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ASTM D3910 - Design, Testing, and Construction of Slurry Seal PDF

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The key takeaways are that this standard provides practices for designing, testing, and constructing slurry seal mixtures used for surface treatments of pavements. It covers components like aggregates, mineral fillers, emulsified asphalt, and application procedures.

The main components of a slurry seal mixture are fine aggregate, mineral filler, emulsified asphalt, and water. Fine aggregate can include natural or manufactured sand, slag, or crushed fines. Mineral fillers are used to improve workability and regulate setting time. Emulsified asphalt binds the mixture.

The recommended grading requirements for aggregates in slurry seals are shown in Table 1 on page 1. Aggregates should have a sand equivalent of not less than 45 when tested according to Test Method D 2419.

Designation: D 3910 98

Standard Practices for

Design, Testing, and Construction of Slurry Seal
This standard is issued under the xed designation D 3910; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1. Scope
1.1 These practices cover the design, testing, and construc-
tion of mixtures for surface treatment of pavements. It is
written as a guide and should be used as such. End-use
specications should be adapted to conform to job and user
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
C 128 Test Method for Specic Gravity and Absorption of
Fine Aggregate
D 242 Specication for Mineral Filler for Bituminous Pav-
ing Mixtures
D 977 Specication for Emulsied Asphalt
D 1073 Specication for Fine Aggregate for Bituminous
Paving Mixtures
D 2397 Specication for Cationic Emulsied Asphalt
D 2419 Test Method for Sand Equivalent Value of Soils and
Fine Aggregate
E 145 Specication for Gravity-Convection and Forced-
Ventilation Ovens
2.2 Other Documents:
ISSA Technical Bulletin No. 139 Test Method to Classify
Emulsied Asphalt/Aggregate Mixture Systems by Modi-
ed Cohesion Tester Measurement of Set and Cure Char-
3. Terminology
3.1 Denitions of Terms Specic to This Standard:
3.1.1 emulsied asphalt slurry seal mixtures as related to
these practices, mixtures of ne aggregate with or without
mineral ller, with or without mixing water, uniformly mixed
with emulsied asphalt.
4. Signicance and Use
4.1 These slurry seal practices are written as a guide and
should not be construed as specications.
4.2 End-use specications should be adopted to conform to
job and user requirements.
5. Design
5.1 Aggregates:
5.1.1 The ne aggregate shall consist of natural or manu-
factured sand, slag, crushed nes or other mineral aggregate
that conforms to the quality requirements of Specication
D 1073.
5.1.2 Recommended grading requirements are shown in
Table 1.
5.1.3 Smooth-textured sand of less than 1.25 % water ab-
sorption shall not exceed 50 % of the total combined aggregate.
(For heavy duty surface requirements, use 100 % crushed
5.1.4 When tested by Test Method D 2419, the combined
aggregate prior to the addition of any chemically active mineral
llers shall have a sand equivalent of not less than 45.
5.2 Mineral Filler:
5.2.1 Mineral llers are of two types, chemically active and
chemically inactive. Both shall conform to Specication
D 242.
5.2.2 Chemically active mineral llers such as portland
cement, hydrated lime, and ammonium sulfate are used to
improve the workability, regulate the setting time and, in some
cases, to alter the aggregate gradation.
5.2.3 Chemically inactive mineral llers such as limestone
dust, yash, and rock dust are used mainly to alter aggregate
5.3 Emulsied AsphaltThe emulsied asphalt shall con-
form to Grade SS-1h of Specication D 977, for emulsied
asphalt, or Grade CSS-1h of Specication D 2397, for cationic
emulsied asphalt.
5.3.1 Quick-Set emulsied asphalts, QS-1h and CQS-1h
may also be used. They conform to Specications D 977 and
D 2397 respectively, except that the test requirements for
cement mixing and storage stability shall not apply. Refer to
These practices are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-4 on Road
and Paving Materialsand are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D04.24 on
Bituminous Macadams and Surface Treatments.
