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Terrorism is Comes from Us

by A. Bharathkumar. PKT

The Planet protector

In many countries, acts of terrorism are legally distinguished from criminal acts done
for other purposes, and "terrorism" is defined by statute. Common principles among legal
definitions of terrorism provide an evolving covenant as to meaning and also cultivate
collaboration between law enforcement personnel in different countries. Among these
definitions there are several that do not recognize the possibility of authentic use of violence
by civilians against an aggressor in an occupied country and would, thus label all resistance
movements as terrorist groups. Others make a distinction between lawful and unlawful use of
violence. Ultimately, the distinction is a political judgment.

Official definitions determine counter-terrorism policy, and are often developed to

serve it. Most government definitions outline the following key criteria: target, objective,
motive, perpetrator, and legitimacy or legality of the act. Terrorism is also often recognizable
by a following statement from the perpetrators.

Violence – According to Walter Laqueur of the Center for Strategic and

International Studies, "the only general characteristic of terrorism generally agreed upon is
that terrorism involves violence and the threat of violence". However, the criterion of violence
alone does not produce a useful definition, as it includes many acts not usually considered
terrorism: war, riot, organized crime, or even a simple assault. Property destruction that does
not endanger life is not usually considered a violent crime, but some have described property
destruction by the Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front as violence and

Psychological impact and fear – The attack was carried out in such a way as to
maximize the severity and length of the psychological impact. Each act of terrorism is a
“performance” devised to have an impact on many large audiences. Terrorists also attack
national symbols, to show power and to attempt to shake the foundation of the country or
society they are opposed to. This may negatively affect a government, while increasing the
prestige of the given terrorist organization and/or ideology behind a terrorist act.

Perpetrated for a political goal – Something that many acts of terrorism have in common
is a political purpose. Terrorism is a political tactic, like letter-writing or protesting, which is
used by activists when they believe that no other means will effect the kind of change they
desire. The change is desired so badly that failure to achieve change is seen as a worse
outcome than the deaths of civilians. This is often where the inter-relationship between
terrorism and religion occurs. When a political struggle is integrated into the framework of a
religious or "cosmic"
struggle, such as over the control of an ancestral homeland or holy site such as Israel
and Jerusalem, failing in the political goal (nationalism) becomes equated with spiritual failure,
which, for the highly committed, is worse than their own death or the deaths of innocent
One definition that that combines the key elements was developed at the George C.
Marshall Center for European Security Studies by Carsten Bockstette: "Terrorism is defined as
political violence in an asymmetrical conflict that is designed to induce terror and psychic fear
(sometimes indiscriminate) through the violent victimization and destruction of noncombatant
targets (sometimes iconic symbols). Such acts are meant to send a message from an unlawful
concealed organization. The purpose of terrorism is to exploit the media in order to achieve
maximum attainable publicity as an amplifying force multiplier in order to influence the targeted
audience(s) in order to reach short- and midterm political goals and/or desired long-term end

The purpose in this article is not give and historical account of the theory and practice of
these groups since the disintegration began in the early seventies. The emphasis is on
analyzing their ideological and theoretical positions and the inner contradictions and conflicts
between the groups (, based on their own documents and publications. Without understanding
their current positions on ideological questions, the splintering and kaleidoscope merging and
splitting of the groups cannot be comprehended.
The terms "terrorism" and "terrorist" (someone who engages in terrorism) carry strong
negative implications. These terms are often used as political labels, to condemn violence or
the threat of violence by certain actors as immoral, indiscriminate, and unjustified or to
condemn an entire segment of a population. Those labeled "terrorists" rarely identify
themselves as such, and typically use other inoffensive terms or terms specific to their
situation, such as separatist, freedom fighter, liberator, revolutionary, vigilante, militant,
paramilitary, guerrilla, rebel or any similar-meaning word in other languages and cultures.
Jihadi, mujahidin, al-Qaida and Fedayeen are similar Arabic words which have entered the
English dictionary. "On one point, at least, everyone agrees: terrorism is a depreciatory term.
It is a word with basically negative connotations that is generally applied to one's
enemies and opponents, or to those with whom one disagrees and would otherwise prefer to
ignore. 'What is called terrorism,' Brian Jenkins has written, `'thus seems to depend on one's
point of view. Use of the term implies a moral judgment; and if one party can successfully
attach the label terrorist to its opponent, then it has indirectly persuaded others to adopt its
moral viewpoint.' Hence the decision to call someone or label some organization `terrorist'
becomes almost unavoidably subjective, depending largely on whether one sympathizes with
or opposes the person/group/cause concerned.

India’s face violent fanaticism because of the Terrorism will dominate

Terror" comes from a Latin word meaning "to frighten". The terror
cimbricus(ancient Germanic People) was a panic and state of emergency in Rome in
response to the approach of warriors of the Cimbri tribe in 105BC. The Jacobins cited
this precedent when imposing a Reign of Terror during the French Revolution. After the
Jacobins lost power, the word "terrorist" became a term of abuse. Although the Reign of
Terror was imposed by a government, in modern times
"terrorism" usually refers to the killing of innocent people”. The Islam System
Said that "Therefore listen not to non-believers but fight (Jihad) against them a great
war, with it (laws of Allah)."Quran, Sura 25, Aya 52
"O Messenger, fight against the non-believers and the hypocrites and remain firm
against them." Quran,Sura 66, Aya 9.
It gives a clear vision that Islam without Jihad does not exist. If there is no Jihad,
the laws of the Quran and Sunna are rejected.
'One of the best Jihad is the word of Truth in the presence of unjust ruller.'
He also said: "The doors of the heaven are under the shadows of swords."
Nahjul-Fasaha 576

India lost over 58,000 lives to terrorism and extremism over the last decade and
all over India that’s contained more then 200 terror group is an exist . This is certainly
cause for alarm, and creates an image of widespread breakdown of law and order – and
this is an accurate picture of at least some parts of the country. Across most of its
geographical expanse, however, India has remained by and large free of the modern-
day scourge of terrorism, as of insurgency and other patterns of extremist political
violence and killing inocent peole, Inorder to fulfill this statement more vital roll of
terrorism are comes from Islams and Naxalite “Naxalbari”( also the fellows

are follows as the Communism concepts).

Where is the place of the terror origine and how it will be create, not a big deal
it’s diversity of love and peace. Everyone should be seeing them real life how the love
and merc is forming.
Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system.
Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The religious
component is a beard for all the other components. Jihad means struggle to achieve for
one world for muslims. To convey the message of Allah to mankind according to our
ability is our Jihad(only this idiotic religious conviction refer this kind of aggressive rule).
Islamization occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to disturb for
their so-called 'religious rights.' When politically correct and culturally diverse societies
agree to 'the reasonable' Muslim demands for their 'religious rights,' they also get the
other components under the table that will being lead to terrorist activity are almost 72%
of india. We can talk about the compleet details in the last chapter.
Jihadi terrorism is as old as Islam. Jihad war, death, and destruction have
followed in the wake of Islam for hundreds of years. Ancient Egypt, Greece, Spain,
Persia, India and several societies have experienced the deadly Islamic conquest. Now
Jihadi terrorism has surged to dangerous proportions and is a major threat to public
health and world peace. Jihadi terrorists have the potential to perpetuate their deadly
terrorism, wreaking havoc in every city in the world. Its destructive impact on the
economy, public health and public safety is widespread, and on the increase.
Sensational Jihadi terrorism, mass riots, violence, beheadings, suicide bombings
and plane hijackings are under constant media scrutiny. Jihadi terrorism is also a
compelling subject for terrorism scholars, social scientists and security planners.
Nevertheless, agreement on the important underlying causes has been elusive and
inconsistent. Liberal social scientists say Jihadi terrorism is a product of “labeling.” This
is one of the ten forms of cognitive distortion that we will talk about in a minute.
Social scientists on the more liberal side also theorize that Jihadi terrorism has
social causes including economic deprivation and interference by non-Islamic countries.
They romanticize Jihadi terrorists as involved in protest against social injustice. In their
eagerness to promote the irrational doctrine of “political correctness,” left wing armchair
speculators see Jihadi terrorists as victims of reactionary, reductionist “conspiracy
theories” that make the terrorists the real victims of unjust social forces. For phony, left
wing, liberal social scientists, suicide bombing, mass murder, riots, arson and the public
beheading of non-Muslims by Jihadi terrorists are frustrated responses to political

plenty practical evidence and case study analysis of Muslim terrorists proves the
unsoundness of these theories. Such malicious “politically correct” statement s are
misleading and mischievous. The unified left wing explanation of Jihadi terrorism as a
social phenomenon in the changing political, economic context is false and falls far
short of explaining reliable and stable psychological and religious variables influencing
Islamic terrorism.

In recent years, studies of risk prediction and identification of both static and
dynamic factors associated with Jihadi terrorism have provided a clear understanding of
the problem. Empirically based investigations of psychological factors on Jihadi
terrorists have indicated important cognitive and behavioral variables acting as
pathways for Jihadi terrorism. Focused studies have revealed the unique patterns of the
Jihadi terrorists' thinking, asocial attitudes, cruelty, and indifference to the feelings of
their victims, paranoia and aggressive hostility.


Religious, psychological, educational, and historical factors are implicated in

Jihadi terrorism. Static variables (age, ethnic religious background) and dynamic
variables (cognitive distortions, thinking errors, negative emotions, maladaptive
behaviors, community networks that support deviance) also specifically lend themselves
to the identification of dynamic risk factors of Jihadi terrorism.

Muslims think Islam is a perfect and perfected religion. It has perfect answers for
science, politics, government, economics, psychosocial problems and human life. As far
as the doctrinal tenets are concerned, Islam maintains that Muslims must
unquestionably follow the tenets. Muslims should shun everything that is opposed to
Islam. Muslims consider the Koran, the Hadith and the Sura to be perfect and above

Many Muslims are indoctrinated at an early age into the rigid, closed, reductionist
Islamic dogma, demanding full faith and devotion and separation from all competing
philosophies. They are kept ignorant of the world and other rational thought systems.
Islamic schools focus on rote memorization of Koran and discourage critical thinking.
Questioning Islamic concepts is the biggest crime in fundamentalist cultures, punishable
by death.

From the beginning, Islamic education starts formulating a conceptualization,

which logically connects automatic Islamic thoughts and beliefs. The education system
fails to see the larger picture. It provides a cognitive map that is limited, hostile and
untrue. The faulty cognitive map generally resonates with the students for life.
These inflexible Islamic cognitive schemas have a profound impact on their
thinking, feeling and behavior. Muslims have a common narrative history, cognitive
schemas, social scripts, attitudes and cultural values. The whole thought-system lacks
critical thinking, rational analysis and personal responsibility, and some Muslims are
comfortable to stay the same and blame everyone but themselves for their thinking
errors. For their failings and shortcomings, Jihadi Muslims hide behind alibi and denial.
Everything that happens is “Allah’s will” and “non-believers will burn in Islamic
hell fire.” Such automatic expressions influence their subsequent emotion, behavior and
response. Since their automatic response is based on their preconceived Islamic
thought, they often misconstrue neutral situations to fit their closed model thinking. In
other words, a Muslim whose education has been so restricted has automatic thoughts
that are biased and full of thinking errors.
Since Islam is a closed system of belief and Muslims are forbidden to test its
validity or utility, and required to maintain the equilibrium at any cost, Muslims' thinking
errors are overwhelming. Dysfunctional automatic thoughts coexist with various thinking
errors in the Muslim mind.

Typical Islamic thinking errors include:

1. Polarized or all-or-nothing-thinking (e.g.: the world is cleanly divided into

believers and non-believers, daru-ul-Islam and dar-ul-harb, the house of Islam and the
house of war)
2. tragic thinking (all infidels will go to hell)
3. Discounting the positive, accentuate the negative (all infidels are out to get
4. Emotional reasoning (emotional justification for bombing, beheading, and
5. Labeling (putting a global label on non-believers, such as kafirs or infidels)
6. Minimization (blame the victim, denial, alibi)
7. Mind Reading (a form of jumping to conclusions, for example, when a Muslim
assumes he knows what non-Muslims are thinking)
8. Mental Filter (the failure to see things holistically)
9. Overgeneralization (making sweeping negative conclusions, Jews are pigs,
Christians are rats)
10. Personalization (as when Muslims believe kafirs are behaving negatively
because of Islam)
11. Tunnel Vision (only seeing things the Islamic way)

Many Muslims erroneously think the Islamic absolutist paradigm is designed to

be adaptable to all applications for all the time — to all existing, new and future
situations. It prevents fundamentalist Muslims from seeking new and viable solutions to
life’s problems. They refuse to reform. They refuse to incorporate new elements with
traditional Islamic thinking as a means to achieve a better society. Because of their
limited indoctrination, they are unable to utilize new concepts to reach a more accurate
assessment to produce more accurate judgments. Out-of-the-box thinking, logical
reasoning, higher order thinking, and scientific thinking are really not intellectual pursuits
of fundamentalist Muslims. This is the incubational source of Jihadi terrorists.

As a result of the early indoctrination, and of their willful protection against new
information, a Jihadi terrorist's interpretation of neutral events, their problem solving
strategies, their emotional reactions, their interpersonal communication and their
attitudes toward non-Muslims are full of thinking errors, automatic thoughts and
negative behaviors. Consciously or unconsciously, Jihadi Muslims react to upsetting
events, rejection, failure, and criticism in extremely negative Islamic terms. They may
spontaneously respond — without critical evaluation — with extreme, angry outbursts.
Instead of developing a more adaptive response, Jihadi Muslims accept automatic, pre-
cooked responses couched in Islamic jargon as correct, and feel proud of it.
Islamic fundamentalists' automatic thoughts are predictable since their underlying
beliefs are in the closed, rigid Islamic code of belief. Such automatic responses and
ready-made solutions from Koranic concepts complicate issues, and interfere with their
ability to reach positive goals. These dysfunctional, automatic thoughts and negative
maladaptive behaviors are logically connected to the content of the defective automatic
thoughts. All of this leads to "intermittent explosive disorder" including violence, riots,
suicide bombing, and terrorism. For Jihadi Muslims, such distorted thoughts and violent
behavior have their own validity and utility.

The consequences are decidedly disastrous and miserable for the victims. The
interaction of Islamic stubbornness, early indoctrination, rote memorization, deviance-
amplifying community psychodynamics, and cognitive processes enable Jihadi Muslims
to maintain their closed thinking, negative emotions, and explosive behaviors. Strict
Islamic regulatory guidelines also act as catalysts for developing controlling/traditional
personality traits including conservatism, aggression, toughness, projectivity,
stereotyping, destruction, hostility and anger. Such aggressive, conservative personality
traits are maintained in all Jihadi Muslims by militant Islamic religious and social

Research studies have revealed that individuals who are committed to a

dogmatic Islamic belief system suffer from reasoning deficiencies, thinking errors, and
are likely to join terrorists groups as an expression of their conservative/authoritarian
outlook. There is also evidence that socioeconomic factors, and educational level are
not a determinant of Jihadi terrorism.
Are Jihadi Muslims who share dogmatic Islamic beliefs and membership in
terrorism groups more emotionally disturbed by clinical standards? Yes. By every
measure available to researchers, these kinds of absolutist, dogmatic, rigid beliefs
negatively influence ethical judgment, and precipitate emotional disturbances.

In Islamic culture, the common emotional impulses of Muslims are shaped

through Islamic education, and through shared experiences in the Islamic social groups.
Islamic cultural institutions, religious organizations and the state (in an Islamic state)
have ways of controlling thinking and social expression. A dogmatic Islamic ideology,
and the strict enforcement of religious practices to maintain the closed system, and the
rote memorization of the Koran — all of these solidify dysfunctional cognitive schemas.
Defective cognitive schemas, culture and conservative personalities continuously
interact, in mutually supporting ways, and they help create and support explosive

Jihadi Muslims seldom recognize the existence or inappropriateness of their

thinking errors, of course. That would be the beginning of the end of those thinking
errors. In the same way, they don't recognize that the negative emotions are
inappropriate. So they can't help but misinterpret situations or or refrain from violent
outbursts. In discussion or negotiation sessions, Jihadis often mix up feelings and
thoughts and mislabel feelings as thoughts. The connection among their irrational
thoughts, negative emotion and outrageous behavior is always justified in the name of


To develop and implement an effective model to prevent Jihadi violence and

terrorism, it is important to focus on the cognitive and behavioral variables acting as
pathways for Jihadi terrorism. Empirically based investigations of psychological factors
of Jihadi terrorism have been helpful in identifying the risk factors, thinking errors, and
criminogenic needs of Jihadi terrorists. These risk factors, and the deadly Islamic
ideology — which transforms Muslims into terrorists and suicide bombers — should be
part of any effective harm-reduction and terrorism-prevention policy and plan.
Prevention strategies must include effective cognitive restructuring methods to address
the impact of early learning processes and its influence in shaping negative emotions
and deviant behaviors.

Democratic nations must exert pressure on Islamic countries to reform their

education system. Dogmatic, rote education that focuses only on the Koran is not
conducive to rational thinking. It doesn't help students think. It doesn't help expand
scientific knowledge or insight.
It is necessary to compel Islamic educational institutions to modify the system to
minimize those factors that enhance destructive beliefs and thinking errors. Effective
educational reform must include restructuring school curriculums, and revising training
curriculums for teachers. Islamic education reform can modify negative thinking process
and possibly ameliorate some of the violent behavior — including Jihadi terrorism.
Revision of Islamic education should (and will only) come from outside the Jihadi
groups. Islamic countries must be forced to break the wall of denial and commit
themselves to the difficult process of change.
As part of the pressure, liberal democratic nations must enforce effective
psycholinguistic, cognitive/behavior restructuring, and thinking. The reforms must
modify the Muslim student's sense of righteousness and the simplistic all-or-nothing
mentality that causes them to wage war against infidels.

The above article was written by Dr. Babu Suseelan, a psychologist who
specializes in addiction, forensic psychology, criminal and sex offenders. His research
degrees are in psychology, cognitive/behavioral therapy, criminal justice, and addiction.
By our request, he added some supplementary comments below.

The above article is for Muslims and non-Muslims who want to understand the
criminalization process of Jihadi Muslims. This article is also for those who are deceived
by Islamic propaganda and thus prevented from seeing the nature of Islamic thinking
errors. Also, to help Jihadi Muslims extricate themselves from their dangerous dogma
disguised as religion. Unfortunately our leftists and pseudo-liberals are under the illusion
that education, democracy, economic development and the non-interference of Israel,
the U.S., India, and Britain would enable Muslims to live in peace. These phony root-
cause theories are not based on reality. In their theories, they have no sign of any
effective corrective programs to contain terrorists.

From its inception, everything fundamentalist Islam has touched has been
marred with lies, wars, tyranny, massacre, and terror. Traditional cultures and secular
principles have been violently destroyed. Original ethical concepts and social structures
have been disintegrated by force.

Bogus liberals, phony leftists and pseudo-secularists need to realize that it would
be naive and condescending to assume that Jihadi fundamentalists would give up their
dearly-held core beliefs on Jihad war, in return for democracy, economic aid,
employment opportunities, Israeli withdrawal from West Bank, or non-interference from
the U.S.
History proves that wealth (Saudi Arabia), democracy (Iran, Pakistan,
Afghanistan, Egypt) will not deter Jihadi terrorism. Appeasement, peace treaties, more
aid, and surrender are clumsy attempts to "buy them off." It will not work with Jihadi

Muslim countries have had many opportunities to reform their rigid, closed
dogma, and take an easier and more peaceful path. Globalization, economic
development, technology, and human resources are available for them. However, Jihadi
fundamentalists have decided to merely modernize their terror tactics and direct their
resources to spreading hatred through Muslim Madrasas around the world. Israel turned
the desert into a blooming garden. Jihadi Muslims still refuse to compromise or learn
from the only democratic country among Islamic nations.
Jihadi terrorism is complex and uncontrollable. Because Jihadi terrorism has so
many dimensions and it disturbs so many aspects of our lives, solutions to the problem
are not going to be simple. Of course, there are policy guidelines proposed by liberals,
but not many will be effective. Business organizations are not interested in the topic for
obvious reasons. Law enforcement officers can arrest a few terrorists. But they are
unable to address the complex underlying causes for Jihadi terrorism.

Frequent observation of the extend of Jihadi terrorism around the world and
empirical studies show striking similarities among Jihadi terrorists. One of the most
important factors in these incidents is the underlying concept of Jihad war. It is constant
and there is no compromise. There is significant association between Islamic call for
Jihad war and Jihadi terrorism.

Muslims have disproportionally high rates of antisocial behavior, conduct disorder

and violence. Because these deadly incidents are hidden under the guise of religion,
little has been done to address the deviance-amplifying nature of Islamic Jihadi
teachings. Governments and professional organizations have not addressed the issue
or devised effective intervention strategies. Therefore your attempts on to educate citizens about the problem is highly desirable and it could
prove effective.

According to Indian Government the total percentage of Muslim in India is in

between 15% to 17%. Since the independence of India in 1947 the percentage of
Muslim in government census has remained same, i,e, 12% or less. In an interview with
a well circulated newspaper of India "The Hindu", MR. Justice K. M. Yusuf, a retired
Judge from Calcutta High Court and chairman of West Bengal Minority Commission,
says that in his view the total percentage of Muslims in India is at least 25 %.Another
reason we believe that total percentage of Muslim in India is 30% at least, because if we
notice the increase of population rate in Pakistan we will observe that after 1947 the
total Muslim population in that country increased by almost 5 fold (Library of Congress).
So, obviously the Muslim population in India has also increased at that rate. And it is
well established fact the rate of increase in Indian Muslim community is very highest.
MR. Justice K.M. Yusuf, a retired judge of the Calcutta High Court, who has been
appointed Chairman of the West Bengal Minority Commission only last week, believes
that the bulk of the Muslim vote in West Bengal _ which he puts between 25 to 30 per
cent _ will go to the Left Front and the Congress in the present elections. In an interview
to Business Line he said that lack of ``good leadership'' among the Muslims had
resulted in their getting exploited in the name of religion vis-a-vis the battle of the ballot.
This review focuses on Doniger’s discussion of Islamic incursions into India.
Islam entered south India in the 7th Century with Arab merchants and traders. This was
peaceful Islam. Later, Islam came to India as a predatory and a conquering force.
Mohammad bin Qasim ravaged Sindh in 712. Mahmud Ghazni pillaged, looted and
destroyed numerous Hindu temples around 1000 AD, but did not stay to rule. The
Muslim rule begins with the Delhi Sultanate, approximately 1201 to 1526. The Sultanate
gave place to the Mughal Empire, 1526-1707. Doniger makes the following dubious
points regarding the Muslim imperial rule in India (1201-1707). Muslims marauders
destroyed some Hindu temples, not many.

Temple destruction was a long-standing Indian tradition. Hindus destroyed

Buddhist and Jain stupas and rival Hindu temples and built upon the destroyed sites.
Muslim invaders looted and destroyed Hindu temples because they had the power to do
so. If Hindus had the power, they would do the same in reverse.
The Jizya—the Muslim tax on non-Muslims—was for Hindu protection and a
substitute for military service. Hindu “megalomania” for temple building in the Middle
Ages was a positive result of Muslim demolition of some Hindu temples. The Hindu
founders of the Vijayanagara Empire double-crossed their Muslim master in Delhi who
had deputed them to secure the South.

Hindus want Muslims and Christians to leave India for Hindustan is only for
Hindus. Let us take each point in turn to examine Doniger’s mistaken views. Muslim
invaders beginning with Mahmud Ghazni in 1000 CE looted, pillaged and destroyed not
few but many Hindu and Buddhist temples. Muslim chroniclers describe the humiliation
and utter desolation wrought by the Muslims on the kafirs (unbelievers). Alberuni, the
Muslim scholar who accompanied Mahmud to India, describes one such event:
“Mathura, the holy city of Krishna, was the next victim. In the middle of the city there
was a temple larger and finer than the rest, which can neither be described nor painted.
The Sultan was of the opinion that 200 years would have been required to build it. The
idols included 'five of red gold, each five yards high,' with eyes formed of priceless
jewels. . . The Sultan gave orders that all the temples should be burnt with naphtha and
fire, and leveled with the ground. Thus perished works of art which must have been
among the noblest monuments of ancient India.”

At the destruction of another temple, Somnath, it is estimated that 50,000 were

massacred. The fabulous booty of gold, women and children was divided according to
Islamic tradition--the Sultan getting the royal fifth, the cavalry man getting twice as much
as the foot soldier. Hundreds of Hindu and Buddhist shrines were destroyed.

Dr. Doniger asserts that Hindus too persecuted minority Jain and Buddhist
religions and destroyed their shrines. She narrates the now discarded story about the
impaling of Jains at the hands of Hindu rulers in the Tamil country. Then she says that
“there is no evidence that any of this actually happened, other than the story.” (p 365).
Then why narrate the story? Hindu sectarian violence pales in comparison to what
happened either in Europe or in the Middle East.

The truth is that both Jainism and Buddhism were integrated into Hinduism’s
pluralistic tradition. The Buddha is accepted as one of the Hindu Avatars (God in human
form). Exquisite Jain temples at Mt Abu at the border of Gujarat and Rajasthan built
around 1000 CE survive in the region dominated by Hindu Rajput rulers, falsifying
notions of Hindu carnage of Jain temples.
Doniger says that Hindus would do the same to Muslims if they had the power to
do so. Hindus did come to power after the death of Emperor Aurangzeb in 1707, when
the Mughal rule rapidly declined. The Marathas were the strongest power in Western
and Southern India in the 18th and 19th centuries, as the Sikhs were in North India.
There is no account of large scale demolition and looting of Muslim places of worship
either by the Marathas or the Sikhs. If a copy of the Quran fell into the hands of
Maharaja Shivaji during a campaign, the same would be passed on to a Muslim rather
than being burned.

Contrary to what Doniger says, Jizya is a long held Muslim tradition. It was levied
to begin with on the defeated Christians and Jews, the People of the Book, as a price
for the cessation of Jihad. Hindus, not being one of the People of the Book, did not
deserve to live by paying the special tax. If defeated in battle, their only option was
Islam or death. This was the position taken by the Islamic clergy. Unlike the clergy,
however, the Muslim governors were practical men.

Doniger argues that Hindu ‘megalomania’ for temple building resulted from
Muslim destruction of some Hindu temples. In other words, because the Muslims
destroyed some of the Hindu temples, the Hindus went on a building spree. If Doniger’s
argument is accepted, Hindus should thank Islamic marauders for looting and
desecrating their shrines. The truth is that in northern India which experienced 500
years of Islamic rule (1201-1707), few historical temples of any beauty remain. In
contrast, temple architecture of some beauty does survive in southern India, the region
that escaped long Muslim occupation.

The view that Muslims and Christians should leave India is not one held by most
Hindus, only by a small minority on the extreme fringes. Muslim population has
increased in India from about 9 percent at the time of Independence to about 13 percent
now (1947-2009). In contrast, in Pakistan, Hindu population has declined and now
constitutes less than one percent. In Muslim Bangladesh in the same period the Hindu
population has declined from 29 percent to less than 10 percent. Muslims hold
important positions in government and business in contemporary India, which is 83 pct
Hindu. The richest person in India has been a Muslim, Premji; the most popular film
stars are Muslim; Christian and Muslim chief ministers and governors head several of
the states. The single most important leader in India is an Italian-born woman Sonya
Gandhi and the Prime Minister is a Sikh, Dr. Manmohan Singh. The past President APJ
Kalam was a Muslim and before that K R Narayanan, a lower caste. In Federal and
State civil service, 50 percent of the jobs are reserved for backward classes and
Untouchable, in order to compensate for past discrimination. India has moved.

Let us look more closely. Doniger describes the invasion of Sindh by Arab soldier
of fortune Muhammad bin Qasim as follows:

Qasim invaded Sindh in 713. The terms of surrender included a promise of

guarantee of the safety of Hindu and Buddhist establishments. “Hindus and Buddhists
were allowed to govern themselves in matters of religion and law.” Qasim “kept his
promises.” The non-Muslims were not treated as kafirs. Jizya was imposed but only as
a substitute for military service for their “protection.” He brought Muslim teachers and
mosques into the subcontinent. (paraphrased)

The Muslim chroniclers al-Baladhuri (in Kitab Futuh al-Buldan) and al-Kufi (in the
Chachnama) include enough isolated details to establish the overall nature of the
conquest of Sindh by Muhammad b. Qasim in 712 C.E. . . . Baladhuri, for example,
records that following the capture of Debal, Muhammad b. Qasim earmarked a section
of the city exclusively for Muslims, constructed a mosque, and established four
thousand colonists there. The conquest of Debal had been a brutal affair. . . Despite
appeals for mercy from the besieged Indians (who opened their gates after the Muslims
scaled the fort walls), Muhammad b. Qasim declared that he had no orders (i.e., from
his superior al-Hajjaj, the Governor of Iraq) to spare the inhabitants, and thus for three
days a ruthless and indiscriminate slaughter ensued. In the aftermath, the local temple
was defiled, and “700 beautiful females who had sought for shelter there, were all
Muhammad massacred 6,000 fighting men who were found in the fort, and their
followers and dependents, as well as their women and children were taken prisoners.
Sixty thousand slaves, including 30 young ladies of royal blood, were sent to Hajjaj,
along with the head of Dahar [the Hindu ruler]. We can now well understand why the
capture of a fort by the Muslim forces was followed by the terrible jauhar ceremony (in
which females threw themselves in fire kindled by themselves), the earliest recorded
instance of which is found in the Chachnama. Cited in Bostom.
Doniger extensively footnotes Romila Thapar, John Keay, Anne Schimmel and A.
K. Ramanujan as her sources for Islamic history, providing an impression of meticulous
scholarship. Missing are works of the distinguished historians: Jadunath Sarkar, R. C.
Majumdar, A. L. Srivastava, Vincent Smith, and Ram Swarup.

Doniger writes at page 458: when Muslim royal women first came to India, they
did not rigidly keep to purdah (the veiling and seclusion of women). They picked the
more strict form of purdah from contact with the Hindu Rajput women. Doniger finds
much to praise in Muslim women during this period: some knew several languages;
others wrote poetry; some managed vast estates; others set up “feminist” republics
within female quarters (harems); some debated fine points on religion; some even
joined in drinking parties (chapters 16, 20). Such descriptions are patently negated by
distinguished historians. See The Mughal Harem (1988) by K S Lal, available free on
the Internet.

Doniger writes at page 627, “the Vedic reverence for violence flowered in the
slaughters that followed Partition.” And, Gandhi’s nonviolence succeeded against the
British. But it failed against the tenaciously held Hindu ideal of violence that had grip on
the real emotions of the masses.

They only pretend to be Muslim. If they were really interested in Islam they would
have shut us down. It would be impossible for us to operate without their knowledge. So
even though all the arrangements were very secret and underground, I think we could
operate only because they knew about us and were the ones coming to us. That was
why they did not expose us.

The Taliban themselves are the biggest sinners and then they claim that they are
Muslim, which they are not. The people of Afghanistan were Muslim before the Taliban
captured power, and were practicing all the tenets of the religion - fasting, praying, but
were doing this out of faith, not at the point of a gun. Now people hate Islam because of
them and their savagery. They have turned the nation into one of robbers and
prostitutes. You cannot find these kinds of barbaric people anywhere in the world.

Educated people in western democracies have a particularly hard time dealing with a
conversation that says something negative about another culture or religion. That is
almost entirely a good thing. But not entirely. In this case, an exception should be made
because westerners are very unfamiliar with Islam. They don't have any idea what the
Qur'an says its believers should do, and even when they hear someone (like a terrorist)
quote the Qur'an, they assume that must be wrong somehow.

When a form of worship is killing non-Muslims, it is a good idea to make an exception to

a blind rule about religious tolerance. When a belief system is intolerant of other belief
systems and works to suppress them, it should not be tolerated.

Most westerners make the assumption that all religions are basically alike. And we have
a deep-seated respect for other cultures and the right of everyone to believe what they
want. We have a profound distrust of any hint of arrogance or any feelings of superiority
of our own culture. It is almost at the level of a taboo.

This distrust is almost entirely a good thing. It's one of the reasons we are able to have
such a rich, diverse society with people of all kinds getting along with each other.

The Weston Countries Facing from Muslim Terrorism

First of all, many, maybe even most — Muslims would like to ignore the violent parts of
the Qur'an, and many of them have been and are now at war with fundamentalist
Muslims. The conflicts in Algeria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Pakistan, and Egypt, to
name just a few, are mostly modern-thinking Muslims at war with fundamentalist

Islamic terrorists try to fool the infidels in the same way selfish people do. They mimic
peaceful religious people. They try to act as if they believe what we believe, and this
makes it more difficult to determine whether or not these are cooperators or back-
stabbers. But we can apply the same principles we use in our personal lives. We can
watch what they do and see if it matches what they say. We don't have to automatically
trust. Let them earn our trust.

This is the one illustration from American, England, EU and Canadianmigration system
will be chenge the whole American Dream become desert. United States brought the
terrorists into existence with their bad foreign policy.

What the immigrant muslims are thinking about them assylem life, here are some
muslims pshycologic thought,

Please not the UN

Bringing the U.N. to the party will only compound the problem without adding any
accountability. The U.N. has been accused of many things over the years, but being a
“democratic” institution has never been one of them. Just the latest scandal of the “Oil
for Food” program should provide any thinking person with all the evidence they need to
keep the U.N. at bay. But this doesn’t seem to bother the likes of the John Kerry’s of the
world who prattle on as if the scam doesn’t even exist.
Just one example will make my case; the UN mandate in Israel, which has been in
place since 1948. One more salient point needs to be made on this subject. There is no
such thing as “The International Community.” There are only individual countries, each
with its own agenda which is always self serving. The myth of a higher level of “moral
authority” coming out of the UN as been one of the greater lies of the past half century,
but it is a lie which persists in spite of a bloody record of hypocrisy, graft, genocide and
“perpetual war for perpetual peace.” I have a suggestion for the 9/11 Commission:.Why
don’t they look into what the UN was doing before the attack on the World Trade
Center? If they do, they will find that exactly one week before, the UN was holding a
Conference on Racism in Durbin, South Africa where the delegates voted
overwhelmingly to condemn Israel, as “racist and terrorist.” The U.S., Canadian and
Israeli delegates walked out in disgust. Nary a word was uttered about Saddam
Hussein, al Qaeda, or the Taliban, to say nothing of what was happening in Rwanda
while they crunched caviar on toast and washed it down with vintage Champaign.

Genocide does not qualify as “racism” according to the UN “morality.” Neither we nor
the world needs the UN to muck up what is already a very delicate situation. If given
proper leadership every Middle Eastern country named above will throw in with the
Coalition, for if they don’t they will be the next targets of the Third Great Jihad and the
Great Caliphate. Pakistan is already showing the leadership which others will follow.

What do you think moved Kadahaffi to cozy up to the U.S. and Great Britain? He fears
the Jihadist more than he hates us.
Our current crises, in meeting the threat of the Third Jihad, is one more example of
how most Americans simply refuse to believe there is evil in this world and are willing to
grant moral equivalence on any human action. Unless the crime is personalized such as
in the case of Lacy Peterson, we lose interest quickly and become bored or at least not
involved. Who will tell you the truth about Islam? Muslims? Of course not. Muslims can’t
even see the evil in Islam. The West? The gullible West has no clue. Then who? Ex-
Muslims and ex-Muslims only can expose Islam to the West.

Muslims believe Islam will rule the world, very soon. They are committed to it. The
constitution for the new Islamic Republic of EU and USA is under construction.
Welcome to the 21st Century Islamic Warfare. To the infidels of the West, Muslims say:
We will fight the infidel to death. And they mean it.

Meanwhile, Muslims are able to say with complete confidence:

American laws will protect us.

Democrats and Leftist will support us.

The UNO will legitimize us.

CAIR and MAB will incubate us.

The ACLU will support us.

Western Universities will educate us.

Mosques in the West will shelter us.

OPEC will finance us.

Moderate Muslims will fertilize us.

Hollywood will love us.

Koffi Annan will publish the politically correct sympathetic statements for Jihadists.

We will use your (West) welfare system.

We will take advantage of American kindness, gullibility, and compassion. When time
comes, we will stab America in the back as we did on 9/11 and 7/7, the Islamic way. We
will say one thing on the camera (Islam is the religion of peace) and teach another thing
(Quran 8:12 Terrorize and behead the infidels wherever you find them) to our children at

We will teach our children Islamic supremacy from their earliest childhood. We will take
over Europe first and then the U.S. will be the next. We already have a solid ground in
the UK, Holland, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Germany, and now in the U.S.

Who are we? We are the “sleeper cells” next door.

At the time of the real fight we will hold our own children as our armor – this is the
Islamic way. When American or Israeli troops shoot at us the world will be watching.
Imagine, just imagine the news in the world: “Death of Muslim babies by infidels”.

We say to the West: Keep your Nukes in your curio cabinets. Keep your aircraft carriers
and high-tech weaponry in the showcase. You can't use them against us because of
your own higher moral standard. We will take the advantage of your (Western) higher
moral standard and use it against you. We won’t hesitate to use our children as suicide
bombers against you.

The West manufactures their tanks in the factory. We Muslims will manufacture our
military force by natural means — by producing more babies. It is cheaper that way.
You infidels cannot defeat us. We are 1.2 billion strong and we will double our
population again.

Using the Western legal system we will assert our Sharia Laws, slowly but surely.
Moderate Muslims will say there is no link between Islam and terrorism and the West
will believe it because the West is so gullible. Moderate Muslims all over the world will
inadvertently incubate Jihadists by defending Islam as a religion of peace, by telling this
to their children and the world.

There will be more 9/11s in Europe and in America. We will say, “We do not support
terrorism but America got what it deserved.”

We will recite the Quran and say Allah-Hu-Akbar before beheading infidels, as we have
been doing it. We will videotape those and send them to infidels to watch. The infidels
will surrender — ISLAM means surrender.

Islam is the fastest growing religion among convicts in prison all over the word. 30% of
French prison inmates are already converted to Islam.

We will use your (Western) own values of kindness against you. You (the West) are
destined to lose.

Must be very depressing for you (the West). Isn’t it?

Allah-Hu-Akbar (as we like to say just before beheading you; it means God is Great).

