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Bismarck The North Sea Chase

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~Ptt ifita Hong

Commissioned: 24 August 1940

Built: Blohm Und Voss, Hamburg
Displacement: 41,700 tons
Engine HP: 138,000
Top Speed: 30 knots
Armour: hull-12.6", turrets-14", decks-8"
QSamt ~togtammt~ Radar: 90cm wavelength "radiotelemeter" for accurate
range calculating
bl? Armament: eight 15" guns, twelve 5.9" guns, sixteen 4.1
Anti-Aircraft, and sixteen 3.7 Anti-Aircraft
~ntbonl? i)to~~att Sunk: 27 May 1941 at 1036 hrs.

1IElocumtntation 'Wtitttn bl? ebjttHUt

There are two ways to play BISMARCK: one, from the British point of
'Wbomas .1. Qtltmtnt ~ view, hunting down the Bismarck and her sister ship, the Prinz Eugen,
through the North Atlantic; or, two, from the German point of view,
1atbi '!1l. 'Wttmblal? raiding Allied shipping and engaging the British in sea battles.

bl? trbt Qeltmtn tg of 1Jila ttlt
'Wbomas .1. Qtltmtnt Remember, this is WAR! You are either hunting or being hunted by a
well-armed and formidable enemy.

1IElocUmtntation Qe~itt~ Be cautious. Some of the intelligence you receive is incomplete or

incorrect. Be prepared. Some of the actions you take may not be
bl? sufficient to the task. And be on guard. One blunder could give your
enemy a deadly advantage.
1ason QS. Jltal, ~attbttu 1IEl. 1a~anotuski,
There are always variables during each combat encounter. Plus, we
~ 'Wamml? ~. 1a~anotuski haven't even mentioned: inclement weather, mine fields, ice floes, and
other sea-going uncertainties.

QtG4/ t2S ettan-(l9oing ~upplitg:

• Commodore 64/128™ computer • 1541/1571 disk drive
• TV or video monitor • Joystick
• Blank, formatted disk • BISMARCK game disk
Bismarck-The North Sea Chase is a trademark of PS S.
Datasoft is a registered trademark of IntelliCreations. Inc.
Commodore 64/128 is a trademark of Commodore Business Machines. Inc .
mak itt g tlJt Qt G'\ / l2 8 ~tatno~ tlJy map-~t~tttt eptiOttg
1. Turn off computer, disconnect all cartridges and peripherals, and After you press START GAME, you see a Map Screen (the Map only
connect the Joystick to Port Two. appears when you're playing a STANDARD GAME). Move the Joystick
2. Turn on the power to your TV or monitor, disk drive, and computer. to the Compass (upper left-hand comer of the Map) and a screen appears
3. Insert BISMARCK game disk into the drive and close the door (if with these choices:
you want to use a Save-Game disk, format a blank disk before • SAVEGAME
loading the game). • LOADGAME
4. When READY appears on the screen, type LOR 010 ... 10 ,8, 1 and press • QUITGAME
Move the Joystick to the selection you desire and press the Fire Button.

