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Some key takeaways from the passage are that Newspeak aims to control people by destroying language and limiting independent thought. The passage also introduces Winston Smith as the main character and describes some differences between him, Big Brother, and his neighbor Tom Parsons. Finally, it previews Julia giving Winston directions for their meeting.

Newspeak is the language of Oceania in the novel 1984. According to the passage, Newspeak wants to destroy language in order to control people by limiting independent thought and the ability to conceive of concepts like love or rebellion that could challenge the Party's power and ideology.

The passage indicates that Winston Smith would be described with adjectives implying intellectualism and rebellion against the Party, while Big Brother would be described as powerful and authoritarian. Tom Parsons is described as a loyal member of the proles, or lower class, in Oceania.

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Activity worksheets LEVEL 4
Teacher Support Programme
While reading
1 Talk about this question with another student
and write down your ideas. Newspeak wants to
destroy language in order to control people. But,
is language necessary for thought? For example,
could we imagine love if there was not a word for
Chapters 12
2 Write the correct words in the spaces.
It was a bright, (a) day in (b)
and the (c) were striking (d) .
(e) Smith hurried home to (f )
Mansions with his (g) down to escape
the terrible (h) .
3 What do the words in italics mean?
a (page 3) It burned him inside, but he felt
more cheerful after.
b (page 3) It was the only way of getting razor
c (page 3) This was not illegal. .
d (page 10) This happened every month or two
and was a popular evenings entertainment.
e (page 10) About twenty or thirty of
them were falling on London each week.
4 With another student discuss the physical and
mental differences between Winston Smith,
Big Brother, and Tom Parsons. What are the
adjectives that you would use to describe each
person? Write three lists.
Chapters 34
5 Match the Newspeak words (ah) with the
definitions (18).
a speakwrite ..
b vaporized ..
c unperson ..
d prole ..
e thoughtcrime ..
f ungood ..
g face crime ..
h ownlife ..
1) bad
2) someone who doesnt exist
3) a machine
4) separation from other people
5) poor people who work
6) showing what one thinks
7) killed
8) thinking freely
6 Answer these questions.
a Who lives in the area where Winston goes
after writing in his diary?
b Why is walking alone not a good idea?
c Winston wears blue overalls. What does that
d Who does the man in the shop look like?
e What surprises Winston about the room that
the man shows him?
Chapters 56
7 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
a The dark, pretty girl had hurt her leg
when Winston saw her four days later. c
b Winston and the girl agreed to meet in
Victory Square. c
c The girls eyes are a beautiful green colour. c
d Winston is thirty-nine years old. c
e Julia likes Winston because he has a
handsome face. c
f Julia says that it is safe to meet anywhere
three times. c
8 In the directions that Julia gives to Winston
the underlined words arent right. Write the
correct answer in the spaces.
After a half-hour car (a) journey, turn
left inside (b) the station. and walk two
kilometres along the river (c) . Then
climb over a door (d) and take a path
across a bridge (e) .
9 Discuss this question with another student.
Julia thinks that life was quite simple. You
wanted a good time; they (meaning the Party)
wanted to stop you having it, so you broke the
rules. Do you break the rules in your own life?
Chapters 78
10 Put these events in the right order to make a
story, using numbers 15.
a Winston and Julia visit OBrien. c
b A few careless people talked about his
absence. c
c One morning he did not come to work. c
d Syme was vaporized. c
e Nobody talked about his existence. c
1984 Photocopiable
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Activity worksheets LEVEL 4
Teacher Support Programme
11 Match ae with 15.
a Who had never existed? ..
b Who was helping to organize Hate Week?
c Who had stopped drinking gin at all hours?
d Who could turn the telescreen off ? ..
e Who thought that everybody secretly hated
the Party? ..
1) OBrien
2) Winston
3) Parsons
4) Julia
5) Syme
12 Answer these questions about Goldsteins
a How many groups does Goldsteins book say
that there are in society?

b Which group sometimes has no aim?

c Which group wants equality?

d How many great countries exist in 1984?

e What are 85% of the population called?