Current edition approved June 10, 1998. Published March 1999. Originally
published as D 3910 80. Last previous edition D 3910 96.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.02.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.03.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
Available from the International Slurry Surfacing Association, 1200 19th St.
NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC. 20036-2401.
100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
the International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA) Bulletin
No. 139.
5.4 Composition of Slurry Seal Mixtures:
5.4.1 A job mixture shall be selected that conforms to the
specication limits, and that is suitable for the traffic, climatic
conditions, curing conditions, and nal use. All materials to be
used shall be pretested for their suitability in the mixture as
described in Section 6.
5.4.2 The mixture shall attain an initial set in not less than
15 min nor more than 12 h. The setting time may be regulated
by the addition of mineral llers or chemical agents.
5.4.3 The mixture shall be one of three types, whose
combined aggregates conform to the gradation requirements of
Table 1. Type 1 is suitable to seal cracks, ll voids, and
correct surface erosion conditions. The residual asphalt content
shall be from 10 to 16 weight % of dry aggregate. It shall be
applied at a rate of 3.3 to 5.4 kg/m
(6 to 10 lb/yd
). This type
is used on airelds where surface sealing and skid resistance
are the primary needs. Type 2 is suitable to ll surface voids, correct severe
surface erosion conditions, and provide a minimum wearing
surface. The residual asphalt content shall be from 7.5 to 13.5
weight % of dry aggregate. It shall be applied at a rate of 5.4
to 8.2 kg/m
(10 to 15 lb/yd
). This type is used on airelds and
pavements that are severely eroded, or have numerous cracks.
It may also be used as wearing surface on bituminous base
courses or soil-cement bases, or as a sealer on stabilized base
courses. Type 3 is suitable to provide a new wearing surface
or build up a crown. The residual asphalt content shall be from
6.5 to 12 weight % of dry aggregate. It shall be applied at a rate
of 8.2 or more kg/m
(15 or more lb/yd
5.4.4 Consistency TestThis test is used to determine
optimum mix design for aggregate, ller, water, and emulsion.
A ow of 2 to 3 cm (1 in.) is considered to be the consistency
normally required for a workable eld mix (see 6.1).
5.4.5 Set TimeThis test determines the time required for
slurry to reach initial set with paper blot method. A properly
mix-designed slurry should be set at the end of 12 h. -h set time
is considered acceptable for a quick setting slurry (see 6.2).
5.4.6 Cure TimeThis test is used to determine initial
cohesion of slurry mat and resistance to traffic. A properly
designed slurry mix should be completely cured at the end of
24 h after placement (see 6.3).
5.4.7 Wet Track Abrasion TestThis test method covers
measurement of the wearing qualities of slurry seal under wet
abrasion conditions.
NOTE 1As a guide, slurry shall not show a loss of more than 807.44
(75 g/ft
6. Test Methods for Emulsied Asphalt Slurry Seal
6.1 Consistency Test:
6.1.1 This test method is used to determine the proper
consistency (mix design) for a slurry seal mixture.
6.1.2 The consistency test should be performed as a method
of determining the optimum mix design (proper ratio of
aggregate, ller, water, and emulsion) as related to proper
consistency for pavement surface placement. Several mixes are
made using dried aggregate and various ratios of portland
cement, or hydrated lime and or chemical modier, water and
asphalt emulsion. Mix time shall be for no less than 1 min and
not longer than 3 min when mixed at 25 6 1C (77 6 3F).
NOTE 2Ideal relative humidity for this test is 50 6 5 %. Results will
vary at different relative humidity values.
6.1.3 Mold, metal or plastic, in the form of a frustum of a
cone 38 mm (1
2 in.) in diameter at the top, 89 mm (3
2 in.) in
diameter at the bottom and 76 mm (3 in.) in height (see Test
Method C 128 and Fig. 1).