If you're saving a game, remove the game disk from the drive and insert a
~tlttt eptiOttg ~t~tttt
There are three selections when the game fIrst loads: blank, formatted disk before selecting SAVE GAME. If you're loading a
previously-saved game, make sure the disk the game is saved on is in the
• OK drive before selecting LOAD GAME.
• SIDE: British, German
QUIT GAME stops the game in progress and takes you back to the
Each selection (except "OK") has options. Use the Joystick to move to a Select Options Screen. CONTINUE GAME takes you back to the
selection, then press the Fire Button to choose an option. Example: Map and the game in progress.
Press the Fire Button on SIDE BRITISH and it changes to SIDE
trbt Qtem 1J3ex & lIlaual ~ttitg
STANDARD GAME is the selection to choose if you want to playa The moveable white square on the Map is the COM BOX; this is moved
full-scale game with all the features available in.Bismarck. If you want with the Joystick to any icon. Icons represent Naval Units, comprised of
to play only certain action sequences to hone your battle skills (or load a one or more ships (icons are shown in the illustration under Map
previously-saved game), move the Joystick to STANDARD GAME and Screen).
press the Fire Button to choose one of these options:
• Bismarck & Prinz Eugen vs. Hood & Prince of Wales Once the COM BOX is placed over a Unit, you receive an intelligence
• Bismarck vs. Rodney & King George V report on that Unit in the Information Panel (appearing at the top left of the
• SwordfIsh attack on Bismarck Map). This report shows the following: Unit or Flagship's name,
• Cruisers attack Bismarck number & type of ships in the Unit, remaining fuel (in game hours), and
• Bismarck attack on convoy the Unit's speed.
• Load previous game
If a British Unit is White, the player controls it; if it's Blue, he doesn't
Once you've made all your selections from this screen, move the Joystick (the Admiralty, better known as the computer, is in charge). German
to OK and press the Fire Button to get the Game Options Screen. Units are Yellow and aren't always visible on your Map (unless you're
playing the German side, in which case the British Units aren't always
aBamt eptiOttg ~t~tttt
This screen lets you set the game to suit your abilities. map ~t~tttt (Dtgt~iptiott & Qtottt~Olg)
• SPEED: Fast, Medium, Slow The Game Map is approximately 2280 by 1380 nautical miles. The
• LEVEL: Easy, Medium, Hard Map's sea colour changes from light (DAY) to dark (NIGHT). It gets
• STARTGAME light at 0400 hrs and dark at 2000 hrs.
Use the Joystick to move to the selection you wish to change, then press
the Fire Button. After selecting the SPEED and LEVEL of play, press the
Fire Button on START GAME.
There's a 24-hour clock in the lower, right-hand comer of the Map that Air Base
shows the hour and the date. Time is shown in I-hour increments (a Move the COM BOX to the Air Base icon and press the Fire
game hour equals about 5 seconds of real time). The game's time limit is Button to do an air search for enemy ships. A section of the
from 0400 hours on 22 May 1941 to 2400 hours on 27 May 1941. Map turns red, showing you the area where the search is
happening. The information you get from an air search
You can PAUSE the game time by moving the Joystick to the game clock changes every game hour. If you're playing the German
and pressing the Fire Button. Resume play by pressing the Fire Button side, the air search is only along the coastline.
on the game clock again.
The Map has a number of pictures (icons) that represent various elements The Yellow Anchors denote German Ports; the White
in the game: Anchors denote British.
Admiralty (Admiralitat)

Battleship Carrier
This is your Command center. When the flag flashes, it
means you're receiving an intelligence report. Move the
COM BOX to the Admiralty flag and press the Fire Button.
Watch the Map carefully, as the information presented only
appears briefly.


Cruiser -
Light Cruiser Convoy
If you get too close to the Minefield (located in the Denmark
Straits), you may receive damage (up to 60%!). If you
actually touch a mine, you'll become shark food.

Air Base
[l]Port Admiralty
Meteorological Office
Weather is all important when you need to know if your ship
can be hidden by a storm or if the skies are clear enough for
an air strike! For example, rain or snow over an Air Base
will keep planes grounded. Bad weather can also prevent
ships from being spotted if the seas they're sailing through
have cloud cover.