The rules of war and intelligence-gathering that the world has evolved over the last 100
years count on some fundamental laws of humanity. For example there is some Geneva
conventions even for the battlefield. For example, even in the battlefield you give enemy
a chance to surrender. You do not take random hostages, behead them, videorecord it,
and post it on the internet. Generally, a mother will try to save her babies and children
— they won’t sacrifice her own babies for her religion. These are basics of morality for
the human race and have been for a very long time, even before religions came along.
Modern Islamic warfare did away with all of the above morality. The equation of war has
changed. One major mistake the West has made is to believe terrorists need a
structural hiarchical power structure to fight an enemy. Islamic teachings prepare
Muslims from childhood to act on their own wherever they can — even without the
authorization from his/her superiors. No wonder you are seeing so many independent
Muslim terrorists all over the world. These are entrepreneur terrorists.

give a veneer of public legitimacy to their actions, and 2) ultimately increase the
Islamists' power. The fulfillment of their demands would not bring peace or prosperity or
happiness to the majority of Muslims — and that is not the Islamists' intention.

If the West pulled all troops out of Arabian lands and out of Iraq, and removed all its
support for Israel, the Islamists would not put their weapons away and live their lives in
peace. They would use these Western appeasements to consolidate their power. They
would take over Muslim countries by force and continue their war against the West.
They want the West either completely destroyed or else converted to Islam. Again, this
is not just guesswork. Their long term goal and their war strategy (jihad) is written and
available to the public, we need to read the book of “The Two Faces of Islam: Saudi
Fundamentalism and Its Role in Terrorism”.

1. Terminate America's freedom of speech by replacing it with statewide and nationwide

hate-crime bills.

2. Wage a war of words using black leaders like Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Jesse Jackson
and other visible religious personalities who promote Islam as the religion of African-
Americans while insisting Christianity is for whites only. What they fail to tell African-
Americans is that it was Arab Muslims who captured them and sold them as slaves. In
fact, the Arabic word for black and slave is the same, ''Abed.''

3. Engage the American public in dialogues, discussions, debates in colleges,

universities, public libraries, radio, TV, churches and mosques on the virtues of Islam.
Proclaim how it is historically another religion like Judaism and Christianity with the
same monotheistic faith.

4. Nominate Muslim sympathizers to political office to bring about favorable legislation

toward Islam and support potential sympathizers by block voting.

5. Take control of as much of Hollywood, the press, TV, radio and the Internet as
possible by buying the related corporations or a controlling stock.

6. Yield to the fear of the imminent shut-off of the lifeblood of America – black gold.
America’s economy depends on oil and 41 percent of it comes from the Middle East.

7. Yell ''foul, out-of-context, personal interpretation, hate crime, Zionist, un- American,
inaccurate interpretation of the Quran'' anytime Islam is criticized or the Quran is
analyzed in the public arena.

8. Encourage Muslims to penetrate the White House, specifically with Islamists who can
articulate a marvelous and peaceful picture of Islam. Acquire government positions and
get membership in local school boards. Train Muslims as medical doctors to dominate
the medical field, research and pharmaceutical companies. (Ever notice how numerous
Muslim doctors in America are, when their countries need them more desperately than
America?) Take over the computer industry. Establish Middle Eastern restaurants
throughout the U.S. to connect planners of Islamization in a discreet way.

9. Accelerate Islamic demographic growth via:

•Massive immigration (100,000 annually since 1961).

•Use no birth control whatsoever – every baby of Muslim parents is automatically a

Muslim and cannot choose another religion later.

•Muslim men must marry American women and Islamize them (10,000 annually). Then
divorce them and remarry every five years – since one can't legally marry four at one
time. This is a legal solution in America.
•Convert angry, alienated black inmates and turn them into militants (so far 2,000
released inmates have joined al-Qaida worldwide). Only a few ''sleeper cells'' have been
captured in Afghanistan and on American soil.

10. Reading, writing, arithmetic and research through the American educational system,
mosques and student centers (now 1,500) should be sprinkled with dislike of Jews,
evangelical Christians and democracy. There are currently 300 exclusively Muslim
schools in the U.S. which teach loyalty to the Quran, not the U.S. Constitution. In
January of 2002, Saudi Arabia’s Embassy in Washington mailed 4,500 packets of the
Quran and videos promoting Islam to America's high schools – free of charge. Saudi
Arabia would not allow the U.S. to reciprocate.

11. Provide very sizable monetary Muslim grants to colleges and universities in America
to establish ''Centers for Islamic studies'' with Muslim directors to promote Islam in
higher-education institutions.

12. Let the entire world know through propaganda, speeches, seminars, local and
national media that terrorists have hijacked Islam, when in truth, Islam hijacked the

13. Appeal to the historically compassionate and sensitive Americans for sympathy and
tolerance towards Muslims in America who are portrayed as mainly immigrants from
oppressed countries.

14. Nullify America's sense of security by manipulating the intelligence community with
misinformation. Periodically terrorize Americans with reports of impending attacks on
bridges, tunnels, water supplies, airports, apartment buildings and malls.

15. Form riots and demonstrations in the prison system demanding Islamic Sharia as
the way of life, not America's justice system.

16. Open numerous charities throughout the U.S., but use the funds to support Islamic
terrorism with American dollars.
17. Raise interest in Islam on America's campuses by insisting freshman take at least
one course on Islam.

18. Unify the numerous Muslim lobbies in Washington, mosques, Islamic student
centers, educational organizations, magazines and papers by Internet and an annual
convention to coordinate plans, propagate the faith and engender news in the media.

19. Send intimidating messages and messengers to the outspoken individuals who are
critical of Islam and seek to eliminate them by hook or crook.

20. Applaud Muslims as loyal citizens of the U.S. by spotlighting their voting record as
tOf some 25 million Muslims in Western Europe, the majority already consider
themselves autonomous, a community justifiably opposed to the decadent host society
of infidels. They already demand the adoption of sharia within segregated Muslim
communities, which but one step that leads to the imposition of sharia on the society as
a whole. Swedish courts are already introducing sharia principles into civil cases. An
Iranian-born man divorcing his Iranian-born wife was ordered by the high court in the
city of Halmestad to pay Mahr, Islamic dowry ordained by the Kuran as part of the
Islamic marriage contract. As Chronicles readers may recall, Europe’s elite class is
ready for further surrenders. Dutch Justice Minister Piet Hein Donner—a Christian
Democrat—sees the demand for Sharia as perfectly legitimate, and argues that it could
be introduced “by democratic means.” Muslims have a right to follow the commands of
their religion, he says, even if the exercise of that right included some “dissenting rules
of behavior”: “It is a sure certainty for me: if two thirds of all Netherlanders tomorrow
would want to introduce Sharia, then this possibility must exist. Could you block this
legally? It would also be a scandal to say ‘this isn’t allowed’! The majority counts. That is
the essence of democracy.” The same “essence” was reiterated in similar terms last
July by Jens Orback, the Swedish Integration [sic] Minister, who declared in a radio
debate on Channel P1, “We must be open and tolerant towards Islam and Muslims
because when we become a minority, they will be so towards us.”he highest percentage
of all minority and ethic groups in America.
1. Fundamentalist Muslims are immigrating to western democracies. From within those
democracies, including the one we are living in, they are setting up terrorist cells right
now. Their spokesmen are delivering fiery tirades at mosques and at demonstrations in
our own country, calling the faithful Muslims to rise up against the infidels (you and me),
telling the Muslims in their congregation it is their holy duty to overthrow the government
and to establish Islamic law. They are recruiting native-born westerners into terrorist

They are in free countries now, preaching hatred. And most western democracies allow
more in all the time. Why? Because most westerners don't know much about Islam.

2. They will perpetually try to change our laws, from within and from without. They have
already done so in Europe and Canada. Islam is a political ideology. It is the duty of
faithful Muslims to work toward making every government on earth follow Allah's law
(Shari'a law).

They are carefully following a 20-year plan to overthrow the U.S. government, and so
far, they are succeeding. Why? Because most Americans don't know anything about

If westerners knew what was going on, they could resist it. But our ignorance makes
their job very easy.

3. They are having more children than most of us. There are many ways to wage jihad
and subjugate infidels. One is through violence.

Another is through reproduction. You can out-reproduce the enemy, which Muslims
have been doing. They are immigrating in large numbers into western democracies, and
having as many children as they can, and teaching them to be devout Muslims.

Devout Muslims will try to turn any country they live into an Islamic state, no matter how
long it takes. They have to. It is their religious duty to do so, whether they want to or not.
4. The teenage children of moderate Muslims are easily persuaded by terrorist
recruiters. Even if many of the Muslims who immigrate are authentically peaceful, their
children will be vulnerable to recruitment as they see through the hypocrisy of their
parents' incomplete worship.

The children of Muslims have heard all their lives from everyone in authority that the
Qur'an is a direct message from the Almighty Himself. As teens, if they hear a preacher
tell them what's actually in the Qur'an they will be shocked. The Qur'an contains clear
instructions to wage continual war on unbelievers until the whole world submits to
Islamic law.

The teens will look at their parents and feel disgusted. Their parents — the ones who
have told them repeatedly that the Qur'an is the perfect word of Allah — ignore much of
the book.

So in other words, it wouldn't even matter if we could somehow screen Muslims who
enter western democracies for fanaticism. Even if we only let in casual, half-hearted
Muslims (peaceful Muslims), their children are potential "homegrown terrorists."

Plus, we cannot ignore the added benefit of dying while slaying infidels: You go straight
to heaven, and have 72 beautiful wives ready to do your bidding. What 15 year-old boy
wouldn't find that an attractive proposition?

All his life he's been told the Qur'an is Allah's message, and he finally reads it cover to
cover (it's not very long) and discovers those preachers were right: It says quite clearly
that if he dies while killing infidels he will go straight to heaven without passing GO,
without having to be judged, and there, awaiting him, is his lovely harem.

It doesn't take any interpreting or "reading into" the Qur'an to know what it says. There
are no vague analogies or stories open to multiple interpretations as there are in the
Torah and the Bible. It is a clear, simple, direct message written by one man. Anyone
who reads it will know what to do.

5. Confusing current events become understandable. Once you learn what's really
going on, the scary terrorist events that make you think, "Why are they doing this?!" are
suddenly illuminated, and you know exactly why they're doing it, and why most
westerners don't have a clue about what's going on.

You would think that learning about Islamic jihad would make you hate Muslims, but
strangely enough, it does the opposite. Most Muslims are in an even worse situation
than the infidels. The more you learn about Islam, the more sympathy you have for
Muslims who had no choice in the matter and cannot escape without risking their lives
and the lives of everyone they love.

But sometimes learning about the subject is upsetting. It is a shock to learn what's in the
Qur'an, knowing that one and a half billion human beings believe this is the final
message from the supreme ruler of the universe.

But after you get over the shock, it makes world events less upsetting. You will
understand what's going on for the first time. You will no longer feel as exasperated or
wonder what the hell is happening in this crazy world. You'll finally understand.

Of all the benefits of learning about Islam, this is probably the one that had the most
impact on me. Political events that have been happening since I can remember — the
hostage situations and hijacked planes and bombings all seemed so unnecessary and
confusing. And you can watch the news all day long and get no clarity whatsoever about
why these things are happening and what they all have to do with each other. It's a relief
to finally comprehend the bigger picture.

6. You can help your fellow westerners understand. This is a nice benefit of learning
about Islamic terrorism. Your understanding can help you shed some light and help
eliminate the confusion you see in the people you know. It is a gift to the people you
know to calm their confused minds. It is a valuable service you can provide your fellow

7. Your education is more well-rounded. Most of us have some knowledge about

Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. We've heard quotes by
their founders, we know some of what they teach, we know a little of their history, etc.
But almost every westerner is ignorant of the most basic teachings of Islam.

So if you're interested in being a generally well-rounded, educated citizen — even if you

didn't care about terrorism — you should want to learn about Islam.

In addition, of course, is the fact that almost all the armed conflicts in the world today
involve Muslims in one way or another. And almost all terrorism is Islamic and
fundamentally motivated by the teachings of Islam, as the terrorists themselves tell us

8. Your vote on this issue is important. If you vote, you are helping to elect
representatives and leaders who make legal and political decisions, like how to change
the immigration policies, and who to prosecute for trying to overthrow the government.
When you understand more about Islam and its relationship to terrorism, you will be
able to know which leaders have a grasp on this subject and which do not, and vote

9. It is interesting. Once you get over your initial uncomfortable feelings about the
subject, you'll find much to hold your interest. Do you know, for example, why Osama
bin Laden chose September 11th as the day of his attack on America? Because the last
high-water mark of Islam occurred in 1683 on September 11th.

Islam had expanded and conquered for centuries, and was finally stopped at the gates
of Vienna when 40,000 soldiers arrived just in time to stop the Muslim siege of the city.
Islam's spread has been repressed by superior military force ever since then. Their
dominance has been receding since that day. But the new resurgence has set out to
finish the goal (Islamic world domination), so they chose September 11th to kick off the
new era.

Before I started learning about Islam, I didn't know about the gates of Vienna. I didn't
know why the Crusades happened. I didn't know why Middle Eastern countries have
seemed so dead-set on destroying Israel. I didn't know what the hijacking of planes and
the holding of hostages was all about when I was a kid. I have learned so much, and a
lot of it has been very interesting.

10. Knowledge can immunize us. Have you ever gotten what looks like an official email
from Amazon or PayPal, asking you for account information? For those who don't know
this kind of thing can happen, they are vulnerable to giving away their personal account
information to a criminal.

The email usually says something like, "There has been a problem with your account
and we need you to update your account information." And they provide a link. When
you follow the link, it looks every bit like the official web site. If you give your information,
you just gave your money to a scam artist.

If you know about this, if you've heard of the scam, you are immune to it. If you want to
check it out just in case, you will not use their link. You will type in "" or
"" into your browser and go check your account to see if anything is really

With that little bit of knowledge, you avoided a major catastrophe. Knowledge makes the

It is exactly the same with knowing about Islam. Once you have a pretty good grasp of
what's going on, you are less afraid, less paranoid, and less vulnerable to the tricks
Islamic terrorists use to fool ignorant westerners. If enough of us are educated, they will
find their plans thwarted at every turn.

If you don't know about Islam, you will not be able to tell the difference between Islamic
terrorists and peaceful Muslims, so you will have to either distrust them all (which isn't
cool) or trust them all (which would be stupid). Educate yourself and you won't have this

11. Your survival is at stake. I know that sounds very dramatic and rabble-rousing, but it
is quite literally true. All the different factions of Islamic terrorists have a single goal in
mind: Islamic dominance of the world. They didn't make this up. They didn't "interpret"
their holy book that way. They didn't have to guess. That is what it says, directly and

These people are not joking. This is not a casual hobby for them. They have dedicated
their lives to it. And oil-rich Islamic governments are pouring money into the project.

They won't stop. This is a war that has gone on for 1400 years, and as far as they're
concerned, it will go on for another 1400 years or as long as it takes to win. They are
completely dedicated. They are gaining the advantages of new technologies. They are
well-funded. They are highly passionate and dedicated, and literally willing to blow
themselves up to kill even a few of us.

They are actively seeking advanced weapons and are perfectly willing to use them on
infidels. It is entirely possible they could gain control of a nuclear or biological weapon.

I don't know how the West will ultimately win this war, but I know this: Until enough of us
face and understand what we're up against, we don't have a chance. Cheerful
obliviousness will always be easily defeated by grim determination.
12. You'll be ahead of your time. In the future, everyone will know about Islam, either
because the whole world will have submitted to Islamic law, or because enough of us
learned about it ahead of time and successfully defended ourselves against it. Either
way, by learning about it now, you are one of the elite few, the vanguard of a new era.

most important reasons someone should want to know about Islamic terrorism. When
you begin sharing something about terrorism with someone you know, and you see their
eyes start to glaze over, or you see that look in their eyes that seems to say, "Are you
some kind of nut?" ask them this question:

"Are you wondering why

I'm even interested in this?"

They probably won't. Then you can share with them why you think it's important. Let
them know what's at stake and why this is a fascinating subject to learn about. Once
they're motivated, you can then go on with what you wanted to tell them in the first
place. Do you know something special, An 11-year-old boy known only as Abdullah has
been dubbed the world’s youngest terrorist after he was arrested wearing a suicide vest.
The boy, who is originally from Peshawar in Pakistan, has become Afghanistan’s
youngest terror suspect. He is being held at one of the country’s top security prisons,
operated by Kabul’s Intelligence Service.

He is said to have chosen a Kalashnikov as a weapon because he found a pistol’s

trigger too difficult to pull. He is an orphan and his voice has not yet broken.

Abdullah learned about holy war, or jihad, at a religious school, where he studied the
Koran in the morning and weaponry in the evening, as well as hearing how foreigners
were killed women and children in Muslim countries.

He went to Afghanistan with his cousin, who visited him at school and invited him on an
He walked over the mountains into the country with a group of men, and was given an
oversized jacket to put on.

New Delhi, Dec.22 (ANI): The lone surviving terrorist of the Mumbai terror attack Ajmal
Amir Kasab has admitted that he along with his militant partners were lured into the
terrorist camps by the Pakistan army officers as they were made to believe that the
‘Jehad’ in which they are going to take part will offer them a chance to put an end to
their quest for ‘holy virgins’.

The 10 Pakistan terrorists who attacked Mumbai were indoctrinated by the Pakistan
terror establishment.

Jehad-for Virgins Scam was used to cheat teenage muslims to become terrorists.

During the training Pakistan Army officers and Lashkar-e-Toiba commanders repeatedly
told the terrorists that “the moment you are killed in the Jehad against India in Mumbai
attack,your body will emit divine glow and an intoxicating fragrance, before the body
rises to heaven, to enjoy sex with beautiful virgins waiting for you,” The Political quoted Kasab’s confession with the Mumbai Anti-Terror Squad (ATS).

Kasab now believes that Jehad is an unholy quest for sex with virgins in heaven.

According to Political Kasab was horrified to see the dead bodies of his
colleagues killed in the Mumbai attacks.

Kasab is now accusing the Pakistan army officers and Lashkar commanders of cheating
the teenager terrorists with promise of sex with beautiful virgins in the heaven.(ANI) End

According to below article we note Muslim jihadis really look forward to dying since they
get immediate access to 72 doe eyed virgins in Islamic paradise.

Another special- inside of India, 20 million illegal Bangladesh migrants form 2 per cent
of India’s population, Migrants from Bangladesh now live in every part of the country.
West Bengal, Bihar, Assam and other North-Eastern states – the known
places where these illegal migrants have been able to settle down -
Maharashtra, Delhi, Haryana, western Uttar Pradesh, and Karnataka are
new regions having large concentrations of Bangladeshi citizens. Sources
said these were also areas witnessing rapid urbanization and
development, and therefore, offering job opportunities to these

It has beeing huge social and economic aspects apart from having
security implications for India is’nit?

Origin of fake currency in India: Islamic economic terrorism by Pakistan, It is estimated

that around 1,69,000 crores of fake rupees are in circulation all over India. Both Banks
and Government are in a denial mode, because probably they do not know what to do.

Investigating officials firmly believe that the man could have used the Nepal route to
enter into India. It may be noted that Nepal is the favourite route for both members of
the D Gang as well as dreaded Lashkar-e-Tayiba [Images] terrorists. In fact, all it takes
is just Rs 5,000 to cross over from Nepal into India. that the Nepal route is preferred by
terrorists since the ISI has a well-organised syndicate there. Once the green signal is
given by the LeT or chiefs of the D gang, the operatives fly into Doha from Lahore on a
fake passport. A member of the terror outfit is usually accompanied by an ISI member.
In Doha, the operative needs to wait three more hours before boarding the flight to
Kathmandu. The entire process is monitored by the ISI, This is, however, the last time
that these operatives are asked to contact the ISI. They are instructed never to contact
the ISI in future as it could prove to be dangerous.

Once in Kathmandu, these operatives are directed to destroy the Pakistani passport
and then flush it down the toilet. Then, they are instructed to mail their higher ups using
coded language.
After staying over in Kathmandu for a day, they are asked to meet a local person at a
particular location. A cash payment of Rs 5,000 is made to this person, who in turn
helps these operatives cross over to India on a motorcycle. The person who helps them
cross the border ensures that the operative has boarded a bus and only then leaves the

The bus journey is most preferred by both terror and underworld operatives once within
India. They are asked to destroy anything that they possess that is even remotely
related to Pakistan and asked only to use the bus since there is hardly any checking
while boarding a bus.

LeT tries to seal deal with Naxalites, Lashkar-e-Toiba’s top man in Nepal, Madani was
targeting India with some specific intentions, highlighting a whole new Lashkar
gameplan which boasts of a more intelligent and threatening terror strategy than before.
And at the heart of the strategy is an attempt to link the Lashkar’s network with the
Naxals in central parts of the country.

CNN-IBN has exclusively learnt from highly-placed sources that apart from the metros,
Madani had a special eye on Jharkhand. This is the first time that an Islamic extremist
organisation seems to be reaching out to the Naxals for support, resulting in a deadly
cocktail which could prove lethal for India.

The Islamist groups operating with Pakistani support in Kashmir, however, do

have a clear pan-Islamist agenda, and are known to have created a network of terrorist
cells in a number of other States in India. While an occasional and dramatic strike has
been engineered in various cities, including notably, Delhi, Bombay, Coimbatore and
Hyderabad over the past decade, they are yet to secure any noticeable and persistent
impact on normal life in any of these areas.

India has long suffered violence from extremist attacks based on separatist and
secessionist movements, as well as ideological disagreements. In particular, the
territorial dispute over India-controlled Kashmir is believed to have fueled large-scale
terrorist attacks, such as the bombings of a Mumbai commuter railway in July 2006 as
well as a deadly explosion on an India-Pakistan train line in February 2007. Kashmir-
related terrorist violence draws international concerns about its possible link in a chain
of transnational Islamist militarism. The terrorist assault on Mumbai's hotel district on
November 26, claimed by a previously unknown group calling itself the Deccan
Mujahideen, appears to confirm a disturbing new turn of events domestically.
As more and more bombs are being found in Gujarat and blast trail has taken
sleuths to Mumbai and its suburbs, terror fear is spreading in Tamil Nadu too. The
police have unearthed what they call a plot to target key installations like Anna flyover
and DMK headquarters in Chennai and Tirunelveli collectorate on the Independence
Day with the recovery of one kg of improvised explosive devices in Madurai and
elsewhere. TN police believe that there is a terror module which has planned to blast
the Anna flyover and the Tirunelveli collectorate before August 15. The accused are all
suspected to be former members of banned militant organizations like SIMI and Al-
Umma, which carried out the Coimbatore serial blasts.
Two members of a banned Islamic outfit Eraivan Oruvan (God is one), Heera
alias Syed Kasim (25) , and Abdul Qadar were arrested in Chennai, a resident of
Tirunelveli, Mustafa, was picked up from near the Meenakshi Temple in Madurai. Police
admit it is a complex terror cob. According to the sleuths, the arrests were a sequel to
the information provided by a person named Abdul Gaffur (39) who was arrested in
Tirunelveli on Sunday. Police charge him with plans to make IEDs and plant them in

According to reports, the central intelligence agencies have informed the central
government that as many as four HuJI activists have reached Chennai with blast
devices. They are waiting for orders from their masters to carry out a high-intensity blast
at any place in the busy and crowded markets in Chennai.
Bangalore: South India, by all indications, is the next terrorist destination. Intelligence
agencies have sounded the warning that terror cells established by some terrorist outfits
in South India are waiting for the right time to strike. Starting from the serial bomb blasts
in Coimbatore in 1998, there were several terrorist strikes in major South Indian centres,
including the twin bomb blasts in Hyderabad, bomb attack on Mecca Masjid in
Hyderabad and the attack on the IISc campus in Bangalore.

Besides political and religious reasons, there is evidently an economic

angle to the attacks on IT hubs in South India. Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai, in
the calculation of the terrorists and their sponsors in Pakistan, are attractive targets for
economic terrorism. Being an important source of India's foreign exchange earnings,
such attacks are designed to keep foreign IT companies away from India and weaken
India's stock market, which attracts considerable overseas funds.
The recent unearthing of terror training camps in the forests bordering North
Karnataka following the arrests of three terror suspects--Mohammed Ghouse, Asadullah
Abubaker and Mohammed Asif--is nothing but the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
Two Pakistani national arrested in Mysore on Ocotber 2, 2007, had revealed
their plans to attack the Karnataka Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, and its annexe, Vikas
Soudha, in Bangalore and the Central Institute of Indian Languages in Mysore.
The attack on IISc campus in Bangalore on December 28, 2005, in which M C
Puri of IIT Delhi was killed and four fellow scientists were injured, was not apparently a
targeted attempt to kill any particular scientist. South India, in general, and Bangalore, in
particular, have a large concentration of not only IT experts, but also famous scientists.
The sleeper cells of pro-al-Qaeda jihadi terrorist organisations of Pakistan and
Bangladesh operating in South India have come to the notice of the police. The most
active among them in South India is the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) followed by the Harkat-
ul-Jehad-al-Islami (HuJI). Occasionally, there have also been reports of the presence
and activities of other Pakistan-based organisations such as the Hizbul Mujahideen
(HM) and Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM).
The sleeper cells of LeT in South India operate either as LeT or under other
names such as the Muslim Defence Force in Tamil Nadu. They aim at "liberating" local
Muslims from Indian control as a first step in their plan to "liberate" the Muslims of North
and South India and incorporate their "homelands" in the so-called Islamic Caliphate
advocated by Osama bin Laden.
After the neutralisation of a LeT sleeper cell in Delhi in March last, the Delhi
Police had repeatedly been sounding wake-up calls about the plans of the jihadi
terrorists to target IT companies in Bangalore. Media reports have also been speaking
of a number of hoax threats addressed to IT companies in Bangalore since March.
The recent hoax message of an attempt by the al-Qaeda to blow up Parliament
had also reportedly originated from Tirunelveli, a hotbed of the activities of the al-
Ummah, which had organised a number of serial blasts at Coimbatore in February
1998. All these were not hoax calls from pranksters trying to create a sensation. These
were probably hoax messages of suspected jihadi terrorists, apparently trying to test the
reflexes of the security authorities and create in their mind a hoax fatigue.
Intelligence sources feel that Kerala, which is turning into a potential hotbed of
radical Islam, may provide a congenial ground for these terrorist organisations to
establish hideouts and cells to operate in South India.
What startles the intelligence sleuths is that highly educated youths are joining the
terrorist ranks in a big way. K A Adhoni who was arrested by by Dharwad police for his
suspected links with the banned SIMI, is an assistant executive engineer of a
government department.

But the sad fact is that the police and intelligence agencies are neither trained
nor equipped to deal with the rising terrorist activities. Even after a lapse of two years,
the police are totally clueless about the perpetrators of the attack on IISc.
The Karnataka police plan to strengthen its anti-terrorist cell. Since the ground
level intelligence gathering holds the key to fighting terrorism, a helpline would be set up
so that the public could tip off the police about any suspicious activity. The number of
police informants would also be increased. Knee-jerk reactions apart, no state has yet
evolved a proper mechanism to deal with terror. Lack of political will and weak policing
help terror outfits to expand their base.


On January 30, 1948 Gandhiji was shot dead by one such fundamentalist Nathu
Ram Godse.

1966, April 20: A Tinsukia-Jalpaiguri passenger train blast in Lumding railroad

station, Assam, India, kills 55 and injures 127. Which responsible for Nationalist
Socialist Council of Nagaland tribesmen group.

1966, April 23: A bomb explode in Diphu railroad station, Mikir, Assam, India, which
blame on NSCN tribesmen group. Kills 30 and injures

1966, April 23: A bomb explode in Diphu railroad station, Mikir, Assam, India, which
blame on NSCN tribesmen group. Kills 30 and injures

on 31 October 1984 Indra Gandhi was assassinated by her own Sikh bodyguard.

1984-A time bomb blast in counter of Air Lanka, Chennai International Airport,
Tirusulam, Kancheepuram district, India, killed at least 29. Blame placed on LTTE

on June 23 Air India Flight 182 near Ireland, 1985, killed all 329 people.

1985 May 22: An automatic weapon bomb into Krishna Nagar shopping district erea,
Amritsar, Punjab of India. Kills eleven, which blame on Sikh extremist group

March 21, 1987: A bomb blast in Chennai-Tirchchirappalli of Rockfort Express,

following plunged into a bridge, Ariyalur, Tamil Nadu, India, which kills 25 and injures
150. Tamil Nadu Liberation Army member of Pichai Pillai arrested by suspiction of
bomb blast on.

1989- February 11: A bomb explode on a regular route bus in Bongaigaon, Assam,
India, which responsible for Bodo tribe extremists, kills 20 and injures at least.

1991 Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated on May 21, by a suicide bomber belonging to
12 March 1993 - Series of 13 bombs go off killing 257

1995 Chandigarh: Dilawar Singh Babbar, a member of Babbar Khalsa, killed Punjab
Chief Minister Beant Singh and 15 others in a suicide bombing. At least 30 more
were injured in the attack.

1996-A bomb explode in Sadar Bazaar erea in New Delhi, India. Kills six and injures
31, which blame on Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front guerilla group

1998 Feb 14 : 81 killed in serial bomb blasts in Coimbatore

1999-December 24: Indian Airlines Flight 814 from Kathmandu, Nepal, to Delhi is
hijacked. One passenger is killed and some hostages are released. After
negotiations between the Taliban and the Indian government, the last of the
remaining hostages on board Flight 814 are released in exchange for release of four

2000-At least twenty-two persons were injured when a bomb exploded in the coach
of a train at the Old Delhi station. Authorities detained two people they believe may
be connected to the incident

2001October 1: A car bomb explodes near the Jammu and Kashmir state assembly
in Srinagar, killing 35 people and injuring 40 more.

6 December 2002 - Bomb goes off in a bus in Ghatkopar killing 2 .

27 January 2003 - Bomb goes off on a bicycle in Vile Parle killing 1

14 March 2003 - Bomb goes off in a train in Mulund killing 10

28 July 2003 - Bomb goes off in a bus in Ghatkopar killing 4

25 August 2003 - Two Bombs go off in cars near the Gateway of India and Zaveri
Bazaar killing 50
2004-Jharkhand. Naxalites (Maoists guerillas) triggered a landmine that killed at least
twenty-six policemen in Jharkhand. Naxalites of the outlawed People's War Group
(PWG) are suspected of being involved in the attack. The PWG typically target rich
landowners and police, who they accuse of colluding to exploit farmers and rural

Hindu holy city of Varanasi on 7 March 2006. Fifteen people are reported to have
been killed and as many as 101 others were injured.

2005 Ram Janmabhoomi attack in Ayodhya

2005 Dec 28 : M C Puri, Professor Emeritus at IIT Delhi, was killed and four other
scientists injured in attack on IISc campus in Bangalore

on October 29, 2005 in Delhi, India, killing 62 people and injuring at least 210 others

11 July 2006 - Series of seven bombs go off in trains killing 209

2007 Aug 25: 42 killed in twin bomb blasts in Hyderabad

2007 May 18: 13 killed in bomb blast in Mecca Masjid, Hyderabad, during Friday

26 November 2008 to 29 November 2008 - Coordinated series of attacks killing at

least 172.

2008-A series of 5 bombs exploded in Delhi, killing 30 and injuring 90

2008- Bastar, Chattisgarh. At least 17 policemen sustained minor injuries when

Maoist guerrillas detonated a powerful land mine in front of their vehicle in the
southern Bastar region of Chattisgarh. The incident took place on a highway in
Narayanpur district, some 250 km south of the capital Raipur.
2009-A serial blast kills 5 civilians and injures 67 in the city of Guwahati. Police
believe the United Liberation Front of Asom are responsible for the attacks.

2009- Two bomb blasts kill 7 and injure 60 a day before Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh was expected to visit. Police accuse United Liberation Front of coordinating the

2009-Orissa A bomb placed for Indian security forces exploded when day laborers
working a field disturbed the explosive device resulting in the explosion. Eight
civilians were injured.

To restrict the terror strike in Chennai, the central government may send some
special intelligence teams to the state. At the same time, the other major cities of south
India such as Hyderabad, Bangalore, Kerala and Mumbai have been put on high alert
following by the intelligence information.
Recently, a group calling itself the Indian mujahideen ( TIME ) joined the roster of
terror forces, claiming responsibility for a series of blasts in November 2007 in the state
of Uttar Pradesh and 2008 attacks in the Indian cities of New Delhi, Jaipur and
Ahmedabad. Their relationship with the new Deccan Mujahideen group remains
unclear. India also faces another extremist threat: A Maoist insurgency by violent
revolutionaries called "Naxalites" has emerged across a broad swathe of central India-
nicknamed the "red corridor"-to claim a growing number of lives.
Since early in its post-colonial history, India has experienced violence related to
separatist and insurgent movements, from the territorial dispute over Kashmir to a Sikh
separatist movement in Punjab to a secessionist movement in the northeastern state of
Assam. The mostly Hindu nation of roughly one billion people has a large number of
ethnic and religious minorities that face economic subordination and often seek
territorial concessions.
Interethnic conflict has hit India at the highest levels, with Prime Minister Indira
Gandhi assassinated in 1984 by Sikh body guards. "Democracy unleashes assertive
groups, particularly the segmented democracy of India," explains Maya Chadda, a
South Asia expert at William Paterson University in New Jersey. She says that different
ethnic and religious groups as well as social classes often act like individual nationalities
that mobilize support for a cause. If demands are not met, movements turn to
The LeT is the terrorist arm of the Markaz-ud-Dawa-Wal-Irshad (MDI), with its
headquarters at Muridke in Pakistan. Its entry into J&K was first recorded in 1993 but it
was after 1997 that it rose in the priorities of Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI).
The LeT has a specialised ‘suicide’ cadre, the fidayeen, who undertake high-risk
missions against security forces. The first of these attacks targeted a residential
complex of the Border Security Force (BSF) in Bandipore near Srinagar on July 13,
1999. The most spectacular of these missions was the attack on the headquarters of
the Special Operations Group (SOG) at Srinagar on December 27, 1999. LeT
operations are characterised by a level of brutality that surpasses that of other terrorist
groups in the State. Cases include the cold blooded murder of 23 people in Wandhama
on January 23, 1988; the June 19, 1998, massacre of 25 members of a wedding party
in Doda, Jammu; and, during President Clinton’s visit to South Asia, the Chattisinghpora
massacre of 35 Sikhs on March 20, 2000.

In November 2004, a United Nations Security Council report described terrorism

as any act "intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-
combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government
or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act". (Note that this
report does not constitute international law but conclude most of mulims).
While a democratic nation espousing civil liberties may claim a sense of higher
moral ground than other regimes, an act of terrorism within such a state may cause a
perceived dilemma: whether to maintain its civil liberties and thus risk being perceived
as ineffective in dealing with the problem; or alternatively to restrict its civil liberties and
thus risk delegitimizing its claim of supporting civil liberties. This dilemma, some social
theorists would conclude, may very well play into the initial plans of the acting
terrorist(s); namely, to delegitimize the state.
Terrorists also attack national symbols, to show power and to attempt to shake the
foundation of the country or society they are opposed to. This may negatively affect a
government, while increasing the prestige of the given terrorist organization and/or
ideology behind a terrorist act.
Perpetrated for a political goal – Something that many acts of terrorism have in
common is a political purpose. Terrorism is a political tactic, like letter-writing or
protesting, which is used by activists when they believe that no other means will effect
the kind of change they desire. The change is desired so badly that failure to achieve
change is seen as a worse outcome than the deaths of civilians. This is often where the
inter-relationship between terrorism and religion occurs. When a political struggle is
integrated into the framework of a religious or "cosmic" struggle, such as over the
control of an ancestral homeland or holy site such as Israel and Jerusalem, failing in the
political goal (nationalism) becomes equated with spiritual failure, which, for the highly
committed, is worse than their own death or the deaths of innocent civilians.
One definition that that combines the key elements was developed at the George
C. Marshall Center for European Security Studies by Carsten Bockstette: "Terrorism is
defined as political violence in an asymmetrical conflict that is designed to induce terror
and psychic fear (sometimes indiscriminate) through the violent victimization and
destruction of noncombatant targets (sometimes iconic symbols). Such acts are meant
to send a message from an illicit clandestine organization. The purpose of terrorism is to
exploit the media in order to achieve maximum attainable publicity as an amplifying
force multiplier in order to influence the targeted audience(s) in order to reach short-
and midterm political goals and/or desired long-term end states."
Some examples of "terrorism" in non-democracies include ETA in Spain under
Francisco Franco, the Shining Path in Peru under Alberto Fujimori, the Kurdistan
Workers Party when Turkey was ruled by military leaders and the ANC in South Africa.
Democracies, such as the United States, Israel, and the Philippines, also have
experienced domestic terrorism.
In fact, many people, especially in India, who are known votaries of conflict
mitigation and have dedicated most of their lives to promote peace are also talking of
keeping "all options" open! That they are disappointed enough to support cries for
action that could also lead to a war between India and Pakistan is just a sign of the very
difficult times that we have come to be in. If even activists working in the areas of peace
and harmony have become so unenthusiastic and see strong and independent actions
alone as the way out, what could be the thinking and the mindset of the common
The response of the Pakistan establishment post Mumbai terror attack leaves
much to be desired. Any person, especially in India, is aghast and extremely
exasperated by the constant flip flop and the denial mode of the Pakistan establishment
in all matters regarding the Mumbai terror attack and the acceptance of the presence of
terror groups and suspects on the Pakistan territory. Even more frustrating is the
apparent unwillingness or inability of Pakistan government to stop or deal with such
terror groups. This seems to be resulting in a growing sense of public outrage in India -
propelling the Indian government to adopt a hard and aggressive stance, especially in
view of the forthcoming general elections scheduled in April 2009.
It is also true that there are more terror attacks and suicide bombings taking
place in Pakistan then in India. And most of the times, it is the very same forces that are
behind the terror attacks both in Pakistan and in India. The people of India know this.
The people of Pakistan know this. Even if the Pakistani establishment keeps denying
this to the point of absurdity and the government of India drives itself into a frenzy trying
to make Pakistan Government "accept and confess".
At least 16 people, including several children, were killed and 120 others injured,
when a powerful explosion in a small village in Pakistan’s Punjab province flattened a
madrassa, which was being used to make bombs, officials said.
‘Jehadi’ material, including cassettes with militant propaganda and pamphlets of
the Harkat-ul-Jehad al-Islami terrorist group, were also found in the debris of Ali’s
house, Geo News channel reported.
History proves that people can be swayed and misled by political jingoism and
media hype to welcome wars at their own eventual peril. Two examples: Germany
under Hitler and US under Bush - where "advanced civilizations" were led into wars that
ultimately proved disastrous for every one and more so for these very same countries.
One can never find solutions through war or conflicts. The challenge is to find solutions
to wars and conflicts.
History proves that people can be swayed and misled by political patriotism and
media propaganda to welcome wars at their own eventual danger. Two examples:
Germany under Hitler and US under Bush - where "advanced civilizations" were led into
wars that ultimately proved disastrous for every one and more so for these very same
countries. One can never find solutions through war or conflicts. The challenge is to find
solutions to wars and conflicts.
Given the traumatic experience of partition, three and a half wars fought in the
last 60 years, the festering Kashmir problem and allegations by both countries that the
other side is supporting civil strife, insurgencies and terror strikes in their country have
succeeded in making people of both India and Pakistan suspicious and antagonistic
towards each other. In such a situation, neither the politicians nor the media will have to
work over time to take both the countries to war. But when media and politicians in both
the countries have started creating hype and hysteria, then it will not be long before war
would be accepted by all – including responsible citizens and civil society groups - as an
option for consideration.
War Scenarios:
(indian army)
Indian government could engage in precision strikes to destroy terror camps
within Pakistan territory. US is already doing this and is only succeeding in generating
more sympathy for the terror groups and hatred for itself. Even though the Pakistan
Government is making some cosmetic protests it has not confronted or countered any
of the intrusions into its territory by US. If India is to undertake similar intrusions into
Pakistani territory, then no Pakistan government can last beyond a day if it does not
retaliate to the Indian intrusion. And any retaliation in the present situation could only
conclude in a full scale war.
If there is a full scale war between India and Pakistan there appear to be four possible
Scenario I:
The conflict ends in a nuclear holocaust destroying most of the sub-continent and
long term consequences for planet earth.
Scenario II:
Some how the Indian government prevents a nuclear holocaust, wins the war
and takes control of Pakistan- just like America took control of Afghanistan or Iraq.
Terrorism will not disappear but will acquire additional support from resistance that will
naturally spring up against the occupying forces. And the legitimacy of resistance will
make the entire population stand against the occupier. Threat of violence will no longer
be from isolated fanatic groups but from the entire populace. Lessons from the ongoing
American misadventures in Afghanistan and Iraq are too obvious to be ignored.
Scenario III:
India causes considerable damage to Pakistan, does not occupy any territory but
succeeds in over throwing the government that is unable to contain terror groups.
Pakistan is already a very weak state with a democratic government just about in place.
After a war, Pakistan would become weaker with an even weaker government - taking
the country into a downward spiral of lawlessness and emergence of many more groups
espousing terror and violence. In such a scenario, whether the threat of violence to
India from terror groups will increase or decrease is for any one to see.