6.1.4 The center of a 228 by 228-mm (9 by 9-in.) piece of
3-mm (
8-in.) thick metal plate is inscribed with a circle 89 mm
2in.) in diameter. Three to four additional circles, each 13
mm (
2 in.) greater in diameter than the preceding circle, are
inscribed on the metal plate around the center circle.
NOTE 3Plastic plates are subject to eventual crazing and abrasion loss
of the inscribed circles.
6.1.5 The mold as described in 6.1.3 is loosely lled with a
test slurry mix and struck off. The mold and contents are then
inverted in the center of the metal plate as described in 6.1.4 by
placing the inscribed surface of the metal plate on the slurry-
lled cone which, while holding cone and plate rmly together,
is quickly inverted. The mold is removed and the contents
allowed to ow over the inscribed circles until ow of the
slurry stops. Project aggregate and emulsion grade are consid-
ered essential for proper relevancy of the method.
NOTE 4Referenced ISSATechnical Bulletin No. 106 titled Measure-
ment of Slurry Seal Consistency.
6.2 Set Time:
6.2.1 This test method is used to determine the time required
for the slurry mat to reach initial set (resistance to paper blot).
6.2.2 The slurry mix or mixtures that provide the desired
consistency shall be repeated to determine their setting char-
acteristics. A mix passing the consistency test is poured onto a
152 by 152-mm (6 by 6-in.) asphalt felt pad (13.6 kg (30 lb)
roong felt) and screeded to 6 mm (
4 in.) thickness using a
6-mm template. At the end of 15 min, at 25 6 1C (77 6 3F)
and 506 5 % relative humidity, a white paper towel or tissue
is lightly pressed or blotted on the slurry surface. If no brown
stain is transferred to the paper, the slurry is considered set. If
a brown stain does appear, repeat the blot procedure at 15-min
intervals. After 3 h of blotting, 30-min (or longer) blot intervals
would be suitable. Record and report the time required to
obtain a stain-free blot as the set time.
6.3 Cure Time:
6.3.1 Total cure of a slurry mat is obtained when complete
cohesion between asphalt-coated aggregate particles occurs. A
TABLE 1 Grading Requirements for Aggregate
Sieve Size
Amount Passing Sieve, weight %
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
8in. (9.5 mm) 100 100 100
No. 4 (4.75 mm) 100 90 to 100 70 to 90
No. 8 (2.36 mm) 90 to 100 65 to 90 45 to 70
No. 16 (1.18 mm) 65 to 90 45 to 70 28 to 50
No. 30 (600 m) 40 to 60 30 to 50 19 to 34
No. 50 (300 m) 25 to 42 18 to 30 12 to 25
No. 100 (150 m) 15 to 30 10 to 21 7 to 18
No. 200 (75 m) 10 to 20 5 to 15 5 to 15
D 3910
cohesion testing device is used to measure cure time.
6.3.2 A slurry mix of optimum design obtained from use of
the consistency test (see 5.4.4), is screeded onto a roong felt
pad to a thickness not exceeding the height of the largest
aggregate fragment present in the mix. A template is recom-
mended to obtain uniform thickness of the slurry mat.
6.3.3 After set of the slurry mat has occurred (5.4.5), the
mat is placed beneath the pneumatically actuated rubber foot
(25.4 mm (1 in.) in diameter) of the cohesion tester (see 6.3.4).
A pressure of 193 kPa (28
psi) is considered to be equivalent
to that exerted by an average automobile. The rubber foot is
twisted by means of a hand torque tester (see 6.3.4) which
reads in inch pounds or inch ounces (see Table 2). The torque
procedure is repeated at 1530 min intervals until the highest
torque reading obtainable remains constant. An undisturbed
site on the slurry pad should be selected for each time-interval
test. The time required to reach a constant maximum torque or
until the rubber foot rides freely over slurry mat without any
aggregate particles being dislodged, is recorded as the cure
6.3.4 Cohesion tester
is a lightweight, portable device
which can be adjusted to apply varying pressure to a slurry pad
(see Figs. 2 and 3). Torque can be applied with a torqometer.