••• Q
1'1'1',1'1' .
"' .""
Over England, there's a clump of clouds (isn't there
always?). Move the COM BOX over these clouds and press
the Fire Button. Now push up on the Joystick. The cloud
Mines Meteorological formations move.
As the clouds move, the time on the Game Clock changes.
This gives you a "forecast" of when and where rain (grey
clouds) or snow (white clouds) are expected. This forecast
Bismarck isn't always accurate: there's a 50% possibility that a new
This symbol shows you where the Bismarck is lurking. weather system will cross an area every game hour, so
frequent forecasts are an important part of battle planning.
Battleship, Carrier, Cruiser, Light Cruiser, Convoy
These icons help you distinguish which types of ships are To exit the weather forecast, press the Fire Button.
Large areas of ice are shown on the Map. The Pack Ice not King George V BB 200 9 H
only blocks sea-going, it will tear your vessel apart if you ram Prince of Wales BB 190 9 H
a berg. Hood BB 170 10 H
Rodney BB 180 13 H
Renown BB 150 10 H
-m:bt JJtstittatiott Q!:tOgg Ark Royal CV 60 2 H
Move the COM BOX to a Unit icon, press the Fire Button, and the COM Victorious CV 60 1 H
BOX becomes a Destination Cross. Using the Joystick, move the Cross Norfolk CH 60 3 H
to a destination you want your Unit to head for. From then on, whenever Suffolk CH 60 3 H
you place the COM BOX on that unit, the Destination Cross appears Dorsetshire CH 60 3 H
again. When the Unit reaches its destination (this may take several game 2nd Cruiser Squad CL 30 2 H
hours), the Cross disappears. Arethusa CL 30 2 H
Birmingham CL 30 2 H
Any time you place the COM BOX over a Unit while the Unit is in Manchester CL 30 2 H
movement, the Destination Cross will appear at the spot the Unit is 4th Destroyer Flot. DD 15 1 L
heading for. Convoy 1-4 ME 90 1 L

Bismarck BB 255 11 H
Air Speed: Swordfish torpedo planes travel 60 knots per hour. Prinz Eugen CH 75 3 H
High Sea Speed: Most ships travel at 30 knots per hour.
Medium Sea Speed: Older ships and damaged vessels move at 20
knots per hour. ~it i>tttttgtfJ (1.filtitigb & aBttmatt)
Slow Sea Speed: Convoys and severely crippled ships chug along at Ark Royal Strike Group (Aircraft Carrier): 12 Swordfish
15 knots per hour. Victorious Strike Group (Aircraft Carrier): 9 Swordfish
Coastal Command (British Air Base): 15 Swordfish
Luftwaffe Sea Group (German Air Base): 15 Medium Bombers
)}aual ~tttttgtfJ
The British and German sides have different naval strengths. The
following chart shows the Types of ships in each navy (abbreviated), the i>tattbittg tOt -m:bt Qetttm!1
Defense Value of each ship (how much damage can be inflicted before You can't destroy the enemy if you can't see him! There are three types
the ship sinks), the Gun Power of each ship (how many big guns are on of search, listed below.
board), and the Speed (high or low) at which each vessel operates.
1. Daytime: The possibility of finding a ship depends on the
NOTE: When using the Action Screen (illustrated later in the manual), weather, speed, and evasiveness of the pursued.
the hits against a vessel appear as percentage points, not as Defense
Value points. 2 . Night: Night pursuit involves the same restrictions as Day
pursuit, except the task is made more difficult by the natural
Types of Ships restrictions of darkness. You can have no airsearch or
BB: Battleship CV: Aircraft Carrit'I CH: Heavy Crusier airstrikes at night!
CL: Light Cruiser DD: Destroyer ME: Merchant
3. Action Screens: If your ship or aircraft is equipped with
radar, these are accessed from the Action Screens (you can still
rely on human vision, as well). If the enemy is within range,
he shows up as a blip.
Hold down the Fire Button while the COM BOX is on a Unit and you
enter an Action Screen for that Unit. The Action Screen gives you a
viewpoint from the ship itself.

Use the Joystick to select the different Action Screen options (View
Fore/Aft; Main Gun, etc.). All options are red when inactive; blue when
the Joystick is moved to them; and yellow when you press the Fire Button
to select them. If you want to change a selected option, press X to
reactivate the Joystick.
~ ...... 1 -• •

1.61 1.......r DD
IMPORTANT: Some ships don't have every option. Also, certain
1Variable 11r 22087
4 options won't be available during certain combat conditions (repulsing an
air attack, for example).