Scenario IV:
The Governments of India and Pakistan start a fight but international pressure
forces them to disengage. There are no winners but certainly both would pay a price
and being smaller of the two, Pakistan would stand to suffer more damage economically
and politically, resulting in a weakening of the state and strengthening of lawless and
terror groups with long term and disastrous consequences for India also.
Other Possibilities:
The international community, including India, knows that apart from the elected
government there are multiple power centers in Pakistan. They also know that the
elected government is weak and despite its best intensions lacks sovereign control over
its own military, intelligence outfits and large parts of its very own territory that seems to
be under the sway of fanatic groups and terror outfits. The only effective and long term
solution in such a scenario would be to strengthen the elected government to improve
and increase its authority to a level that would make the government of Pakistan willing
and capable of controlling all other players to effectively usher in a law abiding
environment and violence free society.
The best pressure and support for action for any government could be from its
own people. If the people of Pakistan could assert their will and express their
disapproval for the terror outfits with as much consistency and fervor as they did to bring
about the ouster of the regime of General Musharaf, then this would strengthen the
government and provide legitimacy to its actions and all other centers of power that
seem to be operating autonomously will have to eventually fall in line. Actions by any
government purely from external pressures could make it look like a puppet regime and
undermine its legitimacy and become counter productive.
But the will of the people of Pakistan has been suppressed and violated for most
of the last 60 years (with active support and connivance of the international community)
and it cannot be expected to find its voice and its force within 60 days. It may require
careful nurturing and long support before it can come into its own and the sooner this
fact is recognized, the better it will be for all concerned.
Of course, the strengthening of the democratic will of the people of Pakistan
should also be accompanied with pressure, along with support, from the international
community on the Pakistan establishment. But international pressure does not mean
and should not degenerate into immediate threats of war.

The Immanent Threat

But given the war frenzy into which both India and Pakistan seem to have
propelled themselves within weeks of the Mumbai terror attack, imagine what would
happen if another terrorist attack is unleashed on India in the immediate future and
before both the countries are able to scale down the prevailing war hysteria and return
back to non combative positions? Will the government of India be able to still continue
with benign war rhetoric even in this election year and after so much extreme posturing
from both sides or will it be compelled to launch at least some retaliatory strikes that
could develop into a full scale war.
We have already seen that any conflict between India and Pakistan at this
juncture could only mean advantage terrorism. In such a situation one should not be
surprised if there is another terror strike on India in the very near future- that could
actually trigger a war that nobody really wants… except of course the terrorists.
Just one more terror strike by 5 to 10 deranged fanatics and two nations- both products
of the most ancient and glorious civilization – could be destroyed. What a comment on
the wisdom and sagacity of the human race of the 21st Century!

Type of Terrorism
Christian Terrorism
Communist Terrorism
Domestic terrorist (United States)
Islamic Terrorism
Narcoterrorism Patriot Act
Political Terrorism – Violent criminal behaviour designed primarily to generate fear in
the community, or substantial segment of it, for political purposes.
Non-Political Terrorism – Terrorism that is not aimed at political purposes but which
exhibits “conscious design to create and maintain high degree of fear for coercive
purposes, but the end is individual or collective gain rather than the achievement of a
political objective.”

Quasi-Terrorism – The activities incidental to the commission of crimes of violence that

are similar in form and method to genuine terrorism but which nevertheless lack its
essential ingredient. It is not the main purpose of the quasi-terrorists to induce terror in
the immediate victim as in the case of genuine terrorism, but the quasi-terrorist uses the
modalities and techniques of the genuine terrorist and produces similar consequences
and reaction. For example, the fleeing felon who takes hostages is a quasi-terrorist,
whose methods are similar to those of the genuine terrorist but whose purposes are
quite different.

Limited Political Terrorism – Genuine political terrorism is characterized by a

revolutionary approach; limited political terrorism refers to “acts of terrorism which are
committed for ideological or political motives but which are not part of a concerted
campaign to capture control of the State.

Official or State Terrorism –"referring to nations whose rule is based upon fear and
oppression that reach similar to terrorism or such proportions.” It may also be referred to
as Structural Terrorism defined broadly as terrorist acts carried out by governments in
pursuit of political objectives, often as part of their foreign policy.
In an analysis prepared for U.S. Intelligence four typologies are mentioned.
Democracy and domestic terrorism
The relationship between domestic terrorism and democracy is complex. Such terrorism
is most common in nations with intermediate political freedom and that the nations with
the least terrorism are the most democratic nations. However, one study suggests that
suicide terrorism may be an exception to this general rule. Evidence regarding this
particular method of terrorism reveals that every modern suicide campaign has targeted
a democracy- a state with a considerable degree of political freedom.
The study suggests that concessions awarded to terrorists during the 1980s and
1990s for suicide attacks increased their frequency.
The Kashmir conflict is a separate extremist movement. Kashmir has long been a
flashpoint between the nuclear states of Pakistan and India. The two nations began a
peace process in 2004 to resolve their differences, including the issue of Kashmir,
which subsequent terrorist attacks have failed to derail. Groups active in Kashmir and
listed by the State Department as terrorist organizations include Lashkar-e-Taiba,
Harakat ul-Mujahedeen, and Jaish-e-Muhammad. The group suspected of playing the
central role in terrorist attacks on Indian soil since 9/11 is Lashkar-e-Taiba.
Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), or "Army of the Pure," is the armed wing of a Pakistani-
based religious organization founded in 1989. During the 1990s, the group received
instruction and funding from Pakistan's intelligence agency, the Inter-Services
Intelligence (ISI), in exchange for a pledge to target Hindus in Jammu and Kashmir and
to train Muslim extremists on Indian soil. After 9/11, when the United States named LeT
a terrorist group and Islamabad banned it, the group went underground, splintered and
began using different names, and stopped claiming responsibility for attacks. However,
LeT is suspected of involvement in the December 2001 attack of New Delhi's
Parliament, the 2006 Mumbai train bombings, and the February 2007 blast of a train
running between India and Pakistan.
A little known group called Lashkar-e-Qahar avowed it was associated with LeT
and orchestrated the Mumbai bombings, reports the Jamestown Foundation. New Delhi
has also accused the Student Islamic Movement of India of connections with LeT and
the Mumbai blasts, as well as terrorist attacks in August 2003.

The Student Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), founded in the state of Uttar
Pradesh in 1977 to promote the teachings of Islam, became increasingly radical in the
1990s. The original founder, Mohammad Ahmadullah Siddiqi, now a professor of
journalism at Western Illinois University, told India's Rediff that SIMI "has been hijacked
by elements in other countries" and is "completely different" than the group he
established. The jihadi group reportedly reinforces LeT efforts by helping it expand its
activities within India. New Delhi banned SIMI in 2001, labeling it a terrorist organization
after several Indian states said it was inciting riots and violence. A large number of its
core members were jailed and the group went underground at that time. The
organization continues to lobby for the lifting of the ban outlawing its activities but as
recently as February 2007 the Indian Supreme Court labeled SIMI "secessionist"
(Mumbai Mirror) and refused to end the ban. The Indian police suspects SIMI have links
to the Indian mujahideen, the group that claimed responsibility for several bomb attacks
in 2007 and 2008.
Terrorist groups using Kashmir as a rallying cry have increasingly tied their
activities to a larger Islamist movement in which India is seen as an anti-Muslim state.
"There is a common belief that India is a part of the enemy with the West and that India
must be attacked," explains Rohan Gunaratna, head of the International Center for
Political Violence and Terrorism Research at Nanyang Technological University in
Singapore, who says Islamic terrorist groups view India as "harming Muslims and
Muslim interests."
Muslims make up the country's largest minority group and India has the
world's second largest Muslim population after Indonesia. Yet a controversial
report released by New Delhi's Sachar Committee in November 2006 found that India's
Muslims lag behind (CSMonitor) the rest of Indians in terms of literacy, employment
rates, and income. "Kashmir at this point is not even just a Kashmir issue," says
Christina Fair of the United States Institute of Peace. Fair calls Kashmir a demonstration
of the "failure of the Indian state" to address the Muslims' disadvantaged status in India.
The Sachar Committee offered several recommendations to boost Muslims' standing,
including increased educational opportunities, but the report and its proposals were
tabled indefinitely at the end of November 2006.
Major Islamic Terror Attacks In India : India is being attacked by Islamists from
inside as well as outside

Major Terrorist Attacks In IndiaMarch 12, 1993 - A series of bomb blasts, planted
by Muslim underworld figures, rock the country's commercial capital of Bombay, killing
some 260 people and injuring 713.

February 14, 1998 - 46 persons were killed and more than 200 injured when 13
blasts ripped through Coimbatore, members from Al-Umma, All India Al-Jihad
Committee, and Peoples Democratic Party were found to be behind the attack.

December 24-31, 1999 – Pakistani militants hijack an Indian Airlines flight from
Kathmandu to New Delhi with 189 people aboard, kill one passenger and force the
release of three jailed Muslim militants in exchange.
December 22, 2000 - Lashkar-e-Taiba militants attack the Red Fort in Delhi that
left two Army personnel and a civilian dead.

October 1, 2001 - At least 21 people killed in a suicide bomb explosion and

gunfire at the assembly in Kashmir in an attack by suspected Islamic militants.

December 13, 2001 - Heavily armed Islamic militant group opened fire in
Parliament complex, killing several people in an unprecedented attack on the seat of
power in the world's biggest democracy.

January 22, 2002 - Four people were killed in an attack on the American Center,
Kolkata by Lashkar-e-Taiba militants.

March 30, 2002 - Seven Hindus killed in an attack by Islamic militants on the
Raghunath Temple in Jammu.

May 14, 2002 - More than 30 army men were killed in a terrorist attack on an
Army camp near Jammu.

September 24, 2002 - 35 people were killed when 2 Lashkar-e-Taiba militants

attacked the Akshardham temple in Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

December 2, 2002 - Two persons were killed and 31 injured in a powerful

explosion in a bus outside the crowded Ghatkopar railway station in Mumbai. Students
Islamic Movement of India was suspected to be behind the blasts

December 6, 2002 - Twenty-five people were injured in a bomb blast by

members of the Students Islamic Movement of India at McDonalds fast food restaurant
at Mumbai Central railway station. The bomb was planted in the airconditioner duct. It
was suspected to be a crude bomb.
January 27, 2003 - At least 30 people were injured when a bomb planted on a
bicycle went off throwing splinters of sharp nails outside Vile Parle railway station in
Mumbai. Members of SIMI were found to be behind the attack.

March 13, 2003 - A powerful bomb blast shattered a bogie of a local train at
Mulund railway station in Mumbai during peak hours killing 11 people and injuring more
than 65. This was the most powerful serial explosion.

August 23, 2003 - Two bombings at the Gateway of India and the Mumba Devi
temple in Mumbai killed 52, injured 167. Terrorists from Lashkar-e-Taiba and the
Students Islamic Movement of India were found to be behind the attacks.

July 28, 2003 - Bus blast kills 3 and injures 31 others in Mumbai. Pakistani
intelligence agency: ISI and members of the Students Islamic Movement of India were
found to be behind the blast.

July 5, 2005 - Five Bangladeshi terrorists, trained by the Jaish-e-Mohammad,

attacked the Ram Janmabhumi in Ayodhya, all 5 killed, 1 civilian died.

October 29, 2005 - 67 people were killed and 224 injured in serial bombings in
major Delhi markets on Diwali eve. A Pakistani group, Islamic Inquilab Mahaz, claimed
responsibility for the attack. The group is linked to Lashkar-e-Taiba.

March 7, 2006 - At least 20 persons were killed and over 101 injured when two
blasts rocked Varanasi. The first blast took place at the Sankat Mochan Hanuman
temple, the second at the Varanasi railway station. Terrorists from Lashkar-e-Taiba
were found to be behind the attack.
June 1, 2006 - Three heavily armed terrorists were killed in an encounter with the
police when they tried to drive through the security cordon guarding the RSS
headquarters in Nagpur. Two policemen were injured in the encounter.

Massacre of Hindus and Sikhs in Kashmir

April 30: 19 Hindus killed in remote villages of Panjdobi and Thava in Doda
district of Jammu and Kashmir
May 1: 13 Hindus killed in Vasantpur area of Udhampur district of Jammu and
May 23: 7 Hindu tourists killed in grenade attack in Srinagar
May 25: 3 Hindu tourists killed, seven injured in grenade attack in Srinagar
May 31: 21 Hindu tourists wounded in grenade attack in Srinagar
June 12: 1 Amarnath pilgrim killed, 31 wounded in grenade attack in Jammu
June 12: 8 Hindu laborers killed, 5 wounded in Anantnag district

April 5: Seven persons killed in Pahalgam area of Anantnag district
June 12: 5 Hindu tourists killed in Pahalgam

March 24: 24 Hindus killed in Nadimarg village near Shopian in Pulwama
July 7: 5 Hindus killed in Nowshahra

January 1: 6 Hindus killed in Magnar village of Poonch
January 7: 17 Hindus killed in Ramsoo area of Jammu district, 6 killed in Sonway
in Pogal area of Banihal
February 17: 8 Hindus gunned down at Bhambal-Nerla village in Rajouri district
May 14: 33 persons, killed at Kaluchak on the Jammu-Pathankote highway
July 13: 28 Hindus killed in Rajiv Nagar in Jammu
August 6: 9 Amarnath pilgrims killed and 32 wounded at a base camp at Nunwan
near Pahalgam
August 29: 10 Hindus killed in Rajouri and Doda districts
November 24: 14 killed and 53 injured at the historic Raghunath temple in

February 3: 8 Sikhs gunned down in Mahjoornagar in Srinagar
February 11: 15 Gujjar families massacred in Kot-Chadwal in Rajouri district
March 17: 8 killed near Atholi in Doda district
May 10: 8 Hindus killed in Paddar Kishtwar, Doda
July 21: 13 Hindus killed in Amarnath attack
July 21: 20 Hindus killed in Kishtwar, Doda
July 22: 15 Hindus killed in Cheergi and Tagood villages in Doda district of
Jammu and Kashmir
August 4: 15 Hindus gunned down in Shrotidar village in Doda district of Jammu
and Kashmir

February 28: Five Hindu drivers killed near Qazigund in Anantnag district
February 29: Five Sikh drivers killed in Qazikund, Kashmir Valley
March 20: 35 Sikhs killed in Chittisinghpura village near Jammu
August 1: 31 Hindus including Amarnath pilgrims killed in Pahalgam in Anantnag
August 1: 27 labourers killed in Qazigund and Achabal in Anantnag district
August 2: 7 Hindus killed in Kupwara district
August 2: 12 Hindus killed in Doda district of Jammu
August 2: 8 Hindus killed in Marwah, Doda
November 24: Five Hindus killed in Kishtwar, Doda
February 13: Five Hindus killed in Udhampur
February 19: 19 Hindus killed in Rajouri, 4 in Udhampur
June 29: 12 Hindu labourers from Bihar killed in Santhu village of Annatnag
July 1: Nine Hindus killed in Mendhar Poonch
July 15: 15 Hindus of Thathri village of Doda killed
July 19: 15 Hindus killed at Layata in Doda

Januaryuary 26: 23 Kashmiri pandits killed in Wandhama in Valley
April 17: 29 Hindus killed in Prankot and Dhakikot villages of Udhampur
April 18: 27 Hindus killed at Prankote (Doda)
May 5: Five Hindus killed in Surankot Poonch
May 6: 11 Hindu Village Defence Committee members killed
June 19: 25 Hindus killed in Chapnari (Doda)
July 27: 20 Hindus killed in Kishtwar, Doda
August 8: Thirty-five labourers killed in Kalaban, bordering Doda and Chamba
district of Himachal Pradesh

January 25 17 Hindus killed in Sumber area of Doda district
January 26: 25 Kashmiri Pandits killed in Wundhama, Srinagar
April 7: Seven Kashmiri Pandits killed in Sangrampur
June 24: 8 Hindus killed in Swari (Rajouri)
September 24: Seven Hindus killed in Sawari village of Rajouri

January 5: 16 Hindus killed in Barshalla village of Doda
Januaryuary 12: Seven Hindus killed in Bhaderwah, Doda
May 6: 17 Hindus killed in Sumbar Ramban tehsil of Doda
June 7-8: Nine Hindus killed in Kamladi village of Doda
August 1: 17 Hindus killed in Sarthal in Bhaderwah area of Doda when Hindus
were segregated from a bus

Now we have known about the contravenes from Nasalizes

Naxalite “Naxalbari” (Communism)

The evil philosophies of fascism and communism were the two great 20th century mass
killers. Of these, communism was the greatest killer. 100 million men, women and
children have been murdered by socialism so far, and the killing continues today,
notably in North Korea. In terms of body count, socialism is by far the most evil religion,
the most evil ideology of any sort, of all time.

Behind the Iron Curtain, communists stamped out freethought as efficiently as in any
authoritarian religious state. Communists are not sceptics, and are atheists only
superficially. Marx and Lenin founded an irrational religion every bit as dogmatic,
credulous, and opposed to freethought as any of the older religions they criticised.

Naxalbari is a small town in darjeeling district. It is famous for being the site of a
revolutionary peasant uprising in 1967, which began with the "Land to tiller" slogan and
inspired similar revolts in other parts of the India. where a fire that germinated in
Naxalbari now singes the political machinery of the state. Currently, the Naxalbari gram
panchayat, with its 21 villages, has a population close to 25,000. Around 6,000 people
work in the neighbouring three tea gardens while many till their own land.

In order to understand the Naxalite movement of West Bengal, it’s important to go back
in time to look at the Telangana and the Tebhaga movements that shook parts of India
in the 1940s. The Telengana movement in Andhra Pradesh was one of the first
instances of an armed struggle by peasants and farmers. At the same time, Bengal
witnessed the Tebhaga movement, when the farmers of Bengal struggled for their

A little less than 21 per cent of civilian fatalities resulted from Left Wing Extremist
(referred to as Naxalism in India) and retaliatory violence in some areas of the States of
Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand and Bihar. Barely 10 per
cent of the total civilian fatalities were spread across the rest of the country, and only a
small fraction of these were concentrated in the economically vibrant metropolii.

The Nasalizes are left-wing extremists who take their name from Naxalbari, a
village in the state of West Bengal where they first staged an uprising in 1967. India
nearly wiped out the movement during counterinsurgency efforts in the 1970s that left
the group broken into smaller factions, including the People's War Group and Maoist
Communist Center. In 2004, these two groups aligned to form the Communist Party of
India (Maoist). The group now made up of a loose coalition of factions, challenges state
power with violence to support its stated goal of helping the landless poor, tribal people,
and lower castes.

Mao Tse-tung on 'guerilla warfare'

The 'Red Corridor', extending from 'Tirupati to Pashupati' (Andhra Pradesh to Nepal),
has long been pass� in the Indian Maoists (Naxalites') conception.

The Naxalites
The Naxalites, also sometimes called the Naxals, is a loose term used to define
groups waging a violent struggle on behalf of landless labourers and tribal people
against landlords and others. The Naxalites say they are fighting oppression and
exploitation to create a classless society. Their opponents say the
Naxalites are terrorists oppressing people in the name of a class war.
Naxalite groups
Many groups operate under different names. The Communist Party of India
(Marxist-Leninist) is the political outfit that propagates the Naxalite ideology. There are
front organisations and special outfits for specific groups such as the Indian People's
The two main groups involved in violent activities, besides many factions and
smaller outfits, are the People's War, the group many believe is responsible for the
attempt on Naidu, and the Maoist Communist Centre.

They operate
The most prominent area of operation is a broad swathe across the very
heartland of India, often considered the least developed area of this country. The
Naxalites operate mostly in the rural and Adivasi areas, often out of the continuous
jungles in these regions. Their operations are most prominent in (from North to South)
Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, eastern Maharashtra, the Telengana
(northwestern) region of Andhra Pradesh, and western Orissa. It will be seen that these
areas are all inland, from the coastline.
The People's War is active mainly in Andhra Pradesh, western Orissa and eastern
Maharashtra while the Maoist Communist Centre is active in Bihar, Jharkhand and
northern Chhattisgarh.

They represent
The Naxalites claim to represent the most oppressed people in India, those who
are often left untouched by India's development and bypassed by the electoral process.
Invariably, they are the Adivasis, Dalits, and the poorest of the poor, who work as
landless labourers for a pittance, often below India's mandated minimum wages.
The criticism against the Naxalites is that despite their ideology, they have over
the years become just another terrorist outfit, extorting money from middle-level
landowners (since rich landowners invariably buy protection), and worse, even extorting
and dominating the lives of the Adivasis and villagers who they claim to represent in the
name of providing justice.
Naxalites target
Ideologically, the Naxalites claim they are against India as she exists currently.
They believe that Indians are still to acquire freedom from hunger and deprivation and
that the rich classes -- landlords, industrialists, traders, etc -- control the means of
production. Their final aim is the overthrow of the present system, hence the targeting of
politicians, police officers and men, forest contractors, etc.
At a more local level, the Naxalites have invariably targeted landlords in the villages,
often claiming protection money from them. Naxalites have also been known to claim
'tax' from the Adivasis and landless farmers in areas where their writ runs more than
that of the government.

This movement start and its Name

The earliest manifestation of the movement was the Telengana Struggle in July
1948 (100 years after the Paris Communes were first set up, coining the word
Communist). This struggle was based on the ideology of China's Mao Zedong, with the
aim of creating an Indian revolution. Not surprisingly, the ideology remains strong in this
region of Andhra Pradesh.
But the Naxalite movement took shape after some members of the Communist Party of
India (Marxist) split to form the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), after the
former agreed to participate in elections and form a coalition government in West
Bengal. Charu Mazumdar led the split.
On May 25, 1967, in Naxalbari village in Darjeeling district, northern West Bengal, local
goons attacked a tribal who had been given land by the courts under the tenancy laws.
In retaliation, the tribals attacked landlords and claimed the land. From this 'Naxalbari
Uprising' came the word Naxalite.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Naxalite movement was popular. There
were reports of brilliant students, including from the famed IITs, dropping out of college
to join the struggle for the rights of the tribals and landless labourers. But as has been
the case with many movements set up with high principles, over the years the Naxalite
movement is seen as having lost its vision and having compromised its principles.
Nevertheless, the fact that it has an endless supply of men and women joining its ranks
shows that many still believe in its cause.

Naxalites face much opposition

Almost from the entire Indian political spectrum: Noticeably, when the Naxalite
movement first started in the late sixties in West Bengal, it was the CPI-M that cracked
down hardest on the Maoist rebels, with ample support from the Congress at the
Centre. At village levels, the Naxalites' terror tactics have spawned local armies to
provide protection to the landlords and others. The most infamous of these is the Ranvir
Sena in Bihar and Jharkhand, formed by Bhumihar caste landlords, which kill tribals,
Dalits and landless labourers either in retaliation or to enforce their domination.

It was the peasant resistance to landlords in Naxalbari in West Bengal in May

1967 under the land-to-the-tiller slogan that provided a name to the Maoist phenomenon
in Indian politics – Naxalism. The movement underwent much churning in the
succeeding decades, organizationally and politically, but the focus on agrarian
revolution has remained at the core. The very fact that land reform as a state objective
has disappeared from Indian policy-making in the age of economic liberalization has
kept the Naxalite agenda alive. The state's anti-poverty programmers such as the
NDA's Food-for-Work or the UPA's recently established Employment Guarantee
Programmed hardly meet the basic demand for land rights in rural India. The rise of
backward castes to power in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and elsewhere, even though it may
have democratized certain aspects of the polity, has had the paradoxical effect of
freezing land relations.
The Naxalite movement is mostly active in the tribal areas spreading from Bihar
to Andhra Pradesh and Maharastra, and also covering parts of Jharkhand, Madhya
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. This spread is linked only to
the inaccessible hilly terrain of these regions, but a conscious decision by the Naxalites
to take up the issues affecting the tribal people, who are among the most exploited in
society. India's development process has led to commercialization of forest resources,
reducing the traditional access to forest produce. Alienation of tribal land to non-tribals
has been a steady trend despite legal strictures. Mining-based industries and the
construction of large dams have caused extensive displacement of the tribals, besides
destroying their natural environment. A Naxalite agenda is for tribal self-determination,
asserting the rights of the tribals over local resources.

The Naxalites are left-wing extremists who take their name from Naxalbari, a
village in the state of West Bengal where they first staged an uprising in 1967. India
nearly wiped out the movement during counterinsurgency efforts in the 1970s that left
the group broken into smaller factions, including the People's War Group and Maoist
Communist Center. In 2004, these two groups aligned to form the Communist Party of
India (Maoist). The group now made up of a loose coalition of factions, challenges state
power with violence to support its stated goal of helping the landless poor, tribal people,
and lower castes.
Stephen P. Cohen, a South Asia expert at the Brookings Institution, says the
unequal distribution of wealth gained from India's burgeoning economy has fed the
movement. "Indian society has educated young men and young women to the point
where they no longer fit into traditional society, but modern society has not been able to
incorporate them," says Cohen. While Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has
acknowledged poverty in Naxalite strongholds as a root problem, distribution of
development funds remains a challenge. "The problem is the delivery system," says
Chadda. "They're throwing money at it but the delivery system is corrupt."
Naxalites operate
The June 26 incident sent panic waves across the state administration, which
until now believed that any significant Naxalite movement in Tamil Nadu had been
quelled. A worried Government pulled ADGP K Vijayakumar, the former STF chief
popular for heading the operation that killed Veerappan, from an inconsequential post,
and handed him the brief to flush out Maoists hiding in the state’s forests.
Six special police teams were formed to comb the forest ranges in Chennai, Madurai,
Salem, Coimbatore, Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri where it was believed that the Maoists
were hiding. “Seven persons are still absconding. We believe there is only a handful of
these men, who now call themselves CPI (Maoists), fashioning themselves after the
Naxalites of Andhra Pradesh,” said Q branch sources
“If you take a look at the guns, you can see that many of them are rusted and not
in operational condition. The arms were meant only for imparting training and not for
operations,” pointed out Theni SP R Sudhakar.
‘Q’ branch sources dismissed reports that arms were being sourced from Karnataka to
Tamil Nadu by Andhra Pradesh Maoists. “The group involved in reviving the movement
is so small. Moreover, they are far from even recruiting to start any major operation,”
said an officer.
Meanwhile, police have intensified their hunt for one Kalidas, said to be the key
person behind the renewed attempt to recruit villagers and impart training. Kalidas has
been on the run since the November 2002 Uthangarai operation and has seven cases
against him including a case under TADA, and two attempt to murder cases. Police are
also on the lookout for Chandra, wife of Sundaramoorthy, who was nabbed in a house
in Tiruppur near Coimbatore last week.
The last Naxalite incident in the state had taken place way back in November
2002 when following a tip-off from villagers, the ‘Q’ branch swooped down on a group of
about 35 youths, including six women, claiming to be members of the Radical Youth
League, being trained in guerrilla warfare in the dense mangroves of Jalajothipatty,
about 30 km from Dharmapuri. Operation Uthangarai (a village close to Jalajothipatty)
lasted about a week and the police nabbed 28 members. One person, Parthipan alias
Shiva, was killed in the operation.
“The modus operandi of the Maoists is simple. Villagers gullible enough to join
the group are made accomplices in incidents of dacoity and murder. They then go
underground and have little option but join the Maoists,” said a senior police officer, part
of the present anti-Maoist operation. “We believe the handful of active Maoists were in
the process of recruiting villagers and have not been very successful,” said the senior
The government has proposed to open more such call centers in the
State.Krishnagiri District that borders Karnataka in the west and Andhra Pradesh in the
north, is said to be an active base of Naxalites.
The Tamil Nadu Government has signed up memorandum of understanding
(MoUs) with IT majors such as Wipro, Comet and Information Technology
Professionals.The District administration has also planned to set up more call centers in
other naxal-affected areas of the District. Presently, the programmers has been
implemented in 50 Naxal-affected villages in the blocks of Kelamangalam, Thally,
Uthangkarai, Matthur, Bargur and Kaveripattinam in the Krishnagiri DistrictThe State
Government has directed the District administration to monitor and evaluate the
measures taken to transform the basic mindset people influenced by pro-naxal
activities. (ANI)
The 'Q' branch police was pursuing the Naxal leaders intensely after three
persons who were attempting to start a Maoist Arms Training Camp was handed over to
the police by the villagers of Periakulam in Theni district on June 25.
Nearly two decades since the phenomenon popularly known as naxalism manifested
itself on the Indian political scene. What is the state of naxalism today? What has
happened to the ideology and politics of the groups, which comprised the naxalite
movement? An answer to these questions for the recent period will be instructive, as it
confirms the time-lested experience of the international communist movement that left –
sectarianism and ultra-left adventurism is the observe of right-reformism and
revisionism and ends up serving the interests of the ruling classes. Ultra – leftism of any
variety of which naxalism is type, contains within itself the seeds of disruption and self-

The 2004 realignment of Naxalite factions has resulted in a "red corridor" of

activity running from the border with Nepal through thirteen of India's twenty-eight
states. The swath passes through the woods and jungles of central India, where the
group takes refuge and recruits from the region's impoverished population. The states of
Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand, and Orissa have witnessed high
levels of Naxalite activity, but Chattisgarh witnessed the most Maoist-related violence in
2006 with more than 360 deaths. In Chattisgarha state that contains a large tribal
population, suffers from some of the nation's worst poverty, and is plagued by unequal
development the Naxalites have successfully spread their revolutionary message "by
targeting the failed system of governance," (PDF) according to a 2006 report by the
New Delhi-based Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies.
The Naxalites recruit and, in some cases, coerce new fighters to join their armed
struggle. Their followers use small arms and homemade explosives, including
landmines, according to a Human Rights Watch report. They raise funds through
extortion or by setting
April 2006, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called the Naxalite threat the
"biggest internal security challenge ever faced by our country." The Naxalite forces,
estimated at between ten and twenty thousand strong, wage a campaign of violence
and kidnapping against Indian security personnel and vigilante groups. Clashes
between the Maoists and the government have forced thousands of villagers to seek
refuge in temporary government shelters or in Naxalite forest camps.
Although more than 740 people died in Naxalite-related violence in 2006, almost
twice as many lives were claimed in relation to the territorial dispute over Kashmir, with
more than 1,100 people killed in the state of Jammu and Kashmir as well as nearly two
hundred deaths in the July 2006 Mumbai train bombings linked to Kashmiri extremists.
During the 1980s, the Naxalites linked themselves with the nationality struggles in the
Indian Northeast, Jammu and Kashmir, Chhatisgarh, Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu and
elsewhere. This strategic decision had a significant impact on both, the agrarian
movement as well as the autonomy movements. Each was a complex struggle involving
class and nationality, as well as caste and gender. The decision therefore involved
making choices on supporting autonomy movements led by the bourgeoisie, such as in
case of Telugu Desham in [Karnataka], the Asom Gana Parishad in Assam, and the
Akali Dal in Punjab and the DMK in Tamil Nadu.
But domestic and international human rights groups protest the Indian state's
often heavy-handed approach. Human Rights Watch reports that Indian security forces
operating in Kashmir abuse state laws allowing lethal force and details multiple cases
where police or the military killed innocent civilians. The report calls torture in India
"endemic" and quotes an Indian lawyer who calls the practice "routine" but says "most
people are so glad to be out of interrogation alive, they don't really complain." Amnesty
International documented similar abuses of power by security personnel in the
northeastern state of Assam. The New Delhi-based Asian Center for Human Rights
says security forces and a state-backed paramilitary group killed 330 people during
2006 anti-Naxalite campaigns.
The formation of the smaller states of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Uttaranchal
was a welcome step in terms of providing people with more say in their affairs, but the
new states were created keeping the overall power structure intact. As a result, the
nationality struggles in these areas continue as integral parts of the agrarian and the
broader democratic struggle. Interestingly, the government understood this linking of the
Naxalites with other movements only in terms of a network among militants for training,
supply of weapons and coordination against state operations.
During the 1990s, Indian politics and economy saw major upheavals linked to
globalisation on the one hand, and communal politics on the other. The Gujarat riots of
2002 were symbolic of the magnitude of the latter trend. The processes of privatisation
of public enterprises and retrenchment of workers have continued unabated in the
recent years. While the ruling parties, the BJP and the Congress, were fully committed
to the agenda of globalisation, the CPI and CPI-M tried to keep the critique alive on
behalf of workers, the lower middle classes and the rural poor who suffered
tremendously and largely silently under the process of economic reforms. But the main
resistance to globalisation was put forth by the Naxalites, which has considered the
stress on anti-imperialism paramount at a time of growing collaboration between the
government of India and the US government.
The Communist Party of India-Maoists was reimposed by the government of
Andhra Pradesh on 17 August. This followed the killing two days earlier of provincial
lawmaker C Narsi Reddy, a septuagenarian leader of the ruling Congress party, and
eight others in Narayanpet in Mehboobnagar district. The attackers arrived on
motorcycles and showered bullets at a public function, killing also the town's municipal
commissioner and the Reddy's son, among others. The ban was said to have had the
concurrence of the central government, even though its spokesman in Delhi described
the matter of law and order as a 'state subject' under the Indian Constitution. Some
might have welcomed this reference to the Constitution, however opportunistically it
might have been used. But the fact is that the Centre has been closely coordinating
anti-Naxalite operations throughout the country, and Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil
had assured all support to related measures taken by the Andhra Chief Minister YS
Rajashekhar Reddy.
The Hyderabad government's ban order under the AP Public Security Act of
1992 listed seven mass organizations of workers, peasants, youth, students and writers
associated with the Maoist party. They include the Radical Youth League (RYL), the
Radical Students Union (RSU), the All India Revolutionary Students Federation
(AIRSF), the Rythu Coolie Sangham (agricultural workers' organisation), the Singareni
Karmika Sangham (a powerful trade union in the collieries), the Viplava Karmika
Sangham (another trade union), and the Revolutionary Writers Association popularly
known by its Telugu acronym Virasam. More than the ban on the parent party, it is the
outlawing of the mass programmers of these affiliate organizations which will have
serious repercussions on the ground. These groups have widespread membership, with
regular programmers and publications.