The cohesion tester can be used in the laboratory or eld and
can be pressured with in-house air, a portable compressor, or a
simple bicycle tire pump.
A suitable rubber foot, having a durometer hardness range of 50 to 70, can be
cut from a used automobile tire.
Available from Benedict Slurry Seal, Inc., 561 Cottingwood Ct., Dayton, OH
The Model TQX-2FU Torqometer, available from Snap-On Tools Corp., 2115
S. 162nd St., P.O. Box 46, New Berlin, WI 53151, or equivalent, has been found
FIG. 1 Cone Consistency Test
TABLE 2 Pneumatic Cohesion Tester Chart
psi (on gage) psi (on foot)
kPa (psi on foot)
multiplied by 6.894
4.5 5 34.5
8.9 10 68.9
13.3 15 103.4
17.7 20 137.9
22.1 25 172.4
24.8 28 193.0
26.6 30 206.8
31.0 35 241.3
35.4 40 275.8
39.9 45 310.2
44.3 50 344.7
D 3910
6.4 Wet Track Abrasion Test:
6.4.1 Summary of Test Method: A slurry mixture of ne graded aggregate, asphalt
emulsion, and water is prepared to a homogeneous owing
consistency (see consistency test). The slurry is formed into a
disk by pouring in the circular opening of a poly(methyl)
methacrylate (PMMA) template resting on a larger circlet of
13.62-kg (30-lb) roong felt. After removal of the template, the disk-shaped
specimen is dried to constant weight at 60C (140F). The
cured slurry is placed in a water bath for 1 h, then mechanically
abraded under water with a rubber hose for 5 min. The abraded
specimen is washed free of debris, dried at 60C (140F) and
weighed. The loss in weight expressed as grams per square
metre (or square foot) is reported as the wear value (WTAT
6.4.2 Apparatus: Balance, capable of weighing 5 000 g to within6
1.0 g. Planetary Type Mechanical Stirrer,
(such as the
Hobart Model N-50, Model C-100 or Model A-120 made by
the Hobart Manufacturing Co., Troy, Ohio) equipped with a
(5-lb) weighted rubber hose holding device (abrasion head)
with about 12.7-mm (
2-in.) free up-and-down movement in
the shaft sleeve (Fig. 4). Heavy(
8-in.) Flat-Bottom Metal Pan, approxi-
mately 330 mm (13 in.) in diameter with 51-mm (2-in.) vertical
side walls (20 gage or heavier) having four equispaced screw
clamps capable of securing 285 mm (11
4 in.) diameter
specimen to bottom of pan (Fig. 5). Suitable Heavy Gage Round Bottom Bowl, to con-
tain the sample during mixing. Long-Handled Serving Spoon, of sufficient length to
project 101 mm (4 in.) or more out of the round bottom bowl
during stirring. Disks, supply of 286-mm (11
4-in.) diameter, cut
from 13.62-kg (30-lb) roong felt. Equipment, used in specimen preparation such as a
special circular poly(methyl) methacrylate (PMMA) template 6
mm (
4 in.) thick with a 279-mm (11-in.) diameter circular
opening (Fig. 6) and a 305 to 355-mm (12 to 14-in.) short
handled window squeegee.
Hobart mixers, Model N-50 and Model A-120, are available from the Hobart
Manufacturing Co., Troy, OH 45374. Model C-100 has been discontinued.
Abrasion Head and mixer assembly available from Scan Road Inc., P.O. Box
7677, 4914 Fort Avenue, Waco, TX 76714-7677, and Benedict Slurry Seal, Inc., 561
Cottingwood Ct., Dayton, OH 45429-3458.