.,.2.._ r
2 ..._30_1_9_4.... 5
1. View Point: This gives you a visual of your guns; the
water; ships and planes; and whether you're sailing under day
or night conditions. You have a choice of Fore or Aft views
1X r 1 r
16.rlrocnr (3 9)
s (see 5 and 6).

NOTE: You can tell if your ship is pointing Port (Left) or

1--View: Fore/Aft
®a 10--Hits Against:
Starboard (Right) by looking at the "Gun Bearing" (see 16).
If you're facing Fore and the colour in the "Gun Bearing" box
is red, you're heading to Port; if the colour is green, then
Enemy's you're heading to Starboard. If you're looking Astern
2--Close In Yours (behind you), the colours are reversed: green shows Port and
red shows Starboard. It's all quite nautical and may take
3--Maintain Distance 11--Varlable: some getting used to.
Fire Control 2. Close In: You are closing on another vessel.
4--Pull Away Aircraft
Torpedo 3. Maintain Distance: You are maintaining a constant
5--Visual Fore distance from another vessel.
12--Main Gun
6--Visual Aft 4. Pull Away: You are pulling away from another vessel.
13--Escape Battle
7--ldentify Sighted 5. Fore: You are looking ahead.
Vessel 14--Distance To Target
6. Aft: You are looking behind.
8--Exit Fire Control 15--Gun Arc
7. Identify Sighted Vessel: This gives you the name of the
vessel you're looking at. Press the Fire Button on this
9--Gun 16--Gun Bearing selection and wait while the computer cycles through all the
ships' names. When the vessel is identified, the word
Use Joystick to move the Cursor & the Fire Button to select an option. IDENTIFIED is displayed on the screen.
Press X to reactivate the Joystick and select a new option.
RED: deselected YELLOW: selected BLUE: Joystick Is at an option 8. Exit Fire Control: This lets you exit the Fire Control
selection (see 11).
9. Gun: This shows which gun is fIring, the left or the right. 13 . Escape: This lets you escape certain engagements.
When the light is green, the barrel is loaded; when it's red, Basically, if you started the fIght, you can disengage; if the
the barrel is empty. When the light is flashing green, the enemy picked on you fIrst, you'll have to fight to the
barrel is loaded and being raised to fIring position. last-escape is impossible!

10. Hits Against: This shows how many hits the enemy ship 14. Distance to Target: This shows target range in yards.
has taken (Left), or how many it's inflicted on you (Right).
15 . Gun Arc: This shows the elevation of your gun to give you
NOTE: Hits against a vessel appear as percentage points; an idea of how much a shell will arc when it's heading for the
99% and it's allover but the shouting. target. To score a direct hit, make the Gun Arc numbers
match the Distance to Target numbers before firing.
11. Variable: There are three possible icons which can appear
here, depending on the ship you're commanding. 16. Gun Bearing: This shows which direction (Port or
Starboard) and by how many degrees your guns are pointing.
a) Battleship-Fire Extinguisher. This lets you It also shows the direction you're sailing in; red shows Port;
dispatch Fire Control units to blazing areas. These green shows Starboard. If you're looking astern (behind
areas are shown on your Ship's Plan which is you), the colours are reversed: green shows Port and red
located on the same screen as your Action Screen shows Starboard.
options. The Fire Control unit is white. Use the
Joystick and Fire Button to arrive at and extinguish
fIres. To exit this option, use "Exit Fire Control" ~abat ~ttttU
(see 8, above). Radar range is about 40,000 yards. The screen features the familiar
rotating-sweep line (green colour). If ships are in a certain area, their
b) Carrier-Aircraft. This lets you launch an air strike "presence" will be shown by a green dot after the radar line sweeps past
(eight SwordfIsh torpedo planes) against the enemy. them. It's up to you to fInd out if these ships are friend or foe (see 7
c) Cruiser/Destroyer-Torpedo. This lets you
launch torpedoes against the enemy. NOTE: Not all vessels feature Radar Screens. Some feature a Ship's
Plan instead.
12. Main Gun: This switches on your guns. You elevate each
barrel individually, using the Joystick. If you fInd you're ~bip's 1)lau
dead on target (see 15), hold down the Fire Button; the guns The Ship's Plan is a rather large icon at the bottom of the screen denoting
will alternate, but fire continuously on the same arc and either Battleships or Carriers. If you're commanding a Battleship, the
bearing; the enemy receives the withering might of your Ship's Plan will show where fIres have started and where your Fire
marksmanship. If you're under air attack, the Main Gun Control unit is. If you're commanding a Carrier, you can see how many
becomes an Anti-Aircraft weapon. planes are on board and watch them take off for manuevers.
NOTE: One barrel is empty while the other is loaded so you Ship's Plan Abbreviations:
can only fIre one gun at a time. S--Shell Rooms (any fIre here can lead to an explosion);
M-Magazines (any fIre here can lead to an explosion);
Joystick Control: Use the Joystick to elevate the barrels E-Engine Rooms (damage here slows down the ship);
and to turn the gun turret Left or Right. B--Boiler Rooms (damage here slows the ship or can lead to
an explosion).