The poet P Vara Vara Rao and writer G Kalyan Rao, leaders of Virasam who
together with legendary poet-singer Gaddar were the Maoist party emissaries to the
peace negotiations, were arrested. They had quit their charge in April 2005, expressing
futility of the role in view of the growing repression by the state. Meanwhile,
interestingly, the women's organization affiliated to the rebels was not banned. Similarly,
the Jana Natya Mandali people's theatre group led by Gaddar was not included in the
list, though the expectation is it might be entered subsequently.
The re-imposition of the ban indicated the determination of the Hyderabad
government to withstand civil society pressures and to resume its armed operations to
suppress the Naxalite movement. This decision condemned by most of the political
parties including the allies of the Congress, the TRS (Telengana Rajya Samithi), Mazlis,
the CPI and the CPI-M. Only the Telugu Desham Party and the BJP supported it,
maintaining that it had been mistaken on the part of the Congress government to have
let the ban lapse in July 2004 in the first place.
The re-imposition of the ban indicated the determination of the Hyderabad
government to withstand civil society pressures and to resume its armed operations to
suppress the Naxalite movement. This decision condemned by most of the political
parties including the allies of the Congress, the TRS (Telengana Rajya Samithi), Mazlis,
the CPI and the CPI-M. Only the Telugu Desham Party and the BJP supported it,
maintaining that it had been mistaken on the part of the Congress government to have
let the ban lapse in July 2004 in the first place.
If the Naxalite movement is seen as a coming together of many streams, then they
can be said to have a presence in all parts of the country. Of them the two major
streams are the CPI-ML (Liberation) which participates in electoral politics and the CPI-
Maoist which pursues armed struggle. The former has a strong base in Bihar and it has
had seven to ten Members in the Legislative Assembly. It has an all-India organization
with state units and an active trade union and a women's organization. Its powerful
student wing, AISA has often won the leadership at the Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi.
The CPI-Maoist, which emerged with the merger of the PWG and MCC in
October 2004, had earlier taken into its fold the Party Unity of Bihar region. Liberation
condemns the PWG as left adventurists pursuing squad actions which invite further
state repression. The Maoists dismiss the followers of the Liberation line as revisionists
taking the same path as the CPI-M, which has held on to power in West Bengal since
1977. These two formations are so mutually antagonistic that they rarely come together
to fight any issue. Between them are placed a number of other Naxalite groups such as
Janashakti which has worked together with the Maoist party in the peace talks in
Andhra, the CPI-ML (New Democracy) which has been active in Jharkhand and Assam
and lately in Punjab and Orissa on tribal and workers' issues, and the CPI-ML
(Provisional Committee) which is ostensibly trying to bring the various groups together.
The pre-organizational character of the Naxalite movement that was evident in the
1970s, the subject of this writer’s works Revolutionary Violence (1977), remains to
some extent. For this reason, the movement as a whole remains mainly as an
ideological force in Indian politics, whose appeal remains rooted in the concrete
condition of the people. Meanwhile, the two main formations have emerged as
organized parties, whose leaders are subjected to attack by state agencies and they
suffer substantial losses. Overall, the question remains as to why the spiral of violence
and counter-violence by the Naxalites and the state agencies never seem to end in the
heartland of India.
Meanwhile, the Naxalite movement continues to spread despite suffering losses
in terms of fighters as well as – from time to time – operational areas. The do represent
a powerful challenge to the existing political economy in its phase of capitalist
globalisation. To cope with this challenge the democratic forces of India must pressure
all states authorities who are confronting Naxalites to return to political dialogue, and to
stop treating the rebellion as a law and order problem. In Andhra Pradesh, the ground
created by the peace talks of 2004 has now collapsed, and the state government and
Centre both now demand that the Maoists lay down arms before resuming talks.
Finally, the article points out that despite the failure of the ultra-left challenge in the
ideological sphere, the left-opportunism pursued by these groups is dangerous for the
left movement. Despite the political–organizational splintering of naxalism, the potential
for mischief by ultra-leftism in new forms remains along with the necessity to
continuously fight against petty-bourgeois revolutionist, which finds fertile soil in India
due to the crisis and the impact of bourgeois-landlord rule.
Major Naxalites Attack in India
Oct 8, 2009 : Seventeen policemen killed in an ambush by Maoists at Laheri police
station in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra.
Sep 30: Naxalites set ablaze Gram Panchayat offices at Korchi and Belgaon in
Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra.
Sep 26: Naxals kill BJP MP from Balaghat Baliram Kashyap's sons at Pairaguda village
in Jagdalpur (Chhattisgarh).
Sep 4: Naxals kill four villagers in a forest in Aaded village in Chhattisgarh's Bijapur
Jul 31: Two persons, including a special police officer (SPO), killed by Naxals in Bijapur
July 27: Six people killed when Naxals trigger a landmine blast at Dantewada district in
July 23: A 40-year-old tribal killed by Naxalites at Ettapalli taluka in Gadchiroli district.
July 18: Naxalites kill a villager in Bastar and in a separate incident torch a vehicle
engaged in road construction work in Bijapur district of Chhattisgarh.
June 23, 2009: A group of motorcycle-borne armed Naxal rebels open fire on Lakhisarai
district court premises in Bihar and free four of their comrades including the self-style
Zonal Commander of Ranchi.
June 16, 2009: Maoists kill 11 police officers in a landmine attack followed by armed
assault. In a separate attack, four policemen killed and two others seriously injured
when Maoists ambush them at Beherakhand in Palamau district.
June 13: Naxals launch two landmine and bomb attacks in a small town close to
Bokaro, killing 10 policemen and injuring several others.
June 10: Nine policemen including CRPF troops and officers ambushed by Maoists
during a routine patrol in Saranda jungles in Jharkhand.
May 22: Maoists kill 16 policemen in the jungles of Gadchiroli district in Maharashtra.
April 22: Maoists hijack a train with at least 300 people on board in Jharkhand and force
it to Latehar district before fleeing.
April 13: 10 paramilitary troops killed in eastern Orissa when Maoists attack a bauxite
mine in Koraput district.
July 16, 2008: 21 policemen killed when a landmine blast hits a police van in Malkangiri
district of Orissa.
June 29: Maoists attack a boat on the Balimela reservoir in Orissa carrying four anti-
Naxalite police officials and 60 Greyhound commandos, killing 38 troops.
Feb 16, 2008 : A group of 50 rebels including women cadre raid a police training school,
a police station and an armoury in Orissa killing 12 policemen and leaving four
Sept 7, 2007: Former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Janardhan Reddy and his wife
N Rajyalakshmi, escape unhurt while three Congress workers killed in a Maoist attack in
Nellore district in Andhra Pradesh.
July 10: Naxalites attack a police team with light machine guns and mortar bombs in a
dense forest area of Chhattisgarh, killing at least 24 security personnel.
July 1: Nine persons, including five policemen, killed and as many wounded as CPI-
Maoist rebels carry out simultaneous attacks on a police station and an outpost in
Sasaram in Bihar's Rohtas district and flee with arms and ammunition.
Apr 28: Five security personnel killed in a landmine blast triggered by Maoist rebels in
Michgaon village of Kanker district, about 175 km south of Raipur in Chhattisgarh.
Mar 16: Maoists attack a police post in remote jungles of Rani Bodli in Chattisgarh with
guns, hand grenades and gasoline bombs, killing at least 49 people.
March 5: Naxalites shot dead Jharkhand Mukti Morcha's Lok Sabha MP Sunil Kumar
Mahato. Two of his bodyguards and a party colleague also killed in the attack when they
were witnessing a football match at a village in Jamshedpur in Jharkhand.

July 17, 2007: At least 25 people killed and 80 injured, 32 of them seriously, while about
250 people went missing following an attack by some 800 armed Naxalites in
Dantewada district of Chattisgarh.

Feb 9, 2006: Eight Central Industrial Security Force personnel killed and eight others
injured when Naxalites raid a godown of the National Mineral Development Corporation
(NMDC) and take away explosives from a village near Bailadila in Jagdalpur in

November 13, 2005: Hundreds of activists of the banned Communist Party of India
(Maoist) attack the police lines in south Bihar's Jehanabad district.
Mar 1: Naxalites kill eight villagers and blow up a forest rest house, injuring a CRPF
constable in Andhra Pradesh.

2004-Jharkhand. Naxalites (Maoists guerillas) triggered a landmine that killed at least

twenty-six policemen in Jharkhand. Naxalites of the outlawed People's War Group
(PWG) are suspected of being involved in the attack. The PWG typically target rich
landowners and police, who they accuse of colluding to exploit farmers and rural

25 August 2003 - Two Bombs go off in cars near the Gateway of India and Zaveri
Bazaar killing 50
28 July 2003 - Bomb goes off in a bus in Ghatkopar killing 4
14 March 2003 - Bomb goes off in a train in Mulund killing 10
27 January 2003 - Bomb goes off on a bicycle in Vile Parle killing 1
6 December 2002 - Bomb goes off in a bus in Ghatkopar killing 2
12 March 1993 - Series of 13 bombs go off killing 257

In the early 1980s, a large number of separatist groups emerged in Tamil Nadu.
These groups were active during the period when the Indian Peacekeeping Force
(IPKF) was sent to Sri Lanka and pro-Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
sentiments were running high among a section of people in the State. At that time, the
Tamil Nadu Liberation Army (TNLA) became active in the State. The Union government
proscribed the TNLA under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) on July 2, 2002.
However, official sources have indicated that after the proscription, TNLA cadres have
started operating under a new name "Tamizhar Vidhuthalai Iyakkam"
The origins of the TNLA can be traced to the activities of Pulavar Kaliyaperumal,
a former school teacher and a left-wing extremist, Naxalite, leader. Within the Naxal
ranks, he commenced a debate on Tamil nationalism, which led to differences of
opinion between the Tamil Nadu unit and the all-India unit of the Communist Party of
India––Marxist-Leninist (CPI-ML). While prominent Naxalite leaders in the State of
Tamil Nadu like Pulavar Kaliyaperumal, Thamizharasan and Anbazhagan alias
Sundaram advocated a separate Tamil Nadu, the all-India leadership rejected the idea.
This led to a formal split in the CPI-ML and the formation of Tamil Nadu Communist
Party-Marxist-Leninist (TNCP-ML) in 1984-85. The TNCP-ML's armed wing was named
TNLA. Sundaram headed the TNCP-ML and Thamizharasan, an engineering student
from Ponparappi village, headed the TNLA.
The TNLA believes that independence of Tamil Nadu from ‘Indian rule’ is
essential for the betterment of the people of Tamil Nadu and that armed struggle is
necessary to achieve independence.
Between 1985 and 1987, the TNLA’s leaders were involved in minor bomb blasts
and murders of whom they said were ‘enemies of the people’. After carrying out a
terrorist act they used to put up posters with a view to justify their violence. To raise
funds, the TNLA started looting nationalised banks. In one such incident on September
1, 1987, the public lynched TNLA leader Thamizharasan and four others in Ponparappi
village when he, along with some cadres, attempted to rob a bank.

After Thamizharasan's death, Lenin alias Dheivasigamani assumed leadership of

the TNLA. He was more aggressive in his approach and the group grew rapidly under
his leadership. Branches came up at Jayamkondan, Ariyalur, Vallam and other areas of
the erstwhile Tiruchi and south Arcot districts. Under his leadership, the TNLA started
attacking police stations and looting arms and ammunition. On March 29, 1994, while
Lenin was on his way to bomb a police station at Muthandikuppam in south Arcot
district, he was killed in a bomb blast. After Lenin’s death Koovagam Ramasamy was
elected its president and Illavarasan its working president.
The TNLA once again came into limelight when the forest brigand Veerappan
abducted Kannada film actor Dr. Rajkumar in July 2000. It also brought to the fore the
nexus between the TNLA and the Veerappan gang. The nexus was evident in the
brigand’s list of 10 demands that included the release of five TNLA activists from Tamil
Nadu prisons. The TNLA is believed to have splintered into factions after the death of
Thamizharasan. It became active again under the leadership of Lenin, who was also
killed in a bomb blast. At present, Maran who is in jail is the leader of the TNLA.
The TNLA is believed to have several front organizations. Among them are the
Tamizhina Viduthalai Kazhagam (Liberation Party), Vivasayigal Urpathiyalar Sangham
(Farmers' Union), Tamil Desiya Pengal Viduthalai Iyakkam (Women's Liberation
Movement), Urimai Koruvaar Orungamaippu (Federation of Rights Activists), Tamil
Nadu Ilaignar Peravai (Youth Association) and the Tamizhaga Odukapattor Viduthalai
Iyakkam (Movement for the Liberation of the Downtrodden).
The TNLA was, at one time, said to be active in three districts Cuddalore,
Chidambaram and Perambalur. Cuddalore, in fact, has been chronically plagued by
caste strife between the Vanniya community, basically agriculturists, and the Dalits, who
are socially underprivileged. Some Vanniya leaders have even sought the repeal of the
Protection of Civil Rights Act alleging that it was being misused by the Dalits.
The area where forest brigand Veerappan operates also serves as a safe haven
for the TNLA cadres. In an effort to strengthen themselves, both financially and arms
wise, these groups have attempted to take control of the 30,000 acres of Cashew nut
groves in the Perambalur and Cuddalore districts. This led to brutal killings. In 1997
alone, approximately 12 TNLA members, including Koovaagam Ramasamy (a leader of
one of the TNLA factions) were killed. The police arrested Ilavarasan in connection with
Ramasamy's murder. With both his rivals out of action, the third TNLA group leader
Maran gained strength. He met several members of the rival TNLA groups and brought
them over to his side. At present the outfit has a presence in Perambalur, Cuddalore,
Thanavur, Changalpattu-East, Dindigul, Coimbatore, Nilgiris, Tiruchi, Salem,
Villuparam, Nagapattinam, Chennai, Dharmapuri and Tuticorin districts of Tamil Nadu.
The TNLA has close ties with the LTTE. The LTTE used Tamil Nadu as a
sanctuary for many years, but was outlawed by India for assassinating former Prime
Minster Rajiv Gandhi in 1991. Outfits like the TNLA give the LTTE a chance to infiltrate
into India.
The outfit is also closely associated with the forest brigand Veerappan. When
Maran was looking to safeguard himself and his gang members from the police dragnet,
one of his gang members, who had met Veerappan earlier, suggested the latter’s name.
Furthermore, TNLA always remained a Vanniya dominated organisation, headed only
by Vanniya leaders. Its present leader Maran and Veerappan belong to the same
Vanniya community. Veerappan and the TNLA also found a common enemy in the form
of the State of Karnataka. While the brigand wanted to take revenge on Karnataka for
"killing" his brother Arjunan, the TNLA found more than one reason (release of Cauvery
waters to TN, protection of Tamils in Karnataka, etc) to fight Karnataka in the interest of
Tamils. Whereas the Cauvery river water dispute had created enough differences
between TN and Karnataka, it suited the TNLA's political agenda. The TNLA-Veerappan
nexus has in the recent times emerged as a threat to the Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
governments, creating serious law and order problems.
Major Incidents
2005 July 11: Three TNLA activists are arrested from a village near
Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu.
July 10: Four suspected members of the outlawed TNLA are arrested from
Chennai, capital city of Tamil Nadu. The arrested are identified as Jayavel of
Kurinjipadi, Selvam of Perambalur, Nataraj and Prabakar of Mayiladuthurai. Another
person, identified as Yuvaraj of Vadamalai, is arrested for providing shelter to the four.
According to police, the four-member gang had assembled in Chennai as part of a
murder plan, which they had planned to execute in Vridhachalam.
2004 December 11: Arivazhagan, a former TNLA cadre, is killed near
2003 March 25: A TNLA cadre, Rajaram, and his associate are killed during an
encounter in Chennai. Four police personnel, including an Assistant Commissioner, are
injured in the incident.
February 15: A Special Court at Poonamallee near Chennai acquits TNLA chief
Maran and six others in the Power Grid Corporation tower blast case.
2002 December 28: Tamil Nadu police arrest three suspected TNLA cadres near
Chidambaram in the Cuddalore district and recover a large quantity of explosives from
their possession.
November 26: Thentamizhan, one of the TNLA founders and a close associate of
its leader, late Tamizharasan, is convicted and sentenced to two years rigorous
imprisonment in Tiruchi, Tamil Nadu, for jumping parole in 1995 and absconding since
then. November 17: Police arrest four activists of the proscribed TNLA at two separate
places and seize explosives and raw materials used for making pipe bombs in
Cuddalore district.
August 24: Two activists of the proscribed TNLA are arrested near Neyyeli in
Cuddalore district along with some arms and ammunition.
July 2: Union Government proscribes TNLA for its involvement in terrorist
June 6: TNLA activists raid a jeweler and demand three kilos of ornaments and
Rs 40,000 from him.
2001 February 14: Security forces arrest TNLA chief Maran in the Siruvani forest
area of Tamil Nadu on the charges of planning the abduction of the Karnataka film actor
Dr Rajkumar.
2000 March: The TNLA blast a railway track at Thiruppapuliyur in the Cuddalore
December 16: The State government writes to the Union government
recommending a ban on the TNLA. November: A few media offices in Chennai receive
an e-mail message threatening to kill the AIADMK general secretary and current Chief
Minister Jayalalitha.
1999 April: The TNLA blasts television towers at Tuticorin.
1997 July: TNLA cadres attack a police station at Andimadam.
1995 October: TNLA blasts television towers at Dharmapuri.
1994 March 29: TNLA leader Lenin is killed during a bomb blast while he was on
his way to plant a bomb at the Muhtandikuppam police station near Cuddalore.
1993 November: TNLA cadres attack a police station at Kullanchavadi.
1988 May 18: TNLA carries out a bomb explosion on the carpet bed map of India
in the Government Botanical Garden in Ooty.
April 10: One person is killed and two others are injured as TNLA carries out a
bomb blast on the Nehru Statue at the Kathipara junction in Madras city and the TV
Relay Station.
1987 September 1: TNLA founder Tamilarasan is lynched by mob in Ponparappi.
March: TNLA carries out a bomb blast at the railway bridge at Marudayar near
Tiruchi. The explosion derails the Rockfort Express killing 25 persons.
1986 January 29: TNLA carries out an explosion on the Kudamurthy bridge in
Thanjavar district on the eve of the Prime Minister’s visit to that area.

Overall, therefore, the Naxalite challenge rests upon the issues of agrarian
transformation, tribal people's rights, the nationality movement and resisting imperialism
and globalisation. All this adds up to what they characterise as the people's democratic
revolution to change the very character of the Indian state. Because of the issues they
pursue, the Naxalites have a social base which sustains them despite a variety of
repressive measures pursued by the state. In fact, over the past decade the movement
has spread to new areas such as southern districts of Orissa and West Bengal as well
as parts of Uttar Padesh and Rajasthan.

Now, we would know the knowledge of Terror from Neighbors and the World.

Afghanistan continues to be a source of trained terrorists for campaigns in Mindanao in
the Philippines, Chechnya, Tajikistan, Jammu and Kashmir, Bosnia, Egypt, Algeria,
Nagorno-Karabakh, Bahrain, Israel, Lebanon, Sudan and Turkey. Furthermore, it
continues to be a major source of weapons for South Asian terrorist/insurgent groups.
The LTTE in Sri Lanka as well as several Kashmiri terrorist outfits continue to benefit
from the weapons pipeline of the anti-Soviet Afghan-Mujahideen campaign. A group of
proficient LTTE terrorist trainers have trained Kashmiri and other foreign mercenaries in
Kashmir in the various training camps located in Afghanistan.

Islamic terrorist outfits active in Jammu and Kashmir, Central Asian Republics,
Chechnya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Xinjiang province of China, as also in Southern
Philippines, are linked to the terrorist outfits based in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HuM), a member of Osama bin Laden’s International

Islamic Front for Jihad against the United States and Israel, maintains several training
camps in Pakistan, Pakistan controlled Kashmir (PcK) and Afghanistan, where several
thousand terrorists are given military and religious training. The HuM primarily consists
of Pakistani, Afghan and Arab mercenaries. Laden’s training infrastructure in
Afghanistan consists of training camps of the HuM also.
The HuM maintains close links with the Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) of Pakistan in
supporting Islamic terrorist movements in different countries, including amongst
members of the Muslim community in the United States. During the Afghan war in the
1980s, the HUM is estimated to have recruited approximately 5,000 terrorists and sent
them into Afghanistan in support of the Mujahideen. The finances for such terrorist
operations is traced to Pakistan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia Subsequently, the HUM also
recruited ‘volunteers’ from Muslim communities in other countries too. Approximately
6,000 ‘volunteers’ were recruited from Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Saudi Arabia,
Jammu & Kashmir, Bangladesh, Myanmar and the Philippines.
It had its own training camps in Afghan territory near Miran Shah in the North
West Frontier Province (NWFP).
Consequent to the Taliban gaining control over most of Afghanistan, the HUM
converted itself into an international network of terrorists and spread its activities to
Jammu & Kashmir in India, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Bosnia, Chechnya, Tajikistan,
Myanmar and the Philippines. It is also active in Myanmar and trains local Muslims in
Arakans in weapons handling and guerilla warfare. In Tajikistan, HuM terrorists have
served with and trained the Tajik resistance elements. The HuM terrorists have also
fought in Bosnia since 1992.

The Bashkir-e-Tobias (Let) is the largest terrorist outfit based in Pakistan with 80
per cent of its cadre being Pakistani nationals. The Let has also been part of the
Bosnian campaign against the Serbs. Osama bin Laden is one of the primary financiers
of the Bashkir. The Markus campus at Muriel in Lahore, its headquarters, was used as a
hide-out for Rami Youssef and Mir Animal Kansu, who was convicted and sentenced to
death for murdering two CIA officers outside the CIA’s headquarters in Washington in
January 1993.
Pan-Islamic Organizations in Pakistan
A majority of the Islamist groups and outfits have established external linkages,
primarily financial, on the pretext of sustaining religious activities. The Ikhwan-ul-
Musalmeen possesses links with the Jamaat-e-Islami. During the Gulf War, Iraqi funds
supported the pamphleteering and pro-Saddam demonstrations all over Pakistan. Iran
has been assisting the Imamia Students Organization through cultural centres in
Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi. It also has considerable levels of influence and
sponsors the Tehreek-e-Nifaz Fiqh Jafferia (TNFJ).

Saudi Arabia has bank rolled groups like the Jamaat-e-Ahl-e-Hadis, Jamaat-e-
Mashaikh and some factions of the JUI-Darkhawasti (Samiul Haq) as also the Jamaat-
e-Islami (JeI). Foreign visits by various leaders of Islamist parties from Pakistan to
Islamic countries in the Middle East have been constantly encouraged. Regular
exchanges of visits also take place between Islamist scholars, especially from Egypt,
Saudi Arabia and Iran, to OIC-sponsored institutes of Islamist learning set up in

Pakistan had also provided extensive ideological succour as also military training
to many Arab mercenaries during the Afghan War. Training camps and facilities have
emerged between Pakistan’s tribal areas and the Afghan territory. Foreign mercenaries,
as also Arab fundamentalist groups up to 500 individuals at a time, undergo training in
arms at these camps. These camps reportedly produce not only terrorists, but also
terror instructors, for their own respective countries.

In Peshawar, officers have been designated for coordinating the activities of

external Islamist fundamentalist groups operating in Pakistan. The Al-Jihad office was
established in 1984 under Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri; Talat Qaseem leads another, the
Islamist Group office. It is from Peshawar that the Al Gama’a issued a warning through
a fax message on March 5, 1993 to the USA against the latter’s alleged attempts to
‘implicate’ Rahman in the bombing of the World Trade Centre in New York. The
message, sent to the office of Reuters in Cairo, also warned foreign investors to quit
Egypt ‘as early as possible’. Talat Qaseem, after serving a 7-year sentence for his
involvement in President Anwar Sadat’s assassination, arrived in Pakistan and took
refuge there in early 1990. Mir Aimal Kansi, the Pakistani wanted in the US for killing
two CIA officers in that country on January 25, 1993 also took refuge in Pakistan.

A large number of NGOs began functioning from Peshawar during the Afghan
war to ‘assist’ Afghan refugees. Arab mercenaries from countries like Egypt, Tunisia,
Algeria and Libya came to work in this programme. Links were also established
between the Ikhwan-ul-Musalmeen, the Afghan Mujahideen and the Jamaat-e-Islami.
Camps run by the Hizb-e-Islami (Gulbuddin Heikmatyar) inside Afghan territory during
the Afghan war were used to train terrorists in the early phase of terrorism in J&K. Two
fundamentalist leaders from Egypt - Ayman El Zawahari and Talat Qaseem, both
wanted in connection with political killings there, continue to remain in exile in Pakistan
and are running training centres for Islamist terrorists in Peshawar. They are linked to
the Egyptian Al Jihad movement. The Tunisian fundamentalist leader, Rachid
Ghannouchi of the An Nahda movement, visited Peshawar and other areas bordering
Afghanistan in November 1991.

Sudanese Islamist fundamentalists in Pakistan are being utilized to train inside

Pakistan the Jamaat-e-Islami’s cadres, as well as foreign mercenaries. They first arrive
in Lahore and undergo a first stage of training in Islamist ideology before proceeding to
Peshawar for militray training. Pakistan has also assisted in the formation of the Islamic
Jihad Movement led by Abboud Zomur in Egypt. A number of accused in the Al
Mahgoub (Egypt's former Parliamentary Speaker) assassination case had reportedly
obtained military training in Peshawar. Another terrorist, Magdi Safti, returned from
Peshawar to plan the assassination of Hassan Abu Pasha (Chief Editor, Al Mussawar).
A Pakistani national, Mohammed Ashiq Chaudari was arrested in Cairo in February
1993 for selling audiocassettes containing extremist religious propaganda. Pakistani
terrorist instructors have also been at training camps in Sudan that were established by
Osama bin Laden during his stay in that country. Talks were also held in 1991 between
Zawahiri Qaseem, representatives of terrorist outfits from Syria, Algeria and Libya and
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, currently one of the leaders of Northern Alliance opposing the
Taliban regime in Afghanistan, to set up an international Jehad organisation.

Pakistan had disclosed in April 1993 that 6,170 Arab Mujahideen were registered
for stay in Pakistan. The breakup was as follows:
Egypt 1142
Morocco 102
Saudi Arabia 981
Qatar 92
Yemen 946
Jordan 77
Algeria 792
Palestine 70
Iraq 326
Kuwait 60
Syria 292
Bahrain 35
Sudan 234
Omam 11
Tunisia 117
The Markaz-ud-Dawah-al-Irshad (MDI) with its headquarters in Muridke, Lahore, has
been supported extensively with funding from many Islamist countries and preferential
land allotment for its huge premises from the provincial government in Pakistan Punjab.
It runs ideologically virulent training programmes for terrorists and has also provided
military training programmes. As part of the programme, trainees are sent to the Afghan
camps of Osama bin Laden. Its annual congregations have been patronized by many
Federal Government Cabinet Ministers. Students from India, belonging to the Islamic
Sevak Sangh, have visited Pakistan in collaboration with the ISI to certain training
centers there.

Pakistan-based extremists have long played a part in the conflict over Indian-controlled
Kashmir. Experts say that Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency supported
Kashmiri militants in the past, and Indian media as well as Indian officials contend the
intelligence agency continues to do so. Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf made a
post-9/11 pledge to clamp down on terrorist groups operating in Kashmir, forcing the
groups to evolve, splinter, and go underground.
Bangladesh. The rise of Islamist extremism in Bangladesh near the Indian border,
covered in a New York Times Magazine article that was refuted by Dhaka (Daily Star),
has caused fears of spillover into India. In a United States Institute of Peace report,
Indiana University's Sumit Ganguly discusses Indian concerns over the matter. He
writes that India accuses Dhaka of " exacerbating tensions in India's Northeast by
turning a blind eye to growing illegal immigration" from Bangladesh and cooperating
with Pakistan's ISI in "nefarious designs against India" (PDF). Bangladesh has long
served as a sanctuary and training ground for northeast separatist militants such as the
United Liberation Front of Assam, according to an article by the Power and Interest in
the News Report.
Kashmir is the region in between India and Pakistan in which both countries
claim sovereignty over. It is a mountainous region where clashes between both
terrorists and Indian soldiers and terrorists and Pakistani soldiers occur on an almost
daily basis. This is also the region where some feel Osama Bin Laden may be hiding


There are indications that the success of Maoist rebels in neighboring Nepal has
bolstered left-wing extremist groups in India. Nepalese and Indian Maoists offer each
other ideological and possibly military support. The Terrorism Knowledge Base reports
that the two groups launched their first joint attack in the Indian state of Bihar in April

There has been a consistent growth of Islamist activity in the Terai area (Muslim
pockets in the Terai are located in Bardiya, Banke, Rupendehi and a belt stretching
from Parsa to Morang. Besides Muslims of Indian origin, a fair number of Hill Muslims is
based at Gorkha and Syanja). It has primarily been in the shape of construction of
mosques and madrassas (religious schools) which are aimed at ‘enhancing’ Islamist
awareness amongst the Nepalese Muslim population. Pakistan, with active financial
support from Saudi Arabia and some Pan-Islamist organizations, has been closely
involved in increasing the number of mosques/madrassas in Nepal.
In the last 20 years, approximately 275 mosques and madrassas have emerged
in the districts of Rupandehi, Banke, Kapilvastu and Bardiya (bordering the Uttar
Pradesh State of Northern India) of which 50 mosques and madrassas were
constructed during 1991-95, primarily with financial help from Saudi Arabia.
Certain Jammu and Kashmir terrorist outfits have found safe havens in Nepal for their
clandestine meetings and subversive activities. A prominent trans-border criminal nexus
had operated under the guidance of the late Mirza Dilshad Beg, who maintained active
links with the Pakistani Embassy at Kathmandu.
Various Nepal- based Muslims organisations have begun to receive more funds from
Pakistan and other Muslim countries, including Saudi Arabia as also pan-Islamist
Furthermore, the Muslim Jan Kalyan Samiti is engaged in converting poor Hindus
to Islam by giving them financial inducements. The Nepal Islamic Yuva Sangh (NIYS)
plays an increasingly significant role along the Indo-Nepal border. Some of the
significant Islamist groups that are under Pakistani influence are as follows:
Jamaat-e-Millet-e-Islamia, is closely affiliated to the JeI (Pakistan). Many Pakistani
diplomats stationed in Kathmandu hold regular meetings with senior leaders of this
group. Furthermore, a significant portion of financial assistance from abroad, particularly
form Saudi Arabia, is routed through Pakistani intermediaries.

Nepal Islamic Yuva Sangh (NIYS). Also known as "Nepal Muslim Yuva Samiti", this is
a front outfit of the JMI and has direct links with Pakistan’s ISI. It is active in the Terai
belt along the Indo-Nepal border. NIYS leaders have established regular contacts with
fundamentalist outfits in several countries, including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka
and certain South East Asian nations. It also sponsors Muslim youth for ‘training’
Nepal Muslim League (NML), established in 1993 by pro-Pakistani elements in Nepal
and led by Salim Khan and Zia-ul-Haq (founder of the "Tanzeem-e-Islah-e-Muasra").
Among its more prominent activities is the construction and renovation of mosques and

Nepal Muslim Ekta Sangh (NMES) is an umbrella organisation, which aims to unite the
various Muslim outfits operating in Nepal. It has received support for its objectives from
several countries, including Pakistan, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iran and

Democratic Muslim Welfare Association (DMWA), another organization formed

during the reign of Zia-ul Haq, is known to have sent in 1994 a ‘fact-finding mission’ to
Assam and Ayodhya to ascertain the perception of the Muslim populace in these areas.

The other Islamist outfits involved in fundamentalist/terrorist activity are the All-
Nepal Anjuman Islah Samiti, Nepal Muslim Seva Samiti, Jam Serajul Alam, All-Nepal
Muslim Sudhar Samiti, Nepal Muslim League, Muslim Jan Kalyan Samiti, Millat-e-
Islamia, Nepal Muslim Sangh (NMS), and the Bazm-e-Adab.

Pakistan’s former Premier Benazir Bhutto, during a visit in 1994 to Nepal,

donated Rs. 10 lakhs in Nepalese currency (NC) from the Prime Minister’s Fund for
Development of the Narayanghat mosque, Rauhat mosque, Nepalganj Jama Masjid,
Kathmandu Kuleswore Masjid, Janakpur madrassa and Sunsari madrassa. The
Pakistani Embassy in Kathmandu in the same year donated Rs. 75,000 and Rs. 1.47
lakhs (NC), for the construction of Madrassa Islamia School, Kathmandu, and a
madrassa in Mahottari respectively. Towards end to 1995, one Mohammed Parvez,
brother of the former Anchaladhish of Biratnagar, received a sum of Rs. 14 crore (NC)
from Pakistan through the Rashtriya Vanijya Bank (RVB), for the purchase of land in
areas adjacent to the Indo-Nepal border for construction of mosques and madrassas

Six persons with links to terrorism were deported from Australia during the year 2000.
Two deportees were linked to Middle Eastern Islamist terrorist groups, and two more
were linked to the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA) and one to the Liberation Tigers
of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Sri Lanka. Prior to the Sydney Olympics, several Afghans
were arrested in New Zealand for suspected involvement in a plot to blow up the
Sydney nuclear reactor during the Olympic Games. A number of terrorist groups, both
regional organizations such as the Abu Sayyaf Group and transnational groups such as
Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaeda network were under critical surveillance during the
Sydney Olympics for possible acts of terrorism.

Among the more significant Islamist fundamentalist parties active in Bangladesh are the
Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI), the Muslim League, Tabligh Jamaat, Jamaat-e-Tulba and the
Jamaat-ul-Muderessin. These fundamentalist parties have undertaken intensive
propagation activity in order to influence large sections of the populace. The JeI is the
most influential and well-organized Islamist fundamentalist party in Bangladesh. Islamic
countries, particularly Saudi Arabia, have provided catered to a major proportion of its
financial resources. Pakistan utilises the erstwhile connection between the Jamaat-e-
Islami (JEI-Bangladesh) and the intelligence services of the two countries to support an
Islamist subversive agenda in many regions of India, particularly in the areas bordering
Bangladesh in the North Eastern States.
Most of the Islamist fundamentalist groups including the JEI-Bangladesh, Tabligh
Jamaat, Jamaat-e-Tulba and Jamaat-ul-Muderssin, long established linkages with
fundamentalist organisations in Pakistan. Pakistan also substantially funds these
organisations, including the JEI-Bangladesh and its student-front, the Islami Chhatra
Shibir (ICS). These fundamentalist organisations gained influence during the earlier
reign of Begum Khaleda Zia when the citizenship of Professor Golam Azam, former
Chief of JEI-Bangladesh, was restored. Professor Golam Azam is reported to have
maintained close links with fundamentalist organisations in Pakistan.
Certain Indian radical Islamist outfits, including the Muslim Liberation Tigers of
Assam (MLTA), headed by Mohammed Abdullah Hazarik, Adam Sena, headed by
Farook Khan, All Assam Muslim Liberation Front (AAMLF), Muslim Liberation Army
(MLA), Muslim Volunteer Force (MVF), and the Muslim United Liberation Tigers of
Assam (MULTA), which have been formed in India’s North-East have developed links
with the JEI-Bangladesh. Some of the cadres of these outfits routinely cross over to
Bangladesh for receiving arms training at the ICS camps.

Consequent to the Awami League government of Sheikh Hasina Wajed coming

to power in June 1996, the fundamentalists organised themselves under the banner of
the Jamaat-e-Islami, Islami Oikya Jote and Islami Sashantantra Andolan. The flows of
financial assistance from countries like Saudi Arabia, Libya and Iran have given fillip to
their activities. Several pro-Islamist relief organisations like the American Red Crescent,
Association of Preaching Islam (Bangladesh), Benevolence Foundation (USA), etc,
have been active in Bangladesh.
A number of transnational Islamist terrorist groups, including the Al-Qaeda of
Osama bin Laden, have established a presence in Bangladesh in alliance with the
various fundamentalist organisations in the country. Osma bin Laden donates funds to
the Pakistan-based terrorist outfit Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HuM), which has contacts with
the Dhaka-based Bangladesh Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami (HuJ). The HUJ was established
with the aid of Osama Bin Laden in 1992. Imtiaz Quddus is the General Secretary of the
outfit. It has an estimated strength of about 15000 cadres. It has established strong
linkages with the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan’s external intelligence
The HUJ maintains several terrorist-training camps in the Chittagong Hill Tracts
(CHT). The cadres of the outfit who style themselves as the ‘Bangladeshi Taliban’
infiltrate regularly into the eastern corridor of India to maintain contacts with terrorist and
subversive outfits of the region. The covert
Activities of Osama bin Laden and the Al-Qaeda came to the fore during the visit
of the then United States President, Bill Clinton, to Bangladesh in March 2000. One of
the reasons for the cancellation of President Clinton's scheduled visit to Joypura village
and the national memorial at Savan was due to the threats that emanated from the Al-
On January 9, 1999, police in Chittagong arrested Syed Muhammad Nurul Afsar,
a man with Libyan links, on charges of smuggling firearms and explosives into
Bangladesh. He had visited Czechoslovakia in June 1998 to purchase weapons and
explosives, which were then shipped to Bangladesh. Afsar, a ‘high ranking terrorist’,
belongs to an obscure outfit called ‘Freedom in Bangladesh’ dedicated to turning the
country into an Islamist theocracy. Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami (HUJ) was assigned the
task of recruiting Bangladeshi and Indian Muslims to fight in Jammu and Kashmir under
the command of the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen. Reports in 1999 indicated that the HUJ
planned to recruit 5,000 terrorists from the madrassas of Bangladesh. Another 10,000
were to be recruited from among the Muslim refugees at Rohingya, who fled the Arakan
province of Myanmar and were staying at Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. The Harkat-ul-
Jehad-al-Islami, also maintains six terrorist camps in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of
Bangladesh, where the cadres are imparted arms training. Several hundred recruits
have also been trained in Afghanistan. Harkat activists frequently cross over to India for
terrorist activities.
The ISI is deeply involved with the Islamist terrorist outfits operating in
Bangladesh. On June 2000, a radiogram intercept revealed that the ISI had set up a
base in the Kurigram and Rangpur areas of Bangladesh near the Coochbihar border.
The ISI, in collusion with the HUJ, is also imparting training in the use of sophisticated
arms and in arranging blasts in camps set up in Rangmari, Sundermari, Masaldanga
and other villages.

In January 1999, Delhi Police arrested a Bangladeshi national, Sayed Abu Nasir
and charged him with planning bomb attacks on the US consulates in Chennai and
Calcutta. Two kg of RDX explosive was also seized from him. Nasir is a member of the
Lashkar-e-Toiba and had entered India in October 1998 along with six other terrorists.
Three of his Indian contacts were arrested in Siliguri near the Bangladesh border, but
the others believed to be four Egyptians, a Sudanese and a Myanmar national, are still
to be traced. In the latter half of January 1999, police in Bangladesh arrested five
persons suspected of plotting the January 18, 1999-assassination attempt on
celebrated poet Shamsur Rahman. The arrested persons belonged to the Harkat-ul-
Jehad-al-Islami (HUJ), which has been building up its operations in the country since
the early 1990s. In the next few days, police picked up an interesting melange of
people, who included apart from two more Bangladeshis, an Afghan, a Pakistani and
two South Africans.

The build-up of new Islamist outfits was completed in Bosnia- Herzegovina in
1995. These forces are closely associated with the Armed Islamist Movement (AIM) and
Islamist international terrorism. These new activities were conducted under the
guidance of the new Islamist headquarters in Teheran and Karachi, decided upon
during the Popular Arab Islamic Conference (PAIC) convened in Khartoum in the first
days of April 1995.

An Algerian-Islamist militant cell, using Canada as its base, was ascertained after
the December 1999-discovery of explosives in a rented car driven by Ahmed Ressam.
Ressam, a 34-year-old Algerian, was convicted on April 6 for ferrying bomb-making
material across the US-Canadian border two weeks before the massive Y2K New
Year's celebrations. Ahmed Ressam, arrested while crossing the US border from
Canada with explosives in December 1999 has been linked to the Al-Qaeda terror
network. Available evidence has indicated that he illegally acquired a Canadian
passport, as well as other identification, including a driver’s licence. In cooperation with
an accomplice, he acquired and also partially assembled bomb-making components
and planned to transport them to an unknown US destination.

On February 15, 1999, PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan was arrested in Kenya. The
next day, violent PKK supporters rioted in Montreal, and a day later in Ottawa, injuring
several police personnel.
On April 5, 1992, the Iranian Air Force conducted a bombing raid on an MeK base in
Iraq. Hours later, forty Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MeK) supporters attacked the Iranian
embassy in Ottawa, injuring several persons. Simultaneous attacks were also carried
out on Iranian Embassies in thirteen other countries around the world. These incidents
have indicated that MeK and PKK support networks in Canada are directly linked to
their parent outfits abroad.

