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Voltage Sag

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VII Simposio Internacional sobre


Voltage Sag Studies in Electric Systems of

Industrial Plants due to Disturbances in the
Interconnected Power System
Sylvio Cayres, Marcos J. P. Leme Souza, and Eudifran C. Caetano

Abstract This technical paper shows a feature that can be

implemented in short circuit programs for power quality studies.
The voltage behavior in areas nearby an industrial substation is
determined for disturbances in the interconnected power system.
The studies were initiated a few years ago as a subsidy to the
analysis of voltage sags in an oil refinery in the Northeast of
Brazil. There was a need for specific features to do this type of
study using short circuit programs to make possible the
implementation of a large number of faults, however with simple
and effective ways of analyzing the results.
Index Terms Protection Relay Undervoltage Setting, Short
Circuit Simulation, Voltage Sag


owadays, due to the extremely complex meshed grid,

large industrial plants directly connected to transmission
or subtransmission systems of electric utility companies are
facing problems regarding the impact that short circuits
somewhere in the network may cause to their processes. So,
dedicated protection schemes are installed in order to preserve
the most important industrial activities, by disconnecting the
equipment from the external source and using internal
generation systems instead, whenever necessary.
It happens that a short circuit in the transmission system
may reduce the voltage level at the plant main substation and
in its internal network, disturbing the industrial processes and
also allowing undervoltage and voltage-controlled overcurrent
relays to trip. Therefore, short circuit studies all over the
network around the plant must be carried on, what demands
many thousands simulations for only one single system
configuration. If contingencies are to be taking into account,
the quantity of faults to be applied will increase.
The intention of this paper is not to study the industrial area
protection system, but to show how faults in the transmission
network around it can influence the industrial network,
highlighting the boundary of such interference.
Paper submitted for review on June, 29, 2013.
Sylvio Cayres is with CP Engenharia, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil (e-mail:
Marcos J. P. Leme Souza is with PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Brazil (e-mail:
Eudifran C. Caetano is with PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil (email:

The power system database is normally obtained from the

system regional operator, in this specific case, the Brazilian
System National Operator (ONS). So, it is a database already
existing and duly updated according to the network evolution.
However, the protective relay data is also needed. It is a hard
task to put together all information about the different devices
used by the local utility and the ones interconnected to it in the
area of interest. In this work, three different electric energy
utilities share the area that surrounds the industrial plant.
The very first works on voltage sag analysis, some years
ago, revealed that the power system database should be treated
with special care due to the large quantity of mistakes found in
the network models. So, additional time was spent in the
present work for checking the database components.
A specific tool was developed for a short circuit program
used for the studies in order to run all kind of faults that could
produce voltage sags within a certain area previously set,
checking the resulting voltage drop values and the actual fault
clearance times. The feature has been improved, with a greater
automation of controls allowed, and its latest version was used
in these recent studies for an industrial area in the Southeast.
This paper covers basically the network modeling, the
method for the short circuit simulation and the special features
developed for the voltage sag analysis.
As any other short circuit and power flow studies, the work
described in this paper depends on the network equipment
models used for the simulations. This information is normally
arranged in structured database. Software of several vendors
can organize the format and data storage differently for easier
and faster search, retrieval and manipulation. However, the
database of a certain network is frequently the same or, at
least, has the same origin. Either through a complete migration
from another database system and, many times, from another
computer platform, or just converted from an old format to a
newer one of similar applications, the data parameters can be
essentially the same. And these parameters may have been
unchanged for years.
So, a first task is to check possible anomalies in the whole
database, concentrating efforts to fix the errors and mistakes in
the network in the area under analysis.
The mistakes found and fixed in the database network

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elements were mostly related to:

- omission of generator and transformer resistances;
- very simple models for transmission lines;
- nonobservance of direction in mutual coupling between
transmission circuits;
- incorrect phasing of power transformers;
- inaccurate model of magnetizing impedance of three-phase
- incorrect zero-sequence parameters of wye-wye-delta
- incorrect grounding transformer sequence connection;
- incorrect model of shunt reactors;
- omission of loads.
A. Omission of generator and transformer resistances
Many engineers model generators and transformers with a
resistance equal to zero and a reactance equal to the value of
the impedance given by the test sheet. This method is quite
practical and has been used because the effect of the resistance
on the resulting short circuit currents seems to be negligible.
However, it is not strictly correct. In fact, the resistance of
some power transformers can be as high as 5% to 10% of the
reactance. The short circuit currents are usually not affected
significantly by the zero resistance, but the assumption of zero
resistance can lead to unrealistic X/R ratios. Developers of
short circuit programs have strongly recommended that the
correct transformer resistance and reactance be entered in the
database if the engineer plans to use the X/R ratios for breaker
or CT rating studies. Otherwise the equipment can be treated
as overstressed, in an extremely conservative evaluation, when
it could be still submitted to some overcurrent.
For transformers, the short circuit program used for the
simulations in this work recommends the use of the IEEE
Standard Test Code for Dry-Type Distribution and Power
Transformers, ANSI/IEEE C57.12.91, based on which one can
break down the impedance into its resistance and reactance
components using the transformer load-loss data, which are
also given on test sheets. The formulas can be entered into
some kind of script that runs together with the short circuit
program, as the one of the example of Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Script for transformer resistance in a short circuit program using

ANSI/IEEE C57.12.91 formulas.

Indeed, any study that demands the analysis of the shape of

the current wave and, then, depends on the decay of the wave

along the circuits, should have a more accurate representation

of the impedance, including the resistance of the elements
besides their reactance.
And another good reason to take resistances into account is
directly related to this work: the checking of the instantaneous
settings of overcurrent relays. When the relay is sensitive to
DC offset, the DC component of the fault current must be
considered, in order to make sure that the instantaneous unit
will not trip for faults outside the protected zone. The current
multiplier is a function of the X/R ratio. If the resistances of
some network elements considered in the X/R calculation are
set to zero, the multiplier will result too high and the
instantaneous unit operation will not correspond to the real
case. A typical case is shown in the Fig. 2, where the dialog
box on the left shows that the program used for the short
circuit simulations has the option for the computation of the
X/R ratio based on the network elements when the overcurrent
relay instantaneous setting is checked.


VII Simposio Internacional sobre


Fig. 2. Checking of overcurrent relay instantaneous setting taking into

account the X/R ratio and a typical case of influence of mutual coupling.

B. Very simple models for transmission lines

The fact is that most of the transmission lines in databases
are modeled as series lumped impedances only. However,
such simplification is not a good solution for some
applications. The shunt admittances are directly related to the
line length and should be represented whenever the line is not
said to be short. Thus, transmission lines in general should
have a model, normally called nominal . When no line
shunt admittance is available, we have used a very small
capacitive shunt at the two ends of the transmission line in
order to emulate the effect of natural line capacitances. The
short circuit program used for the simulations did it
automatically, selecting a certain level empirically, large
enough to avoid mathematical singularity and, at the same
time, small enough to have an insignificant effect on short
circuit solutions, with the assumption that no value is to be
C. Nonobservance of direction in mutual coupling between
transmission circuits
The absence of zero sequence mutual coupling of the
transmission lines in the short-circuit database can make
protection studies more difficult to be carried out. In the past,
the inclusion of a great quantity of mutuals was sometimes
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treated with some special care due to the need of many

