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Test For Cement

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Test To Check Consistency Of Cement

The basic aim is to find out the water content required to produce a cement paste of standard
consistency as specified by the IS: 4031 (Part 4) 1!""# The princip$e is that standard
consistency of cement is that consistency at which the %icat p$un&er penetrates to a point '(
)mm from the bottom of %icat mou$d#
*pparatus %icat apparatus conformin& to IS: ''13 1!)+, -a$ance, whose permissib$e
.ariation at a $oad of 1000& shou$d be /1#0&, 0au&in& trowe$ conformin& to IS: 100"+
Procedure to determine consistency of cement
i) Weigh approximately 400g of cement and mix it with a weighed quantity of
water. The time of gauging should be between 3 to 5 minutes.
ii) ill the !icat mould with paste and le"el it with a trowel.
iii) #ower the plunger gently till it touches the cement surface.
i") $elease the plunger allowing it to sin% into the paste.
") &ote the reading on the gauge.
"i) $epeat the abo"e procedure ta%ing fresh samples of cement and di'erent
quantities of water until the reading on the gauge is 5 to (mm.
Reporting of Results
)xpress the amount of water as a percentage of the weight of dry cement to the
*rst place of decimal.
Test To Check Soundness Of Cement
Soundness of cement is determined by 2e(3hate$ier method as per IS: 4031 (Part 3) 1!""#
*pparatus The apparatus for conductin& the 2e(3hate$ier test shou$d conform to IS: ''14
-a$ance, whose permissib$e .ariation at a $oad of 1000& shou$d be /1#0& and 4ater bath#
Procedure to determine soundness of cement
i) +lace the mould on a glass sheet and *ll it with the cement paste formed by
gauging cement with 0.(, times the water required to gi"e a paste of standard
ii) -o"er the mould with another piece of glass sheet. place a small weight on
this co"ering glass sheet and immediately submerge the whole assembly in
water at a temperature of /( 0 /
- and %eep it there for /4hrs.
iii) 1easure the distance separating the indicator points to the nearest 0.5mm
2say d
i") 4ubmerge the mould again in water at the temperature prescribed abo"e.
5ring the water to boiling point in /5 to 30 minutes and %eep it boiling for 3hrs.
") $emo"e the mould from the water. allow it to cool and measure the distance
between the indicator points 2say d
"i) 2d
6 d
) represents the expansion of cement.
Test To Check Fineness Of Cement
So we need to determine the fineness of cement by dry as per IS: 4031 (Part 1)
1!!+#The princip$e of this is that we determine the proportion of cement whose &rain si5e is
$ar&er then specified mesh si5e#
The apparatus used are !06m IS Sie.e, -a$ance capab$e of wei&hin& 10& to the nearest 10m&,
* ny$on or pure brist$e brush, preferab$y with 1' to 40mm, brist$e, for c$eanin& the sie.e#
Sie.e shown in pic be$ow is not the actua$ !06m sei.e#Its 7ust for reference#
Procedure to determine fineness of cement
i) 4ei&h appro8imate$y 10& of cement to the nearest 0#01& and p$ace it on the sie.e#
ii) *&itate the sie.e by swir$in&, p$anetary and $inear mo.ements, unti$ no more fine materia$
passes throu&h it#
iii) 4ei&h the residue and e8press its mass as a percenta&e 91,of the quantity first p$aced on