Hani al-Sayegh is a member of Saudi Hizballah and a suspect in the deaths of

nineteen US soldiers during a June 1996 truck bombing at the Khobar Towers complex
in Saudi Arabia. Consequent to the bombing, Sayegh fled Saudi Arabia and traveled
through several countries before arriving in Canada in August 1996. Upon his arrival, al-
Sayegh attempted to integrate into the community, studying English, and also working
part-time. He was arrested in March 1997, deported to the US in June 1997 and finally
deported to Saudi Arabia in October 1999 to face criminal charges.

Aynur Saygili, a PKK member, entered Canada under a false name in May 1996
and became involved in the Kurdish Cultural Association of Montreal. She was arrested
under a Canadian Immigration Security Certificate in November 1996 for being part of
the PKK, and that similar to another PKK member arrested in 1994, Hanan Ahmed
Osman, she had been sent to Canada to gain control of the Kurdish community for the
PKK’s own financial and strategic operations.
Mahnaz Samadi, identified as an MeK leader, was responsible for directing certain MeK
operations from Iraq. She is reported to have been sent to the US, and later to Canada
to act in an organizational capacity. Samadi was arrested in December 1999, and in
February lied to the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board regarding her
membership in the MeK in order to be released from custody. She was finally deported
to the US in April 2000.
Many other terrorist outfits like the Hizballah, Hamas and PKK have established a
presence in Canada.
Central Asia
The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), a coalition of Islamist terrorists from
Uzbekistan and other Central Asian states opposing Uzbekistan President Islam
Karimov's secular regime, is linked to the Taliban and has over a thousand terrorists
near the borders of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. With bases in Afghanistan and Tajikistan,
the IMU’s area of operation also includes Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. It receives
support from other Islamist extremist groups in Central and South Asia. IMU leadership
often broadcasts its statements over the Iranian radio. Channels for trafficking drugs
from Afghanistan to the Central Asian countries are, for the present, reported to be
controlled by terrorists of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.
Terrorists led by IMU's Dzhuma Namangani control the northern section of the
narcotics traffic from Afghanistan. Apart from trafficking drugs, they also sell them in
Kirghizia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Reports also indicate that the IMU uses bases in
Tajikistan's eastern mountains to launch some of its attacks. Aside linkages with the
Chechen terrorists, the IMU also maintains links with Muslim Uighur separatists in
China’s western Xinjiang province, bordering Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
According to recent reports, the newly renamed movement (The IMU recently
broadened its aims and declared itself to be the Islamic Party of Turkestan) currently
brings together Islamist terrorists in the Xinjiang Province and Jammu and Kashmir in a
much-expanded network. While harbouring pan-Central Asian ambitions, their ‘goal’ is
said to be an Islamist state stretching from western China to the Caspian Sea. Reports
have also indicated that IMU is currently fighting alongside troops of the Taliban regime
in Afghanistan’s northern Takhar Province.

Shamil Basayev, one of the leading ‘commanders’ of the Chechen terrorists,
Ameer Khattab, ‘commander’ of the Islamist Army (Foreign Mujahideen Forces) and
Abu Daba, Khattab's closest aide and the envoy of the Saudi Arabian Al Haramein, a
religious extremist organization, have sustained their sophisticated political-military
campaigns against Russian authorities primarily through complex financial, logistical
and operational linkages developed with various Wahhabi extremists from West Asia,
as also Afghan mercenaries.
Their financial support is derived from several sources. Some Chechen terrorist outfits
are reported to siphon oil from the Baku-Novorossiisk pipeline, which traverses their
territory. Abduction and narcotic trafficking also provide them with additional revenues.
Furthermore, the large Chechen Diaspora has also provided financial support to them.
Islamist terrorist outfits from the Middle East have provided training and significant
financial resources to the Chechen and Dagestan terrorists.
Many mercenaries and volunteers from Egypt, Pakistan and Afghanistan are in
these regions indulging in terrorist violence alongside the Chechen and Dagestan
terrorists. Moreover, the Chechen terrorists have received some support from foreign
Mujahideen with extensive links to Middle Eastern, South Asian, and Central Asian
Islamist extremists as well as Osama bin Laden. The Chechen emigrant community in
Jordan, particularly strong with approximately 10,000 members, has also provided
considerable material and ideological support.

An international charitable Islamist organization, the Al-Haramein (Al-Haramein

Islamist Foundation) was set up to provide support for the terrorist movement in
Afghanistan in the 1980s. It currently renders financial assistance to many Islamist
terrorists worldwide. The Foundation has representative offices in Albania, Macedonia,
Croatia, Kosovo, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kenya, Somalia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Over
the past few years, it has been also been operating illegally in Russia, particularly in the
Chechen Republic where, under the guise of an international charitable organization, it
has been carrying out anti-Russian subversive activities. Sheikh Akil ben Abdul Aziz al-
Akil heads the Al-Haramein Foundation as its general director.
The Foundation’s headquarters is in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. Al-
Haramein is also providing strong financial support for religious groups of Wahhabi
extremists in Dagestan. Through its branch in Baku, the Al-Haramein has transferred
large sums of money to the primary centres of Wahhabism in Dagestan stationed in the
Republic’s capital Makhachkala and in the village of Karamakhi in Buinaksk district.
The Al-Haramein has set up a fund in support of Chechen terrorists, titled as
"Foundation Regarding Chechnya," a branch of which opened in Azerbaijan at the end
of 1999. The new fund is financed through the Al-Barak bank. The fund sent 25 special
‘operations’ to the regions bordering Chechnya. The ‘operations’ are charged with the
task of establishing secure supply routes for the terrorists’ military units in Chechnya.
The transnational corporation Dailah Al-Baraka Group comprises the aforesaid bank
and a host of companies in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Turkey, Malaysia, South Africa,
Tunisia and other countries. The corporation’s Chief, Hafez Abu Bakr Mohammed was
one of the main sponsors of ‘President’ Aslan Maskhadov’s (‘chief of staff’ of the
Chechen armed forces) visit to Washington in 1998. The Saudi financial syndicate, the
Al Baraka Investment and Development is involved in engineering channels for funding
the Chechen separatists. In 1999, experts of the US-based Islamist Al-Baraka bank
visited Chechnya.

Al-Haramein emissaries have also established links with the Taliban regime as
also with Pakistan for acquisition of large units of heavy weaponry for the Chechen
terrorists. Middle Eastern terrorist leader Abu Said paid a special visit to Pakistan in
order to arrange deliveries of armaments to Chechnya and also to recruit Pakistani
mercenaries and qualified sappers. The weaponry, money and combat gear was to be
dispatched to Chechnya via Turkey and Georgia. The Al-Haramein’s emissaries are
also engaged in extensive espionage activities in Chechnya in order to assist the
terrorists in the region.

A: Xinjiang is a region in north-western China bordering Mongolia, Russia,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Silk
Road, the ancient trading route between China and Europe before the rise of sea trade,
ran through this region. Xinjiang is also home to the bulk of China’s natural resources,
including large reserves of oil and gas.
The Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, has certain Islamist extremists, some
of who have links with Islamist terrorist outfits in Afghanistan, Jammu and Kashmir,
Turkey, the Middle East, and many of the Central Asian republics. There are linkages
between the Uighurs and Osama bin Laden and Pakistani terrorists. Islamist militancy
from Southeast Asia has links with certain groups in the southern Yunnan province.
There have also been instances of civil violence by the ethnic Hui Muslims from nearby
Hebei province in the eastern Shandong province. Chinese authorities in Xinjiang have
discovered a large cache of explosive material including a large number of detonators,
firearms and ammunition in June 1997. These seizures were later linked to the
existence of the Party of Allah (Hezbollah), a fundamentalist Muslim party fighting for
independence with about 1,600 members. Similarly,

the Xinjiang Liberation Front, another Islamist radical outfit, is mobilising

Uighurs from all over Central Asia. Chinese officials believe that these terrorists
are being trained in Afghanistan and use money from the Afghan heroin trade to
fund their activities. All these developments led to the revival of the demand for
Eastern Turkestan. Some of the supporters of the Eastern Turkestan Movement
(ETM) can be found in the rank and file of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the
Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, a Pakistan-based outfit
operating mostly in Jammu and Kashmir. Some of these Uighurs are also getting
their religious education in seminaries of Pakistan and Egypt.

Long battle for recognition

840AD Ousted from Mongolia by the Kyrgyz, the Uighurs move to what later
became known as Xinjiang, where they found an empire that lasts until the 13th century.
1759 Manchu armies sent by Emperor Qian Long attack the region, finally
establishing control in 1877.
1944-49 The Uighurs enjoy a short period of independence, forming the Republic
of East Turkestan. Movement suppressed following the establishment of the People’s
Republic of China in 1949.
1950s and 1960s The Uighurs are targeted for their ethnicity and religion during
Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution.
1997 Uighurs in the cities of Ghulja, Yining and Urumqi riot following a security
2007 Chinese security forces raid what they say is a terrorist training camp, with
18 killed, according to state media.
2008 Xinjiang is hit by attacks before and during the Olympics in Beijing. In mid-
August, armed police are killed in a bomb and knife attack in the city of Kashgar. Six
days later, suspected Muslim separatists and suicide bombers launch a dozen attacks
in Kuqa, killing 11.
Terrorist operations in India’s North East are orchestrated in good measure by
the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) of Pakistan. The ISI led Pakistani network supplies
arms to Bangladeshi refugees. Dhubri and Nalbari districts in Assam, and Tura in
Meghalaya, have been identified as important areas of ISI activities. The Muslim-
dominated villages in these districts are the focal points. A number of sophisticated
arms, including light machine guns, have already reached the Muslim immigrants.
The transit zones for supply of arms are Mancachar, Mahendraganj and
Fakirganj ghat in Dhubri district.
Some of the 20 terrorists involved in the Coimbatore blasts of February 1998 have
admitted that they had undergone training in Bangladesh.
Abu Nasir, a Bangladeshi Laskar who was arrested in West Bengal revealed names of
many Laskars who were operating in the country. The Siliguri corridor has been
targeted by the ISI through the Laskars for establishing bases. The Chief of the
Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT), Saeed visited Bangladesh in 1998 and managed to recruit
Bengali Laskars. Bangladesh has been a shelter for ISI operatives, United Liberation
Front of Asom (ULFA) activists and other militants of the northeast.
Top United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) leadership has been in close touch with
certain officers of the Pakistani High Commission in Bangladesh, who arranged for their
passport in various names and sent them to Karachi.
In September 1999 it was revealed that the ISI had prepared a blueprint to form a
Muslim State in the North-Eastern region. In Manipur, four Muslim militant outfits have
been active. These are: People's United Liberation Front (PULF), North East Minority
Front (NEMF), Islamic National Front (INF), Kanglei Yaol Kanba Lup (KYNL-Muslim

The Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HUM) is one of the more active Islamist terrorist

groups in Assam. It is also involved in trying to integrate the Islamist militant outfits
operating in Assam, including the Muslim United Liberation Front of Assam (MULFA),
which is active in the districts of Nagaon and Morigaon and the Peoples United
Liberation Front (PULF), active in the areas bordering Manipur and in Barpeta district.
The HUM has a base at the Nurani Madrassa in the Yatriari area of Bangladesh and
transport newly recruited HuM men from India to Khaka through the Assam- border.
The recruits are then taken to Pakistan for training. Several youths from Assam
are trained in camps in Pakistan and the Amir (chief) of the HuM in Assam is
Mohammed Fakurddin alias Akram Master, who now lives in Pakistan, while the Naib
Amir (deputy chief) Muslim Ali was from the Krishnai area of Goalpara district.

There are linkages between powerful terrorist outfits in the North East and the
ISI. The ISI is known to have provided training to the ULFA militants, especially in
terrorist tactics, counter intelligence, disinformation and use of weapons. Pakistan
issued Paresh Baruah and a few others for their visit to Singapore, Thailand and other
countries. Through these links the ISI is able to funnel money to the ULFA. Several
madrassas/mosques sponsored by the ISI in the Sylhet and Cox's Bazar areas are
being utilised to cache arms procured from Thailand and Myanmar by ULFA. At least 14
Muslim fundamentalist organisations are now working actively in Assam.

The task of cutting off the Chicken’s Neck portion, which joins the North East to
the rest of India, was assigned to the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) and was planned
along the lines of the Kargil operation. It was fully supported, covertly though, by the
Pakistani Army. To execute the operation, about 24 active Islamist fundamentalist
groups have been formed in Bangladesh, Nepal and India. These groups have been
trained on the pattern of the Lashkar-e-Toiba and the Taliban militia.

These include groups such as the Muslim United Liberation Tigers of Assam
(MULTA), the Muslim United Liberation Front of Assam (MULFA), the People’s
Liberation Front (PLF), the International Liberation Army (ILA), the Muslim Security
Force (MSF), the Liberation of Islamic Tiger Force (LITF), the Muslim Security Council
of Assam (MSCA), the United Liberation Militia of Assam (ULMA), the Minority Peoples
Action Committee (MPAC), the Muslim Volunteers Force (MVF), the Mujahid Vahini and
Jubo Command.

Approximately 5,000 Bangladeshi youth have been trained by the ISI for
executing a Kargil-type operation again. Some youths among these have also been
trained in guerrilla warfare. The training was imparted by the Mujahid Vahini in the
Bangladesh under the patronage and instructions of the ISI. Training camps were
organised with support from Gajir Dargah Madrasa and Alima Madrasa. In addition,
camps were also organised in the Galamari area of Khulna district and Bagchara and
Salim Bila areas of Jessore district with support from Bangladesh’s secret agency, the
DGFI, and the Jamat-e-Islami Hind. To oversee the entire operation, Pakistan had
appointed retired Major Rustam Ali in Bangladesh.

Laskar Jihad (LJ - Jihad Troopers or the Militia of the Holy War), with its
headquarters at Degolan, north of Yogyakarta in Indonesia, has linkages with many
Islamist terror outfits and radical groups. Chief of LJ, Ustad Ja'far Umar Thalib, spent
two years of his early life fighting along with the Mujahideen against Soviet forces in
Afghanistan in 1988-89. Ja'far had joined the Mujahideen after dropping out of the
Mawdudi Institute in Lahore, Pakistan, from where he acquired ‘knowledge’ in advanced
Islamist studies. LJ is the military wing of the Forum Komunikasi Ahlus Sunnah wal
Jama'ah (Sunni Communication Forum) or FKAWJ, an outfit formed by a group of
fundamentalist Muslim leaders in early 1998 to promote 'true Islamist values'. Laskar
Jihad was formally established on January 30, 2000 in Yogyakarta in response to what
FKAWJ perceived as the deliberate persecution of Muslims in Maluku. Its total
membership is now estimated to be approximately 10,000. Its cadres receive training at
a camp in Munjul village near Bogor-on-Java, where the Laskar Jihad is based. It has
links with many terrorist outfits and Islamist fundamentalist organizations based in Saudi
Arabia, Yemen and Jordan.
The LJ supports acts of terrorism against ‘strategic facilities’, including the World
Trade Center in New York. It has also developed links with bin Laden's Al Qaeda global
terrorist network in the past two years. Not long ago, LJ Chief Ja'far said, bin Laden had
sent an emissary to the Moluccas to invite the LJ to join his terrorist network. The outfit
also has ties with the Malaysian Moujahedeen Group, also known as the KMM Jihad, a
terrorist outfit in neighbouring Malaysia. LJ also maintains links with the Abu Sayyaf
group. Of late, many Afghan mercenaries have joined the LJ forces in the Moluccas.
Some LJ ‘commanders’ have trained in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The cadres also
comprise mercenaries from countries like Yemen.
There are also striking similarities between LJ's Web site and those of Islamist
outfits operating as far away as in Chechnya. The LJ's strongest foreign link is with
Muslim Moro terrorists fighting the Philippine government. Ja'far has opined that the LJ
opposes the use of suicide bombers but believed that the September 11-attack on US
was justified because of what he perceived as Washington's ‘double standard’ of
protecting Jews in Israel while ignoring the interests of Muslims around the world.

Money and weapons flow to the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) from
Saudi Arabia, Libya, Sudan, Pakistan, Iraq and Syria to Mindanao, with Malaysia acting
as the middleman.

Both MNLF and MILF have strong contacts with radical Muslim groups,
particularly in the Middle East and Malaysia. Some of their cadres have trained with the
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Members of all Moro groups, among them
Abdur Rajak and Abubakar Jan Jalani (founder and the leader of Abu Sayyaf until
1998), participated in the Afghan war against the Russians. Contacts once established
have been maintained after the Russians left Afghanistan and the brigade returned
home. In this manner, connections were also established with Osama bin Laden and
with those responsible for the World Trade Center bombing. Support also comes from
countries that had formerly supported the MNLF as well: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan,
Syria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

Certain cadres of the Kosovo Liberation Army (Ushtria Clirimatare e Kosoves),
which has financed its war effort through the sale of heroin, were trained in terrorist
camps run by Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina and elsewhere.
Laden's Al Qaeda has both trained and financially supported the KLA. The KLA's is also
involved in narcotic smuggling, as a means of raising funds for weapons. The KLA is
linked with an extensive organized crime network in Albania, which smuggles heroin to
prospective clients in Western Europe and the United States. Narcotics is smuggled
over land and sea routes from Turkey through Bulgaria, Greece and Yugoslavia to
Western Europe and elsewhere in a circuit now referred to as the ‘Balkan Route’.

Middle East
Hizballah (Party of God)
The Lebanon-based Hizballah has built a support network in Brazil, at the triborder area
with neighboring Argentina and Paraguay. In May 1999, Argentina’s Supreme Court,
after an official investigation, formally blamed Hizballah for the March 17, 1992 bombing
of Israel's embassy in Buenos Aires. Hizballah also has a terrorism infrastructure in
Europe, Africa and North America. Hizballah maintains an active link with the various
terrorist groups in the Middle East. In October 1997, it admitted to training Hamas
terrorists in Lebanon. Local chapters of the Hizballah consisting primarily of radical
Shiite Muslims, many of who are products of Iran’s theological seminaries, have
received terrorist training there, and in Lebanon, exist in Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi
Arabia. Hizballah receives a substantial amount of financial assistance, weapons,
political and organisational support from both Syria and Iran.
Hamas receives funding from Iran, from wealthy Muslim citizens in the Persian
Gulf countries and, in recent times, from many wealthy Muslim citizens of the United
States and Western Europe. In recent times, Hamas has also developed linkages with
the transnational network of Islamist terror, of which the Osama bin Laden’s group Al
Qaeda is the nodal point. Hamas is reported to have developed extensive fundraising
and political networks in the United States, working primarily through religious and
research institutions as also investment companies.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)

PIJ possesses a close linkage with Iran and also derives most of its funding from state
sponsors, especially Iran. It has its headquarters in Syria and receives some logistical
support from that country.

The Islamic Group and Al-Jihad

Iran, Sudan and Islamist terrorist outfits in Afghanistan (allied to bin Laden) provide
financial and logistical support to the two Egypt-based groups. In recent times, the top
leadership of the Islamic Group and Al-Jihad has also become part of Laden’s Al

The Armed Islamic Group (GIA)

Certain GIA cadres in exile have now joined the Al Qaeda network of bin Laden. The
organization receives financial and logistical aid from Algerian expatriates, many of who
reside in Western Europe and Canada. Algerian security forces had arrested many
Sudanese and Pakistanis from a mosque in the Algiers suburb of Harrach in June 1991
during the anti-government riots.

Popular Front For The Liberation Of Palestine (PFLP)

It receives logistical assistance from and has safe havens in Syria. The PFLP is based
in Damascus and it has training facilities in the Syrian-controlled areas of Lebanon.
Democratic Front For The Liberation Of Palestine (DFLP)
The DFLP receives some financial assistance from Syria, where it has its headquarters.

Many terror groups, particularly the Kachin Independent Organisation and its military
wing, the Kachin Independent Army, have links with several South Asian
terrorist/insurgent outfits for training and procurement of arms. In addition, the Hizb-ul-
Mujahideen (HM) and the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HuM) have trained the Myanmar
Muslims on the Bangladesh border.

Training was provided to approximately 700 Indonesian militants in Mindanao, an
Island in southern Philippines, by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Abu
Sayyaf group in the late 1990s. International terrorists have had long established links
with Filipino rebels. Osama bin Laden's brother-in-law, Saudi businessman Mohamed
Jamal Khalifa, financed a number of non-governmental organizations in Mindanao that
are suspected of being used to channelise finances to rebel groups. Khalifa fled the
country in 1996. Ramzi Yousef, jailed Pakistani mastermind of a 1993-attempt to blow
up the World Trade Centre, has been linked to the Abu Sayyaf group vis-à-vis
preparations for an aborted 1995-attempt to blow up 12 American airliners. In 1995, the
Philippine police raided a Manila apartment that had been rented by Ramzi Yousef, an
associate of bin Laden. Yousef was later convicted for the 1993-World Trade Center
bombing incident. He apparently used the Manila flat as headquarters to orchestrate
terrorist attacks in Asia, including a plan to blow up two planes over Hong Kong.
Moreover, security forces have killed several Middle Eastern and Pakistani terrorist
trainers and demolition experts when they ascertained the main MILF base on
Mindanao in year 2000. There are critical links between Afghanistan and Muslims in
southern Philippines, with Pakistan acting as the intermediary. In addition, strong links
also emerge on account of the fact that many Muslim youths from the Philippines,
Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia were sent to Afghanistan between 1979 and 1992 for
training and to participate in Afghan Mujahadeen combat operations.

Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)'s shadowy leader Salamat Hashim has
been in exile for more than two decades in the Middle East. He has, thus, been able to
establish strong links with terror outfits in that region and more importantly secure
ideological support structure to increase the cadre strength of the MILF.

Abu Sayyaf, ("father of the sword"), founded in 1986 by an Afghan professor

named Abdul Rasul Abu Sayyaf, has been operating since the 1980s from Egypt and
the Philippines to Algeria and New York. Abu Sayyaf had also established a ‘university’,
north of Peshawar in Pakistan, to train terrorists. There he is reported to have trained
terrorists for the Philippines, the Middle East, North Africa and New York.

Saudi Arabia
The most significant organisations supported by Saudi Arabia and propagating
Pan-Islamism are the Rabita al-Alam al-Islami – World Muslim League (MWL) and the
World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY). Other such organisations, which also
coordinate their activity with the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), are the
Supreme Council of Mosques; the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and the Institute for
Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA).
The only organized opposition to the Saudi regime emerges from the London-based
Committee for the Defence of Legitimate Rights (CDLR) led by Dr. Mohammed Masaari.
The CDLR and its allies, including the Al-Mujahiroun led by Omar Bakri Mohammed, a
Saudi-Afghan Mujahideen of Osama bin Laden’s outfit, and certain Islamist
fundamentalist outfit, have succeeded in making coordinated efforts against the Saudi
regime. In this context, they have been able to smuggle a considerable quantity of
propaganda material, including audio and video tapes, inside Saudi Arabia in 1996-98.

Activists of the recently proscribed Students’ Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) in

Saudi Arabia are reported to be involved in the collection of funds and are also
canvassing for the unity of the Islamic Ummah. A significant portion of these funds are
collected during visits of the SIMI leadership to Saudi Arabia in connection with Haj and
Umrah and subsequently remitted to India through hawala (illegal) channels. Certain
SIMI activists in Jeddah are alleged to have established contacts with the erstwhile
Afghan Mujahideen for securing assistance in imparting military training to their cadres.
Attempts have also been made to recruit volunteers from amongst the Indian Muslim
expatriate population originally hailing from the southern Indian State of Kerala.

A new organisation, Tanzeem-e-Muslim Musawara (TMM), has been launched

recently in several countries including in Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and India, under
the patronage of the Mecca-based Muslim World League (MWL). The stated objectives
of the TMM are the enhancing of Muslim activities as also education of masses
regarding their religious "duties". In this context, a meeting of TMM activists hailing from
Pakistan, India and Nepal was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh in January 1998 under the
chairmanship of Sheikh Alhad Iftal Hussain, Chief of the Bangladesh unit of the TMM.

Police in Madrid on September 25 arrested six Algerians allegedly linked to
Osama bin Laden and to the Al Qaeda, suspected for planning terrorist attacks on US
targets in Europe. The arrested are reported to belong to a dissident faction of the
Armed Islamic Group, Algeria's most hard-line terrorist outfit.

Prominent Palestinian and Lebanese terrorist outfits groups have established
Sudan as a base. These groups include the Abu Nidal Organisation, the Popular Front
for the Liberation of Palestine--General Command, headed by Ahmed Jibril, the Iranian-
backed Islamist Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine; and the Lebanese Shiite group,
Hezbollah. During his stay in Sudan, Osama bin Laden with the assistance of National
Islamic Front (NIF) leader Hassan al-Turabi, and in concert with various NIF leaders,
built a network of businesses, including an Islamic bank, an import-export firm, as also
firms that exported agricultural products. Laden financed and assisted in setting up at
least three terrorist training camps in cooperation with the NIF, and his construction
company is reported to have worked directly with certain Sudanese military officials to
transport and supply terrorists to such camps.

The business enterprises in Sudan, some of which are reported to be still

operational, enabled him to offer safe haven as also employment in Sudan to Al Qaeda
cadres promoting their involvement in radical Islamist movements in their countries of
origin (especially Egypt) as well as in anti-US terrorist activities. He is reported to have
paid $50 million for a part ownership of a bank in Khartoum. Reportedly, he ran Taba
Investment Co., which invested in global stock markets. Laden also formed commercial
ventures with members of Sudan's ruling NIF. Sudan has also provided sanctuaries for
allies of bin Laden in outfits and groups such as the Islamist Jihad and Gamaa Islamiya
from Egypt as well as Hamas and Palestinian Islamist Jihad. Hassan al-Turabi, who
heads the NIF or the Popular Arab Islamic Conference, is a long-time member of the
Muslim Brotherhood.
Various regional Islamist opposition and insurgent groups in Ethiopia, Eritrea,
Uganda and Tunisia have reportedly been provided sanctuaries in Sudan. In 1995,
three suspected cadres of the Egyptian terror outfit Gamaa Islamiya made an attempt to
assassinate Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Ethiopia. Sudan has provided safe
haven to the three suspects and has refused to extradite them to Ethiopia.
Consequently, the United Nations imposed diplomatic sanctions on Sudan in 1996 for
its failure to turn over the fugitives and also for general Sudanese support of
international terrorism.

Taliban has developed extensive linkages with terrorist outfits and fundamentalist
organisations operating in different countries. The emergence of the Taliban in
Afghanistan has offered terrorists from Jammu and Kashmir, Iran, Central Asian
Republics and China’s predominantly Muslim Xinjiang province sanctuary, training
camps and financial support. Terrorists in Chechnya include in their ranks Arabs,
Afghans and Pakistanis, most of who had fought in Afghanistan during the Soviet
occupation. The Uzbek and Tajik terrorists who took over parts of southern Kyrgyzstan
in August 1999 also had similar Afghan connections.
The Taliban is widely held to be a creature of Pakistan. It emerged in the year
1993-94 during Benazir Bhutto’s tenure as Prime Minister. The idea was a brainwave of
Maj. Gen. (retd) Nasirullah Babar, the then Interior Minister, Gen. Pervez Musharraf,
who was then Director-General of Military Operations (DGMO), and Lt. Gen.
Mohammad Aziz, who was then the Deputy Director-General of the ISI and in charge of
the ISI's operations in India and Afghanistan.
The Jamaat-ul-Ulema-e-Islam (JuI), a Pakistani Deobandi party has set up hundreds of
madrassas in Pakistan's Pushtun belt, offering Afghan refugees and young Pakistanis
free education, food, shelter and military training. These madrassas became the main
recruiters of Pakistani and foreign students to fight in Afghanistan. The camps in
Pakistan and Afghanistan where they trained became sanctuaries for the promotion of a
pan-Islamic radical agenda in Algeria, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Jordan, the Philippines
and Bangladesh. Between 1994 and 1999, an estimated 80,000 to 1,00,000 terrorists
were trained in these madrassas and they had fought in Afghanistan.

With their porous borders, the five former Soviet Central Asian republics -
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan - have been affected
by the growth of the Taliban regime. The threat includes spread of Islamist
fundamentalism as also a massive flow of narcotics and small arms. In early 1999, Tahir
Yuldashev, leader of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), fled to Afghanistan
where the Taliban allowed him to set up a training camp. Yuldashev is one of the
masterminds behind an assassination attempt on Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov
in February 1999. He is currently training many Islamist terrorists from Uzbekistan,
Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan as well as the Uighur Muslims from Xinjiang province in China. In
August 1999, Juma Namangani, another IMU leader, entered southern Kyrgyzstan with
some 800 terrorists and attempted to invade Uzbekistan. The Taliban offers the IMU
sanctuary from Karimov’s crackdown, weapons and also the means to finance
themselves through the narcotics trade.
The Taliban also provides sanctuary to various Iranian dissidents. They have
given sanctuary to the Ahl-e-Sunnah Wal Jamaat, which is made up of Sunni Iranians
opposed to Tehran. And leaders of the principal Iranian opposition group, the Iraq-
based Mujahideen-e-Khalq, frequently visit Kandahar and have also asked the Taliban
for an operational base.
Afghan heroin has been flooding the Xinjiang province in China. The heroin is helping to
fund Islamist and nationalist opposition to the state among the Uighurs and other
Muslim ethnic groups. Uighur terrorists have also trained and fought with the Afghan
Mujahideen since 1986 and arms and explosives used by the rebels against Chinese
security forces are traced to Afghanistan. Some Uighur terrorists are involved with
Yuldashev as also with bin Laden if not the Taliban itself.

International terrorists have been taking advantage of Bangkok's lax tourism-
promoting immigration procedures. Islamist terrorists were linked to a failed truck-bomb
attack against the Israeli embassy in 1994 there. Links with Middle Eastern terrorist
outfits were ascertained when Ibrahim Ghosheh, leader of the Palestinian terrorist outfit
Hamas, was deported in June 2000. A small number of terrorist operatives belonging to
Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda do live in Thailand.

There has been a revival of Islamist terrorism in four Muslim-dominated southern

provinces of Thailand in the recent months. The Bersatu ("United" Malay) group was
responsible for a bomb attack on the Hat Yai railway station as also a hotel in the Yala
province in April 2001 and, more recently, has also indulged in abduction and extortion.
Terrorist outfits, as also some of the countries in the Middle East, provide training,
education, ideological succour and financial support for various Islamist fundamentalist
groups in the southern provinces of Thailand.

United States of America

Many Islamist terrorist outfits are reported to have established more than 30 front
organisations primarily in the form of religious entities, free from governmental control.
Furthermore, donations to these organisations are tax deductible and large sums of
such monies support the terror networks. Terrorist outfits like the Hezbollah, Palestine
Islamist Jihad, Hamas and others are reportedly operating surreptitiously within US
borders from New York to San Diego. Many such outfits collect US dollars to send to
their terror cells overseas. They have also utilised US addresses to buy equipment, US
Internet sites to communicate as also US universities and foundations to meet and plan
their operations. To carry out terrorist attacks in the United States and elsewhere,
Islamist terrorists reportedly utilise the US banking system and telecommunications as
also take advantage of the freedom of assembly. In January 1995, the US
administration froze $800,000 held in accounts allegedly controlled by terrorist outfits.
Virginia-based businessman Mousier Abu Marzook, who was deported to Jordan in May
1997, has been accused of financing many Hamas terrorist cells.

According to media reports, millions of dollars had passed through Marzook's

accounts. Fraudulent commercial deals by many World Trade Center bombing
suspects, the Abu Nidal group and others had allegedly sent approximately $100 million
to finance Middle Eastern Islamist terror cells. Narcotics trafficking in the US has partly
financed many Islamist terror outfits as also radical groups. Many Islamist foundations
are alleged to have transferred money to Middle Eastern terrorist groups. Furthermore,
information with regard to building weapons of mass destruction - nuclear, chemical and
biological - is consistently being routed through the Internet. The group responsible for
the 1993 World Trade Center bombing included Islamist radicals from Palestine, Sudan
and Egypt as well as U.S. converts. US-based Hamas activists arrested in Israel are
reported to have indicated that they had attempted to attack prominent Jews living in

Ali Mohammed, 48, an ex-US Army Sergeant of Egyptian origin pleaded guilty
before a US District Judge in October 2000 to a charge of plotting with Osama bin
Laden to kill Americans anywhere in the world. He also admitted that he had helped in
secretly moving bin Laden from Pakistan to Sudan and trained members of his Al
Qaeda outfit. Pakistan and Afghanistan-based Islamist terrorists have recruited
members from the Muslim communities in North America as also the Caribbean Islands
to utilise them for terrorist operations against US interests in West Asia and also for
promoting Jehad in the US. Ramzi Ahmed Yousef of Pakistani origin and other US-
based Muslim mercenaries of bin Laden were responsible for the explosion inside the
World Trade Centre in February 1993. The Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HuM) and Lashkar-e-
Toiba (LeT) are members of Osama bin Laden's International Islamic Front for Jihad
Against the US and Israel.

Jamaat ul-Fuqra (JuF), a terrorist outfit operating in Pakistan and North America,
was formed by a Pakistani cleric, Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, in the early 1980s. JF in its
early phase sought to counter what is perceived as excessive Western influence on
Islam It also concluded that violence was a significant aspect in its quest to purify Islam.
JF is loosely structured with certain elements working openly through social service
organisations to recruit members, raise money, organise activities and distribute
propaganda. In the 1980s, they carried out various terrorist activities, including murders
and fire-bombings, across the United States. Although Gilani, the chief of Fuqra resides
in Pakistan, most of his group’s cells are located in North America. Fuqra members
have purchased isolated rural properties in North America to live communally, practice
their faith and insulate themselves from Western culture.

A large segment of its members have been convicted of criminal acts, including
murder and fraud. The Jamaat Ul-Fuqra supports various terrorist outfits operating in
Pakistan and Kashmir. It has also converted a large number of Afro-Americans to Islam
and brought some of them to Pakistan for training in the use of firearms and explosives.
Although dormant in terms of real activity, it has an active link with terrorist groups in
Pakistan and provides both moral and material assistance to these groups.

Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) of Pakistan, headed by Lt. Gen. (retd) Javed Nasir, former
Director-General of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan’s external intelligence
agency, and the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HuM) have supported Islamist extremist
movements in different countries, including amongst members of the Muslim community
in the US. HuM terrorists have been active in Bosnia, Chechnya, Tajikistan, Burma,
Philippines and Jammu and Kashmir. HuM terrorists maintain strong links with terrorist
outfits based in countries like Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia and Jordan primarily following their
mutual association during the Afghan war. Among the foreign terrorists trained by the
HuM at its training camps in Pakistan, Pakistan controlled Kashmir (PcK) and
Afghanistan were 16 African-American Muslims from various cities of the US. Funds for
these activities were traced to Muslim businessmen of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt
and the UK. TJ had/has many offices in the US, Russia, the Central Asian Republics,
South Africa, Australia and France.
Amongst the organisations/outfits in the US with which the TJ is linked are the
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the Muslim Youth of North America
(MYNA). A past president of ISNA is Sheikh Abdullah Idris Ali, an American immigrant
of Sudanese origin, who also functioned as the Pesh Imam (chief priest) and Khatib of a
mosque in New York. The annual convention of the ISNA held at Columbus, Ohio, from
September 11,1995, was addressed amongst others, by Hamza Yusuf, an American
citizen of Greek origin, who, consequent to embracing Islam, had lived for six years in
Mauritania to study Islam and also work as a TJ preacher; Yusuf Islam, formerly known
as Cat Stevens, a famous pop singer, who embraced Islam after coming into contact
with the TJ in Pakistan; Dr. Saghir of Algeria; and Dr. Israr Ahmed, the Amir of the
Tanzeem Islami of Pakistan and a worker of the TJ.

The convention observed that the ISNA had a US $ 100 million budget for
spreading Islamic education in the US primarily through the publication of text-books,
setting-up of week-end Islamic schools and also a weekly TV programme called
"Onsight". Amongst the suspected members of the TJ in the Muslim community in the
US is Louis Fara Khan, the Afro-American Muslim leader. The TJ operates in the US
and the Caribbean islands directly through its own preachers deputed from Pakistan
and also recruited from among the Pakistani immigrant community in the US, besides
through front outfits such as the Jamaat-ul-Fuqra. The HuM, which works in close
association with the TJ, has been training Afro-American Muslims from the US in its
terrorist training camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
On December 28, 1998, following a call issued by Osama bin Laden to attack US
and British targets consequent to US-UK aerial strikes on Iraq, an Islamist outfit called
the Aden-Abyan Islamic Army supporting bin Laden’s anti-U.S. threats abducted 16
Western tourists, including two Americans. The southern province of Abyan had
emerged as a base for the activities of Yemeni mercenaries belonging to a group called
the Jaish-e-Mohammed (Mohammed's Army), which had been trained by the Inter-
Services Intelligence (ISI) of Pakistan. A Yemeni associate of bin Laden, Tariq al-Fadhli,
has/had established several terrorist training camps in Southern Yemen and some of
mercenaries from these camps had bombed two hotels in Yemen, in 1992, where U.S.
troops proceeding to Somalia were staying. Prior to 1998, Yemeni members of the
Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) used to operate under the name of Islamist Jihad. The Aden-
Abyan Islamic Army was suspected to be an offshoot of the Yemeni Islamic Jihad.
The Islamic Jihad group of Yemen was formed during the pre-unification era
when Aden was the capital of the pro-Soviet Socialist Republic of South Yemen to
oppose the secular policies of the Communist regime in the South. On December 24,
1998, the Yemeni authorities had arrested five British nationals (all Muslims) and a
Franco-Algerian on charges of planning a series of bombings in Aden during the
Christmas-New Year's holiday. They were recruited, trained and armed by al-Mehdar in
a plot to attack the British Consulate, the Christchurch Anglican Church as also two
hotels used by Western tourists, in retaliation for the US-UK air strikes on Iraq. In
January 1999, three Britons (all Muslims) and a Franco-Algerian were captured at a
terrorist training camp in Shabwa, 240 miles northeast of Aden. These terrorists were
recruited in Britain in July 1998 by a London-based Mullah called Abu Hamza al-Masri,
an Afghanistan war veteran, who was also the leader of an Islamist outfit in London
called the Supporters of Sharia (SOS).
In March 1991, Iran dispatched several terrorist squads to Canada for operations
in the U.S., both independently and in support of local networks. One of these hit teams
would assassinate Mrs. Rafizadeh, the wife of a senior intelligence official of the Shah's
regime, in New Jersey on March 26, 1992. A milestone in the emergence of Islamist
terrorism in the U.S. took place on October 18, 1991. The International Terrorist Summit
convened in Tehran decided on a rejuvenated Jihad in the U.S. as part of the Iranian-
led pan-Islamist strategy of confronting Pax-Americana.