fictitious nodes that could reach the bus limit of the
application software. Today many programs allow mutual
coupling without such additional nodes. The mutuals are
geographically included, covering the exact percent of real
coupling of lines in the same right-of-way.
We have been suggesting the use of construction editors of
line constant programs to take into account transmission line
mutual coupling accurately. The effect of the mutuals on the
setting of ground overcurrent and distance relays is well
known. This typical influence is shown in Fig. 2, where is
checked if the relay instantaneous unit trips for remote lineend faults on parallel lines.
D. Incorrect phasing of power transformers
Two- and three-winding power transformers with incorrect
phase shift must be checked in the database. Typical wrong
phasing refers to wye-delta transformers in parallel, one with
the delta leading and the other with the delta lagging.
However, phasing errors in practice are rarely this obvious.
The system may have hundreds or even thousands of
transformers in a complex meshed network. Then, the shortcircuit program logic must be capable of finding the mistake
by checking the transformers that are in the same contiguous
Due to a lack of a consistent check of anomalies in large
networks, some impossible transformer connections are
sometimes found in the database. Whenever such mistakes are
found or foreseen as a possible reason for strange results, until
they are definitely fixed in the database, we have suggested
the use of options to ignore phase shift and to use flat
voltage as the pre-fault voltage profile when simulating
faults, if the short-circuit program has such flexibility.
E. Inaccurate model of magnetizing impedance of threephase transformers
Three-phase transformers are normally modeled with the
same impedance for the zero sequence as for the positive and
negative sequence networks. It is so assumed because the
magnetizing impedance of most transformers is very large,
generally greater than 50 per unit, and can be ignored in shortcircuit studies. This is true for three-phase transformer banks
consisting of separate three single-phase units.
But this is not the case of transformers where the core is
shared by the three phases. The magnetizing impedance of a
transformer is the apparent impedance measured at a terminal
with the other terminals open-circuited. In the existing designs
of core-type three-phase transformers, the shunt branch that
corresponds to the excitation can be omitted for the positive
and negative sequence networks, since the resulting phasor
sum of the flux of each phase is confined in the iron paths. For
the zero sequence network all the fluxes are in phase and the
sum is not zero. The magnetizing impedance of these coretype transformers is still very large if it is of shell-form, as
shown in Fig. 3 (b), while the magnetic circuit is not saturated.
In this case, it can be ignored as well in short-circuit studies.


VII Simposio Internacional sobre


Fig. 3. Typical zero sequence open circuit impedance for core-type and shelltype transformers.

The zero-sequence magnetizing impedance of three-legcore transformers of Fig. 3 (a) is a notable exception. This low
impedance, as shown in the figure, is a direct result of the core
construction. When a set of three-phase windings is excited by
zero-sequence current, the three fluxes are forced out of the
iron core to return through the air or oil where the magnetic
permeability is much smaller than that of iron. For this reason
the transformer tank can be treated as a fictitious tertiary
winding connected in delta. We have said that the engineer
should consider the modeling of zero-sequence magnetizing
impedance of three-leg-core transformers if high accuracy is
desired. Some programs, as the one used in this work, provide
a field for this parameter as a part of the model, as the B and
mainly B0 indicated in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Transformer model with a field for the magnetizing susceptances

indicated in a dialog box of the short circuit program used for the simulations.

F. Incorrect zero-sequence parameters of wye-wye-delta

We use to call it three-winding transformers with
questionable parameters. The wye-wye-delta transformers in
most databases have dubious zero-sequence short-circuit
impedances. The data normally come from the classical Tmodel impedances. Short-circuit impedances from the primary
side to the secondary side are derived from tests where the
voltage is applied to the one side with the other side shortcircuited. Then, Zps0 cannot be greater or even equal to the
positive-sequence Zps, since the delta tertiary side is
connected to the reference, i.e., it is also short-circuited,
creating the parallel impedance shown in Fig. 5. We have
recommended the checking of anomalies available in some
short circuit programs, as the one indicated in Fig. 6.

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Fig. 5. Test for Zps0 in wye-wye-delta transformers.