NOTE: Not all vessels feature a Ship's Plan. Some feature Radar
Screens instead.
aBa:mt @Ut~ Once in the water, the torpedo runs 1200 yards before (hopefully) arming
Once you've finished a STANDARD game, the computer shows your itself. The torpdeo's maximum range is 10,000 yds with a speed of from
Score, Victory/Defeat, and Ships Sunk:. If you're not playing a 20 to 32 knots. If you hit the target in the rudder or props (as originally
STANDARD game, you won't get these stats. happened to the Bismarck), then you'll slow her considerably and may
even stop her in the water.
German Victory
• The Bismarck reaches the Southern Map edge without NOTE: Despite the immense size of the Bismarck, hitting her with a
sustaining more than 50% damage. torpedo is not simple. For best results, make sure the Bismarck is at her
• The Bismarck reaches Brest after sinking at least one British largest size (meaning you're very close to her and her Anti-Aircraft
Battleship, Aircraft Carrier, or Convoy. batteries). The crosshairs of your sights have to be right on the ship. If
the crosshairs "flash," you're dead on target. Drop the fish!
British Victory
• The Bismarck is sunk:. The Cockpit
• The Bismarck reaches Brest without sinking any British units. When you see the flashing words PILOT 1 (or PILOT 2,
• The game ends before the Bismarck reaches the Southern Map PILOT 3, etc.) across your windshield, press the Fire Button
edge. to let that pilot attack.