the sie.e to the nearest 0#1 percent#
i.) 0ent$y brush a$$ the fine materia$ off the base of the sie.e#
.) 9epeat the who$e procedure usin& a fresh 10& samp$e to obtain 91# Then ca$cu$ate 9 as the
mean of 91 and 91 as a percenta&e, e8pressed to the nearest 0#1 percent# 4hen the resu$ts
differ by more than 1 percent abso$ute, carry out a third and ca$cu$ate the mean of the
three .a$ues#
Reporting of Results
9eport the .a$ue of 9, to the nearest 0#1 percent, as the residue on the !06m sie.e#
ist of IS Codes for Cement !nd Concrete
:ere are the IS codes which cater to the need of ci.i$ en&ineerin& re$atin& to 3ement and
3oncrete# These IS codes inc$ude the Standardi5ation in the fie$d of a$$ types of cement,
po55o$ana, testin& sand, concrete, a&&re&ates, instruments for cement and concrete testin&,
cement p$ant machinery and ;erro cement concrete, reinforced concrete and pre(stressed
concrete, test methods for concrete, concrete production and e8ecution of concrete structures,
performance requirements for structura$ concrete, non(traditiona$ reinforcin& materia$s for
concrete structures and cement and $ime#
IS 1+!:1!"! Specification for ordinary Port$and cement, 33 &rade
IS 3"3:1!)0 Specification for coarse and fine a&&re&ates from natura$ sources for concrete
IS 4'':1!"! Specification for Port$and s$a& cement
IS 4'+:1000 3ode of practice for p$ain and reinforced concrete
IS 4'):1!') 3ode of practice for &enera$ construction of p$ain and reinforced concrete for
dams and other massi.e structures
IS '1+:1!'! <ethod of test for stren&th of concrete
IS +'0:1!!1 Specification for standard sand for testin& of cement
IS 11!!:1!'! <ethods of samp$in& and ana$ysis of concrete
IS 1343:1!"0 3ode of practice for prestressed concrete
IS 1344:1!"1 Specification for ca$cined c$ay po55o$ana
IS 14"!(Part 1):1!!1 Specification for Port$and po55o$ana cement Part 1 ;$yash based
IS 14"!(Part 1):1!!1 Specification for Port$and(po55o$ana cement: Part 1 3a$cined c$ay
IS 1)1):1!+) <ethods of test for po55o$anic materia$s
IS 13"+(Part 1):1!+3 <ethods of test for a&&re&ates for concrete: Part 1 Partic$e si5e and
IS 13"+(Part 1):1!+3 <ethods of test for a&&ree&ates for concrete: Part 1 =stimation of
de$eterious materia$s and or&anic impurities
IS 13"+(Part 3):1!+3 <ethods of test for a&&re&ates for concrete: Part 3 Specific &ra.ity,
density, .oids, absorption and bu$>in&
IS 13"+(Part 4):1!+3 <ethods of test for a&&re&ates for concrete: Part 4 <echanica$
IS 13"+(Part '):1!+3 <ethods of test for a&&re&ates for concrete : Part ' Soundness
IS 13"+(Part +):1!+3 <ethods of test for a&&re&ates for concrete : Part + <easurin& mortar
ma>in& properties of fine a&&re&ates
IS 13"+(Part )):1!+3 <ethods of test for a&&re&ates for concrete : Part ) *$>a$i a&&re&ate
IS 13"+(Part "):1!+3 <ethods of test for a&&re&ates for concrete: Part " Petro&raphic
IS 1430:1!"+ <ethods for samp$in& of a&&re&ates for concrete
IS 1'01:1!+3 3ode of practice for bendin& and fi8in& of bars for concrete reinforcement
IS 1+4':1003 Inte&ra$ waterproofin& compounds for cement mortar and concrete
IS 1))0(Part 1):1!+) <ethods of testin& bond in reinforced concrete: Part 1 Pu$$(out test
IS 30"':1!+' <ethod of test for permeabi$ity of cement mortar and concrete
