potential in high productivity
machining of titanium and its alloys. This can be
achieved by injecting a focused liquid nitrogen jet to the
cutting point.
Based on the understanding of titanium alloy property, we have developed an economical cryogenic process
that focuses micro liquid nitrogen jets to the chip-tool
interface and tool-workpiece interface. This process
improves tool life up to five times that of the state-of-art
emulsion cooling method. Because the nitrogen
consumption is so small (less than 0.2 gallon per minute,

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