Fig. 6. Transformer model dialog box of the program used for the simulations
with checking of Zps0 in wye-wye-delta transformers indicating possible

G. Incorrect grounding transformer sequence connection

A source of mistakes in short-circuit database refers to
grounding transformers. Zigzag and wye-delta transformers
are used for such purpose. These transformers have their
windings connected so that only the zero-sequence impedance
is present in the sequence networks. The fact that the positive
sequence is open-circuited is often forgotten by the personnel
in charge for the database. The wrong modeling of these
elements in the short-circuit database can lead to incorrect
ground current calculation. This will affect protective relay
setting and substation grounding mat design, among other
studies. To avoid this problem, grounding transformer
manufacturers use to highlight the zero sequence reactance in
their data sheets.
H. Incorrect model of shunt reactors
The incorrect model of shunt reactors is also related mainly
to the sequence network connection. Engineers responsible for
short-circuit studies must pay attention to the configuration of
the reactors. Some are solidly grounded while others are
grounded through impedances (transformers, reactors or
resistors). However, the three sequence components must be
present in the network. The zero sequence impedance must be
added in accordance with the real connection in the field. We
have already seen considerable differences in the total zerosequence currents due to wrong models used for the reactors.
I. Omission of loads
Today short-circuit and power flow programs tend to share
the same database and the immediate application is the starting

of a short-circuit case with the pre-fault determined by the

power flow case. Especially for protection engineers this has
been of great help. But many old databases are still separated.
We have been encouraging people to include load in their
short-circuit database, which already has parameters of
positive, negative and zero sequences and, in many cases,
information on equipment voltage, power limits and control
features. Significant differences are observed between with
and without loads. Even though we do not consider that the
omission of loads is to be seen as a common mistake, we have
noticed that it is a practice not to include them. Then, we have
recommended the modeling of loads in the database for
protective relay studies. If the short-circuit program also does
relay setting and coordination studies, the protection engineer
will be happy for having the chance to consider the load.
On the contrary, a common mistake may occur when the
addition of loads is not a practice. Sometimes a large,
concentrated load is added at a single location, e.g., on a bus
that represents a large substation of the area under analysis, for
a specific study. If it is behind or in front of relays, it may be
left there after the study and cause incorrect operation in
future simulations, like the ones based on stepped event logics.
Although the misoperation may be obvious for some relays, it
may be more difficult to be found if the network has distance
relays that under- or overreaches according to the load
Still considering the loads, we have seen that big induction
motors have been omitted in the short circuit simulations,
while generators of same size are in the database. Additional
motors produce current sources that must be included since
their sum to the fault current may be of interest. These rotating
machine contributions typically decrease in 8 cycles at a
maximum. Synchronous motors may still produce some lower
currents while asynchronous motors currents will practically
reduce to zero. So, they should be computed in the
subtransient and initial part of transient periods.


VII Simposio Internacional sobre



The protective systems surrounding the area under analysis
were entered into the short circuit program database. Such
hard task could be done directly on the program one-line
diagram. The program used for the simulations has also an
interesting feature that allowed the importation of digital relay
settings, which is essential for those with a large number of
parameters. Overcurrent and distance relays were modeled in
the program, including the time delay curves and distance
characteristics. Telecommunication assisted protection
schemes were also included in the program protection
A. Voltages sag simulation
The program starts the process by applying all types of fault
connections three-phase, phase-to-phase, phase-to-phase-toground and phase-to-ground short circuits at the bus to be
monitored, user-defined, and automatically at the buses around

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it, also including intermediate faults on the transmission lines

connected to these buses. The program simulates all relay
tripping events, sequentially, in accordance with their actual
settings. Thus, outages of lines, transformers and other
elements of the network during the disturbance are taken into
account in the process.

Fig. 7. Voltage sag process with faults applied tiers around the monitored bus
bus faults and transmission line intermediate faults.