FIG. 2 Cohesion Tester (Front View)
D 3910
4 Oven, forced-draft constant temperature thermostati-
cally controlled at 60 6 3C (1406 5F) see Specication
E 145 Type II B. Water Bath, constant-temperature, controlled at 256
1C (77 6 2F). Reinforced Rubber Hose,
with a 19-mm (
inside diameter and 31-mm (1
32-in.) outside diameter (two
braid, 300 psi, green oil-resistant cover). The hose shall be cut
into 127-mm (5-in.) lengths and drilled with two paired 9-mm
8-in.) holes aligned on 102-mm (4-in.) centers. Drill holes
through convex and concave sides of hose. Wooden Prop Block or equivalent for supporting
platform assembly into position during testing (see Fig. 7 and
Fig. 8).
6.4.3 Preparation of Test Specimen: The proper ratio of portland cement (or hydrated
lime or other additives), water, and asphalt emulsion to the dry
weight of the aggregate shall be predetermined in the labora-
tory or by a functional eld mix design previously accepted by
project engineer. Quarter a sufficient amount of the air-dried aggre-
gate passing No. 4 sieve to obtain at least 800 g in one quarter. Weigh 800 g of aggregate into mixing bowl. Using
the spoon, dry mix the mineral ller into the aggregate for 1
min or until uniformly distributed. Add the predetermined
amount of water and mix again for 1 min or until all aggregate
particles are uniformly wetted. Finally add the predetermined
amount of emulsion and mix for a period of not less than 1 min
and not more than 3 min. Placing the opening in the template over the
Hose can be obtained from Thaman Rubber Company, 6262 Wiene Road,
Cincinnati, OH 45237. Telephone: (513) 631-4303. Refer to Parker #3292-12.
FIG. 3 Cohesion Tester (Side View)
D 3910
286-mm (11
4-in.) diameter disk of smooth roll roong.
Immediately pour the slurry onto the smooth roll roong disk. Squeegee the slurry level with the top of the tem-
plate with minimum of manipulation (excessive squeegeeing
contributes to segregation). Scrape off excess material and
discard. Remove the template. Place the molded specimen in
the 60C (140F) oven and dry to constant weight (minimum
15 h drying time).
NOTE 5It should be noted that if the slurry mix is air-cured prior to
oven-drying to a constant weight, the presence of portland cement in the
mix could cause the physical properties of the mix to be affected by the
relative humidity of the curing environment. A humid environment could
increase the degree of hydration of the portland cement and change the
physical properties of the mix. When practical, it is suggested that the
slurry pad be allowed to cure at a minimum of 50 % relative humidity if
optimum effect of the portland cement is desired.
6.4.4 Procedure: Remove the dried specimen from the 60C (140F)
oven. Allow to cool to room temperature and weigh. After weighing, place the specimen in the 25C
(77F) water bath for 60 to 75 min. Remove the specimen from the water bath and place
in the 330-mm (13-in.) diameter at bottom pan. Secure the
specimen to the pan bottom by tightening the four wing-nut
FIG. 4 Specimen in Place Ready for Test (C-100 machine
FIG. 5 Diagram of Pan (dimensions shown are for the C-100
FIG. 6 Squeeging, Slurry into Mold
FIG. 7 Components of Abrasion Head (dimensions shown are for
the C-100 machine)
FIG. 8 Assembled Abrasion Head
D 3910
6 Completely cover the specimen with at least 6-mm
4-in.) depth of water (temperature 25C (77F)). Secure the pan containing the specimen on the
platform of the device (Fig. 4). Lock the rubber hose abrasion
head on the shaft of the H machine. Elevate the platform until
the rubber hose bears on the surface of the specimen. Use the
prop block to support the platform assembly during testing. Switch to the low speed of the mixer. Operate the
mixer for 5 min 6 2 s for Hobart Model C-100; 6.7 min 6 2
s for Hobart Model A-120 and 5.15 min 6 2 s for Hobart N-50.