From December 1992 through January 1993, Iran conducted a strategic test of
the entire concept of a US operation. Former foreign minister Ibrahim Yazdi arrived on a
secret mission with a reconciliation initiative at the same time that Tehran transmitted
through back channels an explicit threat of "war between the SAVAMA and the CIA."
Yazdi's initiative was rebuffed. On January 24, 1993, Mir Aimal Kansi, a Pakistani
Iranian agent, killed several people at the entrance to the CIA headquarters in Langley,
Virginia, demonstrating that Tehran was serious. From January 22-26, 1993, Tehran
further tested the U.S. reaction system in the form of phone calls from the Popular Front
for the Liberation of Palestine threatening to blow up a skyscraper in New York. Since
there was no special reaction from Washington, Tehran concluded that terrorist
operations should proceed as planned.

In 1999, 50 Islamic Muslim organizations in America led by CAIR (Council on

American-Islamic Relations) threatened various American interests, e.g., Burger King,
Sprint, and Disney World with boycotts and more. This was another indication of the
scope of the Islamist threats being leveled at America and directed by Arab interests in
the Middle East.

Western Europe
Islamist terrorist cells have infiltrated West European countries to prepare the
ground for military operations together with fundamentalists and other extremists
already present in these countries. Most of these cells/outfits function with the
assistance of Iran. Some of the outfits are:
Fatah Revolutionary Council; leader Abu Nidal
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command; leader Achmed

The Japanese Red Army
The Secret Irish Army
The Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia
The Lebanese Revolutionary Organization; leader Mirshad Shabu
The Lebanese Hezbollah

Germany is a significant base of Islamist fundamentalists and terrorists, including

the Kurdish P.K.K., which is allied with Iran, members of the Muslim Brotherhood and
other fundamentalists - Turks, Pakistanis and Arabs - resident in Hamburg, Munich and
The first attempt to export Islamist terrorism into France took place at Christmas
1994. Four terrorists of the GIA (Armed Islamic Group), armed with dynamite and
AK47's, hijacked an Air France plane on the tarmac at the airport in Algiers. We go to
talk about history of terrorism.
Heroin from the Golden Crescent and Golden Triangle feeds South Asia, which is a
region abundant in major transit routes to the West. Approximately 80 per cent of the
heroin stocks found in the US originate from Myanmar, a state sharing a common
border with India. Furthermore, narcotic trafficking is a significant source of revenue for
South Asian terrorist outfits with trans-state reach. Afghanistan produces three times
more opium than the rest of the world put together. 90 per cent of it is cultivated in
Taliban controlled areas, thus making the Taliban the largest heroin producer in the
world. The regime also collects a 20 per cent tax from opium dealers and transporters—
money that goes into the Taliban’s war chest. Whereas Afghan opium was exported to
the West through Pakistan in the 1980s, there are now multiple export routes through
Iran, the Persian Gulf states and Central Asia.
As these routes expand, so do the beneficiaries. With most of his bank accounts
frozen, bin Laden currently finances his operations primarily through dealing in opium.
Drug smuggling from Afghanistan also finances the Uighur terrorists in China. There is
also a direct drug-smuggling link between Afghanistan and the Ferghana Valley, where
the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) is based. The civil war in Tajikistan was
partly financed by Afghan drugs. .
Osama Bin Laden
While residing in Sudan, Osama Bin Laden financed and assisted in setting up at
least three terrorist training camps in cooperation with the National Islamic Front of
Hassan al-Turabi, and his construction company is reported to have worked directly with
certain Sudanese military officials to transport and supply terrorists to such camps. He
is also reported to have evinced keen interest at one time in acquiring nuclear and
chemical weapons. Laden has been provided shelter by the Taliban regime in
Afghanistan for several years and the Taliban have refused repeated US and United
Nations requests for his extradition.
Bin Laden is reported to be operating several terrorist training camps in
Afghanistan, where Islamist terrorists prepare for Jehad in places like Central Asia,
Jammu and Kashmir, West Asia as also southeast Asia. Osama bin Laden maintains
extensive links with a number of international terror outfits in Egypt, India, the
Philippines and elsewhere. These outfits enjoy the use of bin Laden's funding network
and training camps.

Laden’s Al Qaeda serves as a focal point or as an umbrella outfit for a global

network that includes terrorist cells in various countries. It has evolved considerably to
have now emerged as a primary umbrella outfit, which funds and carries out Islamist
terrorist activity worldwide. The Al Qaeda has a global reach with presence in Algeria,
Egypt, Morocco, Turkey, Jordan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Syria, Xinjiang in China,
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Mindanao in the Philippines,
Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Tunisia, Bosnia, Kosovo,
Chechnya, Dagestan, Jammu and Kashmir, Sudan, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania,
Azerbaijan, Eritrea, Uganda, Ethiopia, as also in parts of the West Bank and Gaza. The
dispersed nature of Al Qaeda cadre around the globe provides Osama bin Laden the
command over a global terror network and to carry out lethal terrorist attacks across the
world. Al Qaeda has forged alliances with like-minded fundamentalist groups such as
Egypt's Al Jihad, Iran's Hezbollah, Sudan's National Islamic Front, as also terrorist
outfits in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Somalia. Al Qaida also has ties to the "Islamic
Group," led at one time by Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, the Egyptian cleric serving a life
sentence since his 1995 conviction for a thwarted attempt to blow up various New York
landmarks. Two of Sheik Rahman's sons joined forces with bin Laden in the late 1990s.

Osama bin Laden reportedly utilizes an estimated $300 million in financial assets
to fund his Al-Qaida network consisting of approximately 3,000 Islamist terrorists.
Among the various commercial undertakings that are owned and managed by his
associates and front organizations include ostrich raising in Kenya, forestry interests in
Turkey, diamond trading in Africa, bridge construction in Sudan as also agricultural
holdings in Tajikistan.
Another source of funding is the millions of dollars in the form of donations from
wealthy Muslim individuals. Osama is also reported to have succeeded in persuading
the Muslim clergy in various Arab countries to issue a religious edict that would render it
legal for Muslims to offer their Zakat (alms) given annually to the poor and to the
erstwhile Arab militia who fought the Afghan war. According to news reports, various
Saudi Arabia-based individuals were allegedly donating $1 million to $2 million a month
through mosques and other fund-raising avenues to assist bin Laden.
Media reports have also indicated that various mosques, Islamist charities and
other non-governmental organizations have diverted money raised in the United States,
Europe and other parts of the world to the Al-Qaida. In addition to these investments,
bin Laden had also inherited a huge fortune from his father, a construction business
magnate in Saudi Arabia. The dispersed transnational financial activity of bin Laden's Al
Qaida is essentially aimed at providing him with a way to transfer and receive large
sums of money around the globe as also avoid detection by nations and law enforcing
authorities seeking to arrest him and destroy his vast terror network. Media reports
citing accounts of witnesses during the trail of suspects charged in the 1998 bombings
of two US embassies in Africa,
Osama bin Laden’s commercial undertakings manufacture goods that reportedly
are carried through other countries, including Cyprus, to evade international sanctions
against Sudan as also to secure more profits through sale in Europe and America.
The earliest version of an Islamist terrorist coalition led by Osama bin Laden was
the International Islamic Front, a loose coalition founded in Saudi Arabia in August
1990, which included Egypt's Jihad and Jamaa Islamiya armed outfits, Jordan's
Mohammad's Army, Jammu and Kashmir's Ansar Movement and several other factions,
including the AI-Muhajirun. On February 22, 1998, Osama bin Laden issued an fatwa
(edict) calling for attacks on all Americans, including civilians, and announced the
creation of the International Islamic Front for Jihad Against the Jews and Crusaders, in
association with extremist groups from Egypt, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The organizations whose membership in the International Islamic Front for Jihad
Against the Jews and Crusaders was announced are the
Egyptian Jihad Group (Jamaat-ul-Jihad),
Egyptian Armed Islamic Group (Gama'a al-Islamiya),
Pakistan Scholars/Ulema Society (Jamaat-ul-Ulema-e-Pakistan),
Partisans Movement in Kashmir (Harkat-ul-Mujahideen),
Jihad Movement in Bangladesh,

Afghan military wing of the "Advice and Reform" commission led by Osama bin
Signatories to the February statement, other than Osama bin Laden, were Ayman al-
Zawahri, leader of Egypt's Jihad group, Rifai Taha, head of Egypt's Gama'a al-Islamiya,
Mir Hamza, secretary general of Pakistan's Ulema Society, Fazlul Rahman Khalil, Chief
of Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HuM) in Pakistan, and Abdel Salam Mohammed, head of the
Jihad Movement in Bangladesh.

The EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report revealed there were 203 terror-related
arrests in the UK last year, when the danger was demonstrated by abortive attempts to
detonate bombs in London and at Glasgow airport in June. Europol said the British
figure was 30 per cent up on 2006, with the "vast majority" relating to Islamism; 201
Islamist-related terror arrests were made across the 26 other EU member states.
Briton face a threat level that is severe. It's not getting any less, it's actually growing.
"There are 2,000 individuals they are monitoring. There are 200 networks. There are 30
active plots.
"That has increased over the past two years. Since the beginning of 2007, 57 people
have been convicted on terrorist plots.
"Nearly half of those pleaded guilty so this is not some figment of the imagination. It is a
real risk and a real issue we need to respond to.
"We can't wait for an attack to succeed and then rush in new powers. We've got to stay
ahead." The government faces a rebellion within its own ranks over the plans - in 2005 it
was defeated over proposals to extend the limit to 90 days.
Labour MP Frank Cook told the BBC the current proposals would be a "recruiting agent
for terrorism".
Mr Cook, MP for Stockton North, did not vote when Tony Blair tried to introduce the 90
day limit in November 2005 for Parliamentary reasons, but said that at the time he was
"minded to support the government".

Southern India, Sri Lanka terrorist groups

Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

Name of group: Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.
Other names: LTTE, Tamil Tigers.
Headquarters: Mullaitivu, Sri Lanka; headquarters previously in city of Jaffna.
Other major office/outlet: London; Paris, Canada.
Founded: In 1972 as the Tamil New Tigers; renamed LTTE in 1973.
Locations of operations, areas active:
The capital of Colombo, North and North East. Waging guerrilla war against the
Sri Lankan Army in the Tamil territory of Sri Lanka, particularly in the Jaffna peninsula,
and terror campaigns in other locations. Currently holds two-thirds of the Sri Lankan
coastline. Previously sought refuge in and operated from Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
states in southern India, a mere 20 miles across the Palk Straits from LTTE-held areas
of Sri Lanka. In southern India, in 1990, LTTE customarily hid out in the Vedaranyan
wildlife sanctuary.

Major terrorist actions:

In May 1986, the LTTE exterminated the leadership of rival Tamil Eelam Liberation

Organization, in a terror campaign.

In October 1988, the LTTE murdered 45 Sinhala villagers.

In February 1990, the LTTE kidnapped 15 Indian customs officials in Tamil Nadu, India.

In July 1990, the LTTE launched terror attack in Madras, Tamil Nadu state, India,

against the headquarters of the Eelam People's Revolutionary Liberation Front, killing

14 leaders of this rival group.

On March 2, 1991, the LTTE murdered Sri Lankan Defense Minister Ranjan Wijeratne

with a remote-control bombing device.

On May 21, 1991, the LTTE murdered former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi,

during an election rally, using a woman suicide-bomber. Bomb was composed of RDX

explosives. Gandhi was killed, along with 15 others, including the alleged bomber.

Although Prabakharan consistently denied responsibility for the assassination, a

Washington, D.C.-based LTTE outlet did claim credit. It is believed that up to 500 LTTE

members or sympathizers were involved in the plot against Gandhi. The alleged

masterminds behind the plot were one Sivarasan (a.k.a. "One-Eyed Jack"), who used

his cousin to act as a "human bomb" against Gandhi, and LTTE leader Peria Santham.

Sivarasan was killed or killed himself during a shoot-out at a hideout in Bangalore, India
on Aug. 19, 1991, along with 26 other persons at the hideout. Santham was trapped at

his hideout in Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India, and committed suicide before capture.

In August 1992, the LTTE carried out the bombing-murder of Sri Lankan General

Kobbekaduwa and nine others during a campaign rally in Kayts, Jaffna.

On April 26, 1993, the LTTE shot dead leading Sri Lankan opposition leader and former

national security minister Lalith Athulathmudali, while he was campaigning in provincial

elections. The assassin swallowed a cyanide capsule before capture.\

On May 1, 1993, the LTTE murdered Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa. An

LTTE suicide-bomber rammed her explosive-loaded bicycle into the President's

motorcade, killing Premadasa, herself, and 34 other people. Bomber was believed to be

a 14-year-old girl.

On June 5, 1995, the LTTE blew up a Red Cross ship chartered by the International

Committee of the Red Cross, off the Jaffna peninsula.

On Aug. 7, 1995, an LTTE militant from India carried out a suicide-bombing, using a cart

filled with plastic explosives, in Colombo, killing 22 people

On Sept. 22, 1995, the LTTE hijacked a bus in Mannar Island in northern Sri Lanka,

killing a policeman who refused to get off. This marks use by LTTE of tactics used by

Khalistani terrorists in Punjab, India.

Trademark terror signatures: Suicide bombing; suicide squads, many of whom are
composed of women; and car bombings. Explosive used in bombings is often heat-
generating RDX, an explosive used by militaries in South Asia. Cadres customarily
swallow cyanide capsules if captured or threatened with capture.
Leader name and aliases: Velupillai Prabhakaran is the LTTE's current leader in Sri
Lanka. Oxford University-trained Anton Balsingham, residing in London and Paris, is the
public spokesman for the LTTE. The LTTE's number-two leader, Sathisaivam
Krishnakumar, alias Kittu, ran operations from London until August 1991, when his
application for asylum in Great Britain was rejected in the aftermath of the May 1991
LTTE murder of former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. Kittu then reportedly fled to
France, where he went underground. Kittu was killed in January 1993 onboard a ship
surrounded by Indian naval vessels off the southern Indian coast, as he was apparently
trying to make his way back into Sri Lanka. LTTE intelligence chief Pottu Amman
allegedly planned LTTE's major assassinations. LTTE leader in (West) Germany was
Sooriyakumaran Selvadurai, who is reputed to be a multi-millionaire drug-dealer.
Groups allied to nationally or internationally:
According to July 1995 testimony received by the Jain Commission inquiry into
the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, Khalistani (Sikh separatist) leader Jagjit Singh
Chauhan reported that the LTTE and the Khalistani Liberation Force were co-
conspirators in the assassination plot against Rajiv Gandhi. LTTE has also received
safehousing in the past from the People's War Group (Naxalites) in Andhra Pradesh
(see below).
A 1983 Sri Lankan intelligence report indicates that at that time, the LTTE had a
"Libyan connection."
Religious/ideological/ethnic motivating ideology: The LTTE is dedicated to carving out a
Tamil ethnic state (Tamil Eelam) of Sri Lanka. Prabakharan also claims to be Marxist.
Current number of cadres: About 15,000 in Sri Lanka. The LTTE is recruiting
children, according to a July 1995 report of University Teachers for Human Rights
(Jaffna). The LTTE, according to the group, wants to recruit 10,000 school children,
especially targeting youths in the 12- to 16-year-old age bracket who have dropped out
of school due to poverty. Recruitment tactics also include kidnapping children from
schools at gunpoint. The Sri Lankan Air Force has charged the LTTE with using children
in its front lines, as indicated by the numbers of LTTE casualties who were children,
killed in an LTTE attack on Army camps in the Weli Oya area in July 1995. The LTTE
also is using a high percentage of women for combat duties.
Training: In the early 1970s, the LTTE began establishing training camps and
secret arms caches under the cover of a chain of Refugee and Rehabilitation Farms of
the Gandhian Society. Funds for the farms came from Oxfam (Oxford Famine), one of
the most powerful and secretive British intelligence organizations acting under non-
governmental organization cover.
A number of State and private organizations in Lebanon, Libya, and Syria
provided training to the Tamil groups. Ex-French legionnaires, dissident sects within the
Palestine Liberation Organization, and a few South American groups were also involved
in this. John Glover, a British feature writer, wrote to Western Mail in Wales about the
ongoing and future training programs for Tamil youth by British mercenaries. "A band of
mercenary soldiers recruited in South Wales is training a Tamil army to fight for a
separate state in Sri Lanka. About 20 mercenaries were signed up after a meeting in
Cardiff and have spent the last two months in southern India preparing a secret army to
fight the majority Sinhalas, in the cause of a separate Tamil state in Sri Lanka," he said.
Russian Gen. Mikhail Barsukov reported in February 1990 that the LTTE had
undergone special training in Lebanon and received combat experience there.
According to accounts by retired officials of the Israeli secret service, the
Mossad, the Israelis were simultaneously training the Sri Lanka Army and the Tigers,
and providing arms to each. Victor Ostrovsky, author of By Way of Deception, told
Indian Abroad news service in 1991 that the Tigers were trained in Israel in 1985.
"These groups kept coming and going. It was part of our routine job to take them to
training camps and make sure that they were getting training worth what they paid for,
not more and not less." The groups paid in cash.
Ostrovsky said that the arrangement for the training was made by the Mossad liaison in
India, who lived there under a British passport.
A December 1983 Sunday Mail article reported that the Mossad was arming and
training the Tigers, as well as the Sri Lankan Armed Forces.
One of the main figures involved in these operations, according to other reports, was
Rafi Eytan, the former head of the Israeli intelligence agency LEKEM, which had been
caught running spy Jonathan Pollard in the United States. Following the 1985 scandal,
Eytan was transferred to become the head of Israeli Chemical Industries, in which
capacity he spent time in Sri Lanka.
The British Special Air Services (SAS) firm Keenie Meenie Services, was
simultaneously training the Sri Lankan Army and the LTTE.
Known drug connections: The LTTE is believed to finance its weapons procurement
through drug trafficking. The LTTE is reported to be involved in trafficking heroin
through Bombay, Turkey, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain,
Italy, Canada, and the United States. In the early 1990s, over 600 cases involving Sri
Lankan Tamil traffickers were reported to Interpol.
Known arms suppliers/routes: In August 1983, in Salonika, Greece, two West
Germans were sentenced to four years imprisonment on charges of illegal transport of
arms and ammunition, by a transport plane which took off from East Berlin and landed
at Salonika. The plane was headed for Sri Lanka, where the LTTE was scheduled to
pick up the 267 cases in the plane which contained 300,000 rounds for automatic rifles
and 400 rockets.
According to intelligence reports, most of the arms used by the LTTE are
purchased from Singapore, India, Afghanistan, and the Mideast. Soviet-made AK47
Automatic Kalashnikovs, T56 Chinese assault rifles, the Indian-Belgian AKMS, and the
M16 manufactured by the Colt company in the United States (believed to have been
obtained by way of Vietnam) have been the common weapons of the LTTE guerrilla.
In late 1980s and early 1990s, the LTTE is known to have received weapons
from munitions factories in India. In 1990, the LTTE was receiving small weapons from
factories in the Tamil Nadu centers of Ranipet, Coimbatore, Salem, and Trichengode.
In 1987, the Hindustan Times reported that large quantities of arms with
Pakistani and Israeli markings were seized by the Indian Peacekeeping Force in Jaffna
from the LTTE.
In 1989, according to a Sri Lankan government secretary, the LTTE was
receiving armaments directly from the Sri Lankan government of President Ranasinghe
Premadasa, who wanted to force the expulsion of the Indian Peacekeeping Force from
Sri Lanka, and who was also using the LTTE to wipe out the JVP (People's Liberation
Front) Sinhala insurgency.
In November 1991, the Indian Navy seized a large ship carrying large amounts of
arms, ammunition, and clothes from Singapore to the LTTE.
In October 1993, the Indian daily The Pioneer charged that Pakistan had been
clandestinely supplying arms to the LTTE, from a location close to the Karachi port.
Sources in Dubai said this arms supply line was uncovered when an Indian naval vessel
intercepted the LTTE ship MV Yahata Maru on Jan. 16, 1993. In November 1994, the
Sri Lankan government asked the Indian Navy to intercept a suspected arms shipment
to the LTTE, believed to be 10 tons of arms and explosives coming from a "Black Sea
The LTTE has now acquired radar-guided anti-aircraft missiles, according to July
1995 reports. The LTTE reportedly has bought Russian-made Strela anti-aircraft
missiles from Belgian arms dealers.
Known political supporters/advocates: On Nov. 25, 1991, the police in Tamil
Nadu, India, arrested former state home secretary R. Nagarajan, of the DMK Tamil
party in Tamil Nadu, for sheltering and protecting LTTE assassins. Indian supporters of
the Tigers have begun to exert pressure on New Delhi to back the Tigers once more. V.
Gopalasamy, leader of the Tamil Nadu-based political party MDMK, says that his
support for the LTTE and formation of Eelam in Sri Lanka was a "conscious, deeply
thought-out decision." The DMK, one of the two leading parties in the state of Tamil
Nadu, passed an official resolution supporting Eelam in 1984. Gopalasamy, dismissing
any suggestion that the pro-Eelam movement is anti-national, told reporters that there is
"no need to take the permission of the Indian government" before adopting such a
On April 13-14, 1995, forty-three LTTE prisoners in the Tippu Mahal jail in the
Tellore fort camp in Tamil Nadu broke out of prison. Nine were captured in Madras city,
two committed suicide with cyanide capsules before capture, and the rest escaped.
There are indications that the LTTE is receiving some support from the National
Council of Christian Churches (NCCC). In July 1995, American national Kenneth Mulder
was arrested by Sri Lankan police at Vavuniya for alleged links to the LTTE. An NCCC
worker, Mulder was arrested after a police raid of NCCC's offices came up with
evidence linking them to support operations for the LTTE.
In the 1995 war between the LTTE and the Sri Lankan Army, the International
Committee of the Red Cross has been refusing to put its food-ships through
government security checks at the port of Kankesanthurai, and is instead insisting that
they be allowed to travel directly to the LTTE's Point Pedro pier, thus delivering food to
the civilian population directly through the LTTE.
Known funding: LTTE relies on financing first from Tamil expatriates in the West. In
August 1986, a West German prosecutor accused the LTTE of blackmailing Tamil
expatriates. Prosecution noted that the LTTE terrorists took a route that went from Sri
Lanka to East Berlin to West Germany, and then on to Canada.

Rajiv Gandhi assassin Sivarasan reportedly traveled to Singapore, France, Saudi

Arabia, and Kuwait to raise funds for the LTTE.
Thumbnail historical profile: A small group called the Tamil New Tigers was formed in
1972 by Velupillai Prabhakaran, a reported communist. It was soon renamed the
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a.k.a. the Tamil Tigers. Its first act was the
1973 assassination of the Tamil mayor of Jaffna, the main Tamil-area city.
In 1976, then-Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi began covert aid to the Tamil
insurgents. She apparently favored a federal solution for the Tamil-speaking provinces
of the island. Gandhi gave the insurgents sanctuary in Madras, the capital of Tamil
Nadu, and allowed them to form jungle training camps in the state. In 1977, Sri Lankan
President Junius Jayawardene again became prime minister. Gandhi reportedly
suspected that the United States wanted to establish a naval base in Sri Lanka in
Trincomalee harbor for use in policing the Indian Ocean, and accelerated her efforts.
Gandhi lost power that year, but regained it in 1980, and resumed her policy of aiding
the Tamil insurgency, which blew wide-open in 1983.
Buddhist monastic-led riots against the Tamils occurred in 1977, 1981, and 1983.
The last, the most violent, led to the deaths of some 2,000 Tamils, and turned 80,000 to
100,000 Tamils into refugees. The riots were reportedly triggered by the news of the
Tigers' ambush and killing of a couple of jeeps carrying 18 soldiers in northern Sri
The 1983 insurrection and riots increased the pressure on Jayawardene to find a
solution acceptable to the Buddhist chauvinists. In trips to Britain and the United States
that year, he asked for counterinsurgency training and military aid. Both governments
publicly refused, but provided covert assistance.
As a result of bringing in SAS and the Israelis, the civil war steadily worsened. In 1985,
Jayawardene was forced to directly negotiate with the Tamils in Bhutan, under Indian
auspices. In 1987, he was forced to sign the Indo-Sri Lankan peace accord, which gave
autonomy to the Tamil areas in the north and east of the island. An amnesty was
declared, and 3,000 Indian troops, and then many more, were sent as a peacekeeping
force. The situation soon exploded.
A key feature of the Indo-Sri Lanka peace accords was that the expulsion of the
Israelis was demanded. Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, speaking in Delhi, denounced
"outside forces" whose employment was dependent on continued violence. With the
coming to power of Sri Lankan President Premadasa, the LTTE was used by the
government against the Indian peacekeeping forces, and also against the Sinhalese
insurgent JVP. In the early 1990s, the LTTE slowly escalated its low-intensity war
against the Sri Lankan government. When peace negotiations, initiated in spring 1995
by newly elected President Chandrika Kumaratanga, broke down, the LTTE launched
full-scale war against the Sri Lankan government.
The Sri Lanka Army forces have confirmed that the leader of the LTTE, Velupillai
Prabhakaran, was killed in the morning of May 18, 2009. The announcement on state
television came shortly after the military said it had surrounded Prabhakaran in a tiny
patch of jungle in the north-east. The Daily Telegraph wrote that according to Sri
Lankan TV, Prabhakaran was "...killed in a rocket-propelled grenade attack as he tried
to escape the war zone with his closest aides. Colonel Soosai, the leader of his "Sea
Tigers" navy, and Pottu Amman, his intelligence chief were also killed in the attack.
The head of the Sri Lankan army, General Sarath Fonseka, said the military had
defeated the rebels and "liberated the entire country". Military spokesman Brigadier
Udaya Nanayakkara confirmed Prabhakaran's death, saying 2500 Tamil Tigers were
also killed overnight. They were all hiding and fighting from within a zone that was
designated for civilians only. However the Srilankan governments announce that LTTE
is over but the real factor is Tamil Tiger is not formed by someone, they are Exist by
nature of Tamil Language. Did you know 1.3 boillion Tamil People Spoken by Tamil so
do you think LTTE is dead? It is not possible. Instalntly they growing the name of PLE.
So whats next, we will see soon….


Mumbai’s night of terror underscores a phenomenon concealed by the Indian

government and intelligence agencies and deliberately ignored by a biased Anglo-
American media for a long time: The rise of a virulent form of Hindu terrorism that
begets violence from other minorities. Here is a list of almost one hundred groups that
are fighting the Indian government. All of them thrive in India. The context for what has
happened in Mumbai is stunning only for those unaware how a cocktail mix of wrong
policies, official patronage to extremism, and separatist movements have come together
to destabilize India. The night of Nov. 26, 2008, will go down in history as the day when
India’s homegrown terrorism reared its head after years of silent mushroom growth.
This terrorism in Mumbai is not surprising, unlike the reactions in most of the western
media. India’s terrorist underground has been flourishing for many years. While the U.S.
media was busy last year likening Pakistan to Iraq in a politically motivated campaign
aligned with U.S. military objectives, experts were ranking India only second to Iraq in
the number of people who died as a result of terrorist attacks between 2004 and 2007,
according to one survey by an American think tank.
The Indian government has been artfully concealing a worrying development for
at least sixteen years under an organized hype centered on economic growth and
military power projection with a focus on China and Pakistan.
Indian terrorism is a confusing mix. Journalists and observers outside the region
often miss the simmering tensions beneath the surface that occasionally burst into the
open, surprising many and raising questions like how could there be so much violence
in what is supposed to be a secular democracy and a rising economy where such things
should not happen.

In India, there is a cocktail mix of wrong policies, official patronage to extremism,

and separatist movements, all coming together to destabilize India. At least 600
Christians, churches, nuns and priests were targeted by Hindu mobs in eastern India in
August this year. Almost the entire Muslim population of Kashmir is up in arms against
the excesses, arrests, murders and rapes by the Indian army. For years there has been
a media trial of Indian Muslims for real and imaginary involvement in violence. News
such as the arrest this month of two serving Indian army officers involved in crimes that
were attributed to Indian Muslims has served to increase disgruntlement among
minorities. In 2002, close to 2,500 Indian Muslim men, women and children were burned
alive in the first religious genocide of 21st century. In 1984, Sikhs were hauled off buses
in New Delhi and beaten or burned to death following the assassination of Indian prime
minister Indra Gandhi at the hands of Sikh bodyguards. And finally, between 12 to 14
separatist insurgencies currently rage across India’s north and northeast.

All of this makes for a dangerous combination that simmers quietly under the
surface. The Indian media’s self-imposed ban on discussing these problems helps keep
the lid on them. But when the pressure becomes unbearable, things occasionally burst
into the open in the shape of terrorist acts. This only surprises those who do no know
how India has been gradually relapsing into religious extremism in the period between
1990 and 2008. This history is important in order to understand why the Indian claims of
Pakistani complicity in the attacks have often sought to simplify a complex situation.
Hindu militant groups have mushroomed in the past few years. This month, the arrest of
two serving Indian army officers has confirmed speculation that Hindu terrorist groups
have infiltrated Indian military and political establishments.
1992 was the definite year that saw Hindu fundamentalism express itself
politically. Hundreds of religious terrorists descended on a north Indian city with tools in
hand. They climbed on top of a majestic, 500-year-old mosque built by the same Muslim
rulers who built the famous Taj Mahal. Imbibed with religious hatred, the Hindu mobs
razed the building to the ground. Indian government authorities did nothing to stop it.
This Indian betrayal of a carefully crafted secular image would prove fatal later. In
1999, a Hindu mob surrounded the car of Graham Staines, an Australian priest, and his
underage boy and girl and burned them alive.
Australia maintained an unusual quiet till this day about this major act of
terrorism. The bias is easily detectable when compared to Australia’s reaction and
statements to ‘Muslim terrorism’, especially in Indonesia and later in Afghanistan and
In this sense, countries like United States, Britain and Australia are partially
responsible for letting the growth of India terrorism – with its mix of Hindu, Muslim, Sikh,
Christian and ethnic insurgencies – go unnoticed for so many years. These western
countries have done this in order not to disturb the Anglo-Saxon project of grooming
India as a bulwark against China and Russia and other regional powers.
Following is a list of various indigenous separatist, militant and terrorist
organizations operating in India against the Indian federal government. This list has
been compiled using information available in the public domain, news reports and
specialized publications. During any given incident in India, a combination of some or all
of these organizations is a suspect, including in the Mumbai blasts and in any other
militant activity. Blaming Kashmiris or Pakistanis for Indian internal problems would be a
factual misrepresentation that must be countered with full force by Pakistan.

It should also be noted that the Indian establishment is cracking down on Tamil
separatists due to violence in Sri Lanka as Tamils are regrouping in the southern Indian
state of Tamil Nado. Tamils have to their credit the last significant political assassination
in India, the blowing up of former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1984. They
continue to be the most ruthless terror outfit in India. Mumbai blasts carry the
fingerprints of many terror groups operating inside India, each with a long list of
grievances against the Indian government and enough motivation to carry out such
terrorist acts.
Not all groups in this list are necessarily terrorist organizations. But
all of them are active against the Indian government.
Hindu Terror Groups
1. Shiv Sena – Army of Shiva
2. Bajrang Dal
3. Durga Vahini-Women militants
4. BJP
5. A ragtag, government-armed Hindu militant groups have been raised in 6.Kashmir
and northern India during this decade

Indian Occupied Kashmir

7.Hizbul Mujahideen

8.Harkat-ul-Ansar or Harkat-ul-Jehad-e-Islami


10.Jaish-e-MohammadMujahideen E-Tanzeem

11.Jammu & KashmirLiberation Front


13.Al Badr


15.Al Barq

16.Al Jehad


J18.ammu & Kashir National Liberation Army

19.People’s League
20.Muslim JanbazForce

21.Kashmir Jehad Force

22.Al JehadForce (combines Muslim Janbaz Force and Kashmir

23.Jehad Force

24.Al Umar Mujahideen


26.Islami Jamaat-e-Tulba

27.Jammu & Kashmir StudentsLiebration Front


29.Islamic Students League


31.Mutahida Jehad Council

32.Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqar Jafaria


34.Al Mustafa Liberation Fighters



37.Muslim Mujahideen

38.Al MujahidForce


40.Islami Inquilabi Mahaz


41.Bodo Liberation Tigers (BLT)

42.Dima Halom Daogah (DHD)

43.Karbi National Volunteers (KNV)

44.Rabha National Security Force (RNSF)

45.Koch-RajbongshiLiberation Organisation (KRLO)

46.Adivasi Cobra Force(ACF)

47.Karbi People's Front(KPF)

48.Tiwa National Revolutionary Force (TNRF)

49.Bircha Commando Force(BCF)

50.Bengali Tiger Force (BTF)

51.Adivasi Security Force(ASF)

52.All Assam Adivasi Suraksha Samiti (AAASS)

53.Gorkha Tiger Force(GTF)

54.Barak Valley YouthLiberation Front (BVYLF)

55.Muslim United LiberationTigers of Assam (MULTA)

56.Muslim United LiberationFront of Assam (MULFA)

57.Muslim Security Council of Assam (MSCA)

58.United Liberation Militia ofAssam (ULMA)

59.Islamic Liberation Army of Assam (ILAA)

60.Muslim Volunteer Force (MVF)

61.Muslim Liberation Army (MLA)

62.Muslim Security Force (MSF)

63.Islamic SevakSangh (ISS)

64.Islamic United ReformationProtest of India (IURPI)

65.United Muslim LiberationFront of Assam (UMLFA)

66.Revolutionary MuslimCommandos (RMC)

67.Muslim Tiger Force (MTF)

68.People’s UnitedLiberation Front (PULF)

69.Adam Sena(AS)




72.National Socialist Councilof Nagaland (Isak-Muivah)– NSCN(IM)

73.National Socialist Councilof Nagaland (Khaplang)– NSCN (K)

74.Naga NationalCouncil (Adino) – NNC (Adino)

75.Tripura Liberation OrganisationFront (TLOF)

76.United Bengali LiberationFront (UBLF)

77.Tripura TribalVolunteer Force (TTVF)

78.Tripura Armed TribalCommando Force (TATCF)

79.Tripura TribalDemocratic Force (TTDF)

80.Tripura Tribal YouthForce (TTYF)

81.Tripura LiberationForce (TLF)

82.Tripura Defence Force (TDF)

83.All TripuraVolunteer Force (ATVF)

84.Tribal Commando Force (TCF)

85.Tripura Tribal YouthForce (TTYF)

86.All TripuraBharat Suraksha Force(ATBSF)

87.Tripura Tribal ActionCommittee Force (TTACF)

88.Socialist Democratic Frontof Tripura (SDFT)

89.All TripuraNational Force (ATNF)

90.Tripura Tribal Sengkrak Force (TTSF)

91.Tiger Commando Force (TCF)

92.Tripura Mukti Police (TMP)


93.Hynniewtrep NationalLiberation Council (HNLC)

94.Achik NationalVolunteer Council (ANVC)

95.People’s LiberationFront of Meghalaya (PLF-M)

96.Left-wing Extremists

97.People's Guerrilla Army


98.United National Liberation Front (UNLF)

99.People’s Liberation Army (PLA)

100.People’s Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (PREPAK)

101.The above mentioned three groups now operate from a unified platform, the

102.Manipur People’s Liberation Front (MPLF)

103.Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP)

104.Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup (KYKL)

105.Manipur Liberation Tiger Army (MLTA)

106.Iripak Kanba Lup (IKL)

107.People’s Republican Army (PRA)

108.Kangleipak Kanba Kanglup (KKK)

109.Kangleipak Liberation Organisation (KLO)

110.Revolutionary Joint Committee (RJC)

111.National Socialist Council of Nagaland -- Isak-Muivah (NSCN-IM)

112.People’s United Liberation Front (PULF)

113.North East Minority Front (NEMF)

114.Islamic National Front (INF)

115.Islamic Revolutionary Front (IRF)

116.United Islamic Liberation Army (UILA)

117.United Islamic Revolutionary Army (UIRA)

118. Kuki National Front (KNF)

119.Kuki National Army (KNA)

120.Kuki Revolutionary Army (KRA)

121.Kuki National Organisation (KNO)

122.Kuki Independent Army (KIA)

123.Kuki Defence Force (KDF)

124.Kuki International Force (KIF)

125.Kuki National Volunteers (KNV)

126.Kuki Liberation Front (KLF)

127.Kuki Security Force (KSF)

128.Kuki Liberation Army (KLA)

129.Kuki Revolutionary Front (KRF)

130.United Kuki Liberation Front (UKLF)

131.Hmar People’s Convention (HPC)

132.Hmar People's Convention- Democracy (HPC-D)

133.Hmar Revolutionary Front (HRF)

134.Zomi Revolutionary Army (ZRA)

135.Zomi Revolutionary Volunteers (ZRV)

136.Indigenous People's Revolutionary Alliance(IRPA)

137.Kom Rem People's Convention (KRPC)

138.Chin Kuki Revolutionary Front (CKRF)


139.Babbar Khalsa International (BKI)

140.Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZF)

141.International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF)

142.Khalistan Commando Force (KCF)

143.All-India Sikh Students Federation (AISSF)

144.Bhindrawala Tigers Force of Khalistan (BTFK)

145.Khalistan Liberation Army (KLA)

146.Khalistan Liberation Front (KLF)

147.Khalistan Armed Force (KAF)

148.Dashmesh Regiment

149.Khalistan Liberation Organisation (KLO)

150.Khalistan National Army (KNA)


151.National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT)

152.All Tripura Tiger Force (ATTF)

153.Tripura Liberation Organisation Front (TLOF)

154.United Bengali Liberation Front (UBLF)

155.Tripura Tribal Volunteer Force (TTVF)

156.Tripura Armed Tribal Commando Force (TATCF)

158.157.Tripura Tribal Democratic Force (TTDF)

159.Tripura Tribal Youth Force (TTYF)

160.Tripura Liberation Force (TLF)

161.Tripura Defence Force (TDF)

162.All Tripura Volunteer Force (ATVF)

163.Tribal Commando Force (TCF)

164.Tripura Tribal Youth Force (TTYF)

165.All Tripura Bharat Suraksha Force (ATBSF)

166.Tripura Tribal Action Committee Force (TTACF)

167.Socialist Democratic Front of Tripura (SDFT)

168.All Tripura National Force (ATNF)

169.Tripura Tribal Sengkrak Force (TTSF)

170.Tiger Commando Force (TCF)

171.Tripura Mukti Police (TMP)

172.Tripura Rajya Raksha Bahini (TRRB)

173. Tripura State Volunteers (TSV)

174.Tripura National Democratic Tribal Force (TNDTF)

175.National Militia of Tripura (NMT)

176.All Tripura Bengali Regiment (ATBR)

177.Bangla Mukti Sena (BMS)

178.All Tripura Liberation Organisation (ATLO)

179.Tripura National Army (TNA)

180.Tripura State Volunteers (TSV)

181.Borok National Council of Tripura (BNCT)


182.Bru National Liberation Front

183.Hmar People's Convention- Democracy (HPC-D)

Arunachal Pradesh

184.Arunachal Dragon Force (ADF)

Left-wing Extremist groups

185.Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist)

186.People's War Group

187.Maoist Communist Centre

188.People's Guerrilla Army

189.Communist Party of India (Marxist Leninist) Janashakti

190.Tritiya Prastuti Committee (TPC)

Other Extremist Groups

191.Tamil National Retrieval Troops (TNRT)

192.Akhil Bharat Nepali Ekta Samaj (ABNES)

193.Tamil Nadu Liberation Army (TNLA)

194.Deendar Anjuman

195.Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI)

196.Asif Reza Commando Force

197.Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)

198.Kamatapur Liberation Organisation (KLO)

199.Ranvir Sena

200. ICT (Islamic Cyber Terrorist)

Sanjay Dutt, one of Bollywood’s biggest stars, was jailed for six years for
possessing illegal firearms given to him by gangsters involved in a series of bomb
attacks in Bombay in 1993. Three Muslim men have become the first people convicted
of involvement in the 1993 Bombay bombings to be sentenced to death in one of the
world’s longest-running criminal trials. An Indian anti-terrorism court handed down the
sentences to Pervez Nasir Sheikh, Abdul Gani Ismail Turq and Mushtaq Tarani, who
were found guilty of planting several bombs — one of 13 explosions in the heart of the
country’s busy commercial capital that killed 257 people.
The Students Islamic Movement of India is an Islamic Student organization that
was formed in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, in April 1977. The stated mission of SIMI is the
‘liberation of India’ from Western materialistic cultural influence and to convert it Muslim
society to live according to Muslim code of conduct. This organization is believed by
many, including the Government of India, to be involved in terrorism.
SIMI has been banned by the Indian Government in 2002 for its involvement in
Islamic terror manaces in India, and its been labelled a Terrorist organisation by both
India and the US. In August 2008, a special tribunal lifted the ban on SIMI. The ban was
subsequently reinstated by the Supreme Court of India on the 6th of August, 2008.
Fears exist in Government circles that SIMI has been penetrated by Al-Qaeda[2].
It is suspected that SIMI is now also operating under the name of Indian Mujahideen, an
outfit that has taken responsibility for the 2008 Ahmedabad blasts, Jaipur blasts and
2008 Delhi blasts. Indian Mujahideen has taken responsibility of several terrorist acts in
India and communicates with the Indian media under the pseudonyms of Al-Arbi and Al-
Hindi, SIMI claims to have about 400 Ansar or registered members and about 20,000
supporting members known as IKHWANS. SIMI published several magazines in various
languages, including Tahreek in Hindi, Iqraa in Gujarati, Rupantar in Bengali, Sedhi
Madal in Tamil, Vivekam in Malayalam, Movement in English and Shaheen Times in
English for children.