The position of each fault point on the relay overcurrent

curves, including those of electromechanical relay induction
disc types, is tracked. So electromechanical device reset time
is considered in the tracking process. Distance relay zone
timers are also modeled. The timing of communication
assisted relay schemes for transmission lines (teleprotection
systems) is also computed.
The program will continue simulating faults until it finishes
faulting buses at a certain number of tiers away and has found
that the voltage magnitude at the monitored bus stays above
the voltage threshold when faults are applied to all the buses
within that tier. So, this feature has an automatic stopping
criterion that ends the simulations when the monitored voltage
is above this threshold for all the faults at a certain distance
away. The threshold used in the studies was the voltage setting
of the industrial plant undervoltage relays and voltagecontrolled over current relays. The value of 0.75 pu was used
for the simulations.
B. Pre-fault voltage profile
As faults are applied all over the system without previous
control from the user, it may happen that they are on buses
with shunts or loads, or across a some phase shifted
equipment, such as delta-wye transformers. So, it is important
to avoid the use of flat bus voltage methods for the pre-fault
voltages. Instead, a pre-fault voltage profile based on a linear
network solution or on a complete non-linear network solution
through a power flow program must be simulated prior to the
fault application for the accuracy of the simulations.
C. Output report and voltage-sag diagram
For analysis of the results a worksheet is created, showing
the phase voltages at the monitored substation and indicating
which phases reach the limit previously set, the protection
clearance time for each fault applied, the total number of
sequential events related to the relay operations and the
confirmation of the fault clearance by detecting the current
contribution values updated at every sequential event, until

they come to zero. The program output shows voltage and

current in polar format so that reactive power compensation
studies are made possible to be easily developed. Since loads
and shunts are modeled and a power flow solution used for the
pre-fault voltage profile, then capacitor shunts can be
distributed all over the industrial plant buses for a better
voltage control. In the areas where the use of switched reactive
power compensation proves to be helpful to mitigate the
effects of the voltage sag, other power quality studies can be
performed, e.g., flicker checking.
Monitored Bus: 16 BUS
16 13.8kV
Fault Impedance Z=0+j0 Ohm
Tier Flt Bus No.1 Bus Name kV
Bus No.2 Bus Name Perc Va (pu)
Va (deg)
0 3LG
16 BUS
16 13,8
0 2LG
16 BUS
16 13,8
1,38572 -29,9814
0 1LG
16 BUS
16 13,8
0 L-L
16 BUS
16 13,8
0,995014 -30,7494
1 3LG
0 BUS0
1 2LG
0 BUS0
0,50223 0,956074
1 1LG
0 BUS0
0,522268 -62,6486
1 L-L
0 BUS0
2 3LG
17 BUS
0,093324 -36,2912
2 2LG
17 BUS
0,62182 -4,99814
2 1LG
17 BUS
0,618776 -54,5699
2 L-L
17 BUS
0,858458 -3,85071
2 3LG
17 BUS
0 BUS0
50 0,082384 -33,6414
2 2LG
17 BUS
0 BUS0
50 0,575388
2 1LG
17 BUS
0 BUS0
50 0,576972 -57,8064
2 L-L
17 BUS
0 BUS0
50 0,860613 -3,48934
3 3LG
18 BUS
0,104785 -38,3939
3 2LG
18 BUS
0,652339 -6,00765
3 1LG
18 BUS
0,651639 -52,3092

Vb (pu)

Vb (deg)


Vc (pu)




VII Simposio Internacional sobre


Vc (ang)

Fig. 8. Voltage sag output table with the voltage level at the monitored bus
when bus faults and transmission line intermediate faults are applied around it.

A one-line diagram is also created to show, at a glance,

which areas of the interconnected system would lead to a
higher percentage of voltage sags at the industrial substation
under a short circuit condition. So, the program paints a
colored halo around each bus to help to visualize the fault
effect on the monitored bus. The more severe the voltage sag
at the monitored bus caused by a fault, the darker is the halo
painted around the faulted bus.
33.kV 28

33.kV 27

BUS 21
33.kV 21

BUS 25
33.kV 25

BUS 22
33.kV 22

BUS 23
33.kV 23

BUS 13
33.kV 13

BUS 14
33.kV 14

BUS 16
13.8kV 16


BUS 24
33.kV 24

BUS 20
33.kV 20

BUS 26
132.kV 26

BUS 15
33.kV 15

BUS 19
33.kV 19

BUS 17
33.kV 17

BUS 10
33.kV 10

BUS 18
33.kV 18
32.kV 1

33.kV 9

BUS 29
BUS 30 13.8kV 29
13.8kV 30 0.727p.u.