The two cockpit indicators show Speed (the dial on the left)
~a:~~it~-11lla:gtb ~i~gt~ikt and Altitude (the one on the right). Both Speed and Altitude
If you find the enemy within the reach of your carrier planes, you may are controlled via the Joystick: pulling back causes the
launch an airstrike (select the Plane icon on the Action Screen or select the Swordfish to ascend and slow; pushing forward causes it to
Swordfish Attack option at the beginning of the game)! The attack must descend and accelerate.
take place in daylight. The number of aircraft reaching the target depends
on the weather and, more potently, the accuracy'of the anti-aircraft fire. The best indicator settings for a torpedo attack are to have
For more information on the Carrier-Based Airstrike, read Action Speed show at about 10:00 (there are no numbers so you'll
Screen Swordfish Attack. have to estimate) and have the Altitude indicator just above the
NOTE: You cannot launch two consecutive strikes from the same
carrier. At least 8 game hours must pass before a carrier's planes and
pilots are ready to re-engage (1 game hour =about 5 real-time seconds). 11ll1l~~1~~~ ~ttbt~ ~tn(ltbfigb Itta:tk
If you're playing the German side, you'll want to fend off the Swordfish
attacks (there's no telling when you'll be met by enemy torpedo planes
Itti(ltt ~t~tttt ~tn(l~bfigb ~tta:tk during the STANDARD GAME; however, if you can't wait, you can
The carrier-based craft are Swordfish torpedo planes (select the Plane icon choose to be attacked by Swordfish by selecting this option at the very
on the Action Screen or select the Swordfish Attack option at the beginning of the game).
beginning of the game).
Use your anti-aircraft guns to knock the Swordfish out. If an enemy
Your Swordfish's top speed is 100 knots, but to drop your torpedo, torpedo reaches you, there's about a 40% chance that fires will result from
speed must be cut (making you an enticing entree for the Germans' the damage (and these fires love to spread).
Anti-Aircraft salvos). Approach the target, dive to a good level, drop
your "fish," then climb! If you fly too low, you'll wind up in the drink:.
And don't forget, the Bismarck will try desperately to blow you into the
;j is'mat'dt - 'WUt llot'tb i'ta (tbaS't
~~~ttt~um fot' ~Ult't S-;jit (tompuut'S'

Game Programmed by Anthony Stoddart

Atari Version Programmed by Kevin Shapiro
Addendum by Thomas J. Clement

Bismarck-The North Sea Chase is a trademark ofPSS .

Datasoft is a registered trademark of IntelliCreations, Inc.
Atari is a registered trademark of Atari Computer, Inc.
© 1988 IntelliCreations, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.

Most of the Bismarck Manual is pertinent to the Atari, however some
details are different. Please read this addendum carefully.

:ilVtakittg tbt ~Ult'i i'tatnot'tbl?

1 Tum off the computer and connect a Joystick. 2 Turn on the tv or
monitor, insert the game disk, and close the drive door. 3 Turn on the
computer; the game loads. 4 Press the Joystick Firebutton to enter the
Game Options Screen.

lttl?boat'~ & 1ol?S'titk (totttt'ol

There's only one Keyboard command for the Atari Bismarck: X.
Pressing X lets you exit the gun mode to use other battleship controls
during a naval engagement. Other than that, the whole game is played
via a Joystick.

llIluit QSamt & i)atlt QSamt

When you quit the game, you're returned to the Game Options Screen
(Note: there is no Select Options Screen on the Atari) .

You can only save one game to disk. If you want to save another game, it
is saved over the previous saved game.

'Wut (t®:ilVt ;j®Jt

No white dots appear on any Units when you place the COM BOX over
them. This is different from what the manual says.
Map j)tt'tttt
A game hour equals about 5 real-time seconds in fast mode, 11 seconds
in medium mode, and 18 seconds in slow.

A few of the Atari Map icons differ from the manual. Bismarck has no icon
of its own; instead, it uses the same icon as other battleships. The
crusier and light crusier have the following icons:

CNsier Light

You can tell if a Unit has reached its destination because the Cross
appears on top of the Unit when the COM BOX is placed over that Unit.
This is the opposite of how the manual explains it.

~ttOtt j)tt'tttt }laval ~ttgagtttttttt

When you select an option, it becomes black. Press the firebutton to
use a selected option.

You don't need ot press X to move from one option to another; instead,
move the Joystick to highlight an option and press the Firebutton to use
it. To move to another option, just repeat the procedure. The ~ time
you need to press X is to exit the gun option.

Port and Starboard are not shown with arrows as described in the docs.
Instead, if you're facing Fore, a plus sign (+) signifies Port; a minus sign
(-) signifies Starboard; if you're facing Aft, this is reversed.

The gun icon (the large box located in the center of the options) has two
barrel-status boxes that become black when the barrels are loaded and
clear when the barrels are empty.

The Fire Control icon is an F with a bit of flame next to it .

.aa~at' j)tt'tttt
The sweep line and blip on the Radar Screen are light blue.

j)tuot'~f igb ~ttad~

To hit the Bismarck, your plane's crosshair sight must be on the bottom
of the Bismarck. Also, the light in the center of the cockpit control panel
goes from black to blue to show you're on target.

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