IS 33)0(Part 1):100! 3ode of practice for concrete structures for stora&e of $iquids: Part 1
0enera$ requirements
IS 33)0(Part 1):100! 3ode of practice for concrete structures for stora&e of $iquids: Part 1
9einforced concrete structures
IS 33)0(Part 3):1!+) 3ode of practice for concrete structures for the stora&e of $iquids: Part 3
Prestressed concrete
IS 33)0(Part 4):1!+) 3ode of practice for concrete structures for the stora&e of $iquids: Part 4
?esi&n tab$es
IS 34++:1!"" Specification for masonry cement
IS 3'3':1!"+ <ethods of samp$in& hydrau$ic cement
IS 3''":1!"3 3ode of practice for use of immersion .ibrators
IS 3"11(Part 1):1003 Specification for pu$.eri5ed fue$ ash Part 1 ;or use as po55o$ana in
cement, cement
mortar and concrete
IS 3"11(Part 1):1003 Specification for pu$.eri5ed fue$ ash Part 1 ;or use as admi8ture in
cement mortar and
IS 4031(Part 1):1!!+ <ethods of physica$ tests for hydrau$ic cement: Part 1 ?etermination of
fineness by dry
IS 4031(Part 1):1!!! <ethods of physica$ tests for hydrau$ic cement: Part 1 ?etermination of
fineness by specific surface by -$aine air permeabi$ity method
IS 4031(Part 3):1!"" <ethods of physica$ tests for hydrau$ic cement: Part 3 ?etermination of
IS 4031(Part 4):1!"" <ethods of physica$ tests for hydrau$ic cement: Part 4 ?etermination of
consistency of standard cement paste
IS 4031(Part '):1!"" <ethods of physica$ tests for hydrau$ic cement: Part ' ?etermination of
initia$ and fina$ settin& times
IS 4031(Part +):1!"" <ethods of physica$ tests for hydrau$ic cement: Part + ?etermination of
compressi.e stren&th of hydrau$ic cement (other than masonry cement)
IS 4031(Part )):1!"" <ethods of physica$ tests for hydrau$ic cement: Part ) ?etermination of
compressi.e stren&th of masonry cement
IS 4031(Part "):1!"" <ethods of physica$ tests for hydrau$ic cement: Part " ?etermination of
trans.erse and compressi.e stren&th of p$astic mortar usin& prism
IS 4031(Part !):1!"" <ethods of physica$ tests for hydrau$ic cement: Part ! ?etermination of
heat of hydration
IS 4031(Part 10):1!"" <ethods of physica$ tests for hydrau$ic cement: Part 10 ?etermination
of dryin& shrin>a&e
IS 4031(Part 11):1!"" <ethods of physica$ tests for hydrau$ic cement: Part 11 ?etermination
of density
IS 4031(Part 11):1!"" <ethods of physica$ tests for hydrau$ic cement: Part 11 ?etermination
of air content of hydrau$ic cement mortar
IS 4031(Part 13):1!"" <ethods of physica$ tests for hydrau$ic cement: Part 13 <easurement
of water retenti.ity of masonry cement
IS 4031(Part 14):1!"! <ethods of physica$ tests for hydrau$ic cement: Part 14 ?etermination
of fa$se set
IS 4031(Part 1'):1!!1 <ethods of physica$ test for hydrau$ic cement: Part 1' ?etermination
of fineness by wet
IS 4031:1!"' <ethod of chemica$ ana$ysis of hydrau$ic cement
IS 430':1!+) 0$ossary of terms re$atin& to po55o$ana
IS 4+34:1!!1 <ethods for testin& performance of batch(type concrete mi8ers
IS 4"4':1!+" ?efinitions and termino$o&y re$atin& to hydrau$ic
IS 4!1+:1003 9eady mi8ed concrete 3ode of practice
IS ''11:1!"3 Specification for f$ow tab$e for use in tests of hydrau$ic cements and po55o$anic
IS ''13:1!!+ Specification for .icat apparatus
IS ''14:1!!+ Specification for apparatus used in 2e(3hate$ier test
IS ''1':1!"3 Specification for compaction factor apparatus