13 Correct the mistakes in these sentences about
Goldsteins ideas.
a The aims of the three groups are similar.
b The Middle want to stay where they are.
c The Low want to change places with the
d Sometimes the High have no aims at all.
e The Middle want to live in a world where
all people are equal.
f The High are made up of scientists, teachers,
and journalists.
Chapters 910
14 Who is speaking? Match af with 16.
a We were working on a poem and I didnt
change the word God. ..
b Of course Im guilty! ..
c No faces covered in the cells. ..
d Havent I told you everything already? ..
e What are you in for? ..
f How many fingers am I holding up? ..
1) Winston 4) a woman
2) OBrien 5) Ampleforth
3) Parsons 6) telescreen
15 Answer true (T) or false (F) to these
statements of OBrien to Winston.
a Winston exists. c
b Big Brother exists. c
c The Brotherhood does not exist. c
d Julia has not changed. c
e Nobody knows what is in Room 101. c
16 Write a confession with another student.
Take the role of Winston, Julia, Ampleforth, or
Parsons and write a confession for the Thought
Police. Tell them what you have thought or done
(or dreamed!). Try to make the Thought Police
have pity and decide not to vaporize you.
Chapters 1112
17 Underline the wrong word in each sentence
and write the correct word.
a Goldstein wrote Goldsteins book.
b The proles will soon attack the Party and
criticize it.
c The Party wants money.
d OBrien says that in the future there will be
new art.
e OBrien says that the worst thing in the world
is the same for every person.
f Winston betrayed himself.
18 Discuss these questions with another student.
a Is there any way that Winston could have
escaped from OBrien and the Thought
b Is there any kind of hope for a better future in
c Does OBrien really believe that two and two
are five?
d Would it have been possible for Winston not
to have betrayed Julia?
19 You are OBrien and you are writing your
diary. Write about Winston and Julia and how
you feel about capturing and punishing them.
Do you really believe in Big Brother? Are you
a happy man?
1984 Photocopiable
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Progress test LEVEL 4
Teacher Support Programme
Chapters 12
1 Match these people (ae), with their words (15).
a Winston ..
b The girl with dark hair ( Julia) ..
c OBrien ..
d Mrs Parsons ..
e The Parsons boy ..
1) Pig! Pig!
2) Youre a thoughtcriminal !
3) Down with Big Brother.
4) They wanted to see the Eurasian prisoners
5) We shall meet in the place where there is no
2 Answer these questions about the book.
a In what month does 1984 begin?

b Where does Winston live?

c Who are Winstons neighbours?

d Is Winston a happy man?

Chapters 34
3 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
a Winston works in the Ministry of Love. c
b Ogilvy had been a real hero. c
c Winston thinks that one of these days Syme
will be vaporized. c
d Parsons is proud of his son. c
e In 1984 it was dangerous to do anything alone,
even go for a walk. c
f Winstons friends were vaporized in the 1950s. c
g Katherine was the name of Winstons wife. c
h She had an interesting face, until you found
out that there was almost nothing behind it. c
i The owner of the shop had hair that was
black but his face looked surprisingly old. c
j There was no window in the room that the
man showed to Winston. c
Chapters 56
4 Choose words from box to complete the sentences.
message Big Brother Victory Mr Charrington
make-up prole Mansions money mask rat
a Winston arrives at Square.
b Julia gives Winston a .
c Julia is standing next to a picture of .
d Julia puts on .
e Julia throws a shoe at a .
Chapters 78
5 Underline the correct name.
a They vaporized Mrs Parsons / Syme.
b Winston and Julia visit OBrien / proles.
c Ampleforth / Mr Charrington is a member of the
Thought Police.
d OBrien gives Winston a book by Goldstein /
Mr Charrington.
e Winston talks about the book with Julia / Syme.
Chapters 910
6 Put the words in the correct order to make
a God / poem / a / leaves / Ampleforth / in

b thoughtcrime / guilty / thinks / of / Parsons / is / he

c Julia / OBrien / Winston / betrayed / that / says

d do not / our enemies, / their thoughts / We /
destroy / we change /

e five / Two / make / two / and

7 Write the correct names.
a Who had a large weak body and nervous
b Who believes that he is guilty?
c Who did they get a long time ago?

d Who said he was an East Asian spy and that he had

murdered his wife?
e Who betrayed Winston?
Chapters 1112
8 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
a Winston thought that OBrien had the face
of a strong, young man. c
b Winston knew that the rats would never
reach his face. c
c Winston goes to the Chestnut Tree Restaurant. c
d Julia had become fatter when Winston saw
her for the last time. c
e At the end of the novel Winston believes
that 2 + 2 = 5. c

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