132.kV 3


132.kV 6

132.kV 4

132.kV 2
0 692

132.kV 5
0 818p

132.kV 7

Fig. 9. Voltage sag output on a one-line diagram with the voltage level at the
monitored bus indicated on the faulted buses.

D. Industrial plant and interconnected system configurations

Several industrial plant internal load, reactive compensation
and generation scenarios are covered, as well as contingencies
in the configuration of the interconnected system.
The following scenarios were analyzed and the voltage sag
simulations repeated for each one:
- industrial plant with normal, minimum and maximum
- nearby generation plant with normal, minimum and

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maximum number of units;

- transmission network with outages of one line;
- combination of the above configurations.
The completion of the studies allows obtaining the values of
voltages and currents at the industrial substation buses and
internal circuits against several faults applied, making possible
the analysis of the network configuration and its protective
relay behavior and studies for changes in the network and
relay settings, if necessary, for specific external disturbances
that cause significant sags.
When the main substation bus of the industrial plant (138
kV) is the monitored bus, the total of faults applied for each
scenario ranged from 2096 to 4568 simulations. For some
cases, 656 protective relay operation times were computed in
the sequential events that followed the fault application.
When an internal bus (of 13.8 kV) is to be monitored, the
most critical simulations reached a total of 25392 faults and a
maximum of 9650 relay operation times duly computed.
Voltage levels below the threshold of 0.75 pu were found at
the main substation bus (high voltage side of 138 kV) of the
industrial plant and in its internal network (13.8 kV) for
several simulations.
Cases of voltage sag below this limit of 0.75 pu were also
found for faults apparently distant from industrial plant, what
reveals the difficulties of doing the necessary simulations
without a practical tool to make them easier and faster.
Without the time-saver tool used in the present work,
simulations with the respective results, which took some
minutes, would have taken many hours of hard work.







Dommel, H.W. - Overhead Line Parameters from Handbook Formulas

and Computer Programs - IEEE Transactions on PAS, Vol. 104, N 2,
Feb. 1985.
Chan, Sherman M. - Computing Overhead Line Parameters - IEEE
Computer Applications in Power, Jan. 1993.
Nguyen, Thanh C.; Chan, Sherman M.; Bailey, Ron; Nguyen, Thanh Auto-Check Circuit Breaker Interrupting Capabilities - IEEE
Computer Applications in Power, Vol. 14, N 1, Jan. 2002.
Lima, Danusia; Cayres, Sylvio - Application of Software for Analysis
and Check of Circuit Breaker Interrupting Capability Case Study CIGR Intl Technical Colloquium, Sep. 2007.
Central Station Engineers of the Westinghouse Electric Corp. Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book - 4th Edition
- 1964.
Clarke, Edith - Circuit Analysis of A-C Power Systems - Vol. II - 3rd
Printing - 1960.
Anderson, Paul - Analysis of Faulted Power Systems - 5th Printing 1983.
ASPEN Line Constants Program, ASPEN OneLiner Short-Circuit &
Relay Coordination & Breaker Rating Module Programs, ASPEN Power
Flow Program, and ASPEN DistriView Short-Circuit & Relay
Coordination Program User Manuals.
Report of the Voltage Sag Studies for REDUC (Refinaria Duque de
Caxias) / PETROBRAS prepared by CP Engenharia.


VII Simposio Internacional sobre


Sylvio Cayres graduated in Electric Engineering from UFRJ,

Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, in 1979. From 1978 to 1990 he
worked for FURNAS and ITAIPU Power Plant as an Electric
System Protection Engineer. He post-graduated in Power
Systems from UNIFEI, Itajub, MG, Brazil, in 1989. In 1990
he founded CP Engenharia and since that time he has been
performing consulting services, technical support and training
for electric utilities and engineering companies. CP
Engenharia is now responsible for the technical-commercial
support for ASPEN and RTDS Technologies.
Marcos J. P. Leme Souza is electrical engineer at
PETROBRAS headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Eudifran C. Caetano is electrical engineer at PETROBRAS
Refinery in Duque de Caxias, RJ, Brazil.

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