IS ''1+:1!!+ Specification for .ariab$e f$ow type air(permeabi$ity apparatus (-$aine type)
IS ''1':1!+! 9ecommendations for detai$in& of reinforcement in reinforced concrete wor>s
IS ''3+:1!+! Specification for constant f$ow type air( permeabi$ity apparatus (2ea and @urse
IS '"1+:1!!! <ethod of test for sp$ittin& tensi$e stren&th of concrete
IS +4'1:1!"! Specification for hi&h a$umina cement for structura$ use
IS +4+1(Part 1):1!)1 0$ossary of terms re$atin& to cement concrete: Part 1 3oncrete
IS +4+1(Part 1):1!)1 0$ossary of terms re$atin& to cement concrete: Part 1 <ateria$s (other
than cement and a&&re&ate)
IS +4+1(Part 3):1!)1 0$ossary of terms re$atin& to cement concrete: Part 3 3oncrete
IS +4+1(Part 4):1!)1 0$ossary of terms re$atin& to cement concrete: Part 4 Types of concrete
IS +4+1(Part '):1!)1 0$ossary of terms re$atin& to cement concrete: Part ' ;ormwor> for
IS +4+1(Part +):1!)1 0$ossary of terms re$atin& to cement concrete: Part + =quipment, too$s
and p$ant
IS +4+1(Part )):1!)3 0$ossary of terms re$atin& to cement concrete: Part ) <i8in&, $ayin&,
compaction, curin& and other construction aspects
IS +4+1(Part "):1!)3 0$ossary of terms re$atin& to cement concrete
IS +4+1(Part !):1!)1 0$ossary of terms re$atin& of cement concrete:Part ! Structura$ aspects
IS +4+1(Part 10):1!)3 0$ossary of terms re$atin& to cement concrete:Part 10 Tests and testin&
IS +4+1(Part 11):1!)3 0$ossary of terms re$atin& to cement concrete: Part 11 Prestressed
IS +4+1(Part 11):1!)3 0$ossary of terms re$atin& to cement concrete: Part 11 <isce$$aneous
IS +4!1:1!)1 <ethod of samp$in& f$y ash
IS +!0!:1!!0 Specification for supersu$phated cement
IS +!1':1!)3 <ethods of test for determination of water so$ub$e ch$orides in concrete
IS )14+:1!)4 9ecommendations for use of tab$e .ibrators for conso$idatin& concrete
IS )310:1!)4 Specification for concrete s$ump test apparatus
IS )31':1!)4 Specification for apparatus for determinin& constituents of fresh concrete
IS )"+1(Part 1):1!)' 3ode of practice for e8treme weather concretin&: Part 1 9ecommended
practice for hot weather
IS )"+1(Part 1):1!"1 3ode of practice for e8treme weather concretin&:Part 1 9ecommended
practice for co$d weather concretin&
IS "041:1!!0 Specification for rapid hardenin& Port$and cement
IS "041:1!"! Specification for white Port$and cement
IS "043:1!!1 Specification for hydrophobic Port$and cement
IS "111:1!"! Specification for 43 &rade ordinary Port$and
IS "11':1!)+ ?imensions and materia$s of cement rotary >i$ns, components and au8i$iaries
(dry process with
suspension preheater)
IS "141:1!)+ <ethod of test for determinin& settin& time of concrete by penetration
IS "11!:1!"+ Specification for oi$(we$$ cement
IS "41':1!)) 3ode of practice for determination of specific surface area of powders by air
IS !011:1!)" 9ecommended practice for shotcretin&
IS !013:1!)" <ethod of ma>in&, curin& and determinin& compressi.e stren&th of acce$erated
concrete test specimens
IS !103:1!!! Specification for admi8tures for concrete
IS !141:1!)! Specification for artificia$ $i&ht wei&ht a&&re&ates for concrete masonry units
IS !1"4:1!)! <ethod of test for abrasion resistance of concrete
IS !3)+:1!)! Specification for apparatus for measurin& a&&re&ate crushin& .a$ue and ten