After being banned, SIMI faced serious differences of opinion among its
members about starting an Armed struggle. SIMI President, Misbahul Islam along with
the majority of SIMI members strongly opposes any armed conflict, believing such an
approach to be against the interest of India and its citizens.
However, some members, driven by emotional issues such as the demolition of
the Babri Masjid, Gujarat riots and India's growing friendship with the United States
have advocated armed struggle against the Government of India. According to some
media sources, this faction is led by the former general secretary of SIMI, Safdar
Nagori. Safdar Nagori has denied responsibility for the recent bombings in Indian cities,
although Security Agencies in India claim that they were carried by his group under his
Clashes with Hindu Organizations
SIMI identifies the Hindu organizations such as Sangh Parivar as enemies of Islam. As
such, SIMI combines a social discourse with an Islamist one. In 1986 SIMI organized a
national convention under the slogan "liberation of India through Islam". SIMI’s "Khilafat
Campaign" denounced nationalism and advocated the return of Khilafat to the Muslim
world, although SIMI’s campaign was universal, rather than pertaining strictly to India in
particular SIMI organized violent protests against the demolition of the Babri Mosque. In
the nationwide violence that followed the demolitions, SIMI activists clashed against the
Police and the Sangh Parivar.
Allegations of terrorist activities
Indian Authorities (Federal and several State Governments) frequently charge
that SIMI is involved in terrorist activities. SIMI has been accused of carrying out bomb
blasts across India.
After the recent 11 July 2006 Mumbai train bombings, there have been 300
people detained as suspects in the attack. The police have said that most of the people
that have been detained are members of SIMI. Activists of the organization have also
been accused of being part of an earlier bombing in Mumbai in 2003 where 55 people
were killed. Also, in 2008, a lot of attacks (2008 Ahmedabad bombings, 2008 Jaipur
bombings, 2008 Delhi bombings) are widely believed to be perpetuated by SIMI.

Mulayam Singh Yadav, Former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and Lalu Prasad
Yadav, Amar Singh, Former Chief Minister of Bihar withdrew proceedings against SIMI
and said that it was not a terrorist organization. There have been reports of associations
with Osama bin-Laden and al-Qaeda from media recovered by Indian Authorities. Bin-
Laden has reportedly urged SIMI to wage Jihad against India.
Ban and Aftermath
The Government of India, by notification dated 08-02-2006 has banned SIMI for
the third time. SIMI was first banned on 27 September 2001 immediately after the
bombing of Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, USA on 11 September
2001. SIMI remained banned from September 27, 2001 to September 27, 2003 during
which period several prosecutions were launched against its members under the
provisions of [Terrorist And Disruptive Activities Prevention Act (TADA), the
Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA), and the Unlawful Activities
(Prevention) Act 1967.
SIMI was banned for the third time on 08-02-2006. The second ban of SIMI dated
27-09-2003 came to an end on 27-09-2005. Therefore SIMI was in existence between
28 September, 2005 and 7 February, 2006 but was believed to be dysfunctional due to
the fact that many of its members were demoralized or had crossed the age of 30 years;
which automatically made them ineligible to continue as a member of SIMI -SIMI has an
age limit of 30 years for membership. Many of its members had to fight cases registered
against them by the Government.
However, on July 27 2006, a spokesperson of the Indian Government told the
Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Tribunal held in New Delhi, that contrary to notions that
SIMI's activities declined following its ban, the organization "had stepped up its
subversive activities and was involved in almost all major explosions, communal
violence and circulation of inflammatory material across the country."

Did the bomb help Pakistan liberate Kashmir from Indian rule? It is a sad fact that
India’s grip on Kashmir — against the will of Kashmiris — is tighter today than it has
been for a long time. As the late Eqbal Ahmed often remarked, Pakistan’s poor politics
helped snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Its strategy for confronting India — secret
jihad by Islamic fighters protected by Pakistan’s nuclear weapons — backfired terribly in
the arena of international opinion. More importantly, it created the hydra-headed
militancy now haunting Pakistan. Some Mujahideen, who felt betrayed by Pakistan’s
army and politicians, ultimately took revenge by turning their guns against their
sponsors and trainers. The bomb helped us lose Kashmir.
Some might ask, didn’t the bomb stop India from swallowing up Pakistan? First,
an upward-mobile India has no reason to want an additional 170 million Muslims.
Second, even if India wanted to, territorial conquest is impossible. Conventional
weapons, used by Pakistan in a defensive mode, are sufficient protection. If mighty
America could not digest Iraq, there can never be a chance for a middling power like
India to occupy Pakistan, a country four times larger than Iraq. It is, of course, true that
Pakistan’s nuclear weapons deterred India from launching punitive attacks at least
thrice since the 1998 tests. Pakistan’s secret incursion in Kargil during 1999, the Dec 13
attack on the Indian parliament the same year (initially claimed by Jaish-i-Muhammad),
and the Mumbai attack in 2008 by Lashkar-i-Taiba, did create sentiment in India for
ferreting out Pakistan-based militant groups. So should we keep the bomb to protect
militant groups? Surely it is time to realise that these means of conducting foreign policy
are tantamount to suicide.
It was a lie that the bomb could protect Pakistan, its people or its armed forces.
Rather, it has helped bring us to this grievously troubled situation and offers no way out.
The threat to Pakistan is internal. The bomb cannot help us recover the territory seized
by the Baitullahs and Fazlullahs, nor bring Waziristan back to Pakistan. More nuclear
warheads, test-launching more missiles, or buying yet more American F-16s and
French submarines, will not help.
Pakistan’s security problems cannot be solved by better weapons. Instead, the
way forward lies in building a sustainable and active democracy, an economy for peace
rather than war, a federation in which provincial grievances can be effectively resolved,
elimination of the feudal order and creating a society that respects the rule of law.
It is time for Pakistan to become part of the current global move against nuclear
weapons. India — which had thrust nuclearisation upon an initially unwilling Pakistan —
is morally obliged to lead. Both must announce that they will not produce more fissile
material to make yet more bombs. Both must drop insane plans to expand their nuclear
arsenals. Eleven years ago a few Pakistanis and Indians had argued that the bomb
would bring no security, no peace. They were condemned as traitors and sellouts by
their fellow citizens. But each passing year shows just how right we were.
As Pakistanis, we find this unconscionable. We find it unconscionable that the
Pakistani army raped, killed and pillaged our brothers and sisters in East Pakistan in
1971. We find it unconscionable that the Pakistani state has steadfastly refused to
acknowledge these atrocities for the past 38 years, leave alone hold those responsible
for them accountable as suggested by its own Chief Justice in the State commissioned
inquiry. We reject the Pakistani state and army’s claim that these atrocities were
committed in our name.
Today, as we stand at the brink of yet another army action aimed at our own
people, at the brink of another human catastrophe brought about by and for the same
interests and institutions, namely the Pakistani military, we remember 1971. We
demand that our state acknowledge and apologize for the actions of its army, punish
those responsible for the atrocities (and named in the HR Commission’s report) and pay
reparations for the extensive infrastructural damage and looting to Bangladesh. Only
through such an expiation can we – as a people and a state – heal the wounds of the
past and hope to build a new partnership with the people of Bangladesh.
On his return from his first and only trip to Dhaka following the establishment of
Bangladesh, Faiz Ahmed Faiz asked in anguish ‘Kab nazar mein aaye gi, bedaagh
sabze ki bahar, khoon ke dhabbe dhulen ge kitni barsaaton ke baad’. We must atone for
the death and destruction visited upon our brothers and sisters in our name, and do it
soon, lest these stains on our national conscience become permanent

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system.

Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The
religious component is a beard for all the other components. Islamization occurs when
there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their so-called 'religious rights.'

When politically correct and culturally diverse societies agree to 'the reasonable' Muslim
demands for their 'religious rights,' they also get the other components under the table.
Here's how it works (percentages source CIA: The World Fact Book (2007)).
As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they
will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they
may be featured i n articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:

United States -- Muslim 1.0%

Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
China -- Muslim 1%-2%
Italy -- Muslim 1.5%
Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected
groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:

Denmark -- Muslim 2%
Germany -- Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
Spain -- Muslim 4%
Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of

the population.

They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby
securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket
chains to feature it on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. ( United
States ).

France -- Muslim 8%
Philippines -- Muslim 5%
Sweden -- Muslim 5%
Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad &Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule
themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert
the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.
When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means
of complaint about their conditions ( Paris --car-burnings). Any non-Muslim action that
offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats ( Amsterdam - Mohammed cartoons).

Guyana -- Muslim 10%

India -- Muslim 13.4%
Israel -- Muslim 16%
Kenya -- Muslim 10%
Russia -- Muslim 10-15%

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings
and church and synagogue burning:
Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia

Bosnia -- Muslim 40%

Chad -- Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions,
sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax
placed on infidels:

Albania -- Muslim 70%

Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
Sudan -- Muslim 70%

After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide:

Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%
Egypt -- Muslim 90%
Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%
Iran -- Muslim 98%
Iraq -- Muslim 97%
Jordan -- Muslim 92%
Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan -- Muslim 97%
Palestine -- Muslim 99%
Syria -- Muslim 90%
Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%
Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' -- the Islamic House of Peace -- there's
supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim:

Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%

Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%
Somalia -- Muslim 100%
Yemen -- Muslim 99.9%

Of course, that's not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each
other for a variety of reasons.

'Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my
brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the
clan; the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world and all of us against the
infidel. – Leon Uris, 'The Haj'
It is good to remember that in many, many countries, such as France, the Muslim
populations are centered around ghettos based on their ethnicity. Muslims do not
integrate into the community at large. Therefore, they exercise more power than their
national average would indicate.


Andhra Pradesh
Islamist terrorist and fundamentalist outfits are currently active in Hyderabad,
Warangal, Nalagonda and Mahboobnagar districts of Andhra Pradesh. As a part of a
larger design to construct an network in India for spreading terror and violence in the
country, the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan’s external intelligence agency,
has begun to utilize various Muslim dominated regions (Hyderabad in southern India is
a significant place in the ISI schema) as their operational base. On February 6, 2000, at
the end of its three day annual conference at Muridke near Lahore, one of the
prominent ideologues of the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT), Abdul Rahman Makki announced
that the outfit had a new unit functioning in Hyderabad, which would soon be liberated
from ‘Indian rule’.

Reports indicate that various Islamist terror and fundamentalist outfits have
successfully penetrated the approximately 20-lakh Muslim populace that reside in the
old city in Hyderabad. In January 1992, a leader of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation
Front (JKLF) had disclosed that the outfit had set up a base in Hyderabad primarily due
to its large Muslim populace. In July 1993, police arrested two ISI agents in Hyderabad.
One of them was the ‘resident’ ISI agent for Andhra Pradesh. He confessed that he had
been working for the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) and had been entrusted with the task of
recruiting Indian Muslim youth, sending them for training and bringing them back. In July
1998, four LeT terrorists were arrested in Hyderabad. In August 1999, interrogation of
the 11 arrested LeT terrorists revealed that one of them was assigned with the task of
building of bases in Hyderabad. He was asked to recruit Indians whose family members
were killed in communal violence.

On February 29, 2000, a press release in Hyderabad claimed the formation of

Indian Muslim Mohammadi Mujahideen (IMMM). The organisation, the release said,
was "committed to eradicate the western culture from India". It claimed that cinemas
which ran pornographic films had been bombed as a first part of this campaign. Azam
Ghauri, the leader of a LeT cell in Andhra Pradesh and a native of Warangal, was the
‘commander’ of the IMMM. He was later killed in an encounter in Karimnagar on April 6,

Gujarat has currently become a significant centre for subversive activities by
various Islamist fundamentalist organisations and Pakistan-sponsored terrorist outfits.
Since 1992, the State’s borders with Pakistan, including the 1600 km long coastline, has
been subjected to an incessant subversive activity by these outfits who are utilizing the
State as a launch pad for various terrorist operations in the rest of India. Particularly, the
Kutch region, Saurashtra and Junagarh have witnessed growing incidents of smuggling
of arms and ammunition as also narcotics and fake currency. The marshy area of the
Rann – the 512 km border with Pakistan - comprising of several hundred smaller
channels that merge into the three large creeks: Sir Creek, Kori and Mainwari. Kutch
render themselves efficaciously for smuggling with the help of small fishing boats called
hodas. Smugglers and gunrunners from Mumbai and Dubai are reported to frequent this
area. In the aftermath of the demolition of the Babri mosque in 1992,
the smuggling of RDX and other explosives began to be routed increasingly
through the Gujarat coast to Porbander in the Saurashtra region. Indeed, a large cache
that arrived through the border reached Bulsar in south Gujarat was consequently
transshipped to Mumbai where they were used to engineer the serial blasts that killed
more than 200 people and left thousands injured.
In August 1995, security force personnel arrested 10 Pakistani nationals in the
Kutch region. Six AK-47 rifles were also seized from their possession. The Inter
Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan’s external intelligence agency, has been able to set
up well-organised bases in the State. For example, Abdul Ghani alias Abdullah, a
Kashmiri terrorist collected RDX from Nepal and set up bases in Ahmedabad. He also
supplied RDX for the Delhi and Dausa blasts of May 1996. He was later arrested by the
Gujarat police in June 1996. On May 24, 1996, the State police arrested four Jammu
and Kashmir-based terrorists who consequently confessed that they had been sent by
Colonel Farooq of the ISI to set up a base in Ahmedabad.
They also revealed that they had been asked to recruit the youth in Gujarat and
Maharashra for terrorist training in Pakistan. In March 1998, police killed six criminals
allegedly belonging to Dawood Ibrahim gang (who is reported to have escaped to
Karachi following the Mumbai serial blasts which he is alleged to have masterminded
with the able assistance of the ISI) in the walled area of Ahmedabad and seized a huge
cache of arms and ammunition including 10 kgs of RDX. On March 24, 1998 a huge
cache of arms, ammunition was recovered from the Gandhinagar and Daryapur areas
of Ahmedabad.
The weapons were reportedly supplied by the ISI for subversive activities. In
July 1999, six terrorists arrested in Ahmedabad confessed during their interrogation that
the ISI had trained them in explosives in Pakistan. In the same month, two suspected
ISI agents were arrested in Bhuj and 24 kg of RDX and two Chinese made pistols were
seized from their possession.
On July 24, 2000, five suspected ISI agents were arrested in Sarwej. 25 Chinese
made mousers, 5 magazines, 200 rounds of ammunition and 6 kg of heroin and six AK-
47 rifles were recovered from their possession. On April 2001, seven persons, including
four arms-dealers allegedly having links with the ISI were arrested from various parts of
the capital city Ahmedabad. On May 27, 2001, a Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist was arrested
with an AK-56 rifle at the Hajipir area of Rann of Kutch. During the course of
interrogation, he is reported to have said that he had acquired training in terrorist
activities at Muzaffarabad in Pakistan controlled Kashmir (PcK) and had ‘sneaked into
India for a special task'. This was the third case since March 2001 when the ISI sent
armed terrorists into the Kutch region.

The ISI is also trying to create communal tension with the help of the recently
proscribed fundamentalist outfit like the Student Islamic Movement of India (SIMI).
There has also been a proliferation of madrassas (religious seminaries) in the border
areas of the State. These madrassas are reportedly securing funds from Saudi Arabia,
Pakistan as also from certain gulf countries. Available evidence suggests that the ISI is
also using the Gujarat border to revive terrorism in Punjab. Official sources have
indicated that the ISI had reportedly asked the Babbar Khalsa International (BKI)
terrorists Wadhawa Singh and Mehal Singh, both believed to be in Pakistan, to revive
terrorism in Punjab. In January 2000, five terrorists of the BKI with alleged links to the
ISI, who were planning to launch major countrywide terrorist activities by making
Gujarat their base, were arrested from the Narol area of Ahmedabad.
Furthermore, the underworld criminal networks have been activated for this
endeavour. In February 2000, the Gujarat police unearthed a nexus between Punjab
terrorists and the underworld with the arrest of Ibrahim Khan alias Chacha Hasankhan
Bhati who was the contact between the BKI and the Thailand-based Chhota Rajan
gang. Police also arrested seven terrorists of the BKI and three criminals of the Chhota
Rajan gang. Reports indicate that outfits like the Khalistan Zindabad Force, (Punjwar
faction), based in Sialkot have also been instructed by the ISI to exploit the porous
Gujarat border. In August 1999, Chhota Shakil of the Karachi-based Dawood Ibrahim
gang is reported to have visited Kabul twice in order to place orders for arms and
ammunition as also to meet Osama bin Laden. Consequently, a red-alert was sounded
in the border areas, especially in the Rann of Kutch, which is considered to be a critical
route for the Dawood gang's arms traffickers.
The carriers coming from Karachi cross the Kutch border into Gujarat and make
their way to Ahmedabad, Dawood's biggest base in India after Mumbai, from where they
are distributed throughout the country.
The ISI is also involved in circulating fake Indian currency through this porous
border. They are reported to have set up a printing press in Sukkur from where fake
currency notes are to be circulated in the country via the Shahgarh Budge near
Jaisalmer in Rajasthan through Gujarat. On April 9, 1997, a person with counterfeit
currency was arrested in Bhuj. He admitted that he received this currency from
Pakistan. On November 3, 1998 police seized ‘Rs’. 27,49,700 worth of counterfeit
currency from an aircraft coming from Sharjah to Jamnagar. Furthermore, the
operational ISI units at Sialkot and Karachi were coordinating the attempts of various
terrorist outfits - Khalistani and Kashmiri - to breach the western coast of the country. At
least three Islamist terrorist outfits -- Lashkar-e-Toiba, Ahl-e-Hadis and Tablighi Jamat --
were active in Kutch. Of late, the Jamaat-e-Islami's student wing has also become
active in this thinly populated district.

Mumbai, the capital of the State of Maharashtra, is increasingly being used by
Islamist subversive outfits to consolidate their base in India. In Mumbai, the Inter
Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan’s external intelligence agency, operates through
local gangsters, underworld criminals, smugglers as also fundamentalist outfits. The
nexus between the underworld criminals and the ISI came to light after the March 12,
1993-bomb blasts in which more than 200 persons were killed and over 700 injured.
Investigations have revealed that underworld criminal Dawood Ibrahim with the
assistance of the ISI had engineered the blast.
On January 13 1994, police arrested a terrorist of the ‘Crush India Movement’.
Reports have indicated that he had links with terrorist outfits like the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen
and the Allah Tigers. He was planning to engineer bomb blasts in Gurudwaras (Sikh
religious shrines) in Mumbai. On February 22, 1998 there were three bomb blasts in
Mumbai in which four persons were killed. Ten persons, including a Pakistani national,
were arrested in this connection.
What happen the world
The free world won the cold war, destroyed Soviet Communism, Nazism,
Fascism, and Japanese Imperialism through psychological warfare and outright war.
But the world has not yet taken the Jihadi Islamic ideology for what it is — an ideology
of war. We are facing a deadly ideology with millions of Jihadis stretching from
Indonesia to Turkey. Unless now we embark upon new effective strategies including
strong psychological warfare, we will not be able to live in peace.

As a psychologist, I have worked for years with alcohol and drug addicts, sex
offenders, and criminals. Based on my theoretical and practical experience, I can clearly
say that most of the character and behavioral traits of Jihadi Muslims are similar to
criminal offenders and addicts. Jihadis suffer from denial, cognitive disorders, thinking
errors, and they have no guilt, fear, shame, remorse and empathy. They indulge in
blame games, they avoid responsibility, and they exhibit intermittent explosive disorder.

Complete recovery from their criminal thinking and antisocial behavior is

impossible. As such, I can categorically say that reformation in Islam is not possible
unless the free world can conquer Islamic nations, free the majority reform-minded
Muslims who are trapped in their own countries by the Jihadis, and then change the
educational policies. The free world was successful with Japan, Germany and Italy to
reform their systems.

What can one citizen do? One person may be able to change one or two Jihadis.
But the Islamic communities (uma) that encourage dogmatic thinking is very strong and
they have a hold on the mind-set of every Muslim.

To effect change in Jihadis, one need to induce fear, guilt, shame, remorse and
responsibility. Jihadis justify terrorism and violence in the name of Islam. Inducing
change in any offender, the first step is to introduce guilt, fear, responsibility and
empathy. With Jihadi fundamentalists, this will be difficult. Using every available means,
we should try to shame them and induce guilt through the following avenues:
psychological warfare, media, TV, video, movies and advertisements. Jihadis need to
undergo an effective cognitive and behavior change program under a controlled
We also need to expose Jihadis through media, internet, TV, movies, articles and
chat groups. The free world needs an organized, effective psychological warfare to
extricate them from the slavish ideology. We also need to consider seriously the
following measures:

1. Ban or reform all Islamic madrasas.

2. Deny permission to construct mosques.
3. Consider limiting immigrants from Islamic countries to free countries.
4. Closely monitor students studying in free countries from Islamic nations.
5. Stop the flow of funds from Saudi Arabia to American Islamic schools.
6. Deny visas to Muslim Imams from India, Pakistan and the Middle East.
7. Establish radio and television stations in and around Islamic nations.
8. Use mind manipulation techniques to denounce evil practices of Jihadis.
9. Stop immediately the conversion of correctional populations into Muslims. This
is a serious consideration. The U.S. has 2.5 million offenders in federal correctional
institutions, state prisons and local jails. 95% percent of them will return to our
communities. Converted Muslims with criminal proclivities are a potential danger. They
could work as sleeper-agents in our communities. Most of the prisons employ Imams
and 95% percent of them are from Pakistan, India, Iran, and from the Middle East.
According to the new intelligence, the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba and Jaish-e-
Mohammad have been assigned the job of setting up the maximum number of sleeper
cells in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala.
Alleged SIMI activist Abu Bashar, who was implicated by the Gujarat Police for
the Ahmedabad serial blasts, has confessed to the presence of training camps in the
coastal areas. But it is the Lashkar attempt to link-up with Naxal groups that is the real
worry for security agencies now.
On politics:
A debate on Hindu-Muslim politics is not new to Indian polity. The seed of
communal politics sown by the Britishers during freedom movement gradually
developed roots by the time India achieved Independence with its partition on the basis
of the two-nation theory. For the Muslims of this sub-continent, creation of Pakistan was
a symbolic triumph of “Muslim Nationalism”, whereas the Hindu community of divided
India continued to nurse a psychological grudge against the Muslims for their direct or
indirect role in support of partition.
Ever since partition of this sub-continent, the Indian Muslims were never allowed
by their community leaders to get themselves free from the shackles of theological
fundamentalism. They were forced to nurse a feeling that the Muslims being a religious
minority were deliberately ignored and deprived of their share in the governance of the
country as well as in the educational and economic development of Indian society.
Their leaders with vested interests of their own did not allow them to share the platform
with millions of deprived sections of Indian population irrespective of their religious
affinity, and thus became victims of vote-bank politics.
Our political guardians irrespective of their political philosophy exploited the
psychological problem of Muslim voters and preferred to utilise them for their political
interests than to undo the widening gap of mistrust between the two communities. The
Muslim leaders too remained more concerned and zealous about the security of the
personal laws and religious grievances of the community rather than for their modern
education or economic advancement. The growth of the BJP as a party of Hindu-
resurgence further isolated the Indian Muslims from the mainstream politics of the
country. “If the BJP could betray 85 crore Hindus in the country, it will not remain loyal
to 15 per cent Muslims” (Hindu dated September 26).
We need to take a vitel roll of
One Nation
One people
One law
It will be recover our constancy of MotherLand

The Successful Hero and considerable Terror in the World

Indian has produced a plethora of great leaders. Some of them have played a vital part
in Indian freedom struggle while other have taken India to great heights post
independence. The simplicity, courage, perseverance, and fortitude of these leaders
continue to be a source of inspiration for the common masses. Here is a brief profile of
famous Indian leaders.
This is a listing of people who campaigned against or are considered to have
campaigned against foreign domination and cultural imposition on the Indian sub-
continent. In India and the rest of South Asia such individuals are often referred to as
freedom fighters.
Kanhoji Angre
Tipu Sultan Mysore
Pazhassi Raja
Veerapandiya Kattabomman Panchalankurichi, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu
Puli Devar Nerlkaattum Seval , Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu
Maruthu Pandiyar Kalaiyar Kovil, Tamil Nadu
Polygar War West Tamil Nadu and South Tamil Nadu
Raja Venkatappa Nayaka Surapura, Karnataka
Velu Thampi Dalavai Chief Minister of Travancore
Maruthu Pandiyar (Periya Maruthu, Chinna Maruthu brothers,Tamil Nadu)
Kitturu Chennamma (the first woman independence activist of India)
Sangoli Rayanna- son of Karnataka

Freedom Fighters of 1857

Bakhat Nasar
Mangal Pandey
Tatya Tope
Rani of Jhansi
Bahadur Shah Zafar
Azimullah Khan
Rae Ahmed Nawaz Khan Kharal
Indian Renaissance
Sri Aurobindo
Allama Iqbal
Syed Ahmed Khan
Ramakrishna Mission
Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Brahmo Samaj
Prarthana Samaj
Sir Ganesh Dutt
Dayananda Saraswati
Swami Sahajanand Saraswati
Swami Vivekananda
Revolt of Halagaliya Bedaru

Political organizations
All India Kisan Sabha
Indian National Congress
All India Muslim League
Khudai Khidmatgar
Khaksar Tehrik
Gadar Party
Swaraj Party
Anushilan Samiti
Hindustan Socialist Republican Association
Bengal Volunteers
Shiromani Akali Dal
Unionist Muslim League
Hindu Mahasabha
Communist Party of India
All India Forward Bloc
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
Indian Liberal Party

Leaders from Bengal and Northeastern India

Subhas Chandra Bose
Bipin Chandra Pal
Chittaranjan Das
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Rabindranath Tagore
Surya Sen
Pritilata Waddedar
Gopinath Bardoloi
Gomdhar Konwar an Unsung Hero
Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Benoy Basu
Badal Gupta
Dinesh Gupta
Khudiram Bose
Prafulla Chaki
Bagha Jatin
Barin Ghosh
Rash Behari Bose
Aurobindo Ghosh
Hemchandra Das
Surendranath Banerjee
Upendranath Bannerjee
Sarat Chandra Bose
Pramatha Nath Mitra
Bhupendra Nath Datta
Pulin Bihari Das
Taraknath Das
Atulkrishna Ghosh
Ullaskar Dutta

Leaders from North, United Provinces, Bihar and Central India

Swami Sahajanand Saraswati
Baikuntha Shukla
Pandit Karyanand Sharma
Sir Ganesh Dutt
Sri Krishna Sinha
Basawon Singh (Sinha)
Pandit Yamuna Karjee
Yogendra Shukla
Sheel Bhadra Yajee
Pandit Yadunandan (Jadunandan) Sharma
Ramavriksha Benipuri
Ganga Sharan Singh (Sinha)
Mulana Mazharul Haque
Ali Jawad Zaidi
Chandrasekhar Azad
Dr. Abhay Chandra Pandey
Ram Nihor Mishra
Sudama Pandey
Bi Amman
Maulana Mohammad Ali
Maulana Shaukat Ali
Motilal Nehru
Jawaharlal Nehru
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Maulana Hasrat Mohani
Kamla Nehru
Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari
Rafi Ahmad Kidwai
Dr Maghfoor Ahmad Ajazi
Hafiz Mohammed Ibrahim
Govind Ballabh Pant
Acharya Narendra Deva
Ram Lagan Singh
T A K Sherwani
Zakir Hussain
Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma
Balkrishan Sharma Navin
Ganesh Shanker Vidyarthy
Mahavir Tyagi
Laxmi Raman Acharya
K D Malaviya
Ajit Prasad Jain
Ram Manohar Lohia
Mohan Lal Gautam
Jagan Prasad Rawat
Vijayalaksmi Pandit
Ramchandra Moreshwar Karkare (Vaqil)
Purushottam Das Tandon
Seth Govind Das
Goverdhan Lal Arya
Dewan Shatrughan Singh
Rani Rajendra Kumari

Leaders from Punjab and Northwest India

Name Place Deeds
Allama Mashriqi
Allama Iqbal
Allama Inaitullah Almashriqi
Lala Lajpat Rai
Sardul Singh Caveeshar
Sheikh Abdullah
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
Baba Gurdit Singh
Baba Gurmukh Singh
Baba Hari Singh Usman
Baba Jawala Singh
Baba Kharak Singh
Baba Sher Singh
Bal Raj Bhalla
Baldev Singh
Balwant Singh
Banta Singh
Bhagat Singh
Bhagwan Singh Longowalia
Bhagwati Charan
Bhai Bal Mukand
Bhai Parmanand
Bhai Ram Singh
Jinen Shah
Kartar Singh Sarabha
Kartar Singh Jhabbar
Kedar Nath Saigal
Krishna Gopal Dutt
Kishan Singh Gargaj
Lala Pindi Das
Mahavarat Vidyalankar
Madan Lal Dhingra
Tej Bahadur Sapru
Sardul Singh Caveeshar
Seth Sant Ram
Seth Sudarshan
Sewa Singh Thikriwala
Shivaram Rajguru
Sir Sikander Hyat Khan
Somprakash Shaida
Sohan Lal Pathak
Sohan Singh Bhakna
Sohan Singh Josh
Pahari Gandhi Baba Kanshi Ram
Udham Singh
Mangal Sain Wadhwa

Leaders from Gujarat and Maharashtra

Manvendra Nath Azad Als.Kaku Bhai Bhatia.
Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Chapekar brothers
Maharshi Dhondo Keshav Karve
Dadabhai Naoroji
Mohandas Gandhi
Kasturba Gandhi
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Ravi Shankar Vyas
Narhari Parikh
Jivatram Kripalani
Mahadev Desai
Manilal Pandya
Mohanlal Pandya
Abbas Tyabji
Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Narahar Vishnu Gadgil
Vithalbhai Patel
Vinoba Bhave
Ganesh Vasudev Mavlankar
Mridula Sarabhai
Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
Mohammad Ali Jinnah
Morarji Desai
Bhikaiji Cama
Joseph Baptista
Pujya Mota
Pandit Shyamji Krishna Varma
Swami Dayanand Sarswati
Mahadev Govind Ranade
Tatya Tope
Rani Laxmibai
Narhar Vishnu Gadgil
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule
Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj
Jhansi Ki Rani
Kaku Bhai Bhatia Als.Gopaldas Mavji Purecha
Raghunath Bapurao Talegaonkar (Alias Nanasaheb Talegaonkar)
Leaders from South India:

Alluri Sita Rama Raju

Amarajeevi Potti Sreeramulu
Chakravarti Rajgopalachari
Sardar Vedaratnam
Kayyara Kinyanna Rai
Krishna Menon
Mathai Manjooran
P. J. Sebastian
Pattabhi Sitarammiaya
Kandukuri Veeresalingam
Sarojini Naidu
Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan
S. Srinivasa Iyengar
S. K. Amin
Kalvakuntla Chandrasena Gupta
Pinnamaneni Sreeramachandra Rao
Pulapa Posayya
Geda Raghunayakulu
Krovvidi Lingaraju
Thiruppur Kumaran
K. Kunhambu
Tanguturi Prakasham Panthulu
Puli Thevar, Polygar chieftain who fought the British East India Company in the 1750s

and 1760s. First general of Tamil origin to fight against the British.

Kattabomman (1760-1799), Polygar chief of Panchalakurichi who fought the British in

the First Polygar War. He was captured by the British at the end of the war and hanged.
The Maruthu Pandiyar brothers Periya Marudhu and Chinna Marudhu who fought the

British in the First and Second Polygar Wars.

Dheeran Chinnamalai (1756-1805), Polygar chieftain and feudatory of Tipu Sultan who

fought the British in the Second Polygar War.

Sir S. Subramania Iyer (1842-1925), lawyer, jurist and theosophist who co-founded the

Home Rule Movement along with Annie Besant, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Mohammad

Ali Jinnah. He is affectionately called Grand Old Man of South India.

G. Subramania Iyer (1855-1916), Freedom fighter and founder of "The Hindu" English


V.O. Chidambaram Pillai (1872–1936), independence fighter, who launched the first

Indian ship on Indian waters under British Rule.

V. V. S Iyer (1881-1925) Tamil scholar and freedom fighter.

Subramanya Bharathy (1882-1921), Indian freedom fighter, Tamil poet and social

reformer. Often regarded as the national poet of Tamil Nadu.

Sathyamurthy (1887-1943), Indian freedom fighter and leader of the Congress party in

the erstwhile Madras presidency.

Vanchinathan (1886-1911), Patriot who killed General Ash and committed suicide at


Kalki Sadasivam (1902-1997), Freedom fighter and husband of famous singer M.S.


Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar (1908–1964), independence fighter and All India

Forward Bloc Leader.

Quaaid-E-Milath Mohamed Ismail, independence fighter, Member of Parliament and

was the President of Indian Muslim League.

Lakshmi Sehgal (1914-), Head of Rani Jhansi Brigade, women's wing of the INA and a

close associate of Netaji Subash Chandra Bose. Presidential candidate in 2002

President's election.

A. Vaidyanatha Iyer
Thyagaraja Sivam
Chidambara Bharathi
Subramanya Siva
N. Somayajulu
Krishna Kundu
Munagala Pattabhiramaiah
Mattapparai Venkatrama Iyer
Dr. Rukmini Lakshmipathy
K.S. Subramaniam
N.S. Varadachari
K. Santhanam
Mannargudi K. Bhashyam
George Gheverghese Joseph
IDF Sundararaja Iyengar
Salem C. Vijayaraghavachariar
Sangu Subramaniam
'Va.Ra.' V. Ramaswami
Valangaiman S. Srinivasa Sastri
N.M.R. Subburaman
Krishnaswami Bharathi
'Vastaad' Sundaram Pillai
Dr. Pichamuthu Ammaal
Bharathamuthu Thevar
Maulana Sahib
Dindigul T.R. Mahadeva Iyer
Nityananda Adigal
Dr. Varadarajulu Naidu
G.A. Natesan
Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy
Pandit Muthaiya Das
Thootukudi Masilamani Pillai
Yagneswara Sarma
Vignesh Sridharan

Prominent European activists

Allan Octavian Hume
A.G. Horniman
Annie Besant
Madeleine Slade
C. F. Andrews

Indian Independence Movement, Indian Nationalism

Mahatma Gandhi

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, at Porbandar, a small

town on the western coast of India, which was then one of the many tiny states in
Kathiawar. Gandhiji was born in middle class family of Vaishya caste. His father,
Karamchand Gandhi, was a Dewan or Prime Minister of Porbandar. His mother,
Putlibai, was a very religious lady and left a deep impression on Gandhiji's mind.
Gandhiji was a mediocre student and was excessively shy and timid.
Gandhiji sailed for England on September 4, 1888. Initially he had difficulty in adjusting
to English customs and weather but soon he overcame it. Gandhiji completed his Law
degree in 1891 and returned to India. He decided to set up legal practice in Bombay but
couldn't establish himself. Gandhiji returned to Rajkot but here also he could not make
much headway. At this time Gandhiji received an offer from Dada Abdulla & Co. to
proceed to South Africa on their behalf to instruct their counsel in a lawsuit. Gandhiji
jumped at the idea and sailed for South Africa in April 1893.
Gandhiji returned to India in 1915 and on the advice of his political guru Gopal Krishna
Gokhale, spent the first year touring throughout the country to know the real India. After
an year of wandering, Gandhiji settled down on the bank of the river Sabarmati, on the
outskirts of Ahmedabad, where he founded an ashram called Satyagraha Ashram.
Gandhiji's first satyagraha in India was in Champaran, in Bihar, where he went in 1917
at the request of a poor peasants to inquire into the grievances of the much exploited
peasants of that district, who were compelled by British indigo planters to grow indigo
on 15 percent of their land and part with the whole crop for rent. Gandhiji's Satyagraha
forced British government to set up a inquiry into the condition of tenant farmers. The
report of the committee of which Gandhi was a member went in favour of the tenant
farmers. The success of his first experiment in satyagraha in India greatly enhanced
Gandhiji's reputation in the country.