NOTE 6Install a fresh section of hose after completion of each test. It
is permissible to rotate the hose one half turn after each test run and obtain
a fresh section for the next specimen. Remove the specimen from the pan after the abra-
sion cycle and wash off debris. Place the washed test specimen
in the 60C (140F) oven and dry to constant weight. The dried specimen is removed from the 60C
(140F) oven, allowed to reach room temperature and weighed.
The difference between this weight and the weight obtained in
5.4.1 is multiplied by the appropriate factor shown in Note 7 to
express the loss in grams per square foot or grams per square
meter (wear value). The wear value is multiplied by the
correction factor to obtain a C-100 wear value for comparison
to the limit stated in 5.4.7.
NOTE 7The factors used to convert the loss for the actual abraded
area to a 1-m
or 1-ft
basis with each Hobart mixer is:
Model Abraded Area 1-ft
C-100 0.327 ft
3.06 32.9 1.00
A-120 0.360 ft
2.78 29.9 1.17
N-50 0.287 ft
3.48 37.5 0.78
The C-100 correction factor converts A-120 or N-50 wear values to the C-100
wear value.
6.4.5 ReportReport the wear value (WTAT loss) in grams
per square metre (or grams per square foot).
6.5 PrecisionNo precision statement of these practices
have been obtained by statistically designed interlaboratory
series of tests. However the question of precision is being
considered for possibility of development.
7. Slurry Seal Construction
7.1 SignicanceThe work covered by this procedure con-
sists of furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials and
performing all operations necessary in connection with the
proper application of an emulsied asphalt slurry seal upon the
designated surface.
7.2 Equipment:
7.2.1 GeneralAll equipment, tools and machines used in
the performance of this work shall be maintained in satisfac-
tory working order at all times.
7.2.2 Slurry Mixing Equipment: The slurry mixing machine shall be a continuous
ow mixing unit and capable of delivering accurately a
predetermined proportion of aggregate water and asphalt
emulsion to the mixing chamber and to discharge the thor-
oughly mixed product on a continuous basis. The equipment
shall be capable of prewetting the aggregate immediately prior
to mixing with the emulsion. The mixing unit of the mixing
chamber shall be capable of thoroughly blending all of the
ingredients together without violent mixing. The mixing machine shall be equipped with an
approved nes feeder that includes an accurate metering device
or method to introduce a predetermined proportion of mineral
ller into the mixer. The mineral ller shall be fed at the same
time and location as the aggregate. The nes feeder shall be
required whenever added mineral ller is a part of the
aggregate blend. The mixing machine shall be equipped with a water
pressure system and fog-type spray bar, adequate for complete
fogging of the surface receiving slurry treatment.
7.2.3 Slurry Spreading EquipmentAttached to the mixer
machine shall be a mechanical type squeegee distributor,
equipped with exible material in contact with the surface of
the pavement to prevent loss of slurry from the distributor. It
shall be maintained so as to prevent loss of slurry on varying
grades and crown by adjustments to insure uniform spread.
There shall be a steering device and a exible strike-off. The
spreader box shall have an adjustable width. The box shall be
kept clean and build up of asphalt and aggregate on the box or
in the corners shall not be permitted. Use of burlap drags or
other drags shall be approved by the engineer.
7.2.4 Auxiliary EquipmentHand squeegees, shovels, and
other equipment shall be provided if necessary to perform the
7.2.5 Cleaning EquipmentPower brooms, power blowers,
air compressors, water ushing equipment, and hand brooms,
suitable for cleaning the surface and cracks of the old surface.
7.3 Preparation of Surface:
7.3.1 Immediately prior to applying the slurry, clean the
surface of all loose material, mud spots, vegetation, and other
objectionable material. Any standard cleaning method used to
clean pavements will be acceptable except water ushing will
not be permitted in areas where cracks are present in the
pavement surface.