percent fines
IS !3)):1!)! Specification for apparatus for a&&re&ate impact
IS !3!!:1!)! Specification for apparatus for f$e8ura$ testin& of concrete
IS !4'!:1!"0 Specification for apparatus for use in measurement of $en&th chan&e of
hardened cement paste, mortar and concrete
IS !)!!:1!"1 Specification for pressure meter for determination of air content of fresh$y
mi8ed concrete
IS 100)0:1!"1 Specification for machine for abrasion testin& of coarse a&&re&ates
IS 100)" :1!"1 Specification for 7o$tin& apparatus for testin&
IS 100)!:1!"1 Specification for cy$indrica$ meta$ measures for use in tests of a&&re&ates and
IS 100"0:1!"1 Specification for .ibration machine for castin& Act standard cement mortar
IS 100"+:1!"1 Specification for mou$ds for use in tests of cement and concrete
IS 101+1:100! 0uide$ines for concrete mi8 proportionin&
IS 10'10:1!"3 Specification for .ee(bee consistometer
IS 10"'0:1!"4 Specification for apparatus for measurement of water retenti.ity of masonry
IS 10"!0:1!"4 Specification for p$anetary mi8er used in tests of cement and po55o$ana
IS 111+1:1!"' Specification for ca$orimeter for determination of heat of hydration of
hydrau$ic cement
IS 111+3:1!"' Specification for cy$inder measures for determination of air content of
hydrau$ic cement
IS 11')":1!"+ <ethod for determination of specific surface area of powder and porous
partic$e usin& $ow
temperature &as absorption techniques
IS 11!!3:1!") 3ode of practice for use of screed board concrete .ibrators
IS 110"!:1!") Specification for &ranu$ated s$a& for manufacture of Port$and s$a& cement
IS 1111!:1!") 0enera$ requirements for pan mi8ers for concrete
IS 111+!:1!") Specification for '3 &rade ordinary Port$and
IS 11303:1!") 3riteria for desi&n of 933 hin&es ?ec
IS 11330:1!"" Specification for su$phate resistin& Port$and
IS 11413:1!"" <ethod for co$orimetric ana$ysis of hydrau$ic
IS 11+00:1!"! Specification for $ow heat Port$and cement
IS 11"03:1!"! <ethods of ana$ysis of hydrau$ic cement by B(ray f$uorescence spectrometer
IS 11"13:1!"! <ethod of ana$ysis of hydrau$ic cement by atomic absorption
IS 11")0:1!"! <ethods of samp$in& ca$cined c$ay po55o$ana
IS 13311(Part 1):1!!1 <ethods of non(destructi.e testin& of concrete: Part 1 C$trasonic pu$se
IS 13311(Part 1):1!!1 <ethods of non(destructi.e testin& of concrete: Part 1 9ebound
IS 1434':1!!+ Specification for autoc$a.e apparatus
IS 14+"):1!!! 0uide$ines for fa$sewor> for concrete structures
IS 14"'":1000 9equirements for compression testin& machine used for testin& of concrete
and mortar
IS 14!'!(Part 1):1001 <ethod of test for determination of water so$ub$e and acid so$ub$e
ch$orides in mortar and concrete:Part 1 ;resh mortar and concrete
IS 14!'!(Part 1):1001 <ethod of test for determination of water so$ub$e and acid so$ub$e
ch$orides in mortar and concrete:Part 1 :ardened mortar and concrete
IS 1'3"":1003 Si$ica fume Specification
SP 1+(SDT): 1!"0 ?esi&n aids for reinforced concrete to IS 4'+:1!)"
SP 13(SDT): 1!"1 :andboo> on concrete mi8es ( -ased on Indian 1 Standards)
SP 14(SDT): 1!"3 =8p$anatory handboo> on Indian Standard code of practice for p$ain and
reinforced concrete
SP 34(SDT): 1!") :andboo> on concrete reinforcement and detai$in&

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