In 1921, Gandhji gave the call for Non-cooperation movement against the ills of British
rule. Gandhiji's call roused the sleeping nation. Many Indians renounced their titles and
honours, lawyers gave up their practice, and students left colleges and schools. Non-
cooperation movement also brought women into the domain of freedom struggle for the
first time. Non-cooperation movement severely jolted the British government. But the
movement ended in an anti-climax in February 1922. An outbreak of mob violence in
Chauri Chaura so shocked and pained Gandhi that he refused to continue the campaign
and undertook a fast for five days to atone for a crime committed by others in a state of
mob hysteria.
Gandhiji was sentenced to six years imprisonment but was released in 1924 on medical
grounds. For the next five years Gandhi seemingly retired from active agitational politics
and devoted himself to the propagation of what he regarded as the basic national
needs, namely, Hindu-Muslim unity, removal of untouchability, equality of women,
popularization of hand-spinning and the reconstruction of village economy.

On March 12, 1930 Gandhiji started the historic Dandi March to break the law which
had deprived the poor man of his right to make his own salt. On April 6, 1930 Gandhiji
broke the Salt law at the sea beach at Dandi. This simple act was immediately followed
by a nation-wide defiance of the law. This movement galvanized the whole nation and
came to be known as "Civil Disobedience Movement". Within a few weeks about a
hundred thousand men and women were in jail, throwing mighty machinery of the
British Government out of gear. This forced the then Viceroy Lord Irwin to call Gandhiji
for talks. On March 5, 1931 Gandhi Irwin Pact was signed. Soon after signing the pact
Gandhiji went to England to attend the First Round Table Conference. Soon after his
return from England Gandhiji was arrested without trial.

After the outbreak of Second World War in 1939, Gandhiji again became active in the
political arena. British Government wanted India's help in the war and Congress in
return wanted a clear-cut promise of independence from British government. But British
government dithered in its response and on August 8, 1942 Gandhiji gave the call for
Quit India Movement. Soon the British Government arrested Gandhiji and other top
leaders of Congress. Disorders broke out immediately all over India and many violent
demonstrations took place. While Gandhiji was in jail his wife Kasturbai passed away.
Gandhiji too had a severe attack of Malaria. In view of his deteriorating health he was
released from the jail in May 1944.

Second World War ended in 1945 and Britain emerged victorious. In the general
elections held in Britain in 1945, Labour Party came to power, and Atlee became the
Prime Minister. He promised an early realization of self Government in India. A Cabinet
Mission arrived from England to discuss with Indian leaders the future shape of a free
and united India, but failed to bring the Congress and Muslims together. India attained
independence but Jinnah's intransigence resulted in the partition of the country.
Communal riots between Hindus and Muslims broke out in the country in the aftermath
of partition. Tales of atrocities on Hindus in Pakistan provoked Hindus in India and they
targeted Muslims. Gandhiji worked ceaselessly to promote unity between Hindus and
Muslims. This angered some Hindu fundamentalists and on January 30, 1948 Gandhiji
was shot dead by one such fundamentalist Nathu Ram Godse while he was going for
his evening prayers. The last words on the lips of Gandhiji were Hey Ram.

Annie Besant

Annie Besant fought for the causes she thought were right, such as, women's rights,
secularism, birth control, Fabian socialism and workers' rights. She became interested
in Theosophy as a way of knowing God. Theosophical Society was against
discrimination of race, color, gender and preached Universal brotherhood. To serve
humanity at large was its supreme goal. It was as a member of Theosophical Society of
India that she arrived in India in 1893.
She also became involved in Indian freedom movement. In 1916, she founded Home
Rule League which advocated self rule by Indians. She became the President of Indian
National Congress in 1917. She was the first woman to hold that post. She started a
newspaper, "New India", criticized British rule and was jailed for sedition. After the
arrival of Gandhiji on Indian national scene, differences arose between Mahatma
Gandhi and Annie Besant. Gradually, she withdrew from active politics. Annie Besant
died on September 20, 1933 at Adyar (Madras). As per her wish her ashes were
immersed in Ganga in Benares.

Aruna Asaf Ali

Aruna Asaf Ali was a legendary heroine of India's freedom struggle. Her moment of
reckoning came in 1942 during Quit India Movement and she rose to the occasion. She
unfurled the national flag at the Gowalia Tank maidan to signify the commencement of
the Quit India Movement and became a legend for thousands of youth that rose to
emulate her. As Asaf Ali was deeply involved with freedom struggle, after marriage
Aruna Asaf Ali too plunged into it. Her first major political action was during the Salt
Satyagraha in 1930 when she addressed public meetings and led processions. British
Government charged her for being a “vagrant” and sentenced her to one year’s
imprisonment. When political prisoners were released in the aftermath of Gandhi-Irwin
pact, Aruna was not released. But a public agitation in favour of her release forced
British government to release her. Aruna Asaf Ali died on died July 29 1996. She was
awarded India's highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna, and was honoured with a
stamp issued by the Indian Postal Service in 1998.
Aurobindo Ghose

Aurobindo Ghose was a multifaceted person. He was a freedom fighter, poet, scholar,
yogi and philosopher. He spent his life working towards the cause of India’s freedom,
and for further evolution of life on earth. The famous Alipore Bomb Case proved to be a
turning point in Sri Aurobindo Ghosh’s life. For a year Aurobindo was an undertrial
prisoner in solitary confinement in the Alipore Central Jail. It was in a dingy cell of the
Alipore Jail that he dreamt the dream of his future life, the divine mission ordained for
him by God. He utilized this period of incarceration for an intense study and practice of
the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. Chittaranjan Das defended Sri Aurobindo, who was
acquitted after a memorable trial. During his time in prison, Aurobindo Ghosh, had
developed interest in yoga and meditation. After his release he started practicing
pranayama and meditation. Sri Aurobindo Ghose migrated from Calcutta to Pondicherry
in 1910. At Pondicherry, he stayed at a friend’s place. At first, he lived there with four or
five companions. Gradually the number of members increased and an Ashram was

In 1914 after four years of concentrated yoga at Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo

launched Arya, a 64 page monthly review. For the next six and a half years this became
the vehicle for most of his most important writings, which appeared in serialised form.
These included Essays on The Gita, The Secret of The Veda, Hymns to the Mystic Fire,
The Upanishads, The Foundations of Indian Culture, War and Self-determination, The
Human Cycle, The Ideal of Human Unity, and The Future Poetry. In 1926, Sri Aurobindo
Ghose retired from public life.
Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy is based on facts, experience and personal
realisations and on having the vision of a seer or Rishi. Aurobindo’s spirituality was
inseparably united with reason. The goal of Sri Aurobindo was not merely the liberation
of the individual from the chain that fetters him and realization of the self, but to work out
the will of the Divine in the world, to effect a spiritual transformation and to bring down
the divine nature and a divine life into the mental, vital and physical nature and life of
humanity. Sri Aurobindo passed away on December 5, 1950 at Pondicherry at the age
of 78.
Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Bal Gangadhar Tilak is considered as Father of Indian National Movement. Bal

Gangadhar Tilak was a multifaceted personality. He was a social reformer, freedom
fighter, national leader, and a scholar of Indian history, sanskrit, hinduism, mathematics
and astronomy. Bal Gangadhar Tilak was popularly called as Lokmanya (Beloved of the
people). During freedom struggle, his slogan “Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it”
inspired millions of Indians.
Bal Gangadhar Tilak joined the Indian National Congress in 1890. He was a
member of the Municipal Council of Pune, Bombay Legislature, and an elected 'Fellow'
of the Bombay University. Tilak was a great social reformer. He issued a call for the
banning of child marriage and welcomed widow remarriage. Through the celebrations of
Ganapati Festival and the birthday of the Shivaji he organized people.

In 1897, Bal Gangadhar Tilak was charged with writing articles instigating people to rise
against the government and to break the laws and disturb the peace. He was sentenced
to rigorous imprisonment for one and a half year. Tilak was released in 1898. After his
release, Tilak launched Swadeshi Movement. Through newspapers and lectures, Tilak
spread the message to each and every village in Maharashtra. A big 'Swadeshi Market'
was opened in front of Tilak's house. Meanwhile, Congress was split into two camps-
Moderates and Extremists. Extremists led by Bal Gangadhar Tilak opposed the
moderate faction led by Gopal Krishna. Extremists were in the favour of self rule while
the moderates thought that time is not yet ripe for such an eventuality. This rift finally led
to a split in the Congress.

Tilak was arrested on the charges of sedition in 1906. After the trial, Tilak was
sentenced to six years of imprisonment in Mandalay (Burma). Tilak spent his time in
prison by reading and writing. He wrote the book 'Gita-Rahasya' while he was in prison.
Tilak was released on June 8, 1914. After his release, Bal Gangadhar Tilak tried to
bring the two factions of Congress together. But his efforts did not bear much fruit. In
1916, Tilak decided to build a separate organization called the 'Home Rule League'. Its
goal was swaraj. Tilak went from village to village, and explained the aim of his league
to the farmers and won their hearts. He traveled constantly in order to organize the
people. While fighting for people’s cause Bal Gangadhar Tilak died on August 1, 1920.

Shaheed Bhagat Singh

Bhagat Singh was one of the most prominent faces of Indian freedom struggle. He was
a revolutionary ahead of his times. By Revolution he meant that the present order of
things, which is based on manifest injustice must change. Bhagat Singh studied the
European revolutionary movement and was greatly attracted towards socialism. He
realised that the overthrow of British rule should be accompanied by the socialist
reconstruction of Indian society and for this political power must be seized by the
Though portrayed as a terrorist by the British, Sardar Bhagat Singh was critical of the
individual terrorism which was prevalent among the revolutionary youth of his time and
called for mass mobilization. Bhagat Singh gave a new direction to the revolutionary
movement in India. He differed from his predecessors on two counts. Firstly, he
accepted the logic of atheism and publicly proclaimed it. Secondly, until then
revolutionaries had no conception of post-independence society. Their immediate goal
was destruction of the British Empire and they had no inclination to work out a political
alternative. Bhagat Singh, because of his interest in studying and his keen sense of
history gave revolutionary movement a goal beyond the elimination of the British. A
clarity of vision and determination of purpose distinguished Bhagat Singh from other
leaders of the National Movement. He emerged as the only alternative to Gandhi and
the Indian National Congress, especially for the youth.
On April 8, 1929 Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt threw bombs in the Central
Assembly Hall while the Assembly was in session. The bombs did not hurt anyone.
After throwing the bombs, Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt, deliberately courted
arrest by refusing to run away from the scene. During his trial, Bhagat Singh refused to
employ any defence counsel. In jail, he went on hunger strike to protest the inhuman
treatment of fellow-political prisoners by jail authorities. On October 7, 1930 Bhagat
Singh, Sukh Dev and Raj Guru were awarded death sentence by a special tribunal.
Despite great popular pressure and numerous appeals by political leaders of India,
Bhagat Singh and his associates were hanged in the early hours of March 23, 1931.

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

In 1929, Ambedkar made the controversial decision to co-operate with the all-British
Simon Commission which was to look into setting up a responsible Indian Government
in India. The Congress decided to boycott the Commission and drafted its own version
of a constitution for free India. The Congress version had no provisions for the
depressed classes. Ambedkar became more skeptical of the Congress's commitment to
safeguard the rights of the depressed classes.
On May 24, 1956, on the occasion of Buddha Jayanti, he declared in Bombay, that he
would adopt Buddhism in October. On 0ctober 14, 1956 he embraced Buddhism along
with many of his followers. On December 6, 1956, Baba Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar died
peacefully in his sleep.
Chandrashekhar Azad

Chandrashekhar Azad was a great Indian freedom fighter. His fierce patriotism and
courage inspired others of his generation to enter freedom struggle. Chandrasekhar
Azad was the mentor Bhagat Singh, another great freedom fighter, and along with
Bhagat Singh he is considered as one of the greatest revolutionaries that India has
produced. Chandrashekhar Azad was deeply troubled by the Jallianwala Bagh
Massacre in Amritsar in 1919. In 1921, when Mahatma Gandhi launched Non-
Cooperation movement, Chandrasekhar Azad actively participated in revolutionary
activities. He received his first punishment at the age of fifteen. Chandra Shekhar was
caught while indulging in revolutionary activities. When the magistrate asked him his
name, he said "Azad" (meaning free). Chandrashekhar Azad was sentenced to fifteen
lashes. With each stroke of the whip the young Chandrasekhar shouted "Bart Mata Kid
Jai". From then on Chandrashekhar assumed the title of Azad and came to known as
Chandrashekhar Azad. Chandrashekhar Azad vowed that he would never be arrested
by the British police and would die as free man.
Chandrashekhar Azad was a terror for British police. He was on their hit list and the
British police badly wanted to capture him dead or alive. On February 27, 1931
Chandrashekhar Azad met two of his comrades at the Alfred Park Allah bad. He was
betrayed by an informer who had informed the British police. The police surrounded the
park and ordered Chandrashekhar Azad to surrender. Chandrashekhar Azad fought
alone valiantly and killed three policemen. But finding himself surrounded and seeing no
route for escape, Chandrashekhar Azad shot himself. Thus he kept his pledge of not
being caught alive.
Dadabhai Naoroji

Dadabhai Naoroji is fondly called as the "Grand Old Man of India". He is viewed as the
architect who laid the foundation of the Indian freedom struggle.
In England, Dadabhai Naoroji joined several learned societies, delivered many
speeches and wrote articles on the plight of India. He founded the East Indian
Association on December 1st, 1866. The association was comprised of high-ranking
officers from India and people who had access to Members of the British Parliament.
Dadabhai Naoroji was elected to the British Parliament in 1892 from Central Finsbury as
the Liberal party candidate. He got a resolution passed in British Parliament for holding
preliminary examinations for the I.C.S. in India and England simultaneously. He also got
the Wiley Commission, the royal commission on India expenditure, to acknowledge the
need for even distribution of administrative and military expenditure between India and

Dadabhai Naoroji was instrumental in the establishment of the Indian National Congress
founded by A.O. Hume in 1885. Thrice he was elected to the post of the President of
the Indian National Congress, in 1886, 1893 and in 1906. During his third term, he
prevented a split between moderates and extremists in the party. The Congress'
demand for swaraj (self-rule) was first expressed publicly by him in his presidential
address in 1906. Dadabhai Naoroji believed in non-violent and constitutional methods of
protest. He died at the age of 92 on June 30, 1917.
Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Gopal Krishna Gokhale was one of the pioneers of the Indian national movement. He
was a senior leader of the Indian National Congress. Gokhale gave voice to the
aspirations of millions of Indians who were looking for freedom from the British rule.
Gandhiji considered him as his political guru. Apart from being a political leader,
Gopalkrishna Gokhale, was also a social reformer. He founded the "Servants of India
Society"-an organization dedicated to the cause of common people. Gopal Krishna
Gokhale's contribution to the making of Indian nation is invaluable.
Gopal Krishna Gokhale entered public life in 1886 at the age of 20. He delivered a
public address on "India under the British Rule", which was highly appreciated. Gokhale
regularly contributed articles to Bal Gangadhar Tilak's weekly "Mahratta". Through his
articles he tried to awaken the latent patriotism of Indian people. Soon, Gokhale was
promoted as Secretary of the Deccan Education Society. When the Indian National
Congress held its session in Poona in 1895, he was the secretary of the Reception
Committee. From this session, Gokhale became a prominent member of the Indian
National Congress. Gokhale was twice elected as president of Pune Municipality. For a
while Gokhale was also a member of the Bombay Legislative Council where he spoke
strongly against the then Government.
In 1902, Gokhale left the Fergusson College. He became a Member of the Imperial
Legislative Council in Delhi. There he spoke for the people of the country in an able
manner. Gokhale had an excellent grasp of the economic problems of our country which
he ably presented during the debates. In 1905, Gokhale started a new society called
"Servants of India Society". This society trained workers for the service of the country.
In the same year, Gokhale went to England to voice his concerns relating to the unfair
treatment of the Indian people by the British government. In a span of 49 days, he
spoke in front of 47 different audiences, captivating every one of them. Gokhale pleaded
for gradual reforms to ultimately attain Swaraj, or self-government, in India. He was
instrumental in the introduction of the Morley- Minto Reforms of 1909, which eventually
became law. Though the reforms sowed the seeds of communal division in India,
nevertheless, they gave Indian access to the seats of the highest authority within the
government, and their voices were more audible in matters of public interest.

Gopal Krishna Gokhale was a diabetic and asthmatic. Excessive assertion took its toll
on Gokhale's health and ultimately he died on February 19, 1915.
Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru, also known as Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, was one of the foremost
leaders of Indian freedom struggle. He was the favourite disciple of Mahatma Gandhi
and later on went on to become the first Prime Minister of India. Jawahar Lal Nehru is
widely regarded as the architect of modern India. He was very fond of children and
children used to affectionately call him Chacha Nehru.
Jawaharlal Nehru played a key role in building modern India. He set up a Planning
Commission, encouraged development of science and technology, and launched three
successive five-year plans. His policies led to a sizable growth in agricultural and
industrial production. Nehru also played a major role in developing independent India's
foreign policy. He called for liquidation of colonialism in Asia and Africa and along with
Tito and Nasser, was one of the chief architects of the nonaligned movement. He
played a constructive, mediatory role in bringing the Korean War to an end and in
resolving other international crises, such as those over the Suez Canal and the Congo,
offering India's services for conciliation and international policing. He contributed behind
the scenes toward the solution of several other explosive issues, such as those of West
Berlin, Austria, and Laos.

But Jawahar Lal Nehru couldn't improve India's relations with Pakistan and China. The
Kashmir issue proved a stumbling block in reaching an accord with Pakistan, and the
border dispute prevented a resolution with China. The Chinese invasion in 1962, which
Nehru failed to anticipate, came as a great blow to him and probably hastened his
death. Jawaharlal Nehru died of a heart attack on May 27, 1964.
Lala Lajpat Rai

Lala Lajpat Rai was one of the three most prominent Hindu Nationalist members of the
Indian National Congress. He was part of the Lal-Bal-Pal trio. The other two members of
the trio were Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal. They formed the extremist
faction of the Indian National Congress, as opposed to the moderate one led first by
Gopal Krishna Gokhale. Lalaji actively participated in the struggle against partition of
Bengal. Along with Surendra Nath Banerjee, Bipin Chandra Pal and Aurorbindo Ghosh,
he galvanized Bengal and the nation in a vigorous campaign of Swadeshi. Lalaji was
arrested on May 3, 1907 for creating "turmoil" in Rawalpindi. He was put in Mandalay
jail for six months and was released on November 11, 1907.
After his return, Lala Lajpat Rai,led the Punjab protests against the Jalianwala Bagh
Massacre and the Non-Cooperation Movement. He was arrested several times. He
disagreed with Gandhiji's suspension of Non-Cooperation movement due to the Chauri-
Chaura incident, and formed the Congress Independence Party, which had a pro-Hindu

In 1928, British Government decided to send Simon Commission to India to discuss

constitutional reforms. The Commission had no Indian member. This greatly angered
Indians. In 1929, when the Commisssion came to India there were protests all over
India. Lala Lajpat Rai himself led one such procession against Simon Commission.
While the procession was peaceful, British Government brutally lathicharged the
procession. Lala Lajpat Rai received severe head injuries and died on November17,
Madam Cama

A prominent personality of the Indian Nationalist Movement, she was born as Bhikaiji
Rustom Cama on 24th September, 1861 to a Parsi family in Bombay (now Mumbai).
Well, we are talking about none other than Madam Cama, who is a well known freedom
fighter. She came from a pretty well off family and her father Sorabji Framji Patel was a
powerful member of the Parsi community. In this article, we will present you with the
biography of Madame Cama.
Bhikaji Cama has always been actively involved in fighting for gender equality. On
August 22, 1907, she raised the flag for India's Independence at the International
Socialist Conference in Stuttgart, Germany. There are many cities in India that have
streets and places being named after Bhikaiji Cama. On 26th January 1962, the Indian
Posts and Telegraphs Department issued a stamp to acknowledge her work and give
her honor. The Indian Coast Guard consists of a ship that has been named after her.
Rajkumari Amrit Kaur

Amrit Kaur gave away all the worldly pleasures and focused her attention on serving the
society. Throughout the freedom struggle of India, she worked in close association with
other freedom fighters. After independence, she became the health minister of India.
She was actively involved in activities undertaken for the welfare of society. To know the
complete life history of Rajkumari Amritkaur, read on.
She served as the Chairperson of the Indian Red Cross society for a long period of
fourteen years. She made an immense contribution towards the development of the
tribal groups of India. She held the position of health minister till 1957. Thereafter, she
took retirement from the ministerial activities, but still remained a part of the Rajya
Sabha. Till she was alive, she held the presidency position of AIMS and the
Tuberculosis Association. She also served as the chairperson of St. John's Ambulance
Corps. This great soul departed for heaven on the 2nd October in the year 1964.
Sucheta Kriplani
She came into the Indian historical scene during the Quit India Movement. Sucheta
worked in close association with Mahatma Gandhi during the time of partition riots. She
went along with him to Noakhali in 1946. She was one amongst the handful women who
got elected to the Constituent Assembly. She became a part of the subcommittee that
was handed over the task of laying down the charter for the constitution of India. On the
15th August, 1947, i.e. the Independence Day, she sang the national song Vande
Mataram in the Independence Session of the Constituent Assembly.
During the post Independence period, she was instrumental in politics in U.P. She was
elected to the Lok Sabha in the year 1952 and 1957. She also served as the Minister of
State for Small Scale Industries. In the year 1962, she was elected to the U.P
Assembly. In the year 1963, she became the first woman to hold a prestigious position
of the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. During her long tenure of work, one of her
biggest achievements has been the effective handling of the 62 day long strike by the
state employees. In the year 1971, she took retirement from the politics and went into
seclusion. This prominent personality died in the year 1974.
Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit

In the post independence period, she made an entry into the diplomatic services and
served as the ambassador of India to various countries like Soviet Union, Ireland,
United States and Mexico. From 1962 to 1964, she served as the governor of
Maharashtra. Thereafter, she was elected to the Lok Sabha from Phulpur, which was
the former constituency of her brother. She held the post for four years till 1968.
Vijayalakshmi Pandit was critical about her niece, Indira Gandhi. Infact, their relations
were not very good.

When Indira Gandhi became the Prime Minister in the year 1966, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
took retirement from active politics. After taking voluntary retirement, she went to the
peaceful Dehradun city. In the year 1979, she was chosen as the representative of India
to the UN Human Rights Commission. Thereafter, she went far away from public life.
She had an interest in writing. Her writings consist of The Evolution of India (1958) and
The Scope of Happiness: A Personal Memoir (1979). Infact, her daughter named
Nayantara Sahgal, is a wonderful novelist. Vijaylakshmi Pandit died in the year 1990.
Abdul Ghaffar Khan

Abdul Ghaffar Khan was a Pashtun political and spiritual leader of India. He was widely
respected for his non-violent resistance to the British's sway over the country and was
known to be a devout follower of the great Mahatma Gandhi. His entire life, Khan's trust
in the non-violent methods or in the compatibility of Islam and nonviolence never
waned. So strong was his kinship with Gandhiji that in India that he was often referred
to as the `Frontier Gandhi'. While there were some Pashtuns who wanted to stay united
with India, others favored the creation of Pakistan. Abdul Ghaffar Khan, however,
vehemently opposed the partition of India. As such, he was often seen as anti-Muslim
by some
Ajmal Khan

A prominent leader of India's freedom struggle, it was Ajmal Khan who founded the
prestigious Jamia Milia Islamia University at Delhi. He is also the sole person who has
had the honor to be elected the President of the Indian National Congress, the Muslim
League and the All India Khilafat Committee. At a time when many Muslim leaders
were arrested, Dr Ajmal Khan approached Mahatma Gandhi for help. As such, Gandhiji
united with him and other Muslim leaders like Maulana Azad, Maulana Mohammad Ali
and Maulana Shaukat Ali in the famous Khilafat movement. Ajmal Khan resigned from
the Aligarh Muslim University when the authorities refused to accept the non-
cooperation movement waged by Gandhiji and the Congress against the British
government. He was elected the president of the Indian National Congress in the year
Pattabhi Sitaramayya

He was a freedom fighter cum political person in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh
during the pre-independence era. He was requested to stand for the presidency of the
Indian National Congress as a candidate closest to the great Mohandas Karamchand
Gandhi in 1939. Further, he was Madhya Pradesh governor from 1952 to 1957 and also
set up the Andhra Bank at Machilipatnam in November 1923. The life history or the
account of the days spent in jail by Bhogaraju Pattabhi Sitaramayya during this period
can be availed from the book Feathers and Stones. Though he penned this book during
his time in jail, it was published later. He even successfully ran for the presidency of the
Congress in the year 1948 with full support of Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister
of India. Further, he was Madhya Pradesh governor from 1952 to 1957 and also set up
the Andhra Bank at Machilipatnam in November 1923 that's currently one of the major
commercial banks of India.
Bipin Chandra Pal

With the other two members - Lala Lajpat Rai and Bal Gangadhar Tilak - from the Lal
Bal Pal team, Bipin Chandra Pal doled out a number of extremist measures like
boycotting goods made by British, burning Western clothes and lockouts in the British
owned businesses and industrial concerns to get their message across to the foreign
rulers of India.

Bipin Chandra Pal was a teacher, journalist, orator, writer and librarian. But above all,
he was the one of the three famous leaders called "Lal Bal Pal" who comprised the
extremist wing of the Indian National Congress. It was these three leaders who started
the first popular upsurge against British colonial policy in the 1905 partition of Bengal.
This was before Mahatma Gandhi had entered the fray of Indian politics. Bipin Chandra
Pal recognized the positive outcome of the British kingdom, but at the same time upheld
India's federal idea.
Chittaranjan Das

CR Das was an important personality in Bengal during the time of the non-cooperation
movement from 1919 to 1922. It was he who started the boycott of British or western
dresses. He was appointed the mayor of Calcutta Corporation after it was formed and
also supervised the Gaya round of the Indian National Congress.
Chittaranjan Das was a staunch non-believer of non-violence and advocated the
adherence of constitutional ways in order to attain independence for India. He preached
communal concord and supported the cause of national education. After him, his
teachings and legacy was taken forward by his followers like Subhas Chandra Bose and
others. Chittaranjan Das will always remembered for his struggle in the Indian war of
Chakravarthi Rajagopalachari

He was a very well-known lawyer, writer and statesman of India during the
independence struggle. A prominent figure in the Indian National Congress, he was
elected the second governor-general of India after its independence. Following this,
Rajaji was made the chief minister of the Indian state of Madras.
Being among the five most important leaders in the Indian National Congress, C.
Rajagopalachari played a pivotal role in the life history of this party. Rajaji was the
member of its Working Committee from 1919 to 1942 and then again from time period
1950 to 1955. Though Rajaji was active in Congress for about half a century, he was
not elected its president even once. In the year 1932, however, he was chosen as the
acting president of the Congress and played crucial role in formulating the Poona Pact
with Ambedkar. Later when he was asked by Gandhiji and Nehru to head the Congress
a couple of times, he refused.

Possibly, Rajaji was amongst the initial Congress leaders during 1940s to accept the
right of Muslims to self-determination. He even worked out a solution by which there
could be common defense and communications between the two nations. But this idea
was discarded by Ali Jinnah and also some Congress leaders. Rajaji was always known
to be a staunch protector of his political principles and never hesitated to disagree with
his closest allies even in front of the public.
Gopinath Bordoloi

The first chief minister of Assam, Gopinath Bordoloi, was an eminent Indian freedom
fighter. He was an avid supporter of Gandhiji and non-violence. He was most
instrumental during 1946-47, when he worked day and night to prevent the inclusion of
the significantly Hindu dominated Assam into East Pakistan that nurtured a majority of
Muslims. Post independence, Gopinath Bordoloi worked in alliance with Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel to secure the sovereignty of Assam against Communist China on the
one hand and East Pakistan on the other. He was also instrumental in rehabilitating
thousands of Hindus refugees who fled from East Pakistan because of the possibility of
riots. Gopinath worked day and night to ensure communal peace and harmony here.
These moves kept Assam safe and progressive till 1971 war over East Pakistan's
freedom. As such, he was presented the prestigious Bharat Ratna posthumously in the
year 1999.
Jayaprakash Narayan

Jayaprakash Narayan was a freedom fighter and political leader of India. Popularly
called JP, Narayan played a pivotal role in the Quit India movement and earned a lot of
fame and respect for this. During the Quit India Movement too in 1942, JP was at the
helm of the agitation. Jayaprakash Narayan met Ram Manohar Lohia, Minoo Masani,
Ashok Mehta, Yusuf Desai and other national leaders when he was put behind bars in
1932 because of the civil disobedience movement. After JP came out of jail, the
Congress Socialist party was set up. While Acharya Narendra Deva was elected as its
President, JP was chosen its general secretary. During the Quit India Movement in
1942, JP was again at the helm of the agitation.

Post independence and death of Gandhiji, Jayaprakash Narayan, Acharya Narendra

Dev and Basawon Singh directed the CSP out of Congress to create the first opposition
Socialist Party. This unit later on took the title Praja Socialist Party. Basawon Singh
became the first leader of the Opposition in the state and assembly of Bihar, whereas
Acharya Narendra Deva became the first leader of opposition in the state and assembly
of U.P.
K Kamaraj
K. Kamaraj played a crucial role in the appointment of India's two Prime Ministers - Lal
Bahadur Shastri in the year 1964 and Indira Gandhi in the year 1966. All throughout his
reign as chief minister of Tamil Nadu, K. Kamaraj strived to provide free meals and
education to people. This was for the first time in the world that a measure like this was
being executed in 1957. Kumaraswami Kamaraj, who is better remembered as K.
Kamaraj, was a powerful Indian politician. He was regarded as the 'kingmaker' in Indian
politics and was widely respected for his traits of honesty, integrity and simplicity. During
the struggle for India's independence from the British rule, Kamaraj was a close friend of
Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, who was later appointed as the first prime minister of the
country. Read this biography further to learn more about K. Kamaraj.
Though K. Kamaraj's nurtured an interest in politics since childhood, it was at the age of
16 that he joined the Indian National Congress as a full time worker. His task was to
invite speakers, make arrangements for meetings and collect funds for the Congress
party. In the year 1030, Kamaraj also participated in a rally to Vedaranyam
spearheaded by C. Rajagopalachari as a part of the salt Satyagraha. There were many
occasions when Kumaraswami Kamaraj was put behind the bars during the struggle for
India's independence.
Mangal Pandey

A sepoy working under the British East India Company, Mangal Pandey's name got
etched into the pages of the Indian history after he attacked his senior British officers in
an incident, which is today remembered as the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 or the India's First
War of Independence. The reason behind this was the rumor that the cartridges used by
Indian sepoys were greased with the fat of cow and pig. Here's more about the life
history of Mangal Pandey, who was a devout Hindu and practiced his religion strictly. It
was rumored that the cartridge used in the Enfield P-53 rifle which was being used by
the Indian sepoys was greased with the fat of pig and cow fat. These cartridges had to
be bitten off in order to remove the cover prior use and this went against the religious
beliefs of the Muslims and Hindus. The general opinion was that the Britishers had
deliberately done this to hurt the sentiments of Indians. And this was the main reason
behind the outburst of Pandey's anger.
Mridula Sarabhai

Despite belonging from one of the most Mridula Sarabhai was an active Ghandian all
her life. When she was merely 10 years old, she worked with the Vanar Sena of the
Indian National Congress, carried messages and water for the Satyagrahis. Later, she
was appointed a Gujrati delegate of the All India Congress Committee in 1924.
Sarabhai also played a pertinent role in the organizational machinery of the Congress
party by spearheading its women's wing.
During the year 1946, Pandit Nehru elected Mridula Sarabhai as a general secretary of
the Indian National Congress and also a member of the Congress Working Committee.
Sarabhai, however, resigned and followed Gandhiji to Noakhali when riots broke out.
Her role in maintaining communal peace and harmony during the outbreak of violence
at the time of India's partition was hugely applauded by leaders from India and Pakistan.
Rani Gaidinliu

Rani Gaidinliu from Manipur was a fearless Indian freedom fighter who joined the
agitation at the age of 13 and headed the movement against the British in the Manipur
and Naga belts. The Government of India honored her with the prestigious Padma
Bhushan in 1993. Rani Gaidinliu continued to work for the welfare of her people even
after her release from jail in 1947. She even set up a resistance agitation against the
Naga National Council (NNC)-led insurgents in 1966 and had to go underground due to
this. Gaidinliu was respected by everybody for her role as a freedom fighter and was
also honored with the prestigious Padma Bhushan in 1993. In her remembrance, the
Government of India even issued a postal stamp.
S. Srinivasa Iyengar

S. Srinivasa Iyengar was a prominent Indian lawyer, freedom fighter and political leader
of his time. In the struggle for India's independence from the British, he gave unrivaled
spearheading to the Congress in Madras for almost a decade. Here's more about the
life history of S. Srinivasa, who himself led the Congress party to win in Madras in the
year 1926 and got appointed from here to the Central Assembly. For a short duration, S.
Srinivasa Iyengar also played the role of a leader in the absence of Motilal Nehru from
India. The same year, Iyengar also presided over the Guwahati session of the
Congress. Iyengar worked his level best to delve out a solution that would uphold
Hindu-Muslim unity. And for this, Iyengar tried his mighty best to bring about provisional
political agreement between the political leaders of the two communities.

S. Srinivasa Iyengar brought out the Swaraj Constitution in the year 1927 outlining a
federal scheme of government for the future India. He returned briefly into the political
sphere in 1939 following the beginning of the World War II to decide if it was okay to
support the British at this juncture so that they might grant India its freedom later or
oppose the entry of Indian army into the war. However, Iyengar passed away suddenly
on 19 May 1941 at his residence in Madras city.
Sir Surendranath Banerjee

Being among the earliest of Indian politicians in the pre-independence era, Sir
Surendranath Banerjee established the Indian National Association that he later merged
with the Indian National Congress owing to their common agenda. At a very young age,
he cleared the British instituted ICS examinations, but was dismissed due to racial
discrimination. He whipped up a strong protest against this. In the time to come,
Banerjee went on to launch 'The Bengali' newspaper and the Indian National
Association in 1876. He employed these forums to address political and social issues
like the age-limit for Indian students appearing for ICS. He rebuked the racial
discrimination practiced by the British officers through public speeches all over the
country, which made him very popular. After the Congress was set up in 1885 at
Bombay, Banerjee merged his Indian National Association with it owing to their common
agenda. He served as Congress President in 1898 and 1904.
About the Auther:
He was born in 1970 April 25, Sembaloor East in Pattukkottai, Tanjur Distric at
South part of Indian state of TamilNadu. He has being study higher secondary shool in
Alathur. He met a girl who is student of teacher traing at 1986, she was connect him as
a SFI member(student fetration of India) after the several meeting he mentely preperd
for something to do thrill or terror things, unfurtunatly he link to valuntering for LTTE
base who are they sheltered around Orathanadu and Pattukkottai area.
He was graduated B.Sc Mathematics in Kather Mohideen Coellege
Athirampattinam 1987-1989, his college friends and Hostel roomet are all from
Chidambaram and Perambalur area guys, so they can easly to contect him for joining to
the Tamil Nadu Liberation Army (TNLA) because this conection he would have envy
himself that happen should lead him badmanner and its put him inside the bar
Mannargudi Jail and Athirampattinam jail, His college professor recomented to
participate NCC and trained by Indian army in Kumpakonam camp.
meanwhile he struggle some financial and family problems also he unable to
continued the organization, however he studied Diploma in Computer as DACA and
PGDCA in chennai and PKT between 1989-90 during his study period he has
friendship with In stronghold of Naxalites in the State Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri, who
know him his earlier college period. He was the lucky boy he didn’t involved any
activities. Feb-1990 he went Colombo for transit to Singapore unfortunately he was
detained by sriLankan Immigration. On 1990 he went to Singapore and he compleeted
Diploma in Intustrial Electical and Electronics also worked as a technician for 5 years
suddenly he face for some leagal problems that’s why he flee to Malaysia at 1995, he
did not work in Malaysia but he worked for his citizenship also dealing danger business,
are all illeagal work including trapick, smuckling and weapons. Because of this business
he deal and met some Muslim terrorist and Italian business people. In 1998 the auther
was the wanted person in Malaysia, so again he flee to Singapore, he become more
popular person in Singapore I mean like a social service or problems solver. In end of
1999 he was arrested by Singapore Police and highly punishable sendence 2 years jail,
he was worried about his future so he escaped from Singapore Jail to Malaysia, his
wonderful time his citizenship and passport are ready for fly where he wants. Year 2000
he went to India his familys compelled for he got marriage and he did, he went back to
Austelia for complete his agreement (kind of job) as usual Austrelian Police arrested
and deported him to Malaysia but he change his ticket on the way Thailand to India, end
of 2000 he returned to India and surfeit to England. This time he make a decision for
settle his life for future gain he found a job as a technician and good salary, six month
after his boss offer him vocation on 2001 Septemper 07, so he bought the ticket through
London via Milan to Canada, spent after 11 days he return to Milan. Sudenly he
rememberd his old friends who met in Malasia also he contect him for further trip to
Swis via Rom, he been to Rom and stay a hotel with his friends unexpected there where
police raid for terror hunding. Begind the CIA order the Italian police arrested him for
suspect as aterror (9/11 twins tower attack), they searching his stuff and found some
sketched map; deduce two airticked and two passports. They kept in Italy Prison onday,
after take him to No: 2 Washington Pl New York, NY 10003-6603, United States. They
tortured him for 8 days about binladan conection (don’t giggle please) , on Sep-27, 2001
they send him back to Canada for so many reason include link to murder suspect and
LTTE conection.
From 27/11/2001 to 23/06/2003 they put in maximum cusdedy jail for terror
suspect, eventhough US Inteligence (FBI), Canadian Service (CIS) and Interpol are all
trece him photos and fingerprint, finaly there are didn’t got any evidence against him
and released from jail on 2003, during his 18 month jail time he was talk a lot of muslims
people mostly terrorist so he know few about muslim terrorist and his previous
experience has to be know some Naxalit and LTTE progress. Those are the incident,
accident, organization involnment and 8 countries almost 4 years jail life should
impressed him to write this documentary kind of books.
Now the Auther got a peacefull life in Canada, he has graduated again with new name
and certified Microsoft System Engineer and Financial Accounding is lead his own job.
I am sure if you read this book methodically you will be a giant person about
knowledge and will raise your hands with white Bird.

This is chance to Enjoy! Prospect for gain!

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