7.3.2 If the slurry is being placed over a brick or concrete
surface, high-absorbent asphalt surface, or over a surface
where the aggregate has become exposed and is polished and
slick, a one-part emulsion, three-part water tack coat of the
same asphalt emulsion type grade as specied for the slurry is
recommended. This can be applied with an asphalt distributor
or a suitable water truck. The normal application rate is 0.189
to 0.378 L (0.05 to 0.10 gal) of the diluted emulsion per square
yard of surface.
7.4 Composition of the Slurry Mix The amount of asphalt
emulsion to be blended with the aggregate shall be that as
determined by laboratory mix design after nal adjustment in
the eld. A minimum amount of water shall be added as
necessary to obtain a uid and homogeneous mixture.
7.5 Weather LimitationsThe slurry seal shall not be ap-
plied if either the pavement or air temperature is below 13C
(55F) and falling, but may be applied when both the air and
pavement temperature is 7C (45F) or above and rising. The
mixture shall not be applied if high-relative humidity prolongs
the curing beyond a reasonable time.
7.6 Traffc ControlSuitable methods, should be used to
protect the slurry from all types of traffic until sufficiently
D 3910
cured to accept traffic. The length of time before traffic is
permitted to use the surface depends on the type of emulsied
asphalt, mixture characteristics, and weather conditions.
7.7 AggregateThe aggregate shall be stockpiled in an area
that drains readily. Precautions shall be taken to prevent
contamination of the stockpile by oversized rock, soil, or
vegetation. The aggregate shall be loaded on to the slurry seal
trucks without segregation.
7.8 Asphalt EmulsionThe asphalt emulsion shall be stored
in stationary, rail, or truck tanks that can easily be used to ll
the slurry seal truck tanks. The tanks shall be equipped to
prevent water from entering the emulsion. Suitable heat shall
be provided if necessary to prevent freezing. Emulsied
asphalts should be mixed or circulated once a day for unifor-
7.9 WaterAll water used with the slurry mixture shall be
potable and free of harmful soluble salts.
7.10 Application:
7.10.1 GeneralThe surface may be prewetted by fogging
ahead of the slurry box if required by local conditions. Water
used in prewetting the surface shall be applied at such a rate
that the entire surface is damp with no apparent owing water
in front of the slurry box. The slurry mixture shall be of the
desired consistency upon deposit on the surface and no
additional elements shall be added. Total time of mixing shall
not exceed 4 min. Asufficient amount of slurry shall be carried
in all parts of the spreader at all times so that a complete
coverage is obtained. Overloading of the spreader shall be
avoided. No lumping, balling, or unmixed aggregate shall be
permitted. No segregation of the emulsion and aggregate nes
from the coarse aggregate shall be permitted. If the coarse
aggregate settles to the bottom of the mix the slurry shall be
removed from the pavement. No excessive breaking of emul-
sion shall be allowed in the spreader box. No streaks, such as
those caused by oversized aggregate will be left in the nished
7.10.2 JointsBuild-up on longitudinal and transverse
joints should be kept to a minimum.
7.10.3 Hand WorkApproved squeegees shall be used to
spread slurry in nonaccessible areas to the slurry mixer. Care
should be exercised in leaving no unsightly appearance from
the hand work.
7.10.4 CuringTreated areas shall be allowed to cure until
such time as the engineer or contracting officer permits their
opening to traffic.
7.10.5 RollingRolling is normally not required on slurry
surfaces. However, in areas of slow turning traffic, for example,
airelds, the paved surface should be rolled with a 4.5-metric
ton (5-ton) roller. The paved area should be subjected to a
minimum of ve coverages. If a pneumatic roller is used it
should be operated at a tire pressure of 345 kPa (50 psi).
8. Keywords
8.1 abrasion resistance; appropriate ratio-mix formula;
emulsied asphalt cold mixure; ne-graded aggregate; mineral
ller; mixing water; set and cure time; specialized mixing and
application equipment; slurry consistency; slurry seal
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every ve years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.
